Department of Environmental Health Science Bylaws

Department of Environmental Health Science Bylaws
Section 1: Department Defined
The Department of Environmental Health Science (EHS) is an administrative and academic unit
of College of Public Health (CPH), the University of Georgia (UGA).
Section 2: Mission
To become an internationally recognized leader in environmental health research, a nationally
recognized academic provider for training of environmental health practitioners and
professionals, and to serve the needs of the local community and state for environmental health
Section 3: Membership
The Faculty of EHS shall consist of all professors, associate professors, assistant professors,
lecturers, instructors, research faculty, and adjunct/courtesy faculty with appointments in EHS.
Except where otherwise noted, voting members of the EHS shall be those individuals who are
appointed to a tenure track position or who are full-time instructors, lecturers, and research
faculty who hold at least 50% appointment in EHS. In general voting shall be commensurate
with appointment (administration, instruction, research, service).
Section 4: Meetings
The faculty of a department shall generally meet once each month. At all meetings of the
departmental faculty, the head of the department shall be the presiding officer. Notices of regular
meetings shall be sent to each member of the faculty by the head at least one week in advance.
Faculty members may submit agenda items to the Head, who may add such items to the agenda
at his or her discretion. Special meetings of the faculty may be called by the Head. Meeting
minutes will be prepared and then approved by a majority of the faculty.
Section 5: Department Head
The Department Head shall have the duties and responsibilities as outlined by the University and
by the College of Public Health. Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
supervising budget, space, and instruction in the Department; representing the Department in and
to the Administration of the University; providing leadership and focus for the Department;
representing the Department to agencies or individuals outside of the University. At his/her
discretion, the Department Head may serve as an ex officio member of any EHS departmental
As specified in the CPH bylaws, the Head shall be evaluated consistent with University of
Georgia Statutes; the evaluation shall be conducted by the Dean who shall notify the Provost of
the results for consideration in the overall evaluation of the Head's performance.
EHS Bylaws – April 2012 Section 6: Graduate Coordinator
A Graduate Coordinator shall be recommended to the Dean of the College and the Dean of the
Graduate School by the Department Head from the faculty who are members of the Graduate
Faculty. The normal term of appointment will be for three years and is subject to renewal by the
Department Head. The Graduate Coordinator shall report to the Department Head; he/she shall
serve as the Department Head's representative in all matters pertaining to the Department's
graduate program. Duties shall include, but are not limited to: supervising recruitment and
admission procedures and processes; advising Unclassified Post-Graduate Students and students
temporarily without an Adviser; monitoring graduate student performance and progress; serving
as the Department's intermediary with the Graduate School; recommending appropriate
administration action for graduate students; recommending financial support for graduate
students, approving and/or appointing all graduate student committees; leading accreditation
documentation and preparation for the graduate programs; monitoring all University actions or
requirements pertaining to graduate students and to the graduate program; determining that
graduate students meet all Department, College and Graduate School requirements; and other
duties assigned by the Department Head pertaining to the graduate program or graduate students.
The Graduate Coordinator shall serve as a member and co-chair of the Department Academic
Affairs Committee. He/she shall keep the Department Head informed of important items or
events pertaining to the graduate program or graduate students.
Section 7: Undergraduate Coordinator
An Undergraduate Coordinator shall be appointed by and shall report to the Department Head.
The normal term of appointment will be for three years and is subject to renewal by the
Department Head. The Undergraduate Coordinator shall serve as the Department Head's
representative in all matters pertaining to the undergraduate program. Duties shall include, but
are not limited to: assigning advisors to undergraduate majors; advising undergraduate majors;
determining that degree requirements are met on a timely basis; maintaining communications
among the students, faculty, and the Colleges; monitoring student progress and performance;
recommending appropriate administrative actions at appropriate times; leading undergraduate
accreditation documentation and preparation; and carrying out other duties or requests as
necessary regarding the undergraduate program. The Undergraduate Coordinator shall serve as a
member and co-chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. He/she shall keep the Department
Head informed of events pertaining to the undergraduate program and undergraduate students.
Section 8: Committees
Standing Committees:
Academic Affairs: The Academic Affairs Committee shall advise the Department Head in
all matters regarding the curriculum and shall be responsible for preparing recommendations
and collecting data for decisions regarding the curriculum. All new courses must be reviewed
and approved by the Academic Affairs Committee. As part of its review, the Committee will
solicit comments from the faculty on each proposal for a new course. Composition—shall
consist of the Undergraduate and Graduate Coordinators and two faculty members who are
appointed by the Department Head for two year terms.
p.2 EHS Bylaws – April 2012 Space: The Space Committee is composed of at least three faculty members. The Space
Committee may be asked to make recommendations to the Head on the assignment of
departmentally controlled space and to draw up plans for the development and allocation of
new space which may be assigned to the Department.
Graduate Admissions and Fellowships: The Admissions and Fellowships Committee is
composed of the Graduate Coordinator and at least two other faculty members. The Graduate
Coordinator normally acts as Chair of this committee. The Committee shall review all
applications for admission to the Graduate Programs and make recommendations to the
Graduate Coordinator. The Committee shall also recommend the awarding of Teaching
Assistantships for incoming and returning students. The Committee may also be asked to
recommend on any other assistantships, or fellowships to be given by the Department.
During the summer, or when several members of the committee are unavailable, the
Graduate Coordinator and Department Head, in consultation with any members who are
available, may make decisions on Admission to the Graduate Program or the awarding of
assistantships. The majority of such decisions should be done by this committee in a timely
fashion during the Fall and Spring semesters. Appointments to this committee should be
staggered three-year terms with one member rotating onto the committee each year.
Ad hoc committees: formed as needed for department business, such as for awards, searches, etc.
Search Committees: Search committees for new faculty hires are charged with writing an
advertisement, and screening the applications to identify a short list of candidates they
recommend for further consideration by the whole faculty. Members of the search committee
also play an active role during the various activities of the interview process. Composition Search committees for new faculty hires at least contain 4 faculty (one from another CPH
department) and 1 graduate student. The Department Head selects the faculty for the search
committee. The graduate student representative is selected by the EHS Graduate Students
and is a full voting member of the search committee.
Awards: Award committees will be formed each spring on an ad hoc basis to assess student
applications for faculty selected awards including, but not limited to the Harold and Mary
Barndhart Academic Scholarship, Rowe Award, John J. Sheuring Award, Georgia Power
Scholarship, and Environmental Health Scholarship. The committee will include co-chair
(undergraduate coordinator for undergraduate awards, graduate coordinator for graduate
awards) and two additional faculty members appointed by the Department Head.
Section 9: Student Appeals
If a student wishes to appeal a grade or treatment received from a faculty member, the following
procedures should be followed. First, the student should present the appeal in writing to the
Department Head. The Department Head shall first attempt to find a resolution through
discussions between the student and the faculty member(s) involved. If these attempts are
unsuccessful, an ad hoc arbitration committee shall be appointed. The student and the faculty
member shall each choose one member from the full- time instructional faculty of the
p.3 EHS Bylaws – April 2012 department. The Department Head chooses a third faculty member who acts as chair. The
committee shall investigate the matter and report recommendations in writing to the Head. If the
decision involves a change in grade, the faculty member shall be asked to abide by the
committee recommendation. If the faculty member refuses, the Department Head shall be
empowered to execute a grade change according to the recommendation of the ad-hoc arbitration
All issues regarding academic honesty (e.g., plagiarism, unauthorized assistance, lying/tampering
with academic records, theft, etc.) are handled exclusively outside of the department by the
Office of the Vice President of Instruction. Faculty are obligated to report any alleged violations
of the honor code to the UGA Coordinator for Academic Honesty within 15 days of the alleged
violation by completing a Report of Possible Academic Dishonesty. Forms are available at and may be emailed to or faxed to 706-542-0544. More information on this process is available at
Section 10: Faculty and Staff Grievance Procedure
If a faculty or staff member has a grievance against the actions of the Department Head or other
members of the faculty and staff, the following procedures should be followed.
First, the faculty member should submit alleged grievances in writing to the Department Head
stating the grievance and request for redress in an attempt to resolve the matter directly with the
Head. The Department Head should respond in writing within one calendar week of the receipt
of this document. If no solution agreeable to both parties is obtained, the grievance and response
shall be submitted to the relevant CPH or University committee. If the grievance involves the
Department Head, the grievance shall be elevated to the relevant CPH or University committee
immediately. The Department Head may take the following actions:
1. Dismiss or return for cause (for example, for insufficient supporting evidence, or if redress
involves violation of University Statutes).
2. Attempt to resolve the grievance by suggesting a solution agreeable to the plaintiff.
3. Appoint an appropriate mediator (e.g. full professor or senior staff member from the
University community) to help the involved parties reach a mutually agreeable resolution
of the grievance.
The Department Head shall report any action taken on grievances promptly to all involved
parties. Any resolutions achieved by this process shall be considered as good-faith agreements
among members of the University community. The goal of this process is to obtain expedient
mutually satisfactory resolution of grievances in lieu of invoking the formal grievance
procedures of CPH, the University Council, or the Consolidated Grievance Procedures of the
University of Georgia. Nothing in these bylaws prevents a faculty or staff member from directly
invoking formal grievance procedures at a higher level if they feel such action is justified.
Section 11. Adjunct /Courtesy Faculty
Only individuals who meet the standards for an appointment to the Departmental faculty, and
who would be expected to qualify for appointment to the Graduate Faculty, shall be considered
for Adjunct or Courtesy Faculty appointment. Nomination or application is by letter addressed to
the Department Head and accompanied by a Curriculum Vita. The letter should describe the
p.4 EHS Bylaws – April 2012 expected or existing interaction of the nominee with EHS faculty and students. The letter and the
C.V. will be circulated to the faculty; nominees will be expected to give a seminar to the
Departmental faculty and students. A vote will be taken, with approval requiring a majority vote.
Section 12. Amendments
EHS faculty may approve, alter, amend or abolish these Bylaws by a two-thirds vote of the
eligible faculty (as defined in section 3).
Passed by vote in April 23, 2012
Comments by CPH Deans in May 2012
Revised and passed by vote in May 7, 2012