HOUSTON JOURNAL @ FRATTINI LIKE PROPER,TIES OF MATHEMATICS 1998 University of Houston Volume 4, 1998 24, No. OF KERNELS OF SOME CHARACTERS YAKOV COMMUNICATED BY Let K be minimal ABSTRACT. BERKOVICH BERNHARD H. NEUMANN among the kernels of the irreducible ters of a finite group G, and let Q/K be a normal subgroup Q is r-closed, where T is a set of primes, sult improves Theorem Academic if and only if Q/K 12.24 in I.M. lsaacs, Characters Press, New York, 1976. In particular, charac- of G/K. of Finite Groups, G is rr-closed if and only if G/K is. The analog of the result above holds for minimal quasikernels Some related Throughout sidered. results follows, is n-closed if its maximal Obviously, subgroups too. are proved. this note only finite groups In what Then is. This re- and their complex 7r, I? are complementary normal 7r-subgroup and epimorphic O,(G) images characters sets of primes. is a T-Hall of n-closed groups are con- A group subgroup G of G. are r-closed. A group G is p-&potent (G( and Irr(G), if it is {p}‘-closed. Let r(G) be the set of prime divisors nonlinear irreducible characters Irrl(G) th e sets of irreducible, of of G, respectively. It is well known [G] that the Frattini subgroup Q(G) of G has the following properties: (al) If N is normal (Q2) If N is normal in G, then N is 7r-closed if and only if N@(G)/@(G) in G, then Q(N) 5 Q(G). is. (@3) r(G/@(G)) = r(G). (+4) If N is normal in G and N 5 @(A) for some A 5 G, then N 5 a(G). (al) and (ip2) are also true if N is subnormal 1991 Mathematics Subject mary 2OC15. Key words and phrases. ernel, Hall subgroup, Frattini The author was supported Class$cation. p-nilpotent subgroup, in G. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Pri- group, n-closed group, minimal kernel, minimal quasiksubnormal subgroup. in part by the Ministry 639 of Absorption of Israel. YAKOV 640 In this note we will show that similar the kernels of some characters have properties to (@1))(@3). Let K be minimal that BERKOVICH among the kernels of irreducible case, we will call K a minimal nilpotent. Using that result, of a group G (in 12.20, K is By [I], Corollary we will prove the following Theorem 1. Let K = ker(x) subgroup of G/K. kernel of G). characters be a minimal kernel of G and Q/K a normal Then Q is r-closed if and only if Q/K is. By [I], Corollary 12.20, K is nilpotent. If Q is rr-closed, then, obviously, Q/K is. Therefore, PROOF. it remains to show that, if Q/K is rr-closed, then Q is. In what follows we assume, therefore, that Q/K is rr-closed. Let Qo/K be a (normal) rr-Hall subgroup of Q/K. Since Qo/K is characteristic in Q/K, it follows that is a 7r-number. Since K is nilpotent, that Qc contains a T-Hall subgroup Qo is normal in G. Obviously, it follows by Schur-Zassenhaus H (indeed, Qo contains a normal IQ : Qe] Theorem nilpotent r/-Hall subgroup that coincides with the r/-Hall subgroup of K). Obviously, is a T-Hall subgroup of Q. Suppose that we have proved that H is normal H in Qo. Since H is characteristic in Qo, it is normal in Q, and so Q is 7r-closed. Therefore we may assume, without loss of generality, that Qe = Q. Since, in that case, Q/K is a 7r-group, we get Q = HK. We have to prove that H is normal in G. Assume that this is false. Since all T-Hall subgroups of Q are conjugate by the Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem, G = NG(H)Q = NG(H)HK = NG(H)K, by Frattini’s argument; NG(H) < G since H is not normal in G. If M is a maximal subgroup of G containing NG(H), then G = MK, and so x~ = X E Irr(M). Since ker(XG) < ker(X) < M, it follows that K $ ker(XG). Therefore, there exists 29 E Irr(XG) Assume K $ L = ker(d). such that L < M. Then, that L = M n L = M n ker(d) contrary to the choice G = LM. In that reciprocity, and = ker(8M) 5 ker(X) = ker(xM) of K as a minimal case, r9~ E Irr(M). M n L = M Put ker(X) = N. Note that Since K by reciprocity, kernel. Then Thus = M II K < K, L $ M, and n ker(d) = ker(tiM) = ker(X) = K f? M. N = ker(xM) hence 29~~ = X since X E Irr(bM) = K rl M. n L n M = K n (K n M) = K n M we get K n M 5 L and by FRATTINI and hence KnL Thus, < M. Therefore, LIKE KnL PROPERTIES < KnM 641 5 KnL, and so KnL = KnM. LnM=KnM=KnL=N. (I) Now, by what has been proved and (l), IQ:QnMI=IQM:MI=IG:MI=IML:MI=IL:LnMI (2) =IL:KnLI=(KL:KI. Since H < QflM and H is a s--Hall subgroup of Q, it follows from (2) that IKL/KI is a 7r’-number. Since K H/ K = Q/K IS a n-group, we obtain KL/K n KH/K = {l}, and so KL/K KL are normal of G. [L, KH] In particular, [L, NH] and KH/K 5 [L, KH] < K. 5 N 5 NH. KH = Q, MQ = G = MK NH = (MnK)H = MnKH Therefore, element [L, KH] Therefore, Thus KH by element: in G as kernels 5 K L < NG(NH). n L = N, so that n K, Since N = M > (M, L) = G and NH is normal in G. Since H is a of KH = Q, it follows that H is a T-Hall subgroup since NH = Q and of characters and H < M, it follows, by the modular law, that = MnQ, and hence NH is normal in M since Q is in G. Then NG(NH) normal T-Hall subgroup commute in G since K and L are normal as a subgroup of Q has a normal r/-Hall of NH < KH. subgroup, T-Hall subgroups of NH are conjugate by the Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem, an so, by Frattini’s argument, G = NG(H)HN = NG(H)N 5 MN = M, contrary to assumption. Thus H is normal in G, as claimed. 0 The theorem is also true if Q is subnormal in G. Remark. If K is as in the theorem and Q/K is a nilpotent normal G, then Q is nilpotent as well. It follows that, if a minimal kernel with the Fitting If F/ker(x), not nilpotent, coincides subgroup of a nonidentity group G, then subgroup of K coincides G/K is semisimple. where x E Irr(G), is the Fitting subgroup of G/ ker(>o and F is then ker(x) is not a minimal kernel, by the theorem. This result with [I], Theorem 12.24. Corollary 2. If K = ker(x) (x E Ix(G)) zs a minimal kernel ofG, then x(G) = 4GIW. PROOF. Set n = n(G/K) subgroup theorem Then and let K1 be a rr’-Hall K (see [I], Corollary 12.20); obviously, G = Q x K1, where Q is a n-Hall Ki > (1). subgroup x ker(p) of the nilpotent in G. Then by the of G. Assume We have x = T x I*, where r E Irr(Q), K = ker(>o = ker(r) subgroup KI is normal P E Irr(Ki). that x(G) # r. Since = (K n Q) x (K il KI) = (K n Q) x KI, 642 YAKOV it follows that ker(p) Ki. = Ki, i.e., p = 1~~. Let ,ui be a nonprincipal Set xi = r x pl. Then Hence K1 = (1) We see that minimal they are nilpotent. (P(G) (take G = E(p”), the example Let x E Irr(G). Z(x)/ ker(x) kernels But, of x. behave similarly the elementary The subgroup the Frattini minimal abelian Z(x) It is known that = Z(G/ ker()o) quasikernel If Z(T) Z(r) ker(x), = {z Z(x) kernels subgroup and, as are not contained in group of order p” > p; see also quasikernel th e result we see that H/ ker(x) to a minimal = x(l)} in G, ker(x) is called 5 Z(x) see [I], Lemma and 2.27. A kernel. If T E of G, where x E Irr(G). then Z(T) = Z(x). < ker(x), 5 Z(x), E G 1 Ix(x)l is normal and the last group is cyclic; is defined similarly is such that ker(r) PROOF. to the choice of K. cl in general, Lemma 3. Let Z(x) be a minimal Irr(G) = K, contrary < ker(x) of below). the quasikernel minimal ker(xi) character = rr = n(G/K). and r(G) (P(G), BERKOVICH holds since Z(x) < Z(G/ ker(>o) is minimal. Setting = Z(x)/ ker(x), H = and so Z(r) < 0 H I Z(x). Corollary 4. If2 = Z(x) (x E Irr(G)) zs a minimal quasikernel of G, then Z is nilpotent. PROOF. By the lemma, a minimal kernel of G. we may assume, without In that case, Z/ ker(x) loss of generality, = Z(G/ ker(>o) that ker(x) is nilpotent, the result follows from the theorem. Corollary Q/Z(x) 5. of G. generality, z/ker(x) 0 (x E Irr(G)) be a minimal Then Q/Z is x-closed In view of the lemma, PROOF. kernel Let Z = Z(x) be normal in G/Z(x). we may assume As in the proof of the theorem, that Q/Z 1s . a r-group. = Z(G/ker(x)) by In that a n-group that quasikernel K = ker(x) we may assume, case, and let Q/ ker(x) Q/Z, is r-closed. is a minimal without loss of as an extension By the theorem, of Q is 0 Let Z be as in Corollary But the analog of Corollary abelian ofG if and only if Q is. 7r-closed, as desired. nonidentity is and 5. Then G is nilpotent if and only if G/Z is nilpotent. 1 does not hold for minimal quasikernels (let G be a group). Suppose that x E Irr(G) is such that Corollary 6. Let n be a set of primes. 1ker(x)ln is minimal with respect to divisibility. Then ker(x) = A x B, where A is a nilpotent T-Hall subgroup of ker(>o. FRATTINI PROOF. Set K = ker(X). kernel with L 5 K. choice of K. ILIT divides Since L is nilpotent of L (and of K), 7r’-group. Therefore, We will show that kernels. Let H = PI x . P,, x Let & be an irreducible and X = $1 x ... is a minimal is normal is the only restriction such that of = (~1,. . ,p,}. group of order pa, i = 1, . . , n. of Pi of degree pi, i = 1, . . , n. Set G = H x K Then X E Irr(G) and ker(X) = K. We claim that K let N be a proper normal divisor of K; then N ker(r) IS . not cyclic. of G, Z(G/N) = N ([I], Lemma with the same pi as above. 2.27(d), Therefore, (f)). This there means let G = C x K, where C is cyclic of kernel of G. Similarly, X of G is minimal. on the structure group and rr(K) where Pi is a nonabelian character Question 1. Let G be a nonabelian character is a subgroup 0 K, C are minimal Then in this case, K is the kernel of a linear character Moreover, K/L Obviously, K = A x B, where B is a +-Hall in G. By the construction order pl . . .p, it follows that A, a K-Hall 12.20), let K be a nilpotent x & x 1~. K is a minimal is a minimal IKIT = IL/,, by the and A 5 L, the result follows. kernel of G. Indeed, is no r E Irr(G) that L = ker(r) be such that in G and so in K. is normal the nilpotency Indeed, 643 lK(ls, it follows that ([I], Corollary by the theorem, Since L is nilpotent minimal PROPERTIES Let r E Irr(G) Since subgroup of K. LIKE p-group such that the kernel Study the embedding kernels of G. of G. of ker(X) of some linear in G. Question 2. Let G be a nonabelian p-group such that some minimal kernel K = (X E Irr(G) as nonlinear) has index p3 in G. Study the embedding of K in ker(X) G. Question 3. elementary Classify minimal abelian p-groups, Proposition ker(x)] Then D = nxEx ker(X) Let X E X, H < G such that K II H x of: (a) a standard wreath product 5 Q(H). I x E Irr(G)}, X = {X ] X E Irr(G), I ker(X)] = m}. 5 G(G). K = ker(X). G = KH. Obviously, Suppose We assume that that K $ a(G). Then H n ker(r) XH = 0 E Irr(H). = ker(rH) < ker(0) there exists IHI is as small as possible. Let r E Irr(BG). reciprocity, (3) of two B in terms of A and B. 7. Let m = mini] PROOF. kernels (b) A = ker(XH) = K f~ H. Then Then, by 644 YAKOV ker(r) <_ H. Assume that minimal choice of K. Since K f H, we obtain that HL = G = HK, Then, BERKOVICH by (3), ker(r) where L = ker(r). 5 K, and so ker(r) a contradiction. = K by the Hence it follows 5 IKI, Then by (3), (LI = IKI. $$$# so that (L( = (K( by the choice of K and T E X, (H CTL( = (H n K(. Hence by (3), Hnker(r) = Hn K for every 7 E Irr(OG). S’mce ker(BG) < H, it follows that ker(BG) = H it follows that n K. Since ker(OG) is normal in G and ker(BG) = H n K 5 Q(H), that Irr(eG) proposition. c X. ker(BG) < @(G) by (Q4). S’mce r E Irr(eG) Therefore, D = n,,, ker($) It is easy to prove that the intersection such that x(1) = max{~(l) ( T E Irr(G)} Let p be a prime. Set Irrr(G,p’) = {x E Irri(G) is arbitrary, we obtain 5 ker(BG) < (P(G), proving of the kernels of characters is also contained in (P(G). I ~‘i x(l)), G(d) = 0 the 0 x E Irr(G) k-(x), xEWG,P’) WG,p) = lx E WG) I P I x(l)), G(P) = n Wx). XEWG,P) Remark. We claim that G(p) is p-closed and its Sylow p-subgroup is abelian. By the Michler-Ito Theorem (see [I], Corollary 12.34 and [MI), it suffices to show that all characters in Irri(G(p)) have p’-degrees. Assume that p E Irri(G(p)) has degree divisible by p. Take x E Irr(p’); then G(p) $ ker(>o. Then, by Clifford’s Theorem, ~(1) divides G(p) is characteristic and so G(p) < ker(x), a contradiction. in G. It is known that G(p’) has a normal x(l), The subgroup p-complement and solvable; see [B], Proposition 9 and Remark 1 following it. Next, we will prove that G(p’) < G’ unless p divides the degrees of all nonlinear irreducible characters of G (and then G is pnilpotent by [I], Corollary 12.2). Indeed, let X be a nonlinear irreducible character of G of p/-degree, X a linear character of G, z E G(p’). Then Xx E Irr(G,p’), and so x(1) = x(z) = (XX))(Z) = X(z)x(s) = X(x)x(l). It follows that X(z) = 1 so z E G’ since X is an arbitrary linear character of G. Similarly, G(p) 5 G’ unless all characters in Irr(G) h ave p’-degrees (and then G is p-closed with abelian classification Sylow p-subgroup by [Ml; note that the proof in [M] depends on finite simple groups). Let N be a normal general, N(p’) subgroup of G. Then Q(N) 5 (P(G), by (Q2). on the But, in $ G(p’) (take G = S4, N = A4 and p = 3: in that case, N = N(3’) is of order 12 and ]G(3’)] = 4), and N(p) $ G(p) (take the same G, N and p = 2). However, the following result holds: FRATTINI Proposition particular, PROOF. sition. LIKE PROPERTIES 8. If N is a normal subgroup if N(p’) f G(p’), Let x E Irrl(G,p’) IfpI 645 of G, then N(p’) fl N’ < G(p’). In then N is p-nilpotent. and let XN = e(pl+. = 1, then N(p’)nN’ ..+pLt) be the Clifford decompo- 5 N’ 5 ker(pl+...+pt) = ker(XN) 5 ker(x). If ~1( 1) > 1, then p does not divide pi(l) for all i since pi( 1) divides x(1) by Clifford’s Theorem, and so N(p’) n N’ < N(p’) 5 ker(pl +. + ,ut) = ker(x(ni) < ker(x). N(p’) Therefore, n N’ < nXEIrrlCG,p,j ker(x) Th en, G(P’). N(P’) $ Irrl(N,p’) 12.2. is empty by what has just by the Remark; been = G(p’). $ in that case, N is p-nilpotent N’, that and so by [I], Corollary 0 For a normal subgroup N of G, set Irrl(G 1 N) = Irrl(G) The following proposition was inspired by [IK], Theorem Proposition 9. Let K 5 N be normal subgroups (a) If NG(p)/G(p) and all characters is p-closed, in Irq(G (b) If NG(p’)/G(p’) nilpotent (moreover, compare to [IK], then N is. is p-nilpotent, in Irrl(G 1K) if N/K is solvable, Therefore, of minimal Without of N/G(p). we may assume is p- then N is also solvable; order. loss of generality, we may assume by induction, applied to N/O,(G(p)) < G/O,(G(p)), = {l}, i.e., G(p) is a p’-subgroup by the Remark. Let P/G(p) Sylow p-subgroup that P is p-closed Obviously, P = N, i.e., N/G(p) (1) < G(p) < N. Assume p-closed, In particular, is. < N and, get O,(G(p)) (normal) is p-closed h ave degrees divisible by p, then N is N/K (a) Let us prove the first assertion. G(p) if N/K 0). Let G be a counterexample PROOF. of G. In particular, then N if, in addition, Theorem - Irr(G/N). D. 1K) h awe p/-degrees, then N is p-closed. and all characters p-nilpotent that Suppose N(p’) proved, that O,(N) if and only if N is. is a p-group. > (1). we be a Since N is not Set c = G/O,(N). Take x E Irr(G,p) (‘1f such a x does not exist, ?? is p-closed, by Ito-Michler Theorem; in that case, G and so N are p-closed). We see that O,(N)G(p) 5 ker(x) (here we consider NH/H, x as a character as an epimorphic it follows by induction is p-closed of G). NH that G(p) It follows that image of N/G(p), is p-closed. is p-closed. Since so N is, and G is not a counterexample. L/G(p) be a minimal L/G(p) is a (nonidentity) elementary proved, L is not p-closed. Therefore, normal subgroup of G/G(p) abelian O,(N) Thus contained p-group. by Ito’s Theorem 5 G(p) Since NH/H = E. Then -E NH/H, is a p-group, O,(N) = (1). in N/G(p). By what NH Let Then has been just (see [I], Corollary 12.34 646 YAKOV BERKOVICH for solvable groups, but the same proof works for p-solvable groups as well), L has an irreducible character X of degree divisible by p. Let x E Irr(XG). By Clifford’s Theorem, p divides x(1) so x E Irr(G,p). Then G(p) < ker(x), and which is not the case since L/G(p) is so G(p) 5 L TI ker(x) = ker(xL) < ker(X), abelian and X is nonlinear. The first assertion in (a) is proved. Suppose that N/K is p-closed and all characters in Irri (G ( K) have p/-degrees (here we do not assume that G(p) is contained in N). Then K 5 G(p). In that case, NG(p)/G(p) E N/N n G(p) as an epimorphic image of the p-closed group N/K is also pclosed. Therefore, by what has been proved in the previous paragraph, NG(p) is p-closed so is N. The proof of (a) is completed. (b) Let us prove the first assertion. Without loss of generality, we may assume that G(p’) < N and, by induction, O,! (G(p')) = {l}, i.e., G(p’) is apsubgroup by the Remark. Let H/G($) b e a ( normal) p/-Hall subgroup of N/G($). Obviously, N is p-nilpotent if and only if H is. Therefore, we may assume, without loss of generality, that H = N; in that case N/G@‘) is a p’-subgroup and G(p’) is a psubgroup. Since G is a counterexample, N > G(p’) > (1). Let P E Syl,(G); then G(p’) < P. We claim that G(p’) f Q(P). A ssume that this is false. Then G(p’) < Q(G) by (+4), and so N is pnilpotent since N/G(p’) is, which is a contradiction. Since P’ < Q(P), it follows that G(p’) $ P’, and so P possesses a linear character X such that G(p’) $ ker(X). S’ mce XG(l) = IG : P( $ 0 (mod p), there exists x E Irr(XG) wh ose degree is not divisible by p. By reciprocity, By the Remark, G(p’) 5 G’ (otherwise, G is p-nilpotent, case, G’ $ ker(x), i.e., x is nonlinear and x E Irri(G,p’). contrary to what has just been proved. Now suppose that N/K Irri(G is p-nilpotent G(p’) $ ker(>o. and so N is). In that Then G(p’) < ker()o, and the degrees of all characters in 1K) are divisible by p (here we do not assume that G(p’) is contained in N). In that case, K 5 G(p’). Then NG(p’)/G(p’) E N/N fl G(p’) is p-nilpotent as an epimorphic image of the p-nilpotent group N/K. By what has been proved in the previous paragraph, NG(p’) is p-nilpotent so is N. Since K is solvable, the 0 last assertion of (b) is obvious. In general, G(p’), G(p) are not necessarily subgroups of Q(G). If G = S4, then G(2) = G(3’) $ Q(G) = (1) since IG(2)I = 4. If W = ASL(3,2) = SL(3, 2).E(23), where E(23) is elementary abelian of order 8, and G/E(23) is a subgroup of order 21 in W/E(23), then G(3) = G(7’) = E(23) $ a(G) = (1). Let N be subnormal in G (i.e., N is a member of some composition series of G), let NG(p)/G(p) K/G(p) be p-closed and K/G(p) its normal p-Sylow subgroup. Then is a subnormal p-subgroup of G/G(p). It is easy to prove by induction FRATTINI that K/G(p) 5 H/G(p) LIKE PROPERTIES = O,(G/G(p)). 647 By Proposition 7(a), H is p-closed. K is p-closed and subnormal in N. Since IN : KI is a $-number, a P of K is a Sylow subgroup of N. Since P is subnormal in G, Sylow p-subgroup it is subnormal in N. Then P is normal in N, and hence N is p-closed. Similarly, Therefore, a subnormal subgroup N is p-nilpotent if and only if NG(p’)/G(p’) I am indebted to the referee for remarks and comments. is. REFERENCES [B] Y. Berkovich, Finite groups with small sums of degrees of some characters, J Algebra 171 (1995), 426443. [G] W. Gaschiitz, [I] Uber die a-Untergruppe I.M. Isaacs, Character endlicher Gruppen, Math. 2. 58 (1953), 160-170. Theory of Finite Groups, Academic [IK] I.M. Isaacs and Greg Knutson, Irreducible character Press, New York, 1976. degrees and normal subgroups, J. Algebra 199 (1998), 302-326. [M] G.O. Michler, Modular representation Lect. 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