Chapter 1-Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart

Microsoft Excel 2010
Creating a Worksheet
and an Embedded Chart
You will have mastered the material in this chapter when you can:
• Describe the Excel worksheet
• Create a Clustered Cylinder chart
• Enter text and numbers
• Change a worksheet name and
worksheet tab color
• Use the Sum button to sum a range
of cells
• Copy the contents of a cell to a
range of cells using the fill handle
• Change document properties
• Preview and print a worksheet
• Apply cell styles
• Use the AutoCalculate area to
display statistics
• Format cells in a worksheet
• Correct errors on a worksheet
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Microsoft Excel 2010
Creating a Worksheet
and an Embedded Chart
Almost any organization collects vast amounts of data. Often, data is consolidated into a
summary so that people in the organization better understand the meaning of the data. An
Excel worksheet allows data easily to be summarized and charted. A chart conveys a visual
representation of data. In this chapter, you will create a worksheet that includes a chart.
The data in the worksheet and chart includes data for donations made to a not-for-profit
organization that operates in several cities.
Project Planning
The process of developing a worksheet that communicates specific information requires
careful analysis and planning. As a starting point, establish why the worksheet is needed.
Once the purpose is determined, analyze the intended users of the worksheet and their
unique needs. Then, gather information about the topic and decide what to include in the
worksheet. Finally, determine the worksheet design and style that will be most successful at
delivering the message. Details of these guidelines are provided in Appendix A. In addition,
each project developed in this book provides practical applications of these planning
Project — Worksheet with an Embedded Chart
The project in this chapter follows proper design guidelines and uses Excel to create
the worksheet shown in Figure 1–1. The worksheet contains fundraising data for the
Save Sable River Foundation. The Save Sable River Foundation raises funds to care
for the environment and preserve the usability of a river that flows through six cities.
The foundation raises funds by using five different fundraising activities. Through a
concentrated marketing campaign and providing visible results to the communities,
the Save Sable River Foundation quickly became a popular local institution. After
several years of successful fundraising, senior management requested an easy-to-read
worksheet that shows lifetime fundraising amounts for each fundraising technique by
city. In addition, they asked for a chart showing lifetime fundraising amounts because
the president of the foundation likes to have a graphical representation that allows him
quickly to identify stronger and weaker fundraising activities by city.
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Microsoft Excel 2010
data in
Cylinder chart
Figure 1–1
The first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you understand
what is required. The person or persons requesting the worksheet should supply their
requirements in a requirements document. A requirements document includes a needs
statement, a source of data, a summary of calculations, and any other special requirements
for the worksheet, such as charting and Web support. Figure 1– 2 on the following page
shows the requirements document for the new workbook to be created in this chapter.
EX 3
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EX 4 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Excel 2010 Features
With its what-if analysis
tools, research capabilities,
collaboration tools,
streamlined user interface,
smart tags, charting
features, Web capabilities,
hundreds of functions,
and enhanced formatting
capabilities, Excel 2010 is
one of the easier and more
powerful spreadsheet
programs available.
Its dynamic analytical
features make it possible
to answer complicated
what-if questions and its
Web capabilities allow you
to create, publish, view,
share, and analyze data on
an intranet or the World
Wide Web.
Development Cycle
Spreadsheet specialists
do not sit down and start
entering text, formulas,
and data into a blank
Excel worksheet as soon as
they have a spreadsheet
assignment. Instead, they
follow an organized plan,
or methodology, that
breaks the development
cycle into a series of
tasks. The recommended
methodology for creating
worksheets includes:
(1) analyze requirements
(supplied in a
requirements document);
(2) design solution;
(3) validate design;
(4) implement design;
(5) test solution; and
(6) document solution.
Figure 1– 2
As you read this chapter, you will learn how to create the worksheet shown in
Figure 1–1 on the previous page by performing these general tasks:
• Enter text in the worksheet
• Total data in the worksheet
• Format the text in the worksheet
• Insert a chart into the worksheet
• Identify the worksheet with a worksheet name
• Preview and print the worksheet
For a complete list of the
BTWs found in the margins
of this book, visit the
Excel 2010 BTW Web page
General Project Guidelines
While creating an Excel worksheet, you need to make several decisions that will determine
the appearance and characteristics of the finished worksheet. As you create the worksheet
shown in Figure 1–1, you should follow these general guidelines:
1. Select titles and subtitles for the worksheet. Follow the less is more guideline. The less
text in the titles and subtitles, the more impact the titles and subtitles will have. Use
the fewest words possible to specify the information presented in the worksheet to the
intended audience.
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2. Determine the contents for rows and columns. Rows typically contain information that
is analogous to items in a list, such as the fundraising techniques used by an organization. Columns typically contain descriptive information about items in rows or contain
information that helps to group the data in the worksheet, such as the locations in which
the organization operates. Row headings and column headings are usually placed in
alphabetical sequence, unless an alternative order is recommended in the requirements
3. Determine the calculations that are needed. You can decide to total data in a variety of
ways, such as across rows or in columns. You also can include a grand total.
4. Determine where to save the workbook. You can store a workbook permanently, or save
it, on a variety of storage media including a hard disk, USB flash drive, CD, or DVD. You
also can indicate a specific location on the storage media for saving the workbook.
5. Identify how to format various elements of the worksheet. The overall appearance of
a worksheet significantly affects its ability to communicate clearly. Examples of how you
can modify the appearance, or format, of text include changing its shape, size, color, and
position on the worksheet.
6. Decide on the type of chart needed. Excel can create many different types of charts, such
as cylinder charts and pie charts. Each type of chart relays a different message about the
data in the worksheet. Choose a type of chart that relays the message that you want to
7. Establish where to position and how to format the chart. The position and format of the
chart should command the attention of the intended audience. If possible, position the
chart so that it prints with the worksheet data on a single page.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 5
The key to developing a
useful worksheet is careful
planning. Careful planning
can reduce your effort
significantly and result in a
worksheet that is accurate,
easy to read, flexible, and
useful. When analyzing a
problem and designing a
worksheet solution, you
should follow these steps:
(1) define the problem,
including need, source
of data, calculations,
charting, and Web or
special requirements;
(2) design the worksheet;
(3) enter the data and
formulas; and (4) test the
8. Choose a name for the worksheet. Each worksheet in a workbook should be named to
clarify its purpose. A good worksheet name is succinct, unique to the workbook, and
meaningful to any user of the workbook.
9. Determine the best method for distributing the workbook. Workbooks and worksheets
can be distributed on paper or electronically. The decision regarding how to distribute
workbooks and worksheets greatly depends on your intended audience. For example,
a worksheet may be printed for inclusion in a report, or a workbook may be distributed
using e-mail if the recipient intends to update the workbook.
When necessary, more specific details concerning the above guidelines are presented at
appropriate points in the chapter. The chapter also will identify the actions performed and
decisions made regarding these guidelines during the creation of the worksheet shown in
Figure 1–1 on page EX 3.
After carefully reviewing the requirements document (Figure 1– 2) and making the
necessary decisions, the next step is to design a solution or draw a sketch of the worksheet
based on the requirements, including titles, column and row headings, the location of data
values, and the Clustered Cylinder chart, as shown in Figure 1– 3 on the following page.
The dollar signs, 9s, and commas that you see in the sketch of the worksheet indicate
formatted numeric values.
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EX 6 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Save Sable River Foundation
Lifetime Fundraising Summary
Direct Mail
Fun Runs
Chamber City
Sable Village
Town of Cary
$999,999.99 $9,999,999.99
sketch of
Legend of
Chamber City
Sable Village
Town of Cary
Figure 1– 3
For an introduction
to Windows 7 and
instruction about
how to perform basic
Windows 7 tasks, read
the Office 2010 and
Windows 7 chapter at
the beginning of this
book, where you can
learn how to resize
windows, change
screen resolution,
create folders, move
and rename files, use
Windows Help, and
much more.
The Ribbon and Screen
Excel may change how
the groups and buttons
within the groups appear
on the Ribbon, depending
on the computer’s screen
resolution. Thus, your
Ribbon may look different
from the ones in this
book if you are using a
screen resolution other
than 1024 × 768.
With a good understanding of the requirements document, an understanding of the
necessary decisions, and a sketch of the worksheet, the next step is to use Excel to create
the worksheet and chart.
To Start Excel
If you are using a computer to step through the project in this chapter and you want
your screens to match the figures in this book, you should change your screen’s resolution
to 1024 × 768. For information about how to change a computer’s resolution, refer to the
Office 2010 and Windows 7 chapter at the beginning of this book.
The following steps, which assume Windows 7 is running, start Excel based on
a typical installation. You may need to ask your instructor how to start Excel for your
computer. For a detailed example of the procedure summarized below, refer to the Office
2010 and Windows 7 chapter.
Click the Start button on the Windows 7 taskbar to display the Start menu.
Type Microsoft Excel as the search text in the ‘Search programs and files’ text
box and watch the search results appear on the Start menu.
Click Microsoft Excel 2010 in the search results on the Start menu to start Excel and display
a new blank workbook in the Excel window.
If the Excel window is not maximized, click the Maximize button next to the Close button
on its title bar to maximize the window.
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Selecting a Cell
You can select any cell by
entering its cell reference,
such as B4, in the Name
box on the left side of the
formula bar.
Selecting a Cell
To enter data into a cell, you first must select it. The easiest way to select a cell (make
it active) is to use the mouse to move the block plus sign mouse pointer to the cell and
then click.
An alternative method is to use the arrow keys that are located just to the right of
the alphanumeric keys on a standard keyboard. An arrow key selects the cell adjacent to
the active cell in the direction of the arrow on the key.
You know a cell is selected, or active, when a heavy border surrounds the cell and
the active cell reference appears in the Name box on the left side of the formula bar.
Excel also changes the active cell’s column heading and row heading to a gold color.
For an introduction
to Office 2010 and
instruction about
how to perform
basic tasks in Office
2010 programs, read
the Office 2010 and
Windows 7 chapter
at the beginning of
this book, where you
can learn how to start
a program, use the
Ribbon, save a file,
open a file, quit a
program, use Help,
and much more.
Entering Text
In Excel, any set of characters containing a letter, hyphen (as in a telephone number), or
space is considered text. Text is used to place titles, such as worksheet titles, column titles,
and row titles, on the worksheet.
Select titles and subtitles for the worksheet.
Worksheet titles and subtitles should be as brief and meaningful as possible. A worksheet
title could include the name of the organization, department, or a description of the
content of the worksheet. A worksheet subtitle, if included, could include a more detailed
description of the content of the worksheet. Examples of worksheet titles are December
2010 Payroll and Year 2011 Projected Budget, and examples of subtitles are Marketing
Department and Rent and Utilities, respectively.
Determine the contents of rows and columns.
As shown in Figure 1– 4, data in a worksheet often is identified by row and column titles
so that the user of a worksheet easily can identify the meaning of the data. Rows typically
contain information that is similar to items in a list. Columns typically contain descriptive
information about items in rows or contain information that helps to group the data in the
worksheet. Examples of row titles are Product and Total, and examples of column titles are
Name and Address.
worksheet title
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 7
worksheet subtitle
column titles
row titles
Figure 1– 4
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EX 8 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Enter the Worksheet Titles
As shown in Figure 1– 4 on the previous page, the worksheet title, Save Sable River Foundation, identifies the
organization for which the worksheet is being created in Chapter 1. The worksheet subtitle, Lifetime Fundraising
Summary, identifies the type of report.
The following steps enter the worksheet titles in cells A1 and A2. Later in this chapter, the worksheet titles
will be formatted so they appear as shown in Figure 1– 4.
• If necessary, click cell
A1 to make cell A1 the
active cell (Figure 1– 5).
What if I make a
mistake while typing?
If you type the wrong
letter and notice the
error before clicking
heavy border
the Enter box or
indicates cell
A1 selected
pressing the ENTER
key, use the BACKSPACE
key to delete all the
characters back to and
including the incorrect
letter. To cancel the
entire entry before
Figure 1–5
entering it into the
cell, click the Cancel box in the formula bar or press the ESC key. If you see an error in a cell
after entering the text, select the cell and retype the entry.
• Type Save
Sable River
Foundation in
cell A1 and then point
to the Enter box in
the formula bar to
prepare to enter
text in the active cell
(Figure 1– 6).
Why did the
appearance of the
formula bar change?
Enter box
text displayed
in formula bar
Cancel box
insertion point
text in active
cell overflows
into adjacent
cells to the right
Note: To help you locate
screen elements that
are referenced in the
step instructions, such as
buttons and commands,
this book uses red boxes
to point to these screen
Excel displays the title
in the formula bar and
in cell A1. When you
begin typing a cell
entry, Excel displays
two additional boxes
Figure 1– 6
in the formula bar:
the Cancel box and the Enter box. Clicking the Enter box completes an entry. Clicking the
Cancel box cancels an entry.
What is the vertical line in cell A1?
The text in cell A1 is followed by the insertion point. The insertion point is a blinking vertical
line that indicates where the next typed character will appear.
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• Click the Enter box to complete the
entry and enter a worksheet title
(Figure 1– 7).
Enter box and
Cancel box no
longer displayed
Why does the entered text appear
in three cells?
When the text is longer than the
width of a column, Excel displays
the overflow characters in adjacent
cells to the right as long as those
adjacent cells contain no data. If the
adjacent cells contain data, Excel
would hide the overflow characters. Excel displays the overflow
characters in the formula bar
whenever that cell is the active cell.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 9
text entered
into cell A1
Figure 1– 7
• Click cell A2 to select it.
• Type Lifetime Fundraising
Summary as the cell entry.
• Click the Enter box to complete the
entry and enter a worksheet subtitle
(Figure 1– 8).
What happens when I click the Enter
When you complete an entry by
clicking the Enter box, the insertion
point disappears and the cell in
which the text is entered remains
the active cell.
worksheet subtitle
entered into cell A2
Figure 1– 8
Other Ways
1. To complete entry, click
any cell other than active
3. To complete entry, press
2. To complete entry, press
4. To complete entry, press
The AutoCorrect feature of Excel works behind the scenes, correcting common
mistakes when you complete a text entry in a cell. AutoCorrect makes three types of
corrections for you:
1. Corrects two initial capital letters by changing the second letter to lowercase.
2. Capitalizes the first letter in the names of days.
For a complete list of the
Q&As found in many of
the step-by-step sequences
in this book, visit the
Excel 2010 Q&A Web page
3. Replaces commonly misspelled words with their correct spelling. For example,
it will change the misspelled word recieve to receive when you complete the entry.
AutoCorrect will correct the spelling of hundreds of commonly misspelled words
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EX 10 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Enter Column Titles
The column titles in row 3 (Allentown, Chamber City, Pattonsville, Sable Village, Strongville, Town of Cary,
and Total) identify the numbers in each column. In the case of the Save the Sable River Foundation data, the cities
identify the funds raised using each fundraising type. The cities, therefore, are placed in columns. To enter the
column titles in row 3, select the appropriate cell and then enter the text. The following steps enter the column
titles in row 3.
• Click cell B3 to make
it the active cell
(Figure 1– 9).
active cell
reference in
Name box
changes to B3
B3 is active cell
Figure 1– 9
• Type Allentown
to begin entry
of a column title
in the active cell
(Figure 1–10).
Allentown displayed
in formula bar and
cell B3
Figure 1–10
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• Press the RIGHT ARROW
key to enter a column
title and make the cell
to the right the active
cell (Figure 1–11).
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 11
Why is the RIGHT
ARROW key used to
complete the entry in
the cell?
C3 is active cell
If the next entry
you want to enter is
column title
in an adjacent cell,
use the arrow keys
to complete the
entry in a cell. When
you press an arrow
key to complete an
entry, the adjacent
cell in the direction
of the arrow (up,
down, left, or right)
becomes the active
Figure 1–11
cell. If the next entry
is in a nonadjacent cell, complete the current entry by clicking the next cell in which you
plan to enter data. You also can click the Enter box or press the ENTER key and then click
the appropriate cell for the next entry.
• Repeat Steps 2 and 3
to enter the remaining
column titles; that
is, enter Chamber
City in cell C3,
in cell D3, Sable
Village in cell E3,
Strongville in
cell F3, Town of
Cary in cell G3,
and Total in cell
H3 (complete the last
entry in cell H3 by
clicking the Enter box
in the formula bar)
(Figure 1–12).
column titles left-aligned in cells
Figure 1–12
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EX 12 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Enter Row Titles
The next step in developing the worksheet for this project is to enter the row titles in column A. For the Save
Sable River Foundation data, the list of fundraising activities meets the criterion that information that identifies
columns be in a list. It is more likely that in the future, the organization will add more fundraising activities as
opposed to more cities. Each fundraising activity, therefore, should be placed in its own row. The row titles in column
A (Corporate, Direct Mail, Fun Runs, Government, Phone-a-thon, and Total) identify the numbers in each row.
This process for entering row titles is similar to the process for entering column titles. The following steps
enter the row titles in the worksheet.
• Click cell A4 to select it.
• Type Corporate
and then press the
to enter a row title
and to make the cell
below the current
cell the active cell
(Figure 1–13).
row title, Corporate,
entered in cell A4
A5 is active
Figure 1–13
• Repeat Step 1 to enter
the remaining row
titles in column A; that
is, enter Direct
Mail in cell A5,
Fun Runs in cell
A6, Government
in cell A7, Phonea-thon in cell A8,
and Total in cell
A9 (Figure 1–14).
Why is the text leftaligned in the cells?
row titles leftaligned in cells
When you enter text,
Excel automatically
left-aligns the text in
the cell. Excel treats
any combination of
Figure 1–14
numbers, spaces, and
nonnumeric characters as text. For example, Excel recognizes the following entries as text:
401AX21, 921–231, 619 321, 883XTY
You can change the text alignment in a cell by realigning it. Other alignment techniques are
discussed later in this chapter.
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Entering Numbers
In Excel, you can enter numbers into cells to represent amounts. A number can contain
only the following characters:
If a cell entry contains any other keyboard character (including spaces), Excel
interprets the entry as text and treats it accordingly. The use of the special characters is
explained when they are used in this book.
To Enter Numbers
Numeric Limitations
In Excel, a number can be
between approximately –1
× 10308 and 1 × 10308. This
means it can be between
a negative 1 followed by
308 zeros and a positive
1 followed by 308 zeros.
To enter a number such
as 6,000,000,000,000,000,
you can type
6,000,000,000,000,000, or
you can type 6E15, which
translates to 6 × 1015.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 13
The Save Sable River Foundation Lifetime Fundraising Summary numbers used in Chapter 1 are summarized
in Table 1–1. These numbers, which represent lifetime fundraising amounts for each of the fundraising activities and
cities, must be entered in rows 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Table 1 – 1 Save Sable River Foundation Lifetime Fundraising Summary
Chamber City
Sable Village
Town of Cary
Direct Mail
Fun Runs
The following steps enter the numbers in Table 1–1 one row at a time.
• Click cell B4 to select it.
• Type 74029.35
and then press the
enter the data in
the selected cell and
make the cell to the
right the active cell
(Figure 1–15).
C4 is active cell
74029.35 entered
in cell B4
Figure 1–15
Do I need to enter dollar signs, commas, or trailing zeros for the fundraising summary
You are not required to type dollar signs, commas, or trailing zeros. When you enter a
dollar value that has cents, however, you must add the decimal point and the numbers
representing the cents. Later in this chapter, the numbers will be formatted to use dollar
signs, commas, and trailing zeros to improve the appearance and readability of the numbers.
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EX 14 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Enter 92278.21 in
cell C4, 63081.74 in
cell D4, 84210.02
in cell E4, 61644.26
in cell F4, and
89820.51 in cell
G4 to complete the
first row of numbers
in the worksheet
(Figure 1–16).
Why are the numbers
amounts for
type entered
in row 4
When you enter
numeric data in a cell,
numbers right-aligned in cells
Excel recognizes the
values as numbers and
right-aligns the values
in order to properly
vertically align decimal
and integer values.
For example, values
entered below those
Figure 1–16
entered in this step
automatically will be right-aligned as well so that the decimals of the values properly align.
• Click cell B5 to select
it and complete the
entry in the previously
selected cell.
• Enter the remaining
lifetime fundraising
summary numbers
provided in Table 1–1
on page EX 13 for
each of
some row
titles only
the four
cells on
in rows 5,
6, 7, and
8 to finish
entering numbers
in the worksheet
(Figure 1–17).
data entered
into worksheet
Why did clicking cell
B5 complete the entry
in cell G4?
Figure 1–17
Selecting another cell
completes the entry in the previously selected cell in the same way as pressing the ENTER key,
pressing an arrow key, or clicking the Enter box on the formula bar. In the next set of steps,
the entry of the number in cell G4 will be completed by selecting another cell.
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Calculating a Sum
The next step in creating the worksheet is to perform any necessary calculations,
such as calculating the column and row totals.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 15
To Sum a Column of Numbers
As stated in the requirements document in Figure 1– 2 on page EX 4, totals are required for each city,
each fundraising activity, and the organization. The first calculation is to determine the fundraising total for the
fundraising activities in the city of Allentown in column B. To calculate this value in cell B9, Excel must add, or
sum, the numbers in cells B4, B5, B6, B7, and B8. Excel’s SUM function, which adds all of the numbers in a range
of cells, provides a convenient means to accomplish this task.
A range is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells. For
example, the group of adjacent cells B4, B5, B6, B7, and B8 is called a range. Many Excel operations, such as
summing numbers, take place on a range of cells.
After the total lifetime fundraising amount for the fundraising activities in the city of Allentown in column B
is determined, the totals for the remaining cities and totals for each fundraising activity will be determined. The
following steps sum the numbers in column B.
• Click cell B9 to make
SUM function
in formula bar
Home tab
B4:B8 in parentheses
indicates range to be
Sum button
it the active cell and
complete the entry
in the previously
selected cell.
• Click the Sum button
(Home tab | Editing
group) to display a
formula in the
formula bar and range to sum
in the active cell by a moving
border called
(Figure 1–18).
SUM function displayed in active cell
How does Excel know which cells to sum?
When you enter the SUM function using the Sum button, Excel automatically selects what
it considers to be your choice of the range to sum. When proposing the range to sum,
Excel first looks for a range of cells with numbers above the active cell and then to the left.
If Excel proposes the wrong range, you can correct it by dragging through the correct range
before pressing the ENTER key. You also can enter the correct range by typing the beginning
cell reference, a colon (:), and the ending cell reference.
Figure 1–18
Calculating Sums
Excel calculates sums for
a variety of data types.
For example, Boolean
values, such as TRUE and
FALSE, can be summed.
Excel treats the value of
TRUE as 1 and the value of
FALSE as 0. Times also can
be summed. For example,
Excel treats the sum of
1:15 and 2:45 as 4:00.
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EX 16 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Click the Enter
box in the formula
bar to enter a sum
in the active cell
(Figure 1–19).
What is the purpose
of the Sum button
SUM function
assigned to
active cell B9
shows in
formula bar
Sum button
If you click the Sum
button arrow on
the right side of
the Sum button
(Home tab | Editing
group) (Figure 1–19),
sum of numbers
in cells B4, B5,
Excel displays a list of
B6, B7, and B8
often used functions
from which you
can choose. The list
Figure 1–19
includes functions
that allow you to determine the average, the number of items in the selected range, the
maximum value, or the minimum value of a range of numbers.
Other Ways
1. Click Insert Function
button in the formula
bar, select SUM in
Select a function
list, click OK button,
select range, click
OK button
Entering Numbers
as Text
Sometimes, you will want
Excel to treat numbers,
such as postal codes and
telephone numbers, as
text. To enter a number
as text, start the entry
with an apostrophe (‘).
2. Click Sum button arrow
(Home tab | Editing group),
click More Functions,
select SUM (Insert Function
dialog box), click OK
button, select range, click
OK button
3. Type = S in cell, select SUM
from list, select range
4. Press ALT + EQUAL SIGN (=)
Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell
to Adjacent Cells
Excel also must calculate the totals for Chamber City in cell C9, Pattonsville in cell D9,
Sable Village in cell E9, Strongville in cell F9, and the Town of Cary in cell G9. Table 1– 2
illustrates the similarities between the entry in cell B9 and the entries required to sum the
totals in cells C9, D9, E9, F9 and G9.
Table 1– 2 Sum Function Entries in Row 9
Sum Function Entries
Sums cells B4, B5, B6, B7, and B8
Sums cells C4, C5, C6, C7, and C8
Sums cells D4, D5, D6, D7, and D8
Sums cells E4, E5, E6, E7, and E8
Sums cells F4, F5, F6, F7, and F8
Sums cells G4, G5, G6, G7, and G8
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To place the SUM functions in cells C9, D9, E9, F9, and G9, you could follow the
same steps shown previously in Figures 1–18 on page EX 15 and 1–19. A second, more
efficient method, however, is to copy the SUM function from cell B9 to the range C9:G9.
The cell being copied is called the source area or copy area. The range of cells receiving
the copy is called the destination area or paste area.
Although the SUM function entries in Table 1– 2 are similar, they are not exact
copies. The range in each SUM function entry uses cell references that are one column
to the right of the previous column. When you copy formulas that include cell references,
Excel automatically adjusts them for each new position, resulting in the SUM function
entries illustrated in Table 1– 2. Each adjusted cell reference is called a relative reference.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 17
To Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells in a Row
The easiest way to copy the SUM formula from cell B9 to cells C9, D9, E9, F9, and G9 is to use the fill
handle. The fill handle is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around
the active cell. The following steps use the fill handle to copy cell B9 to the adjacent cells C9:G9.
• With cell B9 active,
point to the fill
handle to activate
it (Figure 1– 20).
mouse pointer changes to crosshair
indicating fill handle is selected
Figure 1–20
• Drag the fill handle to
select the destination
area, range C9:G9,
to display a shaded
border around the
source area and the
destination area
(Figure 1– 21). Do not
release the mouse
mouse pointer
as dragging takes place,
Excel displays a shaded
border around destination
area and source area
source area
(cell B9)
destination area
(range C9:G9)
Figure 1–21
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EX 18 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Release the mouse
button to copy the
SUM function from
the active cell to the
destination area and
calculate the sums
(Figure 1– 22).
heavy border
and transparent
blue background
indicate range
B9:G9 remains
SUM function
assigned to cell
calculates value
no transparent blue
background for cell B9
because it is the active cell
SUM function
assigned to cell
calculates value
SUM function
assigned to cell
calculates value
SUM function
assigned to cell
calculates value
SUM function
assigned to cell
calculates value
Auto Fill Options
button remains
on-screen until
you begin next
Figure 1–22
What is the purpose of the Auto Fill Options button?
When you copy one range to another, Excel displays an Auto Fill Options button
(Figure 1– 22). The Auto Fill Options button allows you to choose whether you want to copy
the values from the source area to the destination area with formatting, do so without
formatting, or copy only the format. To view the available fill options, click the Auto Fill
Options button. The Auto Fill Options button disappears when you begin another activity
in Excel, such as typing data in another cell or applying formatting to a cell or range of cells.
Other Ways
1. Select source area, click
Copy button (Home tab |
Clipboard group), select
destination area, click
Paste button (Home tab |
Clipboard group)
2. Right-click source area,
click Copy on shortcut
menu, right-click
destination area, click
Paste on shortcut menu
3. Select source area and
then point to border of
range; while holding
down CTRL, drag source
area to destination area
To Determine Multiple Totals at the Same Time
The next step in building the worksheet is to determine the lifetime fundraising totals for each fundraising
activity and total lifetime fundraising for the organization in column H. To calculate these totals, you can use the
SUM function much as it was used to total the lifetime fundraising amounts by city in row 9. In this example,
however, Excel will determine totals for all of the rows at the same time. The following steps sum multiple totals
at once.
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• Click cell H4 to make
it the active cell
(Figure 1– 23).
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 19
mouse pointer is
block plus sign
H4 is active cell
Figure 1–23
• With the mouse
pointer in cell H4 and
in the shape of a block
plus sign, drag the
mouse pointer down
to cell H9 to highlight
the range with a
transparent view
(Figure 1– 24).
range H4:H9
Figure 1–24
• Click the Sum button
Home tab
Sum button
(Home tab | Editing
group) to calculate
and display the sums
of the corresponding
rows (Figure 1– 25).
• Select cell A10 to
Editing group
deselect the selected
totals for each
row of numbers
How does Excel create
unique totals for each
If each cell in a
selected range is next
to a row of numbers,
Excel assigns the SUM function to each
cell when you click the Sum button.
Figure 1–25
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EX 20 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Organizing Files
and Folders
You should organize
and store files in folders
so that you easily can
find the files later. For
example, if you are taking
an introductory computer
class called CIS 101, a good
practice would be to save
all Excel files in an Excel
folder in a CIS 101 folder.
For a discussion of folders
and detailed examples
of creating folders, refer
to the Office 2010 and
Windows 7 chapter at the
beginning of this book.
To Save a Workbook
You have performed many tasks while creating this workbook and do not want to
risk losing work completed thus far. Accordingly, you should save the workbook.
The following steps assume you already have created folders for storing your
files, for example, a CIS 101 folder (for your class) that contains an Excel folder (for
your assignments). Thus, these steps save the workbook in the Excel folder in the CIS
101 folder on a USB flash drive using the file name, Save Sable River Foundation. For
a detailed example of the procedure summarized below, refer to the Office 2010 and
Windows 7 chapter at the beginning of this book.
With a USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click the Save button
on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Save As dialog box.
Type Save Sable River Foundation in the File name text box to change the
file name. Do not press the ENTER key after typing the file name because you do not want
to close the dialog box at this time.
Navigate to the desired save location (in this case, the Excel folder in the CIS 101 folder
[or your class folder] on the USB flash drive).
Click the Save button (Save As dialog box) to save the document in the selected folder on
the selected drive with the entered file name.
Break Point: If you wish to take a break, this is a good place to do so. You can quit Excel. To resume at a later time, start
Excel, open the file called Save Sable River Foundation, and continue following the steps from this location forward.
Formatting the Worksheet
The text, numeric entries, and functions for the worksheet now are complete. The next
step is to format the worksheet. You format a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and
make the worksheet easier to read and understand.
Figure 1– 26a shows the worksheet before formatting. Figure 1– 26b shows the worksheet after formatting. As you can see from the two figures, a worksheet that is formatted
not only is easier to read but also looks more professional.
Identify how to format various elements of the worksheet.
By formatting the contents of the worksheet, you can improve its overall appearance. When
formatting a worksheet, consider the following formatting suggestions:
• Increase the font size of cells. An increased font size gives more impact to the text in
a cell. In order to indicate their relative importance, worksheet titles should have the
largest font size, followed by worksheet subtitles, and then column and row headings.
• Change the font color of cells. Different cell colors help the reader of a worksheet
quickly differentiate between the sections of a worksheet. Worksheet titles and subtitles
easily should be identifiable from column and row headings. The overuse of too many
colors, however, may be distracting to the reader of a worksheet.
• Center the worksheet titles, subtitles, and column headings. Centering text in worksheet
titles and subtitles over the portion of the worksheet that they represent helps the
reader of a worksheet quickly to identify the information that is of interest to them.
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• Modify column widths to best fit text in cells. Make certain that text in a cell does not
overflow into another cell. A column’s width should be adjusted to accommodate the
largest amount of text used in a cell in the column. Columns that contain data that is
similar in nature to other columns should share the same column width.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 21
• Change the font style of cells. Use a bold font style to make worksheet titles, worksheet
subtitles, column headings, row heading, and totals stand out. Use italics and underline
font styles judiciously, as specific rules of grammar apply to their use.
Figure 1–26 (a) Before Formatting
Figure 1–26 (b) After Formatting
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EX 22 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To change the unformatted worksheet in Figure 1– 26a on the previous page to the
formatted worksheet in Figure 1– 26b on the previous page, the following tasks must be
1. Change the font, change the font style to bold, increase the font size, and change
the font color of the worksheet titles in cells A1 and A2.
2. Center the worksheet titles in cells A1 and A2 across columns A through H.
3. Format the body of the worksheet. The body of the worksheet, range A3:H9,
includes the column titles, row titles, and numbers. Formatting the body of the
worksheet changes the numbers to use a dollars-and-cents format, with dollar
signs in the first row (row 4) and the total row (row 9); adds underlining that
emphasizes portions of the worksheet; and modifies the column widths to fit the
text in the columns and make the text and numbers readable.
In general, use no more
than two font types in a
worksheet because the
use of more fonts can
make a worksheet difficult
to read.
The remainder of this section explains the process required to format the worksheet. Although the formatting procedures are explained in the order described above, you
should be aware that you could make these format changes in any order. Modifying the
column widths, however, usually is done last because other formatting changes may affect
the size of data in the cells in the column.
Font, Style, Size, and Color
Fonts and Themes
Excel uses default
recommended fonts based
on the workbook’s theme.
A theme is a collection of
fonts and color schemes.
The default theme is
named Office, and the two
default fonts for the Office
theme are Calibri and
Cambria. Excel, however,
allows you to apply any
font to a cell or range as
long as the font is installed
on your computer.
The characters that Excel displays on the screen are a specific font, style, size, and
color. The font, or font face, defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and
special characters. Examples of fonts include Calibri, Cambria, Times New Roman, Arial,
and Courier. Font style indicates how the characters are emphasized. Common font styles
include regular, bold, underline, and italic. The font size specifies the size of the characters
on the screen. Font size is gauged by a measurement system called points. A single point is
about 1/72 of one inch in height. Thus, a character with a point size of 10 is about 10/72
of one inch in height. The font color defines the color of the characters. Excel can display
characters in a wide variety of colors, including black, red, orange, and blue.
When Excel begins, the preset font for the entire workbook is Calibri, with a font
size, font style, and font color of 11–point regular black. Excel allows you to change the font
characteristics in a single cell, a range of cells, the entire worksheet, or the entire workbook.
To Change a Cell Style
Excel includes the capability of changing several characteristics of a cell, such the font, font size, and font
color, all at once by assigning a predefined cell style to a cell. Using the predefined styles that Excel includes provides
a consistent appearance to common portions of your worksheets, such as worksheet titles, worksheet subtitles,
column headings, and total rows. The following steps assign the Title cell style to the worksheet title in cell A1.
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• Click cell A1 to make
Home tab
Styles group
Cell Styles
cell A1 the active cell.
• Click the Cell Styles
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 23
A1 is active cell
button (Home tab |
Styles group) to
display the Cell Styles
gallery (Figure 1– 27).
Cell Styles gallery
Figure 1–27
• Point to the Title
cell style in the Titles
and Headings area
of the Cell Styles
gallery to see a live
preview of the cell
style in the active cell
(Figure 1– 28).
live preview of Title
cell style in cell A1
reflects font, font
size, and font color
of cell style
Title cell style
Titles and
Headings area
I Experiment
• Point to several other
cell styles in the Cell
Styles gallery to see a
live preview of other
cell styles in cell A1.
selected Bold button
indicates bold font style
applied to selected cell
• Click the Title cell
Cambria font type
selected in Font box
font size 18 selected
in Font Size box
Figure 1–28
style to apply the cell
style to the active cell
(Figure 1– 29).
Why do several items
in the Font group on
the Ribbon change?
Title cell style
applied to cell A1
The changes to the
Font box, Bold button,
and Font Size box
indicate the font
changes applied to
the active cell, cell A1,
as a result of applying
the Title cell style.
Figure 1–29
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EX 24 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Change the Font
Different fonts often are used in a worksheet to make it more appealing to the reader and to relate or
distinguish data in the worksheet. The following steps change the worksheet subtitle’s fonts from Calibri to Cambria.
• Click cell A2 to make
Home tab
Font box arrow
Font group
it the active cell.
• Click the Font box
arrow (Home tab |
Font group) to display
the Font gallery
(Figure 1– 30).
Which fonts are
displayed in the
Font gallery?
A2 is
Because many
programs supply
Font gallery
additional fonts
beyond what comes
with the Windows 7
operating system,
the number of fonts
available on your
computer will depend
on the programs
Figure 1–30
installed. This book
uses only fonts that come with the Windows 7 operating system and Microsoft Office 2010.
• Point to Cambria in
cell A2 displays live
preview of Cambria font
the Theme Fonts area
of the Font gallery
to see a live preview
of the selected font
in the active cell
(Figure 1– 31).
Cambria font
selected in
Font gallery
Theme Fonts area
Cambria recommended
for heading cells
Calibri recommended
for body cells
I Experiment
• Point to several other
fonts in the Font
gallery to see a live
preview of other fonts
in the selected cell.
What is the Theme
Fonts area?
Excel applies the same
default theme to any
new workbook that
you start. A theme is a
collection of cell styles
Figure 1–31
and other styles that
have common characteristics, such as a color scheme and font. The default theme for an Excel
workbook is the Office theme. The Theme Fonts area of the Font gallery includes the fonts
included in the default Office theme. Cambria is recommended for headings and Calibri is
recommended by Microsoft for cells in the body of the worksheet (Figure 1–31).
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• Click Cambria in the
font in cell A2
Theme Fonts area to
change the font of
the worksheet
subtitle to Cambria
(Figure 1– 32).
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 25
Cambria font assigned
to worksheet subtitle
in cell A2
Figure 1–32
Other Ways
1. Click Font box arrow on
Mini toolbar, click desired
font in Font gallery
menu, click Font tab
(Format Cells dialog box),
click desired font, click
OK button
2. Right-click cell, click
Format Cells on shortcut
To Bold a Cell
You bold an entry in a cell to emphasize it or make it stand out from the rest of the worksheet. The following
step bolds the worksheet subtitle in cell A2.
• With cell A2 active,
Home tab
click the Bold button
(Home tab | Font
group) to change
the font style of the
active cell to bold
(Figure 1– 33).
Font group
What if a cell already
includes a bold style?
If the active cell is
already bold, then
Excel displays the
Bold button with a
transparent orange
Bold button changes
to transparent orange
background when
active cell is bold
font style of worksheet
subtitle in cell A2 changed
to bold
How do I remove the
bold style from a cell?
Figure 1–33
Clicking the Bold button (Home tab | Font group) a second
time removes the bold font style.
Other Ways
1. Click Bold button on Mini
2. Right-click cell, click
Format Cells on shortcut
menu, click Font tab
(Format Cells dialog
box), click Bold, click OK
3. Press CTRL+B
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EX 26 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Increase the Font Size of a Cell Entry
Increasing the font size is the next step in formatting the worksheet subtitle. You increase the font size of a cell
so that the entry stands out and is easier to read. The following steps increase the font size of the worksheet subtitle
in cell A2.
• With cell A2 selected,
Home tab
Font Size box arrow
click the Font Size box
arrow (Home tab |
Font group) to display
the Font Size list.
• Point to 14 in the Font
Font group
Size list to see a live
preview of the active
cell with the selected
font size (Figure 1– 34).
14 point
Font Size list
I Experiment
• Point to several
other font sizes in
the Font Size list to
see a live preview of
other font sizes in
the selected cell.
live preview of cell A2
with font size 14
Figure 1–34
• Click 14 in the Font
font in active cell A2
is 14-point Cambria
Size list to change the
font size in the active
cell (Figure 1– 35).
Can I assign a font size
that is not in the Font
Size list?
Yes. An alternative
to clicking a font size
in the Font Size list
is to click the Font
Size box (Home tab |
Font group), type the
font size, and then
press the ENTER key.
This procedure allows
you to assign a font
size not available in
the Font Size list to a
selected cell entry.
font changes from
11 point to 14 point
Figure 1–35
Other Ways
1. Click Increase Font Size
button (Home tab | Font
group) or Decrease Font
Size button (Home tab |
Font group)
2. Click Font Size
box arrow on Mini
toolbar, click desired
font size in Font Size
3. Right-click cell, click Format
Cells on shortcut menu,
click Font tab (Format Cells
dialog box), select font size
in Size box, click OK button
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To Change the Font Color of a Cell Entry
The next step is to change the color of the font in cell A2 from black to dark blue. The following steps change
the font color of a cell entry.
• With cell A2 selected, click the Font
Color button arrow (Home tab |
Font group) to display the Font
Color gallery.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 27
Home tab
Font Color
button arrow
live preview of font
color in active cell
A2 is dark blue
desired font color is
dark blue (column 4,
row 1)
• Point to Dark Blue, Text 2 (dark
blue color in column 4, row 1) in
the Theme Colors area of the Font
Color gallery to see a live preview
of the font color in the active cell
(Figure 1– 36).
Font group
Font Color gallery
I Experiment
• Point to several other colors in
the Font Color gallery to see a live
preview of other font colors in the
active cell.
Figure 1–36
Which colors does Excel make
available on the Font Color gallery?
You can choose from more than 60 different font colors on the Font Color gallery
(Figure 1– 36). Your Font Color gallery may have more or fewer colors, depending
on color settings of your operating system. The Theme Colors area includes colors
that are included in the current workbook’s theme.
Font Color button
changes to reflect
selected color
• Click Dark Blue, Text 2 (column 4,
row 1) on the Font Color gallery
to change the font of the
worksheet subtitle in the active
cell (Figure 1– 37).
Why does the Font Color button
change after I select the new font
When you choose a color on the
Font Color gallery, Excel changes the
Font Color button (Home tab | Font
group) to the chosen color. Thus,
to change the font color of the cell
entry in another cell to the same
color, you need only to select the
cell and then click the Font Color
button (Home tab | Font group).
font color in active
cell A2 is dark blue
Figure 1–37
Other Ways
1. Click Font Color box
arrow on Mini toolbar,
click desired font color
in the Font Color gallery
2. Right-click cell, click
Format Cells on shortcut
menu, click Font tab
(Format Cells dialog
box), select color in
Font Color gallery,
click OK button
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EX 28 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Center Cell Entries Across Columns by Merging Cells
The final step in formatting the worksheet title and subtitle is to center them across columns A through H.
Centering a title across the columns used in the body of the worksheet improves the worksheet’s appearance. To do
this, the eight cells in the range A1:H1 are combined, or merged, into a single cell that is the width of the columns
in the body of the worksheet. The eight cells in the range A2:H2 are merged in a similar manner. Merging cells
involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells. The following steps center the worksheet
title and subtitle across columns by merging cells.
• Select cell A1 and
then drag to cell H1
to highlight the range
to be merged and
centered (Figure 1–38).
A1 is active cell
What if a cell in the
range B1:H1 contains
range A1:H1
For the Merge &
Center button (Home
tab | Alignment
group) to work
properly, all the cells
except the leftmost
cell in the selected
range must be empty.
Figure 1–38
Home tab
• Click the Merge &
Center button (Home
tab | Alignment
group) to merge cells
A1 through H1 and
center the contents of
the leftmost cell across
the selected columns
(Figure 1– 39).
formats assigned
to active cell A1
Merge & Center
A1 is active cell
Alignment group
cells A1 through
H1 merged to
create new cell A1
What happened to
cells B1 through H1?
After the merge, cells
B1 through H1 no
longer exist. The new
cell A1 now extends
across columns A
through H.
heavy border indicates
new dimensions of
cell A1
entry in cell A1
centered across
columns A through H
Figure 1–39
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• Repeat Steps 1 and 2
A2 is active cell
to merge and center
the worksheet
subtitle across cells
A2 through H2
(Figure 1– 40).
Are cells B1 through
H1 and B2 through H2
lost forever?
No. The opposite
of merging cells is
splitting a merged
cell. After you have
merged multiple cells
entry in cell A2
centered across
to create one merged
columns A through H
cell, you can unmerge,
or split, the merged
cell to display the
Figure 1– 40
original cells on the
worksheet. You split a merged cell by selecting it and clicking the Merge & Center button.
For example, if you click the Merge & Center button a second time in Step 2, it will split the
merged cell A1 into cells A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, and H1.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 29
cells A2 through H2
merged to create
new cell A2
Other Ways
1. Right-click selection, click
Merge & Center button
on Mini toolbar
2. Right-click selection, click
Format Cells on shortcut
menu, click Alignment
tab (Format Cells dialog
box), select Center Across
Selection in Horizontal
list, click OK button
To Format Column Titles and the Total Row
The next step to format the worksheet is to format the column titles in row 3 and the total values in row 9.
Column titles and the total row should be formatted so anyone who views the worksheet quickly can distinguish the
column titles and total row from the data in the body of the worksheet. The following steps format the column titles
and total row using cell styles in the default worksheet theme.
• Click cell A3 and
then drag the mouse
pointer to cell H3
to select a range
(Figure 1– 41).
Why is cell A3 selected
in the range for the
column headings?
The style to be
applied to the column
headings includes an
underline that will
help to distinguish
the column headings
from the rest of the
Figure 1– 41
worksheet. Including
cell A3 in the range ensures that the cell will include the underline, which is visually
appealing and further helps to separate the data in the worksheet.
range A3:H3 selected
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EX 30 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Click the Cell Styles
Home tab
button (Home tab |
Styles group) to
display the Cell Styles
Cell Styles
live preview of
Heading 3 cell style
in range A3:H3
• Point to the Heading 3
cell style in the Titles
and Headings area of
the Cell Styles gallery
to see a live preview
of the cell style in
the selected range
(Figure 1– 42).
Heading 3 cell style
Total cell style
Titles and
Headings area
Figure 1– 42
I Experiment
• Point to other cell styles in the Titles and Headings area of the Cell Styles gallery to see a live
preview of other cell styles in the selected range, A3:H3.
• Click the Heading 3
cell style to apply
the cell style to the
selected range.
• Click the Center
Center button
button (Home tab |
Alignment group) to
center the column
headings in the
selected range.
Heading 3 cell
style applied to
range A3:H3
• Click cell A9 and
then drag the mouse
pointer to cell H9
to select a range
(Figure 1– 43).
range A9:H9
Figure 1– 43
Why should I choose Heading 3 instead of another heading cell style?
Excel includes many types of headings, such as Heading 1 and Heading 2, because worksheets
often include many levels of headings above columns. In the case of the worksheet created
for this project, the Heading 3 title includes formatting that makes the column titles’ font size
smaller than the title and subtitle and makes the column titles stand out from the data in the
body of the worksheet.
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• Click the Cell Styles
Home tab
Cell Styles
button (Home tab |
Styles group) to
display the Cell Styles
gallery and then
click the Total cell
style in the Titles and
Headings area to
apply the selected cell
style to the cells in the
selected range.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 31
Styles group
• Click cell A11 to select
it (Figure 1– 44).
Total cell style applied
to range A9:H9
A11 is active cell
Figure 1– 44
To Format Numbers in the Worksheet
As previously noted, the numbers in the worksheet should be formatted to use a dollar-and-cents format, with
dollar signs in the first row (row 4) and the total row (row 9). Excel allows you to format numbers in a variety of
ways, and these methods are discussed in other chapters in this book. The following steps use buttons on the Ribbon
to format the numbers in the worksheet.
• Select cell B4 and drag
the mouse pointer
to cell H4 to select a
range (Figure 1– 45).
range B4:H4 selected
Figure 1– 45
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EX 32 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Click the Accounting
Home tab
Accounting Number
Format button
Number Format
button (Home tab |
Number group) to
apply the Accounting
Number format to the
cells in the selected
Number group
range B5:H8
• Select the range B5:H8
(Figure 1– 46).
Number Format
applied to range
cell widths automatically adjusted
to accommodate new formatting
Figure 1– 46
What effect does the Accounting Number format have on the selected cells?
The Accounting Number format causes the cells to be displayed with two decimal places so
that decimal places in cells below the selected cells align vertically. Cell widths are adjusted
automatically to accommodate the new formatting.
• Click the Comma
Comma Style
Home tab
Style button (Home
tab | Number group)
to apply the Comma
Style format to the
selected range.
• Select the range B9:H9
Number group
to make it the active
range (Figure 1– 47).
Comma Style
format applied
to range B5:H8
range B9:H9 selected
Figure 1– 47
What effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected cells?
The Comma Style format causes the cells to be displayed with two decimal places and
commas as thousands separators.
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• Click the Accounting
Number Format
button (Home tab |
Number group) to
apply the Accounting
Number format to the
cells in the selected
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 33
• Select cell A11
(Figure 1– 48).
Why did the column
widths automatically
adjust again?
Because the total
row contains larger
numbers, the
A11 is active cell
Accounting Number
format again causes
the cell widths
Figure 1– 48
automatically to
adjust to accommodate the new formatting just as occurred in Step 2.
Accounting Number
Format applied to
range B9:H9
Other Ways
1. Click Accounting Number
Format or Comma Style
button on Mini toolbar
2. Right-click selection,
click Format Cells on
the shortcut menu, click
Number tab (Format
Cells dialog box), select
Accounting in Category
list or select Number and
click Use 1000 Separator,
click OK button
To Adjust the Column Width
The last step in formatting the worksheet is to adjust the width of column A so that the word Phone-a-thon
in cell A8 is shown in its entirety in the cell. Excel includes several methods for adjusting cell widths and row heights,
and these methods are discussed later in this book. The following steps adjust the width of column A so that the
contents of cell A8 are displayed in the cell.
• Point to the boundary
on the right side
of the column A
heading above
row 1 to change the
mouse pointer to a
split double arrow
(Figure 1– 49).
mouse pointer is
split double arrow
current right border
of column A
Figure 1– 49
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EX 34 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Double-click on the boundary to
adjust the width of the column to
the width of the largest item in the
column (Figure 1– 50).
What if none of the items in column
A extends through the entire width
of the column?
mouse pointer
If all of the items in column A were
shorter in length than the width
of the column when you doubleclick the right side of the column
A heading, then Excel still would
adjust the column width to the
largest item in the column. That is,
Excel would reduce the width of the
column to the largest item.
new column A width
Figure 1–50
Using the Name Box to Select a Cell
The next step is to chart the lifetime fundraising amounts for the five fundraising activities
used by the organization. To create the chart, you first must select the cell in the upperleft corner of the range to chart (cell A3). Rather than clicking cell A3 to select it, the
next section describes how to use the Name box to select the cell.
To Use the Name Box to Select a Cell
The Name box is located on the left side of the formula bar. To select any cell, click the Name box and enter
the cell reference of the cell you want to select. The following steps select cell A3 using the Name box.
• Click the Name box in the formula
bar and then type a3 as the cell
you wish to select (Figure 1– 51).
a3 typed in
Name box
Why is cell A11 still selected?
Even though cell A11 is the active
cell, Excel displays the typed cell
reference a3 in the Name box until
you press the ENTER key.
A11 is active cell
Figure 1–51
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• Press the ENTER key
to change the active
cell in the Name box
(Figure 1– 52).
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 35
A3 is active cell
Figure 1–52
Other Ways to Select Cells
As you will see in later chapters, in addition to using the Name box to select any cell in a worksheet, you
also can use it to assign names to a cell or range of cells. Excel supports several additional ways to select a cell,
as summarized in Table 1– 3.
Table 1– 3 Selecting Cells in Excel
Key, Box, or Command
Selects the cell one worksheet window to the right and moves the worksheet window accordingly.
Selects the cell one worksheet window to the left and moves the worksheet window accordingly.
Selects the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow on the key.
Selects the border cell of the worksheet in combination with the arrow keys and moves the worksheet
window accordingly. For example, to select the rightmost cell in the row that contains the active cell, press
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW. You also can press the END key, release it, and then press the appropriate arrow key to
accomplish the same task.
Selects cell A1 or the cell one column and one row below and to the right of frozen titles and moves the
worksheet window accordingly.
Find command on Find
and Select menu or SHIFT+F5
Finds and selects a cell that contains specific contents that you enter in the Find and Replace dialog box. If
necessary, Excel moves the worksheet window to display the cell. You also can press CTRL+F to display the Find
dialog box.
Go To command on Find
and Select menu or F5
Selects the cell that corresponds to the cell reference you enter in the Go To dialog box and moves the
worksheet window accordingly. You also can press CTRL+G to display the Go To dialog box.
Selects the cell at the beginning of the row that contains the active cell and moves the worksheet window
Name box
Selects the cell in the workbook that corresponds to the cell reference you enter in the Name box.
Selects the cell down one worksheet window from the active cell and moves the worksheet window accordingly.
Selects the cell up one worksheet window from the active cell and moves the worksheet window accordingly.
Break Point: If you wish to take a break, this is a good place to do so. Be sure to save the Save Sable River Foundation file
again and then you can quit Excel. To resume at a later time, start Excel, open the file called Save Sable River Foundation,
and continue following the steps from this location forward.
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EX 36 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Adding a Clustered Cylinder Chart
to the Worksheet
As outlined in the requirements document in Figure 1– 2 on page EX 4, the worksheet
should include a Clustered Cylinder chart to graphically represent the lifetime fundraising
for each fundraising activity in which the organization engages. The Clustered Cylinder
chart shown in Figure 1– 53 is called an embedded chart because it is drawn on the same
worksheet as the data.
values in
Clustered Cylinder chart
chart scale
along y-axis
each color represents
a row (fundraising
activity) in worksheet
each cluster of cylinders
represents a city
dash represents 0
Figure 1–53
Decide on the type of chart needed.
Excel includes 11 chart types from which you can choose, including column, line, pie, bar,
area, X Y (scatter), stock, surface, doughnut, bubble, and radar. The type of chart you
choose depends on the type of data that you have, how much data you have, and the
message you want to convey.
A line chart often is used to illustrate changes in data over time. Pie charts show the
contribution of each piece of data to the whole, or total, of the data. Area charts, like line
charts, illustrate changes over time, but often are used to compare more than one set of
data and the area under the lines is filled in with a different color for each set of data. An
X Y (scatter) chart is used much line a line chart, but each piece of data is represented by a
dot and is not connected with a line. A stock chart provides a number of methods commonly
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used in the financial industry to show stock market data. A surface chart compares data from
three columns and/or rows in a three-dimensional manner. A doughnut chart is much like a
pie chart, but a doughnut chart allows for comparing more than one set of data, resulting in
a chart that looks like a doughnut, with each subsquent set of data surrounding the previous
set. A bubble chart is much like an X Y (scatter) chart, but a third set of data results indicates
how large each individual dot, or bubble, is on the chart. A radar chart can compare several
sets of data in a manner that resembles a radar screen, with each set of data represented by
a different color. A column or cylinder chart is a good way to compare values side by side.
A Clustered Cylinder chart can go even further in comparing values across categories.
Establish where to position and how to format the chart.
• When possible, try to position charts so that both the data and chart appear on the
screen on the worksheet together and so that the data and chart can be printed in the
most readable manner possible.
• When choosing/selecting colors for a chart, consider the color scheme of the rest of the
worksheet. The chart should not present colors that are in stark contrast to the rest of
the worksheet. If the chart will be printed in color, minimize the amount of dark colors
on the chart so that the chart both prints quickly and conserves ink.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 37
Cell Values and
When you change a cell
value on which a chart is
dependent, Excel redraws
the chart instantaneously,
unless automatic
recalculation is disabled.
If automatic recalculation
is disabled, then you must
press the F9 key to redraw
the chart. To enable
or disable automatic
recalculation, click the
Calculations Options
button (Formulas tab |
Calculation group).
In the case of the Save Sable River Foundation Lifetime Fundraising Summary,
comparisons of fundraising activities within each city can be made side by side with
a Clustered Cylinder chart. The chart uses differently colored cylinders to represent
amounts raised for different fundraising activities. Each city uses the same color scheme
for identifying fundraising activities, which allows for easy identification and comparison.
• For the city of Allentown, for example, the dark blue cylinder representing Corporate
donations shows lifetime donations of $74,029.35
• For Chamber City, the maroon cylinder representing Direct Mail donations shows
lifetime donations of $83,867.23
• For the city of Pattonsville, the lime green cylinder representing donations for Fun
Runs shows lifetime donations of $64,581.66
• For Sable Village, the purple cylinder representing Government donations shows
lifetime donations of $36,387.09
• For the city of Strongville, the light blue cylinder representing Phone-a-thon
donations shows lifetime donations of $12,305.85
Because the same color scheme is used in each city to represent the five fundraising
activities, you easily can compare funds raised by each fundraising activity among the cities. The totals from the worksheet are not represented, because the totals are not in the
range specified for charting.
Excel derives the chart scale based on the values in the worksheet and then displays
the scale along the vertical axis (also called the y-axis or value axis) of the chart. For
example, no value in the range B4:G8 is less than 0 or greater than $100,000.00, so the
scale ranges from 0 to $100,000.00. Excel also determines the $10,000.00 increments of
the scale automatically. For the numbers along the y-axis, Excel uses a format that includes
representing the 0 value with a dash (Figure 1– 53).
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EX 38 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Add a Clustered Cylinder Chart to the Worksheet
The area on the worksheet where the chart appears is called the chart location. As shown in Figure 1–53 on page
EX 36, the chart location in this worksheet is the range A11:G23; this range is immediately below the worksheet data.
Placing the chart below the data on the Save Sable River Foundation Lifetime Fundraising Summary worksheet makes
it easier to read the chart along with the data, and the chart and data easily can be printed on one sheet of paper.
The following steps draw a Clustered Cylinder chart that compares the funds raised by fundraising activity for
the six cities.
• Click cell A3 and
Insert tab
then drag the mouse
pointer to cell G8 to
select the range to be
charted (Figure 1– 54).
range A3:G8
Figure 1–54
• Click Insert on the
Insert tab becomes
active tab
Ribbon to display
the Insert tab
(Figure 1– 55).
What tasks can I
perform with the
Insert tab?
The Insert tab
includes commands
that allow you to
insert various objects,
such as shapes,
tables, illustrations,
and charts, into a
worksheet. These
objects will be
discussed as they are
used throughout this
Insert tab groups
and commands
Figure 1–55
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• Click the Column
Insert tab
Column button
Charts group
button (Insert tab |
Charts group) to
display the Column
gallery (Figure 1– 56).
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 39
Column gallery
Cylinder area
Clustered Cylinder
chart type
Figure 1–56
Chart Tools contextual tab
Chart Tools
Design tab
• Click the Clustered
Cylinder chart type in
the Cylinder area of
the Column gallery to
add the selected chart
type to the middle of
the worksheet in a
selection rectangle.
when chart is selected,
colored borders in
worksheet indicate
chart range
• Press and hold down
mouse pointer
changes to
double twoheaded arrow
Chart Styles
the mouse button
while pointing to the
upper-right edge of
the selection rectangle
to change the mouse
pointer to a double
two-headed arrow
(Figure 1– 57).
Why is a new tab
displayed on the
sizing handles
When you select
objects such as shapes
or charts, Excel
displays contextual
tabs that include
selection rectangle
special commands
Figure 1–57
that are used to work
with the type of object selected. Because a chart is selected, Excel displays the Chart Tools
contextual tab. The three tabs below the Chart Tools contextual tab, Design, Layout, and
Format, are tabs that include commands to work with charts.
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EX 40 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Drag the chart down
and to the left to
position the upper-left
corner of the dotted
line rectangle over the
upper-left corner of
cell A11.
• Press and hold down
the mouse button
while pointing to
the middle sizing
handle on the right
edge of the chart
(Figure 1– 58).
upper-left corner of
chart area moved
to upper-left corner
of cell A11
How does Excel know
which data to use to
create the chart?
mouse pointer
changes to
Excel automatically
selects the entries in
the topmost row of
the chart range (row 3)
as the titles for the
horizontal axis (also
Figure 1–58
called the x-axis or
category axis) and draws a column for each of the 30 cells in the range containing numbers.
• While continuing to
hold down the mouse
button, press the ALT
key and drag the right
edge of the chart to the
right edge of column H
and then release the
mouse button to resize
the chart.
Chart Styles gallery
More button
• Press and hold down
the mouse button
while pointing to
the middle sizing
handle on the bottom
edge of the selection
rectangle and do not
release the mouse
button (Figure 1– 59).
Why should I hold the
ALT key down while
I resize a chart?
chart resized so that
right edge of chart
aligns with right edge
of column H
mouse pointer
changes to
Holding down the ALT
key while you drag a
chart snaps (aligns)
Figure 1–59
the edge of the chart
area to the worksheet gridlines. If you do not hold down the ALT key, then you can place
an edge of a chart in the middle of a column or row.
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Chart Tools
Design tab
• While continuing to
hold down the mouse
button, press the
ALT key and drag the
bottom edge of the
chart up to the bottom
edge of row 23 and
then release the
mouse button to
resize the chart.
current chart style
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 41
Chart Styles gallery
Style 34 chart style
• If necessary, scroll the
worksheet so that
row 1 displays at the
top of the worksheet.
• Click the More button
in the Chart Styles
gallery (Chart Tools
Design tab | Chart
Styles group) to
expand the gallery
(Figure 1– 60).
chart resized so that
bottom edge of chart
aligns with bottom
edge of row 23
Figure 1– 60
• Click Style 34 in the
Home tab is active tab and
Chart Tools contextual tab
and related tabs disappear
Chart Styles gallery
(column 2, row 5) to
apply the chart style
to the chart.
• Click cell J9 to
deselect the chart
and complete
the worksheet
(Figure 1– 61).
J9 is active cell
What is the purpose
of the items on the
right side of the
The items to the right
of the column chart
in Figure 1– 61 are
the legend, which
identifies the colors
assigned to each bar
in the chart. Excel
automatically selects
the entries in the
leftmost column
of the chart range
(column A) as titles within the legend.
legend identifies
columns in chart area
Style 34 chart style
applied to chart
Figure 1– 61
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EX 42 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Changing the Worksheet Names
The sheet tabs at the bottom of the window allow you to view any worksheet in the
workbook. You click the sheet tab of the worksheet you want to view in the Excel window.
By default, Excel presets the names of the worksheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, and so on. The
worksheet names become increasingly important as you move toward more sophisticated
workbooks, especially workbooks in which you reference cells between worksheets.
Choose a name for the worksheet.
Use simple, meaningful names for each worksheet. Worksheet names often match the
worksheet title. If a worksheet includes multiple titles in multiple sections of the worksheet,
use a name that encompasses the meaning of all of the sections.
To Change the Worksheet Names
Lifetime Fundraising Summary is a meaningful name for the Save Sable River Foundation Lifetime
Fundraising Summary worksheet. The following steps rename worksheets by double-clicking the sheet tabs.
• Double-click the sheet tab labeled
Sheet1 in the lower-left corner of
the window.
• Type Lifetime
Fundraising Summary as
the worksheet name and then
press the ENTER key to display the
new worksheet name on the sheet
tab (Figure 1– 62).
What is the maximum length for
a worksheet tab?
Sheet1 name changed
to Lifetime Fundraising
Figure 1– 62
tab split box
Worksheet names can be up to 31 characters (including spaces) in length. Longer worksheet
names, however, mean that fewer sheet tabs will show. To view more sheet tabs, you can drag
the tab split box (Figure 1–62) to the right. This will reduce the size of the scroll bar at the
bottom of the screen. Double-click the tab split box to reset it to its normal position.
• Right-click the sheet tab labeled
Lifetime Fundraising Summary in
the lower-left corner of the window
to display a shortcut menu.
shortcut menu
• Point to Tab Color on the shortcut
menu to display the color gallery
(Figure 1– 63).
How can I quickly move between
worksheet tabs?
desired color
Tab Color
tab scrolling
You can use the tab scrolling
buttons to the left of the sheet tabs
(Figure 1– 63) to move between
worksheets. The leftmost and
rightmost scroll buttons move to
Figure 1– 63
the first or last worksheet in the
workbook. The two middle scroll buttons move one worksheet to the left or right.
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• Click Red, Accent 2 (column 6, row 1)
in the Theme Colors area to change
the color of the tab (Figure 1– 64)
Lifetime Fundraising
Summary tab color
changed to red
• If necessary, click Home on the
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 43
Ribbon to display the Home tab.
Figure 1– 64
Changing Document Properties
Excel helps you organize and identify your files by using document properties, which are
the details about a file. Document properties, also known as metadata, can include information such as the project author, title, subject, and keywords. A keyword is a word or
phrase that further describes the document. For example, a class name or document topic
can describe the file’s purpose or content.
Document properties are valuable for a variety of reasons:
• Users can save time locating a particular file because they can view a document’s
properties without opening the document.
• By creating consistent properties for files having similar content, users can better
organize their documents.
• Some organizations require Excel users to add document properties so that other
employees can view details about these files.
Five different types of document properties exist, but the more common ones used
in this book are standard and automatically updated properties. Standard properties
are associated with all Microsoft Office documents and include author, title, and subject.
Automatically updated properties include file system properties, such as the date you
create or change a file, and statistics, such as the file size.
To Change Document Properties
The Document Information Panel contains areas where you can view and enter document properties. You
can view and change information in this panel at any time while you are creating a workbook. Before saving the
workbook again, you want to add your name and course information as document properties. The following steps
use the Document Information Panel to change document properties.
• Click File on the
Ribbon to open the
Backstage view. If
necessary, click the Info
tab in the Backstage
view to display the Info
gallery (Figure 1– 65).
your screen may show
more properties if the
Show All Properties link at
the bottom of this gallery
has been clicked
File tab
preview of current
worksheet window
Info tab
right pane of Info gallery automatically
displays some of the more common
workbook properties, some of which
can be changed in this gallery by
clicking the property and then typing
the new information
How do I close the
Backstage view?
Click File on the Ribbon
or click the preview of
the document in the
Info gallery to return
to the Excel document
Figure 1– 65
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EX 44 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
• Click the Properties button in
Info gallery
the right pane of the Info gallery
to display the Properties menu
(Figure 1– 66).
Properties button
Show Document
Panel command
Properties menu
Figure 1– 66
• Click Show Document Panel on
the Properties menu to close the
Backstage view and display the
Document Information Panel in
the Excel workbook window
(Figure 1– 67).
Document Information
Panel is displayed at top
of document window
Why are some of the document
properties in my Document
Information Panel already filled in?
The person who installed Microsoft
Office 2010 on your computer or
network may have set or customized
the properties.
student name
will be typed in
Author text box
course and section
will be typed in
Subject text box
workbook keywords
will be typed in
Keywords text box
Figure 1– 67
• Click the Author text box, if
necessary, and then type your name
as the Author property. If a name
already is displayed in the Author
text box, delete it before typing
your name.
student name
course and section
Close the Document
Information Panel
• Click the Subject text box, if
necessary delete any existing text,
and then type your course and
section as the Subject property.
• If an AutoComplete dialog box
appears, click its Yes button.
• Click the Keywords text box, if
Figure 1– 68
necessary delete any existing text,
and then type Lifetime Fundraising Summary as the Keywords property
(Figure 1– 68).
What types of document properties does Excel collect automatically?
Excel records details such as time spent editing a workbook, the number of times a
workbook has been revised, and the fonts and themes used in a workbook.
• Click the Close the Document Information Panel button so that the Document Information
Panel no longer is displayed. If a dialog box is displayed, click the No button to close it.
Other Ways
1. Click File on Ribbon, click
Info in the Backstage
view, if necessary click
Show All Properties
link in Info gallery, click
property to change and
type new information,
close the Backstage view
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You have made several modifications to the workbook since you last saved it. Thus, you
should save it again. The following step saves the workbook again. For an example of the step
listed below, refer to the Introduction to Office 2010 and Windows 7 chapter at the beginning of this book.
Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to overwrite the previously saved file.
Previewing and Printing a Worksheet
After creating a worksheet, you may want to print it. Printing a worksheet enables you to
distribute the worksheet to others in a form that can be read or viewed but typically not
edited. It is a good practice to save a workbook before printing a worksheet, in the event
you experience difficulties printing.
Determine the best method for distributing the worksheet.
The traditional method of distributing a worksheet uses a printer to produce a hard copy.
A hardcopy or printout is information that exists on a physical medium such as paper. For
users that can receive fax documents, you can elect to print a hard copy on a remote fax
machine. Hard copies can be useful for the following reasons:
Printing Document
To print document
properties, click File on
the Ribbon to open the
Backstage view, click the
Print tab in the Backstage
view to display the Print
gallery, click the first
button in the Settings area
to display a list of options
specifying what you can
print, click Document
Properties in the list to
specify you want to print
the document properties
instead of the actual
document, and then click
the Print button in the
Print gallery to print the
document properties on the
currently selected printer.
Excel Chapter 1
To Save an Existing Workbook with the Same File Name
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 45
• Many people prefer proofreading a hard copy of a worksheet rather than viewing it on
the screen to check for errors and readability.
• Hard copies can serve as reference material if your storage medium is lost or becomes
corrupted and you need to re-create the worksheet.
• Users can view electronic images of worksheets without the software that created the
original worksheet (e.g., Excel). Specifically, to view a PDF file, you use a program called
Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from Adobe’s Web site. Similarly, to
view an XPS file, you use a program called an XPS Viewer, which is included in the latest
versions of Windows and Internet Explorer.
Instead of distributing a hard copy of a worksheet, users can choose to distribute the
worksheet as an electronic image that mirrors the original worksheet’s appearance. The
electronic image of the worksheet can be e-mailed, posted on a Web site, or copied to a
portable storage medium such as a USB flash drive. Two popular electronic image formats,
sometimes called fixed formats, are PDF by Adobe Systems and XPS by Microsoft. In Excel,
you can create electronic image files through the Print tab in the Backstage view, the
Save & Send tab in the Backstage view, and the Save As dialog box. Electronic images of
worksheets, such as PDF and XPS, can be useful for the following reasons:
• Sending electronic documents saves paper and printer supplies. Society encourages users
to contribute to green computing, which involves reducing the environmental waste
generated when using a computer.
Conserving Ink
and Toner
If you want to conserve
ink or toner, you can
instruct Excel to print draft
quality documents by
clicking File on the Ribbon
to open the Backstage
view, clicking Options in
the Backstage view to
display the Excel Options
dialog box, clicking
Advanced in the left pane
(Excel Options dialog box),
scrolling to the Print area
in the right pane, placing
a check mark in the ‘Use
draft quality’ check box,
and then clicking the OK
button. Then, use the
Backstage view to print
the document as usual.
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EX 46 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Preview and Print a Worksheet in Landscape Orientation
With the completed workbook saved, you may want to print it. Because the worksheet is included in a report,
you will print a hard copy on a printer. The following steps print a hard copy of the contents of the Save Sable River
Foundation Lifetime Fundraising Summary worksheet.
• Click File on the
File tab
preview of how
worksheet will look
when printed in
portrait orientation
Print button
Ribbon to open the
Backstage view.
Copies box
• Click the Print tab in
the Backstage view
to display the Print
gallery (Figure 1– 69).
Printer Status
Print tab
How can I print
multiple copies of
my worksheet?
Increase the number
in the Copies box in
the Print gallery.
What if I decide not
to print the worksheet
at this time?
Click File on the Ribbon
to close the Backstage
view and return to
the Excel workbook
Print gallery
several print
and shows
a preview
of how the
will print
Portrait Orientation
Previous Page button
scrolls backward through
worksheets with multiple
Next Page button scrolls forward through
worksheets with multiple pages
Figure 1– 69
• Verify the printer
Print button
name that appears
on the Printer Status
button will print a
hard copy of the
document. If necessary,
click the Printer Status
button to display a list
of available printer
options and then click
the desired printer to
change the currently
selected printer.
worksheet preview
displays in landscape
• Click the Portrait
Orientation button in
the Settings area and
then select Landscape
Orientation to change
the orientation of the
page to landscape
and view the entire
worksheet on one
page (Figure 1– 70).
Figure 1– 70
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• Click the Print button in the Print
gallery to print the worksheet
in landscape orientation on the
currently selected printer.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 47
• When the printer stops, retrieve
the hard copy (Figure 1– 71).
Do I have to wait until my
worksheet is complete to print it?
No, you can follow these steps to
print a document at any time while
you are creating it.
What if I want to print an electronic
image of a worksheet instead of
a hard copy?
You would click the Printer Status
button in the Print gallery and then
Figure 1
1– 71
select the desired electronic image
option such as a Microsoft XPS Document Writer, which would create an XPS file.
Other Ways
1. Press CTRL+P, press ENTER
To Quit Excel
This Save Sable River Foundation workbook now is complete. The following
steps quit Excel if only one workbook is open. For a detailed example of the procedure
summarized below, refer to the Office 2010 and Windows 7 chapter at the beginning of
this book.
If you have one Excel workbook open, click the Close button on the right side of the title
bar to close the document and quit Excel; or if you have multiple Excel workbooks open,
click File on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view and then click the Exit button to close
all open workbooks and quit Excel.
If a Microsoft Office Excel dialog box appears, click the Save button to save any changes
made to the workbook since the last save.
Starting Excel and Opening a Workbook
Once you have created and saved a workbook, you may need to retrieve it from your
storage medium. For example, you might want to revise a worksheet or reprint it.
Opening a workbook requires that Excel is running on your computer.
To Start Excel
Click the Start button on the Windows 7 taskbar to display the Start menu.
Type Microsoft Excel as the search text in the ‘Search programs and files’ text
box and watch the search results appear on the Start menu.
Click Microsoft Excel 2010 in the search results on the Start menu to start Excel and display
a new blank workbook in the Excel window.
If the Excel window is not maximized, click the Maximize button next to the Close button
on its title bar to maximize the window.
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EX 48 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
To Open a Workbook from Excel
Earlier in this chapter you saved your project on a USB flash drive using the file name,
Save Sable River Foundation. The following steps open the Save Sable River Foundation file
from the Excel folder in the CIS 101 folder on the USB flash drive. For a detailed example of
the procedure summarized below, refer to page OFF 57 in the Office 2010 and Windows 7
chapter at the beginning of this book.
With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click File on the
Ribbon to open the Backstage view.
Click Open in the Backstage view to display the Open dialog box.
Navigate to the location of the file to be opened (in this case, the USB flash drive, then to
the CIS 101 folder [or your class folder], and then to the Excel folder).
Click Save Sable River Foundation to select the file to be opened.
Click the Open button (Open dialog box) to open the selected file and display the opened
workbook in the Excel window.
Use the AutoCalculate
area on the status bar to
check your work as you
enter data in a worksheet.
If you enter large amounts
of data, you select a range
of data and then check
the AutoCalculate area
to provide insight into
statistics about the data
you entered. Often, you
will have an intuitive feel
for whether the numbers
are accurate or if you
may have made a mistake
while entering the data.
You easily can obtain a total, an average, or other information about the numbers in a
range by using the AutoCalculate area on the status bar. First, select the range of cells
containing the numbers you want to check. Next, right-click the AutoCalculate area to
display the Status Bar Configuration shortcut menu (Figure 1– 72). The check mark to
the left of the active functions (Average, Count, and Sum) indicates that the sum, count,
and average of the selected range are displayed in the AutoCalculate area on the status bar.
The functions of the AutoCalculate commands on the Status Bar Configuration shortcut
menu are described in Table 1– 4.
Table 1– 4 AutoCalculate Shortcut Menu Commands
AutoCalculate area displays the average of the numbers in the selected range
AutoCalculate area displays the number of nonblank cells in the selected range
Numerical Count
AutoCalculate area displays the number of cells containing numbers in the selected range
AutoCalculate area displays the lowest value in the selected range
AutoCalculate area displays the highest value in the selected range
AutoCalculate area displays the sum of the numbers in the selected range
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To Use the AutoCalculate Area to Determine a Maximum
The following steps display the largest amounts of funds raised for any city for the Fun Runs fundraising activity.
• Select the range B6:G6
and then right-click
the AutoCalculate area
on the status bar to
display the Customize
Status Bar shortcut
menu (Figure 1– 72).
What is displayed on
the Customize Status
Bar shortcut menu?
Customize Status Bar
shortcut menu
selected range
is B6:G6
This shortcut menu
includes several
commands that allow
you to control the
items displayed on the
Customize Status Bar
shortcut menu. The
AutoCalculate area
includes six commands
as well as the result of
the associated calculation
on the right side of the menu.
values appear
on shortcut
AutoCalculate area
Maximum command
Figure 1– 72
• Click Maximum
on the shortcut
menu to display the
Maximum value in
the range B6:G6 in the
AutoCalculate area of
the status bar.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 49
AutoCalculate area
on status bar
AutoCalculate area
displays maximum
value in range B6:G6
Figure 1– 73
• Click anywhere on the worksheet to cause the shortcut menu to disappear (Figure 1– 73).
• Right-click the AutoCalculate area and then click Maximum on the shortcut menu to cause
the Maximum value to no longer appear in the AutoCalculate area.
• Click anywhere on the worksheet to cause the shortcut menu to disappear.
Correcting Errors
You can correct errors on a worksheet using one of several methods. The method you
choose will depend on the extent of the error and whether you notice it while typing the
data or after you have entered the incorrect data into the cell.
Correcting Errors While You Are Typing Data into a Cell
If you notice an error while you are typing data into a cell, press the backspace
key to erase the incorrect characters and then type the correct characters. If the error is a
major one, click the Cancel box in the formula bar or press the esc key to erase the entire
entry and then reenter the data from the beginning.
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EX 50 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Quick Reference
For a table that lists how
to complete the tasks
covered in this book
using the mouse, Ribbon,
shortcut menu, and
keyboard, see the Quick
Reference Summary at
the back of this book, or
visit the Excel 2010 Quick
Reference Web page
Correcting Errors After Entering Data into a Cell
If you find an error in the worksheet after entering the data, you can correct the
error in one of two ways:
1. If the entry is short, select the cell, retype the entry correctly, and then click the
Enter box or press the enter key. The new entry will replace the old entry.
2. If the entry in the cell is long and the errors are minor, using Edit mode may be
a better choice than retyping the cell entry. Use the Edit mode as described below.
a. Double-click the cell containing the error to switch Excel to Edit mode. In
Edit mode, Excel displays the active cell entry in the formula bar and a flashing
insertion point in the active cell (Figure 1– 74). With Excel in Edit mode, you
can edit the contents directly in the cell — a procedure called in-cell editing.
In-Cell Editing
An alternative to doubleclicking the cell to edit it is
to select the cell and then
press the F2 key.
b. Make changes using in-cell editing, as indicated below.
(1) To insert new characters between two characters, place the insertion
point between the two characters and begin typing. Excel inserts the
new characters at the location of the insertion point.
(2) To delete a character in the cell, move the insertion point to the left of the
character you want to delete and then press the delete key or place the
insertion point to the right of the character you want to delete and then
press the backspace key. You also can use the mouse to drag through
the character or adjacent characters you want to delete and then press
the delete key or click the Cut button (Home tab | Clipboard group).
(3) When you are finished editing an entry, click the Enter box or press
the enter key.
insertion point displayed
in cell after double-clicking
contents of cell B3
appear in formula bar
Figure 1– 74
Editing the Contents
of a Cell
Rather than using in-cell
editing, you can select
the cell and then click the
formula bar to edit the
When Excel enters the Edit mode, the keyboard usually is in Insert mode. In Insert
mode, as you type a character, Excel inserts the character and moves all characters to the
right of the typed character one position to the right. You can change to Overtype mode by
pressing the insert key. In Overtype mode, Excel overtypes, or replaces, the character
to the right of the insertion point. The insert key toggles the keyboard between Insert
mode and Overtype mode.
While in Edit mode, you may have reason to move the insertion point to various
points in the cell, select portions of the data in the cell, or switch from inserting characters
to overtyping characters. Table 1–5 summarizes the more common tasks performed
during in-cell editing.
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Move the insertion point to the
beginning of data in a cell.
Point to the left of the first character
and click.
Press HOME
Move the insertion point to the end
of data in a cell.
Point to the right of the last character
and click.
Press END
Move the insertion point anywhere
in a cell.
Point to the appropriate position and
click the character.
Highlight one or more adjacent
Drag the mouse pointer through
adjacent characters.
Table 1– 5 Summary of In-Cell Editing Tasks
Select all data in a cell.
Double-click the cell with the insertion
point in the cell if there are no spaces
in the data in the cell.
Delete selected characters.
Click the Cut button (Home tab |
Clipboard group)
Delete characters to the left of the
insertion point.
Delete characters to the right of the
insertion point.
Toggle between Insert and
Overtype modes.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 51
Excel Help
At any time while using
Excel, you can find answers
to questions and display
information about various
topics through Excel Help.
Used properly, this form
of assistance can increase
your productivity and
reduce your frustrations
by minimizing the time
you spend learning how to
use Excel. For instruction
about Excel Help and
exercises that will help you
gain confidence in using it,
read the Office 2010 and
Windows 7 chapter at the
beginning of this book.
Undoing the Last Cell Entry
Excel provides the Undo command on the Quick Access Toolbar (Figure 1– 75),
which allows you to erase recent cell entries. Thus, if you enter incorrect data in a cell and
notice it immediately, click the Undo button and Excel changes the cell entry to what it
was prior to the incorrect data entry.
Redo button
Select All
Undo button
Undo list contains
recent actions
Clear button
Figure 1– 75
Excel remembers the last 100 actions you have completed. Thus, you can undo up
to 100 previous actions by clicking the Undo button arrow to display the Undo list and
then clicking the action to be undone (Figure 1– 75). You can drag through several actions
in the Undo list to undo all of them at once. If no actions are available for Excel to undo,
then the Undo button is dimmed and inoperative.
The Redo button, next to the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar, allows you
to repeat previous actions.
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EX 52 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Clearing a Cell or Range of Cells
If you enter data into the wrong cell or range of cells, you can erase, or clear,
the data using one of the first four methods listed below. The fifth method clears the
formatting from the selected cells.
1. Select the cell or range of cells and then point to the fill handle so the mouse pointer
changes to a crosshair.
2. Drag the fill handle back into the selected cell or range until a shadow covers the cell
or cells you want to erase. Release the mouse button.
1. Select the cell or range of cells to be cleared.
2. Right-click the selection.
3. Click Clear Contents on the shortcut menu.
1. Select the cell or range of cells to be cleared.
2. Press the delete key.
1. Select the cell or range of cells to be cleared.
2. Click the Clear button (Home tab | Editing group) (Figure 1– 75 on the previous page).
3. Click Clear Contents on the menu.
Getting Back to Normal
If you accidentally assign
unwanted formats to a
range of cells, you can
use the Normal cell style
selection in the Cell Styles
gallery. Click Cell Styles
(Home tab | Styles group)
and then click Normal
in the Cell Styles gallery.
Doing so changes the
format to Normal style. To
view the characteristics of
the Normal style, rightclick the style in the Cell
Styles gallery and then
click Modify or press
The Microsoft Office
Specialist (MOS)
program provides an
opportunity for you
to obtain a valuable
industry credential —
proof that you have the
Excel 2010 skills required
by employers. For more
information, visit the
Excel 2010 Certification
Web page (
1. Select the cell or range of cells from which you want to remove the formatting.
2. Click the Cell Styles button (Home tab | Styles group) and point to Normal.
3. Click Normal in the Cell Styles Gallery.
The Clear button (Home tab | Editing group) is the only command that clears both
the cell entry and the cell formatting. As you are clearing cell entries, always remember
that you should never press the spacebar to clear a cell. Pressing the spacebar enters a
blank character. A blank character is text and is different from an empty cell, even though
the cell may appear empty.
Clearing the Entire Worksheet
If the required worksheet edits are extremely extensive, you may want to clear the
entire worksheet and start over. To clear the worksheet or delete an embedded chart, you
would use the following steps.
1. Click the Select All button on the worksheet (Figure 1– 75).
2. Click the Clear button (Home tab | Editing group) and then click Clear All on the
Clear menu to delete both the entries and formats.
The Select All button selects the entire worksheet. Instead of clicking the Select All
button, you can press ctrl+a. To clear an unsaved workbook, click the workbook’s Close
Window button or click the Close button in the Backstage view. Click the No button
if the Microsoft Excel dialog box asks if you want to save changes. To start a new, blank
workbook, click the New button in the Backstage view.
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1. Click the chart to select it.
2. Press the delete key.
To Quit Excel
The project now is complete. The following steps quit Excel. For a detailed example
of the procedure summarized below, refer to the Office 2010 and Windows 7 chapter at the
beginning of this book.
If you have one Excel workbook open, click the Close button on the right side of the title
bar to close the document and quit Excel; or if you have multiple Excel workbooks open,
click File on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view and then click Exit in the Backstage
view to close all open workbooks and quit Excel.
If a Microsoft Office Excel dialog box appears, click the Save button to save any changes
made to the document since the last save.
Quitting Excel
Do not forget to remove
your USB flash drive from
the USB port after quitting
Excel, especially if you are
working in a laboratory
environment. Nothing
can be more frustrating
than leaving all of your
hard work behind on a
USB flash drive for the
next user.
Excel Chapter 1
To delete an embedded chart, you would complete the following steps.
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 53
Chapter Summary
In this chapter you have learned how to enter text and numbers to create a worksheet, how to select a range, how to
use the Sum button, format cells, insert a chart, and preview and print a worksheet. The items listed below include
all the new Excel skills you have learned in this chapter.
To Start Excel (EX 6)
Enter the Worksheet Titles (EX 8)
Enter Column Titles (EX 10)
Enter Row Titles (EX 12)
Enter Numbers (EX 13)
Sum a Column of Numbers (EX 15)
Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells in a Row (EX 17)
Determine Multiple Totals at the Same Time (EX 18)
Save a Workbook (EX 20)
Change a Cell Style (EX 22)
Change the Font (EX 24)
Bold a Cell (EX 25)
Increase the Font Size of a Cell Entry (EX 26)
Change the Font Color of a Cell Entry (EX 27)
Center Cell Entries Across Columns by Merging
Cells (EX 28)
Format Column Titles and the Total Row (EX 29)
Format Numbers in the Worksheet (EX 31)
Adjust the Column Width (EX 33)
Use the Name Box to Select a Cell (EX 34)
Add a Clustered Cylinder Chart to the Worksheet
(EX 38)
21. Change the Worksheet Names (EX 42)
22. Change Document Properties (EX 43)
23. Save an Existing Workbook with the Same File
Name (EX 45)
24. Preview and Print a Worksheet in Landscape
Orientation (EX 46)
25. Quit Excel (EX 47)
26 Start Excel (EX 47)
27. Open a Workbook from Excel (EX 48)
28. Use the AutoCalculate Area to Determine a
Maximum (EX 49)
29. Clear Cell Entries Using the Fill Handle (EX 52)
30. Clear Cell Entries Using the Shortcut Menu
(EX 52)
31. Clear Cell Entries Using the delete Key (EX 52)
32. Clear Cell Entries and Formatting Using the Clear
Button (EX 52)
33. Clear Formatting Using the Cell Styles Button
(EX 52)
34. Clear the Entire Worksheet (EX 52)
35. Delete an Embedded Chart (EX 53)
If you have a SAM 2010 user profile, your instructor may have assigned an autogradable version
of this assignment. If so, log into the SAM 2010 Web site at
to download the instruction and start files.
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EX 54 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Learn It Online
Test your knowledge of chapter content and key terms.
Instructions: To complete the Learn It Online exercises, start your browser, click the Address bar, and
then enter the Web address When the Excel 2010 Learn It Online
page is displayed, click the link for the exercise you want to complete and then read the instructions.
Chapter Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA
A series of true/false, multiple choice, and short
answer questions that test your knowledge of the
chapter content.
Who Wants To Be a Computer Genius?
An interactive game that challenges your knowledge
of chapter content in the style of a television
quiz show.
Flash Cards
An interactive learning environment where
you identify chapter key terms associated with
displayed definitions.
Wheel of Terms
An interactive game that challenges your knowledge
of chapter key terms in the style of the television
show Wheel of Fortune.
Practice Test
A series of multiple choice questions that test your
knowledge of chapter content and key terms.
Crossword Puzzle Challenge
A crossword puzzle that challenges your knowledge
of key terms presented in the chapter.
Apply Your Knowledge
Reinforce the skills and apply the concepts you learned in this chapter.
Changing the Values in a Worksheet
Instructions: Start Excel. Open the workbook Apply 1– 1 Clothes Campus Third Quarter Expenses
(Figure 1– 76a). See the inside back cover of this book for instructions for downloading the Data Files
for Students, or see your instructor for information on accessing the files required in this book.
1. Make the changes to the worksheet described in Table 1– 6 so that the worksheet appears as shown
in Figure 1– 76b. As you edit the values in the cells containing numeric data, watch the totals in
row 7, the totals in column F, and the chart change.
2. Change the worksheet title in cell A1 to the Title cell style and then merge and center it across
columns A through F. Use buttons in the Font group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to change
the worksheet subtitle in cell A2 to 16-point Cambria red, bold font and then center it across
columns A through F. Use the Red, Accent 2
theme color (column 6, row 1 on the Font
Table 1–6 New Worksheet Data
gallery) for the red font color.
3. Apply the worksheet name, Third Quarter
Change Cell Contents To
Expenses, to the sheet tab and apply the Red,
Clothed for Campus
Accent 2 theme color to the sheet tab.
4. Change the document properties as specified
by your instructor. Save the workbook using
the file name, Apply 1– 1 Clothed for Campus
Third Quarter Expenses. Submit the revised
workbook as specified by your instructor.
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(a) Before
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 55
(b) After
Figure 1– 76
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EX 56 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Extend Your Knowledge
Extend the skills you learned in this chapter and experiment with new skills. You may need to
use Help to complete the assignment.
Formatting a Worksheet and Adding Additional Charts
Instructions: Start Excel. Open the workbook Extend 1– 1 Pack Right Moving Supplies. See the inside
back cover of this book for instructions for downloading the Data Files for Students, or see your
instructor for information on accessing the files required in this book. Perform the following tasks
to format cells in the worksheet and to add two charts to the worksheet.
1. Use the commands in the Font group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to change the font of the
title in cell A1 to 22-point Arial Black, green, bold, and the subtitle of the worksheet to 14-point
Arial, red, bold.
2. Select the range A3:G8, click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, and then click the Dialog Box Launcher
in the Charts group on the Ribbon to open the Insert Chart dialog box. If necessary, drag the
lower-right corner of the Insert Chart dialog box to expand it (Figure 1– 77).
Clustered Horizontal
Cone chart type
Stacked Area in 3-D
chart type
Figure 1– 77
3. Insert a Stacked Area in 3-D chart by clicking the Stacked Area in 3-D chart in the gallery and then
clicking the OK button. You may need to use the scroll box on the right side of the Insert Chart
dialog box to view the Area charts in the gallery. Move the chart either below or to the right of the
data in the worksheet. Click the Design tab and apply a chart style of your choice to the chart.
4. Deselect the chart and reselect the range A3:G8, and then follow Step 3 above to insert a Clustered
Horizontal Cone chart in the worksheet. Move the chart either below or to the right of the data so
that each chart does not overlap the Stacked Area in 3-D chart. Make sure to make the values on
the horizontal axis readable by expanding the size of the chart. Choose a different chart style for
this chart than the one you selected for the Stacked Area in 3-D chart.
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5. Resize each chart so that each snaps to the worksheet gridlines. You may need to scroll the
worksheet to resize and view the charts. Preview the worksheet.
6. Apply a worksheet name to the sheet tab and apply a color of your choice to the sheet tab.
7. Change the document properties as specified by your instructor. Save the workbook using the file
name, Extend 1– 1 Pack Right Moving Supplies Charts. Submit the revised workbook as specified
by your instructor.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 57
Make It Right
Analyze a workbook and correct all errors and/or improve the design.
Fixing Formatting Problems and Data Errors in a Worksheet
Instructions: Start Excel. Open the workbook Make It Right 1– 1 Pets. See the inside back cover of this
book for instructions for downloading the Data Files for Students, or see your instructor for information on accessing the files required for this book. Correct the following formatting problems and data
errors (Figure 1– 78) in the worksheet, while keeping in mind the guidelines presented in this chapter.
in cell A1
worksheet titles
not formatted
no total column
grand total does
not display
spelling mistake
in cell C3
column and
row headings
require proper
incorrect total
in cell E8
chart improperly
sized and placed
Figure 1– 78
1. Merge and center the worksheet title and subtitle appropriately.
2. Format the worksheet title with a cell style appropriate for a worksheet title.
3. Format the subtitle using commands in the Font group on the Home tab on the Ribbon and apply
the Red, Accent 2 color to the subtitle.
4. Correct the spelling mistake in cell A1 by changing Quixotic to Exotic. Correct the spelling mistake
in cell C3 by changing Clevland to Cleveland.
Continued >
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EX 58 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Make It Right
5. Add a column header for totals in column F and create the necessary totals in row 8.
6. Apply proper formatting to the column headers and total row, including centering the column
7. Adjust the column sizes so that all data in each column is visible.
8. Create the grand total for the annual cost of goods.
9. The SUM function in cell E8 does not sum all of the numbers in the column. Correct this error
by editing the range for the SUM function in the cell.
10. Resize and move the chart so that it is below the worksheet data and does not extend past the right
edge of the worksheet data. Be certain to snap the chart to the worksheet gridlines by holding down
the ALT key as you resize the chart to the right edge of column F and the bottom of row 22.
11. Apply a worksheet name to the sheet tab and apply the Aqua, Accent 5 color to the sheet tab.
12. Change the document properties as specified by your instructor. Save the workbook using the
file name, Make It Right 1– 1 Exotic Pets Annual Cost of Goods. Submit the revised workbook
as specified by your instructor.
In the Lab
Design and/or create a workbook using the guidelines, concepts, and skills presented in this
chapter. Labs 1, 2, and 3 are listed in order of increasing difficulty.
Lab 1: Annual Revenue Analysis Worksheet
Problem: You work as a spreadsheet specialist for A Healthy Body Shop, a high-end total fitness center
franchise. Your manager has asked you to develop an annual revenue analysis worksheet similar to the
one shown in Figure 1– 79.
Figure 1– 79
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Instructions: Perform the following tasks.
1. Start Excel. Enter the worksheet title, A Healthy Body Shop, in cell A1 and the worksheet subtitle,
Annual Revenue Analysis, in cell A2. Beginning in row 3, enter the franchise locations, fitness
activities, and annual revenues shown in Table 1– 7.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 59
New York
Weight Training
Yoga & Stretching
Table 1– 7 A Healthy Body Shop Annual Revenues
2. Create totals for each franchise location, fitness activity, and company grand total.
3. Format the worksheet title with the Title cell style. Center the title across columns A through G.
Do not be concerned if the edges of the worksheet title are not displayed.
4. Format the worksheet subtitle to 14-point Constantia dark blue, bold font, and center it across
columns A through G.
5. Use Cell Styles to format the range A3:G3 with the Heading 3 cell style, the range A4:G8 with the
40% - Accent 6 cell style, and the range A9:G9 with the Total cell style. Center the column headers
in row 3. Apply the Accounting Number format to the range B4:G4 and the range B9:G9. Apply the
Comma Style to the range B5:G8. Adjust any column widths to the widest text entry in each column.
6. Select the range A3:F8 and then insert a Clustered Cylinder chart. Apply the Style 26 chart style to
the chart. Move and resize the chart so that it appears in the range A11:G24. If the labels along the
horizontal axis (x-axis) do not appear as shown in Figure 1– 79, then drag the right side of the chart
so that it is displayed in the range A11:G24.
7. Apply the worksheet name, Annual Revenue Analysis, to the sheet tab and apply the Orange, Accent 6,
Darker 25% color to the sheet tab. Change the document properties, as specified by your instructor.
8. Save the workbook using the file name Lab 1-1 A Healthy Body Shop Annual Revenue Analysis.
9. Preview and print the worksheet in landscape orientation.
10. Make the following two corrections to the sales amounts: 62,675.45 for New York Weight Training
(cell D7), 67,238.56 for Portland Cardiovascular (cell F5). After you enter the corrections, the
company totals in cell G8 should equal $1,723,864.05.
11. Preview and print the revised worksheet in landscape orientation. Close the workbook without
saving the changes.
12. Submit the assignment as specified by your instructor.
In the Lab
Lab 2: Semiannual Sales Analysis Worksheet
Problem: As the chief accountant for Play ‘em Again, a reseller of cell phones, DVDs, electronic games,
MP3 players, and accessories, you have been asked by the vice president to create a worksheet to analyze
the semiannual sales for the company by products across sales channels (Figure 1– 80 on the following
page). The sales channels and corresponding revenue by product for the year are shown in Table 1– 8.
Continued >
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EX 60 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
In the Lab
Figure 1– 80
Instructions: Perform the following tasks.
1. Create the worksheet shown in Figure 1– 80 using the data in Table 1– 8.
2. Use the SUM function to determine total revenue for the three sales channels, the totals for
each product, and the company total. Add column and row headings for the totals row and totals
column, as appropriate.
Table 1– 8 Play ‘em Again Semiannual Revenue
Cell Phones
PlayStation 3s
3. Format the worksheet title with the Title cell style and center it across columns A through E. Use
the Font group on the Ribbon to format the worksheet subtitle to 16-point Cambria red, bold font.
Center the title across columns A through E.
4. Format the range B3:E3 with the Heading 3 cell style and center the text in the cells. Format the
range A4:E16 with the 20% - Accent 4 cell style, and the range B9:E9 with the Total cell style.
Format cells B4:E4 and B17:E17 with the Accounting Number Format and cells B5:E16 with the
Comma Style numeric format.
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5. Create a pie chart that shows the revenue contributions of each sales channel. Chart the sales channel
names (B3:D3) and corresponding totals (B17:D17). That is, select the range B3:D3, and then while
holding down the ctrl key, select the range B17:D17. Insert the Pie in 3-D chart, as shown in
Figure 1– 80, by using the Pie button (Insert tab | Charts group). Use the chart location F3: K17.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 61
6. Apply the worksheet name, Semiannual Revenue, to the sheet tab and apply the Purple, Accent 4,
Lighter 80% color to the sheet tab. Change the document properties, as specified by your instructor.
7. Save the workbook using the file name, Lab 1-2 Play ‘em Again Semiannual Revenue. Print the
worksheet in landscape orientation.
8. Two corrections to the figures were sent in from the accounting department. The correct revenue
is $118,124.45 for Cell Phones sold through the mail (cell B5) and $43,573.67 for iPods sold over
the Web (cell D11). After you enter the two corrections, the company total in cell E17 should equal
$8,723,956.77. Print the revised worksheet in landscape orientation.
9. Use the Undo button to change the worksheet back to the original numbers in Table 1– 8. Use the
Redo button to change the worksheet back to the revised state.
10. Close Excel without saving the latest changes. Start Excel and open the workbook saved in Step 7.
Double-click cell E6 and use in-cell editing to change the PSPs revenue (cell C14) to $128,857.32.
Write the company total in cell E17 at the top of the first printout. Click the Undo button.
11. Click cell A1 and then click the Merge & Center button on the Home tab on the Ribbon to
split cell A1 into cells A1, B1, C1, D1, and E1. To merge the cells into one again, select the range
A1:E1 and then click the Merge & Center button.
12. Close the workbook without saving the changes. Submit the assignment as specified by your instructor.
In the Lab
Lab 3: Projected College Cash Flow Analysis Worksheet
Problem: Attending college is an expensive proposition and your resources are limited. To plan for
your four-year college career, you have decided to organize your anticipated resources and expenses
in a worksheet. The data required to prepare your worksheet is shown in Table 1– 9.
Table 1– 9 College Cost and Resources
529 Plans
Financial Aid
Activities Fee
Room & Board
Continued >
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EX 62 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
In the Lab
Instructions Part 1: Using the numbers in Table 1– 9, create the worksheet shown in columns A through F
in Figure 1– 81. Format the worksheet title as Calibri 24-point bold purple. Merge and center the
worksheet title in cell A1 across columns A through F. Format the worksheet subtitles in cells A2 and
A11 as Calibri 16-point bold red. Format the ranges A3:F3 and A12:F12 with the Heading 2 cell style
and center the text in the cells. Format the ranges A4:F9 and A13:F19 with the 20% - Accent 2 cell style,
and the ranges A10:F10 and A20:F20 with the Total cell style.
Change the name of the sheet tab and apply the Purple color from the Standard Colors area
to the sheet tab. Update the document properties, including the addition of at least one keyword to the
properties, and save the workbook using the file name, Lab 1-3 Part 1 College Resources and Expenses.
Print the worksheet. Submit the assignment as specified by your instructor.
Figure 1– 81
After reviewing the numbers, you realize you need to increase manually each of the
Sophomore-year expenses in column C by $400, except for the Activities Fee. Change the Sophomoreyear expenses to reflect this change. Manually change the Parents resources for the Sophomore year
by the amount required to cover the increase in costs. The totals in cells F10 and F20 should equal
$91,642.87. Print the worksheet. Close the workbook without saving changes.
Instructions Part 2: Open the workbook Lab 1-3 Part 1 College Resources and Expenses and then save
the workbook using the file name, Lab 1-3 Part 2 College Resources and Expenses. Insert an Exploded
pie in 3-D chart in the range G3:K10 to show the contribution of each category of resources for the
Freshman year. Chart the range A4:B9 and apply the Style 26 chart style to the chart. Add the Pie chart
title as shown in cell G2 in Figure 1– 81. Insert an Exploded pie in 3-D chart in the range G12:K20 to
show the contribution of each category of expenses for the Freshman year. Chart the range A13:B19
and apply the Style 26 chart style to the chart. Add the Pie chart title shown in cell G11 in Figure 1– 81.
Save the workbook. Print the worksheet in landscape orientation. Submit the assignment as specified by
your instructor.
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Instructions Part 3: Open the workbook Lab 1-3 Part 2 College Resources and Expenses and then save
the workbook using the file name, Lab 1-3 Part 3 College Resources and Expenses. A close inspection
of Table 1– 9 shows that both cost and financial support figures increase 7% each year. Use Excel
Help to learn how to enter the data for the last three years using a formula and the Copy and Paste
buttons (Home tab | Clipboard group). For example, the formula to enter in cell C4 is =B4*1.07. Enter
formulas to replace all the numbers in the range C4:E9 and C13:E19. If necessary, reformat the tables,
as described in Part 1. The worksheet should appear as shown in Figure 1– 81, except that some of
the totals will be off by approximately 0.01 due to rounding errors. Save the workbook. Submit the
assignment as specified by your instructor. Close the workbook without saving changes.
Excel Chapter 1
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Excel Chapter 1 EX 63
Cases and Places
Apply your creative thinking and problem solving skills to design and implement a solution.
1: Analyzing Quarterly Expenses
To estimate the funds needed by your school’s Travel Club to make it through the upcoming quarter,
you decide to create a report for the club itemizing the expected quarterly expenses. The anticipated
expenses are listed in Table 1– 10. Use the concepts and techniques presented in this chapter to create
the worksheet and an embedded Clustered Cylinder chart. Be sure to use an appropriate chart style
that compares the quarterly cost of each expense. Total each expense item and each quarter. Include a
grand total for all of the expenses. Use the AutoCalculate area to determine the average amount spent
per quarter on each expense. Manually insert the averages with appropriate titles in an appropriate area
on the worksheet.
Table 1– 10 Travel Club Quarterly Expenses
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Copies and Supplies
Meeting Room Rent
Speaker Fees
2: Create an Exploded Pie in 3-D Chart to Summarize Property Values
Your wealthy Aunt Nicole owns several properties of varying value. She would like to see the values
of the properties in a worksheet and chart that helps her to better understand her investments.
She has asked you to develop a worksheet totaling the values of the properties and also to include
other relevant statistics. The property values are: Property 1, $56,671.99; Property 2, $82,276.58;
Property 3, $60,135.45; Property 4, $107,373.39; and Property 5, $87,512.82. Create an Exploded pie
in 3-D chart to illustrate the relative property values. Use the AutoCalculate area to find the average,
maximum, and minimum property values and manually enter them and their corresponding identifiers
in an appropriate area of the worksheet. Use the Sum button to total the property values.
Continued >
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EX 64 Excel Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Cases and Places
3: Analyzing Historical Yearly Sales
You are working part-time for Noble’s Mobile Services. Your manager has asked you to prepare a
worksheet to help her analyze historical yearly sales by type of product (Table 1– 11). Use the concepts
and techniques presented in this chapter to create the worksheet and an embedded 3-D Clustered
Column chart that includes proper numerical formatting, totaling, and formatting of the worksheet.
Table 1–11 Noble’s Mobile Services Historical Yearly Sales
Camera Phones
Music Phones
Other Accessories
Satellite Radios
Standard Mobile Phones
Wireless PDAs
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