MIL-STD-414 11 blvs7 - ~M ORfkMOO$-10 MILITARY SAMbLING STANDARD PROCEDURES AND FOR INSPECTION TABLES BY VARIABLES FOR PERCENT DEFECTIVE 1. I .— I —- .—- .— _ mL-sTD-414 11 JEW 1957 OFFICS OF TEE ~ANT SECRETARY Wuhlngkm $5, D. c. 11 JUIU lb7 Supply and Logi.ti.. Sarnpflng OF DE~ Procedures and Table. for Pe=cent Ddectlva for fa.p. ctlo. by MIL-STD-414 1. Thi. .tandard h.. ~en approved and i. mandatory for . . . by the Departm. ●ffectivm 11 June 1957. the M. force, 2. h ●ccordance Diwl. im k.. d-.ifp.t.d Air For.. , r.., .tandard. .: >. Recommended by the De Pru’ne.t of Defense rAto of the Army, the Navy. and rnth e.tabli.bed proc.dur., the Sfandardi.. ticm Bureau of Ordnance. -d tha Chemical -Carp. . . Amp N.v-Air For.. custodian. .1 thi. correction.. sddltlenn, or deletion. .hould be atior. Divi. iom, Of fic. of the As. imta.t Sec... and Logistic.), Wa.hin@an Z5. D. C. ●ddr . . ..d to the Stanbrdi. aary of Def.a.e (Su@y I ,. Il. ..— -- .,-...,-- UJlvl-hn-ls Esu INTRODUCTION SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table,: Table Table Table Par: A-1 A-2 A-3 J U3LConveraion Table . . . . Sample Size Code tiNers . . . Char.cteri*tie Curve. Operating Plmm of S.ctiOa# B, C, and D San@. Sise tie Letters B SINGLE Ex8mpl. *: Example Example SPECIFICATION B- I B-2 Table.: Treble E.- I Table Part 1s OF tibfPL3t4G B-Z Examplea: Example B-3 Exarn@e B-4 Table Example of Cdcafattoiw:, sPeciflcatiOn fAmil-Form Example of Calculations: Sp*cificatiea Ltmit-l%rm SPECIFICATION Table B-4 Table B-5 f3J though Q) 1 : . . 5 . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simgle 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Sin~le 2 . . . . . . . . . . . UhUT . . . . . . . . . . , . Mmmter Table for Normal Impecti.n (Double Limit LiInif) Table, : Table Table B-6 B-? Table L-8 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 ●nd Tightened and f%rm 2- . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Mssier Table for R=duced faspectiom . . . (Double LImitmnd Form Z-Single Limit) Table for 3SatimatiaEthe Lot P. rcent De fective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EST1MATION OF PROCESS AVZSAGE AND FOR RZDUCEL AND TIGHTENED C3UTEINSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I B- 3 siIl#le Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Sampfiq (Graphfor tiample of Cdcrdatiomm: Double Specifi. c8tioa LAnit-Cke AQL vai.4 far Upper . . . and Lawe r Specification Limit Combined Example of Calculatinna: Double Specification Umit-DIfferem AC3L values for Upper sud fmwer Specification Umitm . . . . ... I . . . . . M..ter Tabie for Normal ●nd Tighteoed 3nmpecti0n (Form l-Sinnle fAmit) . . . . . Maater Table for Redueed impection (sOrrnl-singl. LiJnii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOUBLE H LIMIT T, blem: I PL.#JS VAR3ABIL1TY UN3U40WK-STANDARD DEV~TION METHOD B SECTION D&9tiRIPT30N GENERAL A “ii 45 46 47 5?. 54 Value. of T for Tigbtenad k#p8!cti011 . . . . . . of Estimated k; P.rcent ~ts Defective far Roduc=d Inspection . . . . . . . . Value. of F for h4asimum Standard Deviafioa.[MBD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 56 I APP=dk B ‘iii . . . . ..- —, — xlL-mTb414 11 Juts 1097 coNTmzTa-caitinmd SECTION VASliABILfTY C Part 1 sU40LSSPECZF1CATION kxmlfb: E8urlph c-l 3hampie Tsblea : Tsbie Tabi* 1“ Part u C-Z C-1 c-z DOUBLE Exaf+em: Ex.mple C-3 Example C-4 Table,, Table C-3 Table C-4 T.ble C-5 Part Zu Table.: Table Table c-6 C-7 Tablo C-8 APWIUUB D P8rt 1 C LZMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simsle Eauanph of Ckicniatidm: S~cificatiOa Umit-FOrm i . . . . . . . . . . Exuriplm of Cakuiati0a9: StnSle Specification Limit. Form 2 . . . . . . . . . . Mast-r Tabie for Normal ●nd Tightene4 Inspection (Form I_ Siql. Limit) . . . . . . . Msst.r Tabls for Reduced lnapecUorI (FOrml-SiOgl. LImlt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPEC1IVCATION L3M3T . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Example of Caleulxtioms: Doubl. Sp.eUi catiem LiniIt-Oae AQL value [or Upper and tiwer Spocifieu40m Limit Ckmblaed . , . . Exunple o{ Caiculaiiom: Double Specif{ c-ion Limit-D4ifar8st AQL vahm. for UpPer u8d Lower SPRIcZflcacJon LImitm . . . A.hmI.r Tabl. for fdmnul .md Ti#hte.ed ~P=c~a (-ble Limit 4 Ferm z _ Sias!e Z&nit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maater Tabl@ #or Reduced lmpectiom (Dauble L&nit Fown&Simgle IAnIt) . . . . Ttile for Ectinmiinsthe Lot Percent Dekctive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vaium. of T Ior .Tigbtmmd h,pecticm .“. . . . . z-bits Of Eotiated kt S%rcemt . . , . .. . . Defective for R.duced Z.cmp.ectioa Value. of ~ 10, M&um Awe ra~e Rsn#e(w) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VARZASZL3TY 61 . 63 64 6S 66 b7 69 70 71 7Z 73 D-l &urnpZm D-3. Ttbim., Tabic D-l Tmbb D-Z 80 B2 84 85 WWN SZNOZ.E SPSCW1GATZON3A3AZT Exmpleo : Exumple 1! ~.—— METHOD ESTIWTZON OF PROCESS AVIXfAGE AND cRZT3ZRJA PVR REDUCED AND TZOHTSNED INSPECTION . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. SEC7WN ZINKNOWN-~S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZZxampta of Caieubtlms: Siasis *c4fkati0n Z.imit-rofm 1 Si+e Example of c+IeuidzioM: Smcification ZAtaia_FOsm Z ST . . . . . . . . . . 89 . . . . . . . . . . 90 d Ti#btened Msst*r Table fof Normal Zzmpoeuom {Form 1-Sk+ Umlc) . . . . . . titer Table [or Reducmd tJ1.p~=tiO_ (FOrml-Slr@*LimitJ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,9I 9s .. . . . .,.— ....=_ “- comzNls-cOfmffwd P*T5 u DOUBLE 5PECfF1CAT10N LlhffT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3hampfe*: 3kAmpfe D-3 Exunple D-4 Tables: Table P*rt Ul T.bla D-4 T.ble D-5 Master T*le for Normal and Tightened fn. pectim (Double Limit and Form ZSimgleumlt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master T&ble for Reduced 3nop.ctiom [Ooubk Limit..d Form Z-Single Limit) . . . . T-ble for Estimating the fat Percentage Defective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SST1MATION OF PROCB AVESAG!C AND CSJT&R3A FOR REDUCED AND TIGHTENED INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Tsble#: Table Table APP*6 D-3 Esampk af Cdctdationw Double SpecUication L6mit-Oa* AOL vahm UpPar and fmwer Specification. fAmit Combirmd . . . . . Double +pecUi Emmple of .Calculatioms: c-tion L6mit-D3ffereut AOL value- for Limits . . . . UpVr d kwer Specification D-6 D-7 D........ 97 98 99 101 103 104 106 Value. of T for Tightened frt. pection . . . . . . Limit- of Ectinutod IAX Percent Defective for Reduced hmpecfiom . . . . . . . . 108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 I I mlL-8’m-414 llhfislm? INTRODUCTION Thi. Stamdardwa. prepmred to meet ● growing IIeeo for tbe U. of standard ptmm for Jampection by vari*ble. in ti~rnmatn procurement, DIIpply and .torage, and maintenance ia.pciion opa ratiozm. Tbe variabf.. sampJ&s which can be rnea.tirmd on ● coattnplane .pply to ● ●in@e quality characteristic in term. cd percent de fectiue. The tm.. scale, and for which quality i. ●xpressed theory unclerlying the developrne.t of the wari.bte. .aniplim~ plaua, including the oparatiq charact=rimtic curve.. a.awne. that of tba quattty char. ●cteristic ● re independent, identicslfy di.tribufed normal random varisblea. ●u’npliq I ..mpfing pfmn., warlah!es umpfiag plamm 1. comparium with atfributa. have tbe ●dvanta~e of ummfly remdtin~ & cmmide rsble .avinem in #ample ●ifor .xmnparabl. a..uruice . . to the correctness. of decision. in judging . .in#le quality characteristic, or for the .arne sample size. greater a.mirance is obtained using variable, plan.. Attribute. sampling pfan. have the advantage of greater simplicity, of being applicable to either .ingle or rnuttiple quality characteristi c., and of requiring no knowledge about the distribution of the contlaueu. rn. a.ur. rmenc. of any d the quality cfur. txeridc.. ● rm mot to be um.d It 10 imporfsmt to mot. tfut variable. .amptfmp pha. i.di., ,impfy bec.u.e. it i. po..ible to vaxi.bk. tnea.urarnemt ● .smnp,data. fn conmlderq appfieatlon. where the rmrmatity or irtde~nde.ce tion. may be que.ticmcd, the user i. ●dvi.ed to cm-..ult hi. technical agency to detci-rh in. the fe.. ibility of appfi calion. Thi8 Srandard 1. divided into four .ectimm. Section A describe. @n. rat procttlur. a of the .amplimg plan.. Secfic.m. B utd C de.crib. .Pcifi. procedure. i. unknovr., In Section B and ●pplic ation. of the .arnpIing plan. when w.=iability of lot .%and. rd i. used .s lh. fn. i. 10. an ● .timat. of the the .stirn.te unknc.w. variability, and in Section C the average rams. of the sunpf. 1* used. Section D desc=ibes the plan. when variability is known. Each of Sectiono B. C, and D i. divided into fbree part.: (l) SAMPJIIW PIUM for the Single S~cifieuiom Limit Ca.e, 111)Sampfimg Plans for th. mubl. Spcific. tion Limit Case, and (3JJ) Procedure. JorEsthnation cd Proce.. Average and ● rid Reduced Ja. pection. Criteria fer Tighmned For tba ●ingle s~cification limit ca. e, Lhe ●cceptability trite rio. i. giv=n im two foran.: Form 1 amd Form Z. Either of the fonnc may be u.ed, ●ii-ici they ● rc idettticti a. to .ainple sise -d or rejeetabilify. III deciding whether w u.= Form 1 deci ion for lot ●cceptability or FQrrn Z, the followin~ poiDt . should be bo=n. in mind. Form I provide. the lot ●ccept ability cri~. rion without ●.titn.tirtg 10I percent defective. The Form 2 101 Theme e#li acceptability criterion require. emtirnates of Jot percent defective. mate. at.o .r. ~quimd for e stiznatbn of tha proea ● a ●verage. Operating Characteristic Curve. fn Table A-3 how fhe r=latioa.ftip betweem for the quality cbaractari.tic quality and percent of lot. expected to be ●cce~able inm~et.d. A. stated, the .e Ope rating Characfe ri ‘tic Cur-. are &sed 011tbe raadanalrom a ciorsnti distribution. ..#urnpiari that meam. mment. ● re .ekctedat plan. in SectiW. S, C. ~d D w. m mstcbed The corre spending ●unpfin~ closely ., po.. ible ~der ● .y.tem Of fixed .unpfe .Ise with re. pcct to their Opcraling Characteristic Cu?wes. O~raUng Chsracteristjc Cum. in A-3 h..= been computed for the .mpling p]an. b... d orj th. ..timate of lof .tudard deviation ef unknown ..ri.bility, Thy are eqully .pplie.ble ior .arnpllns plan. and theme bam.d hoed on th. averaga range of the .awIpI. of unfmown variability on known variabUity. ●. C.rtaim cln..cmri.:ic. concerning the sunpliag phm. in S..tiom. B amd C -d tbosa la S9ction D dwufd b, moud. Pkn. baa.d on fba ● mtima& ot umk=09m Wariablllty require fe~r .M@e wit. for cm~ra~e . ..”ranca -baa tb ● d. Mate of lcM .taadard i. “..d than _bg. ib rua~. d ffn .-+ in u.ed: on fhe ottwr tid, plan. Vsbg the .W~.gG r~ge of the #AM@. r.quira VII -— mb61v—414 11 June 19s7 ●imphr compuuttmm. Plarm umlnn bm=variablltty -qutre con*l&rablT f-r sample tmk far comwrabk amUJrMC* tbaI ● ich=r of the plans whw =TIabtuty of k#umII -rkbiUty Is ● ●rtnsent am. 1s uakam: @we wer, tba roquir=mw.t The user 1s. dvised to co.milt MS tectalcal~uc~ bdom WPIYLW cunptiaj piano U.tng bDOwa w8rIAbuuy. Tath B-8 provids ● values of tbe f~ctor F to compute tfia maxfmum standard dewiation hfsD. The hfSD se-s M ● ~uide for the magnitude of tht eatirnate of lot standard de-scion when u-in Plazm for tbm double spcff ication limit c--e, deviation of SimifArly based on the ● intimate of lot .taa~rd Table C-8 provides vmlue- of the Iactor f to com~te the maximum average range ruige of the MAR. The MAR ●or.ew m a g de for tbe magnitude of the average do.bfe .pecific.tia. limit . . . . . ba.ed . . the ●rnple wk. usin# planm for “ke t wariddlity. Tba edmate of lot ●tmdard ave rage range of the cunple of unbam U it is Iem thm the hfSD or deviation or ● verage range of the ●mpk, ●t=ctively. hslps *O immure. but doe. mot guarmt.e, lot accept. bfllty. ● re gimn III tha a-ix to Part JU cd the AU ●ymbols and their definition. h Ulumtratim of the com~tiom and proc.durma .~ed IIJ applicable #*ctim. uf Part- I and 11 of tbe spplkable the .unpling plans i. give. i. the ●nmplec .ection. The computathmm irwolve simple ● rithmetic operation. such am .dditina, ●ubtractio”. multiplicuion, &d dIvimion of mwnbera, or ● most, the taking of ● .quare root of ● number. The user should become funiliarwith the g.neral procedure. of Sectian A. and refer to she ●pplicable sectioa for detailed iawtructiom ●pccific procedure.. cornpu. ions. md tables for [he Barnpliag plan.. regarding I I ~14 11 Jmfe 14s7 1, SECTION 1’ GENERAL DESCRIPTION A OF SAMPLING PLANS 1’ Al. SCOPE Thi 8 Sammkrd =stablimhes All Pur +’ mmplnng P anm and procedures for inopec ticm by variable ● for use in Government P*.c. reme.t. s.ppfyuad stora~., and inspection op8rati0rIm. when .ppli cabfe this Standard #hall. be referenced in the specification, contrzct, or in8pcctien in.tructic.r. m, and the provision, set forth herein shall #ovem. Al. ? III*PC ction. lnmpeclion i. tiw pro . . . . of measur, ns. ●xamining. testing. gaging. 0. othe rwise comparing the “unit of product” (See Al .4) with the appkabfe requirememla. Inspection by AI.3 lnspcctiby Variables. variables i. inspection wherein r+ specified quality characte-ri. tic (See AI.5) on a unit of proeuct i. measured on . continuous feet per sec.cale. .u. h ● . pound-. iwheo, ond, etc., And ● rneamtreme. t is recurd. d. A1.4 Unit of Product. The unit of product i. the entity of product in.xcted in order to dew rrnine it; measurable quality char● cteristic. Thim may be a single article, a pair. a ●et. ● component of an end product, or the end product itself. The unil of product may or may K.t be the sune ● s the unit of purchame, supply, production, or thipmer.t. 1’ A 1.5 Quality Characteristic. The quality charact. riatic for varxablee in. pecti4n is that characteristic ef i unit of p,oduct that is actually m.a. uzed, to determim conformance with ● given requirement. I A1. b Specificaticm Limit.. The ●peclflcation Iimtt(e) is the requi rerncnt that ● quality characleri. tic .hould meet. Thi* ● n ● . upper req.~rement may be exprenmd ●prc~f ication limit; or 6 lower pacification specification limit, called herein ● .in~le limit; or bolh upper and lower .~cifieatiem limit., called herein a double ●~cificmion limit. ... A 1.7 Sampli.~ Plans. A sampling pfan 1. the rmxnber c.< a PrOCedUr* *h*ch ●peciiies units of product from ● lot which ● re to h itmpected, arid th. cril. rion Xor aecepfabil ity of the lot. Sampling pfazm desipated in thi. Standard are ●pplicable to the insPcof a tfon of ● chgfs quality cbaracteri-fke unit of product. Tfm se pfwm may be used whether pracuremrml inspection i. per. km’rmd at the plant of ● prime coatract?r. wbcontractor or vendor. or ● t destination, -S90 may be uaod when AppTOPrU1O in -d ●ppfy and storage. and main fanaace fL18pection ofm rattom. A3. CLASSIPTCAITO?f OF DEFECTS AZ. I Mtthodof Cia8sifring~fect@. Asf8m .ificat, c.n al defect- . . the ● rmine ratio. of defect. of the unit of product claasifi. d according to their irnporfaace. A defect 19 ● deviation of the unit of product fr-am, requirement. of the specifications; drawiags, Purcha.e da~cripfia”., and aay cbu~c Defects the reto in the contract or order. normally belong to one of fhe fOllO*g classes; however. defects may be plkced k other ciao. cs. AZ. 1.1 Critical Defeeto. A criticaf defect i. .“. that iudeme. t and axmrience indicate coule reeult ;.. hazardou. “or unssfe conditions for individual. or m.imaining the product; or, formajnr end it.rn9 unit~of or famba. ● product, such a. ships, aircraft, d.f. ct that could prevent fmrforrnaaco of their tactic-i fumction. A2. I.2 Major Defects. A major defect i8 a defect. other than critical, thaf coutd result in failure, ormateritlly reduce the usability of the unit of product for its intended fmrpobe. A2. I.3 Minor Defects. A minor defect is on. that doc n not materially reduce the usability of the unit of product for itm intem&d from ●stablislmd Purposa. or i- ● deprfurc atandard9 hating .0 signUi CUIt bOa CinI OrI the effective u.e or operation of th@ unit. A3. PERCENT DE FECTTVE co. Tti A’3.1 =.PT89.88. Of NO. CMtfO_ of pro dues 9fnff e$fcnt of nonconformance be expre-scd i. terms of percent &faetive. A3.Z Percent fectiv-.~acterimtic f%.feetiwe. Tbe percent d.- of ● Ii%. lox of prodv;t”i. th~ number of unit. of praduct de fectiwe for that cfuractc ri.tic divided by the tataf number of unitm of product And ● man multidimd by on. hundred. Expressed Percen: rkfectiv8 .auatiorx Number of Aefectivea x 100 Numbs r of dtm 1 .—. — .. . Mk+m+la lx Jlfffe 1957 Ad. ACCEPTABLE A4. 1 Acce@abZc QUALITT Ouaiil LEVEL bwl. Tba =a CBOmlnaf in farm. of percaat d8f*c value ●xpr*s.e.i tive .Pcif ied for ● sbigle quUity characteriatic. Grtain numeried vaftws o; AOL r=~img f ram .04 to 1S.00 parce.nt am ●hO-a i. Table A- 1. Whe. . ranof AOL VUWi. .pecified. it dull he treated ● s if it wore equal to the WdUC of AQL for which ●mfa2i0c and which i~ bcluded plms ● re lu-whed within the AOL range. When the •~c~ted AOL i- a particular value other tb& tivme for which oamplhg pfanm ● re furniched, the AOL, which i- to be used in ●pP2yihg the yovi.ions of this Standard, .Itafl be ., .ho~ m Table A- 1. ● A6.2 Choice of SarnfAim Plain. SunpUaB ~D u!d PIWCEOU-9 a:e pro-dad in d8C tion B if Variddlity 10 uabnown amd the .taadamf de rf.uion mathd is !mwd, h Soc ticm C U variability i wunbaewn a?id the range matbod i c uced. and in Secfioa D if .ariabUity is bnown. Urdesa otkrwi.e ●pcffied, un. ●-d=rd dewiafim method b-n variabiUty, ●unF41rtd plans. and the ●ceef=ablfifv crl terbr. d Farm 2 (for the 9ic@e specification iimit case) Aaif be used. A7. SAMPLE Determination of Sample Sise. The .Unpl. .,h, tha mm’lfmr of unttm of prodsamph aIws uct drawn frcan ● lot. Retati~ ● m Aesimated by cute letters. The 8ampf4 sise cod= Iette r“depcitds on the.inq=ticm and the lot ●1=4. There ● m fiva hA7. I A4.2 Specifying AOL1 c. Tin particular AOL vafue le be used for ● ●ingle quality char● ctarimtic of a given product must be ●peeified. fn the CM. of a double ●Pcifi.athm for limit. ● ith. r an AOL value it #PcUied the total percent de fecti.. muaida of bath up~r -d lower specification Umita, o. t-e AOL value. are specified. om. for the upper limit and another for the lower Ifmit. AS. I I SUBJbflmAL OF •f=ctiOale=J~: PRODUCT -d v. ff~e-~ A7.2 Dr.wimB of Samples. A sample 10 om. or mere unit. ol product drawn from . lot. UnItc of ttn munfdo Aa2i be, ,al~ct,d withO* re#ard to t?bdr q.safity. A5.2 Lot Sise. The lot ● im 1. tha number of unit. d product in ● lot, and may differ f rem the quantity de.i#r.atmd h fbs comtraet ●biprnellt. or order a, ● lot for prod”ctlar., or Ether Purpo..,. A6. I IV. NOTICE-5P. c ial Reservaticm for Critical CharackrnB1ic8. Tbe Go.errm’i.nt re. e.vo. tbe rmhl to in smct emryunit mbmkkd hy the ;uppfier fos critieti etir.c uad to reject the remainder of the te!rimko, ● defect is fouud. Tbo lot Immedlafelyafter GOvemirnent timo rcr:rvee tht right to ●ampfe fo~ criticmf d. f.ctc evm ry let aubmittad by tk ●uppUer arid to reject any I-* if A sample dr.wm thrnrefr~ is fo-d to contain ow or more. criticti da fects. A5. 1.1 Formation of Lots. Each la; shall, ● s far ● mla practicable, con.iwt of unit. cd product of ● .ingla type, gssde, ~Ass, size, or cornpo. itkn manufactured under e.. enri.Ily the same conditimit. LOT L U. fU. othe rwhe ●pecffiod Ia-fmctien Ieval IV shali k used. The ●unple .i.e cod. letter applicable to the .pcifi.d izi.pectim l.wel arid for lots of given sise .hdl be obtained from Table A-2. A5. I lat. The tsrrn ,,1ov hall nmmn ,virtcpecti~lot, -’ i.e., a collection of unit. of product from which ● sample is dram! ad inopec~td to dete rm”me complhrme with fhe acceptability criterion. A6. SELECTION ACCEPTABILITY Acce Sabfiity ●bility of a lot of Criferien. The ●cca@- ● for ● 8tLmatfmg 22n preeomm Proe.dure awrage @ criteria for ticbtaned and re dweed in. fmcftan bared = th Umpacthn romiito of pmeedinc lots are provided in Part uf of dactiorm B. C. and D. br imapc:kta ddf be detennh.d byum of ~ of the .ampling plait. a..oeiaf.d~tb. .pec Tbi. Standard ffied value of the AOL{S). provide 8 ●ampliag plaa. baaad ombaowa 4 bvariability. fn the Iatfar can ● m provitid, two affa mativo met+, bared on the e ●tfmaia of im ●fattdard dovi. atioa and the die r on lb am rqe range of the t-fate. These .r. r. f.rred to . . the standard dowiatio. method and tbe rinse method. For tha case of a single cpeeifiea tiatl unlit, lb acc.ptabiu~ criterion Imaterial ●iknitid AS. SPECIAL PVOCEOURE POR APPLICATION .F MIXED VARIABLBSAlTT21BLfTES BA?APLJNG PLANS 8 -- I i i ● lu prwid=d ●ttrlbcuaa for -Wunpumg tbOM h ,T=tih A-S I I tin Miad w8*bl9Dphmm bon18 ad that az-t W#idk.] Amptm wwI&mc. oximta Condltlon A. W tbm produ ct cubmittod for iaapctioa IS ● mhctod by Ch #Upfli, Z tO meat tfM ,IWXiZ proee ● m Ikatlan ltmit(s) by ● ●creemlng f rmn ● Iarae r qus.mtity of product which 1. not being produced wltbln tba ,Pclfication A lot me of mcdm Ui* ●ccef%abi the fouo’wln’ Comtitiem. i. .*tL.fic.&. A. 7bo lot com~i4s variab14 ● ●cca*bllIty terlm of section B, C. or D. Camdltkm Ilmlt(al. ttn apprsprmta CodltiaQ B. warrant tb= mttributem •ara~i4is tbt Other condltiorm adst u, . of a .arlablac*-. Caa6itLm tbe A9.2 Definition.. 11.1.2 The Ist cmIPU*s of +tb pragrapb of bAIL-sTD-!05. A9.4. 1 U Condition A ia not ●atiefied, pro. coed iri accordance with tk ● tt tibute ● oM’l plirig plan to meet Condition B. A9.Z. 1 in.pactlom by Attrlbut8s. fnspectioa tba unit by ●ttribute. I* inwpectkoa wbardc. of product is Chsdfied simply m defective or mandcfectiwe with reapact to a given re 07 s.t of nqutrnmentm. A9.4.2 lf Condition B ia not cati;lied, the lot doe # not meet the 8ccepabilicy crlte rian. ● lnmP8c A9.Z.Z Mind Variabla ● -Attrib* tion. tinnd varimhle ● -attributes inmp8ction ~mgpcction of ● ●arnfie by sttributa ● . in ● ddition to inspection by variable. mmlready ●unple, before . demad. of ● previo.a e ki,on .ao ~o.,*: ca~qsi!iv.o r .*I- c-bili~ ~ ● M ctihmtie. ‘. ‘- A9.5 Se=rltY of Iaaopaetion. The proce❑ f m.pecti.m rel=rred to dures for .everity in ~rarraph A8 are net ●ppficsbl. for mixed Vaziable..attribum. inm~ction. NOTICEWhen Gouerrmtemt drawin#.. SPedfiCatiOmn, or othc.r data ● re u.e4 tar UIY prmme other than In connection wltb a definitely relamd Government procurement opa ratloa. thm Lbit.d States Gow rrunent tbe=aby imzur, no re. pm. ibility or my obligation wbtcoevcr; and the fact that the Co.ernnteztt may have form.latd. f.rnimbed. the ●aid Lrswiags, or In uIy way ●pplied ●wcificationa, or other data (* II@ t. ‘= rm~arded by implication or otherwime ● in mY m-e r licerming the tilde r or any otha r pcr*On or corporation, or conveying any u**. rights or p rmis. ion to m-nufbctufe, or ●ell aay patented invention thu may in mn7 =*T h ra~-td tbreto. of Samplirtc Plans. The A9.3 Selection miaad *arlable.. att YiS -plmg plan ●elected in UCOdUICe with thn stall h fcdlovim~ A9.3.1 Select M ● ccorduaca B. ●cceptabif ity crita rkm with crl - the vsrlableo #vnpliag plm with Section B, C, O, b. I I a — ror spd56d A03. va3u.eI a236q WiIhin mmu r-got Use thh AQl Vazue — to 0.049 0.04 0.050 to 0.069 0,O65 0.070 to 0.109 0.10 0.164 0.15 to 0.Z19 0.Z5 0.Z80 to 0.439 0.40 0.440 to 0.699 0.65 0.700 Ie 1.09 1.0 1.10 to 1.64 1.5 ).65 to 2.79 Z.5 2.80 to 4.39 4.0 4.40 to 6.99 6.5 7,00 to 10.9 10.0 11.00 to 16.4 15.0 O.lloto 0.165 m m ““” 6610 1JOIB35DF31 111 to 180 Be&c 181 to 300 Et 301 to 500 C32GIK 501 to 800 DFHJL 801 t“ 1.300 1.301 to 3.200 3.ZO1 to 8.000 m 8.001 to 2z,000 I I DFH_j EGIKL FHJLM Gl Lhi N HJMNO ample .i;e code letter. given in body of Uble ● re appli. abze when the indicated in●ptctim levelw are to be “med. 4 . - --,- I mL-sm-414 11 Smn 1* TABOpraCinC of t%cti~m A-S CtMW9. B, C, 4 for Sun@iD* Plan. D I -. I a !! OPERAllNG A.3 I Cures * — m?l~s p-i bed - ml,. +ti B 0“4!.- .V1.wlty “. SAMPLE SIZE COl)E LETTER “.o.lld* iq.k.llnl ) CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASEO ON STANOARO OEVIATIOM METHOO TABLE ;f W 4: ii! .4 -0 .—— TABLE .. A.3 . so 30 40 w M ‘m 00 w WARAC7ERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PUJ49 SASEO ON STANOARO OEVIATION METHOO 10 oPERAnNo .——. 100 ——. .— U%RATINO CW#fWTERISTIC . CURVES FOR SAMPUNO PLANS BASEO ON STANOARO OEVIATION METHOO ii~ ----- ‘0 bo w -0 # .—.__— TABLE h .3 10 I b, IQ * Ut Is#.ul M,I., rq!lmom - ●*9k“- w E 40 30 t9#wq pm, bed m mm,.dti w m”t I“tpn, ”, !m “.”l* 44,1, 1“1, I., - ..I.W, SAMFI-E SIZE CODE LETTER 1 a 40 IYERATINO CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASEO ON STANDARD 0EVIA710N METMOD ._ loo 1 [ corm f“ S*, nM-#An.u.O..,o . d Iuo9 k , m,t”b.+”, hl-,tWllrdcfhh-lMhh -rw. -94 A.3 SIZE cow BASEO * “,”(++ ,,uk,td ) ON STANOARO OWIATION ! OUAU1’V 0? W3Mt?lC0LOTS I 1.,.md 4./.,!1..) ?, “ LETTER F :, ,, ,19.1,b,,,d m .,”,. 9A,4 9.#t“- SWR_E OPERAnNG CHARAC~RISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PL;NS 7ASU t! .- METHOO .- .- A.3 wu QASED ON STANDAm $lTER F I Cenfh.edI , SIZE COW OPETiATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FO+7 SAMPLING PIANS TASU * OEVIATION ME I MOO 0 10 Ri loo A .3 _— .W1.bflllrw. “...lld+ S1ZE COOE LETTER G I C.*.B IV ..v96, p!ru b.n.d w <a’. ..IM •.~ l.- SiMFLE ) OPERATING CHARAC7ER15TfCCU17VESFOR SAMPLING PLANS 8ASEC ON STfi?!DLRD DEVIIITION METHOD TABLE :~ ii * l___ I x Ii A. ; %.- - - - ( h pod B-m, 1“9101. -d OUUllY Or SWMlllfO 10U G ( Con!lnwd) hv., m”, tihdb, I 8ASE0 ON STANOARO OWIATION SAMFLE SIZE CODE LETTER OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPUNQ PL+W TMLE -. METMOD w “ I tiwl & ,@h, ,h., H W4 know,.“i,blll!, “, SIZE CODE LETTER m ,,”,, 44 SAMFtE ,,,,d,+ wI.,IA ) WERATINQ CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASED ON STANDARD OEVIATION METHOO TABLE A-3 ----- * A.3 OPERATINO CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLIN6 PLANS BASEO ON STANDARD OWIATION METHOO TABLE . . -a m e I hi A.3 tlmt k.d m rm~. AA I -t h- .wI*WI, u. SAMP.-E S1ZE CODE LETTER .m..lhlb H.1..lrd ) CURVES FOR SAMF1.lNO PLANS SASEO ON STANDARD DEVIATIDN METHOD la st+q OPERAllNO CIWACTERISTIC TASLE ?s TABLE A -3 I ( Contllwl ) SAMPLE SIZE COOE LETTEfi OPERATINO CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLIN13PLANS BASED ., ON STANOARD OEVIATION METHOD A-3 ●w J O..*k-l .“lMI, SIZE COOE LETTER f Cnns for ‘u#l., ph. h,,d m m,, SAMW “, “Al+ b+’.w I OPERATINO CNAIIACTERISTICCURVES FOR SAMPUNO PLANS BASED ON STANOARO OEVIATII?N METMOD TAME ?& * E!j y I I O~RATINO A .,3 lb.., k M@”, ,1.., b.).t - SAMRE ( Is.,. AM##Lu.n,O-l.bill* J I Um “,-II* Iqwdmf ) 8ASErI ON STANDARD DEVIATION METNOD SIZE CODE LETTER CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLINIJ PL~NS TASK .- .—— I !3 TABLE 2 A. 3 { C-w, * K “a h.- W,bdll, w, ,,,,”1;4$ qulw.1”1j SIZE CODE LETTER ,1.@q ,1,., b,,d m ,..,; 4.* Sf+@LE OPERhTINQ CHARACTERISTICCURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASEO ON STANOARD OEVIATION METHOD ,,. g“ !! + 3 y .- h .3 { -t b *I h-i ~,, p-t ht., m- m lul\s - “ bm+tl. “4 i- K ( Cennn.t~) .9 ,“,,o,wz ●***W+ +!”.1-1 I dmltt,1“,!, 1- -d .ul.w~ SAMFLE SIZE COOE LETTER OPERATINO CMbRACTERISTICCURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASED 0:1 STANDARD DEVIATION METHOO TABLE ., f 1 c@ERAnNo A-3 t *8 f- Wt }1- b-d m m,, dn4 -8 in- L vul,blhtj w, cud!+ SAMFtE S1ZE CODE LETTER WIV,lon!I CHARACTERISTIC CURVES F(XI SAMPUNG PLANS BASED ON STANDARO DEVIATION METHOO TA9LE :x =!5 cmmo A.3 L t Con!h..d ) SAMFtE SIZE COOE LETTER CMbRACTERNWICCURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASED ON STANDAR5 DEVIATION METHOD TASLE o , A -3 Tli+n*d -W!* 9! 91UW * - * ,: ,“,,,,,,.. [ h ,,remtW.nil,. ) ,,nwdl,ll, ,,u(v,M } “, 8.,,,!,,,, O@,, c“.,, f- w,,, Lois ,,* hnwmvwl,blhl,w, of WBulmo ?&I,%f,~,,, m,-, ou4m 1“ ,,q,!h, ,hns b,,,d m ,,.9, ,A,b mmaItofbl,npwl,* $.h h “01...19 ul - s 4 419!?IM-. I h,,, !4” SAMPLE SIZE CO@E LE TTEII OIWMTINO ChARACTERISTIC CUfWES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASED ON ST.ANOAROOEVIATION METHOD TABLE ~y Cm$ a :!E ~f gln I A -3’ m+dall?--dtiwr-eh etiti—rti-1, mb9md d b- * “ ● lnwm il m,, ~., Wm I ?0?snplhl, ,19.s b-d 604 “d i.- ..rl.bnll, “. “m!h!lf @!mlWd) * - ..9 k+. 0“.l,t, L“.1. 4- W.*I h+.,llo... of WSM171C0 1.079 { 1.ptm! 4.1..!1.,I m ““,0 M ( Contln..d ) SAMPLE SIZE CODE LETTER OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASEO ON STANDARD DEVIATION METHOO TABLE ... ,. .. . A .3 thl*. dm#w9*s!h**-t.4 bh -=@-nM-h.b9..9wwnl8 . -d 94e h , 4 4M”MI., f I&w, b ,udq w., nw, - - LOU ,,, ”l,tq ~.,.di,,, ) M*,*,*).” I I I. ,,,,”1 I .“l.b.t,l, “. “. 0“.!1!,1“,1, t. “-”, aumm or woumo ,!,”, b,,.d m ,,”,, “Ihd -4 t.- N SAMFtE SIZE CODE LETTER OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FIX? SAMPLING PLANS BASEO ON STANOARD OEVIAilON METHOO TASLE A. S OPERAllNQ CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPUNG PLANS GASED ON STANOARO OEVIATION METHOO_.. TAGLE m A.3 i G“, 1“ a+, ,Im, $,,,4 m ,,.,. 44 o ON STANDARD DEVIATION METHOD W,,.bdlt,w SAMPLE SIZE COOE LETTER DPERATING CHARACTERISTICCURVES FOR SAMPUNG PLANS BASED TABLE .. . -. .— -—-—-—. r5 TASLE A .3 I Cnrm fw “w-q PIM1bm.d m r9ng.4M -4 k.- O I Contln.*d) v“i.bill!, “. SAMPtE SIZE CODE LETTER .,,,.lhl~ qll.,1-l I OPERAnNG CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAMPLINO PLANS BhSED ON STANDARD DEVIATION METHOO -—— B A. 3 W +., d lb ,Wcmld It, *ml*4 1,“ -w. **ti .,-,, . *4 d M k , 4M”MI* t C4WW8 t- ,qll., ..fbti .,, &.cu vwl.btit+,,,, ,,,.”1,+ MA) f,~,,, 0! unu “. ,,.,..1”1 ) kr@.b!. Owl,!, L,.,t, t- w.,+ b!,,.,,,o”, 9UALIT7Of 9u9Ul~D LOTS I 1.,,,w,TI d,f,,l),, I ,Im, b.,.d m rq. P SAMFtE S! 2E COOE LETTER OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR SAhiPLINQ PLANS BASED ON STANOARO oEVIATION METHOO TABLE .i : !/ d: gi ~15 lbdat?l-wddbf,-?-abb ---**”O--*, Wdd-b@--dak$*Mm “ ( e--m 1- -I A .3 m Ire,, d -4 i“- I Conllnwd1 .“kbllllj “, “oatId+ tq.lnl.! ) lb,,, nw,., - -. “. k~,.,,. 0,.1!,, L“.1, I- -..1 In,,,,,,..l. OUALIWOr SWUl17t0 101S I 1.,.r.m$ #.1..lh.1 )Iul W P SAMPLE SIZE COOE LETTER CURVES FOR SAMPLING PLANS BASED ON STANOARO OEVIATION METHOO TABLE .—— _ _ a d a -.woM*ubal k -,,. * d mmkuilm~tibl,~,,bb -04 A -3 41,+.MI.. .“i,blmy ,,,m,, W., flpt .I - d,, _“,.,!M! W. IWI~ L...l, l,, f.x.,1 I,TV,,I,W 1 OUAUW OP $uBMITrCo LOTS ( h ,.,,,”9 ,.1,,1,.,) Q I Cuml fw t.wh”, 01,”,},,.4 m f.”,, ..*W .. . b.“, ) RA5E0 ON 5T,ANDAR0DEVIATION METHOC SAMFtE SIZE cooE LETTER opERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES ,FOR SAMPLING PLY TASK ,.$, TASLE ., A.3 I h, f- ,+*, ,S.., b.,d 01 ,,.,. dti ) mm,bin.., .whb,hly Q ‘( Cm fln.,d “. ,,,4+ w@vdcd I BASED ON STANDARO DEVIATION METHOD SAMPLE S1ZE COOE LETTER OPERAllNQ CHARACTERli~lC CURVES FOR SAMPLING PIANS ., B SSCTIW VARIABIIJTY uNKNowN-sTANDAmf Parf SINGLE S1. SAMPIJNG PLAN FOR SPECIFICATION LXM!’T SINGLE B1.1 Use of SamPtinfl PlaJw. To determin. whsther the lot me=t. the ● ccept ability criterion with respect to ● particular quality cfuracteristic a.ud AQL. -Iue. the applicable campling plan shafJ be uced with lb. proviaionm of S.c in ● ccordance uc.n A, Generai Description of Samplmg Plan. .-d th.. e in %hi, part Of th. Standard. B 1.2 Drawi..qof Samplem. AfI .amplew ● hall be drawn in accordance -’th paragraph A7. Z. of Sample Size Code B1. 3 Determination ●zce cod ● letter ●ha ~. Th e .smpla be selected from Table A-Z in ● ccordance with parasraph A7. 1. SELSCTING THE SAMPLING WHEN FORhf 1 IS USED I SPEUF3CAT10N Thi. pArl Of the Standard deocribe. the procedure* for us. whh plani for ● oingle ape .ifiution limit when variability y of fhe lot with re.pect to the quality charae%eri. deviation tic i. unknown ● nd the .tandard method ia u#ed. The acceptability criterion i. given in two equivalent iorm9. Tbeoe are identified as Form 1 -d Form.2. B2 DEvlAnoN LUA3T BS. Z.2 Accepu bility brmant. The acc.pc.gtotbemundility corutaaf k. correewmt ple size mentioned ia pnagraph B2.2.1, ia indicmed in the column of the nuster table cor re~pmxling to tbe applicable A(2L value. Table B-1 i. entered from the fop for normal inopecfion ● nd from the bottom for tightened inspection. Sampling plum for reduced inspection are providd_ in Table B-2. B3. LOT-BY-WT ACCEPTABILITY PROCEDURES WHEN PURIM 1 LS USEI? B3. 1 Acceptability Criterion. Tbe degree of conformance of ● q uafit y cb8ractericti c limit with respecf lo ● single specification .W1 be judg.d by th~, qusntity (u-XJI* or fl-L)/i.. B 3.2. Corn tatien. TtIt following quantity .haff b(“-X)/’ ., (x-L)/., d,pendiagon whether the specification limit i, ~ qper or lower limit, +ere U L X . i. ii. i. tk upper specification limit. tbe lower specification limit, the sample mean. and de.rlatioa. the ● .tirnate of lot ●sn&rd PM B3.3 Acc ability Crite rfon. BZ. 1 Maater sampling Tables. Th= muter ●anmlmn tables for mlana based or. -riabilit~ -MI for ~ ●ingle specification limit vben using the ctaadard deviation Table B- I method ● re Tables B-1 .nd B-Z, in .m=d ler norm.] and tighter.ed iriapection art< Table B - Z for reduced imspeetioit. M. B 2. Z Obtaining the Sa?nPlinK PIan. The .mnpl.tig plan .1 ● .unple .i.e 8d m ● ~nociafed ●Cc.eptability COtI.unt. 1 The sampling plan i. obtained from Mater Table B-1 -, B-.?. The foLIowfnr ‘soP* =~u... t.. . . mllowed: B2.2.1 Sam Ie Sise. The #ample .ise ●houm m tabl - eo.-.. p-.fing ~ t e ma.,.. .-.1. ..cnple ●ice cute tetter. Z* *O Cumpare the abifttywmst-nt k. ff (u-x)/m or (x- f.)/a ia equal to .ar gre8ter tlun k, the lot meets the =cc~tiIf.fty criterion: if (U-X)1.** (X-f-)1~ ia Uu8 k or nerative, 3hrm the M &es not meef the •=e~llity criterion. t31JM3tMRY FOR ~~MNG PLAN OPXRATION WREN FORM •~marise OF s m ‘he PrO - (1) Daterrnirw the sxmple .i.ecode lti ter from Table A-2 by uming the let sise and in.pccfion leeel. MIL-m-414 11 Jt333e1957 (2) Obfai. Pk. from Mamer or B-z by .eleeting the sample the ac..ptabill$y constant k. cpecifteation limit. The percentage of Macoaforming product is cstimattd by wiieria’ T~le B-5 with the quglity index and the sample ● ize. Tab)= B-1 size n and of n (3) Select at random the sampl= lrorn the let; inspect ● nd record the mea. urernem of she quality characteristic fer each utiit of the sample. unit. B6. Z GE-I utatio” of Qtufit ~-lity~-X)~rnpE~ if the specification limit i. ● a upper limit U, or OL . (X- L)/t if it is a Io-er Jimit L. Th* quaatitie.. X ● md s. ● re the ●arnpl. mean ● nd e.timm e of lot standard deviation. respectively. (4) Cmnp.te the s.mpIe mean ~ and dcvistic.n . . and estimate of lot sts”dard ● ISO compute the quantity (u-X)1. for an u per specification limit V or the q~ntity lids 3.. A-L)/. for ● k.wer .peciticatio~ 15) M the quantity (u-X)/s or (X-W. i. equal co or greater than k, the 10I meets criterion: it’ (u-X)/. or the ●c.ept.bilicy thes the (X-L)/. i. [e.. (ha--- k or negative, lot doe’ rwtmeel Iheaccepttii lily criterion. B5. SELECTING THE SAMPL3NG WNEN FOfUd Z 5S USED ~e -ii-t-d P.,. em d.f=~tiin d the upper specification limit, or by ?z.. th. estimated percent defective below the lower .pecifi catian limit. Tbe ● stimated Pc*.=.: defective PU or PL i. obtained by enterina Tabk B-5 with Ou or QL and the ●ppropriate ●anple size. W. lot P2AN ●bove S35.1 h4asccr Sampling Table.. Th. ma. ter .ampJmg tables for plans based onvariabil ity unknown for a single specification limit when using the m~nd-rd deriatitm method sre Table. B-3 ● nd B-4 of Part If. Tsble B-3 is used for normal a“dai~htened inmpec eion and Table B-4 .fc.r reduced.inspection. 336.4 Acceptability Criterion. Gmpare the estimated lot pereent deIectivepU or pL with the maximum allowable percent defective M. U PU Or Pl, 1. eqUf to or leas thn U, the if Pu lot rneets the acceptability criterion; or p~ is greaier than M or if Qu or Q is ,negative, then the 10: does not meet \he acceptability criterion. the Sampling Plan. B 5.Z Oblainin~ The sarnpli”~ plan co. ss.ts of . .unpl. ,Ize and maximum alk.w=ble percent sn ● ssociated da$eclive. The samplin~ plm i. obtained from MaDter Table B-3 or B-4. B7. SIJ71SMARY FOR OPERATION SAMPL3NG PL.AN WHEN PORM USED The fellc.rnng step. .umrnariz.e cedure. to be fallc.u.ed, 65.2.1 Sample Size. T)M ●mnple mice n is ● hewn m the ma. tcr table cortespendin~ 10 each sam>le .iz. code letter. OF 2 3S the pro- (1) Determine the ●mple .i=e code let ter from Table A-2 byu. ing the lot size md the inspection level. 135..?.Z Maxim. mAllow8ble Percent De fee● llowable p.=. ent det$ve. The ● stimate. correspond. =live M for ample img to the .unple size m=nt ioned in pa:agrmph 95.2.1 is ittdicated in the column of the nm.ter table .xxre.pondiytg to the ●Pplic=ble AOL value. Tabl. B-3 i. =nt=,.d from tbe top for normal inspection -d from the bottom lo, lsghter.ed in. peetion. Sam -li>g plan. lcIr reduced inspection ● rm prov-l d ea ,. ~a~,e ~-,. (Z) Obtain plan from Master T=ble B-3 or B-d by .elecfi.~ the .unple .ixa n attd the maximum allowable percent defective M. (3) Select ● t random the #ample of n unit. frmn the Iof; inspect UId record the m.asurernemt of the quality charact. rimic cm each .unh of the ●ample. (4) Cmnpute3h= sample mean X arid the ectimale of lot .ta”dard devfatian . . (5) Compute the quality index Q Jfi: limit (U-X)/ * if ● n upp. r .pe.ific.tie,. ●P.*ified. or OL = (x. L)/. if ● lctwerspec iiication 1;...;. L <. snecif; ed. B6.1 Acceptability Criterion. The dc~ree of conformance Of a quallty characteristic limit with respect m ● ai.ngle specification hall b, judged hy the percent of rmnem-, Iorm,ng product outsidt the upper or low+r %. Ex_pie B. z for .a cemplete (6) Det~rmb-Ic the estimated lot pereent de fecnive pu er pL from Table B-5. ●xample of thb. prOc*dure. :38 Mu.-sm4l4 11 Juoe 19S7 U Orif QuOr C3~ is aepti e, then the lot doe. ml meet the ●ccepmbi r IIY criterion. fi) ff the e.timated lot percerndefective PU Or PL i. ~ud to or 1... than the maxi. mum .dlowable percent defective M. the lot if PU Or PL meet. the ●$ty criteriom EXAMPLS Exmnple Single Variability ExAmple Limit-Form - Standard I Deviation Method of operation for ● cer:aindevic. i. .pecifi.d ● . .?09” F. The rn.timum temperature A lot of 40 item. i. submitted for inspection. Zn. pection Z-evel IV, normal inspection, with AQL = 1-% i. to be u, cd. From Tables A-2 ● nd B-1 i! i. aee : that a marnplc 01 sise 5 i. required. Suppose the measurement. obtained are ● . <c.11ow.: 197.. 188-, 184” ,205-, and ZOl ‘: and compliance wfth the acceptability criterion i. 10 be determ%nea. Line .— Information 1 Sample ~ Sum of Z.@.ur.m..t.: 3 Sum of Squared 4 Correction 5 Corrected 6 Variance (V): 1 Estimate of Lat Standard 8 Sample 9 Specification Si. e: Value Needed Explanation Obta{ned n 5 Me,, Factor 975 IX ureznentn: (CF): XX2 190,435 (I X)z/n Sum of Sqmre. (SS): s“X~CF 190,435 - 190,125 310 77.5 Deviation .: 310/4 8.S.1 fi -s I 95 Mean X: ZXln Limit (975)2/5 190,125 SS/(n-1) (upper): The quantit~ w-X)/c II Aecept~iIity &natant: k lZ Acceptiility Criteriozx f2mpare 97515 209 u 10 1.5.9 The lot rneetm the .cceptabiltty NOTE: of Calcufatio.s Speci!icatlon Unknown B-1 1.53 w-X)/O criterion. with k mince (U. ~)/s 1.59> 1.s3 [209 - 195)/S .81 S.. Table B-1 See Par&. B3.3 is ~remt=r than k. limit L is given. fhen compufe If ● ■ingle lower spcffieat{on Iin. 10 -d com~re il with k, the lot meet. the =ccept8bility equal to or greafer than k. the q~ntilY ~-~)f~ *rii=.iQn. if (~-Ll/* in is I !. M2~-414 11 June 1957 Single Specification Variability CUmple I ! Unknown Inforrntiion J Sample z Sum .3[ Mea. urcme.ta: 3 Sum ef Squared 4 Correction 5 Corrected Size: Method XX 7 Estimate of b: 8 Sample (CFh 9 Specification Standard 2ndmc ‘“t” b’ 13 Acceptability au ‘ercen’ T3U let rmet. the lX~CF Deria:icm .: fl Criterion: 310/4 8.81 J-7X5 195 97515 Z09 u 1.59 . (u-x),, D’*”’ 190.435 - 190,1Z5 310 77.5 (upPer): A21mv=ble Percent Mu. (SS): (975)2/5 190,125 (IX)zln ZXln Limit O~lity 1?, 190,435 1X2 SS/(n-11. Mean X: tkpl .nati.n 975 Measurement.: Sum of Squares (v): ‘f Vmlue Ob:.ined Needed 5 F=ctor .V.4@I<. NOTE: - Standard Detiation n 6 11 ,? The maximum temperature of operation for ● certain device is specified ● s 209” F. 2nspection Uvel IV, normal inspecA JOI of 40 items is ●ubmilted for inspection. tion, with AOL = 1% in 10 be u.ed. From Table- A-2 and B-1 it i. .een that a sample of .ize 5 is required. S.ppome the measurements obtained art ● . follow.: 197., 188-, 184.,205-, and 201 ‘; and compliance with the acceptability criterion in to be deter rnitied. Lime — 10 Limit-Form .Z.19% % De:.: M Compare ●cccptablzsty critarion, 3.32% Pu vilh ●6nce M 2.19% < 3.32% pu is 1.-0 tti (Z09-195]/8.81 S.. Table B -5 .%. Table B-3 See Para. B6.4 M. U a sin@. lower specification limit L is Siven, then compute the quality index OL = PL rnth (X-L)/s i“ line 10andobuLn the ● .timate of lot percent defective p . Compar. M; the lot meets the acceptability criterion. it pL is equal to 0? 1C*S lbn M. - -- -—--M I ... I TABLE B-1 Standard Deviatiom Methc.d MIster Table Far Normal &.d Ti~htened fn. pectlo. for PlaIJs Based on Variability [Single Specification Limit– Form 1) Acceptable ( Sample size code Gi- letter ,10 k B k .25 .40 T kk .CVCIS (normal m k inspection) 1.50 2.s0 4.00 k k k 1.12 .958 m k .765 10.00 15.00 T k k .566 .341 .617 .393 .67S .4s5 .7s5 .516 .82n .611 .886 .664 .917 .69s E 7 F 10 t — i — G 15 2.64 2.53 l-k 34 20 2.69 2.58 2.47 25 2.72 — 2.61 2.50 11.40 !3..26 2.14 1.98 — 1.85 1.72 1.53 1.35 1.14 .936 .71,? J 30 2.73 2,61 2.51 2.2.9 2,15 2.00 1.86 1.73 1.55 1.36 1.1s .946 .723 K 35 1.17 .?.65 2,54 1.76 1.57 1.39 1.18 .969 .145 L 40 2.77 — ?.,66 — 2.5s 1.58 1.39 1.18 + .971 .746 c 5 D g ,15 +k - allty .— .65 Unknown ,1 - L I 2.00 ).15 1,62 1.50 1.33 1,;l 5 .955 .?.24 2.11 1.98 1.04 1.72 1.58 — 1.41 1.23 1.03 2.3?. 2.2o 2.06 1.91 t.79 1,65 1.47 1.30 1.09 2.24 ,?,11 1.96 1.8.? 1.69 1,51 1.3) 1.12 I 2.36 2.41 I 2.45 .3.44 2.69 2.58 150 2.96 Z.84 2.13 2.61 zoo 2.97 — 2.85 2.73 2.6.? .065 .10 -t.15 .25 o 100 L .814 .874 2.80 2.90 1.01 I .07 2.92 75 1,17 1.24 2.55 N + 1.34 1.40 2.66 2.71 1.45 — 1.53 2.77 2.83 $ 1.65 2.5o 50 Q 2.42 v k 1.88 2.6o 5.4 P 1 7 --t- 1 2.31 2.18 2.03 2.31’ — 2.18 2.03 2.35 2.22 2.41 1..99 . . 1:76 2,08 1.89 — 1.93 1.80 1.61 1.42 I.ZI 1.00 .774 2.27 2.12 1.98 1.84 1.65 1.46 1.Z4 1.03 .ao4 2.43 2.29 2.14 2.00 1.86 — 1.67 1.48 i.26 1.05 .819 2.47 a.33 7,1! 2.03 1.89 1,70 1.51 1.29 I .07 .841 2.47 2.33 2,1[ 2.04 1.89 1,70 1.51 1.29 1.07 .845 .4o i .65 I ,0( — AcceptableC alit, 1.50 — ,fVela Z.50 4.00 6.50 ,0.00 . i I 5.00 lightened inspectio! A21AOL wdue8 ye knpercent de-a. [Irst tunpllq plan belcw ●rrow, that is, both sample OIZ.Sas well ao k va2ue. When nample sise equdt er e=ceedo lot ,V.V ,tern hth. lot must be inspected. 1:::, ~~ TABLE 23-2 “Standard Deviallm Method ~E Maater Table for Reduced lnmc.ectimfor Plana Breed On Varlabilitv Unkmwm (Single Sp’ Litnit-F. rm I ) I I I SampIe Code latter m “Ac Sunple size size .04 I I .06S I .10 -L .15 x.— k k — — D 3 E 3 T 4 — G 5 i Zoo H 7 1 10 J 10 K 15 Z.53 Z.4Z L Zo Z.58 — u Zo 2.58 N 25 z.61 0 10 P 50 -i- * T Q 75 4,00 6.50 i65i k k k .165 J+~~ .566 .141 1.12 .958 .765 .566 .141 _— 1.12 .958 ,76$ .564 .141 I,lz .95.9 ,165 ,566 .341 I .— 1,45 —. 1,65 1.51 I — 1.34 — 1.17 1.01 ..914 ,617 .393 — 1.40 1.Z4 1.07 .874 ,675 ,455 .955 .755 .536 t 1.$8 i.75 1.62 1.50 1.33 1.15 1.84 1.7Z . 1.72 1,58 1.41 1.23 1:01 .828 .611 1.50 1.41 1.23 1.03 .828 II .664 Z.11 Z.)z Lzo 2.06 1.91 Z.47 z.16 Z.Z4 — Z.11 — :.96 Z.47 Z.36 .LZ4 Z.11 1.96 Z.50 2.40 2.Z6 2.14 1.90 2.Z8 — .?.!5 — 2.00 — Z.Y5 2.ZZ Z.08 Z.41 2.27 2.IZ — I k .— .958 Z.Z4 Z.11 EEE Z.50 l.lz 1.9a — 1.9a z t-t uality Levelo .40 —. k —. !.84 * k -1-d 1.79 1.6S 1.47 1.30 1.09 ..986 1.8Z 1.69 1.51 1.11 I.lz .91? 1.8z 1.69 1.51 1.33 I.lz .917 .695 1.85 I I,7Z 1.51 1.35 1.14 .936 .712 1.86 1.73 — 1.55 —- 1,36 .— .946 .72J 1.91 1.80 1.61 1.4Z 1.15 — I.zl 1.00 ,114 1.98 (.84 —— 1.65 1.46 1.24 1.01 .80$ .— All AQLvm3ues ● re in percent defective. f2rotdunplln,g plmbelowtrrow. that it, both mm-qde nize no well •~ kvalue. ~~;;, e,:,, ,,,m i“ the ,0, lll”,t t., ,mpetted. .695 — Whertaemple oize equal, or exceed. lot I Part DOUBLE S8. SAbfPLLNG PLAN SPECIFICATION ~ FOR SPEC337CATZ034 DOUBLE This part of the Stan-dard describe. the procedures for use with plain for ● double specification limit when variability of the lot with re.p. ct to the quality cluracteristic i. unknown and the standard deviation method is used. I Bfl.1 use of Sampling Phm.. TCI determine whether the lot meets the ●cceptability criterion with respect to a particular quality characteristic a“d AQL value(.) the applicable campli”g plan ●ha31 be used in accordanc. with the provisions of Section A, General Description of Sampling Plans, and those in this part of the Stamdard. B9. SEIJ2CTI?JG THE SAMPLING n PLAN A sampling pJa. for each AOZ. value .hall. be ● elected from Table B-3 or B-4 m [C.;J”WS: B9. 1 Determination of Sample .Stze Code ktter. The .arnple i.. cone letter .hal; be selected imm Table A-Z in ● ccordance with paragraph A7.1. B9. Z Maater Sampling Table.. The master satnplmg table. for plum based on variability .“kt-mwn for a double specification limit when using the standard deviation mctbod are Tables B-3 and B-4. Table B-3 i. u.ed 10. normal and tighlened ir.spection amd T=ble B-4 for reduced impectiom B9. 3 Obtaining Sampling Plan. A sampling da” .— consists of a .arrml. ..ze and the assoeiated maximum allowable perceni defective(s). The sampling plan to be ●pplied i. inspection shtil be ob-iaed from WSter Table B-3 or B-4. B9.3.1 Sample Size. The .unple #ize o is tablas correape=ding show” in the mater tO each sunple size cod. letter. B9.3.2 M-.imum Allowable Percent Defec. percem *. T h. maximum allowable defective for #ample estinuLe. of de fe. civ. for the Icxmr. upper, or both .pec. ificatiori limit. combined, corresponding to the sample .ize mentioned ia paragraph f39.3.10 in shown in the COhmm of the masto the applicable ter table corresponding AQL value(s). U different AOL, S ● re a.sign=d to each .pe cification limit, de.ignmfe 3XM3’I the maxfzmIM tiowable percent de fecfivc by ML for the lower limit, mad by M for fhe upper limft. If one AOL is asci~e 3 to both IiAt. contbi.ed. designate the timum Ulowable percerd d-f% by ht. Table B -3 i. ● ntered from 3be 30p for marnul flupection and from the bottom for tisbtaaed fLlWpecffon. Samp3fng pfuu for reduced fnspect.ien ● re provided io Table B -4. B 10. DRAwU?G OF SAMPLES Sample# shall ance with paragraph B11. ;:&-.o;&O be elected A7.2. T in accord- ACCEPTABILITY . B 11.1 Acceptability Criterion. The degree 01 Conformaa Ce or a WlA3ity elaaractcria3fc with re. pect to m doubje mpacification limit .hafl be judged by the percent of r.onconform% P.tiuct. The percentage of manconforrn img product i. e.timated by entering Table B-5 with the quality index and fhe’.ample .ize. U L X s is ia is is the upper specification limit, the lower sp.cificacion limit, the sample mea., and tkm estimate of lot standard deviation. B 11.3 Pere=nt Defective i. the Lat. The aualitv . . of a lot shall be cx~r.a~terms of the lot perc=nt deiecti~c. Ita estimate +33 be de.i~ted by p~. PUO Or P. me iadicsten cmifornunce with :::;52ptL upper .Pe.tllctiorl limit, PF w.ilh .e. pee: to fbe lowez .pecifiutio. lima . -d P for both .Pecifiati.n limiteombimed. The emtimstea p mid p r=.pec bedetermined by wIterins + ● ble B- Y . ‘w’ tively +f.h QL and f)” md the sample ● isc. The eotinute p Zhmfzbe determined by ●dding the corresponding ectinuted percent defective- pL and p“ found in the tible. B12. ACCEPTABILITY CRITERION SUMMARY FOR OPERATION SAMPLING PLANS B 12.1 be AOL value for Lower s’ ecxlncatson Lwm both Upper umd. AND OF and MI L-STD-414 11 JurIe 1957 tdu, the lot meets the ●ccepubi.fityc riteria; otberwimm, the lot doe. not nwet the ace~. abf3ity criteria. U .mither QL or Qv or botb are me~tiive, then the 101does not meet the acceptability criteria. B 12.1. I Acceptability Criterion. 4 Carapare the ● stimated lot pe.rcatt delective P = PW + ● llowable p=rcent PL with the maximum d. fective M. 11p in ●qual to or less tfun M, the lot meets the accepmb{lity criterion: if p is grcatertban Mor ii eifher Qu or QLor ,then the lot does not meet both ● re n.@ive the ●cceptability criterion. BIZ.Z.2 SurnmaryfOr Opertiianal Sampffrt& Plan. 3n ca. eg where ● t erenf AOl. walue ~stablished le. the upper and lawer .pec ification limit for ● single quality cfuract=r istic, the following steps sunururi’e the procedures to be US=CL B 12.1.2 Summary lor Operation of Samplin# Plan. In cases where a ●m.glc ACfl. value is ~lished for the .tmer and lower .pccifi cation limit combined for ● .in81e quality characteristic, the following mtep. ■umma rize the procedures to be used (1) Deterrninethe ample .izecod= letter from Table A-2 by twin, the lot size and fnspectimt level. (1 ) Delerminc the ample size code letter [rem Table A-2 by “sing the let .i%e ● nd the iriap. ction level. (2) Select plan from Master Table B-3 or 8-4. Oblain the ample size “ ● nd the maximum allowable percent defective M. ‘(.?) Select the sampling plan from Master Table B-3 arB-4. Obtain the.ampfe .ize . and the maximum allowable percent defective Mu and M’. corr=apondi.g to the AOf. va2ues for the upper and lower specification limft., respectively. (3) Select ● t random the sample .af “ unit. Imrn the lot: i.sp. ct and r-cord the mea. ur. merit of the quality characteristic on each unit O( the amp]=. of (3) Select .1 random the ..ntple fr.rn tie lot; ia. pe.t and =ecord the meas”remerd of the quality cfur. cterimtic on each unit in the .mrIple. rnesn X (4) Compute the ●mple and c.timltc Of lc.t .tand=rd dcviatic.n s. (4) Compute the sample mean X and estimate . 10I .tamlard deviation s’. ,, (5) Compute the quality QU = (u-X)/. and QL= (X. L)/,. (5) Compute the quality Qff = (u-X)1. and OL = (x- L)/a. p.,r.n: B-5. n unite indices (6) Deterrniae tbe estimsted lot percent defective ~ and p~, correspandiag \othe percent defective* shove fhe upper and below the lower .peciIscaticm limit-. A2eodetermi”e the combin.d percent delec tive p = pu 4 p~. (6) Determine the estimated lot d. fecfiv. P = PU + PL from Table (7) lf the e.tirnated lot percent defective p i. equal tc. or 1,.. than the maxim● llowable ptzcen% defective M, the )ot um criterion; if p is meet, the ●cceptability ur.~t=, th=n M Or if either W or QL bolhar. ne~.tive, then the 101doe. not met the ●cceptability criterion. B] 2.2 Different AOL Valueo Lower specification Limit. for Upper ittdice. (7) 11all tbre=of the f.dlowin~ corl- dition.: (a) ~ % and i. equal t. 0? 1... thll ● ~] PL !9 =LNJ81tO 0, h.. t3UII ‘L. B 12.2.1 Accernability Crit’eria.5 Gmpare th. e.tirnated 101 fJC,C.llt dd ectives pL and PU with the cm? rntimum allow. able p.rcem defective. M compare p = F.L + Pu wfth tke%~#~fa?L and Mu. If pf, i. ●qual to or Iesn than htL, PO i. =qu*: to or le.. than MII. and P im .@al to or 1.*s than the larger ‘of ML “and +S.. *W Etimple Example larger of ML (c) p is equal to orlemmthanfbe ● nd btU, are sati. fied, fh= lot meet. the ●cceptabifhy criteria; ofhe=wi. e the lot does mat meet the acceptability criteria. ff either OL or Gff or both ● re negatiwe, then the lot does not tne=t tbe acceptability e=iter ia. B. 3 {or . cmnplete ●xample of ibis proc.dure. B.4 lot a cmmpl=te exatnple of thfs procedmre. 42 Z41L-STD-414 Ii June 1$S7 3SXAZ4PLC I i Example I I Double VariabiNty spa Mlutino Ltmtt and Lower Zkuiaticm M.thod Specification. Limit Cmmbined Tbc minimum temperature of operation for a c=rtAtn device 48 speetfied 8.180- F. The h 209” F. A lot of 40 item. i- submitted for imopection. 3nmpection Level 3V. normal in.pect(on, wtth AOL. s 1% im to be ..d. From Tablam Suppo*e the A-2 and B-3 it is neen that s sample of ●i=e 5 is zequird 197”, 188”, 1M., 205”, md 201 -; ● nd cmnpliuw. mcntm obtained ● re 8. fof30w.: with the acceptability criterion i. w b. determined. E-de 1’ 1’ I of Cdcu3ati0nm ?.bbnamn . Stutdard AQ L Value far both Upper 0.. E-+ Znforrnatian Line — Needed 1 Sample 2 Sum 01 Measu.. mant.: 3 Sum of Squared Measurement: 4 Correction 5 Corrected 6 Variance (V): 7 Estimate of Lot St&rd s Sample 9 Upper Sise: Factor ICF): SS/(n- 975 SX 310 (SS): XX~C~ 190,435-190.125 77.5 1\ Deviation s: & 310/4 m 8.81 195 Limit: U 209 LitnAt: L 180 Lowe r Specification II QtuIity 12 C3udity tid=: 13 Eat. of L9t Percen5 hf. 14 Est. Z)ef. below 15 Tataf 16 Max. 17 Acceptability p~ with M 9?5)5 Qu - (U-X)/s 1.59 (zo9-1951/ OL = & 1.?0 (195-180)/8.81 of Lot Percent E81. Pe.rcm13 hf. Nlowable lot meet. (975)2/5 190,125 ~1. Specification Index: 190,435 XX2 (2x)z/n Sum of Squarca Mean ~: Explanation s n 10 ‘3& Value Obtained Percent Criterion: the L)I. Ab0V8 U: L & La& Da f.: PL p = pu + pL P . Pu + criterion. Ante .%- Table B-5 .64% See Tablm B-5 2.85% 2.19% + .66% 3.32% 3.4 Compare ●cceptability 2.1 9% % 2.85% < 3.3.2% P s Pu + PL i. 1=. s t~ See Table B-3 See Para. 812.1.2 (7) M. ,.. 43 — m&6w14 11 Jone 1957 EXAMPLE Exampl* Example of cazcU2Mf0m DOnbla Spcffiuti.=n Z.imtt Uakm Deviation Vari&i3fty Different B-4 AQ3. Value. - 5tsadard ior Upper and Luwer Method Specification l.imitc The minimum temparamre of optra3foa for ● certiin dewice i. .pecified ● - 180- F. The rnu5mumtempQ=a3ure ii 209” F. A lot of 40 items in subrnkted for inmpm=3ion. L=v=l Iv, normal imW=CCICQI.--I* ACZL = 1% foI *= upper -d ~~ = From Tables A-Z and 23-3 it 2.5% for tha 10uer specification limit is to be used. Suppcme the measurements obtained is ●.en that . sample of sise 5 ia required. are aa follows: 197. , 188. , 184”. 205”, and ZOI. ; and compliuce with the acccpt ability criteria i. 10 be determined. Information ~ Vat.. Needed Obtain. d 5 1 Sample z Sum of Mesmmements: 3 Sum of Squared 4 Correction 5 Corrected b Variance (V): 7 Estimate of Z.ot Stam&rd k Sample Me= 9 Upp=r Specification Limit: w Z09 10 Lower Limit: L ,1s0” 11 CluaIity 3ndex: Q“ lZ OAity (ZL = (X. fJ/. 13 Est. of z.&4 Percenf 14 Eat. of f..of Percent Def. is Total E.;. lb Mu. Allowfahlc Pereent Def. •bov~ U: MU 17 Mu. Allowable Def. below ML la Acceptability Size: n 975 ZX Meaour.m.mta: Factor (CF): 190.435 XXZ (SSh Deviation s: P. rcent &f. Percent Criteria: ~e lot meet. tbE pL<MLsndp<LtL. m 8.61 fi 97515 195 . (u-X)/o DA 31OI4 71.5 XXln Specification 190.435-190,125 310 lX~CF SS/(n-1) X W75)215 190.125 (ZX)2/n Sum of Squares index: Explanation ● hove U: ~ belsw k. PL [209 -195) /6.s1 1.70 (195 -180) /n.81 2..19% See Table B-5 .64% see Table 2.85S in Lot,: p . PU ● pL & 1.s9 9.00% (s) Comp-rc PU 2.19%. @) ;;;p;f pL .bf+ < 9.80% (c) Compare Wifh ML p Z.esn c 9.80% ●cceptability criteria. ●be 44 18(s), 3.3.?% (b); ad (c)are B-S 2.19% + .6W See Table B-3 See T*1. B-3 See Para. Blz. z.z(7 )(a) see Psra. BIZ. Z.2(7)(bj S.. Para. BIZ..2.Z(7)IC) •ati~fied; i.-.. PU ~ .15 0.280 O.zo 4 .10 0.119 0.110 0.17 9 0.16 3 0.14 7 0.14 s 0.13 4 0. ;3 5 .06 5 15 Zo Z5 30 35 40 50 75 I00 150 zoo G H I J K L M N o P Q All AQLandtablcvsluet 0..294 0.250 0.155 10 r 0.Z9 3 0.31 7 0.33 0 “.25 7.15 5.57 5.5B 5.20 3.70 3.72 3.45 Z,68 z.71 1.87 .40 x 0.945 I .00 1.50 15.00 14. IZ 14.ZO 14.75 15.13 15.87 a 10.00 6.5o 4.00 Z.50 — ;htem insrmcticml 9.81 6.53 4.40 Z.04 1.4Z 0.63 7 9.86 6.57 4.43 z.#9 0.949 1.43 0.63 8 10.63 11.Z3 19.9Z Zo.oz ZO.66 21.11 ZZ.00 s.091 11.85[ 16.61 Iz2.86 16.651 Z2.91 ‘2’61 “024 I “s’ 8.10111.871 [0.32 4.69 3,07 2..?0 — Z.05 1.53 I.oz 0.68 9 z5.61 12.99 “12..03 Z4.53 6.91 4.87 3.ZO 2,Z9 1.60 1.07 0.7.20 Z.49 1.71 0.789 AcceMabilitv Qualitv Levelt ( 0.41 4 0.41 3 0.447 0.467 7.61 5.06 3.91 z,03 1.98 1.17 0.503 0.36 3 13.6311Z.571 17.511 ZL97 5.97 3.97 Z,86 Zoo ’47I 8.9Z 6,17 4.09 Z.95 18.94 2.o5 13.71 9.46 Z.11 6.56 ‘0$0 Z1. S7 10.54 ZO.14 33.99 36.90 1.Z9 15.11 Zb.56 I““l 4 ZO.19 ZZ.8b 4.77 —. 4.31 ‘Zzo 14.39 16.45 3.26 — 3.0s Z,17 1.88 0.873 0.566 0.401 1.23 I ..?9 1,29 1.Z9 1.31 1.30 9.80 10.9Z 7.59 M 1.50 8.40 5.83 v 5.50 i~ ~ 29.45 S1and*rd Devittlon Method 5.35 3.5s 3.3Z Z.14 1.31 v 1.53 ii- I.00 t Inorm.1 in! ●ctim 1.z6 0,847 0.079 0.017 0.:51 0.581 0,846 0.544 0.818 0.716 0.5}5 0.388 0.413 0.380 0.165 0.503 M .40 - i + 0.422 1.o6 M .2s Acceptable ~ 0.349 ; M .15 ●re inpercent defective. O.zo 3 O.zzo O.zze 0.Z50 0.275 0,264 o.2zn 0.13s 7 E 0.31Z 0.186 0.099 5 D v v v 4 M c M M .10 3 .065 .04 B Sample cite code letter B-3 Minter Tsble for Norm81 and Tightened tnapcction for Plms Blsed on Variability Unknown (Double Specification Limit and F.rm2-Single Specification Limit) TABLE -5 -. I I A a 3 3 4 s D E F G 0.365 0.365 0.380 I 0.228 0.ZZ8 O<Z50 0.280 Zo Zo Z5 30 M. N o 0.846 0.946 0..977 0.879 0.789 0.720 0.544 0.544 0.551 0.581 0.503 0.467 0.413 0.363 0,330 Jy:a, Acceptab = I .07 1.17 1.Z9 I,zv 1.Z9 1.29 1.11 1.30 1.30 v 1.06 — 1.6o 1.11 ,1.9s ,?.00 2.05 “~2.a5 Z.11 “Z.17 Z,17 2,14 1.33 v , -ii— I }.( t.. .— — Z..?9 — Z.49 2.83 2.86 2.95 1.95 — 3.05 3.z6 3.26 3.5s 3.32 t 1.53 — zi- .40 ..?5 5.20 4.87 3,20 — 3.86 5.97 6.17 6.17 6,56 7.Z9 1.Z9 8.40 9.80 10.9Z 7.59 1.59 7.59 7.59 3.4 3.45 3.91 3.97 4.09 — 4.09 4.31 4.77 4.71 5.15 5.83 S.50 ! -- M 1.50 10 =2 1.00 ~ 26.94 1.15 10.63 1s.13 21.11 -=l=t+t- 9.46 I 13.11 I 18.94 ] 4-4-4-= 14.39 I 20.19 I Z6.Sb I 33.99 16.45 18,06 first ounpllng PIU bdow ●rrow, that is, both #unple oize a. well m M value. “When cunplo sise equa2@or exceeds lot e.e~y item in tha lot mumtb. in#pecled, All AQL and t-ble values ●re {a percent defective. _l-1-LK L 0.716 0.349 i. fllfl 0.716 0.349 0.412 0.s03 2 0. 15 K ( , 10 — — — J I 7 — 10 -j 1. I 3 c 7 3 B H sample 81;0 ample cite :xI* Iettsr 23A Muter Table far Reduced fnvpecclm [m Plan. Bared o Vsrlablllty thkn.awn (Double SpecU{cation Limit -d Form 2- StttgteS !clfic atim Limit) TABLE ,— TSWO for Eotkmtlq — th~ &t B-5 Pe, CCIIIDefective U#lnS Standard Devl.ilon TABLE M#thedl .—— _ —. _____ 1 Thblofor E!tim.tlng the tit B-5-Conthed Percent D*(ectlve U#lng S;mdard Devlaiion MQ~hod TABLE .- . k!’ EZ Table for Eotlmatlag tbo bt B-5-Conllm.wd Percent Deltctive Usln@ S1-d~?d TABLE .,, Deviation Mathod -. ,. . ,.. . I i. . s Tmblcfor Eotlmatln[tho B-5-ContlnueU lmt PcrcerIt D6fecllve Uc@Stmdard TABLE J Deflation Method k F E “ a Tatdo for Eattnutlq tho kt B-5-Cadimed Poreant Def*ctlwe UOlag Standard Derlatien ,Mothod TABLE .—. -“ “. E . .— ML-rm-414 11 J5fffa 1957 Pmrt m C5TZMATZON Or PBOC= AV~E REDUCED A35D TIONTU4CD B13. ESITbfATfON AGE OF PR~ AVBR- The ●verage percent defectiwa. b-cd for origfnd = group of let- submitted inspection. i. cafled the proceo● voragc. Originaf imspectimi i. the firm im*pecfiOn Of ●bmttted ~ -~cb? ety of p~ from f3M for ●cceptability a. dfotiaguf.kd immpec;ie. of product wbfch ti. been remtbmifted after prior re&cftcm. 3%. pro-.. average .fuU be ..timated from flm r..uft. of in. peetic.. of samples dr.wmfmrn a .peelot. for the purified number of precedfq Of d=~=rdaiag ●.v9rity FOR and the ~rremmondtnsedmtid 1c4 +rcud &fOcfiw ~ & p=,-respectively. iw mad from tfm fable. Tbe ectinuted proceco ● vcrage ~ i* * ~ifhnwfic meaaef fbe fad3vtdual e.ttrnmted tot perce.t defective- pu’ c. 6tmitarly. the etiimated procem ● ● =rage $L it tbe arithmetic mean of the individual ● ctfaut9d 30t pareemt &facUwa pL’8. up. ~.= AND ~TER3A =PECTION B 13.L2 Uoubl. SpecW. UtImI Limtc. The c &. ●timated Iof percent defecfive ● .termIned from Table B-5 for the pfaim ba.ed on the standard deviation method. The qtuf It, imdf... Qu d 0= sti ba e-vu-f. and Tabfe B-5 i- enzered ●epar.tely wlfh ~ the eor--mpmdQL d the -unP5e ●iae, d fag ~ and PL us read f mm the t8ble. Th. eatitrmt.d lot percent defecfive t. p = p .+ PL. The eatimuted proc. ●S a=rage p is se ● rifbm.fic mea. of the individtuf c..tinuted lot ~rcenf defectivep’.. of iacp.cfian d.rin~ the c..r.e of . in accordance with ~rag,.ph B14.3. AD, 1- sM1 b- iulb pxocem. cIuded only once in ●stinuffag ●wr.verqe. The ..ti_t. ef Uw prw.. =K= i. d=. i~t=d by PU -be. eompufed wifh re. pect to an upper ●pee fficatier. lisnit, by PL w.h=. c,.mpyte,d w+fh rc.pecf to ● lower .P=c,f,.~t*I.mtt. md by p when computed with re. peet to a double .pecfficatio. fimit. .-. D 13.Z.3 S cfal Cam. It the qtulity index OIJ or C3L< a negative ‘numb=.. the. Table B-5 i. entered bvdimrenardins the negative .ip. f-i---, ‘i. tbi.- a., ‘h. c.. fi&ated lc.t percent de fecfive above ftm uppa r limit or below fbe lo=. Zimit i. obtafned br mzbtractiq the PCrcenuge found i m the” table from 100%.7 B 1~.1 Ahn.rmA R.muft.. l%. r.. ult. of inspection ef product _ufaetured under . ..”diti... mot” typfcd of ..IuI p.odmeficm pre.3u15 be exeluded frmn the ● .tinnted ce.. avera~e. .BIL. B 13.2 (hnputmtion of the Est5nuted %0. . estimated procem- ● =rmean of fhe .atfmafed atm t. t e ● r thmetic ‘~ ‘h l~t percent defective. computed from b .amptia~ iit.p. ction *..uft. d the pxecedtms ten (10) lcIt. .M a. may be othetwf. e decig. nated. b order to e.tirnate tbe lot percent dal.etive, tba quality Ucea QU tiler QL shaff be cmn~ted for ● ub lot. Tbom ~e: C3U = (u-X)/c md QL= (X. L)/a. @em pus. Sr*pb 3511.2.) NORMAL TIGHTENED, DUCED IkBP33CTfON Thts S-*rd pfam for normal, iMpactiOn. B 14.2 -as Of hmcuon. m- esti5fah*d campfiag tightened, and reduced 31WWetfon Mrnuz AND D9rtm, tba c0ur9* ●haff be tirncttan fisbtmnd er ‘r.duc8d LrJsp.cficm 1. ~ mrquir9d b •ccor~ wttb B 14.3 d n14.4. B14.3 Tishtaa8d 311spectioa. TI~btarnd h. ●poetfon ●balf b- fmtitmad whn tha c cti wmpidmd from tfm matid pro- ●a .nragm When Form I -Sfngl. Spectff~tfon ~ 1. rm.d for tba acmptabfflty criterion. tbe “octl mafe of 101percextl &feetfve pu.or pL 10 mot obta.lmed;fmordertoewtimate the ● v8r ~s=. it i* n=c=a~=rr to complete paragrapba B6.2 uuf B6.3 of Form L 7FOraXUnP18. U ~ . -.50-0 ●SMPZO SCM SO,PU = 100% - 30.93% = 69.071b, = 1.60. us~ P1. 9 ~-n -P* 69.07s + . 74*. 52 . ..- I XIL-STD414 11 June 19S7 II I preceding ten (101 108. (Ot ..& 04h*r rlwn bar of lat. de. i~ted) 1. =crnrduue with Kr=zr&pb BIXZ i- srestcr than the AQL, -d when more than A c=rta~ number T of of flx percent dethem lots have e.timafes fective sxceediq the AQL. The T vdttbs ● re given in Table B-6 far the procea. .verage computed from 5. 10. Or 15 Iots.e NormmI inspection shall he reinstated if the ● ver-ge of lots und=r ..tinut.d preces. tightened i..prction is cqud to or 1..8 tkmn the AQL. B 14.4 Reduced Im.pectiom. Reduced ilI.pection may be inmitumd prc.vid. d that ● ll of the following conditionare ●atiofied: I: I .. b estimated lot percent defective is eqtnt to =ero for a ●pedfied number of conmeeutiwe tot, (gee Table B-?). ●teady Cad6tfon c. PrOdnctiM is ●t a rata. Normal impaction ●hall he if any oaac of the following condition. occ. ra undc r reduced inspection. Condition ● .eragc D. A lot i. rejected. Condition E. TM emtimated prc.cem● is greater tham tbe AQL. Condition F. irreguI~r or delayed. Production become. Condition A. The preceding ten [10) lot. (or .uch other mmnber cd lm. de. igruted) and nom have been under nornul ia.peclio. has been rejected. Qther condition. .. . Condition G. ~? ~brrmt that normal inspection .hould be reinstated. Condition B. The e ctimated percent defective for each of theme preceding lot. io 1=.. Uthe appUcable lower limit shown in Table B-7; or km =ertak .arnplirIg plan. , B 14.5 Sampling P18m. 1.. Tightened Or Reduced lmpecthm. Sunplu-ig plan. ior tightene d and reduced in.pecticm .re provibd in Section B, Part. 1 and U. MIfA3TD-414 11 Jwm 1SS7 Cuve] Z.5 10.0 15.0 4 6 8 4 : 9 9 1: 4 4 4 1 5 ‘0 1: 4 1 10 4 t49mbar Of bta 4 i5 5 10 15 5 10 1: I 1: 15 1; 4 4 4 1: 1! 1: 5 10 I , .. L M 4 6 a 4 6. 999910 4 6 9 44 / 7 : mm ● re m 9mp31a# 4 4 .: 11 1: 1: 4 a 11 4 a 11 4 a 11 5 4 a 11 4 a 11 5 : 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 4 5 1: 4 a 11 4 e 11 4 8 11 5 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 : 11 5 pluu prwuad la thio Staa&rd 5 1s 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 4 8 11 4 4 1: 1: 4 8 11 4 8 11 4 a 11 5 4 s 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 -4 a 11 5 far Unse code lctirs 15 10 io 4- — 4-a “8 11 11 I 10 I . 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 dAO1.wshm9. M ..-. —- unmlTP514 11 Jrmd 19s7 TAB= vdtms of T [or sUmdard D8dmnua U8fbd B-6<0nfif=d TiKhtaud Impaction Th. top figure ia ilock refers t. fbe preced~g 5 10C~. the ~ddfe preceding 10 let. and the boftom fipre to the preceding 15 let-. fi-re ~ ‘e Ti@encd ia.pection i. required whom tbe numb. r of lnta wltb e~tfmates of percent 5. 10. Or 15 Lets is srester tbmn th= xiveri wdue defective ●bove tbm AQL from the precediq of T in lhe table. ad tbe pro.en~ average from them. 10t@ .=.=.da tba AQf-. N1 estirnatew -. of the tot percent defective are c.btained f rem T8ble B-5. — .002 .03.3 ,0s0 .006 .039 .077 .012 .000 .010 .029 .000 .004 .013 .001 .002 .009 ,020 ,03.1 .043 ,002 H 1 .027 ,011 .021 .0s2 .050 .089 .113 .306 .40 .054 .087 .146 .169 .2s .083 .214 .40 ,037 .146 .248 .014 ,071 .133 .023 .04.s ,2.3s .396 .017 .111 .?.1s .005 ,040 .10!! .011 .143 .315 .002 .057 .151 .000 .018 .062 .231 .550 .65 .185 .509 .65 ,121 .445 .65 .041 .310 .6.?6 .431 .909 1.00 .36o ..963 I .00 .266 .78s too .136 ,643 1.00 .003 .317 .81 [11].. [14]** .000 .101 .369 [25]** [45]** [31]** ● 1,14 2.40 2,50 1.33 2.48 2,50 1.47 Z.50 A .653 1.39 1.50 .750 1.44 1.50 -.. .84 2,23 2.50 .521 1.31 1.50 .123 1.14 1.s0 .>06 1.80 2.50 tool I 1.98 4,81 6.50 ,A + 7.74 10.00 A 4.59 6.50 1 Z.49 4.00 A Z.66 4.00 A 1 10.00 h A lz.69 15.00 -+- A lZ.4> 15.00 & 12.07 15,00 A 7.40 10.00 4.29 6.5o 1 iO.47 15,00 4 Z.24 4.00 ,& i 5.19 10.00 11.51 15.00 L 6.50 & 9.09 15.00 & 6.06 15.00 & .77 15.00 & ( 9]** 6,06 I0.00 A = 4.24 10.00 i .74 9.96 10.00 0.00 4.40 6.S0 1.38 5.96 6.50 [ 7]0. [IO]** [lZ]** 1 I 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 — 10 10 15 15 15 15 Is 15 15 15 DevIa440n M!thod I“ :: . $ -1[IO]** Slmdtrd ),s0 6.50 & 1.64 3.94 4.00 1.05 3.56 4.00 .11 z.65 4.00 .00 .88 2.49 .00 ,10 .es .044 .74 1.50 [ 9]** [15]** [13]*O [22]** [ZB]** T5- [18]*. [II]** Acceptable Ouili!y Level. I .65 [ 1.0 [ 1,5 I 2,5 ●Th=i* mrc no mmpliag plain provided Anth!o Standard for these code Ieltero and AOL vduei. J .005 .000 .006 .02s .000 .003. ,010 v ,000 .003 G .029 .000 .016 .123 .000 ,000 .002 .001 ? ● ● ● F [18]** [25]** ● * ● ● E * ● * ● ● D ● ● ● c ● ● * ● .40 ● .25 * I ● * .063 1 .10 I .15 * I .04 23 sample tll* code letter B-7 Llmlt# 01 &#tim~ttd Lut Percent Defective for Reduced Za.pection TABLE —. ,: .008 .033 .058 .011 .038 .ObJ .016 .045 .065 .026 .054 ,065 .032 .058 ,065 .039 .064 .065 .044 .065 A .004 .017 .012 .005 .020 .035 .008 .025 .04 .014 .0)1 .04 .01s .014 .04 .023 .038 .04 .025 .04 & K L M N 0 P Q .069 .10 & .064 .10 b .0s3 .091 .10 .044 .081 .10 .030 .075 .10 .022 .065 .10 .017 .059 .091 .10 B-’f-ConUnued .296 .40 A .312 .40 b .1!38 .25 A .261 .40 b .235 .389 .40 .187 .36{ .40 .157 .343 ,40 .137 .3Z.9 .40 .40 .177 .25 1 .153 .245 .25 .134 .2)6 .25 .102 .215 .25 .082 .199 .25 .069 .186 .25 .25 .525 .65 A .501 .65 A .453 .65 ‘ A .414 .65 A .345 .621 .65 .300 .596 .65 .210 .577 ..65 .8.?1 1.47 1.50 1,276 1.50 8 b A .830 I .00 & 1.Z31 1.50 1.[49 1.50 , 1.082 1.50 1 .959 1.50 b .799 1.00 .733 1.00 k .6.91 1.00 A ,507 .989 1.00 .5, ?5 .876 .961 1.49 1.00 1.50 ,483 .940 1.00 A ~.59 4.00 1 2.19 2.50 i 3.52 4.00 3.36 4.00 , 3.24 4.00 A 3.01 4.00 A 2.88 4.00 A 4.00 h 2.19 4.0 & 2.13 2.50 ,?.01 ,?.50 , 1.92 2.50 k 1.76 2.50 1 1.64 2.50 6 1.57 2.50 L Levels Acceptable @di}y .65 2.5 1,0 ! 1,5 ●xe*pt three in the brackets, 8re in percent defectlvo. .108 .15 i .101 .1$ A .085 .14J .15 .0?2 .136 .1s .05?. .120 .15 .040 .108 .15 .03.? ,099 .15 .1s 5.96 6,50 i 9. N. 10.00 1 & 9:22 Io.oo 5.87 6.50 a 8.98 10.00 & 8.01 10.00 & 8.50 10.00 & a.z9 I 0.00 h 8.1s 10.00 1 10.0 5.67 6.50 , S.!iz 6.50 A 5.21 6,50 & 5.08 6,50 4 4,96 6.5b a 6.5 10 15 1$ 15 15 Is 15 14.19 15.00 A 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Numha r of &to A 14.07 1s.00 11.00 15.00 L 13.60 15.00 & 13.2s 1S.oo & 13.03 15.00 A 12.08 15,00 & 15.0 N1 ●aih’natem of the lot parcent defectIv* are Obtained from Table B-5. ●ttlrmtd lot P rcsnt defcctivc!from the preccdins S, 10, or 1S leto it Reduced 6nspectlea IIWY ba Sr@itoted when wary bdow tha flpr* civm tn the tabl*; rcducod inspection for sampling PIMC mmk.d (**) la fho tlblc raquireo that tha ●atlmtiod lot po?cent dcfoctlvo 10 eqttafto saro for the number of conteeulive lots Indicated In bracketo. la sddltlon, ●ll other cendltlont for roduead Inspection, in Pmt 223of Section B. mutt be ostitfi.d. s ~g r? “ ~ F -—___—_ Standard DevlaIkIn M,t~d —.- VAf3methe flrot figura In dlraetZom o{ ●rrow and corresponding number of Iotm. fa ●ach block tha top (Igure rofcrc to the prccedlos 5,10ts, the m5dd2* figure to tho preceding 10”lott, snd the bottom figure to the prteedlng 15 loto. Ml AQL sad t~blo values, .065 .04 Sunple OIZR code letter TABLE ,. Limlto of Cctimalcd Lx P~rcetN Delectl}e for Reduced hwpectim .—— ,._ I m m .Ibl .160 .1s0 .151 100 150 200 0 P Q .163 .185 .183 — .175 .175 ,170 .lb8 .191 ,191 ,197 .la7 .179 .172 .199 .189 ,181 .174 ,ZOJ .194 .184 .207 —. .190 — .178 .Z08 .Zlo .198 .IE.5 .189 .183 .201 .182 .192 ,Zlz .203 .193 .181 ,185 .z16 .z06 .21b .215 ;,Z03 .Z20 .ZZJ ,ZZ7 ,232 .ZJZ .236 .238 .Z42 .248 .Zbl .Z80 .108 Z06 .208 .Zll .Z14 ‘.Z19 .Zzo ,22J .Zzs .ZZ9 .,215 .248 .23s ,Zzz .Zb6 ,Z94 .319 I .00 L.cvelo (in .65 ,Z53 T -. leOudity .211 .2Z4 .24z — z — tepll .197 .202 .214 .15 .190 .19s .Io ..?Z8 .Z31 — .Z30 .Z35 .241 .245 “,245 ..?49 .251 .255 .262 .Zlb .Z9S .Jz) ,)53 1.50 — ercec .318 .346 .374 .Z48 .2S3 — .Z49 .Z5S ,Zbl .Z66 .?bb .?70 ,27) .Z17 ,Z84 .Z98 — . .Zb9 .z71 .Z7b .Z79 .Z84 .290 .Z91 .Z95 ,291 .302 .309 .5Z4 .345 .)73. ,399 30Z . 30Z .307 .310 .317 .3Z3 .323 .320 .331 .3)6 .344 .359 ,M31 .408 .4JZ .338 .341 .345 .348 .156 .363 .364 .369. .372 .371 ,386 .403 .4Z5 .45Z .47Z .386 )81 .393 .399 .408 .416 .416 .4Z3 .4z6 .43Z .442 .4b0 .489 .s11 .S28 NOTE: Therm Is s corr*opondlng acccptablllty constud In Tikle 6.1 for ●achvdue tbmaccc~tabil!ty commnt of Table B-Z In Table B-1 and u,e the corresponding vahe of ~. of F. For reduced lnopectlen. find The MSD msy b, obtalmdby muh’iplylmg the factor F by the diNereace balwoen the uppr spaclflc~tlcm Ilmil U and lower spee5fictiian limit L Tha formula lt MSD = F{ U-L). The MSD s+met m I gulda for the magnitud- of the ●oiimatc of let otaad~rd deviation whtnu81a[ plmc for th* double specification Ilmh came, en the eatlmat. of 108ctandard davlatlea of umbown v~riability. The estimua of lot otaadard deviation, if it Ic IF-o Ihm the MSD, helps 10 imure, but doe- not uuar MIee, Ipt acceptability. L .lb6 ,lb2 75 N .1613 .112 .166 M 50 40 L .176 .Ilb .170 J5 K .119 .169 .173 30 J .180 I .114 H Z5 15 G .18J 10 F .177 7 E Zo 5 D .0b5 .I.521 4 c .04 .18?. 3 Oise Sample 34 code Imttr sample tiaa ‘ Mx~14 11 Juno 10S7 APP@Du B ~efinitkons , 5!!!!9! Red m x Sample X bsr . ●ix. ~P1. M==. ● .Ixl.qlc lot. for ● .i=~le Arithmetic lot. mean Of .mup3m me.surememm i~~m E.tinute cd lot ctandmrd deviation- Standard deviation of ●un ple measurement [mm a ●insle lot. (See &xmpIe* iaSect40n 33.) u Upp=r ●pecffic~tiOm limit. L Lower ●pecificalfiOn limit. k The ●cceptability eon. tant @ven i~ Table. B- 1 and B-2. t Qu Q ●ub U Quality index for u.. with Table I I QL Q ●ub L Ouality index for u.. with Treble B-5. ! % p sub U Sample ● .tirnale Table B- 1.. of the lot percent defece p s“b L Sampl. estimate Table B-S. of the 101 percent ‘L I I ,, Definition P Total .ampl. e.timate M Maximum ● llowable ~iven in Table. B-3 B-5. .. defective of the lot percent percent defective and B-4. defective for above U from below L from P = PU + P~ .-pie eatinutea % M sub U Mtimum allowmblc Pcrceat defective ● bove U given B-3 and B-4. (For uoe when differeot AOL valuea L are specified. ] ML M sub L Maximum Alowable percexaf dcfecfive below L given in TableB-3 and B-4. (For we when differenl AQL vtiuea for U & L ● re #pacified. ) P % Pf, p bar Bamp3e ● intimate of the proceem estinuted procea ● ●ve rage. percemf defectivw p bar sub U Tbe estimated proce. m8varage far u p b-r ●ub L The eslimatad procenm sv.rqe i. Table. for U and i.e., the upper specification limit. ●pacification Mmft. for ● 10W* r T The maximum number of eattnnted prece. s sveragam wbkb BlverI in Table B-6. (For u.e in determay ● xceed tb#AQL mining ●pplication O! ti~hteaed inspection. ) F A lactez ua.d in d.te rmim.i~ the ~um (hLSD). The F valu=s are given In Table > Greater < ham 1’ i I I .x than than sum of Ml Standard B-8. Deviation MZL-STD-414 11 JufM2 19s9 SEC’ITON VARIABILITY I UNSNOW7J-3LMJGE METBOD Part 1 sZNG LE SPECIFICATION Cl. I I c SASIPLUJG PLAN FOR SPECIP3CATZON LDdIT UT CZ.2.2 Accep-ility Comstit. The acceptability COa.t-t k. correspo~w tithe sunple mi. e mentioned in paragraph CZ. Z. 1. is indicated in the column of the master t.ble corre. poading m the applicable AQL value. Table C-1 i. enmred lrom the 10P lo. nc.r rn.1 impection ●md from th. bottom for tightened inspection. Sampling plans for reduced inspection a*e provided in Treble C-Z. SINGLE ‘This part d the SUmZ. rd describes the prO.y@ur=~ fOr. u*e wilh PlaM for s Si=ule rep..c1ficati0n knit whcri variability O{ cbe lot with rempecl 10 the qtmlily cbarseteri. tic M u.knowm and the ZWC nmtlmd i. used. The -cceptability criteric.ti i# give= in lwo equivalent form.. Th. mc arc identified as Fo,rm 1 d Form Z. C3. use of SUnpliag Plan.. To deterC1.1 mine whether the. 10C meet, tbe ACCCptability criterion wJth respect to a particu. lar quality characteristic •~d AQL vaZue. ● hall be treed the .“pplic~ble ●amplih~ PIin .ccordance with the provisions of Section A, General Demcripciou of Sampling pl.m.. b the... in thi. part of the Sc.ndard. C3. 1 AccepUbiZity Criterion. The degree of coaormance of a quazmy characteristic :imit with re8pect to ● #ingle specification ●haZl be judged by the quantity (u-X)/R or {X- f.)lsi. :/::1 Cl.2 Drawing of Sarnp3e.. AN .armples WT-BY-L&fT ACCEPTA=ITY PROZ CEDURES WffEN FORM 1 IS USED sbdl -i: ‘iw%”%(ilwz depending on whether the specification is = upper or ● lower lirnis. where be draw. m accordance wltb paragr@iA7.2. Iimi! Cl.3 Determination of Sample Size Code Letter. T he sample sme cod e letter •hd~ =ected from Table A-2 in ● ccordance with par~raph A7. 1. U L X ~ CZ 3n this Standaqd. K ia the average range of ,.bKrmip ranges. 32ach d die subSro.p. consists of 5 mea*u*emenl.. except for tbOa* plans with ●unple ●ke 3, 4, or 7 in which ● im 19 fh sum as i.h u** fbe ●kgroup sanw3e sise. Zm wanpufiq K 338= Ord=r Of c=u*t b= Ihc sample meam=rem=iits u .-de rer.-iimd. Smkgrwpa af cnumcrmive nn.. urements must ba formed d the range of .xh .ubgroup obtalwd. X is the ●weraae of nngea. tbe individnaZ ●bgroup SELECT3NG THE wHEN FORM 1 ls SAMPLINO USED PLAN CZ.1 Master ●mplmfi tal Samplin~ Tmblec. The matter C* co r DlaM b- ed on varia blIity u---n for ~ single ●peef.fieation Tables limit wbenuakg & raag. unfkodaro C-1 ●nd C-Z. Tabia C-1 b .u..d for normal ● nd ti~htened inspecfi.m uuf Table C-2 for reduced izupoction. CZ.Z Obtining the SunptinS P3an. The ● X ● -d .unp3im~ plain ccmsastmO{ . .unple f ● m ● sociated accepIAbUiv Ctaut. The .unplimg plain ia obtain.d from Maater Table C-1 or C-Z. size CZ. Z.1 Sam le Si=e. Tbe sample .homa ,n table CC4rrm#p0~ ~ 1 e nla’ter .1== e-de Iater. each ●mple im the is fhe is the i. the upper specification limit. lower specification IimIt. sample mean, and ●verage range of the #ample. C3. 3 AeceptsbIlltY Crite Finn. compare the q.mtity (u - m (X- L1 ‘Kwithtbe ●bilitv cor.8cant LOrZf (u-XI/X or (X- “C’%% L) equal “to or Creater than k. the lot meats tbe ●.ccptab13icy c rito rloix u (u-X)/R or (X- 2.)1X ia less tbm k or m.’afiva. tbea the lot deem not met the .c..ptability e ritoricm. a it tO 1Se. Appendix C for definitions of afl cymbolo us id b tbe ●ampllng uak90wm- raaga mmbod. %we f+ample C-1 f.r ● cmIIp3eto ●xunple of tbi. procedure. al ._ . ..- pl~o bac.d on varIablltty I 3A1L-m-414 11 June 1957 CL f3uMM~Y FOR OP3IRATION SNAP LANG PLAN WHEN FORM USED 8tepm umun.riz. Th$ following cedure. fn be followed: OF 1 LS c6. 1 AcceptabUity Criteric.n. The degree of conformance of ● qutilty characteristic with respeet CC.● ●imgle .pecificstimi limit .hafl be judged by tbc p.r. mit of notlccmfomnirt~ p.od. ct out. ide the upper er lower specific aticm limit. The percentage of rmnconforming product i. estimated by emtering Table C-5 with the quality iadex and the #ample ●i*e. the pro- (1) Determine the ●ample .i, c cede letter from Table A-Z byu. iq the 101.ize and the in. level. (2) Obtain plan from Mater or C-Z by .elecfin~ the sample the acceptability ccm.taat k. Table C-1 ●ize n and (3) select *1 random the .;rnpl. of m “nit. from the lot: in. pect .nd record the meamurernenx of the quality charactari. tic for ●=ch uait of the sample. (4) Compute the .;rnple mean X and the range of the .arnple ~, .md ● l.o compute the quantity (u- X)IR for am upper ●pe. ificatiomlirnit V or thequamtity (X- L)/R for . lower specification limit L. ●vera~e SELECTING THE SAMPLING WHEN FOR64 2 3S USED c6. ?. Computation c.f Quality Index. The quality izidex Or, . (U- ZC)CIR hall be com puted “if the sp%cificaticm limit i. an IIppcr limit U, O= QL = (X- L)c/K if it is a lower limit L. Tbe q“amitie., X ● nd R, ● re the sample mean and ●verage ran~e of tbe sample, respectively. The compmatioa of K i. ●xplairted in paragraph C3.2. The facbar c is provided in Master Tabl=s C- 3 an& C-4 corresponding to the .unple size code letter. Defective in bt. C6.3 fhtimate of Percent The quditv of a 1.s1 hall be expre.. ed by PU. the =.timated percent de fe~tive in the limit, or lot ● bov= the upper specification p.r. =ntd=fectiv= beloby PL. the ● .ti-@d thc lower ●pccificatiort lirnii. The ●.tima~ed Percent de f=cti~. PU O, PL i. mbt~im=d by .mteri+j Table C-5 with Qu or QL .nd the ●pp. Opri~t= ●AMPlt ●i*e. (u-X)/R c.r (X. L)/R i. equal to or greater thas k, the lot meet. criteriow if (u. X)/11 or the ●cceptability (X- L)llf i. I.*9 than k or negative, then the lot doe. not meet the ●cceptability criterion. (5) ff th= quantity C5. CO. f.CfT-BY-LOT ACCEPTABI w P% CEDU3432S WNEN FOR3A 2 3S USED PLAN Ma#ler Samplinj? Table.. The ma. ter for plana ba. ed o= varisbil ity unka&n for a single specification litit when the rang. method ar= Taidec C- 3 ● nd C-4 of Part IL Table C-3 is used for nc.n’nal and tightened inspection ●nd Table C-4 for reduced inmpectimi. C5.1 C6.4 Acceptability Criterion. Compare the e.timated 1m percent defective PU or pL with the m~imutn aZlew.hle perceM defective M. U .pU or pL is equml to or le.. Uun M. if the lot meet. the’ ●cceptmbitity criterion, pu or pL is grekter than M or U QU Or QL i~ negative. then the lot does not meet the acceptability criterion. ●amplmx table. the Sampltng C5. Z Obtaininz Pllrl. Th ● sampling ptan con. i.t~ of m .UIWI]e .ize and an aooo~ik.d maximum a310w&le percent ptam ic obtdncd def ●ctive . The ●amplfq from Ma.t=r Table C-3 or c-4. Cl. SUMMARY OF OPERATTON OF SAMPLING PLAN WHEN FOR3d 2 IS USED Tha fellowinK ,tep~ ptwedures to be fallowed: ●un’unar 3s9 the (1) Demwime ihe -ample .ise code lel from Table A-S ~u~inn the lot dae and the iriapecttosi Iov@l. ter C5. Z.Z Maxd8mtm AIIc.wable Pereent Defective. The madrnwn allowable percemt de=ive M for s-pie eotim.tes corres~ndtied in ing 10 tbe sample ●iz= me~tie paragraph C5.Z.1 i. indicated tn tbe COIUMII Of the rnmms.r tabte correa pending to the applicable AfZL value. Table C-3 ii entered from lb. top f-r ~orrnal iaapectian mad from the botfom for ti~htened in. pecticm. SunP~ Plaru for reduced inspecticm are pr.a vided in Table C-4. 3See 3cxAmple c-z tar a complete example (Z) Obtmi. plan from t.mater Iable C-3 or C-4 by .electirg the -ample sk= n. the factor c, and tbe maximum ●llowable pw. ceat defective M. (3) Select ●t random the sample of n unit. {ram the 10C inopect and record the meamm.mem al the quazity characteristic on each nut; of the 8sMple. of thim pru..dur.. 62 MI L-sin-414 11 June 1057 (4) timpute the ●unple me-m X 4 av.ra~c raaSe of the ●ample K. (7) Uthe ● .timaled lot pcrcentdelective PU or PL i. eqtml to or Ie*. thaa the md- the mum azlowable percent defective M. 3he lot meets the acceptability criterion; it PU or pL img.eater than M or U Ou or O’i.%=_~ -i”.. them the lot doe. W1 meet the ● ccept●biliw criterion. the q.=lity “ index QU = (5) Comp@= (U-X)c/K M the upper speckfieation limit U iripecified, or QL = (X- L)CIK i3 the lower .pccificatirm limit L ia .pecif ied. 10s m.rc.r.. 161Decermirie the ● .limaled .-, ——— defective PU or pi. from Table C- 5.- ~PLJl Example Single Limit-Form and compliance Line — Unknown - Range Method 1 Sample Site: .? Sum 01 Measurements: 3 Sample 627. 650, (R, = 658 - 619 = 39) 538, 650, (Rz = 673 - 638 = 15) ●ccept ability criterion with the 3nf. rrn.ti.. 619, 641, Needed n Mean X: Obtained EXP1anatiom 10 I X 647o XXI. 5 Speckfieatio. 6 The qu~tl~ 7 Accep3AZZity Camsmt: 8 Acceptability with k Criterion The lot doe. i. to be determined. Value 4 = 1 The lower .pecifie.tion limit for electrical r.miataace of ● certtim ●lectricti comInspection ponent is 620 ohm.. A lot of 100 item. is submitted for inspection. Level IV, normal inspection, tith AOL = .4% i. to be used. From Tablet A-2 ud C- 1 it i. ..en that a sample of size 10 i. required. Suppose that value. of the’ sample resistances in the order reading from left to right ● re . . follow-: 643. 651, 67o, 673, . of Ca3culati0n* Specification Variability EXarnple c-1 Limit (LOwer~ L 647 6470/10 37 (39+35)/2 620 (X- L)/It not meet tbe .7s0 k &- .811 Compmm (X- L)/l! ●cceptability (647-620)/37 criterion. .710< .811 .irIce (X- k.)f~ ● &e Tabla’ C-1 ParaLc3.3 is 1c99 than k. limit U im give., then compute tb. quantity (u-Xl/X U ● .imK1e .PP=r .Pecificati.. line 6 ● ad cmmpar= it with k the lot meet. the acceptabUitY criteriom, if (U- rnf~ equal 10 Or greater [ham k. .-— kn i- I MIL-ST13-414 11 June 1957 EXAMPLS c-2 12xample 01 Calculation. Single Specification U.knowmi - Rang. Variability Ex. mple Limit-Form Z Method comA lo.ver specification limit for electrical re. i.tan.e of ● certain electrical Zaspection ponent i. 620 duns. A 10I of 100 item. i. submitl.d for inspection. Level lV. normal in. Dection. wish AQL - .4% i. m be used. From Table. A-2 mad Suppo. e lh. v*Iu=. Of the C- 1 is is seen thal ; sunple of ●izc 10 i. required. sample reaiatance. in the order readimg from left m. right are as follows: 643. 651, 619. 627. 6S8. (R, = 658 - 619 = 39) 670. 673. 641. 638, 650. (R2 = 673 - 638 = 35) ●nd compliance Line — with the acceptability Inlorrnati.n Sample z Sum of Measurememtm: 3 sample 4 Average 5 Factor 6 Sp=. ific*tiO. 7 Q.a2ity Zndex 8 ‘ct. bt 9 Max. 10 M,.. Obtained 6470 IX ZXJ. Range ~: XRlne. of subgroup. 647 6470110 37 (39.3S)12 2.405 c ‘f Limit Acceptability (~we. ): “f.’ PL PerceIIt De f.: Criterion: 1.76 M Compare mat meet the acceptability See Table C-? 620 L C3L = IX- L)CIX ‘ercent Allowable The jot doe. -E: Value Needed m x: i. 10 be determined. 10 I Size: criterioo pL with M criterion. 2.54S See Table C-5 1.14% See Table C-3 See Para. C6.4 2.54%> ■ince pL (647-620)2.405/37 1.14% is gr=ate. than M. U . .ingl. upper specification limit u i. Rive., th=. compute the quaii3y frufax QU ~ fU-X)c/3! in line 7 d obtain the eotimate of lot percent defe.tive PU. -mpr= PU U p“ ia ●qu~ io or i’z*. ~hn M. with M: the let meet. the ●cceptability criterion, M ‘i [ .996 .932 .87o I .10 .15 Impec m) — med When sunplt 10,0[ .5s3 .46z — 15.00 4 x .364 1 #its equa.loor ●xceed@ let +6.50 .728 — 4.00 .552 .644 --1-.646 .7z6 .309 — 2.90 .3SB .449 — .460 ,539 ,631 .111 — .791 — .807 .34s .441 .530 .701 .780 .336 ,621 .!21 .327 .421 — .43Z .510 +.610 .321 .~lj ,310 .105 .216 ..?5?. .189 .184 .116 .178 .s15 .689 .406 .494 .581 .598 .403 — .490 .577 .360 .~41 .266 .398 .452 .424 .336 ,2?2 .Z?b — .296 T 15,00 RmIrn Method .484 .371 .516 .307 .405 .)52 .364 .401 .s03 .654 — .519 .465 .431 .450 . 50?, .591 S* well as k value. ,40 .65 1.00 1.50 I I Accepmble Oualify Levels (tlgl .25 AU AC2Lv~ueo ●re in gercent defeciivo. ,“:: tir,t &amplln$ plan below ●rrew, that {s, both sample -lie a ●, 9wory Item 2a tha lot mnmtbn ln#pected. Q P .063 0’ I 24 1,,06 M 1.)2 .754 — .1b8 L I .746 K 1,16 .616 — .730 — ,734 1 1,21 .668 .7,?3 H 1.21 .658 .684 G 230 .647 .65o F J .610 .SZ5 E .498 .565 D .!325 — .587 Y- 2.50 - .s’38 — v k K ml in pectiml c B sample t 1se code letter C-1 Master Ttble far Normat and Tightened Zn$ptctlon for Plans Based an V~riabIllty unknown (Single Specification Llmlt - rarm I I TABLE 4s i$! #2 . .. ——. _. i + Q P I 1.16 1.17 60 8s 1.11 I.IJ 1.11 1,07 1.08 1.06 I ,0.? E 1.02 1.o6 1.10 I.oz 1.00 .964 ,959 ,658 .6.99 .701 .734 — .768 .7E0 — .826 .8J9 — .E85 .899 ,962 .E4e .94.9 .900 . .791 — .654 .130 .707 .E43 .904 I .424 1,.3s2 ,401 k 4.00 .484 .404 ,452 .621 .610 .5s1 .371 .5)0 .521 .494 .490 M ,s11 .s71 5J6 .441 .4J2 .406 .40~ .398 .398 .360 .341 .141. .266 .27?. .216 .296 ,296 .296 .196 k 6,S0 Raa[e ,34s . JJ6 .JIJ .Jlo .10s .30$ .276 .2s2 .252 .189 .184 .176 .178 ,178 .178 .178 k 10.00 Mtthod -u-.647 .815 .896 .723 JO .951 .179 N ;.01 1.05 1.10 ,647 .723 .179 — 23 .951 .B35 M 1.01 1.0s .896 — 1.10 25 ,610 .684 .738 .192 L. .90J .850 .958 T 9 15 K .579 I ,50? ,650 .703 ,7s5 .650 .s2s .498 I .43, .811 10 J ..963 .916 10 1 .569 .565 * ,703 7 33 .614 ,502 .581 * k 2.50 k 1.50 .75s 5 G .8[[ — 4 ; .861 .61J 1 E I .663 3 --1-- D 7 . 3 -i- :ept&l J c EEE .15 3 I Sarnpls ●{SC B Sample iiaa code latter C-2 Mantar Table for Reduced Tnnpeclion for Plan~ Based on VariabLllty Unknown (Siogle SpeciflcalIon Llmi!-Form i} TABLE :6 -— .— xf~14 11 Jfffw 19s? Parf 1I DOUBLE C8. SAAfPLDfG PLAN POR SPECIFICATION LtMIT SPECIFKATION mmtimum ● llowable ~rcemt defectively ML for the lower Iindt. ad by MU for the upper limit. If ~ AOL i8 88sinmd to bofh limits c.mbiaed. designate tbc -urn percemtdelecfiveby M. Table C-3 is entered tram fhe cop for aornul inspection and from tbe bottma for tAIhtamd inspection. Sam● re pr. plim8 P1W9 Sor roduce!ttmpaction — . . vialed iii Table G-4. DOUBLE This part Of the Sf-rd describes the procedures for tue with plain [or ● double cpecificafioa Iimft when variabttify Of the let with respect to tbe quality characteristic ia u.knc. wm ● nd the range method is umed. cA. S-.11.. Tc, determine -------1 u.. a{ -. —— ..- .. —”.Plan.. .—— .—-— ~hethe r the 8.x meet. tbc .C eept.bility c rite rion *ith rcapeet to a partiastar quality char.eteristic .~d AQL. vtiue(. ), the .ppli be used in accordcabl. ●ampliag F.lao ● U atxe with the pre. i.imm of Section A, Gen● wJ eral De.eription d SunplinS PIMa, the. e in thi. part of the Staadard. C9. SE LECITNG .N1 A ●unplhg be .clectcd 10 UOU.. THE SAMPLING C1O. DRAW7NG PLAN plaa for ● ach AQI. .tiue from Table C- 3 or C-4 ● m , .. ...- . ... . . . -.. C9. 1 Determination of Sunple Size Code .s. code letter =hfi ~. Th ● .unple b. ● elected from Table A-Z in accord-ee with paragra~ A7.1. The ●antple sise .Orr..pmdiag ●ice code for the lower, m Is to letfer. qpsr, 67 . C1l. ;~~OT-~;~O be ● lected in ● ccord - A7. Z. T ACCEPTAB1_ Cl 1.1 Acceptability Criterion. The degree of c.nfo~aracteristi. with re. peel to . doub_fe .~cific. tion limit hall be Judg.d by tbc percent ei wnco. ICr.rni.g producL The per.enta~e of no.Cwderming product is estimated by entering Table C-5 with the quafity imd=x ● nd the ‘ample :Ue. and Cf 1.3 Percent Defective In the Lint. The qualify of ● lot ●hall be exprew~ed SrImrmof the lot ~rc.nt dof=cfi.=. Its •c~~** W~ be dosipawed bY P L, PUO 0? P. The ● gtiwta PU iadic*eD contmrmca ~tb respect to tbe UPPG r spockfieatien Mnait. p with resp.ef to the lower .peckfi.atim lAU. P fOr b o t h spaekfieation limlta combined. TIM ● p.c - or botb sample. .fmfl with ~raarapb b tbh Standard. R is the >verage rmge of rauKc& ~cb of tie sti#*0Up9 tba ●bsroup ex’c=pt for those consimt. of 5 meuurement$. ●is. 3, 4, or 7 in which pduu dtb ●rnple ●is. h th= ● ame ● e the case flu ●ubaro.p ● ~e. 3a computing R, the Order Of s-pfa fbe .unple meamtrernemm ● s nude mat be ratahad. subgroup of co-ecutive meu urementi mnot be formed and tbe range of K ia the ● -erase etch ●ubgreup obtahed. ●ubgroup ranges. of the individud C9. 3.2 Maximum Allowable Percent DeIe c five. The maximum-t allowable PC rcrnnt dee.tirnatec of percent ~tive for cunple def ● etiv. aace limit, u im the upper specification limit, L ia the lower .peeificalion c is ● iacfor provided in Tables C-3 C-4, x i. fbe ●mple mean, and u i- the ●verage range of the sample. C9. 3 Obtaintng Sampling Plan. A ●sM@in4 plm Comai,ts of ● ●ampfe sise the sl ●octatad maximum attowablo percent dafac tiw-e(. ). The cunplin3 plan to be ●pplied in kn#pect&a stmfl be ~btied from Maater Table c-3 or c-4. 10 Si=e. OF SAMPLES Cf 1.2 timputatioa of Ouality bdicei. The qualify inchcea Q {u .Cxl [R and QL= (X- L)c/R cbdl be !o&uted. -here C9. Z hta-tor SamIIlimX Tabla-. The master munnlinn tablem [or mlam hmed On variabil ity ~fca~wu for a d~ble specification limit wbeo uming the range rn.tbod ● re Tablea C-3 ● nd C-4. Tsble C-3 is used for norrnaf and tightened im.pectiom and Table C-4 for ra duced Lrup.ccfion. C9.3. I Sun .bownbiitdl,.. each ●unple Lf3d3T — CIZ. Z.1 A.c=ptabitity Critdria. 5 timp8re the estimated lot Per.cenc de fcctive~ Pt. ~ P with the corresponding maximum aTiow● nd Mu ● lso 8e Ie percent defective M compar. p . pL + Pu with tk e larcer Of ML ● nd Mu. 2f pL ia equal to or 1=6s ~h~ Mb PU is equal to or lees than b4u. d P is equal to or 1=0s than the larger of btL ~ c ritcri=, Mu. Ihc lot meet8 the *cceplability otheruase.7be lot does not meet the scce Pl ability criteria. 33 ● ither QL or OU or both ● re negative, then the lot does not meet the aeceptabitity c riteri& =.cirnatc. p.Laad pU ● baJl be determined by entering Table C-5. r.mpacti..l~ ‘iJb Qt. ● nd Qu ● nd the ●ampl* ● i=.. The =~tim~te p shall he dew rmined by ●ddin~ the co rres pcmdimg estimated percent defective. PL amd PU found iii the table. C12. ACCEPTAB1~ CRZTER20N SUMMARY FOR 0PE2tAlTUN SAMPLING PLANS AND OF Cl 2.1 O!ie AQt- value for both Upper b-e r + Cit,catmm Limit Cmnbmed. ● nd Cl 2.1.1 Acceptability Criterion. 4 Compare P . p“ + che eetimamd lot percent delectlve ● l10-abl* Prc=nt PL -ilh the maximum dcfcc:ive M. U p is equal to or less than M. criterion, if $h. lot meets the ●cceptability P i. e,e*t=, th*n MOr if either QU ‘r ‘Lor both .re negative, Ihenthe Jot does not meet the ●cceptability criterion. Cl 2.2.2 “Summary far O~~atic.n -f ~mPliWf PJan. & ● cliffere.t AQL value ~tmblished (or the upper ●nd k.wcr .Pec ificatio” limit fc.r a sim~ie quality characterthe istic, the fol Jmnimg steps ●m-.mari=e procedures to be used: C12.1.2 Summary for Operation of Sampliag Plain In came. where ● .ingle AQL value 1. =blished forth. um~er and lower s~ecifi C~t;ori limit cornbin;~ for a ●i=gle quality .haracleristic. the following steps summa=i.. lh. procedure. to be used: . ll)”Dctcrminc the sample si. ecode letter from T.ble A-2 by using ‘the Jot sic and the in, pe. tie. level. (2) Select the sampJitig plan from Master Table C-3 or C-4. Oblain the ampthe m~mum le size K.. the factor c. -d ● llowabJe percent defective. MU and ML. corre. pondi=g to AOL VaIUeS fo, the uPP=r ● nd lower Specific atiec. limit., respectively. (1 I Dcternai~e letter from Table A-2 and inspection Jewel. (3) Select ● t random lhe ●ample of from the 10C inspect and record the measurement or the quality characteristic on each unil in the .UTIPIC. a utit. (2} Select plan from Maater Table C-3 or C-4. Obtain the sample ttie n. th= factor c, and the maximum mfloumble percent defective M. 13) n unit. from mea. urem.. or. ● .ch unit average IS) -mpt tbe quality indite. . IU. X)c/K arid QL, F= (X. L)C/R. y-fi=nt ●.er.~e Select m random, the ●ample of the lot; respect and record tbe t of the quality characteristic of the sample. (4) Compute the sample mean X rmge of tbe ●ample R. AOL 4tie SW ~pk *PI= C-3 c.4 va.luet for Upper OU for . campl,ete (7) 32atl three of the lollowlris (a) PU is =q-~ ~u. MLl.rger -. -—.. . . ●xample cos- tO Or lEM tbu (b) P,. ia aqtml co or I=*w th*m {c) p is equal toor Jesmtin of ML and Mu. ● re ●aticfied. the fh lot m.mtm tbe accepfAbi21ty criteria; otherdse the lot hew not meet the scc=ptability criteria. If either Oz., or QU or fba. *h. lot dw* tit UI**C both ● re =gative. the acceptability criteria. a~d exunpZe ● .d dbt~ons: LamIL. for . =om**t* X (6) Determine the ● .timm~ed lot percent defective. pU amd pL. corresponding to the p.r. em defective. above the upper and below the lower specificticw limitt. AJSO determine lbe combined percent detectiV= p - ~ + pL. ● nd (7) 2f the eotinuted lot percent defective pi. equal to erlem. thui the maximum d20wable percent defective M. fbe 10Jmeets the acceptability criterion, if p ia graatar lIIM M or U either Ou or QL Or both am negative, then the lot doe. awt meet tbe acceptability trite rion. p8cuLcmU0m {4) Ckmpute the ●ample mea. rams-k of tbe ●unpJe R. (5) Compute the qualiJy imdicec QfJ . (u- X)c/R. and OL =(X-L)CfU. (6) Determim the emtimtiad lot d= f=ctiv= P * PU + pL frOm T~bl= C#w.~r Different the sample ai.e &d. by using the lot ● i=c d tbi. of Ma proc.dure. PrO=~ur*. MIL-STD4M llJunelDS7 EXAUPIX Example Double Variability One AQL of Calculations Specification Unknown Value for Both Upper C-3 Ltrnit - Aver age Rsnge and Lower Method Specification. Limit Combined [or elec:riea2 recisfaace -f a certaiu electrical cOrnponeu5 * The ●peclficstioni is ●ibmitt.d for In*petiiar& fmspecfi.. Uwe2 65o.o ● 30 ohm.. A lot of 100 item. IV, normal intpectiea, wftb AOL . .4% ii to be used. From Tuble. A-2 and C-3 it of size 10 1. required. Suppose the vafuea of the ●mnp2e is ● eer. that ● samfle resistance in the order reading frm-n left to ri~ht are ● s follows: 643, 651, 619, 627, 65B. (Rl 67o. 673. 64). 630, 65o. (R2 and compliance with the acceptability criterion Obtti~md Sunpl. 2 sum of Mea. u,. m.clt.: 3 .%mpl. . X: U... 6470 xx 647 XXI. 6470/10 37 4 .?.405 5 (39 + 35)/2 See Table C-3 680 6 I Zcxpla.atien 10 1 Sise: i. m be determined. V .lu. Znf.armatiom Ne.ded *. . 658 - 619. = 39) s 673 - 638 c 35) 620 7 fawer 8 Ctudity Index Cfu . (U-X) c/R 2.15 (680 -64Y)z.405/37 9 Ouality Zndex: C3L = IX- L)e/11 1.76 (647-620)2.405/37 10 ~-t. Lut p--t 11 Est. of 3A 12 Tota2 Est. Parcant Def. h fak 13 Max. A210wable 14 Acceptab12ify Specification of Pff + PL titb Percent Ltmit: .35s See Table C-5 pL ..2.54% see Tsble C-5 P = Pu + PL : 2.89% D=f. ● b- u: w Def. baleu L Percent Crtterloa: 64 Tbe lot dtm. nut meet L tbe Def.: M Carnpare ●cceptabifify 1.14% p - crilerlOn. 2.e98 >1.14s since p = p“ .s5s + 2.54s SOe Table C-S See P*ra. CIZ.1.Z(7) + pL 1~ greater ~ M. de — xm.-sTD-4l4 11 Jute 1957 I EXAMPLE ~ph I of Cakuhuom Doub3e I V.riab33ity AQL Different I Specfficatlom Unknown Values c+ - ~we for Upper LimI1 Range Method ra~e and Lwer Specification Limit- The ●pecifi.aticm. f.r electrical reaiscance of ● certain electrical cmnpone~t iZn.pectimi 3AV.1 650.0 ● 30 darns. A J*1 of 100 items im ● ubmitted for inspection IV, rmrmmz impecziou, vifb AQ3. . 2.5$ far the upper and AQL E 1% far tbc lower specification limit i. Ie be used. From Tablet A-z and C-3 it i. ● ce= that ● .am P1. of size 10 is reauired. SuPrmse the values of the sample resistances in the irder reading fmm left to right “a-re a. follows: ZZ.unple 643. 651. 619, 627, 658. (R, = 6S8 - 619 = 39) 670, 673, 641, 638. 650, (Rz = 673 - 638 = 35) and compliance Intc.rrnation Sample Six.: I I c*iteria i. co be determined. Value Needed Obtained 10 n Sum of Me.. urcment.: I ●cceptability with the 647o 1X .%rnplc Mean X: 4 Average 5 Factor 6 Wp=r specificatio~ Limit: U 680 7 kwer Specification Limit: L 620 8 0ua2ity index Qu = (u-X) 9 OuaIity QL = fX-L). Z4.nge IXf. ~: 6470/10 647 3 (39 + 351/2 37 X3tlno. of .ubgroups See Table 2.405 c fndex: C-3 c/R Z.15 (680-647)2.405137 /R 1.76 (647-620)2.405137 10 ~s~. Of ~t Perce=: Dcf. =bOv= u: FU .35% See Table C-5 11 ~.t. D=f. belOw PL 2.s4% See Table C-5 lZ Tad p = PU + PL 2.89% 13 MAX. A130wab1= Percent Def. ● bove U: Mu 1.42s S.. 14 - Def. below 3A M’ 3.23% See Table 15 Acceptability ‘=f kt Ems. Per.emt A330wabla Del. Percent Criteria: in tit: fA criter&, slats 2.54s . 3.Z3U 2.898 <7.42s 15(-). . . (b) and (cJ Table C- 3 C-3 See Pars. clz.z.z(7)(d See Para. C12.Z. Z(7)lb) See Pars. CIZ.Z.Z(7)(C) .3s% <7.42% (a) CDmpmre PU with Mu (b) Compare PL with ML (c) ~t~p~ue p The 10t rtmetm ttm ●cceptability MfJ. pL<M~uldp <Mu. .3s% + 2.54% ● re satisfied; i.e.. PU < ,______ 4 w C-3 M T .40 .65 1.00 1.50 .261 .1561.Z4Z I .350 .230 .210 .lbS .133 .z3q 2.349 2.335 2.333 2.111 z,j30 35 4b 50 60 85 115 113 230 J m L M N 0’ P 0. .Zbl .244 .169 .13S 2.342 2.339 .539 .564 .53? .65 .40 .23 — ,ceeptable (3 .q76 .972 .65S .661 1.06 I.lz .755 .718 1.16 1.25 1.Z5 1.31 1.z9 1.27 .1.51 .818 .842 .883 .856 .827 1.]0 1.14 .89 .43Z — .468 — .303 .4Z7 .313 .493 .s42 — .356 .504 .)81 .375 .391 .366 parcant dafactlve. -t-t ++- .232 .)60 2.346 -tt- .240 .147 2.353 30 .5o6 1 ,>36 .214 It .125 Z.358 2s 34 .786 LJ79 15 G .2s3 2.405 10 r .136 2.8)0 7 E .061 .58 2.474 5 D .ZJ — .430 v .28 z.a34 4 M 3.30 3.14 2.93 Z.zs 1.0s 3.44 2.41 2.37 3.64 Z.b3 3.73 3.90 2.82 2.69 3.q2 3.96 4.44 4.77 5.JZ 5.93 5.50 ,?.81 Z,8Z 3.11 3.Z3 3.46 ‘3.44 Z.50 Z6.94 M ZE-1 6.60 6.511 I 4.461 6,99 4.76 4.47 1.17 1.s4 7.91 0.11 8,42 s. 50 8.65 9.76 10.79 12,]s 14.47 9.!34 9.89 10.37 10,73 11.10 12.57 11,04 12,24 12.36 12. s9 14.09 I 5.4q 11,s4 2?.90 30.66 19.02 19.88 20.31 21.0$ ,?1.63 ?.2.26 22.38 z3. zi 23.41 23,79 -L I4.1O 14.i5 t4.14 15.11 I $.64 16.20 +- 16.55 17.03 17.19 17.40 19.36’ 2%92 21.06 2).s0 33.95 3b,90 40,47 M 1s.00 TI 29.43 31.6q M 10.00 ZO.Z7 26.S9 \b.45 ‘ 22.S6 lfI.86 M 4.q7 5,17 S.47 5.61 5.85 5.88 5.98 6.76 7.42 8.47 9.90 10.91 .7.59 M 4.00 Rtrme Mcihc.d . 1$.00 -!Asl.& 4OOI6JOI1OJO dlty Levelo (N:htemd Inspection) 1.471 2.0.5 lz.q2 1.46 1.58 1.61 1.74 1,60 1,B8 1.98 1.q6 (.95 Z.lo Z.05 I .9q 1.42 ~vv MM B I .25 1 lIA.,w. ‘“””’---” 4cceptable C mlity Levels (normal in#pectlon] m- iiir!t .10 c MMM .06S G fa:to? .04 3— Ssmple *11* B Sumplc *IS* cede Icller TABLE Mamer Tbbl. fer Nermal .nd Tlthtencd fnsmctionf.r Plan. B.nedmv..i.hlltt.. (Double Speclficatlon ~lmlt ●ndf;r Form Z-Single ~peciflc”~fion Limit; ———— .. —_. — 1, I I : 2.4o5 Z.405 z. 379 10 10” 15 I J K 05 I Q .253 v Z8 .261 .144 z.349 Z.339 .242 .240 Z.353 Z.J3S ,214 2.358 .564 .504 ,391 .356 .493 .537 .366 .350 .506 .506 ;755 .75.1 .883 ,S56 .827 .S27 .786 .430 .136 .336 .58 .21 .58 l,i’ l.l Z 1.16 1.33 1,29 1.21 l.z7 I,JO 1.14 ML bad table waluec tra in pcrcmt d. f.ctlve. %deZ3rdt’.rrtmr, that,,, betb ccmple,l.ea~ 30 .214 Z,MB 4 -1-2..530 I 18.06 2.$0 !.93 2.37 2.47 2,82 2.81 2.82 Z.8Z 3.11 ).Z3 1.23 3.46 - M in33.69 -ii- 10.00 10.13 2>,42 Z3,ZI 21.63 17.19 17.03 15.64 10, 21.05 Z3,79 17.48 15.17 Z3.T9 Z5.9Z Z7.90 21.90 JO.66 33.95 36,90 40.47 40.47 40.47 17.48 19,30 G z1.06 Z3.SO. G- 29,45 3J069 33.69 33.69 40.47 S1S. OqU~C or ,xc.,do 1.Z7 7.54 S.17 4.97 8.42 5.85 3.90 — 3.44 3.30 la.z4 8.50 5.88 3.92 11.10 12.36 8.65 5.98 IZ.S9 IZ. S9 14.09 G 15.49 17.S4 20.Z7 & 8.65 9.16 6.76 S.9.3 10.79 10.79 If?.Js 7,42 7.42 8.47 14.47 2Z.8b 26.94 Z6.94 26.94 26.94 3.96 3.96 4.44 4.77 4.77 — 5.3Z 9.90 weNa* MvsJu*. ‘ WI..SamPle 1.67 1.74 1.98 1.96 1.95 1.95 Z.10 Z.05 2.05 1.99 3.44 16.’5 1.s.86 18.86 18.86 I.1! 1.42 10.92 1.53 2.234 i 1!59 1.910 1.99 7.59 7 N MM 1.50 IAVCI1 1.910 H 25 , M Acmptablo OuaZ{t I ..?5 I ,40 I .65 I L M[hI’l MIM .15 7.59 Z.474 M MM .10 1.?10 5 L“ZS * .065 Ran[a Method $ $ II 1.910 G Smnpl* 81SC Samp10 cede letter ● IX* C-4 Maamr Table #or Redueed Zmpecticmfor Plan, Baoedon VSrlabillty Umkmwn (Doubl* Speclficalion kltand Form ?-Single SptcUicttion LlmII] TABLE -!5 ~$ ~ I I I L-... . ..- TABLE C-5 Tabh for EcUmatInI lha Lot Percent Defective USIIIg Rans* Methedl ... .. —.— — —-. — I 1 i i Ttbh C-5-ConUINed for E#timatln# tba Let Percent Defective Ualng Rune TABLE Method “ ,.” . ,.. I.. . ,.” .“ . ,,,* ,,. . ,.. ,,. . .. .“ . . ,- ,.. ,.* ,.” ,.94 . .* *.. ,,. ,,.. ,.. ,,. .. .. ..” 9,.. m “ A. ,.” ,s ,. . . *..I ,,. ,.n *.S “ ,. . . ,.= D.. s.. ,.” . ,. ,- !.. ,.0 ,.. 1.. ,A ,a l.. ,.” * ).. t.” ,.. a . 4.. “ ,.- ** .“ ,.9 .s . . .,” .. . “ . . ... 4.. . .. . . . . 0,” 6.. . ,,. ,.. *“ ,- ,.a ml 9..,= ,- . t.. .“ ,,. ;,. .. .. .. . ,.” .“ .. ,. .- ... ,.. . . . .“ . ., I I , t3ef@c11veUcla: C-5-ConUnursl Tabh for Estimating tbo Let TABLE Ilmte Method . I — ‘-- TABLE C-5-Continued Table fer Eotlmatlng the l-al Percrn! Defective Uolnc Range Method —- :! T*Mo for Estimatlq Defective U#inS Raa[t Method C-5-Contlaued ttm Lot Percm! TABLE _— . . .. .\. . .. ESTIMATION OF R=UCED C 13. fig~MATION OF PROCESS PROCUS AV~GfZ AN(3 T1Gf4TENE0 AVER- Tbe .verag. percent defective, based ~POa ● group of lot. .ubmttted for c.ri~iii.l In. pectmn. i. called [be prc.ce. a ● verase. OrigiM1 im. pectiert imthe fir.t inspection of . particular quantity Of product .ubmitted from the le. ●cceptability . . diati~uiah.d ia. pe. tion of praducl which hambeen re. ub rnisted after prior rejection. The pr.acc.. ● vera~e shall be e.timated from the remdtm drawn from . .pec of im. peetion of ●mple. Uied numb. t of pr. ceditq lot. for the pur PO.. of delerminiag .everity of imapection durimg the .our. e cd ● co=t?.ct in aecordaace with paragraph C14.3. Ay lot .bdl be incitided md, ante (m rt.dnutfri~ chm proc... avera~c. The e.timate of thepmcc.. average i. de. igriated by p“ wbem cwnpuc.d with rempect tc. ● n upper .pecific.tion limit, by (JL -b.. ..mP.ted rnth respect to a lower .p. cifi..tic.n limit, and by p when computed with respect to ● double .pecifi..t ion Ilmft. . C13.1 Abnormal R.. uft.. Th. ra.ult. of ic!. pectitin of product rnamuf. cmred under ccanditions aot typica3 of u.tmf production hall b. excluded from the emtimaled proctm. ● verage. Cl 3.2 Compufatio. of tbe EsUnmted ProCe.. Average. Th e estmuted pracemm ● vmr .;. 18 the a%hrnetic mean of 4(I. e-hated lot percent d. fecti.=m computed from tbe ●ampliag i.. pectioa re. ufto of the precedlmg ten ( 10) lot. er ● . may be otberwi. e de. ig matad. & order to eatim.t. the lot p.rcem defective, the qua3ity hdie.. Q“ andlcw OL 9ball be Coin ● d for aach lot. Tb... ua: Ou = (u-X)C r X and Ot, = (X- L)c/IL (See parwraph Cl 1.2. ) 6 C13.7..1 S&l* Specific& 3An& Tbe emilmuea lot percent d ● 1eetlva ●bQ b. d.Iarmin.d from Tabl. C-S forth #_ ti.d tuetbod. T& qdity M-x Ou on the r~c ● bd k uood for tbae~e ti u-r •~. tb8 cu. d . tir ●p.cuictiom ulmlL T&l* c-s b tirti dfb C)uor QL ● nd (h* ●rnfla ●ti=. d ~* Ific.tlmiMrnft er Q~ ler AND CRfTERfA f=OR 3NSPECTION corresponding e.limated lot prcent dcf. cor p . rempecfivel~, is red from Uve p the ta~)e. Tk ..tirnated proce.. .ver.~e % i~ the -it f-=*ic M-= Of the individu~ -.titn.ted lot percent d. fectiva. pu’s. Sim ●.=r8ge PL itarly. tbe estimti.d proces8 i. fbe srifhmetic mean of the individual estimated lot perceot defective. pL’.. Spccificatioa Umit. The C13..?.2 Dc.uble e.timateii lot pe, de fcct, ve shall be determi~ed {mm Table C-5 fc.r the Plan. baaed cm the rmt~. method. The quality iridice. OU and OL shall be computed. Table C-5 is cmter.d #.parately with Cfu ad QL ● nd the .ampfe .izc, and the c.rrespohdi:g Pu PL ● re read from the table. The ● sti-d m.ted lot percem defective i. P . PU + P . ● verage p i. ct+● Tb. e.lirnated proce.. ● rithmetic mea. of the ..tinuted 10I percemt defective. p,.. C13. Z.3 Special C.. e. If the quality iade. Ou or 01. i. . aegativ. amber, lhen Table C-5 i. entered bydi. regarding the negative .iar.. Howcwer , ii. thi. c-.. the ..timat=d lot perce.m defective above the uppar limit or below the lower limit i. obthic.ed by .ub Cr.cting fh~ percentage lc.und in the table from 100%. C14. NORMAL TIGHTENED, “DUCED IkSPECTION AND RE- ●u’nplfng Tbia Standard esmblisbed P(U far normal, tightened. and reduced IEmpectk.n. C14. 1 At Start of fa. pectiom. Normal inspection .hd3 be used ● t the start of ias PeeU& uateoc otb.rwise dacignated. C14. Z ZturirIg 3aspection. Qurimgfhe courm &xctio. sbdl be of iwrnctiim, normal Coaiitimms are ●uch UDd vba. imspoctian (&85 tibteaed or reduced iMmcc?ion io not -itb” paragrmpfu r.4dTd Lm ● ccordume C14.3 d C14.4. Cl 4.3 Tisbtened fxukmcfion. Tishw..d ia9D0ct10m 91M31 be ttmtituted wbem tbe estj J td &t&f procemi ●verage computed from the ● stimat.d lot percent defective i- ~ ~r of towauto sero for b ●vclfied tiv. 10CC(see Table C-?). prec.di.# t.. ( 10) lots (or ●uch other aember of lot. de.i~nat.dl in ● ccmrdaoee .ith para~raph Cl 3-Z is greater than th= AQL, T of sod when mere than ● cc.rlaln ~r theme hats have emtimatea O! the percem delecctve .xecedisg the AQL. Tba T-values ●r.give. ln Table c-6 for tbeprocem ●wer,r age compted from 5, 10 or 15 101*.8 r40rmal in. p.ctioa hall be reiiut.ted i[ the ● verane of Iota her e.tinuted proces. Cightea.d im.pecxic.n is ●qtd to or le.. tkn the AQ t.. 1. COmdItkl c. Production i- ●t ● ●teady rata. Normal Iaspectlen one of the following reduced ia.~ctiOU. Cmditbm Iled=ced inCl 4.4 Reduced ln9PccUon. ●pecti.a rrmy b. uutitutad providd that all of the following conditions ● rc catiafied: ●va ● hall be reinstated cooditiea. eccvra D. A M M ‘my ti.r k rejected. condition E. Tbe ● ettmatad procema age 1. greater tbao tite ML irregular tkmditi.. F. or delayed. Prehcttom Camdittc.aG. Dtber become, Conditioa A. The preceding ten {10) lot8 (or .uch other number of Iota deaigrmted) have bee. under norm81 inspection and non. ha. be.m rejected. may warrant b. r.ltwtated. thmdicioa B. The ecttnu:ed pereemt defective for each d theme preceding Ietm ile.. than tbe applicable lower limit #bow. in Table C-7; or for certain ●ampiius plar.a. Cl 4.5 SPling PIUIO for Tfuhta.d or Re dimed LompeCroon. Sam #w P~ i or tightened -d reduced in@p@ctioa ● re provided in Sectio. C, Partm 1 aad U. ... ,... I Qa Umt normal .. .. .. condition. w impaetio. . bauld .. .. . MIL-sTD-414 11 Jme 19s7 TABLE VA.e. Sample code #ix. letter .04 . B . . ● D . E . F ,- . ● c G .065 ● . Acceptable DIM .15 .25 .4( . . . . . . ● ● . z 4 5 . ● ● . . . z > 4 z 4 s 3 4 5 3 5 6 3 b 7 4 6 e 4 6 s 44 77 99 4 6 8 4 6 8 ,4 6 9 44 4 3 5 7 3 : 3 b 7 ; 7 : 7 4 6 0 4 6 8 4 6 9 : 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 4 : 7 : ; 4 6 a 4 6 a 4 6 9 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 7 9 4 6 a 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 4 : ;1 4 7 0 N 4 7 9 4 7 9 4 7 91 4 7 01 4 7 0, 4 7 10 4 7 9 4 4 4 4 0 :1 : L M Ii 1:1 .4 :1 7 :9 4 7 +9 4 7 10 — 4 7 10 — 4 7 10 — ; 10 — 4 1! — : 10 4 1: — 4 7 JO — : 10 — 4 a 11 — 4 8 11 — of Wm 44 2 4 6 : 9 :8 10 11 3 5 7 4 1 F10 .4 7 10 4 8 11 5 4 ‘7 10 4 7 10 4 8 11 5 :7 89 44 67 99 44 78 10 11 : 11 4,4 4 8 — 4 6 9 -3 5 7 15.0 : 2 “3’ 10.0 : 8 4 7 10 — 4 7 10 4 7 10 — 4 1: — 4 7 10 — 4 e 11 4 a L1 — 4 ,? 1: 4 4 3 5 7 : ; K 23 44 56 ! 6.5 . 3 5 Number ‘ectke] 1.0 T -L ● : : J . ; H .1 T?. .6s Me3b0d k.spcction Sy Lewd ! 1: 3 of T for Ti~ht.ned .10 Range C-6 d- 5 10 4 15 10 15 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 : 11 1: 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 4 -8 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 : 11 4 8 11 5 : 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 11 4 8 11 4 a 11 4 a 11 5 1: 4 8 11 44 88 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 5 11 4 8 11 4 8 11 : 11 4 8 11 4 a 11 4 8 11 1; -t--t 44 7 10 4 n 1: 11 $ 44 7 10 4 78 10, 44 80 11 1: 4 11 $ 44 a 11 44 80 11 * 1s 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 5 10 11 15 uid MLvm3umm. m ---- MlL%Tn414 11 Juna 10S7 TABLE m z zIT Vale. A. ce d T for Ti@t-.d ‘=%!7 Lmspcuoa 5A ,.1s [ill ble Ouatit .15 ..?5 .40 .6s 44 77 10 4 10 “4 4 788 10 11 w 4 7 10 : 10 44 laa 11 11 .10 Q-lx Method R.-g. C-6-CooUfoJad 11 11 1.0 1.5 44 f5a 11 11 : : 11 11 44 a8 II 11 4 a !1 + : 11 The S-D 5 lot., .- fiiwm in each block refers to the precedim preceding 10 lots and lhc bottom figure to the pre&ding I S-lot.. I I 4 a 11 4 a 11 the middle 1 45 1: li~rc 10 15 to the of percent Tightened inspection i. required when the number of lots with ● .timatem defective above th= AOL from the precedin~ 5, 10. or 15 lots i. ~rester fhan the given vtiue of T in the table, and the pr-.e=m averaae from these lat. exceeds the AQL. Aff estimates of the lot percem defective are obtained al from Table C-5. ● ● ● ● a [loI** .000 .009 .025 .002 .015 ,037 .004 ,021 ,044 ● ● ● ● ● [12]** .000 .003 .011 .001 .006 .017 .001 .010 .0.?2 B c D E r G H I 1 ● * .007 .042 .079 .004 .032 .067 .002 .020 .052 [ 8)** * ● .000 .015 .014 .014 .101 .199 .028 .110 .230 ,042 .151 .24B .000 .002 .0.?0 .004 .047. .096 .010 .061 .118 .017 .075 .131 [191** [141** [JO]** ● ● 4 ● ● * o ● .25 .1$ .10 TABLE C-7 .094 .281 .40 .069 ..?52 ,40 .04Z .209 .174 .000 ..060 .199 [II]** [23]** ● ● ● .40 ! .202 .51b .65 .16.2 .478 .65 .112 .422 .65 .006 .19z .466 .000 .008 .158 [17/.. [)1]** ● ● .b5 .Jsb .861 I ,00 1.39 ?..47 2.s0 1.27 2.42 2.s0 .600 1.34 1.50 .691 1.39 1.50 1,12 2.)4 2.s0 .Z48, .498 .755 1.26 1,00 1.50 .326 ..522 I ,00 .5)6 1.94 2.s0 .061 1.37. ,2.30 ,00 .40 1.14 2.S7 4.00 b 2.42 4.00 L 2.20 4.00 , 1.41 3.63 4.00 .s3 3.01’ 4.00 0.00 1.84 4.00 .00 .35 1.84 [IO}** [15j** [28]** 4.0 [ 9]** [221.. [42]*. .?.5 [II]** [18].* (31)** ● 1.5 Levels .148 .90 1.50 .040 .449 .90 .000 .104 .50 [13].. [25].* [45]** ● I ,0 Acceptable Oudity Lot Percent Defective (or f2educcdfn,pectk ●Th-rc ~rc no tunpllng plmo provided In this Standard for the-e code Iettera and A(3L vduos. .065 ,04 code letter Ssrnple *ize Llmit# of htimxcd 4.11 6,50 A 4.52 6.50 a 4.27 ..50 , 3.27 6.50 A .?.04 6.06 6.50 12.65 15.00 A 12.43 15.00 A 7.68 I 0.00 A 7.91 10,00 i 12.13 I 5.00 & 11.01 15.00 1 I 5.00 i 9.66 8.45 J5.OO A 6.06 15.00 , & .17 I S.oo [ 9]** 15,0 1.40 10.00 A 6.30 to.oo & 4.92 10.00 & 3.s2 10,00 b .74 9.96 10.00 0.00 4.40 6.50 .19 5.74 b. 50 ( 7]** [121.. 10.0 [[O]** [18]** 6.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 s s 10 10 10 10 10 Jo 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 Is 15 Is or z.ato Number RWISQMethod 1 .014 .041 .064 .Ozz .051 .065 /.oz9 .056 .06s .007 .023 .036 .Olz .Ozfl #.04Z ,015 .013 .04 5.5 N T .1s” .093 .146 .078 .139. .15 .064 .1Z9 .15 .046 ,112 .15 .036 .1OZ .1s .0Z4 .087 .144 .144 .Z)a .25 .Izz .2Z6 .25 .09Z .z06 .Z5 .190 .Z5 .Z88 .581 .65 .246 .391 .4044A .z16 .378 .40 .174 .35Z .40 ,509 .94.? 1.00 .857 1.47 1.s0 1.119 1.50 l.o4l 1.50 A .92i 1.50 b 4:00 i y 5.01 5.90 6.50 A 3.54 4.00 A Z.15 2,50 & 13. z7 15.00 19.00 b 11.o~ 5 5 10 10 Is 1s 15 15 15 ~1 ●btlnmtem of tbe lot percent defective ● re obtained from T.ble C-5. Reduc~d Impaction may bo Inotltuted when every emtlmmed lot percent defectlv~ from the preceding 5, 10, or 15 IotmIc bdew the figure @iven la the labl~ raduced impectlea (or sunpllng plum marked I*.) in tbe table requires that the e8tImated lot percent defecllve la equa2to -ero, for the number of comecutive Io!* iadlcsted !n br~cket~. in tddltlam. dt other condltiom for r-ducad lnapection, In Part 221et Sactlom C, mumtbe ● attmii*d. ref. r# to the 10 14.15 1S.00 9.Z7 10.00 11 5 14.OZ 5 15.00 10 9.15 10.00 AA 8.48 10,00 bd 8.11 10.00 k RUIIO Method T# 5.BO 6.5o l&A 3.46 4.00 1 Z.50 & 1.90 b .?.08 & 5.2Z 6.5o tt-t-1 6.50 A 3.19 4.00 A — 1.32 4.00 1 2.99 4.00 b 2.86 4.00 k’ 1,87 2<50 A 1,7Z Z,50 A 1.6,? 2.s0 & h percent clef, :tke, .109 1.00 .434 ,65 ● re .648 1.00 i .562 .968 1.09 ,389 .636 .65 ,326 .6o4 .65 Ipt tholI In the bracketm, k ,103 1 .149 .140 .332 .40 1.40 2.50 & 2.5 333 .076 El&E!! .0 It .08 .10 .0)8 .0 z .1) .07.6 ,069 .10 .020 .062 .09? .012 .049 .088 ,10 Wm. tht (Irml flsu?o In diractlon O( arrow aad corree~adin~ number of Iotn. in e~eh bl~ck tho top (Inure prccodkng 3 Iota, the mlddlo Npre ‘to tho preceding 10 Iott, and the bottom figure to the precedlal 15 lots. N] Q AQ .010 .016 .0s9 .004 .010 .033 L P ,00s ,021 ,010 .002 .013 .0Z6 TF ,06S ,04 C-’I-C.mthtued I Llmltc of ZZctlm~tedLX Pereent Defective for Reduced fmpectimi TABLE . g$ :! !,g - % .398 .)92 .384 .J8Z .318 .371 .369 85 115 175 230 N 0’ P a .384 .405 .190 60 .4?.3 .408 M 35 1 .426 .411 .411 30 I .412 .4[6 .396 15 n .460 .444 50 15 G L 10 r .065 .417 1 E .04 .402 5 D 40 4 c K 3 91s* Slrnple B Ienor .478 ,455 .481 .480 .455 ,454 .434 .43.? .41z .197 .399 .525 .533 .542 .548 .556 .56o .567 .6OZ ,64z .804 .756 — .764 .516 .5)8 .300 .507 .540 .555 .564 ,573 ,580 .588 .593 .6OO ,637 .677 .846 !801 .78.9 .517 i--l-.490 ,464 .442 .421 — ,411 .406 .505 .503 44’I 470I 497 it- .486 .519 .4’?2 .469 ,463 .527 .531 .537 .572 .49? .503 ,509 ,542 ,416 ,480 .486 .517 .427 .434 .441 .441 .454 .457 .463 .49J .412 .419 .426 .4JZ .438 .442 .447 ,477 .529 695 727 765 I I 442!3 --t-% ’77 :ceptable Ouallty Le !It (in perct Average Range (hfARl C-8 .923 .857 .748 .19) .666 .676 + .504 .594 .637 .64S -1- .6OZ I .656 .608 + .621 .628 I .684 .6)7 j .694 .642 I .699 .649 I .707 -t- .68.9 .730 .910 I .985 + .891 .865 .816 .811 + de/cctive) 4.00 2.50 * 1.0s6 .958 I 1.180 1,028 I 10.00 115,00 .708 I .720 I .129 I ,740 ,752 .785 I .194 I ,s08 ] I .908 ,923 ,934 .949 .830 .618 .96) I I 1.004 .843 .879 1.011 I 1.118 I 1.26j .96S .907 6.50 NOT&: There h t eorreopoadkg occepfablllty constant In Table C. I for eqch .aZue of f. tht ●ccepttbillty comtant of T-ble C-Z in T~ble C- I md u-e the corre~pmtding value or f. For reduced hirpection, find The MAR may ba obtdaod by multlplyin~ the factor f by the difference between the upper limit u .nd lew. r speciflcallon Ilmif L. The formuh 1- MAR . lIU-L). The htAR serveB as a guide for the magnitude Of the average rang, of Iha ounpla when uaia# plant for the double opecUicatian Ilmit .ca#e, based on the average range of the munpla of .mbm.wn varlabUity. Tha werap ruge of the .smple, tl Ieoo than the 5dAR, helpc to inoure, bd doe- not [utrantee, lot accept. abiflty. CO* $ample #lz* Vducs Of f for h{dmum TABLE , f mL-SlW414 .11 June 19s7 APPENDIX C mMlmitfO.s Definition. Read SY@.?! ●ike far sample m X bar x single ● lot. %rnple mean. Arithmetic from . .ingle lat. ●mple meam of mea.. r.m.rm Range. The difference betweer. the Iarge. t and ●rnalle.t mea.ur. mests in . .. bgroup. & this Smitdard, the #ubg.o.p site <s 5 except for them= plan. in which m . 3. 4: er 7. in size. which ea.. the ●ubgroup i. the same a. ths .ampl. R Range e: the fir. t subgroup. Range R bar I I the ●econd subgroup. Aver.~e ruag.. The arifhn-.etic mean of the rug. values of the subgroups ef tbc sample measurcm.nta [ram ● single lat. u L k Upper spec Uication limit. faumx apecificstien limit. c A factor u.ed in determinizi~the quality index when using the range method. The c values ● re given is Table.. C-3 and C-4. The acc.pcability conctanr given in Tables C- 1 nc.d C-Z Qu O ●ub U Ouafiry fmdex for “.= wijh Table C-5. QL Q ●.b L Ouafiry fndex for use with Table C-5. Pu p .ub U Sample estimate Table C-5. of the let percent defective above U from p Sample ●.tixnale Table C-5. cd the lot percent defective below L from ‘L ●ub f. I Totti SUTIple estimate P I d M&imum M given % M,ub. U ● llowable in Tablmm C-3 Mtitun allowable C-> scuf C-4. (For L ● re specified.) percent and C-4. defective defective for p = Pu + PL. sample ● mtimam. percent d. fecfive above U gi.em in Tables use wbem differenf AOL valuca for U and de f.cti.. blew f. Siv.m in Tabfe. ~uxn mflowmble pert..t C-3 and C-4. fF~r u.e -ha. different AQL value. for U ad f. ● re cp=dfied.) ML ..tinut. @f the p.ece.. S-pi. estinmt=d average. P p bar $U p bar #ub V The estimumd FL p bar suh L The T of the 101percenl ● stimated p.rc.m defective. i.e.. proce.. ..era~e for UI upper ●pecUication pro . . . . ● verage for a lower .pecific.tion Cbe lf-mit. limit. um number of emtin’tated proces. a.er4ea w~cb The mmay exceed the AOL given in Table C-6. (For use in deffr_ WW+fiCafiL= U fi~ht=aod Ampeefloa) 8s .—. MIL-STD-414 11 Jffffa 10s? D SECTfON vARIABIIJ’I-s KNOWN Part 1 SINGLE 01. SAMPLfNG PLAN FOR sPEC1 nCATfON LfhffT SPEC1fICATION Com.tant. Th= ●=c=Ptto the SUTIple is. mentioned in paracraph DV..2. I, im i-dicated in the column of the maater tabl* corre. p.amding to the ●pplicable AOf.. vafue. Table D-1 i- .ntered from the r normal i.. peetion ● nd from tbe bottom for tightened im.pection. Sampling plan. for reduced ic.apectioo ● re provided in Table D-Z. Dz.2.2 SINGLE D3. D1. 1 U.c of Samplinu Plan.. To determine the ●cceptability whether the lot meets criterion with respect to ● particular qtmtity chsracteristi. and ACIL value, the applicable .ampling plan shall be umed in accordance with the prcwi. iom of Sectic. n A. General Plan.. ● nd lhose in Description of S.mpling thi. psrt of the Standard. D3.2 timputation. The folio witas qu~tifY ● ball be compute& (u-X)1. or (X- I.)l. . dependins on whether the .p..fficatiom limit i. u upper Or ● 10wer limit, where A7.2. U .L X e Master Sampliq Table-. The rzm. t.r fabJe. Ior planm ba. =d on v8ria bttlcy ~ k? ● ●imsle qeetfkattc$m ltmlt ● re Tables D-1 and D-z. Tablo D-1 i- omd (m -rmsl Ind tightened tnapectiom and T&l. D-z for rod.ced icupectioa. D4. 8ampffnR PtM. Tbo Qu81i.a,wd M pli8* ph. C.nmmtm 01 ● ,unpl* Tbe s~moclated ●cceptability conmtant. from k.te r samplimg plan ia ebtahed D-I ● Sise. The ..niph she ●howa in t e mamter table correspoadhs AOL. each ●ampl. ●he code leffer & lS.a Appcadis Z~-~PIe i. the sample mean. ● nd is the bnown variability. SUMMARY PUR 8mAuNGm..Az4wmz OPERATION’ N?onu OF 12s ● nd D-Z. ~pfe DLL, Mntlt, llmit. btlltv Criterion. timpar. the - L)I. with tba ●cceptqmantity ●bifity coaatant L M (U-X)1. or (X- L)le i. tbb. tfmbg=-e~ ~ .quf ’te ox sroater ●cc*pfabfflfy crtsertcud If (U-w. or ~- L)/. Is 18** tbn k or Decative. tin tbe lot dOa* mt mat tbo 8cc*pfAbtltty c rlterioa. DZ.1 Table i- the upper specification ●pecKicatioa is the low-r PLAN ●amplms Obtdmimr conformance (x- L.)/.. D1.3 Determination of Sample Size Cod. T he m-pie Letter. 91ZC code,letter .hdf ~.cted from Table A-2 tn 8ce.rdmce with paragraph A7.1. DZ. Z ACCEPTAEfl-~ PROWNEN FORM 1 IS fJSEf# Criterion. The dearof a quality characseri. tic with re. pect to a •in~le specification limit hall be judged by lb. quantity {u-X)/_ or of I D2. SELECTING THE SAMPLING wHEN FORM 1 IS USED WT-BY-~T CEDURES D3. 1 Acceptability ●hail “All -ample. with para#rmph Acceptability ●bility comstaut k. corrcapOd@f This part of the Stand~rd de.tribes tbe prOc=<u, =* fer u*= with plan- fOr ● ●in81= .peciftcac ion limit whe. variability of the lot with rcapecl to the quality chbracteri. tic Tbc acceptability criterion i. i. known. givcm in two equivalent form.. The.. are identified am Form 1 ● nd Form 2. D1.2 Drawing of Sag. be dramt i. ●ccarrJa.ce LIMIT m i. fo [1) Determine [be sample sise coda letter from Table A-Z by u-lr.I Ibc lot ●iM ad tba tipecftoa lee:. D for d= finicia=u al all ●pnbals D. I fo, ● COmpfete .sunpf’e used in tba sunptiQz Of tti 67 prO=eda.e. PIUU bned oavar~U~ I mL-snb414 11 June 1957 (21 Obtain PI*. from Master Table 33-I or D-Z by sel=ctitag the ●ample .i%e rI ●nd the .Cceptabitity Coti.ta-t k. ●Pecificalion limit. The p.rc.mtag. ef nomc.nferming product i’ ● .;imamd b~ ●nfcrTablt D-5 with the quality index. at random ~ha .unple ef ❑ (3) Seleti units from the lot: inspect ● nd record the tn. amur. merit of the quality characteristic Ior each unit of the ●ample. lade-. The of Oualilv D6. Z Computation quality QtI . [U-X) VI. .h.lf be corn. limit im u. upper puted if the 8pe; ification limit U, or C3L = fX-L) v/. if il is s lower limit L. The quzc.litie.. ~ and . . ● re the ..mplc mean and known variability. respectively. The laclor v i. provided in Tables D-3 and D-4 corre. pc.ading to the .unpfe size. [4) Cornput. the .unpl. me.. X, ●nd the quantity (u-X)/e for an u per specification limit U or the quamtity L)/. for ● lower .peciiicatiaa limit L {f- ●lso compute D6.3 Estimnte of Pert.nt Defective in Lot. The quality of ● lot ●hall be exprem. ed by Pu. the estimated percent delective in the lot ● bove the upper .pecificstmn limit, or the ●stimated percetit defective below by P ih. l-” owcr specific alior. limit. The citimated by percent de~ective PU or pL i. obtaizted cmte. img Table D-5 with OU or Cfti (5) lf the quatitity (U-X)/. O. (x- L)/a i. equal to or greater lhas k, the lC.I meet. the acceptability criterion; U (u-X)1. or (X- L)/W is Icaa :han k c.r eesative, them the 101do=. not meal the acc.ptabillty criserbn. D5. SELECTING THE SAMPL3NG WHEN FORM 2 3S USED PLAN D6.4 Acceptability Criterion. Compare the” estimated 101 p=rcent defective p~ or pL with th. maximum ●llowable percent de fcc ti. e M. lf pu or pL i’ equal to or le.. than M, the lot meet. the acceptability criteriotx if PU or PL is ~reater than M or U QU or ‘L ~S negative. ~h=n th= 10t do= C@ IIWCt cn. acceptability crxterior.. D5. I Master Samplirm T. bles. The ma.t.r m.rnpling tables for plans ba. ed on vari. Iirnil bilily knc.un (~r ● .ingle specification ● rc Table. D-3 ●nd D-4 of Part IL Table D-3 is used {or normal .ad tightened inspection and Table D-4 for reduced inspection. The D5. Z Obtainin~ the Samplinff Plan. plan .onsi. ts c.{ ● ample .iz. ●nd maximum ●llowable perccnl an ●ssociated defective. The .amplimg plan is obtained from Master Table O-3 or D-4. .137. SUMMARY SAMPLZNG USED FOR OPERATION PLAN WNEN FOffhf steps summarice The following tO be followed: the OF 2 IS Pro- cedures D5. Z.1 Sample Sise. The .ampl. .i=e ~ i. .hown in the rnasler table .x. rreaportdine to each s~mple .i=e code letter, (1) Dele. rninethe .m’nple size code cer from TabIe A-Z by the lot .ise the in. pecliem level. D5.2. Z Maximum Allnr.. able P.rcecIt De~ereent fe<tive. The rnaxirnum ● llowable corr.. i~ve M for 9UTIP1. ●.timalc. poadkmg b tbe sample ●i.e meatlomed i. r-wr~pb D5.z. 1 I* irtdicated in the Colwn. of the mseter table corrempoadiag to the ~PP1ic~hle AOL value. Tabl. D. 1 is acte, ed from tbe t.pfar .armaf inopecfioh and frc.m tbc bottom let tip.cuon. Sunplirig plans for reduced Iamfmctima.are provided io Table D-4. ~T-BY-WT CEDURES (3) S4ect st ramdom tbe .unple of n umits from the 10G irs. pect and record the nma.ur.nmnt 01 the qualhty charutari9tic on each umit of tbe ●empl.. ACCEPTABILITY PROWNEN FORM Z IS USED 3 EXamPI. D-2 far . complete exunple tbe sample [5) Compute the ( U- X}v/U ● . upper Db. 1 Acceptability Criterion. The de~ree of con>ormae.ce c.f ● quality eha~aeterimtic .pecifi. atio~ limit with respect m ● .iagi. .hdl be judpd by the prc=a of ~~conformimg producl nutside tbe upper Or ‘S=. and (2) Obtaia plmr. from Mater Table D-3 or D-4 by ●electing lhe ●unple ●i=e U. fbe df.wable perfbctor ., ●nd the mulmum cent defeefiwe M. (4) Compute DE. 141- ;F%%%$; %ai% me- X. quality index f2u . t cificatimn limit U = (FL)v/. If ● ,-* i, .peeified., 16) Determine the ●mtimsted lot prcasd defective PU or pL fram Table D-5. of thl. precedure. 88 -—— MUA7D-414 11 Juoa 1SS7 (7) U the emthrmtcd lot percent de f.c UW* pU or pL im eqtml W or Ie*a ttmo tbe maximum atlowable percent defective M, cricerla~ the lot meata thm ●ccaptabiii.~ u ‘u h ‘rnesattve, “ “ ““”=’ ‘- let M “ ad ‘f ‘4Z QL thea the deem the =ccopMbUitY criterion. EXAMPLE &Ample D-1 of Ca3ctiiiam SiaCle Spec51ictii0a L%iitVariabiIlfy Example Information Lint — Sample 2 Known V.riabitity: 3 Sum af Mes..rcmcnt.: 4 Sample Sise: Mm. X: 630,000 ZXln The Quantity: I 7 Acceptability CoLI. taat: 8 Acceptability with k Criter- I 3.000 IX b NOTE: — Expluulion Value Obtained . Speeificatioo I i- to be determined. n 5 The lot does Ne.ded criterion io 1 I .. t(cw-n 60,500; 68,00(h 59.000; 65.500; 61 ,000; 69.000; S6.000; 64.500; with the acce?tabilitv and rompliame I 1 The ●pecif ied minimum yield point for certain ●t4el c~-ttags is 50,000 psi. A lot of 500 item. im wubmicted for inspection. lo bpection Level IV. normal Ia.poction. The variability . i. knowm te be 3000 p-i. From with AOL . 1.5S i. to be u..d. SUPW9C fhe Table. A-Z and D-1 it i- seen that ● mample of ●kc iO io re.autred. yield point. of the ●unple specimen, ● re: 6Z,500; 6z.000; I Form 63.000 Llmlc (Luwer): 58,000 L 1.67 (X- L)le mot meet 6J,000110 1.70 See T-ble D- I 1.67 c 1.70 see Para. D>.3 k Compare the =eceptabi3ity (X- L)/. critmriom, dnce (X-L)!. If ● ●ksie upper specUiCatiOn ltrrdt u i. SWen. tbeh compute b d compu~ it with k the 10C meet. the .cceptabiiify lbequal to or greater tbui k. I I I 89 (63,000-5.5.000)/3000 is le.. th= ~ tbe quaatlfy (U-X)1. crit=rio. if ( u-X)k tm i. 54flL-sl’13-414 11 Jumd 1957 E~LE D-2 of Cafcuhtfonm fkampfe Single Specification VariabUity Example L4mit - Form 2 Known The specified mimimum yield poiuf f-r certain .teel casting. . . .in S8.000 psi. A lot or 500 item. is submitted ror inspection. inspection Level Iv, normal lnspectlon, with AQL = 1.5% is to be u.ed. The variability e is known to be 3000 psi. From Table, A-2 and D-1 it is . ..cI that ● sample of ●ize 10 i. required. .SuPpa. e the are: yield points of the sample mpecimen. 62.500; 60.500: 68,000; 59.000; 65,500: 62,000; 61 ,000; 69,000; 58.000; 64,500; with the ●cceptability and compliance sample size: 2 Know. Variability: 3 sun-l of Mr.a.urerncIll’: 4 sample Me- 5 Factor, b sp=cific aliOn ~mi, 7 Ouality fnder: 9 10 ‘m’” ‘f n 3.000 c 6>0.000 xx 1.054 ltiwe r): ‘“1 ‘L Max. A1l.awabl, Percem Def.: Critcrian: (63.000-58.000)1 3,000 !.76 OL : (X- L)v/o ‘Crcent Acceptability with M S8.000 f- M Compare pL The lot d~es not rn. e$ the ●ccepf.abifity criterion, ~E 630,000/10 63.000 TXln v “ Explanation 10 I X: is m be determined. Value Obtaimed biforr?mtirm Needed Line — 8 criterion .054 3.927. Se. 3.63% See Table D-3 S=. Par.. D6.4 3.92% a 3.63% since PL is great=r Table D-5 than M. ff . sin 1. upper .pecific.tion Iii-nit ff i. given. the. compute the qu~lity index Qu = defective PU. compare PU (U. XIV . m lme 7 and ebtain the sstimale -f $he perceml if pu i. ●qual 10.0. 1.*S than Mwith W. the 1.s rn. et. the ●cceptability criterion F- 90 I ------- . . ..- .- ,’ 1.64 8 2.7? 2.7? 2.81 2.88 1 8 10 14 x 5., M N ‘E 15 11 6 2,77 2.12 2.59 2.96 2.97 27 37 .063 2.92 19 2..94 10 .10 .?.80 20 1=r~ 2.63 7 2,12 6 J“ o 2.58 6 .?,69 5 2.5s 1 4 2.63 49 4 3 — k H — — n 2.58 F k .06S 3 — n .04 G’ F E D c B Sample 91*c code letter . .10 k 2.65 16 2,71 42 I 1 I I 2.30 2.62 34 .29 2.62 2.57 2)- 45 2.S4 1? 2.49 2.45 10 12 2.4s 2.3s 1 ‘? 2.37 6 5,.,4 4 1 I 4 2,14 .25 I I t I I 2,41 31 ~o 2.48 Z.4J 25 49 Z.41 2.35 2.31 2.29 2.26 2.25 19 13 II 9 8 ? 62.2, I I I I I I , [ Acceptable Oua21ty Levalo (tightened lnopectlon) .15 2.72 31 2.69 2.59 11 22 2.54 9 2.54 8 2.49 6 2.s0 2.46. S -1 2.39 4 1 .1s [ [nklnklnkl ++” a ccepttble Ouallty Level? (norma2 Inopaction] 2.05 12 2.33 2,34 40 %4 .65 2.29 2.21 27 21 2.21 2.16 10 14 2,13 2.13 9 8 6Z.0* 5 .40 TABLE D-1 Matter Table for Normal and Tlghtenad Inspection for Planr Baoed on Varlablllty Known (Single Specification Lkmlt-Form 1) I I I I I I , I 1,25 1.99 1.96 59 44 30 23 26 13 i ,00 2.18 2,11 2.14 2.12 2.o7 2.03 11 “2,01 10 8 ?.‘“ 1,95 5 ak ,65 ’ I 1.s6 1.s0 3 7 9 E H 1 IS 13 11 9 7 2,50 4.00 1.70 1.69 1.67 I I t--- 1.65 t 1.61 1.57 Acceptable O El 61 42 32 22 10 1.56 1.53 1.51 1.49 1.45 1,48 48 6.50 1.51 I I 1.29 1.29 I.Z~ 10.00 109 82 55 1.11 1.15 1.13 1.11 1.01 .991 .9,9 , I t ] Ill [ I I I 1 I , When S~ptO 1.07 1.07 1.05 .964 ,942 ,924 .906 .877 .197 .,.28 k]ak ], I I I I I ,I 147 Ill 75 27 24 ..20 lb 12 8 , .045 .841 .8I9 .737 .719 .706 .685 .649 .S84 .,,, 15.00 I “1 I I 3 I I I site equa20or ●xctads tot 15.00 127 95 64 24 21 17 14 11 7 n 10.00 d z ~~ * ?1 ;. =s =-b-t=-, 20 lZI Is 12 9 6 , 6.5o !ty Lavelo (tightened Incpeclhm) 93 1.51 1.46 36 J,42 25 1.38 1.35 1.34 1.31 1.28 1.20 ,.,, 1.38 70 1 I Vlvlvlvl kink 20 18 Is 13 10 8 5 4 n .— 4<00 31ty Level# (normal Inmpeetim) AQL VdUS* ●?E In Bercent dafectlve. at cunplkag plm baZow●rrow, that ln, both aunple site *8 well amk value, item in nzuat be kmpected. idol 1.50 1.28 1.17 1.09 v 5“ 1.$9 4 3 z Z.50 Acceptable I k 1.89 ?1 2.04 65 Q 1.89 54 2.03 49 P 1.86 36 2.00 31 o 1.84 28 1.97 25 N 3.79 39 1.93 17 M 1.75 Is [.09 14 L, 1.75 1.88 12 14 1.10 10 1.62 6 1.68 1.53 4 B 1.44 1.33 ,? J 1.25 v z 1.72 K I 1.50 nk 12 1.S6 l-- 1.83 II f I!fi::v,r, AI —— — I --+-H%- 1,42 2 D v k 1.36 I n l== I .00 2 c B Sample ●Ic* code Ietlar TABLE D-1-Conl[nud Maoler Table [or Normal and Ti~htenid Znopectionfor PlarJI Based On Variablllty l(nown (Single Speclflc.tlon Limit-Form II . --- 2.12 11 P 2.77 2.58 6 0 15 2.59 6 N I 2.55 4 M Q 4 L k 132.’ 8 K J’ } .04 914 I I 39 1 16 2.65 I 17 2.s4 2.49 la 2.59 11 Z.J8 7 2.50 2.37 6 2.49 b 7 2.34 5 2.46 2.34 5 5 Y..3O 2.19 3 4 2.19 k 3 n 2.46 r k .10 5 m .065 a 1 34 G r E D c 25 Sample aico coda Inttmr D-2 * 2.23 2.25 2.26 2.35 ‘k 7 a 13 z.41 2.23 6 19 2.14 2.07 3 4 2.07 1.94 1 z knk I I 21 2.21 2.21 2.13 8 14 2.08 b Z.13 2.0% b 9 2.05 1.91 3 s 1.91 1.01 3 z .25 n .40 knk II .b5 I 1 1.b9 ,.581, 1.42 1.S.6 z 3 1.3b 10 5 [.99 l.aa I II II b 1.86 1.7a -=-H-i =-l-=-i 3 z Z I 4* F1 R — n .15 ble Quality Levelo— Msomr ~nbte for Reduced Zn8pectionfmr Plant Baiedon Variability bon (Sinlle SpecUicaIlon Limit- Form 1) TABLE . I z Q P o N M 1.79 1.84 28 1.?2 1.70 19 12 10 1.60 1.60 a L S 1.62 b 41.53 t.5j K J 4 9 53 1.44 1.33 a G E .1 1.2s k a n 1.00 TABLE D-2-ConUnued I I II I 1 I 1.39 1.28 1.17 1.09 k 1.53 1.61 1.65 22 32 1.51 11 13 1.49 1.49 1.45 9 9 7 5,1.39 5 4 1 2 n 1.50 I I I I ! 1.35 1.42 1.46 \s 25 36 1.34 1.31 10 13 1.31 10 1.21 1.24 42 1.15 29 18 1.13 1.11 12 15 1.11 11 1.01 9 8 1.28 .991 .919 .8.35 .755 k 6 5 3 3 n 51.ZO I ! 4.0 .991 1.20 1.11 1.01 .936 k “ 6 5 4 3 2 m 2.50 Acecptable C2uaIityLevelt ..— I I 49 33 21 17 14 14 11 1 1 5 4 J n k 1.03 .995 .942 .9?.4 .906 .906 .877 .797 .797 .1?.8 .641 .573 6.5 Table {m Reduced kicpectbn f.? I?lan. Breed On Variability IGI.Wm (Sin@Speciflcatlon Limit -F.atm 1) F E D, c B ‘Smple Siso code letter Masltr :. 56 18 2.4 20 16 16 !2 8 0 6 .803 .770 .719 .706 ,685 ,685 .649 ,584 .584 ,515 k =--l n I 1 :8 :s . kUL-sm-414 llJums 106? Psrt n DOUBLE DE. sAM’PU?JG PLAN sPECIF3CAT10N _ FOR SP3ZC3SXATZON the lover Itrnlt. M4 by MU for tb= UPWr limit. u one AOZ. i- ●ssigned to bath l~ltc combined. demipte tbe maximum A31.wable p-rcerd defective by M. Table D. 3 is entered tipeczton and from from the zop for uornuz tbe bosom for ttghtened imopectdon. Sampli.s plans for redoced imcpeczion sre prOvided in Table D-4. DO CfBCE This part Of the Standard describma the procedures f.r use with pftis for ● double Specific-tiom limit when variabttlty of the lot =ith reopact to the qtmfky c~rscteristic i. known. DE. 1 U.* Of SUnplimc Plan,. TO determine w%the r the lot meets the ●cceptability cri qu~i~ le.-ion with ?=*PCCX co ● XrtiCtIISr characleri~ tic and AOL v’azuels). the applicable ●ampliag plan shall bc u.ed in accordance with the prwimic.nm cd .$ection A, Gea eral DeacriptiOm of SkrqdiW Plmns, md those in this part of the Standard. I I D9. SELECTWG A sampling .h.11 be selected [0110-s: THE fMkfPLfNG Lfb4ZT D1O. ● nce D1l. DRAWING Samples #ball with parasraph #.&-T-Y~O ...” plan for esch AQI. .ake from Tab)e D-3 or D-4 ● . ..: Table D9. i Determination Of S=mple Sise Code Letter. T he ●ample ● ma cade letter .bfi b~.cte.d [ram Treble A-Z in mecordamce with paragraph A7. 1. -- U L “ X . D9. > Obtaining .sunpli.g P1_ A ●unpliag ● 2*, d M ● s80plaa Celia, mt, 01 ● ●mple .dated maximum aflowsble ~rc=m defecPIti be ●pp3Aed Jo tively). The ●uf@ins inspection shall be ebtahed from 3dmcter Table D-3 or D-4. m ito .of .unpte .8Unut.* percent th4 Imr. nppe?. 0rb04b cp*ctfication limits co~ta.d. eerr*mpOndbs fa ●ize memfiomed in parasrmpb tb. sample D9.3. 1. i. #ho_ in the cdunm of the W18mter ~Iv* dafeectwe for for table eorreaponding co tba wdte(s]. K dKferemtAQLos applicable be selected A7. Z. T In accord- ACC~PTABIIXl%’ product La estimated D-5 wAzh Z& quality by enterkg M-x. D 11.2 Computation of Quality lndice ■ . The . (U-xwi e and OL= qua3ity iadices Q (X- L)v/c. ●ball be ~omputed, where D9. Z Master SamPlinE Table.. The maater SUnpl-es ier w bs. ed on wuiabi3Itit ● r= ity known for ● double cpecific-tti T=bleD-3 and D-4. Table D-3 11 u~ed for .O rmal amd tightened izupection ud Tmblc D-4 for reduced inspect.ion. D9.3. 1 Sun 1. Si.e. The ●unple ●i.e #how. =~ t e master ZAb3e. eorrecpondlag each ●unple ●txe code letter -d AOL. SWLES D! 1.1 Accepi.bility criterion. Tbe degree r.cleri~ tic et conformance al ● qutiltY c with respect to a do~le sF&c Ification limit al ~con.ihll be judged .by tbe perce~ The ~TCeIIUSS Of Wafarmiog product. PLAN .IJaforzniq I OF AQ3. m aa~isad w ●xb speckficatlon Umlt. demtsuua th8 -tmmm tile-able percent defective by ULIOZ es is iis is ia the upper specification limit, limit, the 10wer ●peeificmion a facsor providsd in Table* D- 3 ~d tk .unple mean. and zbe ksowm wariabifizy. D-4. nlL-s’nk414 11 JuIIe 1957 t, tbe 10I doe. rat meet tb. ● ability .rit. ria. Zf either OL O* O“ or both ar. ae*.U.e, UMrI the 10; &e. 03%rpe.t the ●ccep3abUtty criteria. athrwi. Pi +b *= s-Am .Uew*Ie ‘P~z~ti delceuve M. 25 p u equaf to or lea- 3baa U ff the Id meeb the ●ccep3abUIty crUeri~ p ic ‘re=ter tbm M or if Of) or Of. or both ml meet the .,* Itapfive. Umn the lot &es acceptabffity criteriam D12.1. Z Suna~ryef OP erati.n of Sunplia Plan. la caoe. where a .ingle AOLvtiue ~ ~bliohed for tbe upper and lower ●pacification limit cornbim.d (or a ●fwle quality characterimtlc. the tolZowinS steps 8umma. ri. e th.. procedtwe. to be u.ed: (1) Determine the sunple ●ise code letter from Table A-2 by the lot .ize and the in. pectioa level. .. : D12.Z. Z summaryc.f operation ef sPlan. Za em=. wtmre ● diflereot AOL -d lower t~c. ~ctabliched f., the “p-r Aficatiom limit for a •in~le qtmii17 character .tcp. . urnnmrime imtic, tbe ;dfowtbe prmcedurem fn be u.ed: (1) Determlae letter from Table A-Z d in.peetio. level. the ●unple ●k. code by uefa, the 105.&e Table (Z) Select plan Mater D-3 or D-4. Obtti tbe .unpla si.e n. the factor ., and the rruximurn allowable perced defective M. {Z] Select tbe san-tpliag plan front Mate. Table D-3 or D-4. Obtaio tb. ample .ise tI .ad the I.cter ., eorre.podirq to the lar~erof lb. two AQLva3ue.. dal. o the maximum .U.Ywable percerit delecgive. ●nd M corresponding to the AOL va ‘Y ue. for 1# e apper and lower specificatiea limit., respectively. of (3) .%], ct ● l ra=dem the .am~le n unit. from the lot; in. pect and record the m... ttmeatat of tbe quality characcerimtic on ●.cb unit of the sample. of 13) Select at random the ●mple n unit. from tbe 10C irIap. ct ●md record the mcaauremcm of the quality characteristic on each unit in the .arrtple. = (U-x)vl. percent D-5. (4) COmpute the .unple mean X. (s) compute the quality ad QL . (X. L)v/.. indicem Qu lot (6) Determine the ●.tinmxed defective p . pu + pL from TabIe (7) M tbe e. f.inuted lot percent defective p i. ●qual to er le.. than the maxi. mum allowable p.rceas defective M. tbe lot me. t. tbe acceptability criterion: if p is sreater than M or if Qu or OL o, both ● xe =S~~V~. tfI*n *let doa - not meet ~e mccapc-bility criterion. DIz. z &w.r Dlff8remt AOL Values .Sp.eUi.aUOO LiInlL for Upper and compute tie .8mpIe (5) Compute the q~ty = (U- fov/. and CZL = (X- L)v/&,. mean . . x. indiee. QU @t (6) Determine the ●.tImued p“ mud pL, correspond p.rceat de ins to tha pa d. f.ctivec tie tb. upper and b.lmw the lower .pecific.tkm limit.. Afmo d.te rmine th. combined percent de f.c tive p = p“ + p~ . (7) u all three of tbe fallowing cc,n- i’ equaf tbma diuolta : l.) ~u to or 1... %. (b) pL i. mquaf 1. or lR.8 D1 2-2; 1 Aceap4abflUy Crit9ria. 5 COirtfu*e the ●stdnuted 1ot pmrc~t defeetivem m.. h the cerro@omd4ng PU dth ~ -a..=bI= Perta=t de f==ttvew M d Mfj alao =Omi=r. P . Pfi + PU wittt k larger d ML mmdMu. lf pL sequmt taarle*attmm ML. P ic 9qtmf to or Ie*m tbul Mu. ad p i. q A to or lam than the larger of ML aad Mu, criterk the lot meat. tbe ●ecepbility —--- (4) ffun Mu larger (CJ p b equaf of ML and Mu, ts Or Ie*#fzlamthe u. satiaficd, th. lot umato the ~C~tdiii~ criterk other+se. the lot does MC meet the “’=~ or both am “’’”’A’* aesativ~ m..t tbe acc.ptiifiiy tbeo ‘*’ * criterb lot%::% . bn~14 11*2ES7 EXAMP= D-S fsxanlpze of Cdcufat,ioms DOEbh sp4c3d&az10a ZAm2t varhbmfy Dm. AC3L Vahie for Seth Upper E.mtple @ XmOwm &w.r SpeeUiea320a 2AMA1 Combined mitdmnun yield 3,0311u[m cemd. steel rutimzN are The ●peclfie.d maximum ad 67.000 p. i and 58,000 psi, rucpceUvel y. A lot of 500 items is ●tbmitted for impec tloa. 3nop.ct30n &val ZV. aornd insPct3aa, W3UI AQL = 1.5% 1- to be ..4. T& ?abka A-2 ●nd D-> it i. seem fzut a variability c is &o-n to be 3,000 psi. Frati .unpl. of ●i.e 10 i. required. SuPpu. e the yi.ld point. of the ●ample specimens ● re: 6z, SOO; 60,500; 68.000; s9,000; 65.500; 6z.000; 61 ,000; 69.000: 58.000; 64.500; ●nd compliance lnIornutio. Lb. — I with the ●cceptability criteriom V. I.e Needed is to b, determined. Obtaim.d Explanation, 1 Sample ?. Know. 3 Sum of Meaaurem6ats: 4 Sample 5 Factor, 6 Upper 7 Zmwer Specific=cion 8 QuaIity Index: Qu = fU-X)V/. 1.41 (67,000-61,000)1.054/3,000 9 Quality Lufex: Z3L . (~- Z.).1. l.?b (63,000-58.000)1.054/3.000 Size: n 10 Variability: Mean X: 3,000 o ZX 630,000 sXln 63, o0O v 630,000/10 1.054 Specification Untie: U 67,000 Limiti L 56,OOO 10 Est. of Lot Percen: Def. Above 11 12tc. of &t D*I. J2 TelaJ ~*t. Pu + P~ See Table D-3 pu 7.93% See Table D-5 IA P& 1.92% See Table D-5 U: ..: PerccnI P=r=e=t D-f- Max. 14 AcceotablI1tv C.ite rioa: pu + “pL with M A310w~ble Percent ● ~ ~~ P - 7.93% + 3.92% 11.85% 13 The 3ot doe Below not met D.[.: M cmn~r= . Seo T*1c 3.63S .n . the ●ccepzcbiflty 11.85% > 3.63% criterion. da.. p = pu See Para. D-3 D13.4 + PL io sreater 97 ------ .. . -— than ~ um=slv-414 11 Jnne 19S7 EXAMPLK Exampte ml= D-4 Cafcutatimu of sp0dfka3A9n V.rkatduty AQL. Difiere.t ZAmtt KaOwt! for Upp.r & lmwer SpeeUicDtinm ZAmlt. ● re The .pecified maximum and minintum yield p0&39 for cer3mim oteel psi -d 58,000 psi. reapectivdy. A lot d S00 item, is submitted for inspeeknspctinn with ML = 1%. for the uPP8r aad UO.. znspctko. *CI IV, uarnuf The vari.bilicy . is AOZ. . 2.5% for the lower tipecificuiom lkmit im m. be u..d. Frern Table. A-Z ●d D.> it i. .... that ● .unple cd ais. kcuaw. m be 3.000 pi. 11 c~rre. poridir..g to the s.rnple .ise code letter, 1, ●nd the AQL value Of 2.S% i. specimen● re: required. S.ppc.. e the yield Pc.itis d the ●mple 67.000 6Z.500; 60.500: 64.000; 59,000; 65.500: 6Z.000; 61.000; 60.631; 68.000; 62.000; 63,000 with the ●cceptability and cmnplisnce Information Lime — Size-: criteria Value Needed 1. to be determined. Expl-ation Obtained 11 n I Sample ~ Kn~wn Variability: 3 Sum .f Me... 4 .%rnple Mean X: 5, Factc. r: 6 UPPe r Specific atiort Lirnic 7 faw. 8 Quslity Index au = (u-X)v/. 1.07 (67,000-61,648)1.049/3,000 9 Ou-lity htdex: QL = (X- L)*/a 1.28 (61.648 -SB.000)l.0491J. =.~ ‘t 10 rernen:.: 67.9,131 Ix 678.131/11 61,64.9 XXIC. See Table 1.049 v r Speci[ieatiea ‘f 3,000 o Limit: u 67,000 L 58,000 D-3 u: Pu 3.07% See Table D-5 Percent Def. Selow b pL 10.01% See T-ble D-5 13.10% 3.07% + 10.03% ‘“’cent 11 E.1. of bt 17. T.atal Cat. Percent Pz. Def” -’e Del. h bt: p = pu + 11 Mu. Allowabi. Pe Del. Abo.e 14 - A31.wable Pe rcest De[. B=lmu k 15 Acceptabilit~ Criteriw (al Compare U: (b] Compare with ML (c) Cemoare with “ML % 2.59% Se. Tabl. D-3 ‘L s.60% See Table D-3 PLI with Mu The 10: dins. not meet fied; i.e.. pu ●64U. pL > Mb oOO 3.07s ~ 2.59s - PI. 10.05% > 5.60% 0 13.10% >5.609 the mccep~bUity ●nd p wM~ crIterl.. .tnce 15(a), (b) - see Par*. DIZ..Z. Z(7)(a) see Para. 1312.Z, Z(7)lb) s.. P.**. D12. Z. Z17)(C) (c) ● re Dot ●*- 08 ,: -. -.. .— I IJ 1 I l! ,. a I TABLE D-fl; J!LJ__ —,. When ●ample ●Is* equdo or ●xe*sd* Table for Normti ●nd Tightened Ioapectlon ~or Plain Bamadon Known Vtriabllity (Doubla 5pec{flcatlon Llmlt and Form Z-Single Specification Llmlt] AU AQ L id tabl~ who ● m In pmcaat defective. ● firm sunpllq plan balow arrow. that Id, bath mmpsa 01*4 as well as M valua. I:la., @v*r, ‘Mm ,. tba 10, rnu,tb. SrIlpocied. Q P o N M L K J 1 n a r E D c B ImpI* -I*E ode letter —. Matter ..— lot ..—. .—. T v 9 2.s9 1.061 10 ),63 1.054 II 1 6,48 I .007 6.46 1.00s 109 61 4.35 1.008 70 81 4.34 1.006 93 I.ooq 1.007 9 7..00 1.010 54 2,s2 5 2.00 1.008 11 ‘1.82 P Q A33ML ,~c::it 6.75 1.011 42 4.s5 1,012 48 3 2.12 1.o16 31 2.9~ 1.014 o ct.. 7 19.46 82 I ,004 9.73 1.003 I Z7 14.02 . . well .S M WIZ.. I I ~ 1.15s v 1 19.90 I 47 19.84 [11 ?5 20.48 56 20,90 30 21.77 31 Z2,51 21 u;i) 24 23,13 20 23,43 1.003 1.00s 1.001 1.009 1.013 1,011 1.019 1.022 1,026 16 23.96 1.033 12 24.88 I .04s f5 2b.b4 1.0b9 6 28.64 1.095 4 31.01 1.155 v M 4 33.67 m 13,00 When *ample ●IS6 Cqualc or •xceod~ lot 15.00 1.00s 1<008 1.010 1.016 1.019 1.022 1.025 1,031 95 14.09 9.76 1,006 64 14.s8 49 14.81 3~ 1S.61 39 10.93 1.018 Z4 16.23 21 16.71 17 17.03 14 17.36 1,038 Z1 16.z7 5s 10.17 1.Ooq 1.080’ 5 1,118 4 22.91 1.IJ5 z] 11.5b 1.023 42 I,).40 1.012 v 3 Z4.2Z 1.225 v 64 10.00 11 I 7.88 1.049 n 10.00 6.50 I I I Accepluble Qu4Zlty Zmvela (tichtened 4.00 hd tabla vaheo ●rt 18 percmt defective. sampling plan bet.- .rrc$w, that f., both .unp,e v-ry item In the 101muot bs hmpecled. 1.50 I 6.9S 1.014 32 4.68 1.016 36 2a 3.0! 1.OIE s 2.19 1.02! N 2.50 7.34 1.021 z?. 4.98 1.024 25 M I 7.80 l.OZb 18 5,29 1.0,?9 Zo 1.038 1! 1.54 1.03s — — 1 2.3s 1.031 19 3.2$ 1,027 4 2.51 L 20 11.57 1.o26 1.72 1,029 1$ 5.34 1.035 18 1.045 14 3.43 1.038 la I l,n8 1.029 z 2.49 8,13 1.035 13 5.50 1.041 15 1.045 15 12.04 1.03s K 3.61 9 12.88 1.061 6 13,s9 1,095 5 15,21 1.118 3 15.60 1.ZZ5 I 2.51 1.049 Iz v v 3 {1.14 1.ZZ5 M 6,50 12 12.35 1.04s n J e.13 1.041 8.43 1.054 8.62 1.069 B.9Z l.lia 5,60 1.049 13 9 5.68 1.061 10 s }.b@ 1.069 1 2.’bZ 1.000 54 B 7 5,83 1.080 6 1.77 1.095 b 2.s7 1.093 G 5 5 6.05 1.110 4 * 1.155 4 2.s8 r 9.97 1.155 4 1 1.U5 3 2.76 E 4 6.99 1.155 v 9.27 1.414 M 3 10.79 1..?Z5 n 3 1.56 1.225 v 2 he 4.00 6 n 2.50 Acceptable Quality Level# [normal In#pectio, v ?. 6.11 1.414 Mv t Z.23 1.414 D-3-Con(lnued ?. 3.90 1.414 m 1.s0 D v “ 1 .?.13 1.414 v m M 1.00 TABLE ,. Tcble for Normal and TI$ht~ned hmpectlon for Plma Baaed on Known VarlabIllty (Doubl. Specllic8tl.m Umit -nd 5’orm Z-Single Speci[icztlm Limit) c B mpl* 01: oda ldtt MmIar ... .04 I .065 [ .10 D-4 I ●s well .1s ●s Acceptable (lualhy AU AOL Ad Iabh VdUCi i?o in PO?CQ84dafactlvc. I US* flrol mmPlkIs Plan hlOW ●rrow, that I*, both mnv.le slsa {DISC, ●T*?F Itim k~ha lot mutt ba inspected, Q ? o 1! M L 2( k J i H a r E D c B mph Dim ode letter TABLE I .25 M vahie. Levels .40 I .&< When mmplo tlse ●quala o? azewdc lot I Matter Table for Reduced Znopectlonfar Plan@ Based on Known Varhbllliy fDmhlo Specillcmion Limit and Form 2–Single Specllicatl.m Limit) . .. ——. — 1.0699 1.05 4 1.04 s 1.87 3.81 5.77 3.68 3.63 L61 3.26 3.05 4 4 b a 8 10 1z 19 28 1 J K L, M N 0 P 0 1.01 8 1.02 7 1.0699 1.095 1.155 1.15s 32 22 13 11 1 $ 5 4 1.ZZ5 3.85 3 H 3 1.414 3.00 2 1 a 1.414 G 1 v v 3.90 M 1 n 1.06 k 12 D ~. B Ssmplo BI*9 cod- lqtt@r TABLE D-4-Continued 4.68 4.98 5.58 5.6o 5.b8 5.68 5.0) 6.05 6.05 ACCI 1.016 I.O1O 1S.61 14.81 1,018 31 I.olz 10.93 10.40 — I.oz 1 .?9 1.014 7.34 6.95 7.5 36 1.02 4 1.01 6 49 1.0,?$ Z4 16.71 1,029 z! 11..58 1.035 “18 8.13 15 i 1.031 17,05 17 1,035 12.04 15 1.041 8.13 13 4Z 1.038 17.36 14 1,045 12.35 IZ 1.05i 8.43 10 i 1.o38 1.045 14 IZ.35 Iz 1.054 8.43 10 56 M Zo 16 16 1z 1.049 17.88 11 1.061 12.88 9 1.069 5 8 8 1.080 19.46 6 ZO.80 ).11.3 8.62 ? 5 4 8 1.095 1.118 1.155 1.080 11.89 4 7 I 19.46 6 1.118 8.92 15.Z1 4 lZ.91 1.Z25 i 13..59 1,095 5 1.155 9.97 1.ZZ3 15.bO 3 IJ.67 1.225 ?.0.90 21.77 23.13 + 23.43 Z3.96 z3.96 24.08 t4.64 zi.b4 28.64 )l.O1 1.009 1,013 1.022 1.026 1.033 1.033 1.045 1.0$9 1.069 1.095 1.155 F T 1.Z?.5 17.74 t 1.116b ) 1.2z5 10.79 II J “ 1.414 T 9.27 M 2,50 .9.92 5 4 3 2 n 1.04 1 1.04 9 1.061 1.061 1.080 1.118 1.118 1.1s5 1.225 7.5b 6.99 1.414 v v 6.11 M 1.50 .Mmter Tsb2e for Redue.d Zn*p.ctl.n lor PlarM Bated on Known Vsrisbllity (Doub18 Specillcmtion Umit and Form Z-Single Specl{~cItiOn Umit] .-. . . 1 . —— –-— ——- D-5 TabIc for CotlmstInS the lat Percentage Defective for Plans Bared on tiowa Varllbilityl TABLE . —— __ 1, Part Ill ESTIMATION OF PROCESS AVDLAOE REDuCED AND TIGNTENW D 13. ~:S#fATfON OF PROCESS AVER- Th. ● ve rage percent defecti*e. baoed UPOn A 8r0.P 0[ 10U ●tbmitmd for or~imal in. pecticm, i. called Sbc proceaa average. OrlgirIal inspection is the fir-t Inope.tion Of ● prticular quantity 01 product .ubmitted from the [or .eceptahslity ● . di.tfngui.hed in. pectian of product which ba. b=cm re. ub rnirted after prior rajectimm. Th. procea. shall be ..tinuted frc. rn tbe re. ult. of i.. pe. tion of wampl. mdrawn from . ●peeifi.d murnber of preceding lot. for the pur- ●.eragc pose of decermis.img severity cd inspection during lhe tour. e of ● contract in accordance with paragraph D14. J. Any Iot. .htil be included OUZY once io e.timatitig tbe proce. a ● ver average. The estimate of the prec... ●t?. is designated by $u what computed with limit, by r.. pect to ● n upper ●pecific.tion PL wb=n cOmp~t=d rnth r=~p=ct tO ● 10w=r specification Iirnit, and by p when cmnput=d with re. pect W. a dc.uble .pecificaciOm Iimit. D13.1 Abtmrrr,a) Remult,. Th. re. ult. 0[ irmpectior. of product manufactured umdcr conditions not typical cd tmual production. shall be excluded from the estitrmted pre cemm’ average. A34D CRfTER3A 1NSPECTION !. with Q or QL 4 muted Y et perce,att D13.?.. I SiI@. Sp.cifieatlon Z.lml% 6 The estimated 1ot percent dof ecu-e ●bal-1 b deCennined frarn Table D. 5 ter the plum hawed O. bnowa varbbi3ity. Tbe q-am3ityiadex Q“ hall be us.d far tbe ea.. of aocJppr .pec iiic.tiom limit c,r QLlor the c.. e of a 10X. ●pecifi..ticm limit. Table D-5 ii entered 6Wbem Form the corr. spondin~ .mti- defective Pu 0. P L. ?*spectively, is read from #he ~bIe. The ●verage pu i. the arithe.tinuted proces. metic m-u. of the Itidi.idual e.timated lot the e.ti percent defective. Pu’ ●. Sinaihrly. nuted procems average p is the arithmetic meof tbeiadividdemt~atcd lot percemt de fect%ve. PL’.. D13. Z.Z Double Specification lAmit. Tbe e.cim.ced lot percent dciectzve ●hall be .determim.d from Table D-5 for the pluI. bm. ed on variability b.swa. The quality Indic.s 0 and QL shall b. computed. Table D-5 ienY ered separately with QU and OL ad- the carre.pomding pu snd pLare read frOm the The e.timtied ict percemt defective fable. is p = pU + pL. The e.tirnat.d pro . . . . ●ge p i. th= ●rithmetic rn.a.mof the individual =atimsced lot percent defective. p’.. D13. Z.3 Special Case. U the quazity index 0,, or Q, ,s a nt~atm.e number. them Table DY5 i..~~ter=d by-di. regarding the negative si~n. However. io thi. case the e.timated iot ●bove the upper limit or P. TC.nt defective below the Jow.r limit i* obtained by ●ubtract ~~~~ Per==at=ge found in the table from AL D1 3.2 Ccmputatiem d the Esf.inuted prcaverce. a Avers e. Th ● e.tmuted proce.. ●ge M the ●r~thrnetic mean of tbe estimated from the 10t pe rcem def ●ctive computed .unpling itt* re.. tit. of the preceding tea (10) low or S* may be .alhenvi. e d.miS ❑ated. In order to estimate the lot percerat dsf.cti.e, the quality kdicem Ou &\.ar QL ●lmfl be computed for each lot. Theme ● re: (3u . (U-X)WI. and QL = (X- LWIO. (S8. paragraph D] I. Z.) ~31 TXGZiTENED, ‘“ %%%dWPECITC)N AND RE- This S$azidard e.tabli. ha. wampling pl*rsh for normal, tightened, and reduced i-peetioa. D14. 1 At Start of Inspection. Normal in.pectiom SW b. wed ● t the ●tart of inapec. UOa IU13C.*Secberwim de#$gm4ted. D14.Z OuriaS fn.xctiou During the co.r ● e uumction shall be of In9puctia, -rmal used when taapeecio. cmaditioo. ● re much tbt t6sht.nod O. redncad iaapection is not rqufred fn accordance with prmS.aphs D14.3 and D14.4. D1 4.3 Tight=imd 31Wpecttoa. Tiuhtermd tnSpectltl. .W1 be in. ututed wb. n the emti naat.d proce. m ●verage computed from’<he crltariO=, ~h= a~tis~di=utia d.tmit ti a-cd (0? Czu ue*ptabi3~ty defective pzz or pL i. ❑ m ebtaiaed, 10 order to emtinmte the procems ●veraga, it ia aecea.~y to eornpiete paragraphs D6. Z d D6. S af hrm 2. ‘ra, .m~e. ifQ . -.50and O = 1.60,thenpu = 100IL - 30.854% = 69. J46%. pL = %4g% ~ P “ 69.146% + &S . 74.6z6&. rnste Of lot ~_~l. percent ..-— ---- MUAID-414 11 Jftfld 10s7 !’ prece4iag [e. (1OJ Iot# (.r much other smmwith ber of lma demig=atedl in ●ccordmce paragraph D1 3.2 i. greaur thaa the AQL. and when more thao ● certAn number T Of these 10ta ‘have ●stimmen of the percent deiective exceeding ctaeADL. Tb* T-value. are SiWeaI in Table D-b when tbe pr.acua average is computed from 5, 10. or 15 lots. 8 Normal inspection still be reimtmted if the .stinnted pro . . . . ..erage of Iota under tightemed iiwpectio. i, equaf tc.c.,lem. than the AQ L. Iesm than i- Table Caufitiom ●tcD4y rak. c. loumr limit Pr0dmct50n is Nonnsf impecthm *baff be retostate4 eondftiom occurm one of tbe foIlowing redueed tic wctlon: Condition D14.4 Reduced fnsp=ctior.. Reduce4 bcpectien may be instituted provided that all of the following cOndiliOn. ● re ■atisf ied: D. cbown ● t ● U my tiad~r A Iot-ic rejected. . ..erage fkradiiinm E. The estiunkd i. ~re.ter tbn the AQL. irregular Comditiom F. or delay=d. P.oductiom plwJce~- be=om.a Dthe r ccmditiom u COtisti.n G. that normti inspection should may wtarrwt be reinstated. Condition A. The preceding tea (10) lots designated) lc.ts (or such other mmnberof have be.- under r.c.rrnsl i.. pecti.m -d no.e has been rejected. D1 4.5 Sarnplin~ Plans for Tightened or Reduced k,C.~=CtLOIl. S~PIIDS Pl~S fOr *lghl e~ed and reduced inspection ● re provided in Section D, Parts I and 11 Condition B. The e.linuted percent lots is defective for ●ach of these preceding I 10s .. the ●pplicable D-7. I TABLE v.iu. mof D-U T for Ti+t.oed k+spsctbon — Sample code size Acceptable letter .15 .25 . ● ● ● ● ● . . ● 3 5 6 3 5 6 3 5 7 : 7 . 3 ● 3 4 b 3 . : : 4 6 a 4 b 9 4 7 9 — 4 7 9 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 7 10 4 . . . ● c ● . ● D ● ● ● F . . . G H 1 J K L I 2 4 5 3 4 6 3 5 7 3 6 7 : 8 3 3 3 : : : 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 ; 4 7 9 ● 3 4 b 3 4 6 3 5 7 3 5 7 : 7 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 ‘1 ,9 4 7 9 4 7 10 4 7 la 3 5 b 3 5 7 3 b 7 3 6 8 4 6 a 2 9 4 7 9 4 7 9 4 7 10 4 7 10 4 7 10 3 5 7 4 6 a 4 b 8 4 6 b 8 4 6 9 4 7 99 4 7 4 4 7 7 9 I.101 : 8 4 4 4 b b b : a 181819119101 : 8 4 b 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 4 b a 4 6 q 4 6 99 4 7 9 4 7 9 4 7 10 4 7 10 4 7 10 ; 10 44 88 11 11 t 4 7 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1! l.: I I 44d 1: ,.5 — . B . i.e — ● .10 ● (in percent deft!, 1.0 1.5 2.5 ●-o .65 .065 . tavels .40 .J-t E OustIty ! 4 4 7 7 10110 444444 77 :1:1: II ● 4 7 10 — 4 8 11 — 4 8 11 4 8 11 — 4 a 11 — 4 8 11 — 4 8 11 — 4 a II ● 15.0 * w 445 88 11 11 10 445 88 II 11 -++- 10 445 88 11 11 10 445 en 11 11 10 445 88 11 11 10 u .There are no .antplimg plMM provided 15 15 15 1s -l-J-15 44= a 445 88 11 11 +E 44’5 4 8 8 8 11 11 .11 — Nu13160r of bm 7F 10.0 10 Is 10’ 15 in this Standard fer these code letters 8nd AOL.a3nOS. I& — hfnATD-414 11 June 1951 TABLE VAM., Sample code P Q I ●L. letter Accepmkle .04 .065 4 7 10 4 7 10 4 1 10 4 7 10 v ●riab.bMc7 ~ D4-CmtJmd of T for Tl@umd Ouatlty Lavelo f519~Cti00 (in PC rcemt ttefe .15 .25 .40 .b5 I .0 1.5 2.5 4.0 4 7 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 10 If< 1: i! 17 4“ 8 lJ 4 s 11 4 8 11 4 s 11 4 8 11 .4 .10 .4 1: 1: 4 1: J: .4 1; 1: 4 1: The top rigure in cacb block refer. to tbe precedi~ 5 lot., 15 lots. preceding 10 lot. ●nd the bottom figure to the precedi~~ 4445 888 11 11 10 11 the rniddlc figure 15 m the Tightemed i.. pectiom i. rquir.d wbem the aurnber af lotm with .stirn.tea of percent defective ●bove the AQL from the preceding 5, 10, or 15 Iotm i. greater thaa the Eiven value Of T iu tbe t.ble, and the proceos ●verage from th.. e lat. e=c=ed. th= AOL. N] estinutea of the lot p.rcemt de fectiws ● re I 107 Obtaimed from Table D-5. I 4 : I ~ ● * ● ● * * * ● ● ● c D E ●There — 2( ● re ,028 ,064 ,09b + .051 .10’9 .1S plant provided .014 .036 .056 no aampllng .008 .021 .033 .038 .092 .140 OZJ 0s8 090 .011 .011 .051 .006 .016 .030 J 4,453 6.5o A 4.o45 6.342 6.50 1.3Z5 5.958 6.50 z.q37 5.69? 6.50 I 7.s02 10.00 A 1.093 10.00 J 6.114 9.806 10.00 5.154 9.330 I 0,00 4.386 8.049 10.00 1 1 5.009 6.50 A 4.909 b.50 A 2.758 3.987 4.00 2.89! ,4.00 A 4.719 6.5o A Z,643 J.94z 4.00 1 8.205 10.00 A 8.05s 10.00 a 1,786 10.00 i 5 5 10 1$ Is 5 5 10 10 12.848 15.00 A 12,693 15.00 A ~ 12.427 15.00 5 5 [’015 5 10 10’ -L 12.054 I 5.00 & 11.470 15.00 A 1$ 15 Is IS 10.436 5 15.0010 b 1$ 9.419 15.00 A I 5.00 1.714 14.z91 I 5.00 * 15.0 V. fIablllI~ Known TF Z.40J 3.8JI 4.00 t.166 3.698 4.00 I 1.645 4.496 6.50 and AQL va5ue#. 1.641 2.449 2.50 1.562 2.412 2.50 1.461 Z.J59 2.50 1.326 z.Z17 2.50 % 1.1)6 Z.141 2.50 1.560 3.250 4.00 1.225 2.9z4 4.00 .631 1.64J 2.50 .046 1.880 2.50 .769 Z.354 3.850 .369 I,Z48 2.145 far lhe. e :ode letter, .540 .908 1.00 .910 1.4z7 1.50 .85J 1.J94 1.50 .316 .892 1.00 .298 .549, .b5 .15.9 .J13 .40 — .171 .JZ6 .40 .3!7 .564 .b5 .718 1.346 1.50 .451 .252 .508 .65 .142 .298 .40 — .847 ,.00 . .677 1.Z70 1.s0 .375 ,773 ,.00 ,ZZ3 .418 .65 .103 .252 .382 .53J I,IJ9 1.50 .Jz Z .718 .00 .147 .385 .6OZ .078 .Z17. .347 in lhh Standard ,09 I .18B .25 .08Z ,177 .2s .070 ,164 .244 — .030 .081 .129 018 0s1 082 .011 .011 .051 .004 .014 .025 I ,057 .147 .227 .02.? .0b7 .114 013 041 071 .004 .017 .033 .002 .009 .018 .311 .874 1.194 .178 .5Z8 .867 .09n .309 .5.22 ,16b .62Z 1.124 .086 .)57 .669 .045 .197 .384 .027 .222 .558 .011 .109 .290 .003 .050 .144 l-l .-1.0Z6 .093 .167 53” .010 ,052 .110 .005 .025 .056 .013 .049 .090 .001 .008 .01.9 .001 .004 .010 G .002 .021 .064 .001 .009 .029 * .021 .100 .204 ● .021 .2, ?2 .558 ! . J .011 .109 ,209 . * — C1. &litv Levels 1.0 ● ● . ● .b5 Acceptable ,40 ● ● ● ,,?5 007 027 055 4 ● J- * ● . * ● 35 ● ,15 ,10 .065 code letter .04 Sample size D.7 Llmlto o{ Estimated Lot PerceIII D. f.c!Ivr ior Reduced Inspection TABLE *r ~~ II 1 ,. 5 .277. .392. .40 .299 .41Z‘ b .(41 .241 .2s .1s0 .249 .25 .705 .994 1.00 m All A(3L ●nd tsble vduec ~r; In percent defective. * .316 .40 b A A .191 .25 h 3.Z7Z 4,00 1,959 2.50 .435 .635 .b5 1.113 1.50 i .Z51 .38Z .40 .017 .030 .049 .080 .146 .03Z ,054 ,086 .134 .232 .15 .04 .06S .10 ?.25 — 10.0 1 .0 * 5.546 6,5o 5.310 6.50 5.131 A 8.0z2 10.00 A 8.516 10.00 A 8.3Z8 ko.oo h 14.173 15.00 A 14.034 I S,oo & 13.801 I 5.00 & - 5 5 5 s 5 5 10 10 15 15 14 15 15 — 10 10 10 3u- -1- 13.588 15.00 1 13-238 I S.00 A 1115 13,017 I+5.03 of I/As Numb-r AN entknmteoof the lot percent defective ● re Obtained lrom ‘Table D-5. Rw!uc813 impectkon may b- tnalituled when every emtlmaled lot percent defective from the preceding 5, 10, or 15 lot- in bdow the flsure glvon In the table. fn addition, III c.ther conditiom for reduced impection, In Part 323of Sectloa D, must bc dtiltfled. bUmethe flrot fl#ure In dlrectlon of arrow and correepondin~ number of 10M. In each block the top (Igura reform to the precedlm[ 5 lott. the middle figure to the preceding IO lots. and Ihe bottom figure 10 the preceding 15 lots. * N T 3.093 4.00 1.821 2.50 ha, I,o1O 1.415 1.50 .6zl .959 I .00 .383 .608 .65 .211 .557 .40 .120 .Z14 .Z5 6.S V~rIabIllty Knows T ---1I -1_ z.96Q 4.00 b 1.732 Z.406 2.50 .501 .934 I ,00 .348 .586 .65 — .934 1.440 1.50 4.0 .191 .344 .40 . .107 ,203 .Z5 . La C19 2.5 .-. we u“alftv .40 ., Lat Percent Defective lor Reduced fnnpectim D-7-Conllnued “X Llmlto of thtimited TABLE _—— =H . baL-sTD-414 11 June 1957 APPENDIX D Defhiflmu Sz@!s!! Def Read n Sunple x . X bar for + ●ingle lot. site S-pie rnemn. Arithmetic 8 tingle lot. mean of ● unple rneawaremento from fbowa variability. The predetermined variability of the quaf bow. ify cbaract.ristic which vill be u.ed rntb the .ariabifify ●cceptabfltfy plus. Sigma u Upper specification Iimtit. 1. Lawmr ■pectficatian limit. k The .ceeptabi3ity v A factor tw.d in determining the quality the bnowLI variability acceptability plan, giv== in T~b10. D-3 -d D-4. constant givem in Table. Q“ Q ,ub U Quality Index for use with Table D-5. QL O .ub L C3uality Index for use with Table D-5. D. 1 and D-z. indices when ua ing The v vafues., ● re m p sub U Sample estinute .Table D-5. 0[ the Iot percent defective ●bove U front PL p ●ub 1. Sample escinute Table D-5. of the lot percent @ef.ctive below L P Total ●unple M“ Maxdmum dfowable given in T@bles D-3 Mu M ●.b ‘L M ●ub L u P p bar P“ p bar ●ub U ‘L p bo ●ub L Tbe ●mfimuod pw..s. .Verq. [*. The estimated average for a lower exceed =1- > Greater lor sample defective below Maximum ●llow.blcpercent D-3 and D-4. (For usawhen different Mf) L ●re ●~edfted. Tbe maximum Less defective than tbM process eatimatea applic~t~a L.eom than. Greater than. 110 .- 1. @em value. defective, ia Table. U =d for i. e., the -n upper Spectficstlom ●pecf3icatlon unlit. Umit. pr.xeoa ●veragewhich of emttnuted given in Table D-6. {For u.e indetnr Of ti8bt=n=d i=~p=ctiOa. ) number tbe AQL SLunof .—.—— p = p“ + PL. Maxfmum allowable percent defective ●bove U ~ivem h Table. D-3 and D-4. IForuce when different AQf- v81uec for W and L ● re spactfjed. ) may < percent and D-4. Sunpfe ewtdnnte Of the procemw merceut amfimated procema average. T I emfirnsfe .af tbe 101percent defective ---- ---- I I -. ,FOM d.m# thb lhn, lFOM k-, DEPARTMENT Ih” It”. ) n OF THE NAVY 111111 No PGE?AOe wscE!EEAmv 1S UAILEO 1947MC UNITED OFFKIAL ●ENALTV ●krJNE5 FOm ●RIv ATC USC E.100 BUSINE:SNOR~,P;~M,M,fi[&, rlnsl CLAW POSfAGE WILL BE PAID BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Co@xuanding Officer Naval Ordcmce Station StandardizationlDocumen Indian had , KO 20660 tatiop Divieion (Code 524 STATU I ,. DDa??”1426 . . .. --?r NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-STD-414 NOTICE 2 2 February 1999 MILITARY STANDARD SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND TABLES FOR INSPECTION BY VARIABLES FOR PERCENT DEFECTIVE MIL-STD-414, dated 11 June 1957, and Notice 1, dated 8 May 1968, are hereby cancelled. Future acquisitions should refer to an acceptable non-Government standard on sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables for percent defective such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Z1.9-1993, ASampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming.@ (DoD activities may obtain copies of ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-1993 from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American Society for Quality Control, 611 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-4606.) Custodians: Army - AR Navy - OS Air Force - 10 Preparing activity: Navy - OS AMSC N/A AREA QCIC DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-STD-414 NOTICE 2 2 February 1999 MILITARY STANDARD SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND TABLES FOR INSPECTION BY VARIABLES FOR PERCENT DEFECTIVE MIL-STD-414, dated 11 June 1957, and Notice 1, dated 8 May 1968, are hereby cancelled. Future acquisitions should refer to an acceptable non-Government standard on sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables for percent defective such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Z1.9-1993, ASampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming.@ (DoD activities may obtain copies of ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-1993 from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American Society for Quality Control, 611 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-4606.) Custodians: Army - AR Navy - OS Air Force - 10 Preparing activity: Navy - OS AMSC N/A AREA QCIC DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.