21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany PROGRESS IN QUANTUM-DOT INTERMEDIATE BAND SOLAR CELL RESEARCH A. Martí, E. Antolín, E. Cánovas, N. López and A. Luque Instituto de Energía Solar–UPM, ETSIT de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria sn, 28040 Madrid, Spain Phone: +34 915495700; FAX:+34 915446341; email:amarti@etsit.upm.es C. R. Stanley, C. D. Farmer and P. Díaz Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom Ph:+44(0)1413304798; Fax:+44(0)1413304907; email:crsmbe1@elec.gla.ac.uk C. Christofides and M. Burhan Department of Physics, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus Ph: +357 22892824; Fax: +357 22892821; email: ccc@ucy.ac.cy ABSTRACT: The intermediate band solar cell concept can be implemented in practice by means of quantum dots (QDs), but a number of challenges must be solved in order to make progress. This paper describes some of them: a) the problem of having the quantum dots embedded in the space charge region, b) the identification of the energy levels involved in the QD system and c) the weak absorption provided by the dots. Regarding the first, the inclusion of semiconductor dumping field layers sandwiching the region containing the stack of QDs is suggested as a way to drive the QDs into a flat band potential region. Concerning “b”, the intermediate band is found to be separated from the conduction band by only 0.2 eV, far from the optimum value. Finally, the weak light absorption provided by the dots is discussed as a factor, together with the low intermediate band to conduction band bandgap that prevents a significant quasi-Fermi level split between the IB and the CB under normal illumination conditions. Keywords: Fundamentals, Devices, Modeling. 1 INTRODUCTION The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) concept has been proposed [1] as a means to take advantage of below bandgap energy photons and thus increase the efficiency of solar cells beyond the Shockley and Queisser efficiency limit [2,3]. The interested reader is directed to Refs. [47] for further details, since the description of the fundamentals will be restricted here to the minimum necessary to make the paper self-consistent. Fig. 1 shows the basic band structure of an IBSC. Vertical arrows “1” to “3” identify the three possible photon absorption mechanisms. A cornerstone of the IBSC concept is that two below bandgap energy photons provoke transitions “1” and “2” via the intermediate band (IB) to generate one electronhole (eh) pair in the conduction and valence bands (CB and VB). This eh pair adds to the ones that are generated conventionally in a single step by photons that possess an energy above the bandgap EG (transition “3”). Note that the IB has to be half-filled with electrons to provide both empty states to receive electrons from the VB and to supply them to the CB. For this reason, the IB is often referred to as a “metallic” intermediate band. A further condition for operation is that each band is described by its own quasi-Fermi level (EFC, EFI and EFV for the CB, IB and VB respectively). This is a consequence of the assumption that the lifetimes associated with the carrier recombination processes between bands (i.e. from the CB to the IB...) are much larger than carrier relaxation times within bands. Although it can be demonstrated with rigour [1], it is evident from the plot in Fig. 1 that the output voltage of the cell, related to the quasi-Fermi level split by eV E FC E FV , is still limited by the high bandgap EG and not by either of the two lower sub-bandgaps into which it is divided by the IB (i.e., EL or EH). Figure 1. Schematic band diagram describing the basic operation of an intermediate band solar cell. Independently of the IBSC concept, understanding the physical reasons that can lead an energy level within the semiconductor bandgap to behave either radiatively or non-radiatively, and mastering the technology that can render it one type or the other, is of the outmost importance. We have provided a detailed discussion in [8] on this phenomenon providing arguments to prevent non-radiative recombination. In essence, the key physical aspect is the delocalization of the wave-function of the electrons in the IB. Hence, when this wave-function is delocalized and a recombination between the CB and the IB takes place, the electron charge density is distributed through many atoms (delocalized) both in the initial and the final state. When a transition from the CB to the IB takes place, no significant redistribution of charge density is involved and therefore, the transition does not require an interaction of the electron through an electric field with the impurities that caused the appearance of the intermediate levels. Since this interaction is inhibited, the possibility of the electron giving its energy to the impurity, along with non-radiative recombination, is also inhibited. In [8], it is suggested that this delocalization 99 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany could be achieved by increasing the density of the centres responsible for the intermediate levels beyond the Mott transition [9] value. 2 IMPLEMENTING THE INTERMEDIATE BAND SOLAR CELL WITH QUANTUM DOTS (a) (b) (modulation doping), a few QD layers are sacrificed to sustain the electric field at the junctions with the emitters, but nevertheless a sufficient number of layers remain half-filled with electrons. In this approach, the QD layers close to the p-emitter are sacrificed because they are empty and whilst those close to the n-emitter are sacrificed because they are full. Note that no electron transport through the IB is required in this ideal case. However, when the number of QD layers is limited by the growth technology (either because of the appearance of defects or simply because of the time involved in their production), there is a risk that most of the QD layers are sacrificed just in sustaining the junction field (see Fig. 2(b)) without leaving a sufficient number suitable for the absorption of two sub-bandgap photons. This is believed to be the case in some of our experimental samples manufactured in the past [13]. To prevent this effect, an n-type semiconductor layer can be inserted next to the p-emitter and just before the stack of QD layers (Fig. 2(c)). Carefully designed, this nlayer can sustain the junction electric field and drive the dots into a flatband potential region. Similarly, an undoped layer can be inserted between the stack of QDs and the n-emitter to contribute to the same effect but also to prevent electrons from the emitter conduction band tunnelling into the IB. Our aim of locating the QDs in a flat-band potential region might appear contradictory to the belief that the electric field is the driving force of the photovoltaic effect by separating electrons from the holes. It must be remembered that it is the feasibility of manufacturing selective contacts (p- and n-emitters in the case of the semiconductors) to a material that is sensitive to light [14] that gives rise to the photovoltaic effect. Further, if carrier transport through the IB is be allowed (in our case, this would imply that electrons could move from their confined electron state in one dot to another), electrons from the VB could be absorbed in the dot region that is closer to the p-emitter and thus empty of electrons, be transported through the IB to QD region close to the n-emitter and from there, be pumped to the CB by a second photon as outlined in Fig. 2(d). 3 IDENTIFICATION OF THE ENERGY LEVELS AND GAPS INVOLVED IN THE OPERATION OF THE QD-IBSC (c) (d) Figure 2. (a) Ideal case with an unlimited number of QDs layers available. (b) Real situation in which only a limited number of QD layers can be realistically grown (c) Insertion of conventional semiconductor structures to regain the flat band condition and with it, half-filling of the IB with electrons. (d) Illustration to show an electronhole pair can be still be created even when the dots are not located in a flat band potential region by allowing transport through the IB. The use of quantum dots was proposed as a practical means of implementing the IBSC concept [10,11]. Fig. 2 shows a plot of a simplified band gap diagram for a QDIBSC under several conditions. Fig. 2(a) represents the ideal case in which the number of QD layers that can be grown is not limited by the technology. Under these circumstances, although the QD region in our structures is doped to half-fill the IB with electrons [12] 100 We have carried out quantum efficiency and electroluminescence measurements in the past whose spectral peaks have allowed us to draw a picture of the main energy levels involved in the operation of the QDIBSCs [13]. Fig. 3 shows the simplified energy band gap diagram which best fits our implementation of the IBSC with InAs/GaAs quantum dots. Level marked “WL”, close to the CB, arises from the wetting layer when the QDs are grown in the StranskyKrastanov mode [15]. In reality, the wetting layer is a quantum well and, therefore, there is no a true zero density of states between this level and the CB. The consequence for the IBSC is that the edge of the CB is lowered to the level “WL”. On the other hand, level(s) “QL” are introduced specifically by the QDs and are separated from WL levels by a null density of states. The separation between “QL” and “WL” determines the gaps EL|0.2 eV and EH|1.1 eV of the IBSC. These 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany are far from the optimum ones for photovoltaic energy conversion which are given by EL=0.71 eV and EH=1.24 eV [4]. Actually, the limiting efficiency at maximum concentration of an IBSC characterised by these nonoptimum gaps is “only” 47.8 %, compared with the 63.2 % limiting efficiency of the optimised structured. Therefore, our QD-IBSC structures are more test benches to prove the principles of operation of the IBSC rather than devices capable of delivering the highest efficiencies. possible to inject current densities into the device which are higher than this thermal escape value, allowing experimental evidence for the existence of this quasiFermi level split to be found [20,21]. 4 LIGHT ABSORPTION IN THE QUANTUM DOTS QDs in densities that can usually be grown (~4u1010 cm-2) absorb light weakly. This is the case for transitions from the VB to the IB but more so for transitions from the IB to the CB. In spite of this, the contribution of the former to the photocurrent can be detected easily and studied in quantum efficiency measurements [22]. (a) (c) Figure 3. Approximate energy levels involved in the operation of an intermediate band solar cell implemented with InAs quantum dots in GaAs. It is perhaps surprising that the low value of the energy separating the conduction band from the confined energy states of the electrons in the QDs is often sufficient to explain the “phonon bottleneck” effect [16]. This phenomenon, very much unwanted in the context of the QD laser, makes it difficult to explain how an electron “recombines” from the CB to the IB because there is no element to which the electron can transfer this energy. Simultaneous collisions with several phonons, each with an energy in the range of a few tens of meV, are considered unlikely. However, to our knowledge, no one has put forward this argument (with the exception of [8]) as a possible mechanism preventing recombination from the CB to the VB through mid-gap energy levels i.e. ShockleyReadHall recombination [17, 18] that are even more separated in energy (0.5-0.7 eV) from the CB of conventional semiconductors, than is the case for the confined electrons in the QDs. Therefore, while the “phonon bottleneck” effect is a phenomenon to be avoided when manufacturing QD lasers because it inhibits radiative recombination, conversely it is a desirable phenomenon when manufacturing a QD-IBSC where rapid nonradiative recombination to the QD energy level must be avoided. On the other hand, associated with the low value of the gap EL, is an equivalent minimum thermal escape current density from the IB to the CB given by 9 mA cm2 [19]. This high value also makes it difficult to achieve a significant quasi-Fermi level split between the IB and the CB (EFC EFI) when the absorption of photons from an external illumination source that are capable of exciting transitions from the IB to the CB is weak. The cause of this weak absorption will be discussed in the next section. Conversely, under dark conditions, it is (b) Figure 4. (a) Conventional, isolated quantum dot: the wave-function of the electron in the dot is localised but mostly delocalised in the CB. (b) Delocalization of the electron wave-function in the IB by increasing the dot regularity (c) Localization of the electron wave-function at the CB by inserting a semiconductor with a high conduction band offset between the dot and barrier regions. Optical absorption by IB to CB transitions is the weakest process [23], although to have this absorption stronger than the optical absorption related to VB to IB transitions would be detrimental to the cell performance [24]. The absorption from the IB to the CB is believed to be weak because the wave-function of the electrons in the QDs is confined (Fig. 4(a)) while the wave-functions of the electrons in the CB are delocalised [11] so that little overlap exists between the two (maybe with the exception of those states close to the CB edge). The overlap might be increased by enhancing the regularity of the QD size and their distribution because in this way, the wave-functions of the confined electrons also delocalise (Fig. 4(b)) [11]. It might also be possible, however, that a mere increment in the dot density will produce the same effect as a consequence of a process similar to the Mott transition. However, a third option might be to increase the confinement of the wavefunction of the electrons in the CB by inserting a semiconductor of high conduction band offset between the QD and the barrier material as illustrated in Fig. 4(c). The layer should be sufficiently thin to allow electron 101 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany transport through it by tunnelling. 5 SUMMARY Intermediate band solar cells are being researched by our groups through implementation with quantum dots. Functional devices have been manufactured whose operation is largely determined by the underlying physical principles of the IBSC, in particular, the extraction of photocurrent for below bandgap energy photons and the existence of a quasi-Fermi level split between the CB and the IB under strong excitation in dark conditions [20]. To progress the research, the issue of maintaining the QDs in a region with flat-band potential has been addressed, and a way of achieving this goal has also been discussed. Previous work has also established ways to map the energy levels involved in the operation of an InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC. Further, it has been pointed out that the low value of the gap EL (0.2 eV) together with the weak absorption associated with the IB to CB transition will make it difficult to obtain a split between the CB and IB quasi-Fermi levels, EFC and EFI, under normal conditions of illumination. ACKNOWLDGMENTS This work has been supported by the project FULLSPECTRUM, funded by the European Commission under Contract No. SES6-CT-2003-502620, the Spanish Plan for R&D (TIC2003-02281), Consolider2010 Program GENESISFV (CSD2006-00004) and the Comunidad de Madrid (S-0505/ENE/000310). E.C. acknowledges a “Plan Nacional de Formación de Personal Investigador” research grant. REFERENCES [1] A. Luque and A. Martí, Phys. Rev. Lett,, vol. 78, pp. 5014–5017, 1997. [2] W. Shockley and H. J. Queisser, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 32, pp. 510-519, 1961. [3] G. L. Araújo and A. Martí, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 33, pp. 213-240, 1994. [4] A. Luque and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. 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