NGU -BULL 44 2 , 2004 - PAGE 23 TOMANDERSEN, ROBERT FREI, HENNING S0RENSEN & NIELS LANGAGER WESTPHAL Porphyritic syenite at Lake Mykle, the Oslo Rift a possible derivative of larvikite TOM ANDERSEN, ROBERT FRE I, HENN ING S0RENSEN & NIELS LANGAG ER WESTPHA L Andersen, T., Frei, R., Sore nse n, H. & West phai, N.L. 2004: The occurrence of porphyritic syenite at Lake Mykle, th e Oslo Rift - a possible derivative of larvikit e. Norgesgeologiske undersokelse Bulletin 442, 23- 28. New Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isot op e data on porphyrit ic syenite from lake Mykle in th e so ut hern part of t he Oslo Rift confirm a close compo sit ional and genet ic relat io nship bet ween thi s rock and th e associated larvikite.The porph yriti c syent it e has initi al 87Sr/86Sr at 280 Ma betw een 0.7044 and 0.7048 , and EN d between + 1.56 and + 2.52. This patte rn of variat ion is compati ble wit h contam inat ion of a mantl e-derived parent mag ma wit h small amo unt s of Precambrian calc-alkaline gneisses in th e deep crust. Tom Andersen, Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo, Postboks 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norge; Robert Frei and Henning Serensen, Geologisk lnstitut, Kobenhavns Universitet, 0 ster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Kobenhavn K, Danmark; Niels L.Westphal, Mcersk Olie og GasAlS, Esplanaden 50, DK-1263 Kebenhavn K, Danmark. Introduction zonitic pluto nic rock .The matrix of th e syenit e is very close in co mposition to nordmarkitic syenite which in trud es t he porphyritic syenite. Based on petrography and majo r and t race element data, Pet ersen & Sorensen (1997) proposed th at t he porphyri tic syenite was derived from a larvi kit ic m elt by fr actionation processes invo lving plagioclase, c1inopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides and pos sibly apat ite . An occurre nce of porphyriti c syenit e located at the so ut h end of lake Mykle, on the 1:50 000 geological map-sheet 1713 I Siljan in the southwe stern part of the Oslo Rift, wa s described in some detai l by Petersen & Sorensen (1997).This syenite contains phenocrysts of plag iocl ase almost identica l t o t he fe ldspa r of t he surround ing larv ikite, whic h is a mon- 59° 3D' 00" Oslo reg ion ... "'. j? 1:==========1Larv ikit e l: fi~ :~o: 1 Por phyriti c sye nite liHW }1 Syen ite o Microsyenite ~ Net-veined com plex ----=-=0=-=-=-=-=-=-=--_-0 _-_-_-_-_-_-_- o 1 2 3 4 5 km Fig. 1.Geolog ical map of th e Lake Mykle area. Sample locati on s: Stars:Porphyritic syenite. Diamon ds: Larvikite. ~ Volcanic rocks NG U -BUL L 4 4 2 , 2 0 0 4 - PA G E 24 TOM ANDERSEN, ROBERTFREI, HENNING S0 RENSEN s NIELSLANGAGERWESTPHAL syenite, as demo nstrated by the presence of larvi kite roo f pendants in the po rphyritic syenite. Towards t he north and east it is in cont act wit h g ranites (includin g ekerite) and mino r bod ies of nord markit ic syenite. Cont acts between larvi kite and porph yriti c syenite are generally sharp and th ere are no chill zon es in the porphyriti c syenite in contact wi t h larvikite. Locally, however, th ere is a t ransition from larvikit e into porphyritic syenite in t he form of an increasing density of plagioc lase phenocryst s tow ard th e larviki te over a distance of a few cm. The porphyrit ic syenite con tains xenolit hs of larvikit e which app ear to disinte grate int o clusters of feldspar (Fig. 2a). It also intrudes th e larvikite in the fo rm of dykes (Fig. 2c). The nordmarkitic syenite and the granites are yo unge r th an t he porphyrit ic syenite (Fig. 2b); t hese you nger intru sions have ob lit erat ed t he ori ginal nor th ern contact of th e larvikit e massif. Petrography Fig. 2. (a)Two larvikite xenolit hs in a st ate of disaggregat ion in porp hyrit ic syenite. Sout heast coast of Lake Mykle. (b) Porphyrit ic syenit e (right) int ruded by syenite dyke. Sout hwest coast of Lake Mykle. (c) Dyke of po rphyrit ic syenite wi th sharp cont act s against larvikit e. South end of Lake Mykle . Rb-Srand Sm-Nd isoto pe data for the por phyriti c syenite are present ed and discussed in t he present paper wi t h th e aim of constraining th e mo de of origin of the porphyri tic syenite. Field relationships The porph yritic syenite form s a dom e-shaped body measuring 4.5 x 2 km (Fig. 1), and th e exposed vertical thickness is about 150 m. Towards th e south and west, t he po rphyritic syenite is in contact w it h larvi kit e, w hich also overlies th e The porphyritic syenit e is charact erised by evenly distributed ph enocrysts of plagioclase (andesine-oligoclase) w hich measure up to abou t 2 cm and make up 30-70 % of th e rock. They are rimm ed by crypt oper thi t ic t ernary feldspar. The fine-grained mat rix consists of cryp to- or microp ert hitic An-poor alkali feldspar, t he g rains of which may have cores of plagioclase, and of edenit ic amphibole, augi t ic pyroxene, Fe-Ti-oxides, bio tite and abou t 5 % interstitial quartz. Accessory minerals are zircon, allanite,chevkinite, apatite, fluor ite and calcite (Pet ersen & Sorensen 1997). The larvikite of t he area is porphyritic and is dom inated by large grains of plagioclase (50 t o 20 % An), w hich make up about 75 % of t he rock. The plagio clase is rimm ed by microp erth itic ternary feldspar. Aug itic c1i nopyroxene and som e orthopyroxene make up about 10 %, edenitic amphibole 5 %, Fe-Ti oxides 5 % and accessory minerals 5 % ( zircon, apat ite, biot ite, quar tz, allanit e, chevkinit e and f1uorite). The mat rix is composed of alkali feldspar and inte rgrowths of oligocla se and pot ash feldspar. Petersen (1992) disti nguished two minor t ypes of larvi kite:(1 ) a coarse-grained type with a larger con te nt of interst it ial alkali feld spar, and (2) a fin e-grained typ e containing subcalcic and pigeonitic clinopyroxenes and a high-t emperatu re plagioc lase. The fine-grained variet y of larvikite occurs as scattere d, minor bod ies, and its orig in remains uncert ain. The plagioclase phe nocrysts of the po rphyri ti c syenit e have rims of ternary feldspar, and are almost iden tical to t he feldspar of t he host larvikit e. Major and tra ce element data Majo r and t race elem ent composit ions of larvikite and porphyriti c syenit e are presented in Table 1,based on data from Petersen & Sorensen (1997), supplemented by isoto pe dilution tr ace elemen t analysesfrom t he present st udy (Table 2). The larvikite analyses are of th e most abu ndant variety, wi th the exception of 81543 w hich represent s t he fine-grai ned type. In terms of maj or element s, t here is a gradual tran sit ion NGU-BULL 44 2 , 2 0 0 4 - PAGE 2 5 TOM ANOERSEN, ROBERT FREI, HENNING S0RENSEN & NIELSLANGAGER WESTPHAL Tabl e 1. Whole-rock major (wt%) and trace element (p p m) data of larv iki te and po rp hyritic syentie from the Myk le area. 81561 81566 81571 81577 81541 81543 81456 8159 5 81594 81559 LK LK LK LK LK PS PS PS PS PS 57.30 1.25 18.77 1.43 FeP 3 FeO 3.63 M nO 0.12 MgO 1.36 5.16 CaO 5.54 Na20 K20 3.27 P20 S 0.60 Volatiles 0.69 Tota l 99.12 (Na+ K)/ AI 0.67 60 .04 1.44 15.82 1.72 4.29 0.16 1.38 3.20 4.90 4.82 0.54 0.69 99 .00 0.84 58.62 1.36 17.39 1.81 3.52 0.13 1.44 4.22 5.48 4.42 0.55 0.63 99.57 0.79 57.53 1.33 18.09 1.46 4.02 0.11 1.50 5.17 4.89 3.43 0.60 1.00 99.13 0.65 60.74 1.33 16.17 1.80 3.67 0.15 1.28 3.38 5.08 4.61 0.47 0.67 99.3 5 0.83 59.80 1.43 16.16 2.02 3.90 0.15 1.47 3.87 5.01 4.28 0.56 0.71 99.36 0.80 58.81 1.42 16.36 2.26 3.73 0.15 1.49 3.80 5.37 4.68 0.54 0.68 99 .29 0.85 60.52 1.30 16.17 1.67 3.75 0.14 1.29 3.35 5.13 4.71 0.45 0.68 99.16 0.84 59.19 1.52 16.25 2.15 3.87 0.15 1.57 4.08 4.96 4.25 0.62 0.71 99.32 0.79 109 3.1 573 728 939 24.2 119 7.9 104 204 85 14.3 4.2 1.9 5.7 0.8 57 17 104 45 8 157 3.8 144 112 211 4.5 n.d. 215 2.7 218 n.d. 155 3.7 20 1 n.d. n.d. n.d. 296 488 5 15 435 329 394 379 334 439 1000 1180 31. 1 139 9.4 118 239 9 15 907 780 750 695 1040 n.d. n.d. n.d. 99 n.d. n.d. 111 223 95 188 124 264 604 1300 31.1 204 13.2 147 288 582 1300 137 627 1190 33.6 165 11.1 138 273 640 10 10 n.d. 948 819 19.8 117 7.8 106 202 107 98 85 85 127 109 20 4.4 2.9 8.4 1.1 80 22 124 23 11.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 16 66 21 101 40 8 59 16 84 52 8 19.2 3.7 2.9 10 1.2 87 38 106 38 9.7 20 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 14 4.4 2 5.7 0.8 59 20 94 32 8 Weight percent oxides Si0 2 Ti0 2 AI20 3 59.9 1 1.11 17.64 1.20 3.55 0.12 1.12 3.56 5.87 4.14 0.45 0.75 99 .42 0.80 Parts per million Rb Cs Sr Ba Zr Hf Nb Ta La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu Y Th Zn V Sc n.d. 151 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 83 39 105 55 12 191 133 136 n.d. n.d. 139 278 117 253 119 115 106 22 3.7 3.1 9.9 1.3 95 41 93 54 10.3 21 20 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 93 38 94 42 11 81 103 55 13 LK: Larvikit e, PS: Porp hy rit ic syeni te. n.d. no t de te rm ined Major elements by XRF on fu sed discs pre pa red w it h sod ium tet rabora te flux at th e Geo lo gical Survey of Denm ark and Green land; tr ace elements by XRF on pressed powde r pe llets at Geo logica l Inst it ute, Unive rsity of Cop en hagen and by Instrum ental neutr on act ivat ion analysis By Tracechem AlS, Cop en hagen . Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd da ta in it alics: Isoto pe d ilu tio n analyses (Table 2). fro m larvikit e ove r porphyritic syen ite to nord markit ic syenite, as shown by Harker var iatio n diag rams (Figs. 6 an d 7 in Peterse n & Serensen 1997 ). When compared w ith t he larvikite, nordma rkite and porphyritic syen ite are enri ched in Si, K, Rb,Th, Nb,Ta, RE E (wi t h the except io n of Eu), Y, Zr and Hf and relatively depleted in AI, Ca, Na, Eu, Sr and Ba, that is in the compon ents of pl agioclase . The t wo syenit es have prac tically ide nt ical REE patterns; larv ik it e has a w eak posi tive Eu anoma ly, w hereas t he syen ites have very weak negative anoma lies (Fig. 8 in Pet ersen & Sorensen 1997) . Nordmarkite and porp hyr it ic syenite have almost ind ist ing uishab le Iit hop hile element patt erns, w hic h d iffe r o nly in Sr (higher in t he porphyritic syenite) and Zr,Th and Hf (lowe r in t he porp hy ritic syenit e).These differences reflect differences in modal mi ne ralogy; plag io clase is present in the per- p hy rit ic syenite, w hereas zir con is m o re abunda nt in t he no rdm ar kit e (Fig . 9 in Petersen & Sorense n 1997). Sr and Nd Isot ope data Analyt ical methods Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd concentrations of four samples of porphyritic syenite and th ree samples of associat ed larvikit e (Pete rsen & Ser en sen 1997) were analysed by X-ray fl uores cence and by isotope d ilution t herm al io nization mass spectr ometry at th e Geo log ical In stitute, Cope nhage n Un iversit y. The sam ple powders (200 mg) were at ta cke d fo llo w ing a sequen tia l di ssolution first w it h 8N HBr, foll o w ed by 14N HN0 3 - 32% HF mixtures, in Tefl on b eakers on a hot pla te (T= 150 °C) for three days. A 149Sm - 1So Nd spike was added before- N GU- BUL L 442 , 200 4 - PAG E 26 TOM ANDERSEN, ROBERT FREI, HENNINGS0RENSEN& NIELS LANGAGER WESTPHAL Table 2.Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd data for intrus ive rocks from the Mykle Area. Oslo Rift. Sample Rb pp m Porphyric syenite 191 81577 81566 215 81559** 221 81567** 237 81582** 206 81571 218 81561 201 Larvikite, S Lake Mykle 81543 157 81594 155 81595 112 144 81456** 81541 ** 109 Larvi kite, E Lake Mykle 74 76461 * 76465* 90 76468* 54 77805* 80 77814* 66 81236* 77 79389* 102 Granit e 86044* 82 Sr ppm 87Rb/ 86Sr 439 379 329 328 426 334 394 1.301 1.682 1.945 2.093 1.4 1.935 1.492 0.709559 0.711482 0.712205 0.712697 0.71001 0.712187 0.710534 0.000020 0.000020 20 22 106 119 0.1082 0.1039 0.512556 0.512591 0.000021 0.000019 0.70438 0.70478 1.56 2.40 0.000020 0.000020 21 20 115 109 0.1054 0.1071 0.512577 0.512603 0.000012 0.000013 0.70448 0.70459 2.07 2.52 296 435 515 488 573 1.556 1.043 0.625 0.854 0.551 0.711099 0.707204 0.707015 0.707331 0.70601 7 0.000020 0.000020 0.000020 20 15 16 107 85 85 0.1068 0.1002 0.1048 0.512590 0.512637 0.512609 0.000012 0.000011 0.000011 0.70490 0.70305 0.70453 2.28 3.43 2.72 709 650 870 664 725 697 558 0.301 0.399 0.180 0.350 0.263 0.320 0.529 0.705987 0.706144 0.705332 0.706097 0.705598 0.705833 0.706519 0.00042 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 19 16 19 20 20 19 22 105 87 101 108 108 105 117 0.1119 0.1096 0.1136 0.11 13 0.1145 0.1119 0.1133 0.512621 0.512615 0.512609 0.512628 0.512611 0.512602 0.512628 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000012 0.000010 0.000010 0.704786 0.704554 0.70461 2 0.704702 0.704551 0.704558 0.704411 2.70 2.66 2.41 2.86 2.41 2.33 2.78 9.820.742261548 0.000009 7.8 44.4 0.1068 0.512622 0.000010 0.70315 2.90 24 87Sr/ 86Sr 2a Sm ppm Nd 147Sm/ ' 44 Nd ppm 143Nd/ ' 44 Nd Sr; 280Ma 2a E Nd 280Ma " : Analysed at th e Laboratory of Isot ope Geology, Mineralogical- Geological Museum, University of Oslo. ** : Analyst: P.M. Holm, Copenhagen University. Samples 76461 to 79389 from th e larvikite ring structure east of lake Mykle (Fig. 1) were provided by Uffe Larsen. ha nd. 5r a nd REE f racti on s we re sep a rat ed over 15 ml g la ss an ag e o f 280 Ma and a n i n it ial 875r/865r of 0.7045 (Fig. 3). stem One, off-ly ing lar v ikite sam ple (8 159 4) plots sig nifican tly co lu m ns c ha rged wi th AG SOW cation res i n. Purificat ion o f t he 5r fr act ion w as achieved b y a pa ss over belo w th is line , w ith 875r/ 86 5r2s0Ma= 0 .7031 . micro -col u m n s co nta in ing 5r5pec™ res in . REEs we re f u rther Lar v ikit e an d porp h yr iti c syeni te show small an d over- se pa ra ted over HDEHP-co at ed bio b ead s (Bio Rad ™) loaded lap p i n g ran ges of 1475m/J44N d a nd 143Nd/' 44N d . At 280 Ma , all i n 6 ml g lass st e m col u m ns. 5r and N d isotopes we re sa m p les ha ve po siti v e epsilo n Nd values, rangi ng from 1.56 a n alysed in dyna m ic m u lti-co l lect in g routine s, 5m in a static mode, on a VG 54 5e ctor IT mass spect ra mete r. Th e mean va lue fo r ou r i nternal JM N d standa rd (refe re n ced agai nst La 0.720 Joll a) d u ring t he period of measurement w as 0.5111 15 fo r '43Nd /' 44N d, wit h a 2a externa l rep roducibil ity o f o 0 ± 0 .000013 (fiv e m easure m ents).The mean 875r/865r va lue of the NB5 98 7 0.716 .. • • Porphyritic syenite Larvikite 5r standard was 0.710 24 8, wi th a 2a extern al reprodu ci bility o f 0.00001 1 (f o u r m easu rem en t s). Ad ditio n al a na ly sed at sa m p les the of larvikite Lab o rat o ry of and gra nite Isotope we re Geology, M ine ra log ica l-Geological M u seum, Uni ve rsity of O slo , b y ... en 0.712 <D ec -.:: ....en 0.708 ec m eth o d s desc ribed b y Andersen et al. (20 0 1). 0.704 Results Rb -5r a n d Sm-Nd iso t ope data for selected sample s o f por- ph yriti c sye ni te, larv ik it e an d gran ite f ro m th e Myk le area are g iven in Tab le 2 . Larvik ite and porp hyrit ic sy e n it e show m ar g i na lly ove rla pp ing ra nges of 87Rb / 865 r and 875r/865r. Ne it her of th e t w o rock t y p es defi ne sta tist ica lly v alid Rb -5r isoc h ro ns; t h e sam p les of po rp hyri t ic sye n it e a nd a majority of th e la rvi kite sam p les sca tter aro u nd a refe re nc e line w ith 0.700 +----+---+__--_ - - -I-----+----l 0.0 0.4 1.6 2.0 Fig. 3. Rb-S r correlati on diagram showing larvikite and porphyritic syenite, compared to a 280 Ma reference line w it h an initia l 87Sr/ 86 Sr ratio of 0.7045.Circles and squares: Samples from th e sout h end of Lake Mykle. Triangles: Samples from NEof Lake Mykle. TOMANDERSEN, ROBERT FREI, HENNING S0RENSEN & NIELSLANGAGER WESTPHAL (87S r/86Sr) 0.700 0.710 10 5 I r I 1 0.720 0.730 0.740 0.750 v ~ Larvikite 1 l_~~_~J ~ r---, ~tl ~ '~i~ Syenites and granites Precambrian crusta I ~~~~:~~n::s 0 N 1:1. 1 o ~ -z"O -5 l lj I ~ -- - -15 (- - - - - - - - - -, r : GRA i iI _ rL-S-R- f I l 11 c.9 !it -10 1.0 0.760 : 0.703 4.0 +-........ ( - ---------- -) 0.705 -----4 -------i;::.------+--.:-------'r-i.!..r:!~) . \, - NOG 1 - ----- --- - -' 3.0 I I -20 "'---- - - - -- - - - - - • • Larvikite - 2.0 o Porph. syenite !:l Granite 1.0 ~----'" Fig.4. Sr and Nd isotopic composition of porphyritic syenite and associated rocks from t he Mykle area. Black tria ng les rep resent larvikites fro m NE of Lake Myk le. Ruled/cross-hat ch ed areas repr esent range s of regiona l variation of larvikite and syenite and granite in t he Oslo Rift (data from Neumann et al. 1988). Ranges of Precambrian crus ta l com ponents are taken fro m And ersen & Knudsen (2000): M M U: 1.15-1.50 Ga Mafi c underpl ate, GRA:c. 0.93 Ga gr anites, NDC:'Normal d eep crust; i.e.,moderately L1 LE-enrich ed rocks in the d eep crust , UCE: Up pe r crustal rocks east of th e rift, LSR: Upper crustal rocks of t he Telemark area, showing elevated Rb/ Sr ratios at nor ma l Rb co ncentra t io ns. TIG: Precambrian (1.6-1.2 Ga) cale-alka line m et a-ign eous rocks, in cludin g ton alite, tr on d hj em ite, gr an od iorite and t heir ext rusive equivalents (Kn ud sen & And ersen 1999, Andersen & Knud sen 2000 and references therein ). The inset is an expa nsio n of th e ro cks fr om the Mykle area, showing data points w it h 2s erro r bars. to 2.54 for t he porphyritic syenite, and from 2.28 t o 3.43 for the larvikite (Table 2). Regardless of composi tion, the maj ority of samples for m a cluster in a E Nd vs.87Sr/86Sr280Ma diagram (Fig. 4).Variations in init ial Sr and Nd composition within this cluster are small, but exceed analytical error, and are uncorrelated (Fig. 4, inset). One sample of larviki te (81594), and one granite show significantly lowe r time-corrected 87Sr/ 86 Sr than the other samples.This is probably due to loss of radiogeni c stron tium d uring late (postglacial ?) weat hering. The gran ite sample has a high Rb/Sr rati o compared to the other samples, and only moderate loss of radiogen ic Sr from this sample could increase th e Rb/Sr ratio enough to cause significant overcorrection for radioge nic growth w hen recalculated to 280 Ma. The total ranges of Srand Nd isotopic variation at 280 Ma reported in Table 2 fall within the overall range of variation of larvikitic rocks from th e Oslo Rift (Fig. 4, data from Neumann et al. 1988). However, in most othe r felsic rocks in the rift, a reductio n in initial 143Nd/ 144Nd is commonly cou- NGU- B ULL 44 2 , 2 0 0 4 - PAGE 2 7 pled t o a pronounced increase in initial 87Sr/ 86Sr; see crosshatched area in Fig.3 (Andersen & Knudsen 2000).This is not observed in the porphyritic syenite from the Mykle area. Discussion Larvikite magma in the Oslo igneous province is consid ered to have been derived by fractiona l crystallizat ion of basaltic melts formed by part ial melting of a mildly deple ted somew hat heterogeneous mantle source (Neumann 1980, Neumann et al. 1988, Rasmussen et al. 1988). The same auth ors proposed t hat crustal contaminati on was involved in the formation of the syenit ic and granitic rocks of the region, w hich is also suppo rted by publis hed radiogenic isotope data (Andersen & Knudsen 2000). Based on major and trace-element data, Petersen & Sorensen (1997) pointed out tha t larvik ite, porp hyritic syenite and nordmarkitic syenite may have been form ed from successive pulses of magma from a common source, and that feldspar fractiona tion played an im por tant role in this process. The Harker variation diagrams of Pet ersen & Serensen (1997) indicat e that fractionation of c1inopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides,and perha ps,apatite, was also involved.The nordmarkitic syenite and the microsyenite at Lake Mykl e described by Andersen & Sorensen (2003) mark a mor e evolved stage t han the porphyritic syenite. The overall out crop pattern (Fig. 2), and the presence of roof pendants of larvikite in the porphyritic syenite, indicate t hat th e porphyritic syenite is located inside the larvikite massif, but close to its contacts to (younger) granites and nordmarkitic syenite. The contact relation ships and th e presence of disaggregated xenoliths of larvik ite in the porphyritic syenite may be taken as evidence th at the plagioclase phenocrysts of the porphyritic syenite originated by disintegration of larvikit e. Such an origin for th e por phyritic syenite is, however, hard to reconcile wi th th e even distribution of phenocr ysts over t he entire volume of the po rphyritic syenite, including dykes w hich intersect t he larvikite with sharp intrusive contacts (Fig. 2c). The similarity in struct ure and compositi on of the plagioc1ase of larvikite and porphyritic syenit e, includi ng the ir rim s of ternary feldspar, led Petersen & Serensen (1997) to pro pose that th e porphyrit ic syenite may have been formed by extended crystallization of larvikit ic melts caused by an increase in HP , ot her volat iles and inco mpatible element s in response to the fract ionat ion of anhydrous minerals such as feldspar, c1inopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides and possibly apatite . Such evolved melts may have colle cted in cupola in the upper part of th e still hot, solidifying larvikite. This can explain the generally sharp, non -chilled contacts and local tr ansitional phenomena. The even distribution of plagioc1ase phenocr ysts in th e porphyrit ic syenite may then be explained by assumi ng t hat t he magma, whi ch formed the porphyritc syenite,w as at its liquid us at th e time of emplacement ,and that early nucl eation of plagioclase to ok place in a supercoo led melt which solidified rapid ly to for m th e fine - s N G U -B ULL 442 , 2 0 04 - PAGE 2 8 gra ined , qu art z-b earing , Soren sen 1997). syen it ic TOM ANDERSEN, ROBERT FREI, HENNING S0RENSEN NIELSLANGAGER WESTPHAL m at rix (Petersen & Simi larit ies w it h both larvikit ic roc ks of th e Oslo Rift in gene ral, and wi t h larviki tes and g ranit ic rocks of t he Mykle area in particular, are also hig hlig hted by th e Sr and Nd isotop e data (Fig.4). Felsic intru sive rocks in the Oslo Reg ion show an overall tend ency to ward s initi al 87Sr/ 86Sr rat io s of 0.710 or hig her, and near-zero or w eakly negat ive epsilo n-Nd values (crosshat ch ed field in Fig. 4). Based o n a co mpilation of geo chemi cal data on Precambrian rock s fro m So ut h No rw ay, Andersen & Knud sen (2000) defin ed six composit io nally and geo graphically con strained crusta I end m em ber s, which may have act ed as cru stal contaminants in t he magmatic system of t he Oslo Rift. The regi onal variation in the felsic int rusive roc ks can be accounted fo r by con tam ination wi t h moderately L1LE-enr iched, Precam br ian rocks in t he dee p crust , repre sented by t he 'No rm al Deep Cru st' (NOC) and 'Precam brian granite' (GRA) co mponents in Fig. 4 (Andersen & Knudsen 2000). Som e g ran itic rocks sho w evide nce of con tamination by st ro ng ly evo lved crusta l rocks w it h low Sr concentrations and co rrespondi ngly hi g h Rb/ Sr rat io s (LSR co m pon ent in Fig. 4). In th e Myk le larvikit e and porphy riti c syeni te, a m inor shift tow ards lowe r epsilo n-Nd is no t cou p led to an increa se in initi al 87Sr/ 86Sr, w hich sugg ests t hat neit her of th ese crusta l co m pon ents can have had any significant influ enc e o n th e interm ediat e and felsic magmas of th e Myk le area. How ever, th e samp les analysed in t his st udy ov erlap in Sr and Nd co m position w it h th e hig h eps ilon-N d rang e of 1.6-1.2 Ga cale-alkaline g neisses at 280 Ma. Such rocks are w ide sp read in t he 0stfo ld -Ak ershus, Kong sberg and Bamble secto rs in t he Precam b rian of South No rway (And ersen & Griffin 2002 ), i.e.,adja cent to t he sout hern part of t he Oslo Rift . These po tential contam in ant s are repr esented by th e TTG co mponent in Fig. 4, w hi ch is co nstrai ned by data fro m a range of subd uction -relat ed, m eta -ign eo us Precam b rian rocks (And ersen & Knudsen 2000 and refe rence s th erein ). From th eir geog rap hical d istribut ion, TIG co nt aminants are most likely t o have influe nced magmas in th e sout he rn part of th e rift , and th e pr esent data are com pat ible w it h moderate amounts of such con taminati on in t he ma gmas of t he Myk le area. However, th e cale-alkaline me ta-ig neou s Precam br ian rocks are in ge ne ral m et alu m inous t o peraluminou s, and major contam inatio n w it h such mater ial is not like ly in roc ks tr end ing to w ard s increasing (Na+ K)/ AI (Tab le 1). Conclusions Sr and Nd isoto pe data o n po rphy rit ic syen ite and associate d larv ikite in the Mykle area of th e Oslo Rift co nfirm th e close genet ic relat ionsh ip bet ween the t wo rock types in di cat ed by pet rog rap hy and m ajor and tra ce elem ent geochem istr y (Pet ersen & Sorensen 1997). A lim ited var iation in ini t ial Nd isoto pi c composit ion (fro m epsilon -Nd = + 3.4 to + 1.6 at 280 Ma). wi t hou t co rrespo nd ing variat ion in int it ial 87Sr/ 86Sr sugg ests th at th e larvikite and po rp hyrit ic syen ite mag mas w ere contam inat ed by m inor amo unts of Precam brian cale-al kaline rocks, sim ilar to sub du ct io nrelat ed meta-igneous roc ks fou nd at both side s of t he southern on shor e segment of t he Oslo Rift. Acknowledgements Field w ork was sup ported by Norges geologiske undersokel se, the Dani sh Nat ural Scienc e Research Cou ncil and t he Carl sberg Foundation . Uffe Larsen kind ly p rovided samples of larvikite from t he area east of Lake My kle. Toril Eng er assisted in t he isoto pe labora tory in Oslo. Britt a M unck and Ole Bang Berth elsen, Geol ogical Insti tu te, Univers ity of Copen hag en provid ed valuable assistance wi th the illus tra t io ns.Thanks to Poul Ma rtin Holm for Sr isotope analyses, and to Tore Prestvik and 0 yst ein No rdgu len for criti cal com me nts on the manuscript. References And ersen, T. & Griffin , w.L. 2002: The Mesoproterozoic con tinental mar g in of t he Balti c Shield: Geochem ical evi de nce for a Co rd illera-t ype set ti ng. Gold sch m idt 2002. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66, 1SA, p. A20. And ersen, T. & Knudsen , T.-L. 2000: Cru staI con tam inan ts in the Permian Oslo Rift , South Norway: Constraints from Precambrian ge ochem ist ry. Lit ho s 53, 247-264 . And ersen, T. & Sor en sen, H. 2003: M icrosy en ite from Lake Mykle, Oslo Rift : Subvoleanic roc ks tr ansit ional bet w een larvik ite and nordmarkit e. Norgesgeologiske undersokelseBulletin 441,25-31. 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