Quick Reference Guide Merchant Services

First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20).
Making card
transaction faster.
Quick Reference Guide
Gemalto MagIC³
Merchant Services
Helpdesk Contact Number
Merchant Services
Authorisation Centres
051 412 3901
051 407 5760
Western Cape (CT)
021 659 8299
Western Cape (CT)
021 401 5445
KwaZulu Natal (DBN) 031 580 6450
KwaZulu Natal (DBN) 031 308 4554
Gauteng (JHB)
011 352 5771
Eastern Cape (PE)
041 392 8000
Eastern Cape
012 369 8350
(JHB) 011 369 2888
(PE) 041 504 6163
012 421 4567
Merchant Services quick
reference guide
Press Enter
Slips Print
To confirm signature, press
This guide has been designed
to assist you with the different
flows that are available on your
If signature differ, press
functions and transaction
Supervisor Card & PIN will be
required and the transaction
will be reversed
Note: randomised 4 digit
2 Slips will print. Please ensure
that the cardholder sign the
merchant slip.
In our continuous efforts to fight
Hand the cardholder slip to the
fraud we have introduced the
“randomised 4 digit” process to all
transaction flows. This means that
when you swipe the customers
Notes on the purchase
card the terminal will, as an added
security feature, prompt you to
The device dials out if over the
enter a randomly selected 4 digits
floor limit and will come back with
of the card number, as it appears
a response:
on the card, on the terminal. You
Approve, Decline, Please Call etc
will not be able to proceed with
the transaction until the correct
The device will print an approved
4 digits requested, have been
or declined slip
entered correctly.
It the transaction is
approved, merchant copy
Swipe customer card
Select the purchase option
Request cardholder to sign
the slip
Check if the signature at the
and press enter
back of the card matches
Type in Amount
the signature on the signed
Press Enter
• Debit Card
Only the ‘owner’ of the card
Choose account
is allowed to purchase on
Press Enter
the card
• Credit Card
Enter randomised 4 digits of
customer’s card
Press Enter
To confirm Amount, press
• Debit Card
Cardholder types in PIN
Budget facility (The purchase
Amount must be over R200)
Swipe customer card
Select Purchase
Press Enter
Type in Amount
Press Enter
Press Enter
Option screen will appear
Select Budget
Scroll down to enable
Press Enter
Press Enter
Type in number of months
Press cancel x 3
Enter randomised 4 digits of
customer card requested
Purchase with a reference
Press Enter
Confirm Amount
Swipe card
Press Enter
Select retail
Press Enter
Select purchase
Press Enter
This option can be enabled on
your terminal for the primary
purpose of linking a particular
sale to the card that was used
for payment. This number can be
added to the transaction flow of
the transaction, but no validation
will take place. The number can be
an invoice, membership, student,
prescription, order, policy or any
kind of number that is used for
internal reconciliation purposes.
Note: The number will print on
the slips but will not reflect on the
cardholder’s statement.
(Refer to Supervisor Menu later in
the guide)
Enter a ref number
Press Enter
Enter a generic number
Enter purchase Amount
Press Enter
Select cheque or savings
Confirm Amount
Press Enter on the pad
Terminal prints customers
Steps to enable the
unique ref number:
Swipe card
Select retail
Select purchase
Enter Alpha (Same as cell
Unique referencing
copy for signature.
Purchase with “Alpha’s”
included in the reference
Press menu x1
Select APP
Press Enter
Press Enter
Operation Menu will appear
Enter purchase Amount
Select supervisor menu
Select cheque or savings
Press Enter
Confirm Amount
Enter supervisor number
Press Enter on pad
Press 01
Terminal prints customers
Enter supervisor
Select terminal option 2
Press Enter
Select option ‘5’ Number
phone )
copy for signature.
Options reflecting on screen when
adding a reference number:
SP – Space between the alphas
• If you wish to reprint the
BS – back space if you need to
very last transaction,
remove an incorrect alpha
press Enter
Num – Number
• If you wish to reprint a
Upp – Upper case Alphas
transaction of earlier
Low – Lower case Alphas
in the day, Enter the
sequence number of that
If you have a reference number
transaction, Press Enter
with 2 different alphas that are
• Slip prints
on the same key, you will need to
• Please note that only
press the first alpha and then the
transactions that have
second alpha.
not been banked can be
Steps to disable the
unique ref number:
Balance enquiry
(Only allowed on certain Debit
Press menu x1
Scroll down to APP
Press Enter
Swipe customer card
Operation Menu will appear
Scroll down to number ‘8’ -
Select supervisor menu
Balance Enquiry
Press Enter
Press Enter
Enter supervisor number
Choose Account
Press 01
Press Enter
Enter supervisor
Cardholder must type in
Select terminal option 2
their PIN
Press Enter
Press Enter
Scroll to option 5 number
Terminal will dial out for
Press Enter
Option screen will appear
Scroll down to disable
Press Enter
Press cancel X3
Reprint transaction slip
Press menu x1
Scroll down to APP
Press Enter
Operation Menu will appear
Select 1 Reprint Slip
• Terminal will prompt
you to enter a Sequence
Slip prints for customer only
(Not allowed on Debit Cards –
refund in cash)
Swipe customer card
Scroll down to number ‘5’
– Refund
Press Enter
Type in Amount
Press Enter
Enter randomised 4 digits of
customers card number
Press Enter
Confirm Amount
Press Enter
Press Enter
Swipe Supervisor Card and
Enter randomised 4 digits
type in PIN
from card as requested
Press Enter
Press Enter
Slip prints
Confirm Amount
To confirm signature, press
Press Enter
Swipe Supervisor Card and
If signature differs, press
key in PIN
Cancel, Supervisor Card and
Press Enter
PIN will be required again
Key in Authorisation Code
and transaction will be void
received from Call Centre
Press Enter
Slip will print
Important Notes:
A Reversal can only be done before
the terminal has banked
A Debit Card transaction can only
be reversed if it is the very last
transaction on the terminal
To confirm signature, press
If signature differs press
Cancel, Supervisor Card and
PIN will be required and the
transaction will be reversed
Swipe customers card
Scroll down to number ‘4’ –
Reverse Last Tran
Auth override
Press Enter
(Not available on Debit Cards)
Confirm Amount
Amount must be over R200
Press Enter
Swipe Supervisor Card and
Swipe Customer’s Card
type in PIN
Scroll down to number ‘7’ -
Auth Override
Press Enter
Press Enter
Type in Amount
Authorisation override
Press Enter
The override function is used when
the terminal displayed a ‘Please
Call’ message and an authorisation
code was obtained from the
Select Budget
Press Enter
Enter number of months
Slip prints
Authorisation Call Centre.
Auth override
(Not available on Debit Cards)
Swipe Customer’s Card
Scroll down to number ‘7’ Auth Override
Press Enter
Type in Amount
Enter randomised 4 digits
requested from card as
Press Enter
Confirm Amount
Press Enter
Swipe Supervisor Card and
key in PIN
Press Enter
Key in Authorisation Code
received from Call Centre
If a cardholder disputes
Press Enter
a transaction and FNB
Slip will print
Merchant Services requests
To confirm signature, press
the voucher from you, the
merchant, and the slip and
If signature differs press
imprint is not available
Cancel, Supervisor Card and
and legible, it could lead
PIN will be required and the
to a financial loss to your
transaction will be reversed
Manual / key entered
to a minimum to help
protect you from fraudulent
Important Notes:
fax authorising card use. In
feature open to all
all instances insist that both
the cardholder and the card
This functionality is
is present at the time of the
that have applied for this
Do not split transactions
facility from FNB Merchant
to avoid authorisations.
Services. Activation will
These transactions will be
only take place once the
required documentation
Do not accept a letter or a
This is not a standard
available only to merchants
Keep manual transactions
returned to you.
FNB Merchant Services
and agreements are in
utilise Bytes Technologies
place, and training has been
as our installation and
repairs partner. Please note
Manual Entry allows a
that these technicians are
merchant to perform
not allowed to perform
transactions without a card
manual transactions. Please
being present or if the card
contact the FNB Merchant
presented is damaged.
Services helpdesk for
Please note that manual
assistance in this regard.
entry transactions are
categorised as high risk and
Manual purchase / sale
should only be performed
(See important notes above)
Not available on Debit Cards
as an exception.
Please note that in all
instances where a manual
Press 00
transaction takes place, a
Choose ‘1’ Purchase
legible imprint of the card
Press Enter
must be made on the slip
Type in Amount
itself or preferably on the
Press Enter
sales booklets provided for
Terminal will display: Swipe
this specific reason.
Card or Enter-Manual
Choose Enter Manual
Swipe Supervisor Card and
Swipe Supervisor Card and
key in PIN
key in PIN
Press Enter
Press Enter
Key in customers card
Key in Card Number (PAN
Press Enter
Press enter
Key in Expiry Date
Key in Expiry Date
Press Enter
Press Enter
Key in the CVV (three digits
Terminal will prompt:
printed on signature panel
‘CVV2 avail’
on the back of the card)
Enter CVV number printed
Press Enter
on the signature panel on
Confirm Amount
the back of the card
Press Enter
The terminal will always
dial out to obtain
Authorisation only
Important Note:
Slips print
Manual purchase / sale
Applicable to Credit Cards
The ‘Auth Only’ function
is not meant to be a
financial transaction and
The override function is available
will not bank with the sales
only on retail.
Pres 00
Scroll down to number
utilised in the Travel and
‘3’ – Retail
Entertainment Industry
Press Enter
for reservation of funds,
Scroll down to number ‘7’
until such time as the final
– auth override
This function is mostly
transaction is processed
Press Enter
Select Product
performed the terminal
Press Enter
will always dial out for an
Type in Amount
Press Enter
Type in Quantity
Services Helpdesk should
Press Enter
you need assistance in this
To add another product
press Enter
When an ‘Auth only’ is
authorisation code.
Please call the Merchant
Important: Do not perform
To continue with
on a Debit Card as the
transaction press Cancel
amount will be debited
Terminal will prompt:
from the cardholder’s
Swipe card or ENTER-
account balance instead
of just reserving funds.
Press Cancel
Auth only
Purchase / Budget
Supervisor options
Supervisor Card – an
Swipe Customer Card
appropriate batch of
Select ‘Auth Only’
cards with PIN’s (Personal
Press Enter
Identification Numbers)
Type in Amount
are systematically
Press Enter
allocated to your merchant
If prompted Select
number and will be
‘Straight’ or ‘Budget’
handed to the merchant at
Press Enter
the time that installation
If Budget is selected, key in
takes place.
number of months (3-60)
• Replacement cards are
Press Enter
Enter randomised 4 digit
available on request.
(Conditions apply)
numbers of customers
• New cards will
be activated by a
Press Enter
consultant visiting your
Confirm Amount
Press Enter
The device will dial out
PIN – A unique Number
Slip will print – approved /
and is allocated per
supervisor / manager.
If approved the
(Secondary Option)
Supervisor Number and
authorisation code will
print on the merchant and
Basic steps:
customer copy
Supervisor menu
Swipe Supervisor Card and
key in PIN
Each merchant is allocated with
Select required Option
from menu
Supervisor Cards and /or PIN’s
Press Enter
upon installation of the Terminal.
Follow the terminal
Supervisor intervention is
required when any transaction
besides the standard ‘sale’
needs to be performed. The
terminal will prompt for
‘Supervisor Card’ to be swiped.
This is a security measure and
these cards must be kept safe
and secure. Access should be
restricted authorised personnel
Supervisor menu
options available:
(Always follow the terminal
• Press Enter
• Confirm PIN
• Enter Cashier Number
• Press Enter
• Confirm cashier no
• Press Enter
Waiter Options
(Enables restaurants to link
waiters to specific transactions
and end-of-day totals)
• Press Enter
• Tip / Waiter Disable
• Tip / Waiter Enable
Check validity of card
details as displayed
on the card. A normal
• Tip Only Enabled
list of waiter numbers
Add Waiter
• Enter Waiter Number
• Press Enter
• Enter Waiter PIN
• Press Enter
Cashier Options
(This function can be used to link
a cashier to a transaction or when
shifts close)
Print Waiter #’s
• This option will print a
sale performs the same
Terminal options
Cashier Options
Waiter Options
Waiter Prompt (Disabled /
Card check
Delete Cashier
• Confirm PIN
• Press Enter
Delete Waiter
• Enter Waiter Number
Cashier Prompt (Disabled /
• Press Enter
• Confirm Waiter no
• Must enable before
• Press Enter
adding and deleting
Print Cashier #s
• This option will print a
Restaurant Purchase /
Credit Card
list of cashier numbers
Swipe Customer Card
Add Cashier
‘Select option 1’ Purchase
• Enter Cashier Number
Type in Meal Amount
• Press Enter
• Enter Cashier PIN
Press Enter
Type in Tip Amount
Press Enter
Terminal will request
enabled to utilise this
randomised 4 digits to be
key entered
Tip mode needs to be
This can be used to
Press Enter
print and Invoice for the
To confirm Amount (Meal
customer, plus allow a
& Tip) Press Enter
space for the tip, before
Slip prints
payment. This is not a
Confirm signature
financial transaction.
Press Enter
If signature differs press
Cancel, Supervisor Card
and PIN will be required
Press Menu
and the transaction will be
Choose APP
Operation menu will
Restaurant Purchase /
Debit Card
Scroll down to Pro Forma
Slip option
Type in Amount
Press Enter
Swipe Customer Card
Confirm Amount
Select ‘1’ Purchase
Press Enter
Type in Meal Amount
Slip prints
Press Enter
This is now taken to the
Type in Tip Amount
Press Enter
Choose Account: Cheque
patron’s table to add in a
tip amount
The transaction must
or Savings
now be completed on the
Press Enter
Cardholder requested to
enter PIN
Cash limit
To confirm Amount (Meal
& Tip) Press Enter
Not applicable to your
Slip prints
Confirm signature
Press Enter
Supervisor options
If signature differs press
Go to Terminal Set-up;
supervisors needs to be enabled
Cancel, Supervisor Card
and PIN will be required
and the transaction will be
Restaurant Pro Forma
Print Details
Load Supervisor Card
Load Supervisor PIN
load the supervisor again with a
Delete Supervisor
different PIN
Change Master PIN
Press Menu x1
Select APP
Press Enter
Select Supervisor menu
Press Enter
Activate: How to load a
Supervisor Number
Enter Supervisor no - or
Press Menu x1
Enter Supervisor PIN
Select APP
Select Terminal options
Press Enter
Press Enter
Operation menu will
Select Supervisor card
Press Enter
Select Supervisor menu
Enter Supervisor no
Press Enter
Press Enter
Enter Supervisor no - or
Enter supervisor PIN -
How to activate or deactivate the Supervisor
Number and PIN option:
swipe supervisor card &
swipe supervisor card &
Press enter
Select delete supervisor
Enter Supervisor PIN
Select Terminal options
Press Enter
Select Supervisor card
Press Enter
Press Enter
Enter Supervisor no
Confirm supervisor no to
Press Enter
Enter supervisor PIN -
card - Press enter
Supervisor #? – Enter the
supervisor number that
you want to delete
Press enter
Press enter
Select load supervisor
Number options
card - Press enter
Supervisor ‘# ?’ - Enter
earlier in guide)
supervisor number and
This is used to add additional
Press Enter
information to a transaction slip
Security level? - Enter level
such as an invoice number, seat
( 1 or 2) – Press Enter
number, IATA number etc
Supervisor ‘#’? – Enter
Get parameters
Supervisor PIN – press
If the terminal was unable to
successfully upload parameters
then the terminal will prompt
the merchant to do so. You
may not be able to perform any
transactions until this is done.
Confirm - Press Enter
You must delete the supervisor
that you want to change first and
Swipe Supervisor Card and
key in PIN
Select ‘Get Parameters’
Press Enter
Terminal will dial out and
• Can only be used if
Cashiers are Enabled
• Can only be used if
Cashiers are Enabled
Remit (manual banking)
If the terminal was unable
to successfully bank all
transactions in memory it will
prompt the merchant to ‘Remit’
(bank) the terminal. Always
ensure that the terminal has
banked before starting a new
Swipe Supervisor Card and
key in PIN
Select Remit
Press Enter
Terminal will attempt to
dial out and bank
Ensure that you receive a
batch slip indicating the
totals banked
NB: If you are unable to perform
this function please contact the
Merchant Services Helpdesk.
Print totals
Cashier Accumulative
Cashier Shift
• Can only be used if
Cashiers are Enabled
Waiter Tips
• Can only be used if
Cashiers are Enabled
Print reports
Transaction Slip
Reprint Banking Slip
The following options
will mostly be used
by Merchant Services
Consultants or Bytes
Terminal set-up
AM Modem Config
Print Set-up
Enable Supervisors (Please
contact Merchant Services
• This is the amount on
Test Comms
the terminal that still
needs to be banked
Cumulative Totals
• This is the amount of all
the transactions since
installation or since the
last clearing the totals
After printing the totals the
terminal will prompt you to ‘Clear
Totals’: Press Enter to delete or to
press Cancel
Helpdesk for assistance)
Current Totals
Casher Current
Test comms
Get session keys
BIN check
Chip and PIN card
Chip and PIN cards are the
same size and shape as
traditional credit and debit
cards. The only difference
remove the card.
The terminal will print
is that a chip is embedded
two slips as normal. The
on the front of the card
merchant copy must
Please note that signature
still be signed by the
based cards are still an
acceptable method of
payment until further
All other transaction flows
follow the same principle
as traditional cards.
The Transaction Flow:
Remember: Just follow the
terminal prompts
Note: Chip and PIN cards can
The Chip and PIN card
be accepted in the Travel and
is inserted in the Chip
Entertainment Industry.
Reader available on your
terminal and not swiped
like magnetic stripe cards.
Ensure that your establishment
If you swiped the card, the
received Fraud training and an
terminal will prompt you to
educational brochure upon
insert the card.
installation of the terminal.
Insert the card as far as it
Further training is available on
will go into the chip reader
slot with the chip closest
to the terminal
NB: Always leave the card
in the reader until the
transaction is complete
The client will be
for quick reference
• While you are waiting for
a transaction to process
do a security check of
Remember to give them
the card features as
privacy and never Enter
explained in the Fraud
If they forgot their PIN
• Check that the card
please ask them to
is signed and that it
contact their bank for
matches the signature
a replacement. You, as
the merchant, cannot
on the slip
• Never process a
assist them in this regard.
transaction on
Ask for another card or
instruction of a fax or
an alternative means of
brochure within reach
requested to Enter their
the PIN on their behalf
• Place the Fraud
telephone call
• Do not accept an
Once the transaction
authorisation code
is complete then the
from a cardholder.
terminal will prompt you to
Always obtain it via the
Terminal or the 24 Hour
the Merchant Services Helpdesk:
Authorisation Centre
• The card and cardholder
time of the transaction
Check power point is
• Always make an imprint
of the pertaining card if
Check Terminal is plugged
into the power point
must be present at the
Check that the
a manual or key entered
communications method
transaction took place
such as the telephone line
or radio pad cables are
Code 10
plugged in and in working
Call the Authorisation Centre
immediately and ask for a ‘Code
10’ if:
Printer Problems: How to insert
the Tally Roll.
You believe you have a
counterfeit or altered card
The presenter Enter of the
in the terminal
card acts suspicious
does not match at all
The account number on
Ensure that the paper is
inserted the right way
The signature on the back
of the card and the slip
Ensure that there is paper
Ensure that the paper roll
is inserted securely
Only use FNB Merchant
the printed slip is different
Services approved paper
than that of the embossed
The customer does not
When to report a faulty terminal:
have his/her card with him
Terminal is dead
and insists on buying with
Terminal starts up
a card number only.
Try and retain the card if
Do not attempt to detain the
user if this will risk injury
The Authorisation Centre
will guide you through
hot or stolen card
Terminal problems
What to check before contacting
Terminal struck by
Merchants will be paid a
reward for each recovered
Screen displays ‘Config
the appropriate security
Screen flashing
Terminal checks files
Keyboard faulty or nonresponsive
Magnetic stripe reader
does not work at all
Very Important:
Do not disconnect the
• Key in PIN
terminal from its power
• Press Enter
source or communications
• Select Update Params
• Press Enter
Do not switch the terminal
off - software, memory or
Installations and repairs
transactions may be lost
Terminal did not bank
included in the monthly
If a terminal was unable to
bank, a slip will print stating:
The cost of repairs is
FNB Merchant Services’s
Unsuccessful Banking – Please
accredited installation and
repairs partner is Bytes
Use the Supervisor Card
The Bytes technician must
to bank:
identify himself before
• Swipe Supervisor Card
being allowed to install or
and type in PIN
repair terminals at your
• Press Enter
• Select Remit on the
Neither FNB Merchant
Services nor Bytes are
• Press Enter
responsible for the
communications method
Terminal did not
download hotcards or
parameters sucessfully
chosen by the merchant.
If a terminal was unable to
the communications
receive the latest parameter and
channel such as Telkom, a
hot card downloads a slip will
RadioPad or GPRS Service
print indicating: Unsuccessful
Any problems or queries
must be directed at
Params/Hotcards – Please
*Conditions apply
Insurance of terminal/s
Use the Supervisor Card
to update otherwise
all transactions will go
the terminal
• Swipe Supervisor Card
Terminal Rental Fees does
NOT include insurance of
online except refunds and
Ensure that all terminals
are insured for fire, theft
No replacement terminal
will be issued without
Ensure that you are aware
of the insurance amount
terminals only. No other
applicable to your terminal
tasks may be performed
Vandalised Equipment:
by them. Please contact
Please note that there
the Merchant Services
may be a cost recovery
from the merchant for
vandalised terminals,
Very important
stolen or missing power
Voucher requests:
supplies or attachments
General merchant notes
Important points to remember:
Ensure that your terminal
banks on a daily basis and
that the funds reflect on
your bank statement
Ensure that you receive
and check your merchant
statement on a monthly
Please inform us of
any changes in your
business, for example new
telephone, fax or email
contact details, change
in banking details, new
owners etc
For any fee or rate queries
please refer to your FNB
Merchant Agreement or
contact the Merchant
Services Helpdesk for
Acceptance information or
query resolution on Diners
Club, American Express
and Fleet Companies
must be referred to them
Bytes technicians are
instructed to successfully
complete installations,
training and repairs of
From time to time you
may receive a request for
a copy of a transaction
slip/voucher. The request
will reach you via fax or
email. (This is why it is very
important to ensure that
your contact details are
always kept up to date)
Please ensure that you
respond within the
requested time frames
Ensure that the slip/
voucher is clear and
correct. This will enable us
to respond to the bank who
issued the query
Failure to supply signed
clear copies of vouchers/
slips may lead to a financial
loss to your business.