Racial Categories: Drawing Color Lines in Society Snow white Midnight black Continuous Traits = skin color, height, brain size, nose width, leg length, leg length ratio, # of fast twitch muscle fibers, etc. Discrete Traits = blood type, sickle cell trait, etc. Racial category lines can be drawn anywhere and everywhere on this continuum! We could draw 2 or 2000 lines; our decisions are a social decisions, not decisions based on biology. Some people draw many; others draw few; some reject lines. 1 ! !! ! # $ " # ' # (# % % ' ) & * +, - # 2 " . ) # " " " # % $ " Why have stereotypes about Native Americans persisted in U.S. sports? Why have other ethnic stereotypes been rejected in U.S. sports? 3 Using Native American team names has often led to offensive media coverage ' % . . / " ! ! " 4