Suisman CV - Department of Psychology

January 2012
Jessica Lynn Suisman
Curriculum Vitae
Office Address
Michigan State University
Department of Psychology
43 Psychology Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1116
Tel: (517) 432-3207
Michigan State University, Department of Psychology, East Lansing, Michigan
PhD in Clinical Psychology, Expected May 2014
Michigan State University, Department of Psychology, East Lansing, Michigan
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, August 2010
Thesis: Parental Divorce and Disordered Eating: An Investigation of a Gene-Environment Interaction.
Primary Advisor: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Committee Members: S. Alexandra Burt, PhD, & Alytia Levendosky, PhD
Michigan State University, Honors College, East Lansing, Michigan
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, May 2007
Specialization in Bioethics, Humanities & Society, College of Human Medicine, May 2007
Senior Honors Thesis: Negative affect and cortisol as mediators of the relationship between teasing and
binge eating in adolescent girls.
Primary Advisor: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Committee Member: Joseph S. Lonstein, PhD
Major GPA: 4.0/4.0; Overall GPA: 3.9/4.0
Graduate Training
Research Assistant and Clinical Interviewer, Michigan State University Twin Registry (MSUTR): Adult
Twin Study of Hormones Across the Menstrual Cycle and Adolescent Twin Study of Eating and Hormones,
August 2009-Present
• Served as a graduate student research assistant on an NIMH funded research project.
• Administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) to research participants
(ranging from 16-22 years old).
• Administered a structured eating disorder interview to children (ages 8-15) and their parents.
• Assisted with data management using SPSS.
• Managed undergraduate research assistants as they learned and assisted with data related tasks
(e.g., data entry).
Principal Investigator: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
January 2012
Project Coordinator, Michigan State University Twin Registry (MSUTR): Michigan Twins Project, October
2008-March 2010
• Managed all aspects of a research study aimed at enrolling 20,000 families in a twin registry.
• Worked with the Michigan Department of Community Health to plan, organize, and implement
recruitment mailings to thousands of families with twins in Michigan.
• Managed correspondence with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) regarding the project,
including overseeing a successful audit by the IRB.
• Created and managed recruitment database of registry participants.
• Interviewed, trained, and managed 8 undergraduate research assistants.
Principal Investigators: Kelly L. Klump, PhD and S. Alexandra Burt, PhD
Research Assistant and Clinical Interviewer, Michigan State University Twin Registry (MSUTR): Child
Twin Study, August 2008 – August 2009
• Served as a graduate research assistant for an NIMH funded project
• Administered the Semistructured Clinical Interview for Children and Adolescents (SCICA) to
children ages 6-10 participating in a research study
• Assisted with data management using SPSS
Principal Investigator: S. Alexandra Burt, PhD
Undergraduate Training
Child Clinical Interviewer, Michigan State University/University of Michigan Family Study, May 2007Present
• Experience with a longitudinal study aimed at examining developmental risk factors associated
with children of individuals diagnosed with alcohol dependence.
• Administered a battery of assessments in the homes of children and adolescents raised in highrisk families.
• Skilled in assessing children and adolescents in areas including intellectual, achievement, and
neurpsychological functioning, using the WISC, WRAT, NEPSY, Stroop, and Wisconsin Card
• Completed psychological assessments of children and adolescents using the Diagnostic Interview
Schedule for Children (DISC).
Supervisor: Leon L. Puttler, PhD, Principal Investigators: Robert A. Zucker, PhD & Hiram E.
Fitzgerald, PhD
Research Assistant and Project Coordinator, Michigan State University Twin Registry (MSUTR):
Adolescent and Hormone Twin Studies, January 2005-August 2008
• Actively involved in several twin studies designed to examine genetic, environmental, and
biological influences on eating pathology.
• Managed recruitment, screening, and scheduling for several twin studies.
• Assisted with data management (e.g. data entry, data scoring) and acquired knowledge of data
analysis using SPSS.
• Experience assessing adolescent twins, parents, and adult twins using psychological and
biological measures (i.e. hormone collection).
• Responsible for training undergraduate research assistants on lab protocol and procedures.
• Served as project coordinator for a twin study examining ovarian hormones, mood, and binge
eating across the menstrual cycle.
January 2012
Principal Investigator: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Research Assistant, “Rat Teen Cuisine” Study, Michigan State University, May 2007-August 2008
• Gained proficiency in methods of animal research on a study investigating hormonal influences
on binge eating in female rats across puberty.
• Skilled in performing several procedures on rats including vaginal lavages, body weight
measurement, overiectomies, hormonal pellet implantation and removal, and blood sampling.
• Assisted with data entry and management.
Principal Investigators: Cheryl L. Sisk, PhD, & Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Research Assistant, Michigan State University Affective Neuroscience Laboratory, August 2006 - May 2007
• Collected electroencephalogram (EEG) and psychological data in undergraduate students.
• Managed data entry and checking using SPSS.
• Experience scoring EEG data using E-prime.
Principal Investigator: Christine L. Larson, PhD
Graduate Training: Intervention Experience
Clinician, Michigan State University Psychological Clinic, August 2009-Present
Conduct outpatient therapy with children, adults, and families in a clinic serving the general public. Use
cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic techniques for a range of Axis-I and Axis II disorders.
Supervisors: Kelly Klump, PhD, Daniel Greenberg, PhD, Rod Howard, PhD, Ruth Rosenthal, PhD, Natalie
Moser, PhD, Alytia Levendosky, PhD
Group Co-Leader, Ele’s Place - A Center for Greiving Children, Lansing, Michigan, October 2009-Present
Work with children aged 3-12 in a weekly support group format to help children understand, integrate,
and cope with the loss of a parent, grandparent, or other significant person. Interact with guardians of children
participating in the group, including updating on child’s progress or alerting parents to behavior problems or
other difficulties. Plan activities for the group with other group leaders. Completed a 40-hour training program
focusing on techniques such as empathy and active listening.
Supervisors: Lyn Towslee Sanford, LMSW, ACSW; Kelly Koerner, LCPC
Graduate Training: Assessment Experience
Clinician, Michigan State University Psychological Clinic, August 2009-Present
Conduct comprehensive learning characteristic assessments with college students and children to
identify learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, or other difficulties (e.g., mood and
anxiety problems) that are interfering with academic performance.
Supervisors: Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, Timothy Goth-Owens, PhD, Natalie Moser, PhD,
Dennis Pelon, PhD
Undergraduate Training
Crisis Counselor and Recruitment/Orientation Director, The Listening Ear Crisis Intervention Center, East
Lansing, Michigan, July 2005 to July 2006
• Completed a 65 hour training program on crisis counseling with a focus on empathy and problem
• Provided free and confidential service for telephone and walk-in clients in various crisis situations (e.g.
anger, grief, depression, sexual assault, suicide)
January 2012
Worked with clients whom were diverse in age, race, and socioeconomic status
Organized recruitment efforts to train new crisis counselors (e.g. posting flyers, radio and newspaper
Scheduled and hosted orientation programs for new crisis counselors
Graduate Training
Guest Lecture, Social Skills Training in Schizophrenia
Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Fall Semester, 2011
Instructor: Brooke Ingersoll, PhD
Guest Lecture, Anxiety Disorders and Stress
Abnormal Psychology, Summer Semester, 2011
Instructor: Sarah Racine, MA
Guest Lecture, Eating Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
Child and Family Psychopathology, Summer Semester, 2011
Instructor: Brooke Bluestein, MA
Guest Lecture, Eating Disorders
Abnormal Psychology, Summer Semester, 2011
Instructor: Matt Yalch, MA
Guest Lecture, Eating Disorders and Mood Disorders
Introduction to Psychology, Summer Semester, 2011
Instructor: Ashlea Klahr, MA
Undergraduate Training
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University
Duties for all courses included holding office hours, grading papers, writing test questions, answering student
questions via email, leading class discussions, and managing course grade databases. Gained multiple
leadership, organizational, and communication skills.
Personality Psychology, Summer Semester, 2005
Instructor: Christine Gockel, MA
Cognitive Psychology, Spring Semester, 2006
Instructor: Rose Zacks, PhD
Abnormal Psychology, Fall Semester, 2006
Instructor: S. Alexandra Burt, PhD
Eating Disorders: Jeans or Genes?, Spring Semester, 2007
Instructor: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Graduate Training
Junior Investigator Travel Award, Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) and the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH) Scholarship Program, April 2011
January 2012
Undergraduate Training
Grant, College of Social Science Dean’s Assistantship, Michigan State University, Negative affect and
cortisol as mediators of the relationship between teasing and binge eating in adolescent girls, April 2006
Invited Member, Golden Key International Honour Society, Michigan State University, September 2005 to
Invited Member, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Michigan State University, April 2005-Present
Invited Member, Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology, Michigan State University, April 2005 to
Member, Dean’s List, Michigan State University, December 2003 to May 2007
Ad Hoc Journal Reviews
Body Image
Professional Affiliations:
Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), Student Member
American Psychological Association (APA), Student Member
Behavior Genetics Association (BGA), Student Member
Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS), Student Member
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
Klump, K.L., Suisman, J.L., Culbert, K.M., Kashy, D.A., & Sisk, C.L. (2011). Binge eating proneness
emerges during puberty in female rats: A longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120,
Klump, K.L., Suisman, J.L., Culbert, K.M., Kashy, D.A., Keel, P.K., & Sisk, C.L. (2011). The effects of
ovariectomy on binge eating proneness in adult female rats. Hormones and Behavior, 59, 585-593.
Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., McGue, M., Iacono, W.G., & Klump, K.L. (2011). Parental Divorce and Disordered
Eating: An Investigation of a Gene-Environment Interaction. International Journal of Eating Disorders,
44, 169-177.
Klump, K.L., Suisman, J.L., Burt, A.S., McGue, M., & Iacono, W.G. (2009). Genetic and environmental
influences on eating disorder symptoms: An adoption study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118,
Suisman, J.L., Slane, J.D., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (2008). Negative affect as a mediator of the
relationship between weight-based teasing and binge eating in adolescent girls. Eating Behaviors, 9,
Book Chapters:
Suisman, J.L. & Klump, K.L. (2011). Genetic and Neuroscientific Perspectives on Body Image. In Smolak
and Cash (eds) Body Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention, Guliford Press.
January 2012
Suisman, J.L., Thompson, J.K., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C., & Klump, K.L.
(September 2011). Shared genetic variance between thin-ideal internalization and disordered eating.
Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Suisman, J.L., Sperry, S., Thompson, J.K., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C., & Klump, K.
(April 2011). Genetic and environmental influences on thin-ideal internalization. Paper presented at
the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, FL.
Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., McGue, M., Iacono, W.G., & Klump, K.L. (October 2010). Parental Divorce and
Disordered Eating: Investigating Discrepant Findings. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders
Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Suisman, J.L., McGue, M., Iacono, W.G., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (September 2009). Parental Divorce and
Disordered Eating: Does Timing Matter? Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society
Meeting, Brooklyn, New York.
Racine, S.E., Suisman, J.L., & Klump, K.L. (June 2009). Ovarian Hormones Concentrations in
African American Girls: Possible Mechanisms for Early Puberty. Poster presented at the Society for
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, East Lansing, Michigan.
Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (September 2008). Lack of evidence for a gene-environment
interaction between parental divorce and disordered eating. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders
Research Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada
Rocco, E.S., Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (September 2008). Sex differences in the relationship
between weight-based teasing and disordered eating. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research
Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada
Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (June 2008). Parental divorce and bulimic symptoms: Evidence for
a gene-environment interaction? Poster presented at the Behavior Genetics Association Meeting,
Louisville, KY.
Suisman, J.L., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (May 2008). Weight-based teasing: A non-specific risk factor for
disordered eating? Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Seattle,
Suisman, J.L., Slane, J.D., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (October 2007). Teasing and disordered eating in
adolescent females: The importance of competency-based teasing. Poster presented at the Eating
Disorder Research Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Suisman, J.L., Slane, J.D. & Klump, K.L. (May 2007). Negative affect and cortisol as mediators of the
relationship between teasing and binge eating in adolescent girls. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland.
Suisman, J.L., Slane, J.D. & Klump, K.L. (May 2007). Negative affect and cortisol as mediators of the
relationship between teasing and binge eating in adolescent girls. Paper presented at the 2007
Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
January 2012
Katterman, S.N., Suisman, J.L., Solomon, J.W., & Klump, K.L. (June 2006). Season of birth and body mass
index in women. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona,