What is the redox potential of a cell? Redox potentials are used to infer the direction and free energy cost of reactions involving electron transfer, one of the most ubiquitous and important types of biochemical reactions. Such reduction-oxidation reactions are characterized by a free energy change that shares some conceptual features with that used to describe pKa in acid-base reactions where proton transfer is involved rather than electron transfer. In this vignette, we discuss how the redox potential can be used as a measure of the driving force for a given oxidation-reduction reaction of interest. By way of contrast, unlike the pH, there is no sense in which one can assign a single redox potential to an entire cell. The redox potential, or more accurately the reduction potential, of a compound refers to its tendency to acquire electrons and thereby to be reduced. Some readers might remember the mnemonic “OILRIG” which reminds us that “oxidation is loss, reduction is gain”. Consider a reaction that involves an electron transfer: Aox + ne- ↔ Ared where n electrons are taken up by the oxidized form (Aox) to give the reduced form (Ared) of compound A. The redox potential difference ΔE between the electron donor and acceptor is related to the associated free energy change ΔG of the reaction via ΔG=nFΔE where n is the number of electrons transferred and F is Faraday’s constant (96,485J/mol/V or ≈100kJ/mol/V). By inspecting tabulated values of these potentials, it is possible to develop an intuition for the tendency for electron transfer and hence, of the direction of the reaction. Though ATP is often claimed to be the energy currency of the cell, in fact, for the energetic balance of the cell the carriers of reducing power are themselves no less important. The most important example of these carriers is the molecule NADH in its several forms. We can use the redox potential to connect these two molecular protagonists, and estimate an upper bound on the number of ATP molecules that can be produced from the oxidation of NADH (produced for example in the TCA cycle). NADH has a redox potential of E = -0.32V and it is oxidized by oxygen with a redox potential of E = +0.82V. The maximal associated free energy that can be extracted is thus ΔG = nFΔE = 2*100 (kJ/mol/V)*(0.82-(-0.32))(V) = 228kJ/mol, where n=2 and F≈100kJ/mol/V. As ATP hydrolysis has a free energy change of ≈50kJ/mole under physiological conditions we find that 228 kJ/Mol can suffice to produce a maximum of 228/50≈4.5 ATPs. In the cell, oxidation of NADH proceeds through several steps in respiration and results in the transfer of 10 protons across the membrane against the electro-chemical potential. These proton transfers correspond to yet another way of capturing biochemical energy. This energy is then used by the ATPase to produce 2-3 ATPs. We thus find that about half of the energy that was released in the transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen is conserved in ATP. Ensuring that the reaction proceeds in a directional manner to produce ATP rather than consume it requires that some of the energy will be “wasted” as the system must be out of equilibrium. Why should one discuss redox potentials and not free energies? The usefulness of redox potentials lies in the ability to assemble combinations of different donors and acceptors to assess the thermodynamic feasibility and energy gain of every considered reaction. If you have k possible electron transfer compounds, the ~k 2 possible reactions can be predicted based on only the k redox potentials. The units themselves owe their origins to the ability in this field of electrochemistry to measure in the lab the voltage difference, i.e. the potential measured in volts, across two chambers that contain different electron carriers. Just as we speak of the pH of a solution, at first guess, we might imagine that it would be possible to speak of an apparently analogous redox potential of the cell. Knowing the concentration of the reduced and oxidized forms of a given reaction pair defines their pool redox potential via the relation E=E0+RT/nF*ln([Ared]/[Aox]). This equation (a so-called Nernst equation) provides the value of the redox potential under concentration conditions typical of the cell as opposed to the artificial standard state conditions. As an example, consider the donation of an electron to NADH resulting in the oxidized form NAD+. In the mitochondrial matrix a ratio of 10-fold more of the oxidized form is reported (BNID 100779). In this case, we find the factor RT/nF*ln([Ared]/[Aox]) is ≈30mV and thus the redox potential changes from -0.32V to -0.29V. To make sure the direction of effect we got is sensible we notice that with an overabundance of the oxidized form the tendency to be oxidized by oxygen is somewhat lower as seen by the fact that the redox potential is now closer than before to that of the oxygen/water electron exchanging pair (+0.82V). The cell is full of molecules that are partners in oxidation-reduction reactions. Each such pair forms a separate “redox pair” which will reach a concentration ratio dictated by its own specific redox potential. If the whole cell was in equilibrium, the concentrations of every pair would reach a ratio that will cause every pair to have the same redox potential. To understand this, notice that if they don’t have the same redox potential then there will be a net reaction that will proceed, thus changing their respective concentrations. Only when the concentrations change to give equal redox potential will equilibrium be achieved. The cell though is not at equilibrium and weak coupling between different redox pairs leads to the establishment of different redox states of pairs coexisting in the cell. If the fluxes of production and utilization of the reduced and oxidized forms of a redox pair, A red and Aox and another Bred and Box, are much larger than their interconversion flux, Ared+Box<->Aox+Bred they can have very different redox potentials. As a result it is ill defined to ask about the overall redox potential of the cell as it will be different for different components within the cell. By way of contrast, the pH of the cell is much better defined since water serves as the universal medium that couples the different acid-base reactions and equilibrates what is known as the chemical potential of all species. For a given redox pair in a given cell compartment the ratio of the two compounds prescribes the redox potential in a well defined manner. Compounds that exchange electrons quickly will be in relative equilibrium and thus share the same redox potential. To see how these ideas play out, it is thus most useful to consider a redox pair that partakes in many key cellular reactions and, as a result, is tightly related to the redox state of many compounds. Glutathione in the cytoplasm is such a compound as it takes part in the reduction and oxidation of the highly prevalent thiol bonds (those containing sulfur) in cystine amino acids of many proteins. Glutathione is a tripeptide (composed of 3 amino acids), the central one a cystine which can be in a reduced (GSH) or oxidized form where it forms a dimer with a cystine from another glutathione molecule (GSSG). The half reaction for glutathione is GSSG + 2e- + 2H+ <-> 2*GSH. The other half reaction is often a sulfur bond that is “opened up” in a receptive protein thus being kept in the reduced form owing to the constant action of glutathione. Glutathione is also a dominant player in neutralizing reactive compounds that have a high tendency to snatch electrons and thus oxidize other molecules. Such compounds are made under oxidative stress as for example when the capacity of the electron transfer reactions of respiration or photosynthesis is reached. Collectively called ROS (reactive oxygen species) they can create havoc in the cell and are implicated in many processes of aging. The dual role of glutathione in keeping proteins folded properly and limiting ROS as well as its relatively high concentration and electron transfer reactivity make it the prime proxy for the redox state of the cell. The concentration of glutathione in the cell is ≈10mM (Rabinowitch BNID), making it the second most abundant metabolite (after glutamate) ensuring that it plays a dominant role in redox control. We point out that in other functions in the cells there are other dominant electron pairs, in biosynthetic, anabolic reactions NADP+/NADPH and in breakdown, catabolic reactions it is NAD+/NADH. A number of measurements have been performed on the redox state of the glutathione pool in different cells and under varying conditions which allows us to probe the redox state of this pair in quantitative detail. In budding yeast it is reported to have a redox potential of 290mV (BNID 103543) and for a mammalian cell a range between 170mV to -260mV based on the cell type, prevailing pH and whether it is proliferating, confluent or apoptotic (BNID 101823). Given that the standard redox potential of glutathione is -170mV, what then is the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione? Using the Nernst equation (or equivalently, from the Boltzmann distribution), a ten-fold change in the product/reactant ratio corresponds to an increase of ≈60kJ/mole in free energy. For each of the 2 electrons in the GSH/GSSG reaction this is equal to 30mV. As a result the range reported of between 0 to 120 mV variation from the standard conditions reflects a ratio of between 1:1 of the reduced to oxidized forms (for -170mV, apoptotic cells) to 1:10,000 more of the reduced form (≈ -290mV for yeast cells). One confusing aspect of redox reactions is that the transfer is sometimes of electrons as in the reactions carried out by cytochromes in electron transfer chains, and in other cases it is a combination of electrons and protons as in the cofactor NAD+/NADH where two electrons and one proton (H+) are transferred and finally reactions where the same number of electrons and protons is transferred where one most naturally would discuss transfer of hydrogens. This is for example the case for the overall reaction of glucose oxidation where oxygen is reduced to water. Two hydrogens have thus been transferred, so should one discuss electrons transfer, hydrogens or protons? The definition of the redox potential (given above) focuses only on the electron "state". What about the protons and what happens to these when one encounters a chain of electron transfer reactions where some intermediate compounds contain the hydrogen protons and some do not? The explanation resides in the surrounding water and their pH. The reaction occurs at a given pH, and the reacting compounds are in equilibrium with this pH and thus giving off or receiving a proton has no effect on the energetics. The aqueous medium serves as a pool where protons can be "parked" (Ref: Steven Rose, The chemistry of life) when the transfer reaction is solely of electrons. These parked electrons can be borrowed back at subsequent stages as occurs in the final stage of oxidative respiration where cytochrome oxidase takes protons from the medium. Because one assumes that water is ubiquitous one does not need to account for protons except for knowing the prevailing pH which depicts the tendency to give or receive protons. This is the reason why we discuss electron donors and acceptors rather than hydrogen donor and acceptors.