Stratigraphy and Structural Evolution of Southern Mare Serenitatis: A

VOL. 87, NO. B13, PAGES 10,983-10,998, DECEMBER
10, 1982
Stratigraphy and Structural Evolution of Southern Mare Serenitatis'
A Reinterpretation Based on Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment Data
Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
The Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment (ALSE) detected two subsurface reflecting horizons in
southern Mare Serenitatis. These horizons appear to be regolith layers, >2 m thick, which correlate
with major stratigraphic boundaries in southeasternMare Serenitatis. Our analysis differs from
previous interpretations and implies that the lower horizon represents the interface between the
earliest mare unit (unit I; •-3.8 b.y.) and the modified Serenitatis basin material below. The upper
horizon representsthe regolith developedby sustainedimpact bombardmentof the unit I surfaceprior
to the emplacement of the intermediate basalts (unit II; ---3.5 b.y.). The latest volcanic episode (unit
III; ---3.2 b.y.) resulted in a very thin infilling (<400 m deep) in the southernportion of the basin and
was undetected by ALSE. Profiles of the stratigraphicsurfacesrepresentedby the ALSE reflecting
horizons are reconstructedfor three stagesin the basin filling history. These reconstructionspermit
the timing and magnitude of various volcanic and tectonic events within the Serenitatis basin to be
assessed.On the basis of comparison with Orientale ring topography, the large subsurfacearch is
interpreted to be the peak-ring-related topography of the Serenitatis basin. The thickness of mare
basaltsacrossthe ALSE ground track is highly variable: basaltsare <400 m thick above the peak ring,
while they reach a maximum thicknessof---2.5 km in the depressionbetween the first and secondbasin
rings. Comparisonwith Orientale topographysuggeststhat a major increasein basalt thicknessof-6
km may occur ---50 km inside the peak ring. This region was unsampled by the ALSE traverse.
Extensive load-induced deformation occurred after the emplacement of unit I (---1.2 km thick,
maximum). This loadingof the lithosphereresultedin grabenformation along the marginsof the basin,
major downwarping and tilting of the unit I surface, and production of discrete zones of faulting,
buckling, and subsidence.Pre-mare topographyexerted a strongcontrol over the tectonic patterns in
the basin: Topographic highs such as ring structuresunderwent <400 m of subsidence,whereas intraring depressions underwent as much as 1.4 km of downwarping. Although the lithosphere was
tectonically most active between the emplacementof units I and III, it continuedto respondto the load
of units I and II after the emplacement of unit III, as evidenced by ---600m of postunit III structural
relief. The associationof all mare ridgestransectedby the ALSE groundtrack with distinct offsetsor
depth changesin the subsurfacelayering indicates that these surface features are tectonic in origin.
information concerningthe tectonic and volcanic modifica-
The lithosphere within and around lunar mascon basins
has undergone extensive tectonic deformation, as evidenced
by the presence of circumferential graben [Lucchitta and
Watkins, 1978], mare ridges [Bryan, 1973; Muehlberger,
1974; Lucchitta, 1976, 1977; Sharpton and Head, 1980,
1981], and post emplacementtilting of mare surfaces[Muehlberger, 1974, 1977; Scott et al., 1978]. This deformation
appears to be principally a response to the surface load
imparted by volcanic infilling [Kuckes, 1977; Melosh, 1978;
Solomon and Head, 1979, 1980], although thermal stresses
associated either with lunar evolution [MacDonald, 1960;
Solomon and Chaiken, 1976; Solomon, 1977; Solomon and
Head, 1979, 1980] or with the basin-formingimpact event
[Bratt et al., 1981] may have also influencedtectonism. The
nature and extent of this deformationdependon the physical
stateof the lithosphereas well as the magnitudeand distribution of the volcanic load. As the lithosphere deformed, the
surfaces of the originally flat-lying basalts developed a
topographic expression indicative of the response of the
lithosphere to the load. An analysis of topography and
surface features developed on, and adjacent to, the mare
units of a masconbasin can therefore provide important
Copyright 1982 by the American GeophysicalUnion.
Paper number 2B1566.
0148-0227/82/002 B- 1566505.00
tion of the basin.
The southern portion of Mare Serenitatis has received
extensive coveragefrom the Apollo missionsincludinghighresolutionphotography, orbital experiments, surface exploration, and returned samples.Consequently,several investigations have been conducted to reconstruct the structural
history of this area by analyzing either discrete variations in
slope across volcanic unit boundaries [Howard et al., 1973;
Muehlberger, 1974]or regionaltopographyand sinuousrille
gradients [Muehlberger, 1977; Scott et al., 1978]. Although
the results of these investigations compose a significant
contribution toward reconstructingthe structural history of
Mare Serenitatis, several uncertainties are not fully resolvable by this two dimensional approach including: (1) the
thickness of the volcanic fill within Serenitatis, (2) the
influenceof pre-mare basin morphologyon the distribution
of mare basalts and on tectonism, and (3) the magnitude and
style of deformation which modified the early basalts that
now lie buried beneath less deformed mare units [Howard et
al., 1973].
In order to resolve some of these uncertainties
the model
of the geologic history of southern Serenitatis can be expandedto three dimensionsby includingsubsurfaceinformation gathered by the Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment
(ALSE). Two subsurface radar reflecting horizons were
identifiedby Peeples et al. [1978] extendingalong the ALSE
groundtrack acrossthe southernportion of the basin (Figure
1). Thought to represent buried regolith layers, these hori-
and Maxwell, 1978] has favored a buried regolith model for
these horizons. Bandwidth limitations of the HF-1 system
require that these regolith layers be greater than 2 m thick to
act as reflectinghorizons [Peepleset al., 1978].
The ALSE ground track intersects two local dark mantle
deposits within Serenitatis (Figure 2): the Taurus-Littrow
region to the east [Lucchitta, 1973; Head, 1974; Adams et
al., 1974] and the Sulpicius Gallus region to the west
[Lucchitta and Schmitt, 1974; Head, 1974]. These units are
recognized accumulations of pyroclastic material and have
distinct surface morphology, albedo, spectral, and radar
characteristics [Lucchitta, 1973, Head, 1974; Adams et al.,
1974; Pieters, 1978]. However, neither the Haemus mountains nor the Plinius basalts(Figure 2)just to the southof the
Fig. 2. Geologicsketchmap of southernMare Serenitatisshowing the three major mare surfaceunits: I, the oldest;II, intermediate
in age; and III, the youngest. Unit I is composedof a dark mantle
component(DM) as well as basalts.The bold line denotesthe ALSE
traverse [after Solomon and Head, 1979].
zons appear to mark ancient stratigraphicsurfacesburied by
later volcanism [Peeples et al., 1978]. The reflecting horizons have been assignedto surface unit boundaries in the
southeasternportion of the basin [May et al., 1976;Maxwell,
1977, 1978; Phillips and Maxwell, 1978].
We have combined geologicaland geophysicaldata with
subsurface information from the Apollo Lunar Sounder
Experiment to reinterpret the subsurfacehorizons and their
stratigraphiccorrelation. In this paper we presentthis model
and explore the implications pertaining to the geometry of
the Serenitatis impact basin, the depth of mare fill, and the
structural history of Mare Serenitatis.
A detailed
of the
background,theory, and techniqueof ALSE is reportedby
Phillips et al. [1973a, b] and Potcello et al. [1974]. ALSE
was an orbital wide band coherentradar systemoperatingin
three frequency ranges.The deepestsubsurfacepenetration
was provided by the HF-1 systemoperating at 5 MHz. This
system, however, did not permit the recognition of subsur-
similar to dark mantle
deposits. Furthermore, models of lunar pyroclastic eruptions [Wilson and Head, 1981] predict that the volume
fraction of material ejected to distancesgreater than a few
tens of kilometers from the source vent is extremely small.
Thus a significantbasin-wide pyroclasticcomponentto the
radar reflectinghorizonswould require a more-or-lesslinear
array of (now buried) source vents aligned with the ALSE
groundtrack but not extending southwardenoughto mantle
the highlandsor Plinius basalts.It seemsunlikely, therefore,
that the two dark mantle deposits located at the flanks of
Mare Serenitatiscontinue beneaththe mare andjoin to form
an uninterrupted, basin-wide pyroclastic unit. The more
plausible alternative appears to be that pyroclastics are a
significantcomponentonly on the local scale;the continuous
basin-widenature of the reflectinghorizoncallsfor a broader
scale process.
Regolith, generated by extended exposure to small-scale
meteor impacts, is observed on all lunar surfaces [Oberbeck
and Quaide, 1968]. The length of time a rock surface must
remain exposed to impacts to produce a given thickness of
regolith depends upon the cratering rate during surface
exposure. Even a constant impact flux, however, results in
regolith accumulation in which the increase in thickness is
The Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment flown on the
Apollo 17 mission included two adjacent east-to-west traverses across Mare
traverse exhibit characteristics
face detail less than about 400 m below the surface because
of bandwidth limitations [Peeples et al., 1978]. The profile
shown in Figure 1 is the result of a technique which
correlated returns from both radar traverses across the basin
in order to separatethe subsurfacesignalfrom noise due to
surface scatter [Peeples et al., 1978].
The Reflecting Horizons
in the
profile (Figure 1) are defined by the linear alignment of
closely spacedradar reflectorsextendingacrossall but the
westernmostportion of the profile. These two horizonshave
been interpreted as continuous, lateral zones of a highporosity material such as buried regolith, crater/basinejecta
blankets, or pyroclasticdeposits[May et al., 1976;Peeples
et al., 1978]. Subsequentanalysis [Maxwell, 1977; Phillips
Fig. 3. Regolith growth curves for two lunar mare surfaces:the
Apollo 12 site (casesI and II) and Apollo 11 (case III). Cases I and
III assumethat the presentcrater distributionsat these sitesresulted
from a constantcratering rate. Case II approximatesthe effect of an
early, higher impact flux by assumingthat 50% of the observed
craters on the mare surface at Apollo 12 occurred in the first billion
years of exposure. This model indicates that it requires a few
hundredmillion years to producethe minimum 2-m regolithrequired
by ALSE resolution limitations. See text for details. Adapted from
Quaide and Oberbeck [1975].
Volcanic Stratigraphy of Mare Serenitatis
Major Stratigraphic Units
Howardet al.
Howard et al. [1973]
Basalt of Mare
Group C
Basalt of southwestern
Mare Serenitatis
Group B
Estimated Age, b.y.
Unit III
[Neukum et al., 1975]
Unit II
[Muehlberger, 1974]
Eastern Ring basalt
Basalt near Dawes
Basalt of Plinius area
Group A
Dark mantle of Sulpicius
Gallus Formation
Dark mantle of Littrow
Unit I
[Wasserburget al., 1977;
Geiss et al., 1977]
The volcanic surfaceslisted in column 1 appearto correspondto three major episodesof volcanic
activity as shownin columns2 and 3. The presentpaper follows the nomenclatureof Solomonand
Head [1979] (column 3). Age estimatesfor these three major stratigraphicunits are presentedin
nonlinearwith time [Quaide and Oberbeck, 1975; H.6rz,
than 108years do not appearsufficientto producethe
1977]. Rapid accumulation occurs early in the exposure
history, but as the regoliththickens, it shieldsthe subjacent
rock surface from progressively larger impacts, thereby
retardingfurther growth. Quaide and Oberbeck[1975]have
modeled lunar regolith evolution for two typical mare sites
using a Monte Carlo simulation.Figure 3 gives the regolith
thicknesscurvesfor the three casesexaminedin this study.
thickness required for ALSE resolution. The duration of
these exposure intervals suggeststhat the resultingregolith
layers should form the boundaries of major volcanic sequences within Mare Serenitatis [Howard et al., 1973]. The
ALSE reflectinghorizons, therefore, identify the subsurface
traces of the boundariesbetween the major time-stratigraphic units infilling the Serenitatis basin and shouldbe correlat-
Cases I and III
able with unit boundaries
assume that the final crater distributions
observedat the Apollo 11 (3.65 b.y.) and Apollo 12 (3.2 b.y.)
sites, respectively, result from a constant cratering rate.
Comparison of cases I and III illustrates that older mare
surfacessuch as at Apollo 11 produce the required 2 m of
regolith in less time than the younger Apollo 12 surface.
Considering, however, that the total duration of observed
mare volcanismwas only --•1 x 109years,neithermodel
appears capable of accountingfor the subsurfacereflecting
horizons observed in Figure 1.
Analyses of crater densities on surfacesof various ages
[Hartmann, 1966, 1970a, b, 1972] have led to the general
consensus.that although the lunar cratering rate has remained fairly constant through post-mare time, the early
lunar impact flux was significantlyhigher, decreasingrapidly
during the late basin-formingand early mare emplacement
stagesof the lunar past. That this 'tailing off' in impact flux
affectedolder mare surfacesis apparentfrom the caseI-case
III comparisonin Figure 3: Case I producesmore regolithin
any given time interval than does case III. Thus the average
crater production rate for case I is greater than the average
crater production rate for case III. Since the post 3.2 b.y.
average flux was the same for both sites, the elevated
density of craters at the older Apollo 11 site must be
attributed to an increasedflux prior to 3.2 b.y. The effect of
this higher impact flux on early regolith development is
approximated in Figure 2 by case II, which assumesthat for
the Apollo 11 site, 50% of the presentcraterswere produced
in the first billion years of exposureand the rest at a constant
rate since that time. This model, as a first estimate of the
effectsof the real lunar crateringrate, is capableof producing the required 2 m of regolith in a few hundred million
years (Figure 3), within the time constraintsimposedby the
limited span of mare volcanism. Exposure intervals of less
at the surface.
Regional Stratigraphy
Thompsonet al. [1973]and Howard et al. [1973]mapped
the areal distribution
of the volcanic
units within Mare
Serenitatis.On the basisof color, albedo,andotherremotely
were identified (Table 1, column 1). Subsequentstudy of
vidicon images [Johnsonet al., 1975], while suggestinga
more complex distributionof surface units, basically supportedthe previousstratigraphicmodels.By applyingsuperpositioncriteriaand analyzingsurfacefeaturesandtopography, Howard et al. [1973] and Muehlberger [1974]
recognizedthat these seven volcanic units composethree
separate episodesof volcanic activity (Table 1, column 2,
and Figure 2). Relative ages of the volcanic units within
Mare Serenitatis obtained by regional analysis of crater
morphology[Boyce, 1976] also imply that emplacementof
the mare units was episodic rather than continuous. We
follow the conventionof Solomonand Head [1979](Table 1,
column3) and denotethe oldest, intermediate,and youngest
episodesof volcanic activity as unit I, unit II, and unit III,
respectively.Determinationof absoluteagesof the volcanic
unitsinfillingMare Serenitatisis difficultdue to the presence
of only one samplereturn site. Isotope agesof mare basalts
in Serenitatisexist only for unit I at the Apollo 17 landing
site: 3.65-3.84 b.y. [Wasserburget al., 1977; Geiss et al.,
1977] and the associateddark mantle soil component--•3.7
b.y. [Huneke et al., 1973; Husain and $chaeffer, 1973;
Tatsumoto et al., 1973; Hintenberger and Weber, 1973].
Solomonand Head [1979]discussthe problemsof determining the agesof the unsampledunit II andunit III surfacesand
assignan age to unit III of 3.0-3.4 b.y. based on crater-
counting results of Neukum et al. [1975] and crater degrada- dark annulus basalts rather than the central mare unit.
tion agesof Boyce [1976]. Unit II, stratigraphicallybounded Therefore we follow the stratigraphicinterpretationof Howabove by unit III and below by unit I, is assignedan age of ard et al. [1973], with the surface boundaries as shown in
---3.5 b.y. [Muehlberger, 1974]. We adopt these age assign- Figure 4b.
ments (Table 1, column 4) with the qualificationsdiscussed
by Solomon and Head [1979].
Although limitationsof ALSE do not permit the detection
Southeastern $erenitatis
of the reflectinghorizons in the upper 400 m of the subsurInterpretations which correlate the reflecting horizons face, the inclination of the eastern end of the horizons
with the boundaries between surface units must be based
provides information about the intersection of these horiupon the stratigraphy in the southeasternportion of the zons with the surface. The upward projectionsof the two
basin; the substructurein the western extreme of the profile reflecting horizons intersect the surface in the vicinity of
does not exhibit sufficientresolutionto permit extrapolation three known stratigraphicboundaries(Figure 4). Thus the
to the surface. In southeasternSerenitatis, the ALSE profile correlationof the subsurfacereflectinghorizonswith surface
transects exposed surfaces of all three major volcanic se- stratigraphicboundariesis subject to different interpretaquences[Howard et al., 1973]as well as the highlandmassif, tions.
Mons Argaeus (A'; Figure 4).
The Original Interpretation
As presentedin Figure 4, Howard et al. [1973] mappedthe
boundary between the final volcanic episode (unit III) and
The previouscorrelation [May et al., 1976;Maxwell, 1977;
the previoussequences(units II and I) to be coincidentwith Phillips and Maxwell, 1978;Peeples et al., 1978]of the two
the boundary between the light central mare unit and the reflecting horizons with unit boundaries at the surface is
dark annulus basalts on the margins of the basin. On the presentedin Figure 5. This interpretationwas accomplished
basis of crater morphologydating methods,Maxwell [1977] by projectingthe subsurfacehorizonsupward along straight
interpreteda 10-30 km wide exposureof dark annulusmare lines, continuingthe inclinationobservedat the easternedge
(area E basalts in Figure 4) to be the same age as the light of each horizon. Using this technique, the upper horizon
central mare shiftingthe boundary between unit III and unit projectsto the surfaceat point D (Figures4 and 5) where the
II (shown by the dashedboundary in Figure 4) eastward by ALSE groundtrack intersectsthe boundarybetween area E
about 30 km. We have reexamined the stratigraphyof this and unit II (Figure 4). As Maxwell [1977]interpretsarea E to
area, employing both high and low sun angle Apollo metric be contemporaneous with the central mare basalt, this
photography as well as relying on Apollo and earth-based surface point would be equivalent to the unit III/unit II
remote sensingdata and lunar topographicorthophotomaps boundary. The projected upper horizon does not, however,
(LTO' s).
intersect with the boundary between the central mare and
Several observationsappear to supportthe original strati- the dark annulusbasalts(point F) as mappedby Howard et
graphic interpretation presentedby Howard et al. [1973]:
al. [1973], as frequently reported [May et al., 1976;Maxwell,
1. A number of fractures and faults deform the surface of
1977;Phillips and Maxwell, 1978]. The lower horizon would
area E (Figure 4). At the boundary between area E and the intersectthe boundary between unit II and unit I (point C;
central mare, however, the depressionsare truncated. This Figures4 and 5) if the slopethat is apparenton the eastern
observation implies that the surface of area E underwent end of the lower reflectoris decreasedslightly,as illustrated
extensional deformation prior to the emplacement of the in Figure 5.
overlying central mare basalts which are relatively unfracThe interpretation summarizedabove bearsreexamination
for several reasons:
tured [Howard et al., 1973].
2. Albedo, color, and remote spectral data [Howard et
1. The data presented in the previous section, dealing
al., 1973; Thompson et al., 1973; Johnson et al., 1975] with the stratigraphyof the southeasternSerenitatis,suggest
suggest a compositional demarcation coincident with the that the area E basalts (Figure 4) are similar in age and
boundary between area E and the central mare.
compositionto the other unit II basalts.It appearsunlikely,
3. This boundary also serves to separate two distinct therefore, given the slow rate of regolith growth, that 2 m of
zones based on 3.8-cm wavelength characteristics. The regolith could develop on the unit II surfacebefore the area
central mare is a strong radar reflector, whereas the dark E basaltswere emplaced.A projectionof the upper reflectannulusbasalts, includingarea E, are weak reflectorsof both ing horizonto the interfacebetweenthesetwo apparentsubpolarized and depolarizedreturns. Since the reflectivity of a units of the same volcanic episodethus seemsunjustified.
mare unit is stronglydependenton the densityof the surface
2. If the upper horizon is to representthe buried portion
material, regolith with relatively few wavelength-sizedfrag- of the unit II surface, as in this interpretation, it must be
ments will have a low reflectivity. It follows then that the projected upward to point D, where the unit II basalts
reflectivity of mare units of similar composition may be emerge from beneath the area E basalts. In order for the
correlatable with the age of the surface: Due to impact- upper horizon to intersect point D the projection path must
induced comminution older mare surfaces would contain
be a linear continuationof the slope exhibited by the upfewer wavelength-sizedfragments and thus have a lower tilted easternend of the upperhorizon(---4.3ø;Figure 5). Any
reflectivity [Zisk et al., 1973;Maxwell, 1977]. On the basisof reduction in this slope would force the surfaceintersection
radar data, therefore, it appearsthat area E is closerin ageto point to the east of point D. Thus the interpretationpresentthe other dark annulusbasaltsin this region (unit II) than to ed above requires the subsurfacecontinuationof the unit II
the central mare basalts (unit III).
surface, west of point D, to slope inward at 4.3ø. MeasureThus the bulk of the available information suggeststhat ments derived from LTO 42C3 indicate that the unit II
area E is closer in age as well as compositionto the other surfaceexposedfrom point D eastwardto point C slopesto
Fig. 4a
Fig. 4. Surface units of southeasternMare Serenitatis. (a) Apollo 17 metric photograph0796 showingarea of sketch
map to same scale. (b) Sketch map illustrating stratigraphicrelationshipsand major surfaceunits discussedin text. A' is
the easternterminusof the ALSE profile shownin Figure 1; the ALSE traverse intersectsthe unit I/highlandsboundary
at B, the unit II/unit I boundary at C, and the unit Ill/unit II boundary at F. The boundary between the basaltic surface,
here labeled area E, and the unit II basalts(dashedline) as mappedby Maxwell [1977] intersectsthe ALSE ground track
at D. Bold solid lines define highland-mare boundaries. See text for details.
the west at only --•0.3ø.This indicatesa discrepancyof--•4øin
the unit II surface acrosspoint D. A sharpchangein slopeof
this magnitudealong a primary depositionalsurface would
require postdepositionalfolding, with the hinge line of the
angular monocline located at point D along the ALSE
profile. Folding is precluded, however, because the lower
horizon is not similarlyfolded beneathpoint D. The lack of a
satisfactory explanation for this geometric configuration
suggeststhat the subsurface horizons may correlate with
surface boundaries other than those proposed by May et al.
[1976], Maxwell [1977], and Phillips and Maxwell [1978]
3. The regional tilt of mare surfaces is a measure of the
tectonic deformation the surface has undergone after its
emplacement. Thus the stratigraphic model presented in
Figure 5 can be examined for implications concerning the
tectonic history of this area. The upper and lower reflectors
dip at ---4.3øand ---5ø,respectively, implying that a significant
downwarping occurred which produced the regional dip
unit TTrbasalts
unit ]]: basalts
unitT basalts•dark
• linear
,.,- ground frock '-'-'
Fig. 4b
observed on the reflector surfaces.Furthermore, if the upper
reflecting horizon, representingthe unit II surface, is restored to its original horizontal configuration,the lower
horizon (the unit I surface) slopes inward at only -0.7 ø.
Immediately after the emplacementof the unit II basalts,
therefore, the unit I basalts had a modest inward slope of
-•0.7ø. Accordingto the interpretationpresentedby May et
al. [1976], Maxwell [1977], and Phillips and Maxwell [1978]
then, it was not until after unit II was fully emplacedthat the
intensebendingof the marginsof Mare Serenitatisoccurred.
Surface observation reveals abundant evidence for a period
to the basin [Howard et al., 1973; Muehlberger, 1974;
Solomon and Head, 1979]. However, these graben are
presentonly on unit I andhighlandsurfaces.The grabendo
not transect the unit I/unit II boundary but are invariably
truncatedby the laterunit II basalts(Figure4). Thussurface
observationclearly indicatesthat the episodeof downwarping,whichproducedthe grabenandtiltedthe unit I surface,
occurredprior to the emplacement
of unit II, not after unit
II, as the model in Figure 5 implies.
Thus reexamination of the interpretation presented in
Figure5 revealsseveralproblems.In the followingsection,
of intense deformation which resulted not only in regional
tilting of the mare surfaces but also produced numerous
we recorrelate the surface and subsurface data sets and
linear and arcuategrabentrendingprimarily circumferential
of Mare
presentan alternativemodelfor the subsurface
UNIT ]33'
4.•ø "
' 2000
Fig. 5. Eastern portion of the ALSE profile shownin Figure 1 illustratingthe stratigraphicmodel advancedby May
et al. [1976] and others. This model relies upon surfaceunit relationshipsproposedby Maxwell [1977], which included
the basaltic surface here labeled area E as a subunit of unit III. By a linear upward projection to point D, the upper
subsurfacehorizon was interpretedas the unit III/unit II boundary.The lower subsurfacehorizon was correlatedwith
point C, the unit II/unit I boundary. Subsurfacehorizonsresolvedby ALSE are depictedas solidlines; projectionsused
by May et al. [1976] and othersare dotted. Dashedline with (?) indicatesthe boundarybetweenthe unit I basaltsand the
highland material, which is not resolved in the ALSE data, accordingto their interpretation. The slope of relevant
stratigraphicsurfacesis shown above the respective surface. Letters A-F correlate with the plan view of Figure 4.
Surfacetopographyderived from LTO 43C3. See text for details.
On the basisof evidence presentedbelow, we interpret the
upper reflectinghorizon to be the subsurfacetrace of the unit
II/unit I boundary. The upper horizon joins with the unit
II/unit I surface boundary at point C along a curved projection path, as shown in Figure 6. The lower horizon then
projects to point B, the boundary between the unit I volcanics and the highland massif, Mons Argaeus. This assignment
eliminates the need to have a regolith layer developed
between unit II and the area E basalts, which appear to be
contemporaneous subunits of the same episode of volcanism. In contrast, the boundary at point C, about 15 km east
of the area E/unit II boundary (D, Figure 6), separatesthe
older unit I volcanics, tilted at --•1.1ø, from the younger unit
II basalts,which slopewestward at only --•0.3ø.This discrete
changein surface slope acrossthe unit II/unit I boundary as
well as the presence of numerous tectonic rilles which
deform only the unit I and highland surfaces (Figure 4)
record the occurrence of the extensive period of nondeposition between the emplacement of the unit I and unit II
sequences that is required for regolith accumulation. In
addition, the projection of the upper horizon can bend
around to converge smoothly on the exposed unit I surface
without the discrepancy in slope across the boundary that
occurs when the upper horizon is projected to point D
(Figure 5). The average slope of the curved projection to
point C is --•2.1ø, representinga decreaseof--•2.2 ø over the
slope measuredfrom the upturned eastern end of the upper
horizon (Figure 6). Examination of the reflectinghorizonsin
the ALSE profile presentedin Figure 1 illustratesthat slope
changesare characteristicallyeffectedalonga broad, curved
zone severalkilometers wide, suchas postulatedhere for the
projectionof the upper horizon (Figure 6), rather than simply
intersectingto form an abrupt, angular inflection, such as
resultsfrom the interpretationfavored by May et al. [1976]
and others (Figure 5). Finally, by correlating the upper
horizonwith the unit II/unit I boundary,the majorepisodeof
downwarping,inferred from the geometry of the subsurface
reflectinghorizons,occurredprior to the emplacementof the
unit II basalts. Thus unlike the previous interpretation
(Figure 5), the structuralimplicationsof the model favored
here are consistentwith surfa.ceevidence indicatingmajor
downwarpingand faultingprior to the emplacementof unit II
[Howard et al., 1973; Muehlberger, 1974; Solomon and
Head, 1979].
Nature of the Lower Reflector
The existence of the lower reflecting horizon across the
Serenitatisbasinimpliesthe presenceof a laterally extensive
high-porositylayer at least --•2m thick uponwhich the unit I
basalts were emplaced. If this layer is developed on the
surfaceof a post-Imbrium basin volcanic unit, then it would
appear that the lower horizon, like the upper horizon,
representsa regolith layer developed primarily by the longterm process of comminution and reworking by small-scale
impacts.On the other hand, if the lower reflectinghorizonis
developed on a pre-Imbrium basin surface (either the basin
floor or pre-existingvolcanics),then ejecta depositedon this
...D. 0
3ø ..• C l Iø
Fig. 6. Interpretation
of the ALSE reflecting
in thispaperß
Here the upperreflecting
representsthe unit II/unit I boundary,and the lower reflectinghorizonis the interfacebetweenthe mare fill and the
basinstructurebelow.TheunitIII/unit II boundary(dashedline)doesnotappearin theALSE databecause
of bandwidth limitations dig'cussed in text.
surfaceby the Imbrium impact event could accountfor this field for the model we present herein with the available
high-porositylayer. Apollo 14 samplesinferredto represent gravity data over Mare Serenkatis.We note that as the unit I
material'reset'by the ImbriumeventhaveRb-Srand39Ar- basaltsappearto have been emplacedprior to the onsetof
and extensivedownwarpingand fracturing,a substantialfraction
Schaeffer, 1977; Nyquist, 1977]. Considering uncertainty of unit I could be precompensation.
ranges, these ages are virtually coincident with the oldest
agesof Apollo17basalts
andSchaeffer, Shallow
1977;Nyquist et al., 1975]. It therefore seemsunlikely that a
On the basis of the interpretationdevelopedthus far, a
sufficientamountof time elapsedbetween'the Itnbriutn subsurfacereflectinghorizonrepresentingthe unit Ill/unit II
event and commencementof unit I volcanismto accomplish interfacedoesnot appearin the radar profile. It is possible
the emplacementof a pre-unit I sequenceof basaltsand the thhttheperiodof surfaceexposure
developmentof an adequate regolith layer on top of this
of unit II volcanism and the onset of unit III volcanism was
tobe too brief to permit the developmentof a sufficientlythick
that the lower reflector representsthe Fra Mauro Formation
eraplacedon top of the modified Serenitatisbasin floor.
Basin Units
While there is no apparentsurfaceexpressionof a preImbrium basin volcanic unit within Mare Serenitatis, the
regolithlayer. Alternately, a regolithlayer couldhave developedbut is too shallowlyburied (<400 m) to be resolvedby
the HF-1 experiment.Several lines of evidenceappearto
supportthe hypothesisthat the unit III/unit II boundary is
<400 m deep.
1. The crater Bobillier (6.5-km diameter)lying alongthe
identityof sucha unit couldbe obscuredby Imbriumejecta radar profile in western Serenitatis (Figure 1) has been
or subsequentvolcanic activity. Surfaceobservations,how- partially flooded by the last sequenceof mare basalts(unit
ever, discussedin a later sectionimply that load-induced III), as.evidencedby the absenceof a visible ejectablanket
downwarping[Solomonand Head, 1979]did not beginuntil aroundthe crater. On the basis of reasonableassumptions
after the emplacementof unit I. Thus if the Serenitatisbasin for rim height/diameterratios, Young [1977] calculatedthe
topographywas compensatedprimarily by relief on the lunar depth to which Bobillier was floodedto be approximately
Moho [Wise and Yates, 1970;Head, 1974]or other nonextru- 150-200 m.
[Dvorakand Phillips,1979]prior to initia2. Young et al. [1974] and Young [1975, 1977] have
tion of mare volcanism,then pre-Imbriumbasinmare units discussedanomaliesin the size distributions,shapes,and
are volumetricallynegligible.Alternatively,if compensation ejecta characteristics of craters less than 1 km in diameter
of the Serenitatisbasinwas not completelyachievedat the locatedin centralMare Serenitatis.They concludethat these
onset of mare volcanism, then some basalt fill would be unusualeffectsmight be due to a regolithlayer buried at a
requiredto achieveisostasy,with only later additionscon- depth of --•50m. This seemsto indicate that at least in some
tributingto the downwardload. Determinationof the signifi- areasof centralMare Serenitatisan appreciableregolithwas
cance of precompensationbasalts within Mare Serenitatis developed on the unit II surface.
mightbe accomplished
by comparingthe predictedgravity
3. The stratigraphyexposedin the walls of BesselCrater
(15.3-km diameter)north of the profile regionalso provides
studies. These characteristics tend to support the assump-
tion that the upper surfaceof mareunitswas initially neartan flows(unit III) of the centralbasinappearto be underlain planar and horizontal.It is presumed,therefore,that the
at a depth of--•350 m by blue-grayflows similarin appear- presentdeviationsfrom the horizontal(Figure 7a) represent
an indication of a shallow subsurface interface. The younger
ance to the older dark annulus flows (unit II.9) which occur
aroundthe basin margin [Young, 1977].The above observa-
deformation of this initial surface. The topography devel-
opedon the upperhorizon,representing
tions all suggestthat the unit 11/unitIII interfaceis shallow unit I, records the deformation that the lithospherehas
to the emplacementof volcanicunit I.
(50-350 m deep). On the basisof thesedata as well as the incurredsubsequent
absenceof a reflectinghorizonthat is correlat- By removingthe amountof topographicrelief developedon
able with the unit II/unit III boundary, it appears than the the upper reflectinghorizon from the lower horizon, the
unit III volcanics are probably no thicker than --•400 m lower horizon (which appearsto be the modifiedpre-mare
within Mare Serenitatis.
basinfloor) is restoredto its topographicstate at the time
unit I wasemplaced(Figure7c). The uppersurfaceof unit II
doesnot appearin the ALSE profile,asdiscussed
previousThe three stratigraphicsurfacesdepictedin the ALSE ly; thusits configurationis uncertain.The structuraleffect
profileacrossMare Serenitatis(Figure7a) can be usedto followingthe emplacementof the unitIII basaltsis recorded,
reconstructthe generalconfiguration
of the stratigraphy
that however,in the presentsurfacetopography.By subtracting
existed,at two instancesduringtheprocessof basininfilling. thiseffectfrom the upperhorizon,the unit 1/unit1I interface
canbe restoredto its approximateappearanceat the time of
unit III emplacement(Figure7b). The ALSE datatherefore
of two piecesof information
The highly fluid nature and high mass eruptionrates permitthe directreconstruction
characteristic of mare basalts have been documented
in the historyof Mare Serenitatis:(1) the basintopography
of unit I
[e.g., Schaber,1973;Gif- as it appearedimmediatelyafter the emplacement
ford andEl Baz, 1978],petrologic[Brett, 1975;Muraseand (--•3.75b.y.) and(2) the unit I/unit I1 interfaceasit appeared
McBirney,1970],and theoretical[Wilsonand Head, 1981] immediatelyafter the emplacementof unit III (--•3.2b.y.).
basin material
0 km50
_-7 -
Fig. 7. (a) Presentstratigraphic/topographic
of MareSerenitatis
portionof ALSE
in Figure6.
Where subsurfacehorizons(denotedby solid lines) are absent,resultsare interpretedon the basisof simple
(b) Reconstruction
of theconfiguration
of theunitI surface
of unitIII
(---3.2b.y.), assuming
thatall topography
unitII surface
unitIII surface.
basinfloor(modifiedby Imbriumejecta)immediately
afterthe emplacement
of unit I. Dashedlinerepresents
unit I surface.Analysisof linearrillesaroundMare Serenitatis
that majorload-induced
flexuredidnotoccuruntilafterunitI emplacement
a closeapproximation
the pre-mareSerenitatisbasintopography.See text for details.
Pre-Unit I Basin Geometry
The basin topography, as it appeared immediately after
the emplacement of unit I, is presentedin Figure 7c. Does
this reconstruction,however, representan accurateapproximation of the configurationof the Serenitatis basin (modified
by Imbrium ejecta) before unit I was emplaced? We rely
upon surfaceobservationsto ascertainthe significanceof the
deformation that occurred during or prior to the emplacement of unit I. Examination
of linear and arcuate rilles which
deform the flanks of Serenitatis [Lucchitta and Watkins,
1978] uncovered no evidence to indicate that these rilles
have been embayed or truncated by unit I volcanics.Thus if
rille formation was caused by subsidenceof the basin floor
[Bryan, 1973; Runcorn, 1977] and associated flexure [Solomon and Head, 1980], this deformationbeganprimarily after
the majority of unit I volcanics had been emplaced. We
conclude that the lithosphere of the basin floor did not
deform appreciably during the emplacementof unit I. The
basin geometry, as it appeared immediately after unit I
emplacement(Figure 7c), is therefore probably an accurate
approximation of the Serenitatis basin geometry immediately prior to the emplacementof unit I.
Radial Projection of the ALSE Data
The ALSE groundtrack did not passthroughthe center of
the Serenitatis basin (Figure 3). The topographic gradients
are somewhat
than the true structural
dips, assumingthat the structural trends are concentric to
the basin center. To approximatethe true appearanceof the
topography(i.e., structure)sampledby ALSE, the profile is
geometrically transformed into an idealized basin radial
profile by the following technique. The basin center is
approximatedby determiningthe origin of the circle best fit
by the concentric mare ridge ring, as shown by point O in
Figure 8. From the origin, a radius is described which
intersects the eastern terminus of the ALSE ground track
(A' in Figure 8). Each point along the ALSE profile is then
projected onto the radius 0-A' along arcs concentric to the
basin center, as shown in Figure 8. The results of this radial
transformation for the eastern portion of the ALSE profile
and the interpreted pre-mare configurationare presentedin
Figure 9.
o ,oo
? ¸
Fig. 8. Sketch map showing manner in which the idealized
radial projection(A'-B') was accomplished.Pointsalongthe eastern
half of the ALSE profile were projectedonto the radiusO-A' along
arcs concentric to the basin center, O (--•25øN latitude, 18.5øE
longitude). Examples of the concentricprojection paths for each
degreeof longitudealongthe groundtrack are shownas tick marks
on line O-A'. The arcs intersectthe groundtrack at angle 0, which
decreaseswestward until at B, where 0 = 0. Point B then represents
the closestapproachof the ALSE groundtrack to the basincenter,
and point B' is its radial projection.Zones of equallengthalongthe
ALSE groundtrack (suchas degreeslongitude)are projectedonto
the basin radius as zones which decrease in width toward the basin
intersectionof this ridge systemand the ALSE groundtrack.
Beneath the mare ridge system in the west the subsurface
topography is not well defined because no reflecting horizons appear in the westernmost portion of the traverse.
Examination of Figure 1, however, indicates that the basin
surface(lower horizon) does slope sharply upward from the
east near the ridge system, implying that another subsurface
arch may be located beneath the western ridge intersection.
The location of these subsurface arches beneath both inter-
sectionswith the concentric mare ridge system suggeststhat
the structural trend of the subsurface arch is also concentric.
this arch appearsto be related to the original basin geometry
rather than a feature induced by (post-unit I) tectonic
deformation or igneous intrusion, as suggestedby Maxwell
The radial projection of the ALSE profile (Figure 9) shows
the true dip and true width of concentrically oriented topographicfeatures along the easternportion of the profile. The
basin radial projection of the unit I topography (Figure 9b)
was compared to the regional slope across the Orientale
basin developedfrom earth-basedlimb profile photographs
(Figure 10). Results indicate that the width (-50-75 kin) and
relief (-1.5 km) of the subsurface arch in Serenitatis are
similar to the dimensions of the peak ring Inner Rook
Mountains in Orientale. Thus the surface topography is
consistentwith the ring assignmentof Head [ 1979], and thus
we concludethat the subsurfacearch apparentin the ALSE
profile is the buried peak ring structure of the Serenitatis
et al. [1975].
Serenitatis Basin Geometry: Location of the Peak Ring
The mostconspicuous
featureof the pre-marebasintopography (Figures 7c and 9b) is the large topographic prominence in the eastern portion of the profile. Unit I is thinned
on the flanks of the arch, as shown in Figure 9a, requiring
that the arch existed at the time of unit I volcanism.
Head [1979] comparedthe premare interior basintopography of Serenitatis with the similarly sized Orientale basin.
The results of this comparisonindicate that the location of
the prominent concentric system of mare ridges shown in
Figure 1 correspondsto the location of the Inner Rook
Mountains, interpreted as the peak ring structure in the
unflooded Orientale basin [Head, 1974]. The topographic
arch observed in Figure 7 lies directly beneath the eastern
Thickness of Mare Fill
Several techniques have been devised to calculate the
approximate thickness of the volcanic units within a mare
basin including: (1) the morphometric analysis of flooded
('ghost') craters [e.g., Baldwin, 1970; De Hon, 1974, 1977,
1979; De Hon and Waskom, 1976; H6rz, 1978], (2) the
morphometricanalysisof post-marecraterswhich penetrate
of ALSE coverage
in Serenitotis
Outer Rook M tns.
(2nd ring)
Inner Rook Mtns.
I-- (peakring)
scale in krn
Fig.9. Radial
in Figure7a showing
is projected
in Figure
I configuration
projection.Verticalscaleis in increments
of I km each.
the marefill [e.g., Head et al., 1978;Andreet al., 1979],(3)
of surfacegradients
beneaththemarefill [e.g.,
Head, 1974],and(4) geophysical
analysis[Phillipset at., 1972;Tatwaniet at., 1973]and
[e.g., Cooperet at., 1974].Thesetechniques,their inherentuncertainties,
and relatedproblems
are discussedby Head [1982]. In contrastto the numerous
indirectmethodsof derivingan estimateof the marethick-
Head [1982]on the basisof a simulatedlava floodingof the
Benchregionof Mare Imbrium.
Becausethe ALSE profilepasseswell southof the Sereni-
ness listed above, the Serenitatis ALSE profile appearsto
basin exhibits a distinct topographicdepressionlocated
tatis basin center, it effectively samples only the outer
portionof the concentricbasinstructure(Figure9). The
inner unsampledregion(--•190km, radius)couldcontain
basalt accumulations much thicker than those observed. The
profileof Orientale(Figure10)revealsthatthis
providethe onlydirectmeasurement
of basalticthicknesses about 50-60 km inside the peak-ring-relatedtopography.
acrossa marebasin.Implicit to the thicknessestimatesthat There appearsto be as much as 6 km of relief from the
follow is the assumption
that for that portionof the basin terraceabovethis inner depressionto the basinfloorbelow
existsin the
traversedby ALSE (i.e., the southernflankof Serenitatis) [Head et al., 1981].If a similarinnerdepression
wasachievedpriorto mareemplacement
and Serenitatisbasin, it would lie beyondthe rangesampledby
thereforethe depthto the lower reflectinghorizondefines ALSE. Thusit is likelythat the maximumdepthof volcanic
the thicknessof the mare basalts in this region. The maximum total thicknessof about2.5 km alongthe ALSE ground
track occurswithin a narrowtroughat the easternendof the
profile (Figure 9a). The averagethicknessof the mare
basaltsis --•1.6 km, althoughthe thicknessis extremely
variable due to the effectsof the pre-maretopographyand
local zones of concentrated deformation. For instance, the
easternpeakringstructureappearsto be buriedby notmore
than 400 m of mare basalts, and interpolationof the lower
reflector across the unresolved interval at the peak ring
fill within Mare Serenitatissignificantlyexceedsthe maximumdepthdetectedalongthe ALSE profile(Figure9a).
Gravity Implications
Recenttheoriesof originfor thepositivegravityanomalies
with lunarcircularmarebasinshave
includeddeep subsurface
effectssuchas updomingof the
crust-mantleinterface [Wise and Yates, 1970;Head, 1974;
Bowin et al., 1975; Sjogren and Smith, 1976] and nearsurface effects such as superisostaticvolcanic loading
[Wood,1970;Phillipset al., 1972;Sjogrenet al., 1972,1974].
that the mareis no morethana thin
veneerin thisarea,perhapsonlya few tensof metersthick. Phillipset al. [1972]andMulleret al. [1974]haveshownthat
a simplediscshapedmodel,a superisostatic
comparefavorablywith thosederivedby by assuming
distonce from bosincenter (km)
a. present
b. pre- unit I
Fig. 10. Regionaltopographyof the Orientalebasinshownto same(verticaland horizontal)scaleas Figure9. The
spacingand dimensionsof the peak ring in Serenitatis(Fig. 9b) are comparableto the Inner Rook Mountains in
Orientale. A distinct steepeningin slope(inner depression)occurs ---50km inside the Orientale peak ring. A similar
feature, if it existsin Serenitatis,would be unsampledby the ALSE traverse.Adaptedfrom Solomonand Head [ 1979].
surface load is one solution that adequately accountsfor the
observed gravity anomaly across Mare Serenitatis. This
model implies a sharp increase in load thickness at the
concentric mare ridge ring (--•240-245 km radius; Phillips et
al. [1972]), a uniform load thickness of 2.5-3 km across the
interior of the basin [Phillips et al., 1972;Muller et al., 1974]
and disregardsany excessmassdistributedoutsidethe mare
ridge ring. Sjogren et al. [1974] have since shown that a
surfacedisc of smaller radius (221 km) provides a better fit to
the Apollo 17 gravity data.
The stratigraphic model presented herein indicates that
the distribution
of mare fill within
the Serenitatis
basin is
controlled by pre-mare topography and therefore the thicknessesare highly variable across the portion of the basin
traversed by ALSE. There is no indication of a sharp
increase in basalt thickness at the mare ridge ring, although
by analogy with Orientale, a steep and substantialincrease,
located --•50km inside the peak ring, is suggested.Substantial amounts of fill (--•2.5 km, maximum) accumulated outside the mare ridge ring in the depressionbetween the basin
ring structures of southeastern Serenitatis.
The downwarped upper surface of unit I (Figure 9a),
however, implies that this unit is at least partially compensated;the thicknessof the superisostaticfill (i.e., the present
load) is therefore somewhat less than the total mare thickness measuredfrom the ALSE profile. Hypothetically, the
volcanicfill in the region sampledby ALSE (particularly the
basalts outside the mare ridge ring) could be virtually
compensated.The gravity anomaly may then result from the
deep accumulationsof basalt which could lie just beyond the
innermost region sampled by ALSE.
Alternatively, the fill thicknessdetected by ALSE (Figure
9a) may approximatethe load thickness,i.e., compensation
of the detected basalts was minimal. This would imply that
the actual load geometry is more complicated than the
simple disc models would suggest. Determination of the
relative significanceof this hypothesisawaits gravity analyses using more complex load models.
Structural Implications
Along the ALSE traverse in southeasternSerenitatis the
earliest sequenceof mare basalts (unit I) accumulated to a
maximum depth of--• 1.2 km within the intra-ring depressions
of the modified basin topography. However, topographic
highs associated with the basin ring structures were only
thinly flooded or remained unflooded.This variable distribution
of the
I load
a nonuniform
response:thinly flooded regions underwent nominal subsidence (<400 m) compared to the more deeply flooded
regionsbetween the rings which show as much as 1.7 km of
subsidence.Tensional and bending stressesassociatedwith
this differential movement developed along the flanks of the
high standingtopography. This resulted in the formation of
the more or less concentric
of linear and arcuate
graben (rilles) observed along the margins of the basin
(Figure 4).
The reconstructionpresentedin Figure 7b illustratesthat
the tectonic responsethat resultedin rille developmentalong
the marginsof the basin also produced several local zones of
1. A narrow trough -25 km acrossdevelopedat the base
of the slope extending upward to Mons Argaeus [Maxwell,
1977]. This trough appears to have subsided-300 m more
than the adjacent area. A shallow depression-100 m deep,
30 km wide, and 100 km long, is developedon the present
mare surface directly above this trough. Although the surface depressionis developed on unit II basalts, it probably
originatedafter the emplacementof unit III, or it would have
been filled or embayed by the last stagesof volcanism. Thus
while subsidenceof the trough was greatest prior to the
emplacement of unit III, surface expression indicates that
this feature continued to subsideafter unit III emplacement.
2. A vertical offset in the reflecting surfacesis observed
just east of the peak ring; the offset is -300 m with the
western side displaceddownward. This feature is surficially
characterizedby a small, poorly developedmare ridge, less
than 100 m in relief.
3. A zone of intensedisruptionof the reflectinghorizons
-15 km across is located about midway across the profile
(Figure 1). The margins of this zone appear upturned,
although the resolution of the central portion of this zone is
obscured, perhaps due to surface scatter from the two en
echelonmare ridgeslocated on the unit III surfaceabove the
disrupted zone. The cross-sectional shape of the ridges
appearsto be similar to the shapeof the subsurfacefeature.
The magnitude of the relief across the ridges, however, is
less than that of the subsurfacefeature. This implies that this
feature, like the previoustwo, continuedto developthroughout the history of mare emplacementbut that most deformation occurred prior to the emplacement of unit III. These
features could be associated with (1) zones of weakness
related to the basin-forming event which were reactivated
during volcanic loading, (2) structural heterogeneitiesin the
lithosphere that predate the formation of the basin, or (3)
localized zones of weakness caused by variations in local
load thicknesses.
Comparison of Figures 7a and 7b shows that very little
deformation took place after the emplacement of unit III.
The maximum structural relief across the ALSE ground
track that is attributable to post-unit III time is -600 m. As
unit III is constrained to be <400 m thick, some of the
structural relief developed after the emplacementof unit III
must have resultedfrom the remainingload of earlier volcanics.
Four mare ridge systems are transected by the ALSE
profile (Figure 1). The concurrenceof all mare ridges with
in the subsurface
such as vertical
placements, disruptions, or topographicarches implies that
these ridges are related to tectonic deformation associated
with volcanic loading [Sharpton and Head, 1981].
The subsurfaceradar-reflecting horizons observed in the
ALSE traverse across Mare Serenitatis are directly correlatable with the major episodesof volcanicinfillingof the basin.
The lower horizon is interpreted to be the interface between
the earliest known volcanic episodein the region, unit I, and
the fractured and modified pre-mare materials below. The
upper reflecting horizon representsthe regolith developed
on the surfaceof the earliest unit (unit I; -3.8 b.y.) during an
extended period of exposure to impact processesprior to
burial by subsequent volcanics (unit II; -3.5 b.y.). The
interface between the unit II basalts and the youngestunit
(unit III; -3.2 b.y.) is not evident on the ALSE traverse
because unit III
is less than 400 m thick and thus undetect-
able by the experiment.
From the three-dimensional structural and stratigraphic
that results from this correlation
and additional
surfaceobservationspresentedherein, we derive the following conclusions:
1. The history of volcanic infilling of Mare Serenitatis
was characterized by three major episodes of volcanism.
The upper subsurfacehorizon, representinga _>2-m-thick
accumulationof regolith, implies an extendedperiod of time
(of the orderof 108years)elapsedbetweenthe culmination
of unit I volcanism
and the onset of unit II volcanism.
2. The depth of volcanic fill within Serenitatisis highly
variable; the average thickness of mare basalts under the
ALSE ground track is -1.6 km. The maximum depth
observedalong the ALSE traverse, located along the southern edge of the Serenitatis basin, is -2.5 km. Comparison
with the Orientale basin topography suggeststhat a major
in load
of the innermost
a few
extent of the traverse.
3. The large archlike feature in the subsurfaceat the
of the ALSE
and the concentric
ridge systemexisted as a major topographicfeature prior to
the onsetof mare volcanism.This precludesan originfor this
featurethroughtectonicprocessesor volcanicintrusion.The
height (-1.3 km) and true width (-75 km) are comparableto
the dimensionsof the peak ring structure of the Orientale
4. Primary basin-related topography exerted a major
influencethroughoutthe volcanic and tectonic modification
of southern
5. The majority of deformation occurred subsequentto
unit I emplacementbut prior to the emplacementof unit III.
This period of deformation resulted in extensionalfaulting
(prior to unit II) at the margins of the basin and faulting,
buckling, and differential subsidencein the more deeply
flooded areas. Zones of weaknessactivated during this early
episodeof downwarpingwere reactivatedduring subsequent
deformation episodes.
6. The latest volcanic episode(unit III; -3.2 b.y.) resulted in an extensive but thin (<400 m) basaltic unit. The
maximum structural relief that occurred after the emplacement of unit III, however, is ---600 m, suggestingthat the
lithospherewas continuingto adjust to the volcanic load of
units II and I beyond the time unit III was emplaced.
7. The associationof all mare ridges transected by the
ALSE groundtrack with distinctoffsetsor depth changesin
the subsurfacelayering indicatesthat these surfacefeatures
are tectonic in origin.
Acknowledgments. We gratefullyacknowledgethe assistanceof
Susan Sharpton (typing), Angel Hilliard (proofing), Gwen Winston
(drafting), and Sam Merrell (photography) in manuscript preparation. Valuable discussionsand correspondencewith Roger Phillips,
Ted Maxwell, Peter Mouginis-Mark, Richard Grieve, Stan Zisk,
Keith Howard, and Sean Solomonare greatly appreciated.We also
thank Richard Young and Paul Spudisfor constructivereviews of
the manuscript. This work was supportedby National Aeronautics
and SpaceAdministration grant NGR-40-002-088 from the Planetary
GeologyProgram. One of us (V.L.S.) was supportedby a fellowship
from the William
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(Received April 29, 1982;
revised September 27, 1982;
accepted October 4, 1982.)