Arch Dams Translated from the slides of Prof. Dr. Recep YURTAL (Ç.Ü.) by his kind courtesy ercan kahya Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Arch Dams • • Curved in plan and carry most of the water thrust horizontally to the side abutments by arch action. A certain percentage of water load is vertically transmitted to the foundation by cantilever action. Recep YURTAL Arch Dams ! Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Arch Dams n Where & why we design it: q q q q q Appropriate when “Width / Height of valley” (B/H) < 6 Rocks at the base and hillsides should be strong enough with high bearing capacity. To save in the volume of concrete. Stresses are allowed to be as high as allowable stress of concrete. Connection to the slope of hillsides should be 45o at least. Recep YURTAL Arch Dams Base width Arch Width Upstream face Crest Downstream face Base width Height radiousp Toe Axis Central angle Recep YURTAL Downstream Face Base Arch Dam Types Constant Center Arch Dam (variable angle) n q Good for U-shaped valleys q Easy construction q Vertical upstream face q Appropriate for middle-high dams Recep YURTAL Arch Dam Types Variable Center Arch Dams (constant angle) n 2 q Good for V-shaped valleys 4 1 q Limited to the ratio of B/H=5 q Best center angle: 133o 34´ 3 3-4 q To obtain arch action at the bottom parts 1-2 Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Arch Dam Types Variable Center – Variable Angle Arch Dams n q q Recep YURTAL crest Combination of the two above. a Its calculation based on shell theory applied to arch dams Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. a a a Arch Dam Types ⇐ Recep YURTAL Upstream Arch Dams n 3.6.2 DESIGN OF ARCH DAMS Structural Design: à Load distribution in the dam body & beyond scope of this course q q q q Independent ring method Trial load method Elasticity theory Shell theory Recep YURTAL Arch Dams n ² ² ² ² ² ² Hydraulic Design Determination of thickness at any elevation Effect of uplift force – ignored Stresses due to ice & temp changes-important Arch action - near the crest of dam Cantilever action - near the bottom of dam Horizontal hydrostatic pressure is assumed to be taken by arch action Arch Dams (design principles) n Independent Ring method: h t t t/2 t/2 rm rm = rd – t/2 Recep YURTAL rd O y Hh dFV´ Differential force for infinitely small elemental piece with center angle of dφ : dFV φ p p t R θa dφ φ x R dFV = p . r . dφ r Vertical component: Ba Recep YURTAL ʹ′ dFV = p . r . dφ . Sinφ Arch Dams (design principles) ▪ Total horizontal force: H h = 2γ .h.r . Sin θa 2 h : height of arch lib from the reservoir surface r : radius of arch θa: central angle ▪ Equilibrium of forces in the flow direction (y): Hh = 2 Ry Ry: reaction force at the sides in y direction [= R sin (θa/2)] y Hh dFV´ dFV φ Reaction of the sides (R): p p t R θa/2 Ry θa dφ φ R = γ .h.r r Rx R x Ry Rx Ba σall : allowable working stress for concrete in compression Recep YURTAL θa/2 The required thickness of the rib (t) when t << r : σ≈ R/t t= γ .h.r σ all Arch Dams (design principles) The volume of concrete for unit height for a single arch: V=Lt L: arch length (L = r θa) (note that θa is in radians) γ .h 2 V= r θa σ all Arch Dams (design principles) The required thickness of the rib (t): n Pressure p = γ × h: p × rd t= σ all t t/2 t/2 rm rm = rd – t/2 rd O Reduction factor for base pressure at arch dams is zero (m=0) Recep YURTAL Arch Dams (design principles) ▪ The optimum θa for minimum volume of arch rib: dV / dθ = 0 à θa = 133o 34’ ► This is the reason why the constant-angle dams require less concrete that the constant-center dams ► Formwork is more difficult ► In practice; 100o < θa < 140o for the constant-angle dams Arch Dams (design principles) n Displacement in an arch ring: rm δ = σ all E t E = Concrete elasticity modulus rm = Radius from ring axis For the relation between center angle (2φ), beam length (L) & arch radius (r): L r= 2 × Sin φ Recep YURTAL t/2 t/2 rm rd O rm = rd – t/2 Örnek n Yüksekliği 120 m olan bir barajın ağırlık ve kemer-ağırlık türünde yapılması halleri için taban genişliklerini ve birim kalınlıktaki hacimlerini karşılaştırınız. Barajda taban su basıncı küçültme faktörü 0.8 dir. γb = 2.4 t/m³ Çözüm: b = h 1 γʹ′ − m Hacim= Recep YURTAL Ağırlık baraj için: b 120 = γb γʹ′ = γw 1 2.4 − 0.8 120 × 95 × b = 120 × 1 = 5700 m³ 2 Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. γʹ′ = 1 2.4 − 0.8 2.4 = 2.4 1.0 b= 95 m. n Kemer-Ağrlık baraj için: m=0 bʹ′ = h 1 γʹ′ bʹ′ = 120 × 1 = 78 m 2. 4 1 Hacim = 120 × 78 × = 4680 m ³ 2 Hacim azalması : 5700 − 4680 = % 18 5700 120 95 78 Ağırlık yerine kemer-ağırlık seçmeyle beton hacminde %18 azalma olacaktır. Bu seçim ancak yamaçlar yeterince sağlam olduğunda yapılabilir. Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Örnek n Yüksekliği 80 m olacak bir sabit yarıçaplı (silindirik) kemer barajda tabandaki maksimum kemer kalınlığının, en fazla baraj yüksekliğinin ¼ üne eşit olması istendiğine gore kemer yarıçapını hesaplayınız. Kemer halkalarının emniyet gerilmesi 220 t/m², betonun elastisite modülü 2×106 t/m² olduğuna göre tepede anahtar noktasında ortaya çıkacak sehimi bulunuz. Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Çözüm σh rd = t × p t = h/4 alalım : σh ⎛ h ⎞ rd = ⎜ ⎟ × ⎝ 4 ⎠ (γ × h ) p=γ×h rm = rd − t = 80 / 4 = 20 m t 2 = 55 − 20 = 45 m 2 δ = σh 1 σ 1 220 rd = × h = × = 55 m 4 γ 4 1 rm E 0.5 cm sehim oluşur. Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. δ = 220 × 45 = 0.005 m 6 2 × 10 Örnek n Yüksekliği 100 m ve tepe genişliği 5 m olacak bir kemer barajın tepeden itibaren 0, 25, 50, 75 ve 100 m derinliklerdeki eksen yarıçapları sıra ile 95, 80, 63, 58, 50 m dir. Betonun emniyet gerilmesi 300 t/m² ve elastisite modülü 2×106 t/m² dir. Her seviyede kemer halkasının kalınlık ve sehimini bulunuz. Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. Kemer Barajlar (Hesap Esasları) n Bağımsız Halkalar Yöntemi h t t 0 25 25 25 t/2 t/2 rm rd 50 25 75 100 25 Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. rm = rd – t/2 O Çözüm 2 2 σ h = σ bem = × 300 = 200 t / m ² 3 3 rd p p t ⎞ ⎛ p × rd ( γ × h )× ⎜ rm + ⎟ t t= rd = rm + 2 ⎠ (γ × h )× (rm + 0.5 × t ) ⎝ t = = 2 σh σh σh γ × h × rm + γ × h × 0.5 × t t= σh γ = 1 t/m³ , σh = 200 t/m² Sehim: Recep YURTAL için: γ × h × rm t= (σ h − γ × h × 0.5) h × rm t= (200 − h × 0.5) rm δ = σh E Ç.Ü. İnş.Müh.Böl. bulunur. t= h × rm (200 − h × 0.5) δ = σh Sıra No Baraj tepesinden itibaren derinlik h (m) 1 0 95 0,00 0,95 2 25 80 10,67 0,80 3 50 63 18,00 0,63 4 75 58 26,77 0,58 5 100 50 33,33 0,50 Recep YURTAL Eksen yarıçapı Kemer kalınlığı rm (m) t (m) rm E Sehim δ (cm)