ORGANIC I LABORATORY KELLY Melting Points READ Rodig pp 17-23, Exp’t 2A and C I . Introduction The melting point (or freezing point) of a pure compound may be defined as that temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of the compound are in equilibrium at some particular pressure, usually taken as 1 atm, or 760 mm Hg. T˚ = mp Solid Q Liquid Q The definition implies that when the solid Q is in heterogeneous equilibrium with liquid Q at some temperature T 0, the melting point, a slight increase in temperature will result in the complete conversion of solid Q to the liquid phase. Conversely, a slight decrease in temperature will result in the complete conversion of liquid Q to solid Q. Because the volume change on going from the solid phase to the liquid phase is usually very small, a change in pressure has very little effect on the melting point. For example, an increase in pressure from 1 to 2 atm lowers the melting point of ice by only 0.00240, an amount too small to be of significance in routine organic laboratory work. Phase Behavior Some understanding of the physical nature of the melting process is essential before an explanation can be given of the use of melting points as a method of identification and a criterion for purity. It is at the melting point of a pure crystalline material that sufficient thermal energy has been introduced to begin breaking the crystal lattice. For many (but not all) pure compounds the range of temperature change, or melting range, over which this breakdown occurs will be from 0.5 to 20. The melting range, therefore, is sometimes taken as circumstantial evidence of purity. The anticipated behavior of a mixture of compounds can be conveniently explored using a temperature-composition phase diagram such as the one illustrated below for hydroquinone and camphor. Melting Points Page 2 The left and right coordinates of the plot represent pure camphor and hydroquinone with melting points of 178 and 130.80, respectively. The region of the graph above and in between curves AB and BC represents a liquid mixture of hydroquinone and camphor, while that area of the graph to the right of BC is pure solid hydroquinone in contact with a liquid-phase mixture of camphor and hydroquinone. The area to the left of AR is pure solid camphor in contact with a liquid-phase mixture of camphor and hydroquinone. A mixture of the solid compounds exists below point B. Line AR represents an equilibrium between pure solid camphor and the liquid mixture. For example, at a temperature of 1090, two equilibria are possible in this binary mixture. Either pure solid camphor will be in equilibrium with a liquid mixture of 80 mole % camphor and 20 mole % hydroquinone or pure solid hydroquinone will be in equilibrium with a liquid mixture of 70 mole % hydroquinone and 29.5 mole % camphor. It is often more instructive to determine the fate of a liquid mixture of a certain composition as it is cooled. A mixture that contain 20 mole % hydroquinone will remain entirely liquid until it is cooled to 109˚, at which time pure camphor crystallizes from the solution. A further drop in temperature causes more camphor to crystallize out and the remaining liquid mixture becomes richer in hydroquinone. By proceeding to the right along line AB we reach temperature of 21˚ which corresponds to a liquid with a composition of 31 mole % hydroquinone. This point on the curve (point B on the phase diagram) represents the eutectic temperature and a composition known as. the eutectic composition. This is the lowest temperature at which a liquid mixture can exist in equilibrium with either or both of the two solid components If the temperature is lowered below 2l˚, solid material will continue to crystallize at the point of eutectic composition until all of the liquid mixture has solidified. In a similar Melting Points Page 3 manner we cold have started with a liquid mixture rich in hydroquinone, cooled it until more hydroquinone began to crystallize, and followed line BC to the left until we reached the same eutectic temperature, point B. If we reverse the foregoing considerations, the significance or the eutectic temperature become. more apparent because this is the temperature at which any solid mixture begins to melt, and melting may continue over a very wide range. To use the example illustrate by the figure below, suppose we heat a solid camphor-hydroquinone mixture that contains 80 mole % hydroquinone. Melting begins (as it will for any mixture or hydroquinone and camphor) at 21˚ and continues until all material at the eutectic composition is liquid. The remaining solid is pure hydroquinone which will gradually melt as the temperature is raised from B to X . When a temperature of 118.8˚ is reached, all of the solid has melted and the overall melting range has been 97.8˚. In actual practice, a solid mixture that contains only a few percent of a second component may exhibit a mp range of only a few degrees, because the experimental technique usually used does not allow detection of the minute amount of melting that begins at the eutectic temperature. Material having the eutectic composition will, of course, always exhibit a sharp melt mg point, which could be interpreted incorrectly as a property indicative of a pure compound. Mixed Melting Points Subject to the considerations discussed above, melting points can often be used to establish the identity of two compounds. As demonstrated in the discussion of phase behavior, the melting point of a mixture varies from that of either pure compound. Therefore, if the melting point of a mixture is not different, the two compounds forming the mixture are likely to be identical. Providing the identity of one compound is known, that of the other is evident. It is preferable to carry out the melting-point determination on the mixture and at least one of the pure compounds simultaneously in the same apparatus to ensure that the experimental conditions for the two determinations are identical. Decomposition Points Many compounds decompose at or near their melting points, and although decomposition temperatures are often highly reproducible and useful in themselves, decomposition can complicate the determination of a melting point. Decomposition may be evidenced by a significant change in the color of the solid or melting with gas evolution. If decomposition occurs before melting, the decomposition products will depress the melting point. The extent of decomposition often depends on the rate of heating, and decomposition may be avoided by setting the temperature of the heater to just below the mp of the solid and introduce the sample and quickly obtain the mp before any appreciable decomposition has had a chance to occur. Melting Points Page 4 II. Procedure A. Obtain a melting point unknown from the lab assistant. This unknown will be one of the compounds listed in Table 2.2 on page 22 of your lab manual. B. Always fill melting point capillaries to a depth of no more than 1/8 inch from the bottom. Make sure the crystals are finely ground and well packed in the capillary. C. DO not use the apparatus until you have been instructed in its use.. D. Sign up for a period during the week during which you will take your melting points. Before you leave the lab today, you should have prepared and labeled two melting capillaries each for your unknown, two for the recrystallized acetanilide, one each for the two standards. E. Before using the melting point apparatus, make sure it has cooled down below 60°C. F. Using the procedure in part 'A' on page 24, obtain an approximate melting point of the unknown and of your acetanilide from your crystallization experiment. Pure acetanilide melts at 114°C. G. Determine a more accurate melting point of each of the following in a second melting run (repeat procedure in part 'A', page 24) with capillaries of the following samples all in place. 1. pure unknown 2. recrystallized acetanilide 3. Two mixtures of your unknown with standard compounds that have a similar melting point ( i.e. within plus or minus 5˚C). H. Record all your data on the attached Report Sheet. II. Report A. Fill out the Report Sheet attached and turn in. B. STUDY QUESTIONS FOR EXAM 1. Answer the following questions: Page 26; 2, 3; Page 27; 1, 3, 4, 5 2. Know the procedure for taking a melting point. 3. Know how to prove the identity of an unknown using the mixture melting point technique. Melting Points Page 5 MELTING POINT REPORT SHEET Name_________________________ Unknown number __________ Fill in the melting points you obtain, below: First Melting run (10°/min.) Pure unknown Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ Recrystallized acetanilide Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ 1st Possible Compound________________________ Softening point Melting point ____________ ___________ 2nd Possible Compound_______________________________ Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ Second Melting run (1-2°/min in vicinity of melting points) Pure unknown Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ Mixture mp #1 Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ Mixture mp #2 Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ Recrystallized Acetanilide Softening point ____________ Melting point ____________ My unknown compound was ________________________________________ My conclusion is based on the following reasons: (use back side of sheet) Melting Points Page 6