Biology 350 Human Anatomy Exam II Fall 2014 page 1 of 8

Biology 350
Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 1 of 8
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY 50 QUESTIONS. Do not answer more than 50 questions. If
you answer more than 50 questions, then you will be graded on only the first 50 of these, regardless of whether the
extra questions are answered correctly. Choose any 50 questions on the basis of your knowledge of the material. A
good strategy is to first attempt to answer all 60 questions, but spend no more than 1 minute on any one. Then
choose the 50 with which you are most confident, and then, and only then, transcribe your answers to the answer
sheet. Be careful to record your answers on the appropriate number of the answer sheet. Completely blacken the
letter of your choice. Completely strike out the number and all letters of the questions you choose not to answer.
Turn in only your answer sheet. Keep the questions for future study.
e.g. to indicate response "B", do this:
12) A B C D E
; don't do this:
12) A B C D E
e.g. to omit a question, do this
12) A B C D E
; don't just leave it blank
1) If the following regions were listed from superior to inferior then which is out of place?
A) mental
B) thyroid
C) umbilical
D) perineal
E) hypochondriac
2) Identify the correctly stated relationship.
A) the humeral greater tubercle is medial to its lesser tubercle
B) the orbital septum is anterior to the eye
C) lumbar vertebra 1 is inferior to lumbar vertebra 2
D) the internal auditory meatus is lateral to the external auditory meatus
E) the olecranon region is anterior to the antecubital region
3) Identify the correct statement.
A) the perpendicular plate is lateral to the ethmoid air cells
B) the lesser sciatic notch is superior to the greater sciatic notch
C) the lesser cornu of the hyoid is superior to the greater cornu
D) the lesser trochanter is proximal to the greater trochanter
E) the ischium is anterior to the pubis
4) Failure of the annular ligament in toddlers may result in which of the following?
A) dislocation/subluxation of the radial head
B) slipped disc
C) dislocated shoulder
D) carpal tunnel syndrome
E) ‘tennis elbow’
5) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) ligamentum teres – coxofemoral joint
B) deltoid ligament – glenohumeral joint
C) flexor retinaculum – carpal tunnel
D) stylomandibular ligament – temporomandibular joint
E) ligament flavum – intervertebral joint
6) Which of the following bones does NOT contribute the walls of both the nasal cavity and orbit?
A) sphenoid
B) ethmoid
C) palatine
D) maxilla
E) zygomatic
Biology 350
Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 2 of 8
7) Which abdominal region is located inferior to the lateral iliac crest, and between the midclavicular lines?
A) epigastric
B) umbilical
C) hypogastric
D) inguinal
E) hypochondriac
8) The largest artery entering the cranial cavity passes through what structure?
A) sphenopalatine foramen
B) carotid canal
C) foramen rotundum
D) jugular foramen
E) foramen magnum
9) Which of the following does NOT make up part of the pelvic brim/inlet?
A) iliac crest
B) sacral promontory
C) arcuate line
D) pectineal crest
E) sacral ala
10) Which of the following is an articulation?
A) intertrochanteric line
B) pterion
C) inferior orbital fissure
D) subscapular fossa
E) cribriform plate
11) Which of the following is a diarthrosis?
A) sternal angle
B) acromioclavicular joint
C) intervertebral disc
D) costochondral joint
E) distal tibiofibular joint
12) Identify the correctly associated feature and bone.
A) olecranon fossa - ulna
B) radial groove- radius
C) radial notch- radius
D) radial tuberosity- radius
E) mandibular fossa - mandible
13) Which of the following joints is capable of circumduction?
A) occipitocervical
B) genu
C) cubital
D) radiocarpal
E) temporomandibular
14) Which of the following are NOT joined by a ligament?
A) lateral femoral condyle and fibular head
B) mandible and hyoid
C) acetabular notch and fovea capitis
D) clavicle and manubrium
E) sacrum and ischial tuberosity
Biology 350
Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 3 of 8
15) Which of the following is formed by only a single bone?
A) greater sciatic foramen
B) foramen lacerum
C) carpal tunnel
D) acetabulum
E) fenestra ovale
16) In which direction do the glenoid fossae face?
A) anteriad
B) posteriad
C) mediad
D) superiad
E) laterad
17) Which of the following is associated with the middle meningeal artery?
A) bregma
B) pterion
C) squamous
D) asterion
E) lambda
18) Which of the following bones articulates with all of the others?
A) humerus
B) radius
C) ulna
D) scaphoid
E) lunate
19) Which part of the vertebra is NOT a site of ligament attachment?
A) spinous process
B) lamina
C) transverse process
D) pedicle
E) body
20) In what plane does the vomer lie?
A) parasagittal
B) transverse
C) frontal
D) coronal
E) midsagittal
21) Which of the following does NOT apply to any or all digits?
A) abduction
B) ungual
C) synchondrosis
E) hallux
22) If the following regions are listed from proximal to distal then which is out of place?
A) axillary
B) thenar
C) brachial
D) cubital
E) carpal
Biology 350
Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 4 of 8
23) Flexion describes movement in the anterior direction for all EXCEPT which of the following?
A) brachium
B) femur
C) crus
D) torso
E) pollex
24) Which of the following articulate(s) with the fibula?
A) talus
B) calcaneus
C) cuboid
D) patella
E) femur
25) Which of the following relationships may be synonymous in human anatomy?
A) anterior - ventral
B) palmar - medial
C) superficial - dorsal
D) distal - lateral
E) anterior - ventral
26) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) jugular foramen – spinal accessory nerve
B) femoral canal - femoral artery
C) sacral canal – spinal cord
D) Guyon’s canal - ulnar nerve
E) foramen magnum – spinal accessory nerve
27) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) foramen ovale – mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
B) sphenopalatine foramen – facial nerve
C) intervertebral foramen – spinal nerve
D) carpal tunnel – median nerve
E) intertubercular sulcus – long head of the biceps brachii muscle
28) Which of the following is NOT a passage for a cranial nerve?
A) hypoglossal canal
B) optic foramen
C) superior orbital fissure
D) carotid canal
E) stylomastoid foramen
29) Which of the following is a middle ear ossicle?
A) innominate
B) trapezium
C) cuneiform
D) stapes
E) sesamoid
30) Which of the following bones lacks a head?
A) humerus
B) radius
C) ulna
D) tibia
E) talus
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Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 5 of 8
31) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the scapula?
A) infraspinous fossa
B) coracoid process
C) odontoid process
D) acromion
E) supraglenoid tubercle
32) A ‘separated shoulder’ most likely results in damage to which of the following?
A) glenoid labrum
B) coracoclavicular ligaments
C) acromioclavicular ligaments
D) ligamentum teres
E) transverse humeral ligament
33) Identify the INCORRECT statement.
A) the clavicle separates the pectoral and cervical regions
B) the inguinal ligament separates the iliac abdominal region and femoral triangle
C) the sacrospinous ligament separates the greater and lesser sciatic foramina
D) the sternocleidomastoid muscle separates the anterior and posterior cervical triangles
E) the greater wing of the sphenoid separates the anterior and middle cranial fossae
34) Which of the following is an articulation or articular surface?
A) iliac fossa
B) olecranon fossa
C) coronoid notch
D) jugular notch
E) sternal angle
35) The insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament is most closely associated with the insertion of which of the
A) patellar ligament
B) posterior cruciate ligament
C) medial meniscus
D) lateral patellar retinaculum
E) fibular collateral ligament
36) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) linea aspera - femur
B) coronoid process - ulna
C) surgical neck - humerus
D) lateral malleolus - fibula
E) adductor tubercle - tibia
37) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the sphenoid bone?
A) lateral pterygoid plate
B) supraorbital notch or foramen
C) optic foramen
D) sella turcica
E) sphenoid sinus
38) Identify the INCORRECT statement.
A) the semilunar hiatus communicates the frontal sinus and nasal cavity
B) the inferior orbital fissure communicates the orbit and infratemporal fossa
C) the nasolacrimal duct communicates the orbit and nasal cavity
D) the cribriform plate communicates the ethmoid air cells and nasal cavity
E) the internal auditory meatus communicates the posterior cranial fossa and bony labyrinth
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Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 6 of 8
39) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the occipital bone?
A) sulcus of the sigmoid sinus
B) hypoglossal canal
C) clivus
D) superior nuchal line
E) mastoid process
40) Which of the following does NOT provide passage for of a branch of the trigeminal nerve?
A) infraorbital foramen
B) mental foramen
C) mandibular foramen
D) fenestra rotundum
E) superior orbital fissure
41) Where can the vermiform appendix be palpated?
A) the right hypochondriac region
B) two thirds the distance from the umbilicus to the right anterior superior iliac spine
C) the epigastric region
D) two thirds the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle
E) the lower left abdominal quadrant
42) Identify the INCORRECT association of movement and structure.
A) scapula - elevation
B) pes - inversion
C) antebrachium - pronation
D) torso - rotation
E) manus - dorsiflexion
43) Identify the INCORRECTLY paired articular surfaces.
A) sacral auricular region – iliac fossa
B) radial head - capitulum
C) radial head - radial notch
D) plafond – talar trochlea
E) humeral caput - glenoid fossa
44) Which of the following occupies the middle cranial fossa?
A) frontal cerebral lobes
B) temporal cerebral lobes
C) parietal cerebral lobes
D) occipital cerebral lobes
E) cerebellum
45) What term describes ‘raising your hand’ (entire upper limb high overhead)?
A) flexion of brachium and antebrachium
B) extension of brachium and antebrachium
C) abduction of brachium and antebrachium
D) rotation of brachium and supination of antebrachium
E) abduction of brachium and extension of antebrachium
46) Vertebral arteries are transmitted through which of the following?
A) transverse foramina
B) dorsal sacral foramina
C) intervertebral foramina
D) the vertebral canal
E) jugular foramina
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Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 7 of 8
47) If adjacent abdominal regions in anterior view were listed clockwise in order then which is out of place?
A) left hypochondriac
B) left lumbar
C) left inguinal
D) epigastric
E) hypogastric
48) Which of the following has points of attachment (i.e., origin and insertion) on two different bones?
A) medial collateral ligament of humerus
B) medial meniscus
C) annular ligament
D) coracoacromial ligament
E) transverse ligament
49) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the bony labyrinth?
A) vestibule
B) modiolus
C) pharyngotympanic tube
D) semicircular canals
E) cochlea
50) Which of the following structures transmits a nerve, artery or vein of the same name?
A) cubital tunnel
B) incisive foramen
C) internal auditory foramen
D) optic foramen
E) lesser sciatic foramen
51) Herniation of the annulus fibrosus refers most specifically to which of the following?
A) scoliosis
B) slipped disc
C) dislocated elbow
D) spondylolisthesis
E) spondylolysis
52) Which of the following NEITHER originates NOR inserts on the femur?
A) anterior cruciate ligament
B) tibial collateral ligament
C) patellar ligament
D) ligamentum teres
E) iliofemoral ligament
53) With which of the following does the pollical metacarpal articulate?
A) hamate
B) scaphoid and lunate
C) pisiform
D) trapezium
E) cuboid
54) Which of the following is NOT a palpable surface landmark of the skeletal system?
A) medial malleolus
B) costal margin
C) sternal angle
D) McBurney’s point
E) anterior superior iliac spine
Biology 350
Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2014 page 8 of 8
55) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) mammary - breast
B) auricular - ear
C) palpebral - eyelid
D) nuchal - forehead
E) perineal - anal
56) Which of the following terms do/es NOT correctly apply to movement of the mandible?
A) elevation/depression
B) abduction/adduction
C) lateral movement
D) protraction/retraction
E) flexion/extension
57) What term describes a synovial sac that does NOT line a joint capsule?
A) dural sinus
B) bursa
C) diarthrosis
D) gomphosis
E) kyphosis
58) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the same bone as all the others?
A) intertrochanteric crest
B) intercondylar eminence
C) adductor tubercle
D) patellar surface
E) gluteal tuberosity
59) Which of the following is NOT a suture of the skull?
A) tegmen tympani
B) coronal
C) squamous
D) lambdoid
E) sagittal
60) Which of the following pairs of bones articulate directly with one another?
A) first costa – sternal body
B) patella - tibia
C) ulna - pisiform
D) right and left ilia
E) sphenoid - parietal