TEACHING PLAN FOR • PRICING POLICIES 1. Basic description of the course Name of the course: Pricing Policies Profile: Marketing Market Research Academic year: 2015-2016 Term: 1st Degree / Course: Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Marketing Code: 40114 Number of credits: 4 Total number of hours committed: 100 Teaching language: English Lecturer: Silvia Cambra Timetable: GROUP 1 (Plenary Session) Tuesday, 13.00 – 15.15 GROUP 101 (Seminar Session) Thursdays, 13:00 – 13:55 GROUP 102 (Seminar Session) Thursdays, 14:00 – 14:55 OFFICE HOURS: Thursday 15:00 by appointment 2. Presentation of the course “Pricing is the moment of truth – all of marketing comes to focus in the pricing decision.” (Raymond Corey) Price setting is probably the most crucial of all marketing mix decisions. It involves an understanding of both supply side factors (e.g. costs) and demand side factors (e.g. consumer willingness to pay). While traditional approaches to pricing theory have revolved around an economic and financial framework, a broader and more pragmatic view entails a comprehensive understanding of the demand side; both at the level of individual customer values, and the more aggregate level of price sensitivities of the market. In this course, we will approach the pricing decision as an intersection of economic, strategic and behavioral considerations. Using industries as diverse as wireless communication, pharmaceutical, medical services, 1 industrial products and consumer packaged goods, we will study economic and behavioral approaches to pricing, dynamic of pricing, value pricing, price customization, price bundling and multi-part tariffs, menu costs and price stickiness, price presentation strategies, sales promotions, and the effect of pricing formats on consumption and customer value. Although this course has a significant QUANTITATIVE component, required mathematical skills do not go beyond basic calculus (e.g., derivative of a linear function). However, solid control of the basic algebra is mandatory. Fluency in use of EXCEL software application is mandatory. Students MUST bring their laptops to every class. 3. Competences to be achieved in the course General competences: Instrumental competences Specific competences: Disciplinary competences G.I.2. Ability to relate concepts and knowledge from different areas. G.I.3. Ability to organize and plan. G.I.5. Ability to take decisions in complex and changing situations. G.I.8. Oral and written competence in communicating in English. E.D.8. Analyze the organization of businesses based on economic principles that make it possible to identify the most determining factors in results. General personal competences E.P.2. Ability to analyze economic and market indicators when taking decisions within the organization. E.P.5. Ability to take strategic business decisions that take into account economic, cultural, social, and political determinants specific to each area. E.P.7. Illustrate the reality of business by using activities such as visits and lectures given by executives or by preparing case studies. E.P.8. Be able to take functional decisions within an organization with international activity. E.P.17. Be able to express oneself and understand spoken and written communication in English at an advanced level to apply it to the international business area. G.P.1. Ability to adapt and work in and lead international, multicultural, interdisciplinary, competitive, changing and complex groups. Generic systemic competences G.S.4. Entrepreneurial ability. G.S.7. Promotion of and respect toward multicultural values: respect, equality, solidarity, commitment. G.S.8. Promotion and respect for gender, environmental and safety at work issues. Competences for applicability Professional competences G.A.4. Ability to understand and apply the network concept. 2 The above abilities interrelated with the basic abilities set out in Royal Decree 1393/2007, namely: a. Competence to understand knowledge, on the basis of general secondary education b. Competence to apply knowledge to day-to-day work in international management and marketing, in particular, the ability to develop and defend arguments and to solve problems c. Competence to gather and interpret relevant data, making it possible to issue reflective judgments on economic and social reality d. Competence to communicate and transmit information (ideas, problems, solutions) to a specialized and non-specialized public e. Competence to develop learning activities in a relatively autonomous manner. Thus, the competences developed in the subject are structured into those that are seen as a development or specification of basic competences and those that define the professional profile of the graduate, with respect to general and specific competences. Basic competence: understanding of knowledge General competence: G.I.3 Specific competences: E.D.8 Basic competence: application of knowledge General competences: E.P.2 Basic competence: communicate and transform information General competences: G.I.8 Specific competences: E.P.17 Basic competences: develop learning activities General competences: G.I.3 Competences that define the professional profile which are not included under basic competences In general, these competences combine the following key elements for professionalizing students in the area of international business and marketing: a. Provide students with the capacity to adapt to dynamic teams and environments b. Provide students with the capacity to create their own integral vision of the operation of a business or international marketing project c. Provide students with the capacity to take complex decisions and carry out negotiation processes General competences: G.I.5, G.P.1, G.S.4, G.S.7, G.S.8, G.A.4 Specific competences: E.P.5, E.P.7, E.P. 8 Own competences of the subject Understanding the fundamentals of how prices are set and the relationship of pricing process with other functional business activities. 3 4. Contents 1. Costs 2. CVP Analysis 3. Microeconomics of pricing (demand, supply, elasticities) 4. Pricing discrimination 5. Pricing strategies 6. Value and pricing 7. Pricing psychology 8. Pricing over the product lifecycle 9. Competitive pricing 10. Ethical and legal issues in pricing 5. Assessment Regular Term Evaluation During the regular term you will be evaluated as indicated in the table below. Assessment elements CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (Minimum 4.0 out of 10.0 on overall continuous evaluation grade required to be allowed to take the final exam) Assessment Elements Freque ncy Time Period Submit ted week Type of assessm ent Obligato ry Assessment agent Grouping Teac her Indivi dual X X Coevalua tion Weight Gro up Quizzes 1 X Seminar Discussions and Case Presentations Final Exams 8 X X 1 X (Min. 40%) X X 50% X X X 10% bonus X X 20% X 30% BONUS EVALUATION Participation bonus grades Ongoin g a. Each assessment element (the first column) is scored with a grade between 0 and 10 with one decimal point precision. Zero is the lowest grade and ten is the highest grade. b. The final grade for the course is calculated by adding grades obtained in each element multiplied by their assigned weights (the last column). 4 c. The final grade of the course is reported on the scale from 0 to 10 with one decimal point precision. The course will be considered as “passed” if the final grade is equal to or greater than 5.0. d. In addition to numeric final grades, you are also given descriptive grades: No presentat 0.0 – 4.9 Suspens 5.0 – 6.9 Aprovat 7.0 – 8.9 Notable 9.0 – 10.0 Excel.lent e. International students: Please DO NOT BOOK tickets for your flights home in December before the dates for the final exams are announced (usually at the end of the week 5). Even if you have a ticket and a valid reason, ESCI will NOT PROVIDE ALTERNATIVE DATES for the final exam. f. To be allowed to take the final exam your continuous evaluation grade (quizzes + seminar preparation and participation) must be 4.0 or greater g. In order to pass the course, you must take the final exam. If you do not take the final exam, your final course grade will be “No presentat” (“No show”), irrespective of your grades in other evaluation elements. h. To obtain a passing course grade, you must obtain the final exam grade that is equal to or greater than 4.0. If the final exam grade is less than 4.0, the final exam grade becomes the final course grade irrespective of other grades. i. The final exam is cumulative – it covers all material covered during the term. Quiz 1 includes only material covered before the Quiz 1. j. There will be neither individual make-up work nor extra credit work assigned if you fail any of obligatory grading elements, you are unable to attend the final exam or quizzes, or if you obtain a grade below your expectations. k. All students in a group receive the same grade for any group work. However, during the final exam, you will have to perform peer evaluation that will be used to adjust group grades for individuals who have contributed more than their fair share of work (their grades will be higher than the grade given to the rest of the group members) and those who didn’t contribute their fair share of work (their grades will be lower than the grade given to the rest of the group members). l. Participation in this course is evaluated as an extra credit that can contribute to 10% of your final grade (default is zero). If you don’t say a word during the classes or you have irregular attendance (below 80%), your participation grade will be zero. However, you still may obtain a maximum final course grade. Participation grade is based exclusively on your CONTRIBUTION during class discussions. My experience is that in the courses that are evaluated on the continuous basis like this one, it is hard to fail but it is also hard to obtain a very high mark. So, if you are concerned with your average grade, take this element seriously as it can compensate for losses of grades in other elements. Furthermore, do not think of this grade as an entitlement or a gift – it has to be EARNED. Finally, do not confuse attendance with participation. m. A student can have a perfect attendance record and still have zero participation grade. Some of the behaviors that contribute to effective class participation are captured in the questions that follow: 1. Is the participant a good listener? 5 2. Are the points that are made relevant to the discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others? 3. Do the comments add to our understanding of the situation? 4. Do the comments show evidence of analysis of the case? 5. Does the participant distinguish among different kinds of data (that is, facts, opinions, beliefs, concepts, etc.)? 6. Is there a willingness to share? 7. Is there a willingness to test new ideas, or are all comments "safe"? (For example, repetition of case facts without analysis and conclusions or a comment already made by a colleague.) 8. Is the participant willing to interact with other class members? 9. Do comments clarify and highlight the important aspects of earlier comments and lead to a clearer statement of the concepts being covered? The questions above deal with both the process of class participation and (of equal or greater concern) the content of what you say. Please trust that both quality and frequency are important, but that quantity never can make up for low quality. Supplementary Evaluation For those students who were allowed to take the final exam and during the regular term evaluation have obtained a final grade below 5.0, there will be a supplementary evaluation in January according to the ESCI calendar and academic regulations. Supplementary exam CANNOT be done remotely (i.e. outside of ESCI’s premises). Only final exam can be retaken during this session. All other grades stay unchanged and cannot be compensated by extra work. To pass the supplementary evaluation exam, a student must obtain supplementary exam grade that is equal or greater than 4.0. If a student obtains a passing supplementary exam evaluation grade, the final grade will be determined using the regular course assessment rules as outlined above. If a student obtains the supplementary exam grade below 4.0, the supplementary exam grade becomes the final course grade. Bonus participation grade is set to zero if a student has to take supplementary evaluation. Evaluation of the competences: G.I.2 Class Participation Seminar preparation Participation Quizzes Final Exam G.I.3 G.I.8 E.D.8 E.P.2 X X X X X X X X X E.P.1 7 X PROFI LE X X X X X X X X X X & X X X 6 6. Bibliography and teaching resources • Basic REQUIRED bibliography o Nagle T., Hogan, J., and Zale, J. (2010). “The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably” (5th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall • Supplementary bibliography o Baker, R. J. (2006). “Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value.” Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons o Dolan, R. and Simon H. (1997). “Power Pricing: How Managing Price Transforms the Bottom Line.” New York, NY: The Free Press [Dolan & Simon] o Wilson R. (1997). “Nonlinear Pricing.” New York, NY: Oxford University • Teaching resources: Posted on the course Intranet site: o Supplementary teaching cases o Power point slides o Supplementary articles Students are required to read all assigned cases and articles. The required reading text used in this class is Nagle and Holden’s book listed in the bibliography section. In addition, above are listed some of the books that you might want to refer to during the course or after for further reading on the topics covered during the class. 7. Methodology The course is composed of a mixture of lectures and case discussions. The purpose of the lectures is to present and discuss theories, concepts, analytical techniques and empirical findings. We will supplement lectures with tutorials that will allow us to practice the analytical techniques introduced during the lectures. Furthermore, we will discuss a number of comprehensive business cases. The goal of the case discussion is to apply the concepts to the context provided by the case and to make decisions based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis. These teaching methods require intensive students’ involvement and therefore it is important that students read the assigned material prior to each class. As the class is offered in English, all reading material will be provided in English only. Students will be provided with the cases, readings, exercises and power point presentations either before or after the class via the Intranet site (“Aula”). 7 Face-to-face (in the classroom) - Lectures - Tutorials - Discussion of cases and articles - - Participation in discussions - Quizzes - Final exam - Directed (outside the classroom) Professor Prepare classes Prepare tutorials Prepare cases and articles Student Prepare seminars Prepare cases and articles Independent (outside the classroom) - Class preparation and readings - Independent study - Exam preparation MY EXPECTATIONS: Class Preparation: I expect you to come to classes prepared. This includes reading of the assigned cases, articles, reviewing of the power point slides and exercises. Your preparation will make a significant part of your marks in participation and seminar preparation and participation evaluation elements. While participation during the classes is predominantly voluntary, I also practice “cold calling”. This means that anyone can be asked to answer any question. Fear of public speaking will not be accepted as an excuse. Punctuality and Deadlines: I expect you to be on time for classes. I understand that due to unforeseen circumstances, you may be occasionally late. If possible, please let me know in advance if you are going to be late. Being habitually late is a good way of losing goodwill. Deadlines will always be strictly enforced and no exceptions of any kind will be made without prior approval. Attendance: I expect you to attend classes regularly. I understand that due to unforeseen circumstances, you may be occasionally absent. If possible, please let me know in advance if you are going to be absent. Being habitually absent and/or being absent without a valid reason is a good way of losing goodwill. Being absent does not excuse you from the deadlines. It is your responsibility to ensure that I receive required material by the given deadline, in the specified format, even if you are not present. If your attendance is below 80% (6 or more hours lost), your bonus participation mark is set to zero independent of your actual participation. Class Discipline: It is of utmost importance that you respect your classmates and the professor by allowing them to work and study in a professional environment. Private conversations among students during the class will not be tolerated. According to ESCI rules, the professor may ask student(s) to leave the classroom. If you are asked to leave the classroom, your attendance sheet will be marked as ‘expelled’ (counts as two unjustified absences) and you will be asked to meet with the program coordinator. 8 Intranet (“Aula”): It is students’ responsibility to ensure timely access to the Aula. 1 International students: please talk to exchange program coordinators at your school and at ESCI in order to obtain Aula access as soon as possible. Until you obtain the access please ask one of your local classmates for the access to print or copy the class materials. Not having the access to the Aula will not be accepted as an excuse for not doing required course work. Internet Enabled Devices: Students MUST bring some type of Internet Enabled Device (e.g., laptop, tablet, or smart phone) to the class when instructed. Class materials (cases, articles, and PP slides), quizzes will be available exclusively online. For the remainder of the class use of any of these devices is allowed ONLY for the class related activities (e.g., taking notes). If you are found to use these devices for any other purpose, especially for activities that distract your classmates, you may be asked to leave the classroom. YOUR EXPECTATIONS: Responsiveness and Feedback: You should expect that questions and concerns that you raise with me would be answered, addressed and responded to. Besides formal feedback mechanisms, feel free to jot me an e-mail with any question or feedback. I will try my best to respond as speedily as I possibly can. If you need to talk to me, you can send me an e-mail requesting to meet during the office hour or at other time. I will schedule time to sit and talk to you. Although I am usually available before and after the class for impromptu questions and consultations, unless you previously request to meet, you need to be prepared for the possibility that I may ask you to postpone the conversation for another day due to my previously scheduled obligations. Punctuality: You should expect me to start and finish classes on time. If we need extra time to cover materials, or need to organize an extra session, I will only do so if the majority of the class agrees. Preparation and Rigor: You should expect the most up-to-date and rigorous materials to be covered in class. Guidelines and Expectations: For all assignments, exams and other course materials, I will state my expectations as clearly as possible. If either of us finds that the other party has been violating expectations, it is our duty to inform the other party as promptly, and in as fair a manner as possible. 1 https://aula.esci.upf.edu/login/index.php?lang=en 9 8. Scheduling activities: Note: Seminars are starting on Thursday, October 8, 2015 PRICING (Consumer Perspective) (Fin. perspective) Mod. Wk 1 2 3 4 5 (Strat. Mark. perspective) 6 7 8 Lecture topics Seminar topics Pricing introduction. Cost Analysis CVP & Profit Analisis. Pricing approaches: Cost based pricing, demand oriented & Units forecasting Microeconomics of pricing: Price promotion Market & Willingness to pay Demand / Supply & Elasticity Price Discrimination Pricing Strategies Pricing for new markets 9 Pricing & Product Lifeycle. Value in use pricing 10 Auctions & Legal issues Lectures: Nagel CH 2 Case: BEAUREGARD TEXTILES Lectures: Nagel CH 10 Case: HEINZ ketchup Lectures: Nagel CH Case: METABICAL Lectures: Nagel Case: CULINARIAN COOKWARE Lectures: Nagel Case: PEPITA DISCO Lectures: Nagel Case: THE SPRINGFIELD Lectures: Case: VIRGIN MOBILE USA Lecture: Nagel Case: ATLANTIC COMPUTER /BIOPURE CORPORATION EXAM WEEK 13 10 9. Case preparation questions Below you may find a list of cases with matching preparation questions. Once you read the case use these questions for seminar preparation that you should do in groups of exactly three students. The questions that are marked in red need to be responded in writing and uploaded to the Aula before the deadline. Assignments that do not clearly indicate the names of 3 students that worked on the assignment will receive a zero grade. Case 1: Beauregard Textile Company (HBS 191-058) Case 2: Heinz Ketchup - Pricing the product line (UV5142) Case 3: Metabical - Pricing, packaging, and demand forecasting for a new weightloss drug (HBS Brief Case 4183) Case 4: Culinarian Cookware: Pondering price promotion (HBS Brief Case 4057) Case 5: Pepita Disco PPM – Margins and elasticity (KEL692) Case 6: The Springfield Nor’easters: Maximizing Revenues in the Minor Leagues (HBS Brief case 2510) Case 7: Virgin Mobile USA - Pricing for the very first time (HBS 504-028) Case 8: Atlantic Computer – A bundle of pricing options (HBS Brief Case 2078) Case 9: Biopure Corporation (HBS 599-094) 11