Holli Guzy “Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom” Many classrooms focus on the how (grammar) and what (vocabulary). The Standards help us to focus on the why, whom, and when among other things. 5 “C”s Example of students in a Spanish classroom National Standard C ommunication Students exchange details about their family’s holiday traditions C ultures Students learn about the origin of a piñata and why it is still used today in many cultures. C onnections Students debate what can be done about the drug problem in Mexico. “Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language” C omparisons Students compare El Día de los Muertos and Halloween. C ommunities Students interview ESL students 3 Modes of Communication Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational Students ask about each other’s weekends orally or written A student reads Don Quixote or completes a listening activity A student gives a presentation about their trip to Mexico Perspectives (why) 3 Ps of culture Practices (how) Products (what) *Important because students should understand the relationship between the what, how, and why of a culture. Holli Guzy