Tout à propos de…. Moi Je m’appelle_________________________(name) J’ai___________________________ans.(how old) Ma fête est le____________________________(birth date) J’habite à________________________(where you live) Je suis né(e) à________________________(where you were born) J’ai les yeux_____________(color of eyes) J’ai les cheveux______________________(color of hair) Je mesure__________pieds et __________ pouces.(how tall) Ma famille J’ai____________frère(s).(# of brother) J’ai______________soeur (s) (# of sister) J’ai____________demi-frère(s).(# step brother) J’ai______________demie-soeur (s) (step sister) Je n’ai pas de frère. (I don’t have a brother.) Je n’ai pas de soeur. ( I don’t have a sister.) Mon père s’appelle_______________________ (dad’s name) Ma mère s’appelle_______________________ (mom’s name) Mon beau-père s’appelle____________________(step dad’s name) Ma belle-mère s’appelle___________________(step mom’s name) J’ai__________________chien.(s) (# of dog) J’ai__________________chat(s) (# of cat) Mon chien s’appelle_______________________ (dog’s name) Mon chat s’appelle_______________________(cat’s name) Je n’ai pas de chien. ( I don’t have a dog.) Je n’ai pas de chat. ( I don’t have a cat.) J’ai un/une_________________ (animal) Mes intérêts Mon restaurant favori est____________________ (favorite restaurant) Mon livre favori est_____________________(favorite book) Mon repas favori est_____________________(favorite meal) Mon sujet favori est__________________________(favorite subject) Mon jeu favori est__________________________(favorite game) Mon animal favori est________________________(favorite animal) Ma couleur favorite est__________________(favorite colour) Mon sport favori est_____________________(favorite sport) Mon film favori est_____________________(favorite movie) Mon acteur favori est_____________________ (favorite actor) Mon actrice favorite est_____________________(favourite actress) Mon chanteur favori est____________________(favorite singer male) Ma chanteuse favorite est_________________(favourite singer female) Mon groupe favori est_____________________(favorite group) Mon sportif favori est_____________________(favorite sport) Mon équipe favorite est____________________(favorite sport J’ai peur de__________________________(I’m afraid of) J’aime______________________,_____________________(I like) Je n’aime pas______________________, ____________(I don’t like) Mon meilleur ami est_____________________(my best friend male) Ma meilleure amie est___________________(my best friend female) Mes meilleur(e)s ami(e)s sont__________________(my bests friends) Plus tard j’aimerais être___________________(later I would like to be) J’aimerais voyager ____________________(I would like to travel...) Grade 4 Project must include: . Please check when completed Title: Tout à propos de_________(name) French title for each category (Moi. Ma famille, Mes intérêts) Minimum of 3 pictures/drawings for each categories Minimum 5 sentences for each category. (grade 4) Project must be neat and colorful Use of a ruler is mandatory Correct spelling and grammar Project will completed during class time only. No work done at home. Parent signature before and after the project Criteria 1 2 3 4 Follow expectations (use of ruler, coloring, neatness, etc...) -poor effort - often off task - many pictures missing - poor coloring -some effort - some pictures missing - neatness needed some improvement -needed more coloring -good effort - pictures for each topic - neat - colourful -great effort - extra pictures - extremely neat - very colourful Applications of language knowledge (spelling, grammar, vocabulary) -With constant major errors -Using few or none of the require elements -With frequent errors -Using some of the required elements -With few or no errors -Using all of the required elements -No errors + extra words -Using all or almost all of the required elements Oral presentation -Student presented project using poor pronunciation and was not prepared -Student was able to present project using satisfactory pronunciation and needed more practice -Student was able to present project using good pronunciation and was prepared -Student was able to present project using excellent pronunciation and was very well prepared I have read and review the rubric with my child. Parent signature:_____________________________(before) I have seen the rubric and final mark of the project. Parent signature:_____________________________(after) Grade 5 Project must include: . Please check when completed Title: Tout à propos de_________(name) French title for each category (Moi. Ma famille, Mes intérêts) Minimum of 3 pictures/drawings for each categories Minimum 6 sentences for each category. (grade 5) Project must be neat and colorful Use of a ruler is mandatory Correct spelling and grammar Project will completed during class time only. No work done at home. Parent signature before and after the project Criteria 1 2 3 4 Follow expectations (use of ruler, coloring, neatness, etc...) -poor effort - often off task - many pictures missing - poor coloring -some effort - some pictures missing - neatness needed some improvement -needed more coloring -good effort - pictures for each topic - neat - colourful -great effort - extra pictures - extremely neat - very colourful Applications of language knowledge (spelling, grammar, vocabulary) -With constant major errors -Using few or none of the require elements -With frequent errors -Using some of the required elements -With few or no errors -Using all of the required elements -No errors + extra words -Using all or almost all of the required elements Oral presentation -Student presented project using poor pronunciation and was not prepared -Student was able to present project using satisfactory pronunciation and needed more practice -Student was able to present project using good pronunciation and was prepared -Student was able to present project using excellent pronunciation and was very well prepared I have read and review the rubric with my child. Parent signature:_____________________________(before) I have seen the rubric and final mark of the project. Parent signature:_____________________________(after) Grade 6 Project must include: . Please check when completed Title: Tout à propos de_________(name) French title for each category (Moi. Ma famille, Mes intérêts) Minimum of 3 pictures/drawings for each categories Minimum 8 sentences for each category. (grade 6) Project must be neat and colorful Use of a ruler is mandatory Correct spelling and grammar Project will completed during class time only. No work done at home. Parent signature before and after the project Criteria 1 2 3 4 Follow expectations (use of ruler, coloring, neatness, etc...) -poor effort - often off task - many pictures missing - poor coloring -some effort - some pictures missing - neatness needed some improvement -needed more coloring -good effort - pictures for each topic - neat - colourful -great effort - extra pictures - extremely neat - very colourful Applications of language knowledge (spelling, grammar, vocabulary) -With constant major errors -Using few or none of the require elements -With frequent errors -Using some of the required elements -With few or no errors -Using all of the required elements -No errors + extra words -Using all or almost all of the required elements Oral presentation -Student presented project using poor pronunciation and was not prepared -Student was able to present project using satisfactory pronunciation and needed more practice -Student was able to present project using good pronunciation and was prepared -Student was able to present project using excellent pronunciation and was very well prepared I have read and review the rubric with my child. Parent signature:_____________________________(before) I have seen the rubric and final mark of the project. Parent signature:_____________________________(after)