ST. ANTHONY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Atkinson SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Annawan SHRINE OF ST. MARY, Hooppole Rev. S. Stephen Engelbrecht, Pastor 204 W Main Street Post Office Box 210 Atkinson, IL 61235 Phone 309.936.7900 Fax 309.936.4035 MASS SCHEDULE . . . Celebrating Our Faith This Week Fifth Sunday of Easter Saturday, May 2 4:00 pm @ SA + Wilbur Cathelyn by Ron & Carolyn Van Opdorp Sunday, May 3 8:00 am @ SH + Mary Johnson by Ron 9:30 am @ SA- For the Parishioners by Father Engelbrecht Monday, May 4 No Mass Tuesday, May 5 5:30 pm @ SA + Berdie Dean by Patricia De Reu Wednesday, May 6 MARK YOUR CALENDAR 7:30 am @ SH + Irene Verdick by John & Elaine Van Hyfte + Parish Meetings & Events + Thursday, May 7 8:00 am @ SA + Mickey Van De Rostyne by her Family Friday, May 8 May 6, 6:00 PM: SA CCD End of Year Party 8:00 am @ SA + Bea De Geeter by De Geeter Nephew & Nieces May 12, 6:30 PM: SH Altar & Rosary Meeting Sixth Sunday of Easter Saturday, May 9 May 19, 6:00 PM: SA Mother Daughter Banquet 4:00 pm @ SA - For the Parishioners by Father Engelbrecht Sunday, May 10 8:00 am @ SH + Kimberli Crosby Adams by Tom & Karen Harris 9:30 am @ SA + Jane Hamer & Becky Wancket by the Family Serving at Our Lord’s Altar (A new Lector/EMHC list for April-July is on the bulletin board at SH for Sacred Heart Servers) Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to mass. Thank you. St. Anthony Music Ministry Schedule Sunday, May 3rd - Choir sings at 9:30 am Sunday, May 10th - Choirs sings at 9:30 am Saturday, May 16th - Choirs sings at 4:00 pm Sunday, May 24th - Choir sings at 9:30 am Sunday, May 31st - Choir sings at 9:30 am 4:00pm @ St. Anthony - May 9 Lector: Robin Van Meenen EMHC: Jeanne Carton, Toot Causemaker, Bonnie Obrecht, Need One Volunteer Altar Servers: Rebecca Clementz & Haley Haverback Ushers: Mark Boelens, Bump De Decker, Richard Martens, Terence Patton St. Anthony’s Circle Four will be cleaning the church on Saturday, May 16 at 9:00 AM. Please help if you can! 8:00 am @ Sacred Heart - May 10 Lector: Roger Davis EMHC: Mary Jagers Altar Servers: Need Two Volunteers Ushers for the Month of May : Marv Van Keulen, Vern Griffiths & Richard Mc Kibbon Collection Counters for the Month of May: Marilyn Verdick & Sue Ann Wells Sharing in the Work of Christ through sacrificial giving St. Anthony Parish Support 9:30 am @ St. Anthony - May 10 Lector: Theresa Peterson EMHC: Loren Jackson, Valerie Plumley, Marshall Plumley, Patti Sears Altar Servers: Lauren Plumely & William Plumley Ushers: Keith Carton, John Cauwels, Shane Sturtewagen, Ken Taber Please remember these members of our community who are sometimes unable to attend Mass with us on Sunday and those in nursing homes: Connie Altman, Aaron Crosby, Mary Lou DeCausemaker, Dick DeDecker, Katelyn DeRycke, Evelyn DeSplinter, Mary Dobbels, Joe DeGeeter, Annie Eastman, Mary Frank, Mary Ellen Hoogerwerf, Ruth Lauwagie, Dean Lewis, Jack Marchand, Barry Miller, Vera Minnaert, Sue Saigh, Gia Samuels, Alice Van Kerrebroeck, Rosella Vandersnick, Joann Vandemore, Rosalin Vandersnick, Joann Verstraete St. Anthony and Sacred Heart Catholic Churches Sunday Collection Weekly Amount Needed: $2,553.85 Year to Date (43 weeks) $109,815.55 Income: $2,030.11 $105,399.48 -$523.74 -$4,416.07 Difference (+ or-): Sacred Heart Parish Support April 26: $1,380.00 Improvement Fund: $105.00 + Sunday, May 3, 2015 Sunday Memo F ROM OUR PASTOR If you have yet to contribute, any gift to the ADA, no matter how great or small, can go a long way. Join us on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:00 pm at the St. Anthony’s Parish Hall for the MotherDaughter Banquet. May is traditionally wedding month, and we’re in the mood! We invite you to bring a wedding dress to display at the banquet. Please include a little information about the dress and attach a picture if you’d like. You don’t have to have your mother or daughter to attend. We’d love to have you. Of course at any banquet we eat to celebrate! Please call Old Mill Gardens at 936-7575 to make your reservations. The fee is $10.00 per person. Make checks payable to St. Anthony's . Bring your hankie to dry your tears of joy or laughter! Thank you to all from both parishes that supported the CRS Rice Bowls. Sacred Heart Parish collected $18.88 and St. Anthony Parish collected $481.64. Congratulations to our First Communicants from both Parishes. It is a blessed day to receive our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion. It is also a time of Thanks to all who made a pledge to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Currently, our results are as follows: Sacred Heart: Total Pledged - $5,070.00 representing 28 families (33%). Leaving a balance of $10,084.00. St. Anthony: Total Pledged - $11,990.00 representing 55 families (34%). Leaving a balance of $23,185.00. St. Mary of Fields Holy Hour Schedule 2 PM May 3rd: Our Lady of Fatima June 7th: Our Lady of LaVang July 5th: To be determined August 2nd: Our Lady of Guadalupe September 6th: Our Lady of Kibeho October 4th: Our Lady of Fatima St. Anthony Circle 4 Gift Card Raffle $150 Visa Gift Card Four $25 Village of Atkinson Gift Certificates Drawing is on June 15th See Circle 4 Members to purchase tickets Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5 Parish Staff Rev. S. Stephen Engelbrecht, Pastor (309) 936-7900 Rev. Gerard A. Verhoye, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Nicholas Simon (309) 945-2436 Valerie Plumley, Finance Bookkeeper Katie Orwig, Parish Secretary (309) 936-7900 Office Hours: Tue & Thur 9:00 am - Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 to 3:30 pm at St. Anthony Sunday: 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. at Sacred Heart or by appointment with priest. reflection for the rest of us back to the time of our First Communion as well. Remembering back on the excitement of that day reminds us of what a gift we have in our Lord in Holy Communion. Today from Sacred Heart we congratulate Hannah Heitzler and Clara Bella VanOpdorp and from St. Anthony’s we congratulate Ella Anderson, Taber Fulks, Alexander Moe, Colin Orwig, Kolten SchmollBurton, Carter VanOpdorp, and Stormie Wancket Reflecting on God’s Word… As a nation, we are a mobile people. Not only do we travel around during vacations, for special events, and for visiting family and friends, but we readily move from one place to another for college, work, health reasons, and finally retirement. While previous generations usually stayed with one job and in one house for practically all of their lives, today it is common to move from one place to another, to a different state or even to a different us from one set of friends to another, from one close relationship to another. So Jesus’ admonition to remain in his love can sound quite challenging to people whose lives are characterized by chance and impermanence. The word “remain” is sometimes translated as “abide.” The meaning of the invitation is to “take up permanent residence.” Last week Jesus called us to “remain” in his word; this week, to “remain in my love” (John 15:9). Jesus tells us how to do this (by keeping his commandments), why we should do this (so that his joy might be in us and our joy complete), what specifically we should do (love one another as I have loved you, that is, by laying down my life for you), and what is to be gained by doing this (an ongoing friendship with him that bears fruit and gains whatever we ask the Father in his name). Not a bad exchange for settling his love. - James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Area Parishes St. Malachy (Geneseo) Saturday 5pm, Sunday 8:15 and 10:30 am St. John Paul II (Kewanee) Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 am; 1pm Spanish Baptism for Infants Please call for an appointment to schedule Baptism preparation for your family. Holy Matrimony Please arrange an appointment with a priest at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. Anointing of the Sick Call the church anytime someone is dying. If you are unable to attend Mass (hospitalized or at home) please call so Holy Communion and pastoral care can be administered. St. Anthony and Sacred Heart Catholic Churches + New Parishioners Welcome to our parishes! Please call the church office to register or if you have questions about our community. Parish Cemeteries St. Anthony Cemetery: Contact Bill Carmichael, Jr., (309)936-7651. Sacred Heart Cemetery: Contact Ardy Clementz at (309) 935-6704 Parish Halls Rental The halls of both parishes are available for receptions and other gatherings. Please contact the office for further details. Bulletin Deadline Copy must be submitted by Thursday at 9:00am to: or mailing to PO Box 210, Atkinson, IL 61235 Sunday, May 3, 2015