MARK E. MATTSON Associate Professor, Psychology Department LL813 Fordham University New York, NY 10023 (212) 636-6356 Degrees August 1987 S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook May 1983 S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook May 1979 S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook Ph.D. in Psychology: Experimental Program M.A. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology Honors 2002 1985 FCLS Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Fordham University Departmental Pre-doctoral Teaching Fellowship 1998 1996 1987 National Service Award, Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology elected Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society Associate Member of Sigma Xi 2011 1995 Who’s Who in America 2011, 65th edition Who's Who in the East, 25th edition Research 2016 2006 1997 Fordham University Faculty Fellowship awarded Fordham University Faculty Fellowship Fordham University Faculty Fellowship 1993 Fordham University Faculty Research Grant: Representation of Syllables: Intersyllabic Consonants 1991 Fordham University Faculty Research Grant: The Syllable as a Representation in Speech Production 1986 Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi 1979-1983 Research Assistant: NSF Grant #BNS 7906024 to Bernard J. Baars 1981 Visiting Graduate Student: Department of Communication, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1979-1980 Visiting Graduate Student: Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego 1 Teaching Fordham University (Assistant Professor: 1989-2012; Associate Professor: 2012-now) Undergraduate: PSYC 1200 Foundations of Psychology PSYC 2000 Statistics PSYC 2010 Research Methods Laboratory PSYC 2300 Sensation and Perception PSYC 2401 Memory Laboratory PSYC 2500 Cognition PSYC 2501 Cognition Laboratory PSYC 3000 Systems of Research Methodology PSYC 3320 Consumer Behavior PSYC 4000 History and Systems of Psychology PSYC 4330 Music and Psychology PSYC 4997 Honors Thesis in Psychology I & II PSYC 4999 Research Tutorial SERV 0099 Service Learning HOLU 2201 Identity and Experience: Intelligence CCCL 1022 Language and Knowing Graduate: PSYC 6066 History and Systems of Psychology PSYC 7990 Teaching of Psychology PSGE 5203 Introduction to Research Clarkson University (Assistant Professor: Aug. 1986-June 1989) PY 151 General Psychology PY 350 Artificial Intelligence PY 360 Memory PY 369 Engineering Psychology PY 496 Directed Research PY 498 Senior Thesis S. U. N. Y. at Stony Brook (Instructor: Aug. 1983-July 1986) PSY 103 Survey of Psychology PSY 319 Human Learning PSY 321 Sensation and Perception PSY 348 Human Memory PSY 370 Psychology of Language S. U. N. Y. at Stony Brook (Teaching Assistant: Sept. 1980-Dec. 1983) 2 Publications Mattson, M.E., Wertz, F.J., Fogarty, H., Klenck, M. & Zabriskie, B. (Eds.) (2015). Jung in the academy and beyond: The Fordham lectures 100 years later. New York: Spring Journal. Mattson, M.E., Wertz, F.J., Fogarty, H., Klenck, M. & Zabriskie, B. (2015). Introduction. In M.E. Mattson, F.J. Wertz, H. Fogarty, M. Klenck, & B. Zabriskie (Eds.) Jung in the academy and beyond: The Fordham lectures 100 years later (pp. 1-11). New York: Spring Journal. Mattson, M.E. (2015). The 1912 International Extension Course in Medical and Nervous Diseases: The instructors and the Fordham context. In M.E. Mattson, F.J. Wertz, H. Fogarty, M. Klenck, & B. Zabriskie (Eds.) Jung in the academy and beyond: The Fordham lectures 100 years later (pp. 51-63). New York: Spring Journal. Mattson, M.E. (2012). Autobiographical memories of Grateful Dead concerts: Two descriptive approaches. Reprinted in N. Meriwether (Ed.) Reading the Dead: A critical survey (pps. 206-219). Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press. Mattson, M.E. (2012). History of psychology at Fordham University. In R.W. Rieber (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the history of psychological theories (pp. 444-446). New York: Springer. Mattson, M.E. (2012). History of activation network theories. In R.W. Rieber (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the history of psychological theories (pp. 4-6). New York: Springer. Henkel, L.A. & Mattson, M.E. (2011). Reading is believing: The truth effect and source credibility. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1705-1721. Mattson, M.E. (2010). Review of the Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology. General Psychologist, 45, 2, 36-37. (reprinted Fall 2012, 47, 2, 69-70) Mattson, M.E. (2009). Autobiographical memories of Grateful Dead concerts: Two descriptive approaches. In N. Meriwether (Ed.) Dead letters: Essays on the Grateful Dead phenomenon Volume IV (pp. 207-220). Columbia SC: Dead Letters Press. Mattson, M.E., & Baars, B.J. (1992). Laboratory induction of nonspeech action errors. In B.J. Baars (Ed.) Experimental slips and human error: Exploring the architecture of volition (pp. 151-193). New York: Plenum Press. Mattson, M.E., & Baars, B.J. (1992). Error-minimizing mechanisms: Boosting or editing? In B.J. Baars (Ed.) Experimental slips and human error: Exploring the architecture of volition (pp. 263-287). New York: Plenum Press. Mattson, M.E. (1987). Sources of competing activation in action errors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 6. 3 Baars, B.J., & Mattson, M.E. (1983). Review of Attention and Performance IX, J. Long & A. Baddeley (Eds.). Cognition and Brain Theory, 6, 376-380. Baars, B.J., & Mattson, M.E. (1981). Consciousness and intention: A framework and some evidence. Cognition and Brain Theory, 4, 247-263. Erickson, T.D., & Mattson, M.E. (1981). From words to meaning: A semantic illusion. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 20, 540-551. Presentations: Speech Error Experiments Mattson, M.E. (2005, March). Control of speech errors: Time pressure, criterion, and awareness of task purpose. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston, MA. Mattson, M.E., Collier, R.R., Emery, N.M., Gess, A.L., Hirsch, A.M., Lipnitsky, J., & Truax, T.J. (2003, March). Control of speech errors: The role of time pressure. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore, MD. Mattson, M.E., Dickie, D., Hoeffner, K.E., Murphy, K., Nickowal, J., & Woodford, B. (2001, April). Control of speech errors: A replication with self-report measures. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Washington, D.C. Mattson, M.E., Jacobus, C., Korkofigas, E., Pfeiffer, D. & Rahm, C. (2000, April). Control of speech errors: Error rate correlates. Poster presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore MD. Mattson, M.E., Constante, S.C., Dell'Oro, M., Miraglia, R., & Suarez, S. (1999, April). Control of speech errors: Awareness of task purpose and error criterion. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Providence RI. Mattson, M.E., Neville, A.E., Patino, C.M., Silverberg, S.S., & Wilson, J.L. (1998, February). Voluntary control of speech errors. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston, MA. Mattson, M.E., Hernandez, C.J., Carotenuto, C.C., & Minardo, J.S. (1996, April). The role of the boundary consonant in ambisyllabic words. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Philadelphia, PA. Mattson, M.E., Lang, E., & Corris, C. (1994, April). Are some syllable errors really morpheme errors? Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Providence, RI. Mattson, M.E., Levi, Z., & Ferris, D. (1993, April). The type of syllable boundary affects the likelihood of exchange errors. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Arlington, VA. Mattson, M.E., Ferris, D., & Levi, Z. (1992, April). The boundaries of syllables: Laboratory induction of exchange errors. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston. Mattson, M.E., Stravitz, A., Baars, B.J., & Cruickshank, G. (1991, April). The psychological reality of syllables: Laboratory induction of exchange errors. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, New York. 4 Presentations: Music and Psychology Mattson, M.E. (2015, February). Personal and psychological aesthetics of transcendent performances by the Grateful Dead and related bands. Paper presented at Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2014, November). Errors and expressive variations in Grateful Dead performances: A review. Paper presented at the So Many Roads Conference and Symposium, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Mattson, M.E. (2014, February). Human error and expressive variations in jam band performances. Paper presented at Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2013, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Comes a Time (1971-1994). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2012, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Before and after the teleprompter. Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Conference, Albuquerque NM. Mattson, M.E. (2011, April). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Doin’ that Rag (1969). Paper presented at Joint Conference of the National PCA/ACA and Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Conference, San Antonio TX. Mattson, M.E. (2010, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Days Between (1993-1995). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2009, March). “One man gathers what another man spills”: Lyric variations in live musical performances by the Grateful Dead. Poster presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Pittsburgh PA. Mattson, M.E. (2009, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Truckin’ (1970-1995). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2008, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Foolish Heart (1988-1995). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2007, February). Human error and creative variations in the music of the Grateful Dead: Here Comes Sunshine (1992-1995). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2006, February). Human error and creative variation in the music of the Grateful Dead: Here Comes Sunshine (1973-1974). Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2005, February). Human error and creative variation in the music of the Grateful Dead. Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E., & Jacobus, C.J. (2004, April). Music and excitement: Buildups in the music of the Grateful Dead. Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and PCA/ACA Conference, San Antonio TX. 5 Jacobus, C.J., & Mattson, M.E. (2003, March). The emotional response to music: The effect of build-ups on arousal. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore, MD. Mattson, M.E. (1990, December 3). The psychology of music. Visiting Artist under the Arts-as-Catalyst component of the Excellence Initiative Project at Bloomfield College, NJ. Presentations: History of Psychology Mattson, M.E. (2012, October). Placing the 1912 Jung lectures in their Fordham context. Presentation at conference on Jung in the Academy and Beyond: The Fordham Lectures 100 Years Later, Fordham University, Bronx, NY. . Mattson, M.E. (2012, April). Using PowerPoint to present a faculty genealogy. Presentation at 40th Hunter Psychology Conference, New York, NY. Takooshian, H.T. & Mattson, M.E. (2011). DVD: Writing a department history: Why and how? Psychology oral history projects. Prepared for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Saziman, A., Starr, F.N., Kohl, V.C., Ferrar, J., Stinson, M., & Mattson, M.E. (2011, March). Faculty genealogy of Fordham University psychology: Part I. Poster presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Cambridge, MA. Mattson, M.E., Scheinholtz, J., Nickols, R.A., & Barnett, P.A. (2010, March). Applying psychology: The Graduate School of Education at Fordham University. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Brooklyn, NY. Mattson, M.E. (2009, December). A history of the social sciences at Fordham College at Lincoln Center 1968-1996. Presentation at Social Science Colloquium, Fordham University. Mattson, M.E. (2009, March). Psychology at Fordham University: 75 Years of doctorates, dissertations, and mentors. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Pittsburgh PA. Mattson, M.E. (2008, November). Workshop: Writing a department history: Why and how? Presented at 20th Annual Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, Fordham University. Mattson, M.E. (2008, September). Psychology at Fordham University: An overview 1862-1968. Paper presented at Fordham University conference on History of Psychology in New York: Exceptional Place, Exceptional People. Mattson, M.E. (2008, April). Two snapshots: Psychology faculty at Fordham University in the 1950s. Paper presented at 36th Annual Hunter College Psychology Convention, NYC. Mattson, M.E., Nadien, M.B., & Takooshian, H.T. (2008, March). Undergraduate psychology education at Fordham College at Lincoln Center 1968-1996. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston MA. Mattson, M.E. (2007, November). Resources for a departmental history. Presented at 19th Annual Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, Hofstra University, Hempstead NY. Mattson, M.E. (2007, March). Stages of institutional development in psychology at Fordham University. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Philadelphia PA. Mattson, M.E. (2006, October). Psychology and Catholicism at Fordham University: A case study. Paper presented at Symposium: Psychology, Religion and Catholicism at Annual National Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, University of Dallas, TX. 6 Mattson, M.E. (2006, June). Psychology and Catholicism at Fordham University. Paper presented at Cheiron XXXVIII: International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville NY. Mattson, M.E. (2006, March). Rev. William C. Bier, S.J.: Defender of the faith and defender of psychology. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore MD. Mattson, M.E. (2005, November). Psychology before the Psychology Department at Fordham University. Paper presented at Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, NYC. Mattson, M.E. (2005, April). Founders and chairs of the Psychology Department at Fordham University. Paper presented at 33rd Annual Hunter College Psychology Convention, NYC. Mattson, M.E. (2004, April). The history of psychology at Fordham University: An update. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Washington DC. Presentations: Memory Henkel, L. A., & Mattson, M. E. (2010). General knowledge about information encountered in reliable and unreliable sources: Illusory truth as a function of source reliability and repetition. Paper presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO. Mattson, M.E. (2003, February). Memory for Grateful Dead concerts II: Analysis of Internet newsgroup reports. Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mattson, M.E. (2002, February). A qualitative study of memories of Grateful Dead concerts. Paper presented at Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Presentations: Moses Illusion Mattson, M.E. (1997, April). Can people be inoculated against a semantic illusion? Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Washington, D.C. Mattson, M.E., Corris, C., Berkowitz, H., & Kosek, R. (1995, April). Individual differences in a semantic illusion: Field dependence and domain knowledge. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston. Mattson, M.E. (1990, April). A preliminary distributed memory simulation of the Moses illusion. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Philadelphia. Mattson, M.E. (1989, April). Priming in a semantic illusion. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston. 7 Presentations: Teaching Nasso, F.V, Glenwick, D.S. & Mattson, M.E. (2012, October). The effect of transitional programs on scholastic and functional living skills in children with autism. Paper presented at New England Psychology Association Conference, Worcester MA. Later published in FURJ: Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, Spring 2014). Mattson, M.E. (1989-2012). Applying to graduate psychology programs. Presentation at Fordham's Annual Symposium on Graduate Psychology, New York. Mattson, M.E. (1999, August). Undergraduate research and practice. Presented as part of Symposium: Graduate School Admissions and Survival, American Psychological Association meeting, Boston MA. Mattson, M.E. (1997, November 24). Avoiding common errors in applying to graduate school. Invited address at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY. Mattson, M.E. (1997, October). Five common errors and how to overcome them. Presented at the New England Psychological Association meeting, North Easton, MA. Mattson, M.E., & Greenberg, J. (1997, April). Supporting student-originated research projects. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Washington, D.C. Mattson, M.E. (1995, October). Planning for a doctorate and career in psychology. Workshop talk presented at the New England Psychological Association meeting, Wenham, MA. Mattson, M.E. & Hernandez, C.J. (1995, April). Undergraduate research experience. Paper presented at 23rd Annual Psychology Convention, Hunter College, NYC. Mattson, M.E. (1994, October). Ten common mistakes in applying to graduate school. Presentation at the New England Psychological Association meeting, Hamden, CT. Mattson, M.E. (1993, March). Who benefits from extra credit? Paper presented at conference on Teaching of Psychology: Ideas and Innovations, Ellenville, NY. 8 Other Professional Activities 2009-2014 2011-2012 2002-2009 1995-1997 1991-1995 1999-2009 Associate Dean, Fordham College at Lincoln Center Acting Associate Chair for Undergraduate Psychology at Lincoln Center Associate Chair for Undergraduate Psychology at Lincoln Center Associate Chair for Undergraduate Psychology at Lincoln Center Coordinator of Psychology Area at Lincoln Center Psychology Department Executive Committee 2001-2014 1992-1998 1995-1997 1998-2003 1998-2003 1993-2009 Fordham College at Lincoln Center College Council Fordham College at Lincoln Center College Council Fordham College at Lincoln Center Dean's Advisory Committee Fordham College at Lincoln Center Academic Performance Review Committee Fordham College of Liberal Studies College Council Fordham College at Lincoln Center Pre-medical Committee 2003-2006, 2008, 2012 2007-2008 2007 2007-2009 2003-2005 1999-2002 Fordham College at Lincoln Center representative to Arts and Sciences Council President of Fordham chapter of Sigma Xi Chapter delegate to Sigma Xi Annual Meeting Hearing Committee of the Faculty Senate Senator for Lincoln Center: Faculty Senate University Tenure Review Committee (Chair in 2000) 1998-2006 2002-2004 2001-2002 1992-1993 Psi Chi Faculty Consultant Chair, Membership Committee, Division 1, American Psychological Association Co-chair, Membership Committee, Division 1 of APA Assistant Chair, Division 1 Program, APA 1993 2011-2012 organized with Jungian Psychoanalytic Association: conference on Jung in the Academy and Beyond: The Fordham Lectures 100 Years Later Area Co-Chair, Grateful Dead Scholars Caucus, Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference organized Fordham University Conference on History of Psychology in New York 2009-2010 2008, September 2013-present 2014 2006, 2010 2009 2008 1992-1993 2008 2001 1999, 2001 2000 1997 1991-1992 Reviewer for Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Reviewer for textbook chapter: Sinauer Associates Reviewer for journal: History of Psychology Reviewed book proposal: Psychology Press/Routledge/Taylor & Francis Reviewed textbook proposal for Sage Reviewer for journal: Consciousness and Cognition Reviewer for 20th Greater NY Conference on Behavioral Research Reviewer for 13th Greater NY Conference on Behavioral Research Reviewer for Cognitive Science Conference Reviewer for APA conference: Division 2 & Psi Chi Reviewer for Division 2 Program, APA 1998 Reviewer for Annual Greater New York Conference on Social Research April 1999 Workshop on Planning Ethical Research: Multicultural Issues, Fordham University: Certificate of Completion EPA Institute: attended professional development workshop: Teaching History of Psychology February 1998 9 Professional Societies American Psychological Association Eastern Psychological Association Division 1: Society for General Psychology Division 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology Division 26: Society for the History of Psychology Cheiron: International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences Psi Chi, The National Honor Society in Psychology Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society President of Fordham University Chapter 2007-2008 10