call for papers - National University of Singapore

October 5-8, 2003
The Westin Galleria Houston, Texas, USA
General Chair
Gary G. Yen
Oklahoma State University
School of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
Stillwater, OK 74078-5032, USA
Tel: +1-405-744-7743
Fax: +1-405-744-9198
The IEEE Control Systems Society
Program Chair
Shuzhi Sam Ge
National University of Singapore
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
Singapore 117576, SINGAPORE
Tel: +65-6874-6821
Fax: +65-6779-1103
Format of the Conference
The conference will start on October 5th, 2003 and will conclude on October 8th, 2003. Sunday, October 5th, 2003
will be devoted to specially designed workshops and tutorials. Technical sessions will be held throughout the days
from October 6th to October 8th.
The Venue
The conference will be held in Houston at the Westin Galleria. Alive with energy and rich in diversity, Houston is
a dynamic mix of imagination, talent and first-class attractions that makes it a world-class city. Home to a vibrant
economy, beautiful surroundings and a population full of optimism and spirit, it is no wonder that Houston is a
popular international destination. Just minutes from the Astrodome, the theater district, the museum complex and
the Richmond entertainment district, the Westin Galleria Houston is uptown Houston’s first choice for business,
shopping and entertainment. Right inside The Galleria, the premier shopping paradise, the Westin Galleria is
promised with a family fun atmosphere for conference attendees.
Plenary Lectures
The conference will feature plenary speakers Profs. Frank Lewis, TH Lee and Ricardo Sanz on the subjects of
nonlinear network structures, intelligent mechantronic and distributive intelligence. A panel session organized by
Thomas Parisini will address the state-of-the-art progresses and challenges in the field of Intelligent Control.
Scope and Topics
Finance Chair
Snehasis Mukhopadhyay
Indiana University Purdue University,
Dept. of Comp & Information Science
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132, USA
Tel: +1-317-274-9732
Fax: +1-317-274-9742
The theme of the conference is Intelligent Control of Complex Systems. The program committee solicits highquality papers containing original contributions in all areas of theory and applications of control, specifically
Intelligent Control including, but not limited to:
Intelligent control architectures and methods ™ knowledge based systems ™ learning control ™ temporal logic for
Control ™ path planning systems ™ reactive multi-agent systems ™ machine learning ™ neural networks ™ fuzzy
logic ™ genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing ™ hybrid dynamical systems ™ pattern discovery ™
distributed or decentralized control methods ™ discrete event systems ™ supervisory control ™ probabilistic
approaches ™ knowledge-based sensor fusion ™ neuro-fuzzy approaches ™ neural-adaptive control systems
™ intelligent sensors ™ control actuators ™ intelligent mechatronics ™ evolutionary control ™ soft-computing
control ™ intelligent automation ™ intelligent machines ™ distributed and embedded systems ™ large scale
systems ™ AI and expert systems ™ distributed intelligence ™ applications in aerospace, process, power industries.
Regular Paper Submission
Publications Chair
Derong Liu
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dept. of Elec. & Comp Eng.
Chicago, IL 60607-7053, USA
Tel: +1-312-355-4475
Fax: +1-312-996-6465
Workshop and Tutorials Chair
Kevin Moore
Utah State University
Dept. of Elec. & Comp Eng.
Logan, UT 84322-4120, USA
Tel: +1-435-797-2924
Fax: +1-435-797-3054
Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically through the following web site: Standard submission by regular airmail is only accepted as a
last resort option and is accomplished by sending five copies of the complete manuscript by January 31, 2003. For
both types of submission, the first page of each manuscript must contain the title of the paper, the names and
affiliations of the authors and four keywords/phrases. In addition, please identify the corresponding author giving
full contact information, including fax and e-mail, if available, to whom all communications will be sent. Regular
papers, if submitted via airmail, should be addressed to the Program Chair Shuzhi Sam Ge.
Invited Sessions
The Program Committee also solicits proposals for invited sessions within the technical scope of the conference.
Each proposal for an invited session should describe the theme and scope of the proposed session and how the
papers form a cohesive and complementary group in the session topic. One session typically contains five-to-six
papers. The proposal must contain the title and theme of the session and a list of paper titles, names and email
addresses of the corresponding authors. Session proposals must be submitted online through by December 15, 2002. After this date, invited sessions
proposals can still be accepted as long as they are accompanied with full papers. Any inquiries regarding the
invited sessions should addressed to one of the Invited Sessions Co-Chairs Max Meng and Jie Huang. Invited
sessions on adaptive critics, multi-agent control, swarm intelligence, fault diagnosis, evolutionary control, and
control application in IVHS, robotics and process industry have been solicited and under planning.
Workshops and Tutorials
The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for workshops and tutorials related to the theme and general
interests of the conference. Persons interested in organizing a pre-conference workshop or tutorial should contact
the Workshop Chair Kevin Moore. Workshops on embedded systems, multiresolutional analysis, predictive control
and intelligent robotics have been proposed and under review.
Invited Sessions Chair
Max Meng
University of Alberta
Dept. of Elec. & Comp Eng.
Edmonton, Alberta
Alberta, T6G 2G7, CANADA
Tel: +1-780-492-5917
Fax: +1-780-492-1811
Invited Sessions Co-Chair
Jie Huang
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dept. of Auto. & Comp-Aided Eng
Shatin, N.T. HONG KONG
Tel: +852-2609-8473
Fax: +852-2603-6002
Registration Chair
Marty Hagan
Oklahoma State University
School of Elec. & Comp Eng.
Stillwater, OK 74078-5032, USA
Tel: +1-405-744-7340
Fax: +1-405-744-9198
Publicity Chair
Ben M. Chen
National University of Singapore
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
Singapore 117576, SINGAPORE
Tel: +65-6874-2289
Fax: +65-6779-1103
Publicity Co-Chair (Europe)
Bruno Siciliano
Università di Napoli Federico II
Dip. di Informatica e Sistemistica
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, ITALY
Tel: +39-081-7683179
Fax: +39-062-33226128
Publicity Co-Chair (South America)
Bernardino Castillo-Toledo
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios
Avanzados del IPN
Unidad Guadalajara A.P. 31-438
Guadalajara, Jal., 44550, MEXICO
Tel: +3-134-5570
Fax: +3-134-5579
Local Arrangements Chair
Rafael Fierro
Oklahoma State University
School of Elec. & Comp Eng.
Stillwater, OK 74078-5032, USA
Tel: +1-405-744-1328
Fax: +1-405-744-9198
Proceedings and CD ROM
Advance program will be made available electronically only through conference website. A CD-ROM and a
Book of Abstracts will be provided at the conference. A hard copy of the proceedings will be available at an
additional charge, and will be mailed after the conference to those who request it.
Important Dates
January 31, 2003
March 31, 2003
May 31, 2003
Regular Papers, Invited Session and Workshop Proposals Due
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
Final Camera-Ready Papers Due
WWW Homepage and Contacts
The official conference web site is located at:
For general inquiries, please contact Gary G. Yen, the General Chair at
For program inquiries, please contact Shuzhi Sam Ge, the Program Chair at
About Houston, the Site of the Conference
Houston is a world-class city that has something for everyone. The largest city in Texas and the fourth largest
metropolitan in the United States, this is a diverse, exciting community offering a large number of business and
social opportunities. Its economy is thriving, its downtown is flourishing and its parks and neighborhoods are
The Westin Galleria Houston is the perfect place for meeting. With great restaurants within walking distances,
fabulous shops right inside the Uptown Galleria, and adjacent wide variety of entertainment experience in the
Richmond Entertainment District, the Westin Galleria is the center of all. Tour NASA Space Center Houston or
catch a performance of the well-renowned ballet, opera, symphony, or theater in the Theater District. If tempted,
Moody Garden at Galveston Island is within a driving distance. Water your imagination and travel the oceans of
the world at The Aquarium. Step into the Rainforest Pyramid with thousands of tropical plants, exotic fish, birds
and butterflies. Explore living in the stars at the Discovery Museum and take a rocking and rolling ride through
the universe at the IMAX Ridefilm Theater, just to name a few. Houston can be conveniently reached from all
over the world through its world-class Bush International Airport and Hobby Airport.
International Program Committee
C. Abdallah, USA
P. Antsaklis, USA
A. Astolfi, UK
R. R. Bitmead, USA
A. M. Bloch, USA
B. Brogliato, France
L. G. Bushnell, USA
M. Buss, Germany
C. Canudas-de-Wit, France
X.-R. Cao, Hong Kong
F. Caccavale, Italy
G. R. Chen, Hong Kong
C. Cox, UK
D. M. Dawson, USA
C. W. de Silva, Canada
C. Edwards, UK
G. Feng, Australia
T. Fukuda, Japan
L.-C. Fu, Taiwan
M. Fu, Australia
G. C. Goodwin, Australia
Z. H. Guan, China
M. Guay, Canada
L. Guo, China
S. Hara, Japan
D. J. Hill, Hong Kong
N. Jalili, USA
Z.P. Jiang, USA
F. Karray, Canada
O. Kaynak, Turkey
M. Krstic, USA
T. H. Lee, Singapore
F. L Lewis, USA
Z. L. Lin, USA
A. P. Loh, Singapore
G.P. Liu, UK
I. M. Y. Mareels, Australia
Y. Miyasato, Japan
K. S. Narendra, USA
T. Parisini, Italy
A. M. Pascoal, Portugal
M. Polycarpou, USA
D. W. Repperger, USA
T. Samad, USA
E. N. Sanchez, Mexico
J. Sarangapani, USA
S. S. Sastry, USA
J.-J. E. Slotine, USA
J. C. Spall, USA
C.-Y. Su, Canada
J. B. Su, China
Z. Q. Sun, China
G. Tao, USA
M. Tan, China
Y. Tan, China
T.-J. Tarn, USA
P. Tomei, Italy
M. Tomizuka, USA
L. Villani, Italy
H. Wang, UK
H. O. Wang, USA
L. X. Wang, Hong Kong
P. Werbos, USA
J. F. Whidborne, UK
F. Wu, USA
Y. G. Xi, China
B. Yao, USA
J. Wyatt, UK
X. H. Yu, Australia
C. Zhang, Australia
J. F. Zhang, China
D. Z. Zheng, China