Fr. Ulysse “Bud” Paré, CSB - 1935-2014

Fr. Ulysse “Bud” Paré, CSB - 1935-2014
A Windsorite who showed us how to put the Bible into practice
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB
With the sudden death my Basilian confrère Fr. Ulysse “Bud” Paré on
Tuesday, March 25, in his 79th year, many tributes and accolades will rightly
be heaped upon him, no doubt, for his academic accomplishments, first at
the University of Toronto, then at Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute or
even at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. His many former students
at St. Thomas More College in Saskatoon, the University of Toronto,
Assumption University in Windsor and most recently at St. Peter’s Seminary
in London will fondly recall his clear, dynamic presentations on exegetical
methods and hermeneutical interpretation of the Bible.
We Basilians are unlikely to forget his two dynamic, creative and hopeful
terms of leadership of our religious order from 1981-1989. Men and
especially women religious from across Canada will cite his memorable
retreats and conferences, his boldness and inclusive spirit in addressing the
Church’s relationship to the modern world.
Throughout his entire priestly ministry, “Bud,” as he was affectionately
called by his friends, kept Windsor in his heart. This city was clearly part of
his DNA. In 1991, Fr. Paré became President of Assumption University
where in 1992 he founded the Institute for Pastoral and Educational Ministry
which educated and formed several hundred lay pastoral ministers for
service in the Church of the Diocese of London, the Archdiocese of Detroit
and places far beyond. While leading Assumption University, he also served
as Chair of its Board of Governors as well as Chair of the Board of
Governors of the University of Windsor. At the time of his death this week,
he was once again on the Board of Governors of Assumption University. He
was a great patron of the Arts, particularly of the Windsor Symphony, and
often partnered with religious leaders of other Christian confessions and
other religions. Sane ecumenism and authentic interreligious dialogue were
part of Bud’s life.
To me and many others, he was a mentor, teacher, and wonderful, faithful
friend. As the news of Fr. Paré’s death spread from Windsor to Toronto to
Saskatoon to London and many other places in this vast land, I found myself
wondering, “Why do some teachers and professors of Scripture make such a
profound impact on the life of the Church and in so many individual lives?”
In Ulysse “Bud” Paré, I observed three outstanding qualities at work, which
may be instructive for other pastoral ministers, students of Scripture in their
own biblical research, teaching and preaching and living as well as for
anyone who is serious about walking his or her talk.
First is the ability to present the Bible in an accessible way, as a "userfriendly" book or library. Fr. Paré often recounted a basic principle he
learned in his youth: "Read the Bible as we would listen to a friend."
Reading as a listener implies an openness to hear what is being said and an
attitude of expectancy; listening as to a friend implies a large measure of
confidence that the message will ultimately be a helpful guide for living, and
sometimes for specific situations. “Bud” taught me and many that one never
undertakes Scripture studies to master or criticize the Word, but to be
mastered and criticized by it. There is a way in which we must allow the
Word of God to read us.
Second is the ability to present the Biblical story as a pilgrimage, a set of
stories for the long haul. After all, what is the story of our salvation if not
the passage (one might say "the ambling transmigration") from the Paradise
Lost in Genesis to the Paradise found, and symbolized beautifully, in the
New Jerusalem of John's wild dream in Revelation? We who are entrusted
with the ministry of teaching and preaching Scripture must help others to
prepare themselves to make the journey "as pilgrims". Tourists pass quickly
through places, but the places pass slowly through pilgrims, leaving them
forever changed.
Fr. Ulysse Paré also realized how important to this journey are the very
lands and places where the biblical story took place. I shall never forget Fr.
Paré’s participation in a Scriptural renewal program I ran in the Holy Land
for the Basilian Fathers back in 1992. As we were walking together on the
Mount of the Beatitudes in Galilee, he stopped me at one point and said:
“Tom, how could anyone ever attempt to study the bible without coming
here and walking this land?”
One reads the Bible as a pilgrim trekking with others through Israel's
deserts, with Jesus walking up to Jerusalem, with Paul en route to Rome,
with the countless millions of pilgrims throughout history who have made
the journey up to the earthly Jerusalem in the hope of catching a glimpse of
the heavenly one. Teaching the Scriptures without reference to the Holy
Land, or without fostering, encouraging, and, when possible, leading others
to visit it, is to tell only part of the story of the Bible.
Third is the ability to see how Scripture is vivified in prayer and liturgy. For
it is in the silent adoration of prayer and in the congregation's act of worship
in liturgy that the Bible comes alive. How can the scholar– agile in several
languages, ancient and modern – find words adequate to the task of
describing biblical salvation, redemption, forgiveness, resurrection, faith,
hope and charity? There simply are none. This is the mystery biblical
scholarship serves. Liturgy reveals the fruits of scholarship. Who could not
be moved by Bud’s penetrating homilies and biblical reflections? We must
ask ourselves if our teaching and preaching leads others into celebration,
prayer and adoration of the Lord of history? Or has our reliance on
scientific methods and writings only compounded the confusion already
found in world?
We are among the stewards and servants of the "table of the Word," that first
half of every Eucharistic celebration when the Scriptures are broken open
and shared, proclaimed and expounded. Here we spread the table before
diverse congregations and communities, letting each person know that the
Bible is a unity, a whole work of God, containing a message for everyone
and for each one, no matter where they are along their pilgrim path. This is
scholarship in service of the Church. This was the method and life of Fr.
Bud Paré, CSB. He will be sorely missed and gratefully remembered.
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, a friend of Fr. Paré, is CEO of the Salt and Light
Catholic Media Foundation and Television and President of Assumption
University in Windsor. He also serves as English language assistant to the
Holy See Press Office and is a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Social
March 26, 2014