%\it Bailu pennsgtoaman Official Forecast U. S. Weather Bureau Higl Q PHILADELPHIA, PA., rUESDAY, OCTOBER Walsh Elected President, HH To Sponsor Moore Heads Committee Landry Chosen V. P. Quartet Contest jQ Arrange Stevenson Visit In Election by Freshmen With Six Groups a Kaplan Selected To Serve as Secretary; Sheller Announced as Class Treasurer Hall Group Will Prepare for Palestra Speech By Democratic Candidate Next Tuesday Harb. Id toHall Auditorium, ai i in A commit'John I i>h F. of the P "' committee, in tl rnity, Riding for th< >n at tht -' "» Tuesday. commit<■ all pernta will be c d with arrangements addition, student publication ■ The group ine S(ins v lick. .lid others who ;. with t; m" and " will I He i I i a heeli it y t he Hulla- John I will cdi Rodney m it tee. Penn Players Hold Tryouts in Irvine Sigma Nu gr;. Ralph Thrall, R re emph ty would In Dormitory, r from harles n and B mu vouts today. •I sing " and "Whei • i Hi Voting Ends Today at 3 illiam Queen Entries Due Today will U|) the ' ■ Ti H lei and tl M.-d ■ mitting k and Wig "< hnir- Student art •' announct sunn - ,1 In. il-mil not ami- i of HUM. He I High i>\ Steven D. [▼H Hi currkalui ■■■ The organisation will not play until aft. of the available talent The Playei e a non-muaical will attract hool, l.> Daily Peiraaylraniaa staff mom- Huebner, found- and heelers, are located in Dietrich Hall. College Hall. loune Building, Houston Hall, and llcnnctt Hall. Students cannot vote unless they first pn their matriculation cards to the person on duty. of Li;. ESdueation, will speak on human lifad life insurance tomorrow evening initial fall dii I Ing of the r the Advaii' to the supply today. Dr. llu. bl Platform Stated ■ and who luring John- It* I dinner will 10 p.m.. with i s beginning at 7:16. I i IK- pun ■ ilium I Iowa id K. i puty police comm Philadelphia, in handling :i which will Additional Members In addition * of bit if lilllldll and grounds; Edv. 11 William li. .nil Hal manager of phoT 'ra fair. man. publicity that Blood Drive Gets 300 Pledges mmediately ind .,t to thi .i in \\ edneadaj - edit ion of I'ennsyKanian. places. manned ' '..Hi Huebner To Speak On Life Insurance AtDinnerTomorrow I he Daily Polling is m producing i day to vol.in the Mock Klection sponsored bg lh<- Dallj I'cniisylvanian. The election, which will ba held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., gfvM itudenta an opportunity to express their preference ntial. and Senatorial . andidatcs in the current political camp;. suits of the .lection will IK- re- European Professors Studying Wharton Methods of Teaching n group. Hi group pa tain of the s in gii \. u \l.sil. Ill i ba big ' will I.. In Mock U. S. Election ii i EH . • iming l>y tl • be n The Daily and Gita I I chief of The to the l handle the for the event. Hei ,f the n. d to handle pn rning the aff Others Named Lou ..f University l>ef ore nan, din facilities; Donald i| David Shi from tl ' also nan nrance and eomnn i ill hold 1 ual blood drive 80- I Life commi' us said that there will I 2, and to 1M- provisions made for park ' the publli during the da held many civi.-. t led that a to I tional, governmnimUai will be made for pi rho an author and that at tl normally use the Pali and li Among the another lot These change, will which he has wriI month >pan. Th. be announced in another issue of drive, however, will take place in a nomlca of Life Insurance," "In- The Daily Pennsylvanian as soon . ation of Shipping Combina- as they have been decided upon, concentrated schedu Wurtztions," and "Life Insurance." he mentioned. Keyes noted that buildl grounds will be able to pro whatever help the commi' arrangements for the event will need. ■ fulfill • lit. ■ who annu.i I mt the omi- t -ton Park, Freshmen Win Dink Week, 24-20 told a1 Uu If winning the throw, and Saturday | . : ■ and li ial I X- The erutivee would he Robert Blanks Due Oct. 30 For Deferment Test planning to take the lion. ibmil ill. ii applications benber 1, announced the rd G. Hai I thi applicationa p< •'-ill b® ■ ac_ taking the test ma of tin- m pertaining to tl - Penn-Brown opening game, noon whir: conjunction with th.- Fogelman man of Dink Week, presented Murantial ■-hman chairman, with winning ame i the ad their di111 no loi . contests i Ised by the Phi K , Junior Society. ..I Dink leading and Increased their y winning the ■ lay race. The ien, ho\«. n the remaining three i The sophs opened the V by winning the future hall game and the I tournament. The freshmen evened the inning the Softball and the debate. The sophotined the lead Wednesday by virtue I and ping pong. Hall will play at th' Penn-N'avy Game, Saturday of the women's jun cut thi , will ke at ■ aid. iy be obta HH Coffee Hour Starts Junior Week tin Quad, the ind \\, ek from the soph- will in I'hila- ■'• to be If ti,. under -.■on. Grind ant to the ( limaxing the annual Dink Week defeated the sophomores 21-20, winning three out of four IHnk Day activities. Included in the winning events was the tug-of-war. held in the big Quad. large actiwties, the freshmen f men, a com H of the com Geraldine's Little Dining Room Home Cooking At Its Best Tuesday thru Saturday Sunday 4 to 8:30 p.m. 1 to 8:30 p.m. The Last Word ON SPORT s 201 South 42nd Street ■— by William Last It v to Princeton, 34-0)," ed through a , but did meal — captain Fete wn fumble on the Fenn Franklin 1 and j • wreck tl ATTENTION Architectural and Engineering Students the Bruin Why Spend More Than Is Necessary 14-7 1 jinx," We Are Offering You a SPECIAL 21-Piece Drawing Outfit - Complete With a 31" x 42" Metal Edge Drawing Board, 42" T-Square, 7-Piece Imported Instrument Set, etc., for Only $34.95 AI i lown. For Your Drafting & Engineering Supplies Visit Us and Compare Our Low Prices of thi inlook- BARCLAY BROTHERS, INC. Kon irda Rl 6-6024 the right side of the Brown line for live play. ————————————^—^——— ■ ' ■ It lo Quaki p position I I >. K. i full;, . ille intermorn in at thi.- point and put | . hut wit1 ike ! " \n I phill Battle" • ■ i ight i a fi.'l to run-out tin an uphill battle and the kid that Dick Beland (II) d. lie, Rich I Intended for Dick Schafer on i hi' iiniHii seven. out the* 1 giving his pla Two TChc Bailu f^cnnsulDanian Within li' ■ Gill, playing a A V Publi |go- ti I H)\{\ xvoo VOL. I.XX B ARTHUR C. PARJENTE V Managing I I MAi WMARA ' : I \\ ID I s' D HKSCHHOBN I HANK Ml I VIS' FARMAN ROBERT J ■ ' v.' I.I'WIS SMITH I ' ■ • FDWIN lllCKFR. Ml- AR! tianelli the Brown 27 into the through tl of Dick S half began, the aking thi p the tie Brown nine before fumbled, id the ball himself after running play- which Del rid threw another intercepted So, the flashy quai took the ">al line, grabbed by Dick Beland. on the next pi I;.'land was able to only run the bail in tl i play.-- later, Brown and threw out of the g" ruled kick. Keblish was again out- as an incornpk en though We standing for Penn as the Glen L\ unior baum made an excellent jump catch of the ball. kgh the Brown line to block Rues FraSIDKI.IM: 8LAN1 enn dominated the phomore Tom Wheaton, who ground game, compiling 5 cartarting line-up for the first while the Bruin- took the lead in the air I ball on the one-yard with mark. ( chalking up the On the next play. aked over for what n of the . h denting proved to be the, deciding score. Brown only the Brown line for 13 j managed four yprds after the kickoff, but Oalnation 04 lahan fumbled orf the first play the next time —Penn has now won 21 t onlyFenn handled the .ball and the New Englanders dropped three iwn with HAROPP hill Jporfi i Anocn. Boss, who panned for one Pefln Tl) and ran for the other, races around left end for 13 yards. "ORIGINAL »» PAGANO'S PIZZERIA ON CAMPUS 3614 WALNUT STREET M Managrr (Between 36th and 37th Streets) ROGERS This is the only Original PAGANO'S PIZZERIA. We have only one location and are not affili- ' ated with any other restaurant on Campus. 0*«t Tl RALPH 1 SG Graduatt Uanagtr Member Intercollegiate I'reaa %.. w. Sehres Night I 01 i .1. M , Jr. , HP Photos by Georga 9«'t»rilw»lt» Penn s Dick hoze swings wide around left ead for eight yards on the opening pla> of the second quarter. ' Varsity Booters Crush Bruins; Hill Nets Four the Bailu pcnnsultiaman SPORTS Quaker Win: Story Of Lost Chances ritteredai M. rtunities. The r win. lull and sloppy, the game was. nevertl. ,ht to i low th about lie JAZZ STARS PE 5-7906 NOW APPEARING INDIVIDUALIZED TRAINING SPEC I At STUDENT RATES Norn* WILL ALGER . . AND THE SALT CITY FIVE Phon* irned into ' The Reading Laboratory THE NATIONS LEADING 708 Western Savings Fund Bldg. Dick portunity on Saturday. Hap FREE - Invaluable Booklet D«pl PA Iternie Behw I STOP READING WORD BY WORD Hill 1MB At 8:30 of t! !. Hill score'I it the Quak. the game ! of the Mill, wh ihe ({round, l ball into tl At 14?00 of th< I>i<k all to Hill, who d; he lit First Time in Philadelphia • The Nation's Newest Dixieland Addt»«» Sensation • Recording Stars of MGM Records Opening Next Monday PEE WEE ERWIN "I think 1 I wrell PACEY'S tallies Two In lint Wi fourth and I for II play. along, tl) I GLAMOUR'S 'GREA T DATE CONTEST' I I : I'.lue l-F Track Meet11 the You can win • A trip to New York • A date with the bachelor of your choice • A dazzling outfit chosen just for you! It's easy... It's fun! ■ KICH K<XS four. the th* mi ng at- M XON 52nd I Market Sts-SH 7-8910 illy on who Or proof of tb :i,-k of EVES. 9:30 SALE * SAT. JAM SESSION 4 to 7 20% Off on Christmas Cards at Both Zavelle's Stores Full details in NOVEMBER TEENAGE KILIERS TAKING I 15TH & SPRING GARDEN Enter today! CONTINUOUS FROM 2 P M 55c Today Unfil 6 p.m THEIR THRILLS UNA5HAMEDII EH RENDEZVOUS "VIOLENT YEARS" CIA Wilt PLUS - "WIRE TAPPERS" Now on sale as huddled > a particularly THIS of tin- pieaabox cut in. "I think they're la for the ball," he opined with tongue FRIDAY ONLY Choice Tickets Still Available in ehi- the two linos were KO'iiK would i bettel | ■■ MEN OF '58 This Is Your Week Today— , 2 PERFORMANCES 8 P.M. and II P. M. PRICES (To Included) tt.75, S3 00. S4.0Q, $4.40 DIZZY .tflii 3:30 —Coffee Hour, Houston Hall Thursday-10:15-CANE MARCH AND CHAPEL Friday — FRIDAY OCT. 26 o/vtd fcio 16 PIECE ORCH. 4:00 — Reception for Queen Contestants 3817 Spruce Street 10:00-JUNIOR PROM Broadwood Hotel Crowning of Queen Saturday - 9:00 — Fraternity Poster Contest JAZZ QUARTET Bobby HacRett^t^ 10:30 —Penn-Penn State Soccer Game River Field 1:30 - PENN-NAVY FOOTBALL GAME Introduction of Queen Announcement of Poster Winner 4:00 - Jazz Concert Houston Hall ^_^Aactunv MISS COKMAN HAWKINS ACADEMY OF MUSIC >Ms)«lp 1 LOCUJ'I 4 I on« what did yot' ct a pr> ZAVELLE'S GIFT SHOP 3409 WALNUT ST. * THE NOTICES DAILY r»WBYX.VAWIAir DAILY Classified Ads OPTICAL UH PENNSYLVANIAN ATTEND THE J. P. IlFAIBI-rBOMPT, TOOT1ALL Sd. irU-sos a<i ir pre ■ CAMPUS NOTARY PUBLIC CORSAGES 3801 SPRUCE STREET OPEN EVENINGS Till 9 I m»- LOR-LIATHII XIPPBK BOUND Junior Prom by ro* ■■!■■ I—I l-DOOB, DODOS HECSH FLOWERS ■IOHIALL 3407 WALNUT STREET i II AUTO TAGS - OPERATOR'S LICENSE IN 24 HOURS OUT. OF-STATE TRANSFER TO PENNA. TAGS, 48 HOURS AFFIDAVITS - LEGAL PAPERS NOTARIZED Thanks for Your Past Patronage • RICHARD B. BRYAN th< Bonded Notary for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WEEKLY SPECIALS ONLY AT THE VARSITY SHOP JUMIOK MOM (Opposite Men's Dorms) IM*»DOWI TRACK MBIT Truck CLASS OF '58 For the Junior Prom Special for The Cone March CUMMERBUND SETS PENN SKIMMERS CANES $195 in plaid or plain colors $1 25 OUR PRICE rXJCSHMAH BASKETBALL Get Them Now $4.95 FOR THE SET Made this discovery yet? You combine some very basic elements when you slip into this Arrow Par White shirt. Its medium-spread collar and handsome broadcloth fabric give you an extra measure of it s a soft collar (with itaj tfort a-plcr. lilh block print tic for a perfect final Shirt, $3.95; tic, f2.50. — IYY CLUB I |l HI BE GENEROUS!! YOUMO DIMOC1ATI GIVE YOUR GIRL Unusually fine cotton fabric A 6-FT. PENN SCARF OMII OKTKODOX riLLOWIHIF Imported RAINCOAT ARROW^ —first in fashion SHIRTS Superior Value at $17.95 Our Price Only $2.98 \^^ • TIES Ivy styled Campus Joe Pa&mo's Pizzeria Exclusive Campus Agent for Arrow Products 3713 SPRUCE STREET (opposite U. of P. Dorms) HERE ARE YOUR OLD GOLD • Extends a Warm and Friendly Welcome to the Future Business Men of America Now Studying at Dear Old Penn. PUZZLES • DELIVERY FROM 12 NOON TILL 2 A.M. 3"l R ZJNI Rearrange CHARTER A GREYHOUND FOR THESE TWO BIG GAMES PENN vs HARVARD PENN vs YALE - - - - NOV. 3 - NOV. 10 Make your football trip an exciting travel event going and returning . . . with you and your group enjoying fun together in a private coach with a skilled chauffeur. By chartered Greyhound, your group leaves from any point you want to—when you want to. You travel relaxed right to the stadium, without driving strain or parking problems ... at a surprisingly low cost per person! For complete information on Greyhound Charter or individual rates, call: C. H. Garner BAring 2-1410 30th Street Station the letters in each puzzle to form the name of an American College or University PUZZLE NO. 8 PUZZLE NO. 7 HOW TO PLAY CLUE: (-'minded by twn missionaries, this id in coeducation. It has 0 degrees to women since 1837. It was also one of the first colleges to admit CLUE: This university was four MasMrhtis>" Colony. It im-ludes nuitur gTadusr' airy is traditional with Yale. n ANSWER M A 'Mrtmm City AiUmt - .suut. ( olltge Hold until you havi- completed all 24 puzalea YOU'LL GO FOR OLD GOLDS Cflf_ Cnllrf* Hold until you have completed all .'■ I PUZZLE NO. 9 Either REGULAR, KING SIZE or the GREAT NEW FILTERS Old Golds taste terrific! The reason: Old Golds give you the best tobaccos. Natureripened tobaccos... SO RICH, SO LIGHT, SO GOLDEN BRIGHT! CLUE: Opi sad as a Baptist semini 0, this university was r« for a soap manufacturer ami p Individua courses are given ANSWER \oaae_ Addtmt. Cil* , Stale. ColUgt Hold until you have completed all 24 NEED BACK PUZZLES? GREYHOUND BEST TASTE YET IN A FILTER CIGARETTE entries' >•*«. awir a. awiwur — RULES? Send five cents (or each puzzle: five cents for a complete set of rules, hnclose a self-addressed, stamped envelojw' to Tangle Schools, P. O. Box 9 Central Annex, New York 17, N. 1".