Summer 2015 - Arlington Neighborhood Villages

At the suggestion of
several members, we are
introducing our Friendly
Visitor Service. This service
provides a volunteer to
make a social visit to a
member's home.
The visits last 1.5 to 2
hours and the frequency
is once a week. This could
be a regularly scheduled,
recurring service - similar
to our daily check-in
call - or an occasional, as
requested, service. This time
is for conversation, reading,
playing cards or games,
listening to music, or
whatever socializing activity
the member is interested in.
No household or other tasks
may be performed by the
volunteer during this time.
Volume 2
Summer 2015
Phenomenal renewal rate among ANV members
The Villages had 58 “early
adopters” when it opened in
April 2014. By early June 2015,
only one of those 58 had decided
not to renew. The status of four
other members was pending.
President Carol Paquette
commented, “This is strong
testimony that confirms the
great job our volunteers do
- delivering the services and
organizing the social programs
we promised. It gives us a solid
platform for growth.”
This year’s membership goal
is 221, nearly double the June
number of 112 members. You
can help us reach this goal
by recommending Arlington
Neighborhood Villages to your
friends and neighbors. Be a
Villages supporter!
Villages celebrates first year
Neighborhood Villages
is making a difference
in the lives of older
Arlingtonians by
providing services to
enable folks to remain
in their homes longer.
Join the ANV family by
becoming a member,
by volunteering or by
or call us at
More than 100 supporters turned out in June to celebrate the first anniversary of Arlington
Neighborhood Villages’ founding, including Cheryl Johnson, Barbara Karro and Terri Lynch.
More photos on pages 4 and 5.
Lifeline discount for members
Virginia Hospital Center is offering
a discount to Villages members for
its Philips Lifeline Service. Lifeline
is a personal emergency response
system which comes in three
• The HomeSafe Standard service
is a small Personal Help Button
that can be worn around your
neck or on your wrist. A push of
the button will immediately place
a call for assistance.
(Continued on page 2)
Making Arlington your home for a lifetime
Get moving with Silver Sneakers
By Ramona Sandoval, volunteer
As you age, an active lifestyle becomes more
important. Exercise can help prevent disease,
boost your energy, reverse symptoms of aging,
and help you maintain your independence. If
you are ready to start a new exercise program
or join a gym, you may want to consider the
Healthways SilverSneakers Fitness program.
SilverSneakers is the nation’s leading exercise
program for older adults. More than 65
Medicare health plans offer the program as a
benefit to members across the nation.
It provides a foundation for its members to
maintain an independent, active, and healthy
lifestyle. One out of five people who are 65
and older are eligible for the program. If your
health and/or group retirement plan provide a
gym membership, you may be able to join at
no cost.
One Arlington resident offered this testimonial:
“My wife and I get free memberships through
Gold’s Gym. Gold’s gets reimbursed every time we
use the gym. It's a win-win-win.”
Program Features
• Get fit, meet new friends, and have fun!
• Access to approximately 10,000 participating fitness
and wellness centers in the U.S.
• Work out with cardio and weight equipment and
access swimming pools.
• Group exercise classes designed for older adults.
• An advisor to provide guidance and assistance with
equipment and workout routines.
• Social activities with other SilverSneakers members.
Program Eligibility
• To check eligibility go to
and fill in the requested information (you will need
your health insurance card).
Visit the SilverSneakers website today to learn more
about the program, check your eligibility, and pick a
location closest to your home. Get moving
Virginia Health Plan
Arlington Participating
AARP Medicare
Supplement Insurance
Aetna Medicare
Anthem Blue Cross Blue
Anthem HealthKeepers
United Healthcare
Gold’s Gym
Bailey’s Crossroads
South Arlington
LA Fitness
Pentagon Square
YMCA Arlington
(Continued from page 1)
• The HomeSafe AutoAlert service will
automatically place a call if a fall is detected.
Both of these services operate in your home.
• The third service, GoSafe Mobile, works in
your home and also out in the community.
The discount provided is an $8 reduction in the
monthly fee for each of these services. This
Summer 2015
discount is available for current subscribers well
as new subscribers. In addition, the installation
charge is waived for new subscribers to the
HomeSafe Standard and AutoAlert services.
For more information, call the Virginia Hospital
Center Lifeline office at 703-558-6859. Be
sure to mention that you are an Arlington
Neighborhood Villages member!
page 2
Protect yourself from scam artists
To quote a well-known saying : JUST SAY NO!
That’s the best advice I can give you to protect
yourself from becoming a victim of a scam. There
are so many scams now that to list them would
take several pages. Not to mention the scams
online that propose to show you how to protect
yourself against scams. But they are all the same.
Perhaps you think that if you fall for a scam only
once, it is okay. Unfortunately, no. You are then
on “The Big Scam List in the Sky.” Your mail box,
your e-mail, your cell phone, your house phone, are
now available to all and every scammer out there.
How scams work:
- First, they establish a connection with you.
- Then they gain your trust.
- Then they extend a small favor to you.
- But they expect something in return from you.
- Next, they play with your emotions.
- Now comes the big finale – they ask for money or
personal information.
Whether over the telephone, the internet, your
e-mail, or even at your front door, it is always the
same. There may be a slight twist or refining of the
approach, but the end result is that you and your
money or personal information are soon parted.
What you should do:
- On your phone or cell phone – hang up.
- On your computer, don’t click your mouse.
- If you didn’t initiate the e-mail, delete it.
- At the front door, JUST SAY NO, smile, say thank
you and close the door.
Common scams in Arlington County
- The Driveway Doctor: He can heal all driveway
problems. That repair may last only a week.
- The Roof Rube: He is able to detect problems
without going on your roof.
- The Crawlspace Ace: Who knows what lurks in the
crawl space? Rest assured he will find something.
- The Chimney Con – He is sure to find something
- The Tree Trickster – He can spot a tree that needs
removal from blocks away.
page 3
Here are more scams:
- The Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake, Disaster
Guys – usually at your front door.
- The IRS, the utility reps, and the sheriff’s office –
on your cell phone.
Final tips:
- Before you open your mouth or click, THINK!
- Educate yourself on how a con works.
- Don’t give out personal information
- When in doubt, do nothing.
- Have a refusal script ready for terminating a
potentially fraudulent interaction.
A last thought from Pete Seeger:
“Education is when you read the fine print.
Experience is what you get if you don’t.”
- Heather Hurlock, Lt. APO
Crime Prevention Specialist, Arlington Police
VHC rehab works wonders
A collapsed lung in 2014 landed me in cardiopulmonary rehab at Virginia Hospital Center
– and am I ever glad for that decision by my
The rehab center is staffed for outstanding
nurses and exercise physiologists who develop
individualized exercise plans for each patient –
and then monitor our heart rate, blood pressure
and oxygen levels as we ride a bike, walk a
treadmill or use other devices.
My goal is to strengthen my diaphragm to
increase my breathing capacity.
Medicare and some insurance companies cover
36 one-hour sessions. Once those sessions are
completed, one can pay a small fee to continue to
use rehab. Dozens and dozens of folks are doing
just that, including me.
So, if you experience heart or lung issues, talk
with your doctor about getting enrolled in the VHC
rehab program. You will not be disappointed,
and you will meet lots of interesting folks from
many different backgrounds.
- Joe Junod
ANV board member
Summer 2015
C E L E B R AT I O N !
More than 100 supporters celebrate Villages’ first year
The team that planned and launched ANV were recognized at the non-profit’s first anniversary party in June. From left: Carol
Paquette, Paxton Baker, Elaine Collins, Ann Connell, Susan Jungg, Peter Olivere, Gail Kutner, Marybeth Tschetter, Anita Wallgren
and Andrea Walker.
From left, Carole Shetzich, Linda and Martin Reck, Nancy Lowenthal.
Summer 2015
page 4
Peggy Adam and Mike Goldberg
Founder Susan Jungg, right, visits with guests at the anniversary party
Board member Maureen Markham, left,
with Pat McGrady and Miriam Balutis.
page 5
From left: Anne Webb, Barbara Carr, Cornelia Fraser (seated),
Delores Boyer, Donna Pastore, unidentified guest and Jacqueline
Summer 2015
Identity theft? Here’s what to do
If you are the victim of identity theft, here is how to prevent further damage to your finances and set
the record straight:
1) File a police report.
2) File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, either online at or via the
FTC hotline at 1-877-438-4338 or TTY 1-866-653-4261.
3) Contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your credit records and
prevent further damage:
- at 1-800-525-6285.
- at 1-888-397-3742.
- at 1-800-680-7289.
4) Contact your bank and credit card providers to check for unauthorized transactions or accounts
you did not open.
5) Complete IRS Form 14039 and mail or fax it to the IRS, following instructions on the form.
Volunteers recognized
Dozens of ANV volunteers were thanked for their dedication during a luncheon at Barcroft Community House.
“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Summer 2015
page 6
Summer solstice stroll
On June 20, an energetic group of ANV members, volunteers and neighbors got together for a lovely stroll around Roosevelt Island to
celebrate the summer solstice. Led by ANV volunteer, Dave Christian, the group strolls Roosevelt Island four times a year to celebrate
the change in seasons. The group enjoys seeing the changes nature brings with each new season.
Seeking volunteers to join ANV family
ANV could not exist without the services and
energy of our wonderful volunteers. We have
a variety of interesting volunteer positions
open for people who want to make a positive
difference in someone’s life.
We are offering two new services, the Friendly
Visit and Walking Buddies and need volunteers
who would like to provide these.
In addition to direct service work, ANV has
several working committees that could use
more members who have planning, organizing,
and program development skills. And of course
we are always looking for more volunteers to
provide transportation to our members and to
help out with staffing the office.
If you know someone who would be
interested in joining our volunteer family, or if
you are interested in any of these opportunities
page 7
yourself, please go to and
click on the Volunteer link, or send us an email
at You’ll be glad
you did!
“Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone
who keeps learning stays young. The
greatest thing in life is to keep your
mind young.”
- Henry Ford
Summer 2015
Tea Party
Twelve ANV members enjoyed a tea party in late June at the home of Lucia Heard.
Arlington naturalist to speak at ANV event Aug. 22
Alonso Abugattas, natural resources
manager for Arlington parks, will speak
on “Nature at work in Arlington” as part
of the lecture series sponsored by North
Hills Village, an affiliate of Arlington
Neighborhood Villages (ANV).
The naturalist will speak at 3 p.m. Saturday,
Aug. 22, in the fellowship hall of the Church
of the Covenant, 2666 Military Road.
The lecture is open to the public. RSVPs
are requested by calling 703-509-8057 or
North Hills Villages is comprised of four
neighborhoods: Cherrydale, Donaldson
Run, Old Dominion and Waverly Hills. It
exists to provide social, educational and
service opportunities for residents of the
four neighborhoods. Anyone willing to get
involved in planning future events is asked
to call Joe Junod at 703-841-1841 or email
him at
ANV was launched in April 2014. Its
mission is to provide services to enable older
Arlingtonians to stay in their homes longer.
“It’s not how old you are, it`s how you are old.” - Jules Renard
Summer 2015
page 8