United States History, 4th Edition Lesson Plan Overview Day(s) Topic Pages Chapter 1: New and Old Worlds Meet 1 Changes in the 3–8 Old World 2–3 4 Contacts in the New World Chapter 1 Review 8–22 Activity 1: Map Study: Explorations of the New World Activity 2: Think About It! Activity 3: First Encounter Activity 4: Chapter Review Activity 1: Map Study: Settlement of the Colonies Activity 2: Read and Heed Activity 3: Providence Praised Teacher Toolkit CD English Settlements Made Permanent New England Colonies 26–29 29–36 Teacher Toolkit CD 9 The Middle Colonies 36–39 10 The Southern Colonies Chapter 2 Review 39–42 Activity 4: Mayflower Compact Impact Teacher Toolkit CD Teacher Toolkit CD Activity 5: Chapter Review 8 11 12 Chapter 2 Test Chapter 3: Colonial Life 13 The Rhythms of Life 14 At Home Bible Integration Section Quiz #5, #6 Thinking Critically Living as a Christian Citizen 5 Chapter 1 Test Chapter 2: Thirteen Colonies 6 Why the English 25–26 Came 7 Support Materials “John Smith and 2 Thessalonians 3:10” “The Pilgrims and Thanksgiving Day” Deut. 6:10-15 and forgetting the Lord “Puritan Motives” Thinking Critically Living as a Christian Citizen 45–49 Teacher Toolkit CD “Danger of Childbirth” 49–52 Activity 1: Who and What Activity 2: The Servant and the Slave Activity 3: False Alarms Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle The educational results of the Reformation Section Quiz #5 Section Quiz #3 15 At Work 52–57 16 At Play 57–59 17 Chapter 3 Review 18 Chapter 3 Test Chapter 4: Religion in the American Colonies 19–20 Established 62–67 Teacher Toolkit CD Denominations Activity 1: Map Study: Religion in the Colonies Activity 2: Early Denominations and Their Leaders Section Quiz #5 Living as a Christian Citizen “Outward Morality” “Half-way Covenant” “Anglicanism in America” 21 22 23 Non-Established Denominations Colonial Worship Indian Missions 68–71 Teacher Toolkit CD 71–73 73–75 Activity 3: Colonial Sunday 24–25 The Great 76–80 Activity 4: Religion in the Colonies Awakening 26 Chapter 4 Review 27 Chapter 4 Test Chapter 5: The Rising Storm (1689–1770) 28 Frontier Feuds 85–89 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 29 The French and 90–95 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Indian War Activity 1: French and Indian War Questions Activity 2: Map Study: French and Indian War 30 The Growing Rift 95–102 Activity 3: Ordering Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle 31 Chapter 5 Review 32 Chapter 5 Test Chapter 6: Independence (1770–1783) 33 The Eve of War 105–13 Activity 1: “On the Right to Rebel Against Governors” 34 Declaring Independence 114–16 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 35–36 Early Campaigns 116–25 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 2: Map Study: The War for Independence Activity 3: Treaty of Paris, 1783 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: Military Melee 37 The War in the 125–30 South 38 Chapter 6 Review 39 Chapter 6 Test Chapter 7: The Critical Period (1781–1789) 40–41 Government by 133–38 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Confederation Activity 1: Map Study: Northwest Territory 42 A New Charter 138–45 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 2: Separate Powers 43 The Struggle for 145–49 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Ratification Activity 3: Federalism: States’ vs. National Government’s Rights and Powers Activity 4: Who/What Am I? 44 Chapter 7 Review 45 Chapter 7 Test Chapter 8: The Federalist Years (1789–1801) “Religious Practices” “Pietism” Section Quiz #4 “Colonial Missions” “Moravian Missions Success” Section Quiz #5 Living as a Christian Citizen “A Redeemed Captive” Living as a Christian Citizen “Secular or Sacred?” “The Founding Fathers and Religion” “Biblical Perspectives on Revolution” “Common Sense” (comparing Paine’s arguments with biblical principles) Section Quiz #5 “God’s Providence” Living as a Christian Citizen Section Quiz #5 Constitutional principles Section Quiz #6 Living as a Christian Citizen 46 Launching the New Government 152–56 Activity 1: Cabinet Confusion Emerging Political 156–61 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Parties 48 Declining 162–66 Activity 2: The Second President of Federalist the United States Influence Activity 3: Chapter Review 49 Chapter 8 Review 50 Chapter 8 Test Chapter 9: The Jeffersonian Era (1801–1825) 51 “The Revolution of 171–75 Activity 1: Marbury v. Madison 1800” 47 52 Jefferson’s Triumphs Abroad 175–78 53 Indians and the Northwest Territory The War of 1812 178–81 54 181–87 “The First ‘First Lady’” “Rising Above Hardship” “Servant/Leader” Living as a Christian Citizen “Exodus 20:17” “Thomas Jefferson’s Religious Views” “I Am a Real Christian” “Politicians and the Bible” “Jefferson’s View of Religion” Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 2: Lewis and Clark Expedition Activity 3: Map Study: Lewis and Clark Expedition Teacher’s Toolkit CD “Not Just Talleyrand’s Advice” Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: Map Study: The War of 1812 “War Plans” “The Era of Good 187–89 Feelings” 56 Chapter 9 Review 57 Chapter 9 Test Chapter 10: The Age of Jackson (1820–1840) 58 Crosscurrents 192–99 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Map Study: The Missouri Compromise 59 The Jackson 199–205 Activity 2: Davy Crockett’s Rules Years for Getting Elected 60 Party Politics 206–9 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: Time Travels Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle 61 Chapter 10 Review 62 Chapter 10 Test Chapter 11: The Growth of American Society (1789–1861) 63–64 American 212–21 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Technology Activity 1: Think About It! 55 Living as a Christian Citizen Living as a Christian Citizen “Sin’s Consequences” “The Bible and Slavery” “American Slavery” “Samuel F. B. Morse” 65 American Culture 221–28 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 2: Map Study: The Growth of Transportation Activity 3: The Arts and the Reformers 66 American Religion 228–34 Activity 4: Religion 67 Chapter 11 Review 68 Chapter 11 Test Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny (1840–1848) 69 Across the Wide 239–45 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Missouri Activity 1: Remember the Alamo! 70 Politics and 245–48 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Protocol Activity 2: Polk’s Inaugural Address 71 War with Mexico 248–54 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: From Sea to Shining Sea 72 Chapter 12 Review 73 Chapter 12 Test Chapter 13: A House Dividing (1848–1861) 74 Controversy 259–65 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Viewpoints 75 Conflict 266–73 Activity 2: Party Lines Activity 3: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 76 Crisis 273–78 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: Fanning the Fire 77 Chapter 13 Review 78 Chapter 13 Test Chapter 14: War Between the States (1861–1865) 79 War of Brothers 281–85 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Flag Day! Activity 2: Who Am I? 80–81 War in the East 286–92 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 82 War in the West 292–98 83 On the Home Front Road to Appomattox 298–303 84 85 86 Chapter 14 Review Chapter 14 Test 304–09 Horace Mann and Titus 1:15 “Utopia and the Bible” “Biblical Rights of Women” Transcendentalism and Ralph Waldo Emerson Section Quiz critical-thinking question “Deism” “Edwards’s Grandsons” “Finney’s Theology” “Edwards vs. Finney” Unorthodox religions Living as a Christian Citizen “Narcissa Whitman” “Testimony Does Matter!” “The Defeated Foe” “Morality of the Mexican War” Living as a Christian Citizen Section Quiz critical-thinking question “Ignorance and Fear” “Avenging Angel” Living as a Christian Citizen “Christ in the Camp” “Stonewall Jackson: Soldier of the Cross” Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: The Gettysburg Address Activity 4: Spiritual Emphasis in the Southern Armies Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 5: Battle Cry! Activity 6: Chapter Review “Why the War?” Living as a Christian Citizen Chapter 15: Reconstruction (1865–1877) 87 Struggle over 312–16 Activity 1: Johnson’s Proclamation Reconstruction of Amnesty and Reconstruction 88 Reconstruction in 316–21 Teacher’s Toolkit CD the South Activity 2: Freedmen’s Bureau Act 89 Years of 321–26 Activity 3: Exposé Corruption A Reconstructed 327–28 Activity 4: Chapter Review Nation 91 Chapter 15 Review 92 Chapter 15 Test Chapter 16: The Gilded Age (1877–1896) 93–94 Industry and 333–41 Activity 1: Andrew Carnegie: “The Invention Gospel of Wealth,” 1889 “Love Your Enemies” “Nothing Is Lost Save Honor” “What Should Grant Have Done?” “Corrupt Governments” 90 95 96 97–98 99 Political Reform and Reaction Labor, Rural, and Economic Issues Change and Challenge 341–44 “Servants and Masters” Activity 3: J. C. Penney’s Business Principles Chapter 16 Review 100 Chapter 16 Test Chapter 17: America Expands (1850–1900) 101– Western 361–71 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 102 Expansion Activity 1: Farming Fluctuations 103– Indian Affairs 371–75 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 104 105– International 375–83 Activity 2: McKinley on the U.S. 106 Expansion Acquisition of the Philippines Activity 3: Chapter Review 107 Chapter 17 Review 108 Chapter 17 Test Chapter 18: The Progressive Era (1900–1920) 109 Progressive 386–91 Activity 1: Progressive Terms Movement Activity 2: Think About It! 110– 111 Progressive Politics 392– 401 “The Lord Is Still in Control” “Good and Bad Influences” “Carnegie, the Philanthropist” H.J. Heinz and Christian business management Activity 2: Cleveland’s Veto of the Texas Seed Bill 344–50 351–59 Living as a Christian Citizen Activity 3: Presidential Programs “The Flood of Darwinism “Pursuit of Happiness” “Moody’s Achilles’ Heel” Critical Thinking #2 Living as a Christian Citizen “Limitless Resources?” “Get-Rich-Quick Schemes” “God’s Protecting Hand” th Missions movement of the 19 century “Missionaries and Culture” “My Pressure Gauge!” Section Quiz critical-thinking question Living as a Christian Citizen “True Progress?” Christians and Reform Darwinism “Good Heart, Wrong Method” “Whatever Works Is Right” “Nature of Man” “Justice or Law” 112 Progressive Society 113 Progressivism 408–9 Evaluated Chapter 18 Review 114 402–8 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: Fundamentalists vs. Progressives “The Inevitability of Progress” “Progressives’ Faulty View of Man” Making Connections #4, #5 Living as a Christian Citizen 115 Chapter 18 Test Chapter 19: The Great War (1913–1920) 116 Idealism 413–18 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Wilson’s Call for U.S. Neutrality 117– Intervention 418–25 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 118 Activity 2: Poster Propaganda Activity 3: Loss of Freedom, Growth of Government 119 Isolation 425–28 Activity 4: What’s the Question? 120 Chapter 19 Review 121 Chapter 19 Test Chapter 20: The Twenties (1920-1929) 122 Normalcy and 433–40 Shortsightedness Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Cartoon Capers Activity 2: Who’s Who? Activity 3: The Philosophy of Rugged Individualism 123– 124 Culture Wars 440–48 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: Positive or Negative Influence? 125 From Roar to Ruin 448–53 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 5: Chapter Review 126 Chapter 20 Review 127 Chapter 20 Test Chapter 21: The Thirties (1929-1939) 128– Hoover Gets the 456–64 129 Blame 130– FDR and the New 464–73 131 Deal 132 Worst of Times, 473–79 Best of Times 133 134 Chapter 21 Review Chapter 21 Test “God Gave Them to Me” “Secular Humanism” “One Made a Difference” “Voices of Truth” “Purpose of Bible Conferences” “Moral Leadership” “Idealism Is Going to Change the World” Living as a Christian Citizen “Normalcy” “The Failure of Peace and the Cause of War” “Effects of Friends” “A Man of Few Words” Section Quiz critical-thinking question “Morality Legislation Debate” “Fundamentalist vs. Modernist” “Positive Results “Bryan: ‘He Kept the Faith’” Section Quiz critical-thinking question Living as a Christian Citizen Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Hoover’s Three Blunders Activity 2: The NRA and How It Operated Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: How the AAA “Helped” Farmers Activity 4: Long-Term Consequences of the New Deal Activity 5: Chapter Review “Government, Not God” “Escaping One’s Cares” Living as a Christian Citizen Chapter 22: The World at War (1939–1945) 135– A Time of Tyrants 482–89 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 136 Activity 1: A Time of Tyrants 137 Isolation and 489–97 Activity 2: FDR’s Request for Infamy Declaration of War Against Japan 138– The Fight for 497– Activity 3: Map Study: The 139 Fortress Europe 500 European Theater 140– The War in the 500–8 Activity 4: Map Study: The Pacific 141 Pacific Theater Activity 5: Who, What, When, Where 142 Chapter 22 Review 143 Chapter 22 Test Chapter 23: The Postwar Era (1945–1963) 144– Cold War 513–20 Activity 1: Map Study: The Korean 145 War Activity 2: To Win or Not to Win 146 Domestic Reform 520–26 Activity 3: Eisenhower’s Farewell Address to the Nation Activity 4: Brown v. Board of 147 Life in Postwar 526–32 Education of Topeka, Kansas America Activity 5: Chapter Review 148 Chapter 23 Review 149 Chapter 23 Test Chapter 24: The Shattered Society (1963–1973) 150– Johnson and the 535–41 Teacher’s Toolkit CD 151 Great Society Activity 1: Lyndon Johnson Proposes the “Great Society” Activity 2: The Johnson Years— Salving Society’s Ills Activity 3: Map Study: War in Vietnam 152 Upheaval 541–44 Activity 4: “What the Sixties Wrought” 153 154 1968 544–47 “Preserve the Peace” “Divine Intervention” “A False Sense of Security” “Kamikaze!” Living as a Christian Citizen “The UN” “Owe No Man Anything” “Postwar Families” “Civil Disobedience” “Ecumenical Movement” Living as a Christian Citizen “Chaos” “Helping the Poor and Needy” “Promises, Promises” “Christian Vietnam Veteran” “Knowledge Without Wisdom” “Genuine Love” Ungodliness of Counterculture Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 5: LBJ’s Decision Not to Run for Reelection, 1968 Activity 6: Nixon Comments on His Historic Trip to China Nixon and the 547–52 Silent Majority 155 Chapter 24 Review 156 Chapter 24 Test Chapter 25: A Nation Adrift (1973–1980) 157 The Embattled 555–57 Activity 1: Some Personal Presidency Observations on Watergate 158 Domestic 558–63 Activity 2: President Ford’s Call to Difficulties “WIN” Living as a Christian Citizen “A Good Name” “Environmental Concerns” The Christian and homosexual rights “One Can Make a Difference” 159 The Ineffectual 563–66 Presidency 160 The Rising 567–70 Conservative Tide 161 Chapter 25 Review 162 Chapter 25 Test Chapter 26: Resurgence (1981–1992) 163– The Reagan 573–83 164 Revolution 165 The Bush Presidency 583–89 Activity 3: Three Men and the Presidency Activity 4: A Decade of Political Disaster Election of 2000 171– 172 The Bush Administration 173 174 Election of 2008 The Obama Administration 175 176 Chapter 27 Review Chapter 27 Test “The Political Christian” Living as a Christian Citizen Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 1: Reagan: The First Four Years Activity 2: Map Study: The Reagan Doctrine in Central America and the Caribbean Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: Presidential Address on the Gulf War Activity 4: Map Study: Operation Desert Storm Activity 5: Chapter Review 166 Chapter 26 Review 167 Chapter 26 Test Chapter 27: New Challenges (1993–2010) 168– The Clinton 592–99 Activity 1: Opposition and Support 169 Administration 170 “Human Rights” 599– 602 602–7 Activity 2: Q & A: Clinton’s Presidency Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 3: Clinton’s Foreign Policy 607–8 609-10 Teacher’s Toolkit CD Teacher’s Toolkit CD Activity 4: George W. Bush’s Inaugural Address Activity 5: Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address “A Biblical View” “Becoming Capitalistic” “Campaign Strategy” “No New Taxes” Living as a Christian Citizen “Leadership Expectations” “Root Problem” “Talk Radio” “Christian Foundations” “Private vs. Public Life” “Political Involvement” “Personal Faith Expressed Publicly in the White House” Living as a Christian Citizen