Addendum: Parametrization of equilibrium curves Example: The IS

Parametrization of equilibrium curves
Example: The IS curve represents all (i, Y )-combinations for
which the demand plans on the goods market can be realized
= equilibrium on the goods market.
This curve in the (i, Y )-space is parametrized by other
variables such like governmental expenditures or – in case of
Mundell-Fleming – exchange rate or foreign income.
If we change a parameter, the entire curve shifts to another
Example: IS curve for a closed economy:
Y = C a + cY + I (i) + G
(1 − c)Y − C a = I (i) + G
The curve in (i, Y )-space is parametrized by G .
Let G increase. Then the right hand side increases, and the equality
does not hold true anymore, i.e. the old IS curve is not valid
Question: Does the IS curve shift to the left or to the right? In
other words: which (i, Y )-combinations establish a new equilibrium?
Answer: For a given Y we need a higher i (and thus lower I (i)) in
order to equalize left and right hand side (because this compensates
the higher G on the right side). Alternatively, for a given i we need
a higher Y (because this increases the left side so that both sides
are equal again). Graphically, this means that the IS curve shifts to
the right.
Note: These considerations have nothing to do with
economic causalities as a consequence of the increased
G ! We simply do not know what happens with Y or i in the
economy as a consequence of increased G (this would require
a model analysis e.g. including a LM curve).
We are just analysing the location of an equilibrium condition!
On the subsequent slide we consider the case of an open
economy where the IS curve is additionally parametrized by
the foreign income Y f and the exchange rate τ .
Algebraically, this can be done by looking whether a shift of
e.g. dY f > 0 would require a higher income (dY > 0) or a
lower income (dY < 0) in order to have a goods market
equilibrium if we keep the interest rate constant (di = 0).
Alternatively, we could also investigate whether with a given
income (dY = 0) a goods market equilibrium requires a higher
interest rate (di > 0) or a lower (di < 0).
Change of Y f :
dY = CY dY + Ii di + XY f dY f + XY dY
Keep i constant (di = 0):
XY f
dY f
1 − CY − XY
If Y f increases: right-shift of IS curve!
Change of τ :
dY = CY dY + Ii di + Xτ dτ + XY dY
Keep i constant (di = 0):
1 − CY − XY
If τ increases: right-shift of IS curve!