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2014 Arkansas SOPHE Health Education Conference
Health Education on the Move:
Enhancing the Role of the Health Educator
March 14, 2014
UCA Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center, Conway, Arkansas
Sponsored by: The Arkansas Minority Health Commission and
Arkansas Board of Health Education
8:30 – 3:30
Room 101
Exhibits and Student Poster Session
8:30 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:15
Room 111/113
Opening Remarks
LaShonda Norris, CHAA – AR SOPHE President
Room 111/113
Keynote Address
Opportunities and Challenges for Health Educators Under the Affordable Care Act:
Maximizing the Role of Health Education Specialists
Speaker: Jeffrey Goodman, MPH, Chair of Policy and Advocacy, SOPHE
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 1, 2, 4 and 5
Overview: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) presents new opportunities
for health education specialists to broaden their impact and participate in various new models of
service delivery geared toward primary prevention and chronic disease management. New models
of reimbursement and service delivery call for health educators’
skills in coordinating and integrating care for the “whole
person”; assisting in navigating the health care system;
conducting community needs assessments; building bridges
between patients and health/medical care organizations that are
required to have patient engagement and feedback; identifying
structural barriers to care, and; designing culturally competent
and patient-centered programs to improve health outcomes.
This session will provide an update on major federal initiatives,
examples of success stories at major health organizations to
work within the new reimbursement models, a review of the
roles and competencies of health education specialists and other
overlapping job titles such as community health workers and patient navigators. Attention will be
paid towards the possible future of adding clinical knowledge to the skillset of a health education
specialist with examples drawn from the recent development whereby a health educator can be
eligible to sit for the diabetes educator certification exam. Finally, ideas for local advocacy ideas
to promote the profession will be offered along with an open discussion of the topic.
10:15 – 10:30
Concurrent Sessions
Room 111/113
Health Education in Motion-“Speed Networking”
Facilitator: Latina R. Sheard, and Sabra M. Miller, M.Ed, AVAA
CEUs: Not Applicable
Overview: “It’s not all about what you know; it’s about who you know.” If you are tired of
hearing this myth, the “Speed Networking,” session is the place for you. This will be an exciting,
structured event designed to enhance your networking skills and build relationships.
Room 112
Mobile Apps to Promote Health and Wellness
Speaker: Heather Hudson, PhD, CHES
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing
Overview: Mobile technologies and networks are increasingly expanding in their sophistication
and capacity, and new applications are enhancing the ways in which individuals interact and
engage in transactions. Mobile technologies are beginning to show improvements in access to
health services and information, quality of care, and efficiency. This presentation will examine
how mobile technologies are revolutionizing approaches to health education.
Room 114
Current Status of Bullying Prevention Programming
Speaker: Alexandra Marshall, PhD, CHES
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 1 and 2
Overview: Bullying among youth - especially bullying that targets sexual minority youth - has
been and continues to be a hot topic. Policies have been written and programs have been
recommended, but what is the current status of prevention programming in Arkansas and in the
U.S.? Current state and national data, existing anti-bullying policies, and the status of current
prevention programs will be discussed.
Room 101
Grant and Proposal Writing
Speaker: Michelle Malizia, MA
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 1
Overview: Designed for beginning grant writers, this presentation provides a general overview of
a proposal including: documenting the need; identifying the target population; writing measurable
objectives; and developing a work plan.
11:35 – 12:35
Concurrent Sessions
Room 112
Motivational Interviewing: Changing the Conversation
Speakers: Sandra R. Brown, MNSc, APRN and Joseph A. Banken
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 2 and 3
Overview: Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative conversation style that is effective when
patients are ambivalent about making changes in the best interest of their health and well-being.
The focus of the presentation will be the Spirit of Motivational Interviewing and the importance
of healthcare clinicians changing their conversation style to enhance patient self-management.
Room 114
Environmental Health Trends
Speaker: Duston Morris, PhD, MS, CHES, CTRS, ACE - CPT
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing
Overview: Human population trends are centrally important to environmental science. This
presentation will address current trends and issues related to the increasing world population, and
its impact on finite resources, chronic disease and public health.
Room 103
Student Session: Preparing for the Interview
Speakers: Sabra Miller, M.Ed, AVAA and Kaye Murry
CEUs: Not Applicable
Overview: The job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose. Your goal is to show the
employer that you have the skills, background, and the ability to do the job and that you can
successfully fit into the organization and its culture. The interview is also your opportunity to
gather information about the job, the organization, and future career opportunities to determine if
the position and work environment are right for you. Join us and learn how to prepare for the
ever-daunting interview. This workshop will give you the chance to get comfortable with the
format, receive advice from people in the business, and directly ask real interviewers questions
about what interviewers are looking for.
12:35 – 1:35
Room 111/113
Keynote Address:
“Seize the Day:” The Successful Navigation to Becoming a Certified Diabetes
Educator in Arkansas
Speaker: Rhonda Monfee, MS, RD, CDE
CEUs: Not applicable
Overview: The prevalence of diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in Arkansas. The
prevalence has been at or above the national average for the past 15 years. Prevention is the key
to halting the unfolding diabetes epidemic. Identification of the risk factors among the population
and promotion of primary prevention measures are the first steps. The risk factors associated with
a person developing diabetes can be classified as either modifiable risk factors such as obesity
and physical inactivity, or non-modifiable risk factors such as age, race and family history of
diabetes. This presentation will examine the importance of diabetes education and how to
become certified in Arkansas.
1:35 – 2:35
Concurrent Sessions
Room 112
No More Yawning, Part 1
Speaker: Michelle Malizia, MA
CEUs: M/CHES, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 3 and 6
Overview: Are people falling asleep or checking their watches during your presentations or
classes? Learn to develop a presentation/class from start to finish. This train-the-trainer workshop
will give you the tools needed to engage your audience and increase learning.
Room 114
Thank Goodness for Mississippi…WHAAT?? Arkansas Now Ranks
# 1 in Teen Births. What’s Going on with Our Adolescents?
Speakers: Kathleen Courtney and Karen Swinton
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 1, 2, 4 and 5
Overview: While birth rates across the U.S. have dropped in recent years, Arkansas leads much
of the nation in teen births. Join us as we take a look at Arkansas specific data on sexual health
issues among our adolescents. Learn how social media is influencing our youth, and why
comprehensive health education that includes sexual health should be stepped up in our schools
and communities.
Room 103
Student Session: What the Study Guide Does Not Prepare You for
Speaker: Brandi Roberts, MPH, CHES
CEUs: Not Applicable
Overview: While some tests are looking to see what you are able to learn, the purpose of the
Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Examination, offered by the National Commission
for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC), is to test your understanding of what you
have already learned. Join us as we take a look at what the study guide does not prepare you for.
2:35 – 2:45
2:45 – 3:45
Concurrent Sessions
Room 112
No More Yawning, Part 2
Speaker: Michelle Malizia, MA
CEUs: M/CHES, Prevention Specialist: Domains: 3 and 6
Overview: Are people falling asleep or checking their watches during your presentations or
classes? Learn to develop a presentation/class from start to finish. This train-the-trainer workshop
will give you the tools needed to engage your audience and increase learning.
Room 114
Challenges in Obesity Management
Speaker: Monica Agarwal, MD
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing
Overview: This presentation reviews the prevalence of obesity, risks associated with obesity and
the challenges in the clinical management of obesity.
Room 103
Strategies to Stay Healthy During Disasters: Are You Ready?
Speakers: Cheryl K. Schmidt, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
Joy Jennings, MSN, RN-BC, GNC and Shannon Finley, MSN, RN
CEUs: M/CHES, Nursing
Overview: This presentation will help attendees develop a plan and create a “go-bag” to maintain
health and well-being during and after natural and manmade disasters. A large display of disaster
supplies will be shared, as well as, an opportunity to win door prizes.
3:45 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:30
Room 111/113
AR SOPHE Meeting and Closing Remarks
Continuing Education Contact Hours Info
M/CHES: An application has been submitted for Category I Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) to
award Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) up to five (5) hours and Master Certified Health
Education Specialists (MCHES) up to five (5) hours. SOPHE, including its chapters, is a designated multiple
event provider of CECHs by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Please
complete your Participant Packet and return it to the Registration Desk at the end of the day.
Prevention Specialists: An application has been made to the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board to
provide five (5) hours for Prevention Specialists. Please stop by the Registration Desk at the end of the day to
receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Nurses: This CE activity is provided by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Center for Distance
Health. This educational activity is approved for up to 5 contact hours.
The Center for Distance Health, College of Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Science is accredited
as a provided for continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
Accreditation. The evaluation for the conference can be accessed at this link:
Note: Generic Certificates of Attendance can be provided for other health professionals.