français sous la main™ Table de matières page About français sous la main™, images cachées 1 ii niveau suggéré compréhension compréhension 4 verbes en er / avoir / être avec des sujets (pronoms ou noms) singuliers 4 adjectifs avec e pour former le féminin 1 2 4 compréhension 5 compréhension 5 verbes en er / avoir / être 5 adjectifs accord des adjectifs 6 7 8 9 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 compréhension numéros à 100 mathématiques prononciation aller/faire verbes en ir et re adjectifs possessifs mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes, son/sa/ses lecture compréhension numéros à 1000 mathématiques vouloir, pouvoir, partir, sortir et devoir adjectifs adjectifs possessifs et démonstratifs 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 compréhension 8 lecture compréhension 8 passé composé 23 24 enrichissement réponses 27 28 8 5 26 i 2010 LearningSpirit français sous la main™ About français sous la main™, images cachées 1 Why a whole book of images cachées ? This book of images cachées was created as a result of frequent requests from Core French teachers of all grades. Popular in the Grammaire Sous La Main™ series, teachers asked us for a whole book of these fun puzzles. In this book you’ll find 22 puzzles targeting comprehension of reading and vocabulary, understanding of numbers and simple math operations, pronunciation, as well as elements of grammar. When to use these puzzles. These puzzles are perfect for review or evaluation. The students enjoy doing them and the nature of the puzzle provides feedback about their understanding without waiting for the teacher to take up the activity. For this reason they are also popular to leave for the supply teacher. How to do the images cachées. In each puzzle there is a list of sentences (labelled A., B., C.,…) related to the area being targeted. Some of them are correct, some are not. • Circle the letter (A., B., C.,…) of the correct sentences. • Go to the grid of letters that follows. • For the sentences that are correct, search in the grid for the letters (A., B., C.,…) of the correct sentences and shade them in. (i.e., if the sentence labelled A is correct, look for all the A’s in the grid, shade them in, then move on to the letter of the next correct sentence.) • If correct, a picture will emerge in the grid. Many of the puzzles are ideal for a follow up enrichment activity. For each sentence that is not correct, it is often a valuable exercise for the student to rewrite the sentence in a manner that would be considered correct. An enrichment blackline master is included in the package. This book was created to meet your needs as a teacher of Core French. We invite your feedback. Please contact us at LearningSpirit, c/o Shirley Mather 519-941-7933 R.R. 1 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Y8 ii 2010 LearningSpirit