Martina Gogova's Curriculum Vitae - Economics & Research

Curriculum Vitae
Martina Nikolaeva Gogova,
born on 7th Jan 1982
Pfannmüllerweg 40, 64289-Darmstadt,Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 176 615 14 787
Work experience
September 2011 – until now
May 2008 - June 2010
June 2009 - June 2010
October 2008 - August 2009
April 2008 - April 2009
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GOGOVA, Martina Nikolaeva
Research and Teaching Associate
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Teaches courses in:
 Mathematical Economics
 Economics of the Market
 Preparation Math Course
Project Manager and Office Assistant
Environmental Resources Management - ERM GmbH
Siemensstr. 9, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Contact person: Mr. Matthias Siegle – Senior Expert/
Mrs. Heike Hackemesser – Managing Director Office, CE Marketing Coordinator
Phone: +49 6102 206-148 / +49 6102 206-121
Web site:
 Assists the Marketing Department by developing, designing and translating marketing
materials and presentations;
 Supports the project managers in Waste Management Department by doing basic
research and by preparing all sets of project documentation and reports;
 Provides administrative support to the Accounting Department ;
 Maintains the internal customer (ERM), reference and project databases;
 Translates documents in German, English, Bulgarian and Russian;
 Screens and examines documents in both physical and virtual data rooms;
 Designs CAD layouts and plans.
Research Department Assistant
Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Informatics
Hochschulstrasse 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Karsten Weihe, Dekan des Fachbereichs Informatik an der TUD
Phone: +49-6151-16-3451
Web site:
 Models different problem structures, concerning graphical algorithms (Deutsche Bahn
project, P2P project etc.) and develops and deploys their mathematical solutions in Java
 Runs simulations and analyzes the output data.
 Maintains the home page of the Department
 Proof reads and does research for scientific papers on studies conducted by the
New Tutors Program Assistant
Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
Schloßgartenstr. 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact person: Dipl.-Math. Andreas Mars
Phone: +49-6151-16-3589
Web site:
 Participates in the teaching process of new tutors by simulating problematic situations
and brain storming with the students for feasible solutions
 Makes video recordings of the new tutors’ presentations and offers improvement
Tutor in Analysis 1 and 2 courses
Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
Schloßgartenstr. 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact person: Dipl.-Math. Andreas Mars / Dipl.-Math. Rafael Schulz
Phone: +49-6151-16-3589 / +49 6151 16 3495
Web site:
Leads tutorials in Analysis 1 and 2 courses;
Grades homework of the participants’ in the course
Grades exams of the participants’ in the course
Assist students in solving problems belonging to this area of study
May 2006 - September 2006
Real Estate Agent
Oyster Club Bulgaria Ltd
British real estate company, offering properties in Bulgaria
 Promotes property offers to potential buyers, conducts inspection trips and closes sales
 Negotiates on price conditions with sellers and collects information about new offers on
the market;
 Assists clients in all legal issues regarding the completion of their deals;
 Prepares a monthly newsletter to new and existing clients, translates documents in
English and Bulgarian.
May 2005 – November 2005
Owner and Manager
ET “Martrade” – Martina Stoynova
kv. “Svoboda” bl. 15, vh. A, et. 4, 8200 Pomorie, Bulgaria
 Orders inventory for several shops and negotiates price and delivery terms with major
 Hires and manages the sales stuff;
 In charge of all marketing and promotional activities;
 Oversees accounting and financial control.
June 2004 – November 2004
June 2003 – November 2003
Store Manager
In the Woods, Company for retail trade gift stores
55 Main St., Edgartown 02539, MA, USA
Phone: +1 508 627-8 8
Contact person: Mrs Kathy Cerick
 Distributes inventory among several stores and does the merchandise in one of them;
 Creates marketing and price strategies and negotiates with major suppliers and clients;
 Coordinates and supports sales stuff;
 Responsible for basic accounting and stock-taking;
Education and training
2012 – (2014 expected)
2010 – 2011
2006 – 2010
PhD in Economics, EBS University, Wiesbaden, Germany
PhD in Economics, GSEFM, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Award from the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Graduate courses
Mathematics & Computer Science - Bachelor of Science – graduated with 1.4
Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
2005 – 2008
Master of Business Administration, University of National and World Economy, Sofia,
Bulgaria – graduated with 1.3
Master Thesis – Financial methods in stock portfolio management, MATLAB simulation
2000 – 2005
Bachelor of Science, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Major 1 - Business Administration
Major 2 - Marketing and Business Planning - semester education completed
1995 – 2000
English Language School “Geo Milev”, Burgas, Bulgaria
Graduated with honors
Computer skills and
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GOGOVA, Martina Nikolaeva
Bulgarian – mother tongue, English – fluent, German – upper-intermediate, Russian - basic
MS Office, Access, Internet applications, Java, Scheme, MATLAB, Latex, Stata
Basic knowledge in HTM, Image editing software: Adobe Photoshop, Auto CAD
Drawing, Salsa dancing, Photography
Conference presentations
The 23rd International Conference on Game Theory at Stony Brook University, Stony
Brook, NY
The 29th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE)
in Stockholm, Sweden
Refereeing activities and
professional affiliations
Referee of Journal of Economics
Member of European Association of Law and Economics (EALE)
Member of European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)
Discussion and working
Gogova, Martina and Uhlenbrock, Jens, Incentive Contracts and Institutional Labor Market
Design (2012). EBS Business School Research Paper No. 13-02
Gogova, Martina and Kragl, Jenny, Wage Bargaining when Workers Have Fairness
Concerns (2013)
Gogova, Martina, Multitasking and wasteful activities with envious agents (2013)
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GOGOVA, Martina Nikolaeva