WILLY WONKA CHARACTERS WILLY (WILLIE) WONKA: male or female; strong singer and actor; theoretically in his (her) 40’s or 50’s so must be able to convey maturity, humor, and some degree of world-weariness with a sometimes sinister or devilish edge; many solo songs and scenes CANDY MAN (WOMAN): also male or female, act 1 only so may play the same or a different role in act 2; classic theatrical song and dance man (woman) PHINEOUS (PHYLLIS) TROUT: the announcer, also male or female, act 1 only, so may also play something different in act 2, small singing role but significant amount of dialogue CHARLIE BUCKET: our hero, strong singer and actor with plenty of solos GRANDPA JOE: his grandfather and companion in both acts, strong singer and actor with plenty of solos MR. BUCKET: Charlie’s dad, several songs and acting scenes, needs to convey sadness over losing his job MRS. BUCKET: Charlie’s mom, several acting scenes GRANDMA JOSEPHINE: several acting scenes GRANDPA GEORGE: several acting scenes GRANDMA GEORGINA: several acting scenes JAMES; kids chorus member with lines and solos MATILDA: kids chorus member with lines and solos SOPHIE: kids chorus member with lines and solos DANNY: kids chorus member with lines and solos ALFIE: kids chorus member with lines and solos BILLIE: kids chorus member with lines and solos AUGUSTUS GLOOP: the fat kid from Germany, needs German accent and will wear fat suit, significant singing part and lots of dialog MRS. (MR.) GLOOP; his mom, German, significant singing part and lots of dialog VERUCA SALT: spoiled girl, British, significant singing part and lots of dialog MR. (MRS.) SALT: her clueless dad, significant singing part and lots of dialog MIKE TEAVEE: TV addict, violent edge, significant singing part and lots of dialog MS. (MR.) TEAVEE: his clueless mom, significant singing part and lots of dialog VIOLET BEAUREGARDE: gum-chewing “twit”; significant singing part and lots of dialog, turns into blueberry on stage, southern accent MRS. (MR.) BEAUREGARDE: her mom, significant singing part and lots of dialog OOMPA LOOMPAS: 5 O-Ls have significant singing roles. All O-L’s make up the Oompa-Loompa chorus with significant dance and vocal responsibilities. Those not cast in lead (singing, lines) roles will participate as members of the OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS, THE KIDS CHORUS, THE CHORUS OF COOKS, THE SQUIRREL CHORUS, the CAMERA CREW, or combinations of these groups. Even some leads will need to serve as members of the choruses, which have both dance and vocal responsibilities. WILLY WONKA MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT ONE #1 PURE IMAGINATION: Willy Wonka #2 GOLDEN AGE OF CHOCOLATE: Willy Wonka and FULL COMPANY (LEADS, KIDS CHORUS AND OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS) #5 CANDY MAN: The Candy Man, Charlie Bucket, KIDS CHORUS #9 I EAT MORE: Augustus Gloop, Mrs. Gloop, Phineous Trout, CHORUS OF COOKS #14 THINK POSITIVE: Charlie and Mr. Bucket #21 I SEE IT ALL: Mike Teavee, Mrs. Teavee, Phineous Trout #23 CHEER UP CHARLIE: Charlie’s parents and grandparents #26 THINK POSITIVE REPRISE: Charlie #27 GOLDEN TICKET (ACT ONE FINALE): Charlie, Grandpa Joe and FULL COMPANY (LEADS, KIDS CHORUS AND OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS) ACT TWO #28 AT THE GATES: Willy Wonka #29 IN THIS ROOM HERE: Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and parents #30 FACTORY REVEAL: Willy Wonka #33 OOMPA-LOOMPA #1: Augustus Gloop and OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS #35 THERE’S NO KNOWING: Willy Wonka and 4 remaining Parents (no Mrs. Gloop) #36 CHEW IT: Violet Beauregarde, Willy Wonka, and remaining Ticket Winners and Parents (no Gloops) #37 OOMPA-LOOMPA #2: Violet Beauregarde and OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS #40 FLYING: Charlie and Grandpa Joe with a selected Dancing Chorus #43 I WANT IT NOW: Veruca Salt, remaining Ticket Winners and Parents (no Gloops or Beauregardes) #45 OOMPA-LOOMPA #3: Veruca Salt and OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS #49 OOMPA-LOOMPA #4: Mike Teavee and OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS #50A: FLYING REPRISE: Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Willy Wonka #51 OOMPA-LOOMPA #5/CANDY DREAMS: FULL COMPANY #52 FINALE: FULL COMPANY #53 BOWS: FULL COMPANY WILLY WONKA BLOCKING SCENES PROLOGUE: Willy Wonka (#1 Pure Imagination), then Full Company (#2 Golden Age of Chocolate) SCENE 1 THE BUCKET SHACK: Willy Wonka then Charlie, his parents, and his grandparents SCENE 2 OUTSIDE THE BUCKET SHACK: Willy Wonka, The Candy Man, James, Charlie, KIDS CHORUS (#5 Candy Man) SCENE 3 THE BUCKET SHACK: Charlie, his parents, his grandparents SCENE 4 OUTSIDE THE BUCKET SHACK: Willy Wonka, Charlie, Matilda SCENE 5 THE GLOOPS: Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Augustus, Mrs. Gloop, CHORUS OF COOKS (#9 I Eat More) SCENE 6 VERUCA: Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Veruca, Mr. Salt SCENE 7 OUTSIDE THE BUCKET SHACK: Charlie, Matilda, James, Mr.Bucket (#14 Think Positive) SCENE 8 THE BUCKET SHACK: Willy Wonka, Charlie, his parents, his grandparents SCENE 9 VIOLET RADIO STATION: Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Violet, Mrs. Beauregarde SCENE 10 HOME OF MIKE TEAVEE: Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Mike, Ms. Teavee ((#21 I See it All on TV) SCENE 11 THE BUCKET SHACK: Charlie, his parents, his grandparents (#23 Cheer Up Charlie) SCENE 12 TWO WEEKS LATER; SNOWY STREETS: Candy Man, Charlie (#26 Think Positive Reprise) then FULL COMPANY (#27 GOLDEN TICKET, dialogue by Phineous, Charlie, his parents, his grandparents SCENE 13 OUTSIDE WILLY WONKA’S FACTORY: Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Willy Wonka (#28 At the Gates) then Phineous Trout, CAMERA CREW, Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and Parents (#29 In This Room Here) then Willy Wonka (#30 Factory Reveal) SCENE 14 THE CHOCOLATE SMELTING ROOM: Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and Parents then OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS (Oompa-Loompa #1) SCENE 15 PINK CANDY BOAT: Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and Parents (no Gloops)(#35 There’s No Knowing) SCENE 16 THE INVENTING ROOM: Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and Parents (no Gloops)(#36 Chew It) then OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS (#37 OompaLoompa #2) SCENE 17 FIZZY LIFTING DRINK ROOM: Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and selected DANCING CHORUS)(#40 FLYING) SCENE 18 THE NUT ROOM: Willy Wonka, Ticket Winners and Parents (no Gloops or Beauregardes)(#43 I Want it Now) then OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS (#45 Oompa-Loompa #3) SCENE 19 CHOCO-VISION ROOM: Willy Wonka, Teavees, Charlie, Grandpa Joe then OOMPA-LOOMPA CHORUS (Oompa-Loompa #4) SCENE 20 END OF TOUR/WONKAVATOR/HOME: Willy Wonka, Charlie, Grandpa Joe (#50a Flying Reprise) then FULL COMPANY (#51 Oompa-Loompa #5/Cadny Dreams) then (#52 Finale) then (#53 Bows)