2015-2016 UIL RESOURCES AD Testing Services • P.O. Box 1222 • San Marcos, TX 78667 • sales@itsasport.com • www.itsasport.com PHONE (512) 557-4621 • FAX (214) 296-9665 UIL Social Studies Resources STATE WINNING MATERIAL AD Testing Services offers several affordable options including: •A meticulously detailed Study Guide 2014-2015 (World War I) •Fall and Spring Practice Testing Subscriptions (5 tests each) UIL Current Events Resources STATE WINNING MATERIAL AD Testing Services features a Bi-Weekly 2015-2016 Testing Subscription that includes 40 detailed questions and an essay question along with detailed answers with explanations for each question. Also offered is a 2015-2016 Current Events Study Guide which covers key developing areas of news. UIL Extemporaneous Speaking Resources STATE WINNING MATERIAL AD Testing Services offers Bi-Weekly Topic 2015-2016 Subscriptions which includes 40 speaking topics featuring both domestic and international areas. Topics include article links and suggested talking points. UIL Number Sense Resources VALUABLE STUDY RESOURCE Prepare students for success with Number Sense Resources featuring Testing Packets containing 10 tests each. Difficulty of questions will range from invitational to state level and help prepare the student for success. UIL Computer Science Resources STEP BY STEP SOLUTIONS Take advantage of our Testing Packets. Each consists of 10 UIL multiple choice format tests. Each tests features solutions and detailed step by step explanations about how to solve each problem. UIL Science Resources PREPARE FOR SUCCESS Prepare students to succeed with the Science Testing Packetsconsisting of 10 tests. Also take advantage of our UIL Science Study Guide which includes a detailed analysis of biology, chemistry, and physics testing areas. UIL Accounting Resources TOOLS TO SUCCEED AD Testing Services offers both a detailed Study Guide as well as Fall and Spring Test Subscriptions with answer explanations with 5 tests each. UIL Literary Criticism Resources GREAT STUDY TOOL AD Testing Services offers several affordable options including a detailed 2015-2016 Study Guide for yearly reading materials, History and Terms. We also offer Fall and Spring Practice Test Subscriptions with 5 tests each. UNLIMITED ONLINE ACCESS • EASY & A F F O R D A B L E AWESOME STUDY PRODUCTS AT GREAT PRICES- See next page for more information PLEASE SEND ORDER FORM TO: BY MAIL: AD Testing Services, P.O. Box 1222, San Marcos, TX 78667 OR FAX TO: (214) 296-9665 Fall test releases and and study guides begin Sept 14, 2015 • Spring test releases begin January 18, 2016 Extemp begins Sept 7, 2015 • Current Events begins Sept 14th, 2015 UIL Social Studies _____ SS-1 Social Studies Study Guide _____ SS-2 Social Studies Testing Packet #1 _____ SS-3 Social Studies Testing Packet #2 $65.00 $55.00 $55.00 UIL Current Events _____ CE-1 Current Events Study Guide _____ CE-2 Current Events Tests $75.00 $75.00 UIL Extemp _____ EX-1 Extemp Releases $60.00 UIL Number Sense _____ NS-1 2014-2015 Series Tests _____ NS-2 2013-2014 Series Tests _____ NS-3 2012-2013 Series Tests $60.00 $45.00 $45.00 UIL Computer Science _____ CS-1 2014-2015 Tests _____ CS-2 2013-2014 Tests _____ CS-3 2012-2013 Tests $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 UIL Science _____ SC-1 Science Study Guide _____ SC-2 2014-2015 Tests $75.00 $50.00 UIL Accounting _____ AC-1 Accounting Study Guide _____ AC-2 Fall Tests Release _____ AC-3 Spring Test Release $65.00 $50.00 $50.00 UIL Literary Criticism _____ LC-1 Literary Criticism Study Guide _____ LC-2 Lit Crit Fall Releases _____ LC-3 Lit Crit Spring Releases $70.00 $55.00 $55.00 BUNDLES _____ _____ _____ _____ Name: Address: City: Phone: All 2015-2016 UIL Products 2015-2016 Social Studies, Current Events, and Extemp 2015-2016 Accounting 2015-2016 Current Events and Literary Criticism St: Zip: $800.00 $340.00 $150.00 $300.00 Sponsor: Sponsor Email: Purchase Order #: Vendor # (if known): Subtotal From All Sections Above: 8.25% Sales Tax or Tax-Exempt Number: TOTAL SALE AMOUNT: