ספרות הצעה לפתרון

‫הצעה לפתרון ספרות‬
‫‪ ,Module F‬קיץ ‪1022‬‬
‫מועד א'‬
‫התשובות הנן הצעה לפיתרון‪ .‬יתכנו פתרונות נוספים שאינם מופיעים כאן‪ .‬ט‪.‬ל‪.‬ח‪.‬‬
Part I
1) Rules of the Game\ Amy Tan
a) 1. Her brothers teach her.
2. She studies chess at the library.
b) 1. She doesn't have to do chores around the house.
2. She gets respect from her family and people in Chinatown.
c) As a result of her success in chess Waverly starts to stand up to her
mother. She is more active and critical. However, she feels guilty after
treating her mother badly because she knows she only succeeds in chess
because of her.
d) 1. Thinking skill I chose: Compare and contrast
Waverly learned that she had the skill needed to succeed in life:
ambition, smarts and patience. She becomes more independent. She also
learns to respect her mother and her Chinese heritage.
2. I chose this TK because I compared between the girl Waverly was
at the beginning of the story to the girl she became at the end.
e) 1. The importance of Waverly being Chinese American to the story is
that she uses the wisdom she learned from her Chinese heritage to win in
chess. She learned how to be patient, how to work hard and how to keep
secrets. This gives her an advantage over the American chess players.
2. We can see this reflected at the end of the story, after Waverly's
mother becomes angry at her and ignores her. Instead of crying and
acting emotionally Waverly goes quietly to her room and "ponders her
next move" like her mother taught her.
2. The Split Cherry Tree\ Jesse Stuart
a) Pa changed his mind about his son's studies after he visited his school
and saw that there was real learning there.
b) The pupils changed their minds about Pa when they saw that he is
against hurting animals that can't defend themselves.
c) Pa understands at the end that professor Herbert is a real teacher
that wanted to teach his son a valuable lesson. Because of this he starts
to respect him and the school.
d) 1. TK I chose: Explaining cause and effect.
After the meeting between Pa and Professor Herbert, Dave begins to see
his father in a new way. He sees that the other pupils respect his father
because he cares for animals, and that even his teacher learned new
things from Pa. This causes Dave to respect his father and realize that
he has a lot to learn from him.
2. I chose this TK because I explained the effect the meeting between
Pa and Professor Herbert had on Dave and how it changed his mind about
his father.
e) 1. Professor Herbert wanted to teach Dave about responsibility and
that if you do something bad there are consequences and you have to pay
the price.
2. I think Professor Herbert was right to punish the boy because it is
important to teach children that they are responsible for their actions.
If he had just explained to Dave what he did wrong without punishing him
it would not have been effective.
Part II
3. All My Sons\ Arthur Miller
a) At the end of act III Chris reads Joe the letter where Larry says he
is going to kill himself.
b) He killed himself because he couldn't deal with the knowledge that 21
pilots had died because of his father.
c) Keller means that for Larry, all the pilots who died because of Joe
were like his brothers. Larry tried to tell Joe through his suicide that he
had a responsibility for the lives of the other soldiers, not just for his
d) 1. TK I chose: Compare and contrast
Chris is like his father in many ways. They both ignore what they choose
to in spite of facts, and they both believe that taking care of your family
is only about making money. However, they are also different. Chris is an
idealist who believes in society and responsibility for others unlike Joe
who is a practical man who was willing to commit a crime to keep his
2. I chose this TK because I compared and contrasted between Joe
and Chris.
e) I chose to discuss money from the perspectives of Jim and his wife
Sue. Sue encourages her husband to always make more money and even
visit patients who are not sick to get more fees. Jim, however, is happy
just to do his research and not earn much money. The play talks about the
effect that money has on our lives and how it can destroy relationships.
4. The Wave\ Morton Rhue
a) The students were shocked by the movie and couldn’t understand why
no one stopped the Nazis.
b) Yes. David understands at the end of the book that something terrible
like the holocaust can happen anywhere and to anyone.
c) Ben saw the Wave had gotten out of hand and had to put a stop to it.
He showed the students the second film because he wanted to shock
them and to teach them a lesson they will never forget. He cared more
about his students than his personal future.
d) 1. TK I chose: Explaining cause and effect.
I chose Robert. At the beginning of the story Robert is the class loser
and doesn’t have any friends. The Wave makes him feel special and he
becomes popular and part of the group because he is important to the
Wave and holds a major position. Robert is an example of how such
movements attracts people with low self-esteem.
2. I chose this TK because I explain the effect the wave had on
student like Robert and how it changed them.
e) 1. Ben is enthusiastic, charismatic and creative. He is a risk taker and
is loved by his students. However, Ben is also irresponsible because he
doesn’t stop the wave on time. He enjoys the success of his experiment to
much and doesn’t stop to consult with anyone about what he is doing.
2. Ben's creativeness cause his to do something new like the Wave
experiment to teach his student about Nazis and fascism. His caring for
his student causes him to stop the Wave at the end. His overconfidence
doesn’t let him see that the Wave is out of control and that is why he let
it go on as long as it did.
Part III- Bridging Text and Context
5. Introduction to Poetry\ Billy Collins
In the above quote Billy Collins expresses the fears that students have
when they study poetry. The message is often difficult to understand
even when the language is simple, and there is no one right way to
interpret a poem, which frustrates many pupils. They look upon a poem as
a puzzle that has to be figured out instead of something to feel, to
experience with the senses.
This is the same idea that is talked about in Introduction to Poetry.
Pupils do not know how to "approach" a poem through the senses and
instead try to use their intellect to understand it instead of their
emotions to feel it. When we are told in this poem to "take a poem and
hold it up to the light like a color slide" or "press an ear against its hive",
the narrator wants us to experience the poem as if it were something we
could see, hear, touch or smell. A poem shold be appreciated like a
beautiful painting or piece of music. But pupils don't want to do that,
because it makes them feel insecure if they haven't understood it
properly: "all they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with rope and
torture a confession out of it", to "beat it with a hose to find out what it
really means"
6. Mr. Know All\ W. Somerset Maugham
We can see Somerset Maugham's "acute power of observation" reflected
in two characters in Mr. Know- All: the narrator and Mr. Kelada. The
narator (although he doesn't seem too observant when it comes to his
own prejudices) is a man who notices things about people that others in
the story don't. For example, he sees that Mrs. Ramsay is in distress
when Mr. Kelada asks to see her necklace, whereas her own husband
doesn't seem to notice this at all. He also describes the passengers on
the ship in great detail, in particular Mr. Kelada, to the point where we
feel we can see him and know what he's like: his "exuberant" gestures, his
"lustrous" dark eyes, his pushiness, his arrogance. But Mr. Kelada, too, is
an observant gentleman: from Mrs. Ramsay's behavior at the dinner table
he understands very quickly that she has something to hide and this is
the reason why he agrees to lose face and "admit" the necklace is an
7. The Enemy\ Pearl S. Buck
This quote explains why it is necessary for people of different cultures
to look at each other as human beings and try to see beyond their
prejudices. The basic duty of a doctor is to save people's lives wherever
or whoever they are even in times of war. This story demonstrates how
difficult such a duty can be. Dr. Sadao and his wife spent time in America,
where he studied medicine and learned about American values in a way he
couldn't have learned in Japan. As a result he adopted some American
values, such as that all people are equal. He is also more sympathetic to
Americans as human beings than other Japanese people are because he
has lived among Americans and knows some of them personally.
8. Count That Day Lost\ George Elliot
The above quote shows me that in Victorian society it was considered
important to have a sense of responsibility for others. These values are
clearly shown in the poem. A day is wasted if you have not done something
for someone else and a day is well-spent if you have done something to
make another person's life happier or easier even if it is difficult for you.
This is what is meant by the responsibility people owe each other as
human beings; we are here to help and be kind to others.