Introduction to Programming with C#

Faculty Connection resources
Introduction to Programming with C#
Microsoft Curriculum Resources
1.0 Programming Language Fundamentals – From Java to C#
Interested in learning C#? These curriculum materials, build on your expertise in Java to introduce
C#, .NET and Visual Studio. The curriculum consists of 12 modules covering approximately 15 hours
of core ACM requirements. The modular curriculum facilitates as much or as little of the content to
be used.
Additional modules are expected in Fall 2011. In the interim, materials for the SIGCSE tutorial
presentation including slides, demos and labs can be obtained here.
From Java to C# Overview
Intro to C# Overview
Intro to C# files
Visual Studio Overview
Visual Studio Files
.NET Platform Overview
.NET Platform Files
Classes and OOP Overview
Classes and OOP Files
Slides, Source Code, Lab Exercises, Video
2.0 C# Development
Rob Miles, a professor at the University of
Hull, released his C# teaching materials free of
charge. He called it the “yellow book”, since it
is structured like a normal book, and made it
available from
The book contains 185 pages and covers
everything from how to start with C# (like
the basic language constructs) to how to create user interfaces and components. It even
includes how to encapsulate the logic of your
application into business objects.
The C# Book is used as the basis of the first
year programming course by the Computer
Science Department at the University of Hull.
3.0 Basic .NET Object Oriented
Programming (C#)
This is an introduction to computer programming that is an overview of the Microsoft
.NET Platform and C#.
This contains lecture slides (10 decks) with
quizzes that have sections on:
1. Introduction to Computer Programming,
2. Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform,
3. Overview of C#, 4. Basic C# Element and
Value-Type Variables, 5. Operators and
Expressions, 6. Decision Statements,
7. Iteration Statements, 8. Methods and
Parameters, 9. Arrays, and 10. Review Project.
4.0 Advanced .NET Object Oriented
Programming (C#)
This is Part II of the sections of Introduction to
Computer Programming, Essentials of ObjectOriented Programming, Reference Type
Variables, and Inheritance in C#.
This contains lecture slides (13 decks) with
quizzes that have sections on: 1. Overview of
the Microsoft .NET Platform, 2. Essentials of
Object-Oriented Programming, 3. Reference
Type Variables, 4. Creating and Destroying
Objects, 5. Inheritance in C#, 6. Aggregation,
Namespaces, and Advanced Scope,
7. Operators and Events, 8. Properties and
Indexers, 9. Attributes, 10. Generics, 11.
Anonymous Methods, 12. Iterators, and 13.
Partial Types.
• Visit Suggested Resources at for more
information on Programming
• If you have questions, please email
• To learn about all of the resources
available to help you prepare your
curriculum, including the online
Resource kits, visit:
Training resources and related materials
from Faculty Connection
Visual C# 2008 How to Program, 3/E
Deitel & Deitel, Prentice Hall
C# Software Solutions: Foundations of
Program Design, 1/E by John Lewis,
Learning C# 2005, 2/E by Jesse Liberty &
Brian MacDonald
Visual C# 2008 Express and Visual
Studio 2010 Professional are available for
download on DreamSpark Software Page
(individual downloads for students) or from
MSDNAA program
MSDN Academic Alliance
The MSDN Academic Alliance is the easiest
and most inexpensive way for academic
departments to make the latest Microsoft
software available in labs, classrooms and
on student PC’s. The program is available in
more than 160 countries worldwide.
C# 2008 and .NET Programming for
Electronic Engineers, John Allwork, Elector.
The materials and book cover the Visual
Studio 2010 development environment,
the .NET framework and C# programming
language from data types and program
flow to program debugging, file handling,
databases, Internet communication, and
plotting before moving to hardware interfacing using serial and parallel ports and the
USB port. It includes a hardware design for a
simple oscilloscope using a parallel port and
interfacing to analog and digital I/O using
the USB port, and is aimed at engineers and
scientists who want to learn about the .NET
environment and C# programming.
It is complete with many program examples,
self-assessment exercises and references to
supporting videos. Full program examples
are available, as is support for university lecturers, in the form of PowerPoint presentations. Visit C# 2008 and .NET for Electronic
Engineers support site by John Allwork.
Visual Basic
• Videos
Visual C#
• Videos
Visual C++
• Videos
Visual Studio
• Developer Center Library
• Training Portal
• Videos
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET
Framework 4
• Training Kit
Digipen Train the Trainers Presentations
This ten-session video presentation for
instructors can give students a solid
understanding of the concepts of C#. The
material uses computer games as a medium
to engage students. It guides teaching and
learning through the use of graphic and
non-graphic applications.
It includes instructor readiness readings,
presentation deck, student deck, examples,
and exercises.
Java to C#
Curriculum Training Supplements:
• “How Do I?” Videos for Visual Studio
• Getting Started with Visual C# using the Visual Studio IDE and C# samples (from MSDN)
• MSDN Support Forums for .NET Development, Visual Studio (including setup), C# language and Visual Studio Debugger
The “Download PDF eBook” by Rob Miles
that provides easy translations to learn C#
for a Java programmer and is written in an
FAQ format. (463KB, 24 pages)
For more information,
please contact: