JU LY 5 2 01 5 XIV SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 02 RCIA 02 CHILDREN’S FOLKLORE 02 DAUGHTERS OF MARY 03 MARY’S SON: THE CARPENTER Our Lady of the Assumption www.olassumption.net WITH MARY, SERVING CHRIST IN THE WORLD. JESUS: Vision and Heart Today's Gospel shows how difficult it is for us to attain to a universal vision. When we are faced with someone like Jesus, someone with a generous heart, a wide vision and a great spirit, our reactions are very often filled with jealousy, selfishness, and meanness of spirit. His Monday never really accepted their own. They couldn't honor his relationship Wednesday belonging to the Lord. They couldn't see the Messiah standing right Thursday own people couldn't recognize the holiness of Jesus, because they had Reconciliation Saturday T IMES with God because they had never fully explored their own sense of beside them, because he looked too much like one of them. Until we 7:00 -7:30 PM see ourselves as people beloved of God, miracles will be scarce and Parish Office heard and accepted for whom they truly are. Monday - Friday Mass the prophets and messengers who rise among us will struggle to be T IMES 9 AM Portuguese 6 PM English 10 AM Portuguese Friday 10 AM Portuguese Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM In today's Gospel story, Mark tells us that Jesus was amazed at their 7:30 PM Portuguese 209.634.2222 unbelief. Listening to Jesus, his own people were initially filled with admiration in him and pride because of him. His message of Sunday 2602 S. WALNUT RD TURLOCK, CA 95380 P. O. BOX 2030 TURLOCK, CA 95381 liberation was marvelous. Then they recognize this young prophet as one of them and they say: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?" The most severe critics are often people very familiar to us, a member of our family, a relative, or neighbor we rub shoulders with on a continued on page 3 8 AM Portuguese 9:30 AM English 11:15 AM Portuguese 6 PM English Latin Mass Call Manuel Nunes 209.535.4499 Parish Staff Formation Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass, Eucharist & Evangelization www.olassumption.net Father Manuel Sousa Pastor frmanuel@olassumption.net Deacon Edwin Santiago Deacon mpsecs@charter.net Ashley Hendrex Administrator Catechism Coordinator ahendrex@olassumption.net IS HE NOT THE CARPENTER, THE SON OF MARY? By, Father Thomas Rosicachief cannot forget that Jesus is the Savior of continued from page 1 7:30 –9:00 PM regular basis. The people of Nazareth refused to renounce their possessive attitude toward Jesus. When possessive love is obstructed it produces a violent Experience the beauty of Catholicism! Join RCIA reaction. This sort of reaction provokes and delve into the richness of the Faith. Who might you invite to inquire about Catholicism? Classes resume in September. Adoration Friday, July 10th 9 AM– 9 PM Join the Daughters of Mary for women’s fellowship, prayer & Scripture. him" (4:29) in Luke's version of the story. OLAwomen@gmail.com Walking With Purpose Bible Study Community Life Children’s Folklore Calling boys & girls who love to dance… join the Children’s Folklore. Learn Portuguese traditional dances and perform at the Festa. Mondays & Wednesdays Andrea Sousa Johnson 6 Youth Coordinator asousajohnson@olassumption.net PM –7 PM Beginning July 13th Festa Novena: Rosary & Mass August 6th-13th 7:30 PM Would you like to offer flowers for the Festa? Offer your gift of fresh flowers to decorate the saint’s C AT HO L I C ST EW AR D S HI P PR IN CI PL E S GI VE TO THE LORD A P ORTION OF YOUR INCOME MAKE YOUR GI FT A SAC RI FI CE USE YOUR CONTRI BUTI O N ENVELOPE OR ONLI NE GI VI NG 5% TO PARI SH & 5% TO CHARI TY as "everyone in the synagogue was enraged (Luke 4:28) and they sought to kill Refusal to open our heart can lead to such extremes. the world (John 4:42), and not of the village, town, city or nation! Jesus was bitterly criticized because he demonstrated great openness of heart, particularly toward people on the fringes and borders of society. His openness caused rising opposition that led him to the cross. Today's Gospel warns us to be on guard against certain attitudes that are incompatible with the example of Jesus: the human tendency to be possessive, and egoistic and small in mind and heart. We possible satisfaction and happiness that rightly belongs to the other! Magnanimity is capable of looking beyond itself, it can grant In order to approach and imitate Jesus, who is total beauty and uniqueness, the quality of magnanimity is necessary in our hearts and minds. The opposite and enemy of magnanimity is envy. Envy is that fault in the human character that cannot recognize the beauty and uniqueness of the other, and denies the other honor. Envy can no longer see because the eyes are "nailed shut," statues. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Administration W EEKLY GIFTS 6.28.15 PARISH GOAL: $9, 500 SUNDA Y COLLECTION: $7,725.55 PETER’S PENCE COLLEC TION: $3, 205.60 many dramas of jealousy and passion. They took offence at him in Mark's account just coming September 2015! Nellie Oliveira Administrative Assistant noliveira@olassumption.net Allyson Parman Confirmation Coordinator aparman@olassumption.net Liturgy Monday Zelia Freitas Administrative Assistant Music Coordinator zfreitas@olassumption.net Connie Madruga Liturgy Coordinator cmadruga@olassumption.net What does Mary have in store for you? blinded to one's own beauty and the beauty in others. Envy inevitably leads to forms of violence and destruction, of self and of others. In order to approach and imitate Jesus, who is total beauty and uniqueness, the attitude of envy must be first acknowledged and then banished. the other what oneself perhaps bitterly lacks, and can perhaps even rejoice in the other's goodness, greatness and beauty. Let us pray that Jesus not be amazed at our own unbelief, but rather rejoice in our small, daily acts of fidelity to him and our service to our sisters and brothers. May the Lord grant us magnanimous hearts so that we may look far beyond ourselves and recognize the goodness, greatness and beauty of other people, instead of being jealous of their gifts. God's power alone can save us from emptiness and poverty of spirit, from confusion and error, and from the fear of death and hopelessness. The gospel of salvation is "great news" for us today. Magnanimity lets others be free, for the other person must become great enough to be an image of God's beauty. Magnanimity arouses the desire in each of us for the other to receive the greatest Outreach Consider giving through Online Giving. Our Lady of the Assumption now gladly accepts credit card donations. Thank you for your generosity to the Lord. Stephen Ministers provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing grief, divorce, illness, job loss, loneliness, disability, and other life difficulties. Margaret Santiago 209.485.2235 V.A.L.E.R. offers Relaxation Exercises at OLA Are you or a member of your family homebound? We have a dedicated team of Eucharistic Ministers who will bring communion to you. To request a Minister of Holy Communion to visit, contact Fatima Fontes 209.996.6033. with Instructor Lori Wilson Tuesday & Thursday 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM Valley Area Living Enabling Resources V.A.L.E.R Office 209.634.0380 Mass Intentions Be still and know that I am God. Monday • July 06 9:00am † Felicidade Honoria Texiera– da filha Evelinda Sousa Tuesday • July 07 No Mass / Não haverá Missa Ps.46:10 Wednesday • July 08 6:00pm Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for † Vitalina Batista – da nora Rosália the sick members of our community and for all who Thursday • July 09 are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering 10:00am may they find consolation in your healing presence. † Maria da Conceição Oliveira Rosa – do marido e filhos Friday • July 10 Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, 10:00am † Maria da Conceição Luis e Maria Rosa Luis – dos filhos e sobrinhos make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and † Manuel e Maria Clementina Silva – da filha Maria das Neves Brasil † Manuel Sousa – de Elvina e António Flores deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all † Maria Guadalupe Alamo – do filho Ray Alamo your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who † Almas do purgatório – de Odelta Luis healed those who believed. Amen. † Francisco Lopes e defuntos de Albina Lopes Por Jerry Vieira – da mãe Maria Vieira Por Ana Bettencourt, aniv. natalíco Pela conversão dos pecadores – de Lee Cabral Saturday • July 11 7:30pm † Miguel Soares – da esposa Teresa Pires Eduardina Silveira Pelas intenções de Maria José Soares Manuel e Luisa Brasil Roberto da Silva Sunday • July 12 Pe. José Carlos Maria Inacio 8:00am Maria Leonesa Dinis Mark Sousa Pela comunidade Paroquial Angela Agueda Grayson Sousa 9:30am Maria Azevedo Guilhermina Gonçalves † Jessie Orosco – from family Fatima Simões Carlos Alberto Brasil † Rose Clarot – from Joe Clarot & family † John Thomas – from Trinkler family Adam Mattos Reese Derryman † Rose da Silva – from Helio e Lurdes Cardoso Belina Estacio Joseph Calderon 11:15am Francisco Nunes Peggy Howard † Defuntos de Manuel e Filomena Silva Francis Conville José Teixeira † Scorro e Adelino Amaral – de Tony Amaral Jacob Mercado Francisco Gomes † Julio Vitoria Brasil – da família Alex Mercado Georgina Gomes † José Jordão – da esposa, filho e família Carlos Teixeira António Brasil † José Casemiro e Maria da Conceição Nunes – da família Filomena Cardoso Lina Correia † Rosa Morais – da família † Maria Bernardete Brasil e Manuel Azevedo Sousa – da família Tony Silva Evelyn Calderon † Manuel e Maria da Conceição Duarte – do filho Dr. Jorge Duarte Helena A De Sousa Francisco Linhares † Manuel e Maria Glória Dinis e Francisco Vaz – da filha Maria Dinis Robert Areias Marie Dixon † Manuel e Maria Zulmira Machado, José e Artur Machado – da família Gina Aguiar Dihn Paz Cajucam † João Oliveira Fernandes – da esposa Rosa Fernandes Albina Lopes Florinda Freitas † Leontina Silva – do marido e filhos Maria Emília Nunes Maria Brasil † Alberto Dias, José e Rosa de Silva – da esposa e filhos Dolores Frittsch Diana Tovar † José e Maria Alda Valadão – das filhas e netos Michael Lourenço † Steve Arlindo Cardoso – dos pais Maria A Silva Por José e Conceição Madruga, aniv. do casamento Por Teresa Madruga, aniv. do baptismo John Silva 6:00pm Joao Silva † José Avila – from José & Jovina Matos Francisco Silveira † Denia, John & Rui Machado – from family † David Freitas & Salvador Vieira – from Tony & Zélia † Cassy Mancebo – from mom, dad & family For the sons, daughter and grandchildren of José & Maria Brasil