Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services #23225 - TL (CAABA & EMERSON) ADD EXTERIOR DOORS TO STAFF APTS INVITATION TO BID and SUMMARY OF WORK Facilities & Technical Services Milton Hershey School 1201 Homestead Lane, Hershey, PA 17033 January 8, 2016 Owner: Milton Hershey School – Facilities & Technical Services (FTS) Contact: Phone: Email: Location: Andrew Tulli, Procurement Manger 717-520-2308 Milton Hershey School, Hershey, Derry Township, PA Bid Due Date: Bids for TL (CAABA & EMERSON) ADD EXTERIOR DOORS TO STAFF APTS are due not later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 22, 2016. Emailed bids are encouraged; please email bid on company letterhead to the MHS contact person named above. Bids will be accepted from invited bidders only. Please be advised that bid amounts are just one of several factors to be considered by the Owner in making an award. In no event shall a low bid create any contractual or other relationship between the Owner and the lowest bidder or give rise to any duty to award on the part of the Owner. Bid Opening is private. Pre-Bid Meeting / Site Visit: A Pre-Bid Meeting and/or site visit will be held on Friday, January 15, 2016. All invited bidders are encouraged to attend. Contractors are to meet promptly at 10:00 a.m. in the Central Operations Facility (COF) Lunch Room located at 1201 Homestead Lane, Hershey PA. A site visit will follow the completion of the Pre-Bid Meeting. Summary of Work: The scope of work for this project includes, but may not be limited to, a single prime contract for all work required on Transitional Living (“TL”) Caaba and TL Emerson to complete selective demolition, rough framing, new windows, new doors/frames and hardware, masonry rework and infill, caulking, interior gypsum repairs, interior and exterior trim, interior and exterior painting, installation and programming of new card readers, final cleaning, etc. The intent is that the final end product at TL Caaba replicates that which currently exists at TL Boone, and TL Emerson replicates that which currently exists at TL Jackson. MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 1 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services TL Caaba Base Bid Scope: Remove existing double window opening in TL Caaba between Bedrooms 161 and 162 and replace with: one new Window Type “C” in Bedroom 162 and one new hollow metal door frame with transom and hollow metal door in Bedroom 161. Infill remainder of existing window opening using similar methods and means as currently installed on TL Boone. Scope of work being performed on TL Caaba is similar to the modification that were previously made to TL Boone between Bedrooms 161 and 162. Reference TL Caaba drawings for existing conditions and TL Boone drawings for proposed modifications. One of the existing windows and screens being removed is to be salvaged for reuse in TL Emerson. TL Emerson Base Bid Scope: Remove the western most existing double window opening in TL Emerson Room 160 and replace with one exterior door opening and one window opening. Window and corresponding screen to be installed is to be salvaged from TL Caaba. Scope of work being performed on TL Emerson is similar to the modification that were previously made to TL Jackson. Reference TL Emerson drawings for existing conditions and TL Jackson drawings for proposed modifications. Work to begin March 14, 2016 and be substantially complete March 25, 2016. Contract Form: The form of contract utilized by Milton Hershey School is a standard two-page Work Order. This work order between the Owner and the Contractor will be administered by Milton Hershey School Facilities and Technical Services. Bidding Requirements: 1. Questions (RFIs) – Any questions you have should be emailed to the attention of Kevin Imes via email: 2. Bidders shall submit their bid proposal to Andrew Tulli via email at Bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 22, 2016. 3. Bid Proposals are to be submitted on company letterhead and include the following: a. Provide all work necessary INCLUDING all labor, material, equipment and all other ITEMS as defined within these bid documents – for the PROJECT as noted above, for a lump sum total. b. Percentage of DBE Participation in Base Bid. c. Acknowledgement of any addenda. Diversity Statement: The Milton Hershey School promotes full and open access to and participation by all elements of the work force for work being performed by third parties on its behalf. This includes consideration of DBE (diverse business enterprise) participation, as well as staff diversity. DBE includes, but is not limited to, MBE/WBE, Veteran, Service-Disabled Veteran, HUB-zone, and 8(a) program participants. As part of this Bid Response, bidder is asked to define how you are actively seeking to obtain diversity in your work force. MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 2 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services MHS Prequalification Requirements: Bidders must have a current Contractor Qualification on file. This document will remain in force for 2 years from the submission date. If not, Bidder is required to complete and submit a MHS Prequalification Submission Requirement form as soon as possible. The Contractor Qualification must be current and/or submitted prior to the opening of bids for this project. Contact Dawn Risser at 717-520-3990 or with any questions about this form or regarding status of the Contractor Qualification. SUMMARY OF WORK Contractors shall include all labor, materials, equipment and supervision required to perform all work in accordance with this Summary of Work and the following: Specifications – dated 01/08/16: 00000 Invitation to Bid 01505 MHS Contractor Policy 02070 Selective Demolition 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 04200 Unit Masonry 04902 Masonry and Concrete Cleaning 06100 Rough Carpentry 06200 Finish Carpentry 06401 Exterior Architectural Woodwork 06402 Interior Architectural Woodwork 06670 Cellular PVC Fabrications 07901 Joint Sealants 08110 Steel Doors and Frames 08410 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts 08610 Wood Windows 08700 Hardware 09900 Painting 16802 Security / Access Control System Plan Sheets: Set 1 – Page 1 Set 2 – Pages 1 thru 5 Set 3 – Pages 1 thru 16 Set 4 – Pages 1 thru 14 Set 5 – Pages 1 thru 14 Set 6 – Pages 1 thru 14 TL Homes Location Plan, dated 01/11/16 Caaba and Emerson Int & Ext Photos, dated 01/11/16 Caaba Combined Drawings, dated 08/31/2006 for Reference Only Emerson Combined Drawings, dated 08/31/2006 for Reference Only Boone Combined Drawings, dated 04/2008 for Reference Only Jackson Combined Drawings, dated 04/2008 for Reference Only The files have been uploaded to our FTP site Files are located in the folder: 23225_TL_Caaba_and_Emerson_Bid_Docs Use the following to access the documents: Username = ftpoutgoing / Password: FTPOUTGOING MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 3 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services All Contractors shall include the following requirements: General Requirements Provide project supervision. Provide safety and protection of persons and property per OSHA, local and state requirements, and Specification Section 01505-MHS General Safety Policies and Guidelines (attached). Provide safety signage and barricades as required by OSHA. Provide all scaffolding, hoisting, rigging, shoring, barricades, ramps, temporary fencing, etc. as necessary to perform the work of this contract. Provide protection of all existing structures, adjacent finishes, roadways, pathways, sidewalks, lawn areas, landscaping, hardscape, etc. from damage resulting from this Contractor’s work. Extreme care shall be used when working around trees and shrubbery. Repair/restore any damage promptly to the satisfaction of MHS Facilities & Technical Services (FTS). Provide daily project cleanup. Dispose of all debris in Contractor-supplied dumpster(s). Provide all temporary facilities and utilities as required. Temporary toilets shall be provided by the Contractor. Clean construction vehicle wheels in order to keep mud, dirt and debris off paved surfaces. Coordinate with MHS FTS the normal and daily access of roadways and pathways. All construction activities shall be coordinated with MHS FTS. Provide submittals of materials as indicated by MHS FTS. Contractor shall stage materials in accordance with associated Codes and in locations as indicated by MHS FTS. The Contractor will not be required to submit for a building permit. The Contractor shall submit red-lined “as-builts” of the MHS drawings to the Owner at the end of the project. MHS will provide builders risk insurance. Standard work hours are 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Project-Specific Requirements 1. The Contractor’s Work under this Project does not include the removal or rendering harmless of hazardous materials. 2. In the event the Contractor encounters on the site material reasonably believed to be hazardous which has not been rendered harmless, the Contractor shall immediately stop work in the area affected and report the condition to the Owner in writing. The Work in the affected area shall not thereafter be resumed except by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor if in fact the material is hazardous and has not been rendered harmless. The Work in the affected area shall be resumed in the absence of hazardous materials, or when it has been rendered harmless, by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor. MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 4 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services 3. The Contractor shall verify all measurements of the building and shall be responsible for the correctness of same. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and the measurements indicated on the Drawings; any difference which may be found should be submitted to MHS FTS for consideration before proceeding with the work. 4. Demo – Provide select demolition at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. a. TL Caaba – Remove windows, salvage one for reuse at TL Emerson. b. Security screens are to be salvaged. Reuse as necessary, remainder to be turned over to MHS FTS. 5. Dust Protection – Erect/maintain/remove interior dust protection at Caaba and Emerson. 6. Masonry – Provide new or reuse existing masonry as required. If existing brick cannot be reused, Contractor to provided new brick samples for the MHS FTS’ review and approval prior to installation. a. TL Caaba, remove brick and salvage for reuse at TL Caaba or TL Emerson as needed. b. Tooth in brick at new openings as required. c. Remove existing brick at stoop and provide new concrete curb(s) as required. d. Brick to be washed down at project completion. e. Provide mortar samples for MHS FTS will review and approval prior to installation. 7. Rough Framing – Provide rough framing at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the installation of the new doors and window(s). 8. Interior and Exterior Trim - Provide new interior and exterior trim at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. a. Trim materials and profiles to match existing. 9. Caulking - Provide caulking at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. MHS FTS will review and approve samples prior to installation. 10. Doors and Hardware – Provide new frames, doors and hardware at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. a. Electric lockset preferred to be used in lieu of electric strike. b. Electric hinge or EPT can be used with electric lockset option. 11. Windows – Provide or relocate existing window(s) at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. a. Provide provisions for security screen installation. 12. GWB Assembly– Provide GWB assembly and patching at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 5 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services 13. Interior and Exterior Painting - Provide interior and exterior painting at Caaba and Emerson as required to complete the work. a. Match existing paint color, paint any areas disturbed as part of this project from corner to corner. b. New work is to be primed and receive two coats of paint. c. Touch up requires only one coat. 14. Security - Provide and tie into existing TL Home security system new card readers and door contacts as required. a. Insert “Probitas Technology” anywhere “InterVID” is mentioned in the contract documents. b. Probitas Technology shall be the Security Subcontractor utilized for this project. This proposal shall include all security system costs (including Probitas Technology’s cost) in their entirety. c. Contract with Probitas Technology regarding any work associated with the security system. Contact is Ben Williams at (717) 773-4524 or email d. Existing window screens may be attached to the security system. Retain/reuse existing security wiring, modify as needed, demo abandoned wiring back to source as needed and/or add new if required. 15. Provide final cleaning. 16. ADA Ramps and handrails are not required to be installed as part of the scope of work for this project. 17. Technical Specifications and Drawings are being submitted for reference only and are to be used for information regarding the intent of the work to be performed for this project. Utilize applicable sections to assist in defining the scope. MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 6 of 7 Milton Hershey School Facilities & Technical Services Confirmation: To confirm your interest in bidding this project, please return this Invitation to Bid: SEND REPLIES VIA EMAIL TO: Kevin Imes ( Please return this CONFIRMATION by Thursday, January 14, 2016 Company Name: __________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _____________________________ (√ Check here) NOT Interested in Bidding END OF INVITATION TO BID AND SUMMARY OF WORK MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL TL (Caaba & Emerson) – Add Exterior Doors to Staff Apartments / #23225 01/08/2016 Section 00000 Page 7 of 7 Prequalification Submission Requirements To Become Prequalified for Consideration as a Prime Bidder to Milton Hershey School: Contractors must submit all of the following: A. Identify on corporate letterhead: 1. Firm's legal name 2. Federal ID Number 3. Pennsylvania Contractor Registration Number (if applicable) 4. Address 5. Phone number 6. Fax number 7. Corporate e-mail address 8. Work category 9. Registration or license numbers, if applicable 10. Number of years your company has been in business under its present business name 11. Average annual value of construction work performed during the last 5 years 12. Total value of work in progress and under contract 13. Desired project size (range) B. A current reviewed financial statement covering a one-year period. Accountant's Report and Notes must be included. C. PA and Interstate Experience Modification Rates (EMR) for three most current years on supporting documentation. D. References: Submit three (3) project references and/or three (3) A/E references for each trade category in which you want to prequalify. Do not repeat references. E. If your company is a minority or women business enterprise, submit the certification documentation for our records. F. Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts or are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers during the last 5 years? If yes, explain. INCOMPLETE PACKAGES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Send submission information or inquiries via email to: Dawn Risser - Project Coordinator, Capital Projects Department Process typically requires two weeks. Do not wait until the last minute. All prime contractors are required to be prequalified and MUST be prequalified prior to bid opening. Contractors not meeting requirements will be notified by e-mail. Submission Requirements to Remain on the Prequalified List: It is the company’s responsibility to resubmit the above information every 2 years. Failure to submit may result in removal from the prequalified list. No reminders will be sent. SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL GENERAL SAFETY POLICIES AND GUIDELINES FOR CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS Safety and health are major concerns of Milton Hershey School, and we are mandated to create a safe environment for our students, employees, visitors and you, our Contractor. With this in mind, MHS Safety & Security Officers and Central Monitoring Operators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide a secure campus and to react quickly to any emergency situation. Contractors working on the Milton Hershey School campus are expected to comply with all government, state and local regulations and to take all reasonable safety precautions with respect to their work and the materials brought onto the Milton Hershey School campus. As long as the Contractor has employees working and/or material stored on school property, their written Hazardous Communication Policy and all applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be available at the work site; these may be requested at any time throughout the duration of the project. The Hazard Communication Program should be reviewed by a company representative prior to commencing work, to ensure that Contractor employees are educated on the location of the chemicals used by Milton Hershey School. If the materials are supplied by Milton Hershey School for the Contractor, the Contractor is still the person responsible for ensuring MSDS’s are available upon request. In an effort to sustain safety and promote the health and welfare of all concerned during your project, the following safety practices will be enforced. Since these are not all-inclusive and unique situations arise, special safety situations should be individually discussed with the Milton Hershey School representative or project coordinator. MHS CONTRACTOR GUIDELINES AND SAFETY PRACTICES: I. The Contractor must report any accident, injury, or situation occurring on Milton Hershey School property that requires the assistance of emergency personnel. This information must be reported immediately to the MHS Campus Service Center, via telephone at (717) 520-2647. II. All Contractors hired to do work for the Milton Hershey School are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance prior to commencement of work. The insurance requirements are as follows: A. Comprehensive General Liability 1. Occurrence Form 2. Minimum limits of liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence Combined Single Limit (CSL) bodily injury and property damage. 3. Coverage: a. Bodily Injury b. Property Damage c. Blanket Contractual d. Personal Injury e. Products / Completed Operations f. Broad Form Property Damage g. Fire Damage Legal Liability B. Umbrella or Excess Liability 1. $3,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate for all Contracts; $10,000 retention for self-insured hazards, each occurrence. C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability 1. $1,000,000, per occurrence Combined Single Limit (CSL) bodily injury and property damage. 1 SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY D. Workers’ Compensation 1. Statutory Compensation Coverage 2. Employer’s liability insurance with limit not less than $500,000, per occurrence. 3. Any contractor not required to carry workers’ compensation by PA State Law must notify the Risk Management Office in writing. E. Separate Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted as follows: 1. Prime Contractor: Submit Certificate of Insurance for this project naming Milton Hershey School as additional insured. The policy should state in the description block – “Milton Hershey School is included as additional insured except for workers’ compensation”. If applicable, the architect/engineer shall be included as an additional insured. Include Milton Hershey School project name and number on Certificate of Insurance. Certificate of Insurance should be emailed to and 2. Subcontractor(s) to Prime: Submit Certificate of Insurance. Include Milton Hershey School project name and number on Certificate of Insurance as well as the name of the Prime Contractor. Certificate of Insurance should be emailed to and III. Milton Hershey School is a Tobacco-Free campus. Smoking AND/OR the use of tobacco products on MHS property is prohibited. IV. Milton Hershey School prohibits all School employees, contract and temporary employees, customers, contractors, and visitors from carrying, possessing or storing a weapon of any kind, while on School campus, regardless of whether the person has registered the weapon or is licensed to carry a concealed weapon. V. All contractors hired to do work for Milton Hershey School MUST provide both the PA State Police and Federal Criminal Background Checks for all of their employees and sub-contractors, working on the MHS Campus. The following Criminal Background Checks are required and must be completed 7 to 10 days prior to the start of the project and must be in place prior to the employees working on the MHS Campus: A. Pennsylvania State Police Access to Criminal History (e-PATCH): PA State Police Criminal History Reports are available from the Pennsylvania State Police website, The cost per report is $10.00, payable electronically on the website. B. One of the following Federal Criminal History Reports: 1. The FBI fingerprint check, sponsored through COGENT: at the cost per individual is $28.75 and the information is available on the Cogent website. 2. Intellicorp Federal Criminal History and Sex Offender Data Base Search: obtained through Intellicorp at the cost per individual for the Intellicorp report is $9.95, payable electronically on the website. Contact Intellicorp at 1-800-539-3717 for account set-up. Intellicorp provides MHS contractors with special pricing, so make sure they know you are working under the Milton Hershey School, prior to setting up your company’s account. C. Once completed, return the Criminal Background Checks to Milton Hershey School, Attn: Campus Service Center, P.O. Box 830, 1201 Homestead Lane, Hershey, PA 17033 or via e-mail to, or fax to 717-5203387. All social security numbers should be stricken prior to submission. The contractor is responsible to provide and review all MHS Policy Information with their subcontractors working on 2 SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY the MHS Campus. This includes all criminal history checks and liability insurance requirements. Random ID Badge checks will be conducted by Milton Hershey School staff, at any time. VI. Contractors performing work at Milton Hershey School MUST obtain an MHS contractor ID badge and display it while working on the MHS Campus. A. All contractors must check-in at the main entrance of the Central Operations Facility, located at 1201 Homestead Lane, in Hershey, PA and must show a valid photo ID, prior to being given an ID badge. B. The contractor ID badges list the contractor’s company name, the employee’s name, their picture and the date the badge expires. C. Badges must be visible at all times when working in or around administrative buildings and student homes. Contractors working outside must have their badge on their person and available upon request from any MHS employee, including Facilities & Technical Services personnel. D. Badges MUST be returned to the MHS Campus Service Center, at the end of the project. E. Badges are not to be interchanged with other contractor employees; each person on at the worksite must have their Act 34 clearance in place and must be issued an MHS contractor ID badge. F. Contractors are required to remain at the location where the work is being performed. Access to other buildings or areas is not permitted and will be denied. G. Report lost badges to MHS Campus Services at (717) 520-2647. VII. The contractor shall report any OSHA or Regulatory Agency inspections within 24 hours (or by the next normal work day) and forward copies of any citations to the Safety and Security office, located in the Central Operations Facility, at 1201 Homestead Lane, Hershey, PA 17033. Security can be contacted by calling MHS Campus Services at (717) 520-2647. VIII. All work areas shall be visibly marked or cordoned off to protect others and point out any hazards, to assure the safety of students, employees, and visitors on campus. At the end of every work day, the building and construction perimeter shall be secured. The contractor will be subject to fines for violation of this requirement. IX. Whenever work is in progress in/around an operational building, and that work creates dusts, fumes, gasses, mists, irritants or has an intense smell, the air intake and ventilation systems of that building (and any in immediate proximity to the work) must be addressed. A. Extreme care must be taken to assure these vapors and irritants do not enter the building. B. While the project coordinator should be consulted for assistance in complying, it is the ultimate responsibility of the contractor to see this is accomplished. X. The contractor shall at all times, keep the job site and premises clean of debris arising from the work of their employees and subcontractors. XI. All personnel employed by the contractor must wear appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment by the nature and material of their work, including hard hats, eye and respiratory protection. Shirts are to be worn at all times. Clothing must be free of profanity, offensive language or the promotion of religion. XII. Contractors engaged in work from roofs, scaffolds, aerial equipment or lifts must be trained in fall prevention and have established controls, equipment, and necessary protective measures in place. 3 SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY XIII. Hot Work Permits – Fire Prevention steps are required during any building construction and/or renovation, here at Milton Hershey School. ** (Please review the Hot Work Permits information, as this portion of the policy has changed.)** A. All contractors MUST complete a hot work permit when the work being done involves any burning, cutting, brazing, soldering, welding or use of open flame or torch, this includes all MHS worksites. B. Hot work permits MUST be completed for all new construction, as well as existing buildings and structures that are undergoing additions and/or renovations, regardless if a working fire suppression system or fire alarm system is in place. C. The Hot Work Permits are completed and kept on file in the Campus Service Center, located in the Central Operations Facility, at 1201 Homestead Lane, in Hershey, PA. D. Hot work permits for all projects can be completed via-telephone. The Contractor is responsible for contacting MHS Campus Services on a daily basis, at (717) 520-2647, to provide the details of the work and must include the start and end times for the Hot Work Permit and to ensure that all Hot Work Permit guidelines are adhered to. E. A fully charged, correctly sized and classed fire extinguisher must be available on every job site. Contractors involved in the welding or burning operations must protect the area where they are working and have fully charged, correctly classed fire extinguishers in the immediate area. XIV. XV. XVI. Power tools, machinery and equipment must be in good operating order and any safety devices originally installed by the manufacturer shall not be removed or defeated. A. All power tools, cords and equipment should be covered under an Assured Grounding Program and equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI’s). B. All construction material stored on campus must be stored safely. Portable or job made ladders must be used in OSHA approved methods and be in good condition. When ladders must be used where there is danger of contact with energized parts, the ladder must meet the standard for non-conductivity. Platforms, scaffolds and other major equipment must be erected under the supervision of a competent person and to OSHA standards. Equipment should be inspected daily and frequently, during use. All contractors engaged in electrical or mechanical work must follow OSHA approved Lockout/Tagout procedures. XVII. All contractors performing work within a confined space must present proof that they have been trained in Confined Space entry and safety, and have an approved program, safety measures, entry permits and a rescue plan in place. XVIII. Contractors performing paving or resurfacing operations must provide signs, signals and/or flagmen for appropriate traffic control and safety precautionary measures. XIX. Landscaping/tree trimmers should sufficiently barricade, use signs and/or signals to deter the passage of vehicles or people in the path of their operation. XX. Trenches, pits, holes and other excavations must be designed using accepted engineering practices and properly shored for safety. All open excavations must be adequately fenced to protect against intrusion by children. No excavation should be executed until all private and public underground utility installations have been determined by contacting Pennsylvania One Call at 1-800-242-1776. In addition, Contractors must contact MHS Campus Services and “Request Assistance to Mark Private Utilities” by MHS Mechanical Maintenance Technicians. IMHS Safety & Security Officers have authority to “ShutDown” any work site they deem as unsafe. XXI. Contractors performing work where asbestos is a known part of the contract are required to review Milton Hershey School’s AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) Management Plan prior to commencing work. If asbestos is unexpectedly encountered during the performance of work, all work must stop until the Project Manager and the Safety & Security Office are notified and an appraisal made of the situation. 4 SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY XXII. Building Access: A. No Contractor will be permitted in an occupied student home before 8:00 a.m. or after 2:30 p.m. unless special arrangements and permission have been coordinated with the houseparents. B. Contractors must provide a minimum 24-hour notification to the Milton Hershey School manager facilitating the project, prior to performing work in a student home or campus building. C. The MHS Campus Service Center will provide the initial contact to the home and post the information on the CSC Daily Campus Calendar. D. When the work requires access to an occupied scholastic or administrative building, Contractor shall check-in with that building’s main office prior to beginning work each day. At no time shall the Contractor enter an occupied classroom without checking in with the main office. E. For emergency access or in special circumstances, the Contractor must contact MHS Campus Services at (717) 520-2647, and request a Security Officer to provide access to a student home or building. F. The contractor will advise the name of their company and the building to which they are requesting access and a brief description of the work to be performed. G. The contractor will wait until the Security Officer arrives before entering the student home or building. H. The contractor is responsible for contacting MHS Campus Services at (717) 520-2647, when work is completed to request a Security Officer to lock-up and arm the student home or building. I. Contractors will at no time prop open doors to any student home or building. Contractors are permitted to temporarily open doors while moving equipment and supplies in and out of the job site. XXIII. Any contractor encountering a problem with a student or School employee while on campus will immediately report it to his/her supervisor, who will notify Security. XXIV. In the event of an emergency; contractors should telephone 9-1-1 and also call the MHS Campus Service Center at (717) 520-2647. Campus Services will dispatch MHS Security Officers to any type of emergency situation. XXV. All communications and interactions between contractors and MHS Students and staff are prohibited. Discussion of project work should be limited to discussions with MHS Facilities & Technical Services Staff, only. A. Please refer all questions to his/her supervisor, or the Milton Hershey School Project Manager facilitating the project. B. Inappropriate language, obscene gestures and profanity are prohibited. XXVI. XXVII. Contractors will obey all campus speed limits and traffic laws. Rock Detonation Policy - The following ROCK DETONATION POLICY is the policy that has been approved by Milton Hershey School Project Management for use during the construction of all projects. All contractors must agree to the conditions of this policy before permission can be granted to allow blasting. A. All rock detonation will be conducted in accordance with all state and federal regulations. B. A licensed explosives contractor shall perform all rock detonation. License numbers are to be filed in the 5 C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. XXVIII. SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY Milton Hershey School Project Management Office. There will be NO explosives stored on the project site. Any explosives not used on the day of delivery will be returned to a secure area off site. All rock detonation will be monitored by seismograph equipment in an appropriate location. Detailed records of all rock detonations will be kept on site. Public notification of rock detonation will be done according to the following signals: Milton Hershey School’s on-site superintendent will be notified by direct contact one (1) hour prior to detonation. Immediately before detonation there will be two (2) short siren tones and one (1) 30-second tone to indicate that rock detonation will immediately follow. Immediately following the confirmation that all explosives have detonated, there will be one (1) 30-second siren tone to indicate “all clear”. The licensed blasting contractor will personally notify building owners in close proximity. Only licensed explosives contractors will be permitted within the area of rock detonation. Explosives to be used WILL NOT be of the type to interfere with radio waves, therefore there is NO danger of detonation other than by the explosives contractor. Any damage that is directly related to rock detonation should be brought to the attention of Milton Hershey School’s on-site superintendent. Proper traffic control and signal will be used in accordance with state and federal requirements. Contractors company vehicles and employee’s personal vehicles being driven onto any part of the Milton Hershey School campus shall be free of any graphics, stickers, decals or signs which are lewd, sexually suggestive, racial, promoting the use of drugs or fire arms. The initial infraction will result in immediate removal of the vehicle from campus. A second infraction will result in the employee or contractor being banned from campus VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED POLICIES MAY RESULT IN REMOVAL FROM MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL PROPERTY. 6 SECTION 01505 MHS CONTRACTOR POLICY MILTON HERSHEY SCHOOL CONTRACTOR – SAFETY AGREEMENT I, as contractor or designated representative, have read and understand the General Safety Policies and Procedures addressed by Milton Hershey School and obligate myself to conduct all operations within these policies. I further understand that any violation of these Policies and Procedures may result in removal from Milton Hershey School property and affect my company’s ability to provide future services to the School. I also agree to comply with MHS Campus Rules, detailed in this document, as well as, all federal, state and local safety codes and regulations and to any additional safety standards established during the progress of the work throughout the duration of my contract. I understand that our written Safety and Hazard Communication Policies may be requested at any time, and that all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), for any product brought or stored on campus which contains hazardous chemicals, must be fully accessible at the work site. I am aware that deviating from these Policies and Standards or engaging in work practices that may be deemed unsafe, may result in the work being halted until corrective measures are taken that ensure safety compliance. I further agree to make no claim for damages growing out of such stoppages. Should I neglect to adopt corrective measures, I understand Milton Hershey School or its designate may elect to hire an entity, perform them, and deduct the cost from payments due or to become due the contractor. Contractor/Representative Signature Date Print Name Title Company Name Project Name & Number Address Project Location Telephone Per direction of the Project Manager, please return completed form to: Milton Hershey School, Attn: Dawn Risser, MHS Project Coordinator 1201 Homestead Lane P.O. Box 830 Hershey, PA 17033-0830 Or via email to Or fax to (717) 520-2277 7