Biology 830.02 Advances in Cell Biology: Cancer Biology Course

Biology 830.02 Advances in Cell Biology: Cancer Biology
Course Description
This course is designed as a survey of the current state of knowledge in the cellular and
molecular biology of cancer processes. The students will also review current literature in
cancer biology by analyzing and critiquing current articles.
Course Objectives
*Students will be able to explain the various factors leading to differential epidemiology
in human cancers.
*Students will be able to explain the specific roles of tumor viruses in cancer.
*Students will be able to explain the functions and roles of oncogenes in cancer.
*Students will be able to explain the role played by growth factors and receptors in
*Students will be able to explain the role of signal transduction in cancers.
*Students will be able to explain the role of tumor suppressor genes in cancer.
*Students will be able to explain the functioning of the cell cycle and its regulation in
normal and cancerous cells.
*Students will be able to explain the mechanisms of programmed cell death.
*Students will be able to explain the methods by which cancerous cells become immortal.
*Students will be able to explain the stages and events in tumorigenesis.
*Students will be able to explain the development of human cancers.
*Students will be able to explain the interactions with normal cells that enable the growth
of cancerous cells.
*Students will be able to explain the mechanisms of cancer cell invasion and metastasis.
*Students will be able to explain the immunology of cancer cells.
*Students will be able to explain the rapidly changing methods of cancer treatment at the
cellular level.
All chapter assignments refer to The Biology of Cancer by Robert A. Weinberg (1st Ed;
2007) Garland Science.
Week 1 (8/22-26) – The Nature of Cancer – Chapter 2; Independent reading is The
Biology and Genetics of Cells and Organisms – Chapter 1 – Timed online quiz from
Chapter 2 is available 8/26-28.
Week 2 (8/29-9/2) – Tumor Viruses – Chapter 3 – Timed online quiz 9/2-9/4.
Week 3 (9/6-9) – Cellular Oncogenes – Chapter 4 – Timed online quiz 9/9-11.
Paper review or assignment – (20 points) Available for download 9/9. Due in 9/16.
Week 4 (9/12-16) – Growth Factors and Receptors – Chapter 5 – Timed online quiz
Week 5 (9/19-23) – Cytoplasmic Signaling – Chapter 6 –Test 1 timed online portion
available 9/23-25; Take Home portion of Test 1 available for download 9/23. Due in
Week 6 (9/26-30) – Tumor Suppressor Genes – Chapter 7 – Timed online quiz 9/3010/2.
Paper review or assignment – (20 points). Available for download 9/30. Due in 10/7.
Week 7 (10/3-7) – Cell Cycle Clock – Chapter 8 – Timed online quiz 10/7-9.
Week 8 (10/10-14) – Apoptosis – Chapter 9 – Timed online quiz 10/14-16.
Paper review or assignment – (20 points). Available for download 10/16. Due in
Week 9 (10/19-21) – Eternal Cells – Chapter 10 – Timed online quiz 10/21-23.
Week 10 (10/24-28) – Multistep Tumorigenesis – Chapter 11 – Test 2 timed online
portion 10/28-30. Take Home portion of Test 2 available for download 10/28. Due
in 11/4.
Week 11 (10/31-11/4) – Development of Cancer – Chapter 12– Timed online quiz 11/46. Paper review or assignment – (20 points). Available for download 11/4. Due in
Week 12 (11/7-11) – Heterotypic Interactions – Chapter 13 – Timed online quiz 11/1113.
Week 13 (11/14-18) – Invasion and Metastasis – Chapter 14– Timed online quiz 11/1820. Paper review or assignment – (20 points). Available for download 11/18. Due in
Week 14 (11/28-12/2) – Tumor Immunology – Chapter 15 – Timed online quiz 12/2-4.
Week 15 (12/5-9) – Rational Treatment of Cancer – Chapter 16
Final week –Timed online Final Exam portion available 12/9-16.
Final Take Home portion available for download 12/9. Due in 12/16.
The Basics:
The Instructor: Paul G. Twigg, Greenhouse, Phone: 865-8315;
Other phone numbers: Dept- 865-8548, Dept. Head- 865-8603, NSS Dean- 865-8518
Letter grades will be assigned on the following scale:
A+ (98-100%, 706-720 points)
B+ (88-89%, 634-647 points)
C+ (78-79%, 562-575 points)
D+ (68-69%, 489-503 points)
F (less than 445 points)
A (92-97%, 662-719 points)
B (82-87%, 590-633 points)
C (72-77%, 518-561 points)
D (62-67%, 446-488 points)
Course Point Totals:
2 Regular Exams (150 pts each)1 Final Exam (200 pts)12 Online quizzes (10 pts each)Assignments/Paper reviews (20 pts each)Total-
A- (90-91%, 648-661 points)
B- (80-81%, 576-589 points)
C- (70-71%, 504-517 points)
D- (60-61%, 432-445 points)
300 pts
200 pts
120 pts
100 pts
720 pts
Course Policies*All course assignments are to be submitted as email attachments in Microsoft Word
format (.doc or .docx).
*Policy on plagiarism: Anyone caught plagiarizing any exercise will receive a 0 for that
exercise; subsequent violations will result in referral to the Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs for dismissal from the university.
*Policy on incomplete: To be considered for an incomplete in Biology 830.02:
1. You must submit the reasons you cannot complete the scheduled work. This must
include a copy of your class schedule and description of your responsibilities outside the
classroom. This should be done in writing and include confirmation from your employer
or doctor when appropriate.
2. You must specify the assignments you have missed and a schedule of plans to
complete them.
3. You must submit a copy of the above information to the Chair of the Department of
Biology and the Dean of Natural and Social Sciences.
4. Upon completion of items 1-3, your request for an incomplete will be considered.
I expect all students to progress through the requirements for Biology 830.02 in a timely
fashion. Unless your circumstance is quite remarkable, do not consider an incomplete.
*Tests and quizzes will not be rescheduled without valid reason.
Students with Disabilities
The university is committed to providing support for students with disabilities. Any
student with a physical, learning, emotional, and/or psychological disability is
encouraged to stop by the Academic Success Office, room 163 MSAB, and make an
appointment with David Brandt, Disabilities Coordinator. Appointments can also be
made by calling 865-8214 or by emailing If you have an
accommodation plan please see me as soon as possible so we can make arrangements
necessary for your learning. No accommodations can be provided until a Reasonable
Accommodation Plan is in place. Please remember that an accommodation plan is not
retroactive and cannot be used for assignments prior to the date of my signature.