Testing VUS 9 | Quizlet

Testing VUS 9 | Quizlet
NAME: ________________________
6 Written Questions
1. a us warship that mysteriously exploded and sank in the harbor of Havana, Cuba on Feb 15, 1898
2. the use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspaper or magazines to attract
3. US Secretary of State, bought Alaska
4. the U.S. policy of using the nation's economic power to exert influence over other countries Latin America
5. an artificial waterway cut through the isthmus of panama to provide a shortcut between the
atlantic and pacific oceans, opened in 1914.
6. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
6 Multiple Choice Questions
1. Established nine new nations, created new areas out of the Ottoman Empire that would become
French and British mandates, barred Germany from maintaining an army, required Germany to
return Alsace-Lorraine to France and pay reparations ($33 billion) to the Allies for damages
caused by the war. The US did not ratify the treaty.
a. Treaty of Paris 1898
b. League of Nations
c. Treaty of Versailles
d. Nationalism
2. ending Spanish-America war, Spain freed Cuba,turned over Puerto Rico and Guam, and sold
Philippines to U.S. for $20million
a. Treaty of Paris 1898
b. League of Nations
c. Nationalism
d. Treaty of Versailles
3. Heir to the Austrian throne, assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip.
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Testing VUS 9 | Quizlet
a. League of Nations
b. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
c. Treaty of Versailles
d. reparations
4. aims to prevent foreign powers china from shutting out the US from chinese markets.
a. dollar diplomacy
b. Central Powers
c. Nationalism
d. open door policy
5. Self-determination; freedom of the seas; League of Nations; mandate system
a. Yellow Journalism
b. open door policy
c. Wilson's Fourteen Points
d. Central Powers
6. a 1900 rebellion in which members of a Chinese secret society sought to free their country from
western influence.
a. Allies
b. boxer rebellion
c. reparations
d. open door policy
6 True/False Questions
1. League of Nations → An international organization that would settle disagreements between
nations without having to resort to war.
2. Militarism → Devotion to interests and culture of one's nation.
3. reparations → Payment for damages caused by the war. Germany was responsible for paying $33
billion to Britain and France.
4. Nationalism → The policy of building up armed forces in aggressive preparedness for war and
their use as a tool of diplomacy
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Testing VUS 9 | Quizlet
5. Allies → The policy of building up armed forces in aggressive preparedness for war and their use
as a tool of diplomacy
6. Lusitania → German U-boats sank this British passenger ship off the southern coast of Ireland on
May 7, 1915. 1,198 person were lost, including 128 Americans. American public opinion turns
against Germany and the Central Powers.
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