The 2014 Annual Convention of the Japanese Association of International Relations (JAIR) (As of October 15, 2014) 14th(Friday)-16h(Sunday) November 2014 FUKUOAKA International Congress Center Address 〒812-0032 2-1, Sekijo-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka Phone 092-262-4111 URL: __________________________________________________ November 14 (Friday) __________________________________________________ Registration: 12:00 Afternoon Sessions: 13:00-15:30 Session 1 European Public Diplomacy Reconsidered Chair/Discussant HIRANO Kenichiro (Toyo Bunko) Speakers SAITO Yoshiomi (Kyoto University) “The Projection of Britain and the Use of Culture in the Interwar and Early Postwar Period” KAWAMURA Yoko (Seikei University) “Change and Continuity of Germany’s Foreign Cultural Policy: a Historical Analysis” SAKAI Kazunari (Kobe University) “France’s Cultural Diplomacy: Strategy and Problems” Discussant KONDO Seiichi (Kondo Institute for Culture & Diplomacy) Session 2. Nationalism in International Relations from Historical Perspectives Chair OSHIBA Ryo (Hitotsubashi University) Speakers SHINOHARA Hatsue (Waseda University) ”The League of Nations and Protection of Minorities” NODA Takehito (Gunma University) ”The Deportation of National Minorities in the Soviet Union: The Case of Chechnya” MUTSUSHIKA Shigeo (University of Shizuoka) “The Ethnic Minority Issue and International Security in Discussants the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of the Crisis in Ukraine” TAMAI Masataka (Ritsumeikan University) UENO Toshihiko (Sophia University) Session 3. The First World War and Asia: Japan, China and India in the Changing International Order Chair TAKAHARA Shusuke (Kyoto Sangyo University) Speakers NARAOKA Sochi (Kyoto University) ”The First World War and Sino-Japanese Relations: Focusing on the Twenty-one Demands” UEDA Tomoaki (Kyoto University) ”The First World War and British India: Colonial Nationalists in the Imperial Order” SUGAWARA Takeshi (University of East Anglia) “Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Policy and the International Order in Asia after the First World War” Discussants KAWASHIMA Shin (The University of Tokyo) KIMIZUKA Naotaka (Kanto Gakuin University) Session 4. Information Transmission and International Relations (Coordinated by IRAP Editorial Committee) Chair TAGO Atsushi (Kobe University) Speakers PICKERING Steve (Kobe University) and JOHNS Rob (University of Essex) ”Cui bone on Benefits Street?” SCOTTO Thomas J. (University of Essex) and REIFLER Jason (University of Exeter) Discussant “Playing Tough?: British and American Attitudes towards China's Economic and Military Power” TAGO Atushi (Kobe University) and IKEDA Maki (the University of Tokyo) “How to Lose Foreign Domestic Support for Use of Force: Difference in Expected and Surprise Veto in the UN Security Council” KOHAMA Shoko (Hokkaido University) Session 5. Diplomacy and Domestic Politics Chair/Discussant MASUDA Hiroshi (Toyo Eiwa University) Speakers MOLODIAKOV Vasily (Takushoku University) ”Colonial Taiwan (Formosa) as Seen by Soviet & Comintern Discussant Analysts” TAKITA Ryosuke (Keio University) ”Japan's 'Northern Problem' as a Determining Factor of Japanese Foreign Policy and Military Strategy in the Autumn of 1939” NAGASAWA Yuko (The University of Tokyo) “A Study of Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United States of America concerning Civil Use of Atomic Energy (1956)” TAKAHASHI Minori (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) ”Self-government and Climate Change: ‘Autonomy in External and Internal Relations’ in Greenland” GOTO Harumi (The University of Tokyo) __________________________________________________ November 15 (Saturday) __________________________________________________ Registration: 09:00 Morning Sessions: 09:30-12:00 Session 6. Co-chairs The ROK, China and Japan: Northeast Asia in Flux NAKANISHI Hiroshi (President, JAIR) NAM Gung-Young (President, KAIS) Speakers KAMO Tomoki (Keio University) ”China’s New Periphery Diplomacy and its East Asian Neighbors” HWANG Jae-Ho (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ”South Korea's New China Policy under Park Geun-hye” PARK Byung Kwang (The Institute for National Security Strategy) “China's Policy toward North Korea in the Xi Jinping Era” Discussants KIM Joonsub (Korean National Defense University) NAKAYAMA Toshihiro (Keio University) Session 7. Trans-Pacific-Partnership as a New Negotiation Formula: From Different Disciplines Chair KOJO Yoshiko (The University of Tokyo) Speakers KIKUCHI Tsutomu (Aoyama Gakuin University) “TPP in an Institutional Competition of the Asia-Pacific” Discussant NISHIYAMA Takayuki (Seikei University) ”American FTA Policy and TPP” ISHIGURO Kaoru (Kobe University) “TPP Negotiations and Agricultural Reforms in Japanese Executive Policy Making: Two-Level Game Analysis” OYANE Satoshi (Doshisha University) Session 8. Chair Speakers Revisiting Hegemonic Theory in the Era of Globalization INOGUCHI Takashi (University of Niigata Prefecture) LE Lien Thi Quynh (Nagaoka University of Technology) “Empirical Testing of Cooperation Without Hegemony Paradigm on the Basis of 120 Multilateral Conventions Data Deposited to the United Nations Systems” WATANABE Matsuo (University of Niigata Prefecture) ”Progress and Stagnation in International Economic Development Regime” ADACHI Kenki (Ritsumeikan University) “Power Shift and Arms Control/ Disarmament Regimes” Discussant IIDA, Keisuke (The University of Tokyo) Session 9. A Reexamination of the US-Japan Security System: The Problems of Equality And Subordination before and after the Cold War Chair KAN Hideki (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) Speakers NAKASHIMA Takuma (Ryukoku University) “The Transformation of the Cold War Order and the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements in the 1960s and 1970s” HATSUSE Ryuhei (Kyoto Women’s University) ”A Balance Sheet of the Japan-US Relations and Security System” TOYOSHITA Narahiko (Kwansei Gakuin University) “The Transformation of Security Surrounding and the US-Japan Security Treaty System” Discussants TAKITA Kenji (Chuo University) KUROSAKI Akira (Fukushima University) Session 10. Chair Speakers International Relations Studies in Japan Review of “Liberalism” in Japan: Perspectives from Critical Approaches MIKAMI Takanori (Hiroshima Shudo University) MATSUDA Satoru (Kyoto Gakuen University) “Kawata Tadashi and IR in Japan: Colonial Policy Studies, International Political Economy, and Peace Studies” SADAKATA Mamoru (Nagoya University) ”Shigeru Kido and Eastern Europe Area Studies in Japan” TODA Makiko (Kyoto Women’s University) “The Philosophical Contribution of Nobuya Bamba to IR in Japan” Discussants HAYASHI Tadayuki (Kyoto Women’s University) TOSA Hiroyuki (Kobe University) Plenary Session The Century of World Wars: Regional Conflicts, Wars and International Politics from Comparative Approaches 15:20-18:10 (Main Conference Hall) Chair Panelists Discussants KOKUBUN Ryosei (National Defense Academy of Japan) BABA Masaru (Fukuoka Women’s University) “The First World War: Habsburg Empire and Serbian Nationalism” YUI Daizaburo (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) “World War II and the Hegemonic Transformation: focusing on Rivalry of the Memories” SAKAI Keiko (Chiba University) “Are We Witnessing the End of Two Regional Systems in the Middle East?: the Fate of Sykes Picot Regime and Post-1979 Regime” UYAMA Tomohiko (Hokkaido University) “International Order and Regional Conflicts in Eurasia after Crimea: A Return of Competitively Coexisting Empires?” TANAKA Akihiko (Japan International Cooperation Agency) WATANABE Hirotaka (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) General Meeting: 18:10-18:40 Reception: 19:00-20:30 __________________________________________________ November 16 (Sunday) __________________________________________________ Registration: 09:00 IRAP Seminar: How to Publish in Peer-reviewed Journals 12:00-14:00 Chair TAGO Atsushi (Kobe University) Presenters TSUCHIYA Tomoko (Oxford University Press) MATOBA Miki (Oxford University Press) SASAKI Miho (Oxford University Press) SATO Yoichiro (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) KURASHINA Itsuki (Hiroshima City University) Afternoon Sessions: 14:00-16:30 Session 11. International Relations Studies in Japan Possibilities and Limitations of Teaching in English Chair YAMAMOTO Yoshinobu (University of Niigata Prefecture) Speakers SHIMIZU Kosuke (Ryukoku University) ”Teaching non-Western International Relations in English: Contradictions and Ambivalence” LINLEY Matthew (Nagoya University) “How Students in Japan Might Acquire Academic Literacy in English-taught Political Science Courses” UEMURA Takeshi (University of Niigata Prefecture) “Some Issues in Teaching International Politics in Japanese Universities” Discussants SATO Yoichiro (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) SHINODA Tomohito (International University of Japan) Session 12. Origins of NATO Nuclear Sharing and the Alliance Crises of 1956-1957 Chair/Discussant KURASHINA Itsuki (Hiroshima City University) Speakers ARAKAKI Hiromu (National Institute for Defense Studies) ”Atomic Stockpile and IRBMs: U.S. Initial Proposal of NATO Nuclear Sharing Arrangements” IWAMA Yoko (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) “Adenauer Government and West German Nuclear Discussant Session 13. Chair Speakers Discussants Problem” KAWASHIMA Shuichi (Meiji University) “EURATOM and Nuclear European Order: Integration, Independence and Dispersion 1955-1958” AKAGI Kanji (Keio University) 60 Years of Japan’s ODA: Appraisals and Challenges TADOKORO Masayuki (Keio University) HOSHIRO Hiroyuki (The University of Tokyo) ”A Panel Data Analysis of Japan’s ODA and Economic Relations with Asia” TAKAYANAGI Akio (Ferris University) “The Global Aid Trend and Japan’s ODA Policy” OSA Yukie (Rikkyo University) “Evaluating Japan’s ODA: From the Perspective of Humanitarian and Human Security Issues” FUKUSHIMA Akiko (The Tokyo Foundation) TAKAHASHI Motoki (Kobe University) Session 14. The Strained Relations of U.S., Russia, and Europe over Eurasian Issues: Between Cooperation and Conflict Chair ITO Takayuki (Waseda University) Speakers TSURUOKA Michito (National Institute for Defense Studies) “Deterrence and Reassurance in NATO: Challenges in the Wake of the Crisis in Ukraine” OSOEGAWA Taku (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “US-Russian Relations and the Middle East: With a Focus on the Syrian Case” SUEZAWA Megumi (Heisei International University) “The Ukraine Crisis and Relations with the US, Russia and the EU” Discussants HAKAMADA Shigeki (University of Niigata Prefecture) HOSOYA Yuichi (Keio University) Session 15. Rising Uncertainties of Chinese Governance: Problems and Influences upon Surrounding Countries Chair NAKAOKA Mari (Tokiwa University) Speakers AKO Tomoko (The University of Tokyo) “Discussing Issues on the Public Sphere in China” Discussants HOSHINO Masahiro (Nanzan University) “The Chinese Governing System and Ethnic Issues: A Study of the Tibet and Xinjiang Issues” MIYAKE Yasuyuki (Kwansei Gakuin University) “Government Orders Never Leave Zhongnaihai’: the Recent Situation of the Central-local Relations in the PRC” SUZUKI Takashi (Aichi Prefectural University) YUKAWA Taku (Osaka University) Session 16. Issues in Global and Regional Governance Chair/Discussant KIKKAWA Gen (Hiroshima City University) Speakers UEMURA Takehiko (Yokohama City University) “Global Tax for Global Environmental Governance: A Case for Climate Financing” MIYAZAKI Takashi (Nagoya Keizai University) “Legal Ground of Humanitarian Intervention Reconsidered” KOGA Kei (Nanyang Technological University) “Institutional Change in Regional Security Organizations: ASEAN and ECOWAS” LI Yongshu (Meiji University) "The Making of the Code of Conduct from 1989 to 2008: Considering China as a Factor" Discussant NISHITANI Makiko (Kobe University) Program of Sectional Meetings, JAIR Annual Convention 2014 ◆November 14 (Friday) Sectional Meetings A (15:45-17:15) A-1. Japanese Diplomatic History I (KATO Kiyofumi) 《A Reconsideration of the Japan-US Security Treaty System》 Chair: KATO Kiyofumi (The National Institute of Japanese Literature) Speakers: KAJI Ichiro (Osaka University) “The Duration of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty: The Way to Strengthen the Japan-U.S. Alliance ” FUJITA Goro (Waseda University) “The Japanese Peace Settlement of 1951 and "Internal Security" Problem: The Ideas of Japanese and the United States Government Concerning Insertion of the "Internal Riots" Clause ” KOJIMA Yoshiyuki (Osaka University) “The Revision of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and the Protection of Military Secrets: Why Did the Anti-Espionage Bill Fail?” Discussant: TBA A-2. International Political History in Europe/European Studies I (SHIBAZAKI Yusuke) 《Region, Integration and Nationalism from Viewpoint of Outside Continental Europe》 Chair: IYTABASHI Takumi (Seikei University) Speakers: OSHIMA Miho (Tsuda College) “Two Orientations toward European Order in the Interwar Period: Norwegian Internationalism and Expansionism in the Polar Region ” ISHINO Yuko (Tokiwa Junior College) “The Academic Karelia Society’s ‘Greater Finland’: the Idea of Territorial Expansion and its Movement in Finland during World Wars ” IKEMOTO Daisuke (Meiji Gakuin University) “Alan Milward Reconsidered” Discussant: YASODA Hirohito (Kyoritsu Women's University) MORII Yuichi (The University of Tokyo) A-3. International History in East Asia (IWATANI Nobu) 《Diplomacy of PRC and ROC during the Cold War》 Chair: IWATANI Nobu (The National Institute for Defense Studies) Speakers: 1 MI Duo (The University of Tokyo) “ROC's cooperative anticommunism policy toward East Asia in the mid-1960s” SUGIURA Yasuyuki (The National Institute for Defense Studies) “China's Foreign policy toward Japan in "the age of discontinuity"(1958-1960)” Discussant: SHIMIZU Urara (The University of Tokyo) OSAWA Takeshi (Kumamoto Gakuen University) A-4. East Asian Studies I (NISHINO Junya) 《New Actors in Japan-South Korea Relations》 Chair: NISHINO Junya (Keio University) Speakers: Alexander BUKH (Victoria University of Wellington) “ The Territorial Dispute over Takeshima/Dokdo and Non-State Actors in Japan and Korea” RHEE Wonkyung (Waseda University) “Far-Right Groups in Japan and Korea and the Impact of the Internet” Discussant: ISOZAKI Noriyo (Gakushuin University) NISHINO Junya (Keio University) A-5. Southeast Asian Studies I (YAMADA Mitsuru) Chair: NAGAI Fumio (Osaka City University) Speakers: SHIMAZAKI Yuko (Waseda University) “Relationship to Migration and Border Administration: the Case of Border Areas in Poipet, Cambodia and Thailand ” HONDA Tomoaki (Keio University) “East-Timor and Japan’s Peacebuilding Policy: Analyzing the Transformation of ‘Peacebuilding Support’ ” MINETA Shiro (Waseda University) “Territory Management of People Living in the Border Area: a Case of Loi Tai Leng, a Villege of the Southern Shan State, Myanmar” Discussant: ISHII Yuka (University of Shizuoka) YAMADA Mitsuru (Waseda University) A-6. Theories and Methods I (ISHIGURO Kaoru) 《Empirical Analysis of Civil War: Its Process, Termination and Aftermath》 Chair: ICHIHARA Maiko (Kansai Gaigai University) Speakers: OBAYASHI Kazuhiro (Hitotsubashi University) “Assessing the Effects of Power-Sharing Arrangements” 2 OHMURA Hirotaka (Shiga University) “Military Victory and the Duration of Post-conflict Peace” KUBOTA Yuichi (University of Niigata Prefecture) “Rebel Threat and the Government Repression of Civilians: Evidence from the Guatemalan Civil War” Discussant: YAMAMOTO Yoshinobu (University of Niigata Prefecture ) A-7. United Nations Studies I (YAMADA Tetsuya) Chair: YAMADA Tetsuya (Nanzan University) Speakers: SATOH Hiromi (The University of Tokyo) “International Formation of an ‘Understanding’ for the Colonial Independence and the Role of UN: A Case of Early Decolonization of UN Trusteeship Territories” AKAHOSHI Sho (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science / Kobe University) “The Regime Dynamism on International Protection for Internally Displaced Persons” Discussant: YAMADA Tetsuya (Nanzan University) Sectional Meetings B (17:30-19:30) B-1. International Political History in Europe/European Studies II (SHIBAZAKI Yusuke) 《International History of the Cold War》 Chair: SHIBAZAKI Yusuke (Seijo University) Speakers: MASUDA Minoru (Ritsumeikan University) “Recent development in the study of the Cold War history and debates around the images of the Cold War ” MATSUMOTO Saho(Nagoya City University) “New perspective on the Cold War: Operation Gladio and Italy” OKAMOTO Yoshitaka (Kwansei Gakuin University) “British Defence Policy and the Cold War in Europe under the Callaghan Government” Discussant: KURASHINA Itsuki (Hiroshima City University) B-2. Southeast Asian Studies II (YAMADA Mitsuru) Chair: YAMADA Mitsuru (Waseda University) Speakers: TAKAHASHI Masaki (Niigata University of International and Information Studies) “The 2006 Coup of Thailand: Divided Society and State Elite in an Age of Globalization ” MORIKAWA Yuji (Nagasaki University) “Making Regional Order under Nation Building in Laos ” 3 YAMANE Takeshi (Fukuoka Women's University) “Security Sector Governance and Civil Society Organization in the Philippines under Aquino III Administration ” Discussant: AIZAWA Nobuhiro (Kyushu University) YOSHIKAWA Kenji (Toyo Eiwa University) B-3. The Middle East (SUECHIKA Kota) 《Power and Identity of the Military in the Middle East》 Chair: SUECHIKA Kota (Ritsumeikan University) Speakers: MOCHII Masahiro (The National Institute for Defense Studies) “The Identity of Israel Defense Force and Military History: An Analysis of Discourses from ‘Maarachot’ Magazine” KIKKAWA Takuro (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “His Majesty’s Armed Forces: Reassessment of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s Military Power” Discussant: IKEDA Akifumi (Toyo Eiwa University) B-4. Theories and Methods II (ISHIGURO Kaoru) 《Theories of International Politics: Historiography, Order and Violence》 Chair: ISHIGURO Kaoru (Kobe University) Speakers: YAMASHITA Norihisa (Ritsumeikan University), ATAKA Hiroaki (Ritsumeikan University), SHIBASAKI Atsushi (Komazawa University) “Deconstructing the Westphalian Paradigm of IR Historiography: Discourses, Theories, Histories ” FUKUDA Junichi (Institute for International Policy Studies) “Hierarchical Order in International Relations: Study on the U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era ” ITO Gaku (Tokyo University) “Examining the Political Utility of Violence in Civil War” Discussant: TAKEUCHI Toshitaka (Osaka University ) B-5. International Integration (YAMAMOTO Tadashi) 《Developments of Regional Integration》 Chair: YAMAMOTO Tadashi (University of Kitakyushu) Speakers: IWANO Satoshi (Waseda University) “Issue Linkage between Development and Security in the EU: Institutional Settings for 4 Conflict Prevention and Peace Building in Africa” DAIDOUJI Ryuya (Waseda University) “Inter-institutional Relationship with regard to Anti-terrorism Policy: Cooperation and Resistance by Regional Organizations” URAKAWA Hiroko (Ritsumeikan University) “EU External Relations in the Field of Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Focusing on Japan-EU Relations” SAITO Akihito (Waseda University) “Regional Integration and Environmental Conservation: Roles of Member States and Regional Organizations for the Development of Common Rules in the EU and ASEAN” Discussant: HACHIYA Machiko (Kyushu University) WASHIE Yoshikatsu (Doshisha University) B-6. International Security I (FUKUDA Takeshi) Chair: FUKUDA Takeshi (National Diet Library) Speakers: HARADA Yu (National Institute for Defense Studies) “Conflicts over Maritime Interests under the Law of the Sea: A Case Study of the South China Sea Dispute” NAKAMURA Nagafumi (University of Tokyo) “The International Politics of Exit:Withdrawal from Iraq” HIKOTANI Takako (National Defense Academy) “Is There a Civil-Military Gap in Japan?” Discussant: MICHISHITA Narushige (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) FUKUDA Takeshi (National Diet Library) B-7. International Political Economy (MORI Katsuhiko) 《IPE Challenges: 70 Years After Bretton Woods》 Chair: MORI Katsuhiko (International Christian University) Speakers: OMORI Sawa (International Christian University) “How Much Changed? Analyzing Reforms of the International Monetary Fund after the Global Financial Crisis ” SUGINOHARA Masako (University of Tokyo) “The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Preferences” NAIKI Yoshiko (Osaka University) “Beyond Competition and Fragmentation: How the Growth of Regulations/Standards Affects Trade Governance” YOU Hyelim (Kyoto University) “Comparative Institutional Analysis on Korean and Japanese FTA Policy: Differences in 5 Agricultural Liberalization and Reconsideration on Interest Group Inducement ” Discussant: WADA Hironori (Aoyama Gakuin University) OBI Michiyo (Nanzan University) B-8. International Exchange (KISHI Sayaka) Chair: KISHI Sayaka (Tsuru University) Speakers: SAIKAWA Takashi (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “From Intellectual Co-operation to International Cultural Exchange: Ideological Shift of the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation of the League of Nations in the 1930s” OSHIMA Eriko (Waseda University) “Memories in France related to the colonization and the war of independence of Algeria: The case of the laws recognizing memories” MAKITA Toichi (J. F. Oberlin University), HORIUCHI Megumi (J. F. Oberlin University) “Possibility and its impact of epistemic community building through public diplomacy: the case of API program of Nippon Foundation” Discussant: ONUMA Yasuaki (Meiji University) SHIGEMASA Kimikazu (Kwansei Gakuin University) ◆November 15 (Saturday) Sectional Meetings C (13:30-15:10) C-1. American Politics and Diplomacy I (NAKAJIMA Hiroo) 《American Diplomacy in the Periods of Change during the Cold War》 Chair: MATSUOKA Hiroshi (University of Tsukuba) Speakers: YAMAMOTO Akiko (Hitotsubashi University) “The Revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty as the Issue of the US Overseas Military Bases Focused on the ‘Nash Report’” SHIMAMURA Naoyuki (Kyorin University) “Reconstruction of ‘Special Relationship’ between the United States and Britain, 1956-1963” HASHIYAMA Takeshi (Miyazaki Daiichi Senior High School) “The Peace Negotiation Policy of the United States in 1968 during the Vietnam War: Comparing the Policies of President Johnson and Nixon” Discussant: FUJIMOTO Hiroshi (Nanzan University) HASHIGUCHI Yutaka (Ryukoku University) C-2. Russia and Eastern European Studies (YUASA Takeshi) Chair: KOMORI Hiromi (Waseda University) 6 Speakers: MIYAZAKI Haruka (Hokkaido University of Education) “Polish-Jewish Relations during the Interwar Period: Focusing on the Jewish Historians in Warsaw” HASEGAWA Takeyuki(Tohoku University) “A Study on Putin’s Political Reform and Enlarged Russian Security Council” SAITO Motohide (Chuo University) “The Ukraine Crisis and Challenges to Putin” Discussant: ITO Takayuki (Waseda University) TAKEDA Yoshinori (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) C-3. East Asian Studies II (NISHINO Junya) 《Political System and Foreign Policy of Contemporary China》 Chair: KAMO Tomoki (Keio University) Speakers: MORISAKI Gunketsu (Chuo University) “The Creation of “People’s Representative Conference” System and Authoritarian Regime in China: 1921-1949” XIE Zhihai (Kyoai Gakuen University) “China's Rising Maritime Strategy: Implications for Its Territorial Disputes” Discussant: KAMO Tomoki (Keio University) MORI Aki (University of Tsukuba) C-4. Africa (MAKINO Kumiko) 《The State of Democracy in Africa》 Chair: MAKINO Kumiko (IDE-JETRO) Speakers: HAMANO Chihiro (Hosei University) “How Does Decentralization Impact on the Local Election in Uganda?” NAGATSUJI Takashi (Waseda University) “Electoral Turnovers or Coups?: Comparative Analysis of Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire” SAKATA Yumi (Osaka University) “‘Strain’ and ‘Democratization’ of Zimbabwe: A Study on the Land Issues and the 2013 General Elections” Discussant: IWATA Takuo (Ritsumeikan University) C-5. International Security II (FUKUDA Takeshi) 《Rethinking the Japan-US Alliance in the 1970s》 Chair: FUKUDA Takeshi (National Diet Library) 7 Speakers: NOZOE Fumiaki (Okinawa International University) “The Realignment of the US Military Forces in Okinawa and the US-Japan Alliance after the Vietnam War: With a Focus on the US Marine Corps in Okinawa” YOSHIDA Shingo (Nagoya University of Commerce & Business) “The Origins of the Japan-US Defense Cooperation” Discussant: SADOU Akihiro (Chukyo University) KUSUNOKI Ayako (Kwansei Gakuin University) C-6. Decision Making (SHINODA Tomohito) 《Political Process and Norms》 Chair: SHINODA Tomohito (International University of Japan) Speakers: TAMARI Kazutoshi (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Domestic Political Process and the International Negotiation: A Case Study of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal” HATAKEYAMA Kyoko (Kansai Gaidai University) “Rational choice vs. domestic norms: Japan's arms trade ban policy” Discussant: FUJITA Taisuke (Nagasaki University) C-7. Peace Studies I (MINAMIYAMA Atsushi) 《International Relations and Peace Research》 Chair: ICHIKAWA Hiromi (Kyoto Women’s University) Speakers: SUGIURA Koichi (Wayo Women’s University) “Hiroharu Seki’s Peace Research and His Plan of Global Politics” SASAKI Hiroshi (Niigata University of International and Information Studies) “Peace Research and Power Politics : Sakio Takayanagi’s Political Realism” MIYASHITA Yutaka “The Significance of Takehiko Kamo’s Critiques of Realist Theories of IR” Discussant: ENDO Seiji (Seikei University) C-8. Gender Studies (TODA Makiko) 《Islamic World and Women: Dialogue between Islamic Studies and Gender Studies》 Chair: TAMURA-TSUJI Keiko (The University of Kitakyushu) Speakers: MORITA Toyoko (Kagoshima University) “Deliberations about the Reform of Family Protect Law (2013) in Iran” TSUJIGAMI Namie (The University of Tokyo) 8 “Ambivalent Dominance over Women’s Body, Female Representation and Agency in the Arab Spring” Discussant: MATSUO Masaki (Utsunomiya University) C-9. Environmental Studies I (ISHII Atsushi) 《The international politics of transboundary air pollution in East Asia》 Chair: KAMEYAMA Yasuko (National Institute for Environmental Studies) Speakers: MIYAZAKI Asami (Kumamoto Gakuen University) “Structure of Cooperation and Noncooperation in Negotiation: A Network Analysis of Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” OKAMOTO Tetsuaki (Tohoku University) “Causes of stagnation of building an international framework for air quality management in Northeast Asia: from the perspective of scientific assessment of transboundary air pollution in Northeast Asia” MIYAJIRI Hiromitsu (Tohoku University) “Japan’s Transboundary Air Pollution Diplomacy and Science: A Case Study of Critical Loads Research” Discussant: TAKAMURA Yukari (Nagoya University) ◆November 16 (Sunday) Sectional Meetings D (09:30-11:00) D-1. Japanese Diplomatic History II (KATO Kiyofumi) 《A Study for Japan’s foreign policy in the post-World War II period》 Chair: KATO Kiyofumi (The National Institute of Japanese Literature) Speakers: YAMAGUCHI Wataru (Doshisha University) “Acceptance of Comprehensive Security ” TAKEDA Yu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) “Rivalry among Japan, the United States and Europe on US Nuclear Cooperation Policy: Making Programmatic Prior Consent, 1977-1982” Discussant: TBA D-2. American Politics and Diplomacy II (NAKAJIMA Hiroo) 《American Diplomacy and East Asia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century》 Chair: NAKAJIMA Hiroo (Osaka University) Speakers: ITAMI Akihiko (Kyoto University) 9 “The Evolution of the Washington Treaty System and Its Relations with the Soviet Union: Focusing on the relationship of Stanley Hornbeck and Boris Skvirsky” NAKAZAWA Shiho (Bunka Gakuen University) “The Atomic Bomb and the Postwar World: Focusing on Henry L. Stimson” Discussant: TAKAMITSU Yoshie (Chiba University) KAN Hideki (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) D-3. Theories and Methods III (ISHIGURO Kaoru) 《Quantitative Analyses of Politics in the Developing Countries》 Chair: HAMANAKA Shingo (Yamagata University) Speakers: OKADA Isamu (Nagoya University) “Natural Resource Rent and Protest in Latin America: Multilevel Analysis Using LAPOP Data” NAKAI Ryo (Rikkyo University) “The Effect of Electoral Proximities on Nationalism in Young Democracies” HAMANAKA Shingo (Yamagata University), TAKAOKA Yutaka (Middle East Institute of Japan), MIZOBUCHI Masaki (Nagoya University of Commerce & Business) “Attitude Changes of Lebanese after the Syrian Uprising: An Approach of Natural Experiments” Discussant: KOHNO Masaru (Waseda University) D-4. International Security III (FUKUDA Takeshi) 《International Situation Surrounding the Iranian Nuclear Issues》 Chair: KAWAKAMI Takashi (Takushoku University) Speakers: MIYAMOTO Satoru (Seigakuin University) “The Influence on Nuclear and Missile Development of Iran by North Korea’s Policy for Military Cooperation toward the Middle East” SAKANASHI Sachi (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “Nuclear Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Quest for Independence in Security and its Limits” Discussant: YOKOTA Takayuki (Nihon University) IKEUCHI Satoshi (University of Tokyo) D-5. United Nations Studies II (YAMADA Tetsuya) 《Current Issues on Peacekeeping Operations》 Chair: MOTIZUKI Yasue (Kwansei Gakuin University) Speakers: 10 SAKATA Keiko (National Defense Academy) “Impartiality in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: The Case of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC)” TSUZUKI Masayasu (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) “The Security Council’s Political Leadership in the Establishment Period of ‘The Fourth-Generation UN Peacekeeping Operations’ (1999-2004)” Discussant: UESUGI Yuji (Waseda University) D-6. Peace Studies II (MINAMIYAMA Atsushi) 《The Political Dynamics of Riots and Military Conflicts》 Chair: MINAMIYAMA Atsushi (University of Tsukuba) Speakers: TOGASHI Kosuke (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “ ‘Dual Structure of Conflict’: The framework for understanding the dynamics of Chechen War” YUI Miharu (Hiroshima University) “Effectiveness of Community Policing in Post-riot Society: Empirical Analysis of the Practices in India” Discussant: NAKAMIZO Kazuya (Kyoto University) NODA Takehito (Gunma University) Sectional Meetings D/E (09:30-12:45) D/E-1. The Research Caucus for Junior Researchers and Graduates Students (SUZUKI Hiroyuki) 《Dialogue between Different IR Traditions for One World: Western IR and the Challenge of non-Western/post-Western IR》 Chair: TSUNODA Kazuhiro (Meiji University) Speakers: Wiebke Wemheuer-Vogelaar (Freie Universität Berlin) “The Diffusion of IR Theory: The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Citation” Peter Marcus Kristensen (University of Copenhagen) “(How) can the 'Non-West' Speak?: On Emerging Powers and IR Discourse” IKEDA Josuke (University of Toyama) “From Territory to Travel: A Worldist Case for Post-Western IR” IMAI Kohei (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Middle Eastern Contributions to International Relations Theory: Turkey as a Case Study” Tao XU (Kyushu University) “ The Emergence of the ‘Chinese School’?: The ‘Sinicization’ of International Relations Theory in China” 11 Discussant: Ching-Chang CHEN (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) SATO Shiro (Osaka International University) Sectional Meetings E (11:15-12:45) E-1. Japanese Diplomatic History III (KATO Kiyofumi) 《A Study for Japan’s foreign policy in the pre-World WarⅡperiod》 Chair: KATO Kiyofumi (The National Institute of Japanese Literature) Speakers: OBIYA Shunsuke (Tokyo University) “The Absence of Anglo-Japanese Cooperation and the League of Nations' intervention into China: from the Shandong Question to the Manchurian Incident ” YAJIMA Akira (Osaka University) “Ashida Hitoshi's View of the Cold War and His Rearmament Policy” Discussant: TBA E-2. International Political History in Europe/European Studies III (SHIBAZAKI Yusuke) 《Historical Studies: The British policy and the British empire in the postwar period》 Chair: SHIBAZAKI Yusuke (Seijo University) Speakers: SATO Shohei (Kanazawa University) “Exploring Revisionist Histories of Decolonization: Operation Legacy, the Migrated Archives and the FCO Special Collections” FUJISAKI Koichi (Waseda University) “British "Eurafrica" Plan and the Post-Hostilities Planning Staff,1942-1945:Western Bloc, Imperial Strategy and the Origins of the Cold War ” Discussant: GOTO-SHIBATA Harumi(The University of Tokyo) E-3. Latin American Studies (MATSUMOTO Yaeko) 《Politics and Foreign Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean》 Chair: ENDO Mitsugi (The University of Tokyo) Speakers: UCHIDA Midori (Wakayama University) “Presidential Election of Uruguay in 2014 ” KOIKE Yasuhiro (Aichi Prefectural University) “Cuba's New ‘Revolutionary Diplomacy’ : Ideology, Pragmatism and Soft Power ” MATSUMOTO Yaeko (Asia University) “Party Politics, Ethnicity and External Factors in Trinidad and Tobago: the Case of E. Williams’ Government” 12 Discussant: OKABE Yasunobu (JICA Research Institute) E-4. Transnational (ISHII Yuka) Chair: SUZUKI Noriko (Toyo University) Speakers: KATO Emi (Waseda University) “Multiculturalism as the Responsibility for the Colonization?: Examining British Education Policies for Immigrant Children” KOSAKA Yuki (Hitotsubashi University) “‘An Appeal to the World’ and its Aftermath: The NAACP Petition and the United Nations in the Beginning of the Cold War, 1945-1953” Discussant: KARATANI Rieko (Kansai University) E-5. Environmental Studies II (ISHII Atsushi) Chair: ISHII Atsushi (Tohoku University) Speakers: KANIE Norichika (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “Complementarity between Regime and Target-driven Approaches: Innovation and Challenges for Sustainable Development Goals” IGUCHI Masahiko (Tokyo Institute of Technology/ United Nations University) “Divergence and Convergence of Climate Policy: a case from fuel economy regulations for passenger cars in Europe, Japan and the US” YOKOTA Masahi (Nihon University) “Regional Environmental Cooperation by Developing Countries: A Case Study of the Environmental Cooperation in Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS)” Discussant: KATSUMATA Hiroshi (Kanazawa University) 13