Pediatric Nursing Department The Recommended List of References for Undergraduate Students Course Notes: Notes prepared in the form of a book authorized by the department. Pediatric Nursing. Youssef. M.A. & El-Dakhakhny, A.M. 2005 Recommended Books: • Hokenberry MJ & Wilson D (2007): Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed.). Canada. Mosby Elsevier. • Hokenberry MJ & Wilson D (2009): Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing (8th ed.). Canada. Mosby Elsevier. • James SR & Ashwill JW (2007): Nursing Care of Children Principles & Prac"ce (3rd ed.). Canada. Saunders Elsevier. • Kyle T (2008): Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. Baltimore. Wolters Kluwer Health│ Lippinco, Williams & Wilkins. • Potts NL & Mandleco BL(Eds.), Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families (3rd ed.). Canada. Delmar Cengage Learning. • Pillitteri A (2009): Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family (6th ed.). Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins a Wolters Kluwer business. • Ashwill J, Murray SS, James SR & McKinney ES (2009): Maternal-Child Nursing (3rd ed.). Canada. Saunders Elsevier. • DaƩa P (2007): Pediatric Nursing. New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. • RM Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, Behrman RE, & Stanton BF(Eds.) (2007): Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics (18th ed.). Philadelphia. Saunders Elsevier. Recommended Web Sites: • emedicine - medscape pediatrics: • Nursing Children and Young People: • Society of Pediatric Nurses: - • Pediatric Nursing Journal: - • American Academy of Pediatrics The official Web site of the AAP offers a wealth of information on pediatric health topics, including pages created specifically for families and for health care providers. On the Parenting Corner page, parents can learn what different pediatric subspecialists are, find out where to locate a pediatrician or pediatric specialist, order titles from the parenting bookstore and read articles about featured health topics such as immunizations and car safety seats. The Health Topics section features valuable information resources related to health promotion, community health, violence prevention, literacy, and Native American children’s health. • Children First for Health This attractive Web site from the United Kingdom contains more than 1,000 pages of health informa"on for children, teenagers and parents in 10 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Turkish. While much of the material on the site is geared toward residents of the UK, the information provided can help fill the gap of multilingual pediatric health education materials. • Children’s Health Environmental Coalition The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition (CHEC) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public--specifically, parents and caregivers--about environmental toxins that affect children’s health. Interactive features in the Web site’s HealtheHouse section include Virtual House (a virtual tour of common home environmental health risks) and My Home Quiz, which enables users to receive personalized assistance in identifying and eliminating their household risks. • The Children’s Heart Institute This award-winning site, created by pediatric cardiologist Hasan Abdallah, MD, presents pediatric cardiology in simple language so that kids with heart problems and their families can understand how the heart works. The site’s excellent Patient Education page includes The Heart House, a simplified illustration of the structure and inner workings of the heart. There is also a Medications page with information for doctors and nurses on pediatric cardiology drugs and their recommended doses. • Sponsored by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, this Web site offers easy access to statistics and reports on children’s and family health topics as well as socioeconomic issues affecting children’s health. A key feature of the site is the America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Children’s Well-Being report, which contains extensive information relating to minority children’s health and health disparities. ChildStats also offers links to tables and databases comparing the wellbeing of children in the U.S. with those in other countries. • FirstGov for Kids: Health Page Maintained by the Federal Citizen Information Center, FirstGov for Kids is a kid-friendly gateway to a wealth of annotated Web resources from governmental, educational and commercial sites. On the Health page, kids can find answers to questions about healthy eating and exercise, living with a disability, smoking, drug abuse, girls’ health issues and much more. • This site, produced by a physician and partially supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provides an extensive collection of links to pediatric health informa"on resources selected from over 400 Web sites.’s central feature is a pair of easily searchable A-to-Z guides to common pediatric health problems--one for health professionals, the other for patients and families. Topics covered include asthma, diabetes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), suicide prevention and many more. The section for patients includes a link to an excellent selection of Multilingual Patient Education Resources in many different languages. • Health Information Sheets"entsfamilies/Site1393/mainpageS1393P201 sublevel154.html Here you’ll find downloadable information sheets on various children’s health topics--such as childhood obesity, asthma, depression and child passenger safety--created by medical experts at Children’s Hospital Boston. Parents can also search the site for information about a wide variety of other pediatric health conditions. This Web site is part of a partnership with Yahoo! in which Children’s provides pediatric content to Yahoo! Health. Additional pediatric health information can be found at • Health Topics: Infants and Children A collection of informational resources on pediatric health issues from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Topics include immunizations, fetal alcohol syndrome, disabilities, lead poisoning, SIDS and Kawasaki Syndrome, a disease that disproportionately affects Asian children. Detailed information on each topic is provided along with links to other related health resources. • Indian Health Service Kids Page Created by the IHS especially for kids, this site is enhanced with multimedia features and a variety of attention-grabbing tools--such as word-finds, a comic book and interactive quizzes--to teach young people about health and safety while exploring their Native American cultural heritage. The site includes many resources designed to teach kids decision-making skills about alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, bullying and domestic abuse. While not all of the health information is specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives, the extensive collection of links relating to Native American history, culture, art and story-telling make this site a valuable educational resource. • KidsHealth A project of the Nemours Foundation, KidsHealth provides doctor-approved health information in English and Spanish about children ranging in age from before birth through adolescence. Separate sections of ageappropriate content for kids, teens and parents include original articles, videos, games and expert resources that are accurate, up-to-date and easily understood. Examples of topics covered include prenatal care, nutrition and fitness, asthma, diabetes, sickle cell disease, teen suicide prevention and teen sexual health. • MedlinePlus: Children’s Health Page MedlinePlus, from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, has a special collection of reliable, up-to-date child health information resources that health professionals and health consumers will both find helpful. The links are organized into categories such as diagnosis/symptoms, treatment, prevention/screening, research, statistics and financial issues. Many resource links under each topic have a Spanish-language version. Nurses who work with low-income, uninsured and immigrant families should be sure to check out the link to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Insure Kids Now program. • National Institute of Child Health & Human Development The NICHD, one of the National Institutes of Health, offers information on its site for parents, health care professionals and health educators. Many NICHD publications, research studies and patient education materials (some in Spanish) can be found in the Health Information & Media section. Culturally competent resources available here include “Back to Sleep” SIDS prevention campaign materials designed specifically for African American and Hispanic families. Most of the publications are available online in PDF and/or HTML formats; in many cases, paper copies can be ordered free of charge. • NOAH Children’s Health Page NOAH (New York Online Access to Health), a collaborative project developed by a partnership of several libraries in the New York City area, is a bilingual English/Spanish Web resource dedicated to providing consumer health information that is timely, accurate, unbiased and easily understood by laypersons. The Children’s Health page provides access to high-quality, full-text information on a wide variety of pediatric topics, including asthma, eating disorders, children and AIDS, environmental health, accident prevention, dental care and childhood obesity. • PedsCCM: The Pediatric Critical Care Website PedsCCM contains a collection of information resources and communication tools for health care professionals who care for critically ill and injured infants and children. All materials submitted to the Web site are peer reviewed. The site is supported in part by the Section on Critical Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Pediatric Section of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and the Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium. • The Pocket Guide to Good Health for Children (English), (Spanish) The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) offers this online guide to help parents keep track of the immunizations, tests, checkups and other types of health care their children will need. Parents and families from different cultural backgrounds, especially those who are recent immigrants to the U.S., may have had different experiences with immunizations and other types of pediatric preventive care when they were growing up. The information in this guide can educate them and help them make well-informed decisions about what care their children should receive to maintain good health. • Your Child’s Health This well-organized site, created and maintained by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, contains an extensive collection of patient education materials on a wide range of pediatric health topics. Many of the materials are available in both English and Spanish. Some topics relating specifically to minority health issues include immunizations, sickle cell anemia, lupus, asthma and diabetes.