Service Briefing Airport Bird Management Services Assessment and planning for improved safeguarding Any planning application that falls within the 13km bird strike safeguarding zone around civil or military airfields should be assessed for its potential impact on bird numbers and movements in the area. The proliferation of airports within the UK means that almost two thirds of the country’s land area now falls within a bird strike safeguarding zone. Many types of development can act as attractants to birds, including large flatroofed structures, landfill sites, gravel pit restoration schemes and nature reserves. It is important to address safeguarding and bird strike prevention issues at an early stage of any development, preferably at the preapplication stage, so that any issues can be tackled and addressed prior to the planning application. Such early intervention can prevent lengthy and costly court action. The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) offers a risk assessment service to review planning applications and report on the likely effect of any new developments on bird populations, numbers and movements. Our vast experience and extensive ornithological research enables us to tailor our advice to each case. We do not apply blanket rules for all developments within safeguarding zones. Instead, we take into account factors such as the distance of any development from the airport, its relation to other bird attractants in the safeguarding zone, and its proximity to flight paths and landing and takeoff corridors. Our expert advice gives airports the reassurance that they have credible and scientifically robust evidence to back up any public enquiry into a proposed development, if such a step becomes necessary. Our aim is to ensure that developments proceed in a manner that does not compromise air safety. Service Briefing Bird management plans We offer acceptable solutions to safeguarding problems posed by planning applications - providing mitigation to overcome conflict between airports and developers. If an unacceptable level of risk is identified that cannot be designed out of the application, Fera may be able to provide mitigation in the form of Bird Management Plans. These relate to the management of priority group species to accommodate environmental enhancement schemes whilst ensuring air safety. Fera’s track record of more than 35 years of bird management and research means that our advice is always best practice. To assist with implementation of our recommendations, we can provide standard operating procedures tailored to the specific needs of the customer. design a monitoring programme to fit available budget and resources. On completion of the standards check we compile a bespoke report for airport managers containing clear insight into current strengths and weaknesses of management programmes. We will make practical recommendations for improvement, and can assist in the implementation of more robust bird management procedures where necessary to ensure the airport meets best practice guidelines. Extensive experience of working with airports across the world has shown that time for bird monitoring and management is scarce. Our specialty is helping airport staff optimise their monitoring efforts and make the most efficient and effective use of finite resources. As an impartial, independent organisation, air safety always takes the highest priority in all our advice and guidance. Airport standards checks Airport standards checks are a valuable means of assessing the efficacy and efficiency of bird management programmes. Fera specialists assess bird management programmes in three key areas: personnel, habitat and documentation. Remains identification We will spend time with your staff on the airfield, looking at habitat and waste management, bird strike analysis, and the use of active bird management tools. This thorough review allows us to understand the specifics of your situation, and thus tailor advice accordingly. To complement our Airport standards check services, Fera offers bird remains identification from whole carcasses, feather samples or DNA. Identifying the species of bird involved in a bird strike incident provides a focus for safeguarding strategies. If incidents are found to involve high priority species that pose the greatest risk to aircraft generally large or flocking birds improved bird management strategies may be necessary. This provides valuable data to focus bird control strategies. But our assessment of safety does not stop at the airport perimeter. We believe there are clear advantages to be gained from monitoring the entire safeguarding zone for a number of days to identify the main bird attractants in the area. We can Bird remains identification brings added value to Fera’s standards check services. It identifies bird strike risk allowing for refinements in bird control practice to target priority species thus maximising efficiency. 02 AIRPORT BIRD MANAGEMENT SERVICES Protect your airspace Bird strikes are viewed by the aviation industry as the biggest manageable risk to air safety. EXPERT ASSISTANCE The Bird Management Unit at Fera is recognised as the world leader in bird strike safeguarding. We are leading the way in developing the science to underpin airport safeguarding advice. Working with airports around the world, we have helped to raise safety standards, make more effective use of staff resources, and ensure airports are better able to meet statutory safety obligations. Specific studies Our services can be tailored to tackle specific issues faced by individual airports or airlines. We can deploy a range of equipment to monitor bird numbers and movements, including our advanced bird monitoring radar. Using this equipment, our ornithologists can provide detailed reports on bird movements in the vicinity of an airport over an extended period of time. We can then assess the risks to aircraft and suggest workable solutions to any potential bird strike problems. Projects can be undertaken at the request of airports, or on behalf of airlines that may ask us to investigate an airport either in the UK or overseas where they have experienced a high incidence of bird strikes. We also help to minimise the air safety risks posed by nature reserve developments. Fera has extensive experience in focusing biodiversity gains towards non-hazardous species, whilst designing out attractants for species of concern. Our advice covers the broad scale design of conservation areas to deter hazardous species. Our experienced specialists - including field ornithologists, ecologists and statisticians - combined with our advanced equipment, enable us to offer a comprehensive range of services to safeguard airports and airlines against the risks associated with bird strikes. In fact, Fera has been responsible for developing many of the bird management techniques used at airports around the world today. UNRIVALLED SKILLS AND RESOURCES The resources available at Fera represent a unique combination of expertise, state-of-the-art equipment and scientific knowledge built up over many years in the field of bird management. Our specialists represent Fera on regional, national and international bird strike committees. The assets we can bring to safeguarding include a mobile radar that offers the most accurate and reliable method for large-scale continuous monitoring of birds, sophisticated GIS mapping skills, and access to a host of leading scientists in our laboratories. These unrivalled resources and capabilities enable us to offer robust, impartial, science-based safeguarding advice to the aviation industry. AIRPORT BIRD MANAGEMENT SERVICES 03 Service you can trust Training courses Our teams offer training courses in bird management for bird controllers, airport inspectors and airport managers. Courses can be run anywhere in the world, or at our training facilities in the UK. The courses cover a range of topics, including bird control techniques, habitat management, legislation, species identification and risk assessment. Courses can be tailor-made to focus on local avifauna as well as any unique operating constraints that may exist. Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK S0014/0709 Tel +44 (0)1904 462 000 Fax +44 (0)1904 462 111 E-mail Air safety has to be protected through vigilant risk assessment and management. Specialists at Fera recognise fully the sensitivities and subtleties of operating at the interface between safety and wildlife. Our track record of working around the world with some of the largest airports demonstrates the strength and depth of our expertise. All projects are treated with complete confidentiality, and we make every effort to ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Our reputation as a leader in the field is built on high quality research and services, delivered by expert staff who go that little bit further. Contact details For more information about airport safeguarding services, and how Fera can help you, please email, call +44 (0)1904 462180, or visit our website at birdmanagement