[Sidebar Title] Mathematics And Natural Sciences Division Division Resource Guide 2014-2015 Contact Information 5001 N. MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING TEXAS 75038 P-330 (O) 972-273-3500 (F) 972-273-3534 Contents Division Quick Call ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Science Lab Associates .............................................................................................................................. 5 Division and Learning Center Office Support .............................................................................................. 6 Calendar for Faculty ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Student Support Centers.............................................................................................................................. 8 Math Learning Center ............................................................................................................................... 8 Math Success Center................................................................................................................................. 8 Science Learning Center............................................................................................................................ 8 District Policies ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Privacy and Personal Protection for Faculty ............................................................................................. 9 Student Privacy – FERPA ........................................................................................................................... 9 Criminal Background Checks ................................................................................................................... 10 Meeting Classes - Meet classes at prescribed times .............................................................................. 10 Final Exams.............................................................................................................................................. 10 Thanksgiving Holiday and Spring Break .................................................................................................. 10 Division Practices........................................................................................................................................ 10 e-mail ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Communication With Students ............................................................................................................... 10 Cell phone use ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Duplicating/Copies .................................................................................................................................. 11 Transparencies ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Mailboxes ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Supplies ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Adjunct Faculty Work Area ..................................................................................................................... 11 Adjunct Faculty Room, C338 ............................................................................................................... 11 Faculty lounge, P318 ........................................................................................................................... 12 Class Location Change............................................................................................................................. 12 Textbooks ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Policy on transfer to other sections of the same course ........................................................................ 12 Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Transfer and Non-Traditional Attendance Policy/Form ......................................................................... 12 Field Trips ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Student Survey of Instruction ................................................................................................................. 13 Classroom Evaluations ............................................................................................................................ 13 If it is necessary to miss a class ............................................................................................................... 13 Compensation for Substituting ............................................................................................................... 13 Payroll Issues .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Application of Leave Forms for Full-Time Faculty................................................................................... 14 Pay for Adjunct Faculty ........................................................................................................................... 14 Pay for Full-Time Faculty ......................................................................................................................... 14 Time Sheets ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae ....................................................................................................................... 15 Syllabus ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Curriculum Vitae (CV).............................................................................................................................. 15 Certification of Rolls and Record Keeping ................................................................................................. 15 Certification of Rolls ................................................................................................................................ 15 Record Keeping ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Class Rolls ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Final Grades ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Grade Changes ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Grades ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Record Keeping: ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Testing Center Information and Procedures ............................................................................................. 19 Testing Center Policy............................................................................................................................... 19 Green Diploma ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Campus Support ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Parking .................................................................................................................................................... 20 Campus Police ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Counseling Services/Veteran’s Affairs .................................................................................................... 21 PTSD ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) ........................................................................................... 21 Classroom Accountability........................................................................................................................ 21 Follett Bookstore (at NLC) ....................................................................................................................... 22 2|Page Health Center .......................................................................................................................................... 22 Media ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 North Lake College Library ...................................................................................................................... 22 Student Resource Center ........................................................................................................................ 22 Testing Center ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Other Campus Support Services ............................................................................................................. 23 Procedures for Accidents or Emergencies .................................................................................................. 23 Severe Weather and School Closings...................................................................................................... 23 Alarms ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 Evacuate .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Lockdown ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Lockout................................................................................................................................................ 25 Shelter in Place.................................................................................................................................... 25 Accidents or Serious Injuries ................................................................................................................... 25 Emergency Calls for Students or Staff..................................................................................................... 25 Loss of Personal Property ....................................................................................................................... 26 Medical Emergencies .............................................................................................................................. 26 Earthquake Safety ................................................................................................................................... 26 Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Division Quick Call Please use the call sheet available for each discipline. If you are unsure who handles a specific issue, email 7mascioff and we will see that it gets to the appropriate individual. In the case of emergencies, please contact campus police first. For a campus-wide directory, click here. NAME DISCIPLINE EXT EMAIL OFFICE Aboloye, Pius BIOL / SCIT 3251 docp1970@dcccd.edu C-335 Acker, Jodi MATH 972-860-3903* jacker@dcccd.edu P-322 Alegre, Ticiano SCIT 3239 talegre@dcccd.edu C-336 Avram, Yan MATH 972-860-3926* yavram@dcccd.edu A-320 Borvakova, Irena MATH 972-860-3961* iborvakova@dcccd.edu P-319 Bravo, Lou BIOL (Nutrition) 3457 lbravo@dcccd.edu T-231F Cain, Marcella MATH 3223 MRCAIN@dcccd.edu A-312 Daniel, Merry Ellen CHEM 3514 mdaniel@dcccd.edu C-307A Desgraves, Sequetta MATH 3065 sdesgraves@dcccd.edu P-321 Durodoye, Raifu MATH 3540 duro@dcccd.edu C-303A Eberle, Jason PHYS 3509 wjeberle@dcccd.edu P-212 Gant, Valdez MATH 3144 vgant@dcccd.edu A-255 Ghamasaee, Rahman MATH 3190 rghama@dcccd.edu C-351 Hossu, Maria PHYS 3492 mhossu@dcccd.edu C-229 Huddleston, Mike BIOL 3528 mhuddleston@dcccd.edu C-231 Johannesen, Robert MATH 3526 rjohannesen@dcccd.edu C-303J Kaler, Debbie MATH 3587 dkaler@dcccd.edu C-303L Khamankar, Vaishali BIOL 972-860-3910* vkhamankar@dcccd.edu C-303D Kohrmann, Marie MATH 3510 mkohrmann@dcccd.edu P-324 Kouadio, Kay CHEM 3511 angobil@dcccd.edu C-303C 4|Page Kubicek, Len GEOL 3508 lenkubicek@dcccd.edu C-228 Kurniawan, Lanny CHEM 3515 lkurniawan@dcccd.edu C-313 Mabine, Nicole MATH 3277 nicolemabine@dcccd.edu A-307 Mayfield, Jerry MATH 3533 jmayfield@dcccd.edu P-325 McAdams, Christopher CHEM 3252 clmcadams@dcccd.edu C-357 Ngo, Tim MATH 3068 hngo@dcccd.edu P-326 Pope, Nahid MATH 972-860-3946* npope@dcccd.edu K-303B Ruck, Viola PHYS 3244 vruck@dcccd.edu C-303B Serra, Maria BIOL / SCIT 3235 mserra@dcccd.edu C-352 Sexton, Kelly BIOL 3512 ksexton@dcccd.edu C-234 Siegel, Charles BIOL 3415 charlessiegel@dcccd.edu A-248 Simmons, Cynthia CHEM 972-860-3915* csimmons@dcccd.edu P-323 Su, Henry BIOL 3513 hsu@dcccd.edu C-303G Thompson, Patricia CHEM 3236 pthompson@dcccd.edu C-356 Thompson, Shirley MATH 3507 sthompson@dcccd.edu C-302 Villarreal, Katherine MATH 3080 kvillarreal@dcccd.edu P-320 Wheeler, Joe BIOL 3516 spiderman@dcccd.edu C-324 Whitney, Josh MATH 972-860-3914* jwhitney@dcccd.edu A-266 Wortham, Fredella BIOL 3162 fwortham@dcccd.edu C-303E Science Lab Associates Biology Lab Supervisor – Monica Atwell (972-860-3955), matwell@dcccd.edu Biology Lab Coordinator – Lauren Simmons (972-273-3517), lsimmons@dcccd.edu Biology Lab Associate – Abdalla Daud (972-273-3517), adaud@dcccd.edu Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Chemistry Lab Supervisor – Merry Ellen Daniel (972-273-3514), mdaniel@dcccd.edu Chemistry Lab Coordinator - Lanny Kurniawan (972-273-3515), lkurniawan@dcccd.edu Geology and Physics Lab Coordinator – Alicia Ramos (972-860-3901), aramos@dcccd.edu Division and Learning Center Office Support The Division Staff includes day and evening Support Staff. 7MASCIOFF is the group e-mail list for all the people listed below. Executive Dean – Marilyn Mays (972-273-3500), memays@dcccd.edu Associate Dean – Matthew Dempsey (972-273-3279), mdempsey@dcccd.edu Instructional Associate – Yvonne Coons (972-860-3917) ycoons@dcccd.edu Administrative Assistant to the Dean – Angie Sullivan (972-273-3503), asullivan@dcccd.edu Contract & Load Specialist – Mireya Ontiveros (972-273-3502), montiveros@dcccd.edu Department Assistant IV – Jesse Brown (972-273-3525), jessebrown@dcccd.edu If you are looking for college-wide support, or a faculty/staff member from another division, you should use the college “QUICK CALL” which is updated regularly and is found at the following web address: http://www.northlakecollege.edu/employees/tools-and-resources/Documents/QuickCall.pdf 6|Page Calendar for Faculty Date 1/2 1/12 1/12 1/12-1/16 1/15 1/15 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/23 1/27 2/2 2/2 2/14 2/19 2/20 2/28 3/9 – 3/14 3/16 3/23 3/28 4/1 4/3 4/16 4/17 5/1 5/11-5/14 5/14 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/20 Spring Semester Calendar Event College Opens for the year Full-Time Faculty Reports All vitae and syllabi due to Yvonne (earlier preferred) Blue Green Week All Division Meeting & Dinner Ensure your faculty profile and information on the division roster are correct. Campus Closed Dr. Martin Luther King Day Classes Begin + (office runs 1st day census) Office runs 2nd day census All full-time faculty turn in office hours to Angie, please post them on your office window or door. Fast track certification date 12th Class Day (office runs 12th class day census). Have classes certified by this day. INET classes allow through midnight to attend. Faculty Load forms due to Angie Submit summer schedule and book requests to Dempsey and Mireya Conference Day – day and night classes do not meet Professional Development Day - Friday day classes will not meet. Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday classes will meet. Fast track – last day for a W Spring Break – college closed Fast track Second course syllabi and vitae due to Yvonne All grades due for fast track first courses 12 Class day for fast track classes – have classes certified by this date. Office run 12th day census Submit fall schedule and book requests to Dempsey and Mireya Holiday Last day to withdraw Evaluation of adjunct instructors due Fast track – last day for a W Final Exams – Saturday finals begin on 5/9 Semester Ends All instructional personnel submit SLO data to SLO coordinator in your discipline. Last day to submit grades electronically Submit Excel copy of grades to Jesse Submit aggregate SLO Data Who All full-time support staff All full-time faculty All instructors All All All All All + (office) Office All full-time faculty Fast track instructors All + (office) All full-time faculty Schedule coordinators All All Fast track instructors All Fast track instructors Fast track instructors Fast track instructors + office Schedule coordinators All All Instructional coordinators Fast track instructors All All All All All SLO Coordinators Please ensure you are checking with email for updates to these dates. Please note this does not include dates for “late start” courses. If you have questions always consult 7mascioff@dcccd.edu and we can provide you with clarification. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Student Support Centers Math Learning Center – Tutors are available in C-211 to help students enrolled in NLC math classes. Director – Frances Foret, (972-273-3523, fforet@dcccd.edu) The Math Learning Center in C211 provides generalized instructional services for students enrolled in North Lake MATH and DMAT courses. Students must show a North Lake College ID. Our services include: • • • • • Tutoring in all math courses taught at North Lake College Computers equipped with systems like MyLabsPlus and ConnectMath Graphing calculators and textbooks Graph Stamps so students can make their own graph paper Quiet study spaces Hours of Operation Regular Hours: MTWR 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fri-Sat 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Sun Closed Summer Hours: MTWR 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Open select Fridays; closed weekends Coordinator – Ashley Schnoor (972-273-3381) aschnoor@dcccd.edu Math Success Center – Tutors are available in C-207 to help students enrolled in NLC developmental math and college algebra courses. Regular Hours: MTWR 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Fri-Sat 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Sun Closed Summer Hours: MTWR 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Open select Fridays; closed weekends Coordinator – Ashley Schnoor (972-273-3381), aschnoor@dcccd.edu Website: CLICK HERE FOR THE MATH LEARNING CENTER WEBSITE Science Learning Center – Tutors are available in P-333 to help students with NLC science classes. Sr. Coordinator Science Learning Center – Tara Arrington, (972-273-3273) tarrington@dcccd.edu) The Science Learning Center provides student services in the following subjects (majors and non-majors): Biology, Botany, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Nutrition and Ecology. The center is located in P-333, P-334 and P-340; offering various resources all of which are free to the students. The SLC features tutors, software, videos, CDROM’s, internet, models, a place to study quietly, a place for group work, and other materials to assist in science classes. In order to access resources of the SLC a North Lake College ID Card is required. The subject specific schedule of 8|Page tutors is updated every semester and is located at the front of the SLC. When students attend SLC we ask that they sign in and out. These data help us keep the center stocked, running, and most of all, free of charge! Additional resources for our student consist of workshops and discussion groups that are held throughout the semester, led by an experienced tutor covering a specific topic, ie Dimensional Analysis, Basic Chemistry, Genetics, Vectors, etc. For the students that cannot make it to campus to attend our workshops, they have access to the NLC Science Resources community page via eCampus which houses online versions of our on-campus workshops. Our tutoring staff is made up of North Lake students. If you recognize an exceptional student in your classes that encompasses the characteristics of a great tutor, knowledgeable, patient, etc., please refer them for a tutoring position in the Science Learning Center. Hours of operation: Spring/Fall semester: M - R 9 am to7 pm, F & Sa 9 am – 3 pm Maymester and Wintermester: M – R 2pm – 6 pm Summer I & II: M – R 2 pm – 7 pm Website: CLICK HERE FOR SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER District Policies Privacy and Personal Protection for Faculty Be supportive with boundaries - Making the classroom a supportive, comfortable environment is an important component of pedagogical effectiveness. However, maintaining a professional distance is more important now than ever. People will sue at the drop of a hat. In addition, we are dealing with many students from different cultures. There are bound to be miscommunications. Remember, the casual interaction between student and teacher that is common in the U.S. is unheard of in many places and may be misinterpreted. Don’t give out personal information! We strongly advise against giving out your home phone number or your home e-mail address. You have or will be assigned a North Lake email address (usually the first initial of your first name and complete last name = jdoe@dcccd.edu); give this to students. You can give them the Division Office Number, 972-273-3500 to be used in emergencies. Remind students that they should first try to contact you by email. Meeting with students - When you meet with a student outside of class, it is best to do it on campus in an area where you can be observed and/or heard by others. Never meet in anyone’s home or similar private location unless two or more students are there at all times. Student Privacy – FERPA It is important to not make information about a student available to anyone except the student. Unless the student is younger than 18-years-old, you cannot provide information to the student’s parents or guardian. Prohibited information includes anything about the student’s progress in the course, attendance, the student’s directory information, etc. Encouraging students to work together is almost always beneficial but students should be cautioned about giving other students their phone numbers or their home e-mail addresses. There have been several instances of students (and instructors!) being Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu harassed by other students. Encourage all students to sign up for a North Lake e-mail address and share that with their classmates. They can sign up in L240 and they can also check e-mail at the same location Calls from parents - If a parent (or spouse) calls or attempts to talk to you about a student, remind them of the privacy act. If they become agitated or want to continue the discussion, tell them politely that you are prohibited from making further comments and that they will need to speak to the dean. Do not post grades in a public format or give information over the phone to someone who calls and professes to be “Joe Jones”. Use MyLabsPlus (for math) or eCampus to post grades electronically. With these mediums only the student has access to his or her grades. Criminal Background Checks Because we have students who are under the age of 18 years old, DCCCD does Criminal Background Checks (CBCs) on all Faculty and Staff. This became routine for all new hires as of 2009. No one will go into a classroom before this is completed. Meeting Classes - Meet classes at prescribed times All classes have a prescribed number of specific instructional hours established by the Coordinating Board. You are expected to meet all your classes for the full scheduled class session, on the day(s), and in the room(s) set forth in the official “Schedule of Classes.” Course material should be planned so that the entire class period is filled. Letting classes go early except on rare occasions is strongly discouraged. Ending the semester early is not an option. Final Exams The time set aside for final examinations is an official part of these required hours. If for any reason you do not give a final exam or if you give the final exam early, you must meet the class during the final exam time and provide some meaningful learning activity. The times for final exams are posted on the web according to the regular class time. If your class time does not match the given times, choose the time that overlaps your class time the most. Thanksgiving Holiday and Spring Break Classes meet Monday through Wednesday including Wednesday night the week of Thanksgiving. Classes are out only one week for Spring break. Many area schools are out a different week. Division Practices e-mail Dean Mays and the support staff will communicate with you via your DCCCD Microsoft Outlook email account. You are expected to check this account at least twice per week. We will not use a different personal e-mail account. Communication With Students Good communication between students and faculty is crucial. All faculty are expected to use e-Campus and e-mail to communicate with students, to check on those who have missed a class or an assignment, and to keep them aware of their grades. Although it is up to you, you are strongly encouraged to give only your DCCCD e-mail address to students. 10 | P a g e Effective Spring 2013 – All Faculty FT, and PT are required to use eCampus to record their grades/attendance. If you are not currently using eCampus, you will need to work with the division support staff to register for training to learn about it. Do this as soon as possible. Use of eCampus is considered one of the tools to enable our division and North Lake College to meet retention goals Cell phone use Faculty should not make/accept cell phone calls or text messages while in class or leave class to do so. If you have a family emergency pending, you can leave the main office phone number (972 273-3500) for your family. We will come to your classroom to let you know. Duplicating/Copies First preference is to put your documents in eCampus for your students. If you do need to make copies, you will need to go through the print shop. You may send copy requests to the office staff via Microsoft Outlook email at 7MASCIOFF, or fill out the PRINT REQUEST FORM, available in the division workroom and leave your request in the appropriate box on the wall of that room. You cannot take your requests directly to the print shop, they will not accept them. Please allow 48 hours turn-around PLAN AHEAD!!!. In an emergency, you can make a small number of copies using the copier/printer in the P328 workroom or C338. If you are making copies every day your class meets, you are not planning ahead! Transparencies Please limit your use of transparencies. They are very expensive. If you need several transparencies made, ask for assistance in putting them on PowerPoint. Mailboxes You have a mailbox in P-328. We will leave messages or announcements for you in your mailbox. Be sure to check your mailbox before class as there may be items that need a quick response. Your mailboxes are not storage compartments and cannot hold heavy items or an accumulation of mail. Students may hand in assignments for their instructors to the division support staff who will have the student log in the assignments. Students are not permitted in the mailroom. The office staff will also take written notes from students for instructors and put them in the appropriate mailbox. Supplies Supplies such as chalk, whiteboard markers, pens, transparencies, paper, etc., are available in the Division Work Room (P328). If there is something that we do not carry and you need it, please notify the office staff. Adjunct Faculty Work Area Adjunct faculty are not obligated to hold office hours, but we encourage you to be available for student questions when you are not in class. Please arrive a few minutes early before or stay after class to meet with students if needed. The following offices and rooms are available in each subject area for you to use: Adjunct Faculty Room, C338 • (If you use it frequently, ask for a key.) To meet with students, there is a small room just inside C338. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Faculty lounge, P318 • The room off of C207, behind the Math Computer Classroom (work area only--no students). Class Location Change If you meet with your class in another location on a temporary basis (such as the library), let the division office know. You can count on one straggling student who was out or out of his mind and didn't hear about the change. If you want to move to another classroom permanently be sure to check with the division office (and get a permanent move approved). Textbooks Textbook orders are handled by subject area coordinators. You will check out a copy of each textbook required for the courses you are teaching. This can be done in the Division Office, P330. Only use these instructional materials and do not require students to use other books. If a book is required (not optional) for the course you are teaching, it is imperative that you use that book for assignments. If you feel its purchase is unnecessary, discuss this with the course coordinator. You may also put materials on reserve at the school library for students to read or copy on-site. Students should be advised to buy their textbooks at the college bookstore or at their on-line site (www.efollett.com). They may learn about other sources from classmates or in searching the web; however, it is a violation of our contract for us to announce it in class or to give the students that information in writing. Students may now rent books from the book store. Policy on transfer to other sections of the same course Do not tell any student he or she can transfer into your class from another class. If a student needs to transfer from one class to another because they had a change in their work schedule that can be documented or other similar situation, it is possible to do it with the permission of the dean and both instructors. But, please do not tell a student, “It is OK with me if it is OK with the dean.” Tell students who ask that they will have to go to the division office (P330) to discuss that with the dean. Students shop for teachers or advantageous class times. We turn down many students during registration who come through this office and want us to overload classes. They or others should not be allowed to do an end-run around the system. The dean may need to add a student or two to your class before the certification date. Sometimes students get dropped from one or more classes due to no fault of their own. If that occurs we try to help them out as best we can. Transfer and Non-Traditional Attendance Policy/Form If a student needs to change classes after the Certification Day (this is limited to cases where there is a verifiable change in transportation, work status, or extenuating circumstances), it is possible. Again don't give permission for this unless the student brings a “Non-Traditional Attendance Form” to you issued by this office and asks to transfer into your class. In that case it is entirely up to you whether you allow that or not. 12 | P a g e This “Non-Traditional Attendance Form” mentioned above enables the division to track students who are temporarily completing their course under a different instructor. You are not required to participate in non-traditional attendance, but if you do, the “Non-Traditional Attendance” Form must be filled out completely and signed by both instructors and the division dean. At the end of the semester the receiving instructor must provide the instructor of record with the student’s grades so they can be entered by the appropriate date. Field Trips Field trips, where appropriate, are encouraged as a corollary to the classroom activity; however, because of liability issues, field trip requests and signed “Waiver of Liability” forms must be submitted to the division dean for approval no later than two weeks prior to the field trip. Student Survey of Instruction Each fall semester instructors will be given a set of evaluation forms for their students to complete. Please follow the directions carefully and return the forms quickly. The results will be given to you after the semester concludes. Classroom Evaluations Once each school year, your Subject Area Coordinator or Dean will visit one of your classes at a time you have selected. This is part of the official evaluation process. You will receive an e-mail asking you to pick a time for a classroom visit. Both you and your evaluator will complete a Class Visitation form before the visit and discuss any situations you may want help with. Please note that Part I of the “Classroom Visitation” form must be submitted at least 24-hours in advance of the visit. If it is necessary to miss a class (Full-time Faculty: see “Leave Forms” under “Payroll Issues.”) If you cannot attend a class due to illness or other conflict, you should contact your subject area coordinator by email or telephone and notify the division support staff by telephone with as much notice as possible. Be sure to provide information about what the class is to do in your absence. If you know ahead of time that you must miss class, you must tell the subject area coordinator and must plan for a substitute teacher who will meet the class for the full session with your lesson plan. If you need names of possible substitutes, contact your subject area coordinator. See table below. Compensation for Substituting If substituting for an adjunct, the sub should be paid directly by the adjunct instructor whose class is being covered. The college has a strange rule covering adjunct faculty having someone substitute for them. The college continues to pay the instructor of record and that person pays the substitute. The instructor of record will have money taken out of their pay for taxes. The amount taken out will vary depending on their tax bracket. The substitute will not have to pay taxes on the amount therefore we have agreed that $36.00 per hour (55 minutes) is an appropriate average pay for substituting. If substituting for a class that is part of a full-time instructor's load: The substitute is paid by the college. Come to P330 to ask if the instructor of record has filled out a substitute form so you can sign it. If they haven't, suggest that the office staff put one in the full time instructor’s box. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu If substituting for a full-time instructor’s extra service class, the full-time instructor pays the sub. Class Length Time In 55 Min. Hours Calculation Pay 1 hr 20 min 1 hr 50 min 3 hr lab (actually 2 hr. 50 min lab w/ a 10 a break 1.5 2 3 1.5 x 36 = 51 2 x 36 = 68 3 x 36 = 102 $54 $72 $108 Summer 2 hr 2 + 10 min 2.18 x 36 = 74 $79 Payroll Issues Application of Leave Forms for Full-Time Faculty Please use eConnect to check your leave balances when completing leave forms. Please do not hold leave forms until the end of the month, submit leave forms when the leave occurs. When calculating the time, please use 15 minute increments. Round the time on classes that are 55 minutes to 1 hour and classes that are 1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes. If you do not have enough accrued leave please inform your supervisor and Bobby Hayes immediately. By submitting your leave forms immediately H.R. will be able to keep eConnect current and avoid overpayments. For employees that complete a FLSA full time timesheet, you will no longer be required to attach your leave form to the timesheet. (See previous section for compensation for substitutes) Pay for Adjunct Faculty Adjunct faculty are paid at the end of September, October, November and December in the fall, at the end of February, March, April, and May in the spring, and usually at the end of each month they teach in the summer. After you have submitted all necessary forms for employment to Human Resources (HR), you will be entered into the payroll system. Please check with HR for more information at 972-273-3307. Be sure that you have signed a contract each semester you are here or you won’t get paid. Pay for Full-Time Faculty Full-time faculty can elect to be paid the regular salary in 9 months or 12 months. You will get paid at the end of the month starting in September. If you teach extra service, that money will be added to your check at the end of September, October, November and December in the fall and at the end of February, March, April, and May in the spring. If you teach Mayterm or Wintermester or if you teach a flex course that doesn't start and end with the regular semester, you will be paid differently. It can be complicated --ask. Please check with HR for more information at 972-273-3307. If you teach extra service, be sure that you sign a contract for each semester, or you won’t get paid. Time Sheets If you work in any capacity that requires you to fill out a time sheet (class evaluations, professional development, etc.), you must submit your time sheet electronically. If you sign an EAR to get paid for doing a special job that requires a time sheet such as supervision or development of materials, you will need to submit a timesheet EVERY month even if you put in NO hours that month. 14 | P a g e Please reread the previous underlined sentence. It is important and defies logic. Electronic Non-Payroll Payment to employees such as travel advances/check request reimbursements, etc. are made electronically. You will find a screen on eConnect under the Employee Menu called “Send My Money”. Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae It is important that you submit both your syllabus and curriculum vitae (CV) to Yvonne Coons ycoons@dccc.edu before classes start. Syllabus The following is a checklist to ensure your syllabus is consistent with district policy. o o o o o o o Brief description of each major course requirement Brief description of each major course exam Course and Program Level outcomes Definition of course as outlined in 19 Administrative Code 4.104 Required and recommended course reading Description of subject matter of each lecture discussion Any policy and procedures outlined by your discipline coordinator. Please check with your discipline coordinators for the latest updates to the syllabus. A few helpful syllabi inserts are provided for you by various student services and are usually communicated via e-mail. Be on the lookout for them. Curriculum Vitae (CV) You must also provide a curriculum vitae. The following is a checklist to ensure your CV is consistent with district policy o o o o o o All higher institutions attended Degrees earned All previous teaching positions o Include the names of the institutions, the position, and beginning and ending dates List of significant professional publications relevant to the academic positions held. Include full citation data for each entry. May include professional contact information May NOT include any personal information Certification of Rolls and Record Keeping Certification of Rolls This is extremely important. Maintaining a written record of attendance is important; however, it is particularly important up until the certification day (“Cert date”). This period is during the first 12-days of class (Saturdays included) for 16-week classes and the first 6-class days (Saturdays included) for 8-week classes. You must keep careful attendance to determine that all students on your eConnect roster at least Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu one time during that period. Attendance for on-line courses is determined by the student making contact via an email to the instructor, by attending the orientation session, or by signing onto the course. Attendance in on-campus classes can be defined similarly. If a student contacts you by e-mail, that is considered attendance. You will be notified via e-mail as to when the certification date is. Failure to certify your classes in a timely manner can result in some students being dropped from ALL their classes! Please certify your classes in a timely manner. If you have a problem with certifying, please call the Contract & Load Specialist at 3502 for assistance. You will be reminded ahead of time via e-mail that your certification date is approaching. Record Keeping Class Rolls At the beginning of each semester, you can access your class rolls on e-Connect (this roster is updated daily.) Ask the office for the Quick Reference Guide. You should compare this roll against the names of students who attend your class and you should require proof of registration for each name not listed (a registration receipt must show fees paid). You should not allow anyone to remain in class who is not on the roll OR does not have a fee receipt marked “PAID”. Send the student immediately to Admissions. As students add or drop, you will receive “Class Action Notices” via e-mail. Be sure to access e-mail daily through the certification date. Again: Do not allow a student to remain in your class if his/her name is not on the roll. Send them to the admissions and registration office--not the division office. Do not allow them to return to class until they have a fee receipt for your course marked "PAID." When you email the grade spreadsheet(s) at the end of the semester, they must contain the following information: • An accurate account of all student grades or scores with the weight of each grade or score also being identified. • Taking attendance is required until certification date. However, it is strongly recommended you keep attendance all semester. If attendance is part of your grade you must include it on your grade spreadsheet. An accurate account of student attendance throughout the semester using the following standardized entries: X = absent, (X) = excused absence, W= date student withdrew or was dropped from the class, and R = date student was reinstated in course. • A grading scale identifying the breakdown or point spread for each of the letter grades and your signature and date certifying that the final roll is accurate. Final Grades Final grade rolls are legal documents subject to audit by local and state agencies as well as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Electronic Grade-roll saved and stored in the Instructor’s eCampus Grade Center and emailed to the Division Office is the permanent grade-roll record of the college and may be used by college personnel to resolve grade disputes and could be subpoenaed in the event of legal action. 16 | P a g e As a stipulation of employment agreements with North Lake College, all employees who teach must prepare and maintain this grade-roll for student view throughout each semester. Final Grades are now submitted on e-connect and a grade spreadsheet for each section emailed to Angela Sullivan asullivan@dcccd.edu .The first step is to log into e-connect as if you are getting into your class rosters. Choose the FACULTY section of eConnect with your user name/password. Click the Grade My Classes section; choose the term from the drop down menu. Click SUBMIT. A list of your classes will be visible. Choose the class for which you wish to enter final grades. Enter the grades. Check to make sure you have the correct ID and name before you place a grade in the area. This can save you from having to do a Grade Change later. Then click on SUBMIT. The second step is to log into eCampus. For each course and section that you instruct: 1. Select “Grade Center” from the Course Management Control Panel. 2. Click on “Full Grade Center”. 3. Hover the cursor over Work Offline” and then click on the Download” choice in the drop down menu that appears. 4. Accept all of the default choices by clicking on the “Submit” button 5. Click on the “Download” button. 6. Select the “Save File” choice and then click the OK button. 7. Identify the location on your computer where you wish to save each Grade Center file. These are the files that will be attached to your completed Grade Center Verification Record and emailed to Angela Sullivan asullivan@dcccd.edu Classes will be visible and grades can be input three (3) business days before the official final day of each class. Grades must be entered electronically by the end of the third business day including Saturday’s after the official final class day. (Example: Semester ends Thursday, grades are due Monday before 10:00PM.) Students without grades by the end of the third business day will automatically be assigned a grade of NR (not-reported). You can submit part of the grades if you do not have all of them done. To change NR grades, you must submit a grade change form to the Registrar’s Office for each student. If a student has a ‘W’ in the system, you cannot change this grade. If a student asks to drop the class after the last drop date you cannot input a ‘W’ for the student. You must enter a letter grade (probably an “F”) and then do a grade-change with documentation. You must have a written request from a student (E-mail will do) to drop him/her. You MUST get the late drops approved by the dean and the Vice President. USE THIS ONLY IN EMERGENCY. Approval is difficult to get. GRADE SPREADSHEETS MUST BE EMAILED TO ANGELA SULLIVAN asullivan@dcccd.edu IN THE DIVISION OFFICE, NO LATER THAN 12 NOON ON THE TUESDAY FOLLOWING THE SEMESTER’S END OR THE LAST DAY OF THE COURSE. Grade Changes It is possible to change a grade after the final grades have been turned in. This should occur infrequently --usually after a grade calculation is reviewed. Ask your subject area coordinator or the division dean about this situation, if it occurs. The grade change originates with the instructor, who completes and signs a “Change of Grade” form and forwards it to the dean for review/signature. Changing a grade from an Incomplete (“I”) must also be done on this form. Requests involving grade changes other than a completion of an incomplete contract or a calculation error also require the approval of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Grades • • • • • A - F grades are routine. Students earning a “D” in most college level courses can proceed to the next level course; however, students are required to earn a “C” or better in college-level math in order to graduate with a degree. The “D” grade is not given in Developmental Math. E grades are designed only for developmental courses. They denote the student has attended regularly and made a genuine “effort”; however, has not completed the course sufficiently to proceed to the next level or to get a WX in the case of self-paced courses. W grades are issued only when the student officially drops the course. The permanent Grade Roll will have a pre-printed W already recorded for these students. Instructors cannot assign a W at the end of the semester with one exception. If a student requests in writing to be given a W and has a good and documented reason why he or she was not able to drop by the official drop date and if the instructor agrees, in rare instances the student can be given a W as explained above under “Final Grades.” WX grades are designed only for self-paced (computer based) courses. If you are uncertain under what conditions a WX grade is applicable, check with your subject area coordinator. I grade for Incomplete grades are given when an unforeseen emergency, beyond the control of the student, prevents the student from completing a small portion of the course. An “Incomplete Contract” which is filled out by the instructor and signed by the student, assumes the student can complete the work independently. It is your choice whether to grant a student an incomplete grade; it is not the student’s choice. Incompletes should be given when the student has completed nearly all the course work but is unable to finish the course because of illness or some similar valid reason. The Incomplete grade should be used only for students who have been doing the course work satisfactorily throughout the semester. Incompletes must be completed within 90-days into the next long semester, though the instructor can set a much shorter time for the student. When a student completes the work required in an incomplete contract, the instructor must complete a “Change of Grade” form, which the dean reviews. If the dean concurs, the dean signs the “Change of Grade” form and forwards it to the Registrar’s Office where the change is recorded. F grades if a faculty member determines that a student has failed the course, the faculty member assigns either a grade of “N” or “F” based upon the student’s performance AFTER the official drop date. If a failing student “participates” in the class AFTER the official drop date, the faculty member assigns a grade of “F”. “Participation” for this purpose only is defined as Submits or completes an assignment after the official drop date, or Attends at least one class after the official drop date. If a student has not demonstrated one of the above and the instructor determines that the student has failed the course, the student will be assigned a grade of “N” by the faculty member. In such a case, the student’s transcript will record the “N” grade as an “F”. This change does not require faculty to change whether or not they track attendance throughout the term but serves to distinguish a failure due to non-participation from that of a failure of a student who participated. This is a ruling made by the Federal Government related to Financial Aid not the DCCCD, hence the logic, or lack thereof. 18 | P a g e Record Keeping: You should keep copies of your grading information for each course. You should also keep exams and other such student work for at least one full semester beyond the end of the course, just in case a student challenges his/her grade. Testing Center Information and Procedures Testing Center Policy Place tests on file in the Testing Center prior to “begin” date with written instructions. For Classroom Testing, a blue Directions for Test Administration form must be filled out completely by faculty for each exam. For Make-Up Testing (Individual Testing) a green Make-Up Form must be completely filled out by faculty for each student. (Rule of thumb – if you have more than 5 students making up a test, it’s best to fill out a blue form.) Except for Departmental Exams (shared exams) the instructor’s name, subject, & course name & number must be on the 1st page of the test. Tests will not be accepted if these items are not on each exam. This helps ensure that correct exams are given to students. Please proofread test copies for errors. Testing staff will NOT correct test copy errors. Please do not provide excessive copies of your exam. Our files are already crowded. Fifteen (15) copies of re-usable, re-circulating tests will be adequate. Any charts, diagrams or handouts should be attached to the exams. Examples are: periodic tables, formula sheets, teacher-made answer sheets & essay questions. These items will need to be copied by faculty & stapled to each exam. As applicable, for essay exams, the students should bring one (1) Blue Book, or one (1) Scranton Mini-Essay Book per exam, or use paper provided by Testing Center staff. Students may not bring loose lined paper to the Testing Center. Math students will be issued a 3-page Math Packet. Scratch paper will be provided (& accounted for) upon request. Open book/open notes exams & writing projects ARE NOT given in the Testing Center. Please place this type of assignment in the Student Resource Center. Faculty must allow at least three (3) days for testing per each exam. If testing must be done in one (1) day, faculty will need to give the exam in class. Also, DO NOT dismiss your class to go to the Testing Center. Inform your students of the testing requirements and how to identify the correct test. If given the wrong test by the testing center, it is their responsibility to give it back and ask (politely) for them to find the correct one. No outside work (homework, surveys, project, etc) will be collected/distributed by the Testing Center. This includes “Take-Home” exams, research/writing assignments, extra credit & surveys. Please do not customize or complicate instructions for your exams. Remember, the Testing Center handles thousands of documents weekly & complicated requests are likely to result in confusion and errors. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Please do not place unit tests on file within 5 working days of the beginning of finals week. Testing Center will not accept Final exams in the testing center. Final exams are to be administered in the classroom according to the published Final Exam Schedule! Completed exams (except for Math exams) must be picked up by the instructor; no delivery services! The Math Division office will pick up math exams. Except for Online/Telecourse classes the Testing Center will not administer finals, unit or chapter tests during the week of finals. Green Diploma The green diploma is a graduation distinction awarded for the successful completion of designated “green” courses. The curriculum for green courses includes assignments and teaching methodology focused on the triple bottom line of society, economy, and environment. Faculty members pledge to go paperless and reduce each course's environmental impact. Students who earn the Green Diploma wear a green cord at graduation to recognize their achievement. Requirements for earning the Green Diploma • • • 15 college credit hours of "green" coursework grade average of "C" or better at least one class from each category of sustainability: environmental, economic, social "Green" courses are offered in a variety of programs, and course availability varies by semester. View the complete green catalog (PDF). This course satisfies four hours of the green diploma in the credit of sustainable environment.re Campus Support Parking All adjunct faculty, full-time faculty and staff are entitled to park in one of the Staff Faculty Parking areas. You need a parking decal/hang tag which is provided free by the campus police. The decal/hang tag does not guarantee a parking space. Contact the division office for information. 20 | P a g e Campus Police The Campus Police (C204, 972-273-3300) are licensed Texas Peace Officers and can respond to emergencies or provide helpful information. They are available 24 hours each day. If you are calling from a cell phone, please dial (972) 860-4290. If you have an emergency, send someone to the division office P330 to call for help. If you are locked out of your car or have a dead battery, the police can help. Be aware that the tickets the police write are real and should not be ignored. Any direction you are given by campus police should be recognized and adhered to. Parking in handicapped spaces carries the same penalty as off-campus…very expensive! Counseling Services/Veteran’s Affairs If you notice a student who is having issues please contact Carole Gray at extension 3167 for assistance. She has counselors trained in specific areas to meet the needs of our students. PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - We have students back in school after serving in the military. Some of them may have PTSD. We need to watch for these students who show signs of introversion, agitation, short attention span, anger and other similar conditions. If you have a student who shows some of these traits and feel a counselor would be of assistance, please get in touch with Carole Gray or ask the student to come to the Dean’s office. We can try to find out what the problem is so that we can assist the student. Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) See section “XI” for alarm information: It is your responsibility as a faculty member to know which students in your class need assistance in an emergency—or are handicapped. It is also the responsibility of each faculty member to see that your class is evacuated when alarms go off. Be sure to take your students (for fire alarm) out the nearest door and away from the buildings (over 150 feet from buildings). Do not block any area where a fire truck/ambulance might have to park. Be sure to know the evacuation for Tornado alarms. Do not leave your students unattended. Please help the CERT members during an evacuation. Classroom Accountability NLCPD encourages you to take roll. In an emergency situation, one of your priorities will be to ensure that your existing class of students is safe. Checking for the presence (or absence) of each student will enable NLC to impart needed information to loved ones, should they call NLC after a critical event and ask after their student's safety. It also allows emergency responders to begin search procedures, should one or more of your students be unaccounted for after a catastrophic event, such as a tornado or active shooter incident. Should a "shelter-in-place" or evacuation event occur the list of "in-class" students should be taken with you and your students to a "tornado safer zone" or take them out and away from the building, as on fire alarm activation. The list will allow you to "call roll" while sheltered or waiting outside, and know immediately which of your students has "gone missing" and may be injured. In a worst-case scenario, any students not accounted for would occasion a search of the area to locate them. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu Follett Bookstore (at NLC) The bookstore (K201, 972-550-0509) has supplies available for students to purchase in support of your course work, such as Scantron sheets, blue books, etc. The bookstore typically provides a discount for college employees. Health Center The Health Center (C200, 972-273-3170, vjones@dcccd.edu) offers many valuable services. Nurses are available during the day and evening in case you or your students need quick medical help. Send a student to the division office P330 or to the health center to request urgent help. The Health Center sponsors Wellness Testing each fall and information throughout the year, with special focuses on blood donation, AIDS, smoking, and other topics. When students have problems that interfere with their class work, you may refer them to the nurses for further information. If you or a student has a temporary medical situation, such as a broken leg or pregnancy, the Health Center can provide you with a temporary Disabled Parking permit for use on campus only for use for a day. Media There are a number of media possibilities for your class(es). Plan ahead so that equipment will be ready when you need it. You can order videos or DVDs from the school library catalog (from any campus) and they will be delivered to your mailbox for use in the classroom. Every classroom should have a television and DVD player. To order videos, call Nyema Wahed (972-273-3427, nyemawahed@dcccd.edu). To request a television/VCR/DVD player or service for a television/VCR/DVD player, call media support (972-273-3339, 7pchelpweb.dcccd.edu) See Student Resource Center’s Media info sheet elsewhere in this document. All classrooms have computer projection equipment. If yours does not, or if you need assistance in using the equipment for PowerPoint, etc., email 7PCHELP@dcccd.edu). Every classroom should have an overhead projector and screen. You can make a limited number of transparencies in the division office. Ask the support staff for help. To request service for the overhead, email 7PCHELP@dcccd.edu. North Lake College Library The campus library can be an effective aid in your class work. You can arrange for a library tour for your class focusing on your particular assignments by calling the reference desk at 972-273-3401. Plan several weeks ahead of time and inform students and office staff of the date and time of your visit. You can also put your own or library materials on reserve in the library for your students to use. Remember to observe copyright laws. See the staff at the circulation desk to arrange this. You have access to all DCCCD campus libraries. You can request material online at www.dcccd.edu/library or at the circulation desk. Student Resource Center Students have access to computers with Internet connections in the Student Resource Center (L-240). They can do research and write papers there. Students can also set up an email account through the 22 | P a g e school. Printers are available however there is a charge per copy. Students should bring their own USB drives or CDs. Testing Center The Testing Center is located in A425 (972-273-3160). Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. No tests will be issued after 7:00 p.m. Other cut-off times may be in effect for specific exams by the instructor's direction. All exams collected at 8:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Other cut-off times may be in effect for specific exams by the instructor's direction. No tests will be issued after 2:30 p.m. All exams collected at 3:30 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED Other Campus Support Services Many other offices on campus can help you and your students. Ask division office staff for more information. Academic Skills Center (Blazer Internet Café, ESOL Lab, Foreign Language Lab, Reading Lab, and Writing Center.) (A332/972 273-3089) Disability Services (A413/ 972 273-3165) Writing Center (A264/972 273-3477) International Student Office (A418/ 972 273-3155) Student Life (H201/ 972 273-3020) WILDFIRE INSTITUTE (Faculty & Staff Development Programs) (K308/972 273-3141) Procedures for Accidents or Emergencies Severe Weather and School Closings You can sign up for free Emergency Alerts about closings. Log on to eConnect. Under “My Personal Information” click on “DCCCD Emergency Alerts.” Do as indicated. In addition, you can check the DCCCD or college websites, dial the hotline at 972-273-3232 (do not give this number to students) watch the local TV stations Employees Should: Listen for closing information broadcast on TV and radio by 6:00 a.m. Log onto NLC Web for posted information Access school email for information Faculty may want to record closing information in their voice mail: Call the voicemail system at 972-860-7444. Several people will be doing this at the same time, so try again if you get a busy signal. When system answers, press *, then your mailbox number, then your password. Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu When system says, “You have __ number of messages”, press 4 for setup options, then 1 for greetings, then 1 to change your greeting. Record the closing information. Remember to remove the closing information when the campus reopens. To find out if the college is open the following day after a closing, you may Log onto NLC or DCCCD Web for posted information Listen to the TV or radio for closing information. If there is no closing information, assume that the school is open. Dial into the hot line (972-273-3232) between 6:15 and 6:30 a.m. Alarms All alarms should be treated as real. If you are in class when an alarm sounds, you are responsible for assisting disabled students to the closest safe location. Even if you know that it is just a drill, your compliance is mandatory. Emergency Response Team members (Identified by dark-green vests) will also help direct students to safety. There are four types of response for emergencies; Lockdown, Lockout, Evacuate, and Shelter. Evacuate Incident that requires evacuating the building(s.) Example: Phone call stating a bomb is in the building or a Fire Emergency (Audible/Visual alarm activation.) What to do for a Bomb Threat? o DO NOT use Cell-Phones or electronic devices o Take your personal belongings o Move to assembly area(s) designated by Faculty/Staff What to do for a Fire Emergency? o Leave Belongings o Exit buildings o Move to assembly area designated by Faculty/Staff o Call 9-1-1 *Distance from Building 24 | P a g e A minimum of 300 FT. Lockdown Threat inside building. Report to nearest room and lock down room. Examples: Individual(s) firing a weapon, AKA “Active Shooter” What to do? o Lock classroom doors o Turn off lights / silence phones o Move away from windows or doors / hide in small groups o If shots are heard, barricade door(s) / Prepare to “fight” if door is breached Lockout Location has been notified of a potential threat to the immediate vicinity of the campus. Example: Robbery Suspect being chased by police. What to do? o Return inside o DO NOT exit the building o DO NOT open any doors for ANY PERSON OUTSIDE o Stay away from windows & glass doors Shelter in Place Immediate threat of severe weather, which requires sheltering in place. Example: “tornado spotted in the area,” or a spill involving hazardous materials. What to do? o o Take immediate shelter, away from windows and glass doors. o Move to rooms marked as “Tornado Safer Zones.” If unable to locate Tornado Safer Zone, move to an interior room with the fewest number of outside walls and windows. Accidents or Serious Injuries The Campus Police are CPR-certified and trained to evaluate and summon appropriate outside assistance if necessary. Tell the police what has happened, give the exact location of the victim, and stay with the victim until help arrives. Emergency Calls for Students or Staff For security reasons, individuals attempting to contact a student or staff member should immediately be transferred to the Campus Police. Individuals coming on campus to locate a student for any reason should Mathematics & Natural Sciences 5001 N. MacArthur Boulevard │Irving, TX 75038│p 972-273-3500│f 972-273-3534│www.northlakecollege.edu be sent immediately to the Campus Police (C204). Only the Campus Police are authorized to contact students in classes. Loss of Personal Property Persons finding articles should turn them in to the Campus Police, who will complete a Found Property Report. In situations where a parcel, briefcase, wallet, or a container is involved, the investigating officer will inventory the contents in the presence of the finder or person relinquishing custody to ascertain the presence of concealed money or other valuables. Medical Emergencies Contact NLC Police immediately by dialing 9-1-1 from any on-campus phone and the Police Department will coordinate sending other emergency responders, fire department, EMS, nurse, etc. (Identify your CAMPUS --the dispatcher is at District --and location and the emergency to the person answering the phone). Do not move the injured person(s) unless failing to do so would cause an injured/ill person to remain at risk of further injury or death. The NLC Campus nurse is always contacted during medical emergencies by the NLC Campus Police. Earthquake Safety Duck and cover – Desks, not doorframes. Be on the lookout for leaks and structural damage. Be prepared for aftershocks. NOTE: This document is provided as a resource guide for our faculty. If there is other information you believe should be included, please let the office staff know. As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 26 | P a g e