WASC-ARC Handouts Halfaker and Belcher

Using Program Review to Identify and Effect Needed Change
Dr. Stephen Halfaker
Dr. Alan Belcher
Ashford University
Handouts for WASC-ARC 2014
 OversightSummaryLeadershipGroup(associateandchairs)
 Content/RigorTeam
 DatacollectionandAnalysisTeam(s)
 ComparativeProgramTeam
 FacultyP/Dteam
MAED Action Plan
Review of Action Items
February Update and Plan for Next Quarter
Action Item AI:
Goal Accomplished: PLOs revised and being implemented through course development,
course revisions, and rubric development
Action Item AII: Completion Date in Action Plan January 2015
Goal: Identify signature assignments for the eight core courses and the four specializations in
the program review (Curriculum and Instruction; Higher Education, Special Education, and
Teacher Leader) and map student performance to the revised PLOs. Develop Waypoint rubrics
for these signature assignments. Course of Action:
March: Remapathon of MAED courses to new PLOs; this will determine strengths and
gaps in courses and what courses need to be redesigned or redeveloped. Members to
include in this process are:
o Tricia, Aida, Amy, Lisa, Melissa, Allison, Laurie
April: Identify signature assignments in all courses; embed the language about artifacts
for representing the signature assignment in each of the core courses and the
specializations. Members to include in this process are:
o Amy, Lisa, Melissa, Allison, Laurie
o OR Each Faculty Lead identifies the signature assignment in each course they
serve as faculty lead
o Jennifer Wurch and Curriculum Specialist (Amy) and Lisa starts to embed the
language of saving all signature assignments for future submission to an
electronic portfolio
April to December, 2014: Develop Waypoint rubrics for the following in the order
o Eight core courses
o Four specializations identified in the MAED Program Review
o Rubric for each Signature Assignment for all four courses in each specialization,
one rubric per course by the end of 2014 (Requirement of Dr. Williams)
o 2014 – Through 2015: Waypoint Rubric Development Schedule based on largest
enrollment numbers in these courses; continue to develop Waypoint Rubrics for
ALL written assignments for these courses: ECE 611, ECE 612, ECE 623, EDU
635, EDU 644, EDU 647, ESE 697, ESE 691
o Evaluate what courses are remaining that still need Waypoint Rubrics to be
MAED Action Plan Reviewed 2.26.14
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Course Redesign: April to July, EDU 639: Involves Greg Sherman and one other
faculty member
Action Item AIII:
Goal: Adjust course content and expectations based on credit hour analysis.
Plan: Request Tricia Lawrence trains Karen Conzett on Dashboard to monitor data on drop
rates, retention, and persistence. Assign Karen Conzett to develop and monitor a spreadsheet to
monitor the following elements:
Waypoint Rubric Yes/No, Date
Credit Hour Calculations: Yes / No/ Credit hour / Adjustments to the course completed
Faculty Lead
Standard Guidance Yes / No
Signature Assignment
PLO Alignment: Indicate which PLOs with Introduced, Reinforced, Mastered
Drop Rate; Retention; Persistence (with support from Tricia Lawrence)
PathBrite ePortfolio language in the course shell
Action Item AIV:
Goal: Seminars for high-quality instructive feedback and MAED faculty learning community
around feedback and other learning innovations.
Plan: MAED Instructive Feedback Webinar occurred during the third quarter of 2013, the plan
is to do a follow up webinar to the first webinar. The webinar will be promoted through the
CETL and the QUAD to engage faculty members. This approach will satisfy this goal statement.
MAED faculty learning community around feedback and other learning innovations: this will be
included in a professional development topic in each MAED faculty meeting and implementation
of a monthly book study for all core faculties in the MAED.
Action Item AV:
Goal: Analyze and revise courses and instruction for EDU 626 and EDU 645: Completed third
quarter of 2013.
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Goal: Alumni data-gathering tools to include input on the PLOs: End of Course Survey (EOCS)
being collected and analyzed. Work on alumni survey information still under review with the
Office of Institutional Research.
Goal: Explore options for master’s introductory course, modules, and resources to clarify
expectations, program goals, and resource support for students.
Plan: Task Force between MALT and MAED has been operational since January with a target
date of March, 2014 to meet with both program chairs to review the resources proposed for a
graduate culture resource section to be included in each course shell. Lisa Johnson will serve as
the Instructional Design Specialist to organize this content in an accessible, engaging format to
serve as a guide and resource to graduate students throughout their MAED or MALT program.
Topics of Priority for MAED Program
1. Course Development for MA in Special Education: based on approval from the COE,
Graduate Committee, and the Faculty Senate; the faculty in the MAED program will be
required to develop the course work for this program by March, 2015. A program chair
for this focus will be selected to include the support of two other faculty members.
2. Teach Now: Licensure program embedded within the MAED program as a
specialization option offering practicum and student teaching experiences to lead to a
MAED degree and licensure requirements is currently being investigated.
3. PathBrite ePortfolio: Courses of EDU 650 and EDU 695 will go live on 7.1.14 with the
language to support signature assignments and inclusion of these assignments / artifacts
in PathBrite. All students enrolling in the MAED program on 7.1.14 will be required to
submit one artifact from each course in the ePortfolio within the capstone course. The
unanswered question that must be resolved is when to implement the ePortfolio
requirements with students currently enrolled in the MAED program.
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