Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health (NOCPH) Bowling Green State University University of Toledo MPH Courses for Spring 2013 Spring 2012 courses are scheduled within the period of Saturday, January 5, 2013 through Saturday, May 4, 2013. Refer to the schedule for specific class dates. No classes will be offered January 21, 2013 (Martin Luther King Day) and March 3– 10, 2013 (Spring Break). Please refer to the course syllabus for more information on the dates of independent study modules. Course Number & CRN Course Delivery On Campus Independent Course Title Course Coordinator PUBH 6250 (3 cr) CRN # 27143 Nutritional Epidemiology (MAJOR- PHNU) Dr. Boardley 70% 30% PUBH 6640 (3 cr) CRN # 27148 Issues in Public Health (CORE) Dr. Fink 70% 30% PUBH 5030 (3 cr) CRN # 27149 Issues in Global Health (ELECTIVE) Dr. Kassa 100% 0% PUBH 6300 (3 cr) CRN # 27151 Community Health Organization (MAJOR-HPRO) Dr. Roberts 70% 30% PUBH 5410 (3 cr) CRN # 27203 Contaminant Modeling, Ventilation, and Respiratory Protection (ELECTIVE-ENVH) Dr. Akbar 70% 30% PUBH 5620 (3 cr) CRN # 27205 Physical Agents – Effects, Evaluation, and Control (MAJOR-ENVH) Dr. Akbar 70% 30% Day, Time, Location Meeting Dates MONDAYS Monday 5:00 – 7:20 pm HH 3318 (UT-Main) Monday 5:00 – 7:20 pm Collier 1050 (UT - HSC) Begins 1/7 Begins 1/7 TUESDAYS Tuesday 5:00 – 7:20 pm Eppler North 103 (BGSU) Tuesday 5:00 – 7:20 pm HH 3318 (UT – Main) Begins 1/8 Begins 1/8 WEDNESDAYS Wednesday 1 5:00 – 8:45 pm Collier 1230 (UT – HSC) Wednesday 2 5:00 – 8:45 pm Collier 1210 (UT – HSC) 1/9, 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24 1/16, 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17, 5/1 12-27-12 – sam 1 Course Delivery On Campus Independent Day, Time, Location Wednesday 5:00 – 7:20 pm Health Science 222 (BGSU) Wednesday 7:30 – 9:50 pm Health Science 222 (BGSU) Course Number & CRN Course Title Course Coordinator PUBH 6280 (3 cr) CRN # 27153 Economics, Marketing, and Human Resources (MAJOR-PHAD) Dr. Fallon PUBH 6810 (3 cr) CRN # 27155 SPSS Applications for Public Health Data Analysis (ELECTIVE-PHAD) Dr. Welch PUBH 6000/8000 (3 cr) CRN # 27210/27212 Biostatistics (CORE) Dr. Milz 70% 30% PUBH 6010/8010 (3 cr) Section 001 ONLY CRN # 27216/27218 Public Health Epidemiology (CORE) Dr. Milz 70% 30% PUBH 6060/8060 (3 cr) CRN # 27220/27222 Advanced Biostatistics (MAJOR-PHEP) Dr. Khuder 70% 30% PUBH 6850 (3 cr) CRN # 27224 Capstone Seminar (CORE) Dr. Schmalzried 70% 30% Family and Community Nutrition (ELECTIVE-PHNU) Dr. Pobocik PUBH 5160 (3 cr) CRN # 27225 Environmental Health - Science, Evaluation, and Regulations (MAJOR-ENVH) Dr. Valigosky 70% 30% PUBH 6160 (3 cr) CRN # 27226 Reproductive Epidemiology (ELECTIVE-PHEP) Dr. Fink 70% 30% FDNU 5250 (3 cr) CRN # 27163 Sports Nutrition (ELECTIVE-PHNU) Dr. Hamady - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Hamady FDNU 6150 (3 cr) CRN # 27228 Phytonutrients (ELECTIVE-PHNU) Dr. Kim - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Kim Grief and Bereavement Issues in Older Adulthood Dr. Kopp Miller - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Kopp Miller 90% 10% Meeting Dates Begins 1/9 Begins 1/9 THURSDAYS Thursday 1 5:00 – 10:00 pm Collier 1050 (UT – HSC) Thursday 2 5:00 – 8:45 pm Collier 1050 (UT – HSC) Thursday 1 5:00 – 8:45 pm Health Education 127 (UT – HSC) Thursday 2 5:00 – 8:45 pm Levis Commons 104 (BGSU) 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2 FRIDAYS FDNU 6070 (3 cr) CRN # 27161 100% 0% Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm Family/Consumer Science 104 (BGSU) Begins 1/11 SATURDAYS Saturday 8:15 am – 12:00 n Collier 1210 (UT – HSC) Saturday 8:15 am – 12:00 n Collier 1210 (UT – HSC) 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/23, 4/6, 4/20, 5/4 BY ARRANGEMENT GERO 5420 (3 cr) CRN # 27229 12-27-12 – sam 2 Course Delivery On Campus Independent Day, Time, Location Course Number & CRN Course Title Course Coordinator Meeting Dates GERO 5430 (3 cr) CRN # 27230 Funding and Resource Generation for Older Adult Programming Dr. Steiner - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Steiner GERO 5440 (3 cr) CRN # 27231 Independent Study Gerontology Dr. Steiner - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Steiner PUBH 6150/8150 (3 cr) CRN # 27156/27157 Clinical Epidemiology (ELECTIVE-PHEP) Dr. Khuder - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Khuder PUBH 6210 (3 cr) CRN # 27158 Management of Public Health Agencies (MAJOR-PHAD) Dr. Schmalzried - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Schmalzried PUBH 6600 (3 cr) CRN # 27160 Health Behavior (CORE) Dr. Jordan - 100% Distance Learning Contact Dr. Jordan Internship (CORE) MPH Major Faculty Members (see list for CRNs on next page) - - BA BA Scholarly Project (CORE) MPH Major Faculty Members (see list for CRNs on next page) - - BA BA PUBH 6830 - BG CRN (By Instructor) PUBH 6960 – UT CRN (By Instructor) PUBH 6840 - BG CRN (By Instructor) PUBH 6970 - UT CRN (By Instructor) CODES: NOCPH – Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health BGSU – Bowling Green State University UT – Main – University of Toledo-Main Campus UT – HSC – University of Toledo-Health Science Campus ENVH – Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Sciences GERO – Contemporary Gerontology Practices HPRO – Health Promotion and Education PHAD – Public Health Administration PHEP – Public Health Epidemiology PHNU – Public health Nutrition TBA – to be announced BA – by arrangement NA – not applicable 12-27-12 – sam 3 CRNs for internships and scholarly projects PUBH 6830 Section: Instructor: CRN: Section: Instructor: CRN: PUBH 6960 Section: Instructor: CRN: 001 Dr. Fallon (PHAD) 27232 002 Dr. Pobocik (PHNU) 27234 001 Dr. Akbar (ENVH) 27237 PUBH 6840 Section: Instructor: CRN: Section: Instructor: CRN: PUBH 6970 Section: Instructor: CRN: 001 Dr. Fallon (PHAD) 27235 002 Dr. Pobocik (PHNU) 27236 001 Dr. Akbar 27244 Section: Instructor: CRN: 002 Ms. Ames [milz] (ENVH) 27238 Section: Instructor: CRN: 002 Ms. Ames [Milz] 27245 Section: Instructor: CRN: 003 Dr. Boardley (PHNU) 27239 Section: Instructor: CRN: 003 Dr. Boardley 27246 Section: Instructor: CRN: 004 Dr. Fink (PHEP) 27240 Section: Instructor: CRN: 004 Dr. Fink 27248 Section: Instructor: CRN: 005 Dr.Khuder (PHEP) 27241 Section: Instructor: CRN: 005 Dr. Khuder 27248 Section: Instructor: CRN: 006 Dr. Rega [Milz] 27242 Section: Instructor: CRN: 006 Dr. Milz 27249 Section: Instructor: CRN: 007 Dr. Roberts (HPRO) 27243 Section: Instructor: CRN: 007 Dr. Rega [Milz] 27250 Section: Instructor: CRN: 008 Dr. Roberts 27251 Section: Instructor: CRN: 009 Dr. Ruch (GLPH) 27252 Section: Instructor: CRN: 010 Dr. Saltzman 27253 12-27-12 – sam 4