“let us never consider ourselves finished nurses …. we must be learning all our lives.” 澳門護理高等教育國際論壇 1-3.12.2011 Florence Nightingale Dr Susie Lum 林崇綏搏士 President, The Provisional Hong Kong Academy of Nursing 2/12/2011 “Various hospitals in an attempt to attract educationally qualified nurses attempted to solve these problems by expanding the in-service program to include continuing education.” Dr. Esther Lucille Brown ( • • • • • 2/12/2011 1898-1990) 3 KEY RESULT AREA 4 Education of Health Personnel for Nursing and Midwifery Services Competent practitioners with appropriate skill mix are available to deal effectively with the current and future challenges of practice. 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 5 Effects of the Nursing Shortage on SD programming Effects of Salary Increase on SD Effects of Change in Professional-to-Ancillary Nursing Staff Ratio on SD Effects of Increased Technology on Staff Development Sheridan D R & O’Grady T (1992) 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 2 ICN supports a commitment to life long learning so that nurses can meet current challenges presented by the expansion of knowledge, changes in population demographics and health systems enhancement and redesign. Social Anthropologist PhD Yale 1929 Russell Sage Foundation 1930 “The Brown Report” 1948, ''Nursing for the Future'' nursing reconsidered: study of change, Philadelphia, 1970 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 7 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 4 4.1 to strengthen the core skills of nursing and midwifery practitioners in order to meet changing population and practice needs. 4.1.4 Innovative approaches developed and disseminated in all aspects of education, optimizing the use of technology. 4.1.5 Innovative models developed and disseminated for continuing education of nurses and midwives, including programs that focus on quality of care. 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 6 Appropriate Credentials and Roles for Staff Development Certification of Nursing Staff Development Educators Accreditation of Nursing Staff Development Programs Sheridan D R & O’Grady T (1992) 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 8 Support the change resulting from National Health Services review and reform; Maintain quality of care by ensuring the practitioners acquire the higher skills, knowledge and expertise they need as key professionals; Contribute to improved management of the health services by developing shared values & a common culture; English National Board Dec. 1990 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Ensure value for money in education by integrating existing education and training within a comprehensive structure which leads to a higher professional and academic award; Support recruitment and retention strategies by providing opportunities for planned professional development programmes. English National Board Dec. 1990 9 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 10 The Nursing Council of Hong Kong 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 11 5. Maintain the agreed standard of practice 5.3 The nurse recognizes the need for lifelong learning and participates in continuing nursing education. 5.4 The nurse is active in updating her knowledge and skills at regular intervals to enhance professional competence. 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 13 The Nursing Council of Hong Kong 2/12/2011 14 enrolment, it is important that nurses continue to update and develop their knowledge and skills through continuing education as healthcare work is influenced continually by advances in science and technology, reorganization of resources, and / or changes in demographics and societal needs. • Nursing education is a continuum that does not end with registration or enrolment. • It continues as a life-long process and is fundamental in the development of the profession. The Nursing Council of Hong Kong Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 3. Following their initial preparation for registration or 1. Prior to the implementation of a Mandatory Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) system, the Nursing Council of Hong Kong (the Council) is to implement CNE system on a voluntary basis with effect from November 2006. 2. All nurses should be personally responsible for ensuring their own competence in fulfilling the evolving roles and functions for which they are entrusted. 2/12/2011 12 II. PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING The quality of care is maintained through the enhancement of professional competencies via continuous nursing education. The Nursing Council of Hong Kong 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 15 The Nursing Council of Hong Kong 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 16 優質醫護服務 的需求日益殷切 有關醫護的 最新知識和技巧 續領執業證明書的必要條件 持續護理教育採用學分制計算 提交自我聲明書 註冊護士:>= 45 個持續護理教育學分 登記護士:>= 30 個持續護理教育學分 在為期 3年的持續護理教育周期內完成 強制性持續護理教育 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 17 2/12/2011 18 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 因為修改法例需時, 護士管理局通過 2010年開始自願呈報持續護理教育 在執業證明書續期申請時申報過去三 年的持續護理教育學分(CNE) 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice HA COC (N) meeting 29.11.2007 19 Service Demands Settings GOPC Community SOPC Hospital Follow up /rehabilitation care Patient empowerment and education Self-management program Telephone consultation Specialized care home/outreach care program Ageing population Mental health education Multiple diagnoses Family focused nursing Change of lifestyle pattern Integrative care across health & Change of family structure social system Decrease acuity of problems Gate-keeping Problems Increased chronic illness Long waiting list Disease management program Complication screening Changing disease pattern Unplanned readmission A&E attendance Specialized skills assisted with medical technologies Self-directed and professionally accountable nursing teams Discharge planning New nursing roles Proficient Provide more self-directed and professionally accountable care Case manager Community Provide pathway-base care Educator & counselor GOPD Carer support SOPC Discharge planner Provide care based on Hospital evidence and critical thinking and assisted by new technology Specialty nurse Advanced Advanced Expert Lead clinical advancement in Provide complex care specialty Complex case manager Link disciplines Care coordinator and services Develop care protocol development Develop clinical pathway across care Triage role in line with spectrum and complimentary to Develop care model doctor work reform Develop standards for Nurse clinic advanced level skills Research Training APN Modernized titles Nurse consultant Improve quality of life indicators Reduced clinic waiting time Reduced patients’ sessions with doctors Reduced hospitalizations Reduced unplanned readmission Reduced A&E attendance Decreased cost Patient Care Application of technical skills and knowledge Therapeutic and caring relationship Disease & care management Counseling & patient education Clinical decision making and analytical skills Discharge planning & care coordination Patient advocacy and empowerment skills Modernize the roles of nursing Update career pathways Prepare nurses to lead in a changed health care system Enhance competency-based training Revamp Specialty training program Management Quality and risk management Resources management Leadership and influencing skills Conflict and change management Strategic decision-making Develop a competent and flexible nursing workforce Research Skills Proposed career progression model for nurses (Current) CGMN GMN Progression Pathway Enhance roles and responsibilities Achieve required specialties competency Incentive system Modernize titles Additional increment Promotion Job stability DOM WM/NS/NO Clinical (New) Management Nurse Consultant Department Operation Manager Advanced Practice Nurse Ward/Unit Manager Specialty Nurse RN Endorsed in May 2008 CGMN GMN Restrictive Liberal Practice Nurse (Pre-Specialty) Practice Nurse (Beginner) Modernizing titles 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 31 14/2/2011 HKAN Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 32 to promote the advancement of the art and science of nursing; to foster the development of continuing nursing education; to promote integrity, ethical conduct and standards in the practice of nursing and its specialties; to promote the improvement of health care for Hong Kong citizens; to foster a spirit of collaboration among nursing and healthcare practitioners; to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in nursing and matters concerning the nursing profession. Licensure at APN level proposed by The Provisional HK Academy Of Nursing Limited 臨時香港護理專科學院有限公司 October 2011 2/12/2011 33 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 2/12/2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 35 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 34 Hong Kong College of Medical Nursing Hong Kong College of Surgical Nursing Hong Kong College of Community & Public Health Nursing Hong Kong College of Cardiac Nursing Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing Hong Kong College of Perioperative Nursing Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing Hong Kong College of Paediatric Nursing Hong Kong College of Gerontological Nursing Hong Kong College of Midwives Hong Kong College of Education & Research in Nursing Hong Kong College of Nursing & Health Care Management Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Nursing 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 36 PHKAN Council 董事會 Council Members 1 member nominated from each Institutional Member (14) 3 members elected by Institutional Members at AGM (3) 2 Non-Members are appointed by the Council (2) The Council of the Provisional Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Members shall act in personal capacity and accountable to all Members Council Members shall elect among themselves Secretariat Office Accreditation Committee 2/12/2011 Registration / Membership Committee Professional Development Committee Promotion and Public Relations Committee A President Up to 4 Vice- Presidents An Honorary Secretary An Honorary Treasurer Fund Raising Committee Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Term of office – 2 years, initial 3 years, up to 6 consecutive years, one with longest service shall retire first Meeting – at least once every 3 months 37 Ordinary Members 普通会員 Specialist College recognized by the Council Fellow Members 院士会員 Ordinary member completed courses & training, and passed exam recognized by the Institutional Member; or RN in specialized practice > 15 years & within 2 years of the establishment of PHKAN Honorary Members 荣譽院士 Any person whose academic achievement, prominence or contribution as recognized by the Council Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 38 If a registered nurse / a registered midwife has specialised and practised in a branch of nursing for 15 years or more within 2 years of the establishment of the PHKAN and has demonstrated significant contributions to specialty services development, and in the opinion of the Council, the conduct of his/her practice was consistently good throughout such years.” RN nominated by Institutional Members Institutional Members 學院会員 2/12/2011 2/12/2011 39 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 40 Generic competence framework with 7 domains and 54 statements Theoretical hours 500 hrs. + Clinical hours 500 hrs.= 1000 hrs. 15 years in specialty area the15 years that are relevant to the Academy College accumulated since nursing/midwife registration Significant contribution in the specialty area with documentation proof: e.g. Theoretical Hours 1/3 in generic postgraduate content (e.g. evidence-based practice, health economics, legal and ethical aspects) 1/3 in core APN content (e.g. health assessment, pathophysiology) 1/3 in specialty APN content (e.g. diabetic-related assessment, planning, implementation & evaluation of care) In leadership position of specialty-related activities (such as work groups, committees) Invited member in local and / or international initiatives Demonstrated contribution in practice and service development 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 41 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 42 COMPETENCIES - APN 应具備的才能 Graduate Core Advanced Practice Core Specialty Core Structured courses at postgraduate level (60% - 100%) Structured courses provided by Specialty Course Providers (0% - 40%) TOTAL 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 43 CASE STUDIES STUDENT PORTFOLIO (LEARNING PROGRESS REVIEW) REFLECTIVE PAPER PRACTICE PROJECT NURSE ROUND (ON-SITE /SIMULATION) GROUP PROJECT (SHOULD COMPOSE LESS THAN 10% OF THE TOTAL MARKS) 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 2/12/2011 1/3 of 500 hours 1/3 of 500 hours 1/3 of 500 hours Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 44 The 500 hours should not be attained in more than 4 years’ time span. 100% under supervision or with some (at most 50%) in work placement situations. 50%-100% supervised practice (on-site designated appointed mentor who is an Academy Fellow in current practice) 0%-50% work placement (no on-site designated appointed mentor) 45 2/12/2011 47 11/05/10 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice 46 Option A (for the Academy Colleges that do not have subspecialties) 100% (for generic specialty) Option B (for the Academy Colleges that have subspecialties) 20%-30% test items are generic 70%-80% test items are specific to subspecialties 2/12/2011 Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice HKAN Assuring Quality Advanced Nursing Practice Thank You 48