Section B NUMBERS AND DATES ITALIAN NUMBERING Italian numbers are usually recorded with the same Arabic numerals you are accustomed to in English, but the names they call those numbers are different. In addition, there are occasions when records will include Roman numerals. The purpose of this reference section is to provide you with the basics of Italian number and time statements. CARDINAL NUMBERS Cardinal numbers are used for simple counting and statements of "how many." uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci undici dsdici tredici quattordici quindici sedici diciasette diciotto diciannove venti one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty The rule for combining venti (twenty), trenta (thirty), quaranta (forty), and so on with UPZO, due, he, etc.: Drop the last letter of the first word before adding unto and otto. Add due, trey quattro, cinque, sei, sette, and nove without changing the first word. Examples: ventuno ventidue ventitre ventiquattro venticinque ventisei ventisette ventotto ventinove twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine Comting by tens: dieci venti trenta quaranta cinquanta sessanta settanta ottanta novanta ten twenty thirty few fifty sixty seventy eighty ninty Counting by hundreds: cento centi duecenti trecenti quattrocenti cinquecenti seicenti settecenti ottocenti novecenti mille, mil hundred hundreds two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand ORDINAL NUMBERS Ordinal numbers are used to indicate a position in a sequence (first, second, etc.). Ordinal numbers are frequently preceded by the .article il as h il quarto. (An article is a word like a or the.) When the first letter of a number begins with a vowel, as do uno, ottavo, and otto, the il will be changed to 1': l'unto, l'ottavo, l'otto. when referring to dates: Italian ordinal numbers are usually the same as the cardinal numbers when they refer to the day of the month, but you will more often see il primo than l'uno as in il primo gennaio (first day of January). Regular use In dates primo secondo terzo quarto quinto sesto settimo ottavo nono decimo uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth Regular use In dates undicesimo dodicesimo tredicesimo quattordicesimo quindicesimo sedicesimo diciassettesimo diciottesimo diciannovesimo ventesimo uncici dodici tredici quattordici quincici sedici diciassette diciotto diciannove venti eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth In numbers above 19, add esimo to the cardinal number: Regular use In dates decimo ventesimo ventunesimo ventiduesimo ventitr2esimo ventiquathesimo venticinquesimo ventiseiesimo ventisettesimo ventiottesimo ventinovesimo trentesimo dieci venti ventuno ventidue ventitre ventiquattro venticinque ventisei ventisette ventotto ventinove trenta tenth twentieth twenty first twenty second twenty third twenty fourth twenty fifth twenty sixth twenty seventh twenty eighth twenty ninth thirtieth quarantesimo cinquantesimo sessantesimo settantesimo ottantesimo novantesimo fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth centesimo duecentesimo trecentesimo quattrocentesimo cinquecentestimo seicentesimo settecentesimo ottocentessimo novecentessimo millesimo hundredth two hundredth three hundredth four hundredth five hundredth six hundredth seven hundredth eight hundredth nine hundredth thousandth ' CLOCK TIME Clock time often appears next to the date. Sometimes you will see Italian numbers followed by anti. for "a.m." or pom. for "p.m."; however, because Italy began using the 24-hour clock in 1803, you will more often see clock times written as ore cique or ore 5 for 5:00 a.m. and ore le diciassette or ore 17 for 5:00 p.m. It is important to be able to recognize clock times so that you don't extract them as dates. thirteen o'clock fourteen o'clock la una one o'clock le tredici fifteen oLclock le due two o'clock le quattordici sixteen o'clock le tre three o'clock le quindici seventeen o'clock le quattro four o'clock le sedici eighteen o'clock le cinque five o'clock b diciassette nineteen o'clock le sei six o'clock le diciotto twenty o'clock le sette seven o'clock le diciannove twenty-one o'clock le otto eight o'clock le venti twenty-two o'clock le nove nine o'clock le ventuno twenty-three o'clock le dieci ten o'clock le ventidue twenty-four o'clock le undici eleven o'clock le docici twelve o'clock NAMES OF MONTHS gennan'o febbraio mam apra'le maggio guigno luglio agosto settem bre ottobre novembre decembre January February March April May June July August September October November December DAYS OF THE WEEK la domenica il lunedi il martedi il mercobdi il gwvedi il venerdi il sabbato Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday VOCABULARY Terms relating to order: a1 principio [di i a r z o ] il secondo [di Marzo] il terzo [di Marzo] l'ultimo [di i a r z o ] the the the the first [of March] second [of March] third [of March] last day [of March] General vocabulary relating to dates addi' anno anni data di gid giorno ieri mese nascere oggi ora stesso scorso tempo ultimo (a) on the day Year years date day already, formerly, once, previous day yesterday month to be born today hour same last time last Time and date phrases: alla data odierna all'ora di anno corrente anno presente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo anti. antimeridiano (a) del anno referito dell'anrzo del mese di dopo domani dopo pranzo detto giorno e mese fine del mese e minuti giorno dalla celebrazione del rnatrimonio il capo d'anno il primo d'anno il giorno dopo on today's date at the time of current year present year year of birth of present month next month a.m. before noon of the year referred to of the year of the month of day after tomorrow af temoon said day and month end of the month and minutes (time of birth) date of the celebration of marriage (marriage celebration) New Year's Day New Year's Day the day after Time and date phrases: il medesimo anno il medesimo giorno il medesimo mese meridian0 (a) mese corrente mese presente mese prossimo mese prossimo passato mese scorso mezzanotte mezzogiorno naque il giorno natale natalizio nato a mezzanotte nato a mezzodi nato a notte nato a sera nato il nato oggi nel citato anno nel citato giorno nel citato mese nel ospresso giorno nel ospresso mese nello stesso anno nello stesso giorno nello stesso mese per l'anno piu' tarde pom. pomeridiano (a) pomeriggio stammaitina stasera ultimo giorno del mese the same year the same day the same month noon current month present month next month just last month last month midnight midday, noontime was born the day of birthday, Christmas birthday (an adjective) born at midnight born at noon born at night born at night born the (date) born today on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month for the year later p.m. afternoon (p.m.) afternoon this morning this evening last day of the month Typical date phrase Typical date phrase L'anno rnilleottocentosessantatre, il di di alle ore The year 1863 the day of (of the month) at the hour ROMAN NUMERALS In many of the older records Roman numerals are used to indicate the day and year. The following examples are given as a review of the mechanics of Roman numerals. 1 2 3 4 5 = I =11 = nI = 1111 or =v IV = VI = VII 41 42 43 44 45 XLI XLII XLIII XLIV = XLV = XLVI = XLVII 6 7 8 9 10 = VIIII or IX = X 46 47 48 49 50 11 12 13 14 15 =XI = XI1 =XIII = XIIII or XrV = XV 51 52 53 54 55 16 17 18 19 20 = = = = = = VIII XVI XVII XVIII XVIIII or XIX XX 21 = X X I 22 = XXII 23 = XXIII 24 = XXIII or X X V 25=XXV ' 26 27 28 29 30 = XXVI = XXVII = = = = = XLVIII = XLVIX =L = LI 91 92 93 94 95 = LII = LIII = LIV = LV 56 57 58 59 60 = LVI 61 62 63 64 65 = LXI = LXII = LVII = LVIII = LVIX = LX = LXIII = LXIV = LXV 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 = XCI = XCII = XCIII = XCIV = xcv = XCVI = XCVII = XCVIII = XCVIX = C = CC = CCC = CD =D = LXVI = XXVIII = XXVIIII or XXIX = XXX 66 67 68 69 70 31 32 33 34 35 =XXXl = XXXII = XXMII = XXXIV = XXXV 71 72 73 74 75 = = = = = LXXI LXXII LxXIII LXXIV LXXV 1100 = 1200 = 1300 = 1400 = 1500 = MC MCC MCCC MCD MD 36 37 38 39 40 = XXXVI = XXXVII 76 77 78 79 80 = = = = = LXXVI LXXVII LXXVIII LXXVIX LXXX 1600 1700 1800 1900 1857 MDC MDCC MDCCC MCM MDCCCLVII = XXXVIII = XXXIX = XXXX or XL = LXVII = LXVIII = LXX = LXX 20 600 700 800 900 1000 DC DCC DCCC DCM =M = = = = = = = = = VARIATIONS IN DATES In some records you may find part or all of the date missing. Scribes would occasionally substitute a written statement instead of writing a date. For example, a statement net stesso giorno e mese (on the same day and month) lets you know that this entry was made the same day and month as the previous entry. Common Variations to Entry Dates anno corrente anno presente del anno referido detto giorno e mese fine del mese il capo d'anno it primo d'anno il medesimo anno il medesimo giorno il medesimo mese mese corente mese presente mese prosimo mese prossirno passato mese scorso net citado anno nel citado giorno nel citado mese nel espresado anno net espresado giorno net espresado mese nel stesso anno nel stesso giosno nel stesso mese ultimo giorno del mese current year present year of the year referred to said day and month end of the month New Year's Day New Year's Day the same year the same day the same month current month present month next month just last month last month on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month on the expressed year on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month last day of the month FEAST DATES The Catholic Church established certain days to celebrate Christian events. Some of the dates are "fixed," occuring on the same date each year; others are "movable," chan,.ing each year. In addition, each day of the year is assigned one or more saints; a record may therefore refer to a saint's day and a year but not include the month. FIXED FEAST DATES Latin Italian English Circumcisio Domeni Circoncisione dell Signore Circumcision of the Lord 1 Jan Epiphanias Epifania Epiphany 6 Jan Ephiphany 6 Jan 2 Feb Trium Regnum Date Purificato B. V. Marie Purificazione di Maria Purification of the Virgin Mary Ecarias Festa dell' E ucaristia Eucharist 20 Feb Annunciato Dominica Giorno dell' Annunziata Annunciation or Lady Day 25 Mar Assumptio B. Mariae Giorno dell' Assunzione Assumption of Mary 15 Aug Nativitas B. V . laaariae Nativita di Maria Birth of the Vir,oin Mary 8 Sep Sct. Michailis Archangelus Giorno di San Michele St. Michael the Archangel 29 Sep Festum Ornnium Sanctorum Giorno dell' Ognissanti All Saints I1 Natale Christmas Day 25 Dec Festa di San Stefano Martire St. Stphens Martyr 26 Dec Nativitas Domini Stephan us Protomartyr ' 1 Nov -