Course Syllabus - McMurry University

Course Syllabus – Spring, 2013
Course Number and Title: CIS 1315 Computer Fluency 01/02
Name: Elizabeth Watson
Contact Information:
 Office: Cooke 112
 Phone: (325) 793-3846
 E-mail:
Office Hours:
 Mondays:
9-10, 11-12, 1-2:30
 Tuesdays: 12-1
 Wednesday: 9-10, 11-12, 1-3
 Thursday: 11-12
 Fridays:
9-10, 11-12:30
Catalog Description: 1315 Computer Fluency (3-0. Introduction to the use of computer hardware and software in
today’s world with a heavy emphasis on the use of computing resources to collect and organize data and produce meaningful
reporting products. Topics will include an overview of hardware, software, and the Internet; the use of spreadsheets,
databases, and graphing tools to solve problems from a variety of scientific and non-scientific disciplines; and an introduction to
designing and building Web sites. This course will be taught in a computer lab. This course is designed for non-computer
science majors and does not count toward the requirements for a Computer Science major/minor or a Computer Information
Systems concentration in Business. (Fall, Spring)
Pre-requisites: No prerequisite
Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes:
Understand the use of spreadsheets and Excel
Learn the parts of the Excel window
Scroll through a worksheet and navigate between worksheets
Create and save a workbook file
Enter text, numbers, and dates into a worksheet
Resize, insert, and remove columns and rows
Copy formulas
Build formulas containing relative, absolute, and mixed references
Review function syntax
Insert a function with the Insert Function dialog box
Search for a function
Define the terms field, record, table, relational database, primary key, and foreign key
Create a blank database
Identify the components of the Microsoft Access window
Create and save a table in Datasheet view
Enter field names and records in a table datasheet
Open a table using the Navigation Pane
Course Syllabus page 1
Course Materials and Resources:
Required Course Materials:
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Introductory, 1st Edition
 June Jamrich Parsons; Dan Oja; Roy Ageloff; Patrick Carey
Textbook ISBN-10: 0-538-74291-7
Textbook ISBN-13: 978-0-538-74291-7
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Introductory, 1st Edition
Joseph J. Adamski; Kathleen T. Finnegan
Textbook ISBN-10: 0-538-79847-5
Textbook ISBN-13: 978-0-538-79847-1
Students who plan to minor in Curriculum and Instruction should refer to the Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills for your subject area at
Course Policies:
Attendance: ABSENCES
Attendance is a great factor in the success of this class. I strongly recommend that
you attend every class as announcements are made and additional material is
The following guide will help you determine the number of unauthorized absences allowed before a professor may drop a student
from the class. Each professor will determine the consequences for absenteeism in his or her class. This will be noted in the
1 absence in a 2 or 3 hour class that meets once a week
3 tardies equal one absence
Any necessary absence occurring while a student is representing the University in some official way will be considered an
authorized absence. Work missed due to such an absence is to be made up by the following week.
Grade Determination:
Grading will be based on assignments (65%) and four exams (30%) and attendance
(5%). The Moodle grade book is an approximation of your grade. If you want to know
your actual grade at anytime, please make an appointment to see me.
In this course the assignments build on each other, so it is important to
turn your work in on time.
Make-up Work:
Assignments are due by the next class time.
Assignments over a week late will not be accepted without prearrangement.
No assignments are accepted finals week.
Course Syllabus page 2
+/- Grade System: +/-
Grade System:
93 and above =A
90-92 = A88-89 = B+
83-87 = B
80-82 = B75-79 = C+
70-74 = C
68-69 = D+
63-67 = D
60-62 = D59 and below = F
Academic Dishonesty:
Copying someone else’s work or having someone else do your work is cheating and
University policy will be followed.
I expect you to behave as a
serious student. I do not in general expect serious students to arrive late for class,
allow cell phones to ring, speak disrespectfully to the instructor or other students,
spend class time checking e-mail, surfing the web, texting, or treat the classroom as a
cafeteria. Students will not use headphones during class.
Cell Phones, Calculators, and other Electronic Devices:
Special Needs: McMurry University abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which
stipulates that no otherwise qualified student shall be denied the benefits of an education “solely by
reason of a handicap.” If you have a documented disability that may impact your performance in this
class and for which you may be requesting accommodation, you must be registered with and provide
documentation of your disability to the Disability Services Office, located in Old Main Room 102.
Arrangements will be made for students needing special accommodations.
Course Syllabus page 3
Major Projects, Required Activities, and Assignments:
Assignment 0- Case Problem 2 page 52-53 Excel book- Halley Foods In class
Assignment 1-PowerPoint Presentation or Prezi Presentation. Introduce
yourself to me.
Assignment 2-Case Problem 3 pages 112-113 Excel book Wind Farm
Assignment 3 Create a budget similar to the examples in Chapter 3
Assignment 4-Create a graph on a stock you are interested in charting over
time. Use Problem 3 pages 226-227 Excel book-Hardin Financial-Mitchell data
file as an example.
Assignment 5-Case Problem 2 page 296-297 Excel book-Ring Family FarmRing data file.
Assignment 6-Case Problem 2 pages 355-356 Excel book-Ute Auto Sales and
Service. Data files-Carson.xlsx, Reno.xlsx, and Vegas.xlsx. In class grading
Assignment 7-Case Problem 4 pages 46-47 Access book chapter 1-Data file
Assignment 8-Case Problem 4 pages 106-108 Access book-Data File:(cont.
from Case 4 Chapter 1 which you completed in assignment 8 Bookings.txt,
GEM.accdb, and Overseas.accdb)
Assignment 9-Case Problem 4 pages 163-164 Access book-Data File:(cont.
from case 4 Chapter 2 which you completed in assignment 9 and GEM.accdb)
Assignment 10-Case Problem 4 pages 211-212 Access book-Data
Files:GEM.accdb continued from chapter 3 case 4 and Villa.bmp.
Assignment 11-Excel Book Chapter 7 Case Problem 1 page 413.Modem data
Assignment 12-E-Resume’ Pathway to Professionalism
Course Syllabus page 4
Tentative Course Schedule:
Course Number and Title: CIS 1315
Instructor Name: Elizabeth Watson
Fall, 2012
Tentative Date
Pre test
Introduce Excel Chapter 1
In class Altac Bicycles pages49-50
Data file: Altac.xlsx
Week of 1-14-13
Excel Chapter 2
Formatting a Workbook
In class Frosti.xlsx
Pages 109-110 PowerPoint: Creating a Presentation
Excel Chapter 3/Review 1-3
Working with Formulas and Functions
In class Data File: Timov.xlsx, Drake.xlsx
Pages 152-153
Week of 1-21-13
Week of 1-28-13
Excel Chapter 4
Working with Charts and Graphs
Review Chapters 3 & 4
In class Data Files: cloud.jpg, Tornado.xlsx
Week of 2-4-13
Excel Exam over Chapters 1-3
Week of 2-11-13
Excel Chapter 5
Working with Excel Tables, PivotTables,
And PivotCharts
In class Data File: Museum.xlsx
Week of 2-18-13
Excel Chapter 6
Managing Multiple Worksheets
And Workbooks
Course Syllabus page 5
Week of 2-25-13
Access Chapter 1
Creating a Database
In Class Pages 38-39
Week of 3-4-13
Spring break
Week of 3-11-13
Access Chapter 2
Building a Database
In class Review Assignment pages 88-89
Data Files: Supplier.accdb, Goods.xlsx
Week of 3-18-13
Access Chapter 3
Maintaining and Querying a Database
In class Review assignment pages 145-146
Data Files: Supplier database Level.01\Review
Week of 3-25-13
Access Exam
Chapters 1,2,&3
Access Chapter 4
Creating Forms and Reports
In class Review Assignment pages 190-191
Data Files: Supplier.accdb, Tool.bmp
Week of 4-2/4-13
Week of 4-8-13
Access Chapter 5
E-resume speakerTH
Excel Chapter 7
Tracs p 412
Week of 4-15-13
Excel Chapter 8
Week of 4-22-13
In Class
Review for Final
Week of 4-29-13
5-7-13 for both sections
Tuesday 8-10 AM
Course Syllabus page 6
Course Syllabus page 7
Course Syllabus page 8
Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
and their Linkage to
Program and University Goals and Outcomes.
Course Number and Title
Desired Student Learning Outcomes
for this course
Linked to which departmental program goal(s)
Understand the use of
spreadsheets and Excel
Learn the parts of the Excel
Scroll through a worksheet and
navigate between worksheets
Create and save a workbook file
Enter text, numbers, and dates
into a worksheet
Resize, insert, and remove
columns and rows
Knowledge 4
Skills 2
Copy formulas
Build formulas containing relative,
absolute, and mixed references
Review function syntax
Insert a function with the Insert
Function dialog box
Search for a function
Type a function directly in a cell
Knowledge 4
Skills 2
Define the terms field, record,
table, relational database, primary
key, and foreign key
Create a blank database
Identify the components of the
Microsoft Access window
Create and save a table in
Datasheet view
Knowledge 4,6
Skills 2
Linked to which
Education 2
Excellence 10
Education 3
Course Syllabus page 9
Types of evidence that might be
used to demonstrate student
achievement of objectives & goals
Weekly Assignments
Lectures and assignments.
Enter field names and records in
a table datasheet
Open a table using the Navigation
Course Syllabus page 10
CIS1315 Computer Fluency
Standard I. The business education teacher understands
and applies knowledge of accounting, personal finance,
record keeping, economics, banking, and financial systems.
Standard II. The business education teacher understands
and applies principles related to business management,
operations, and ownership; business law and ethics;
international business; and e-commerce.
Standard III. The business education teacher understands
and applies principles and methods related to the operation
of a broad range of business computer information systems.
Standard IV. The business education teacher understands
and applies principles and methods related to work-based
learning, career development, and the leadership
opportunities available through related student organization
Standard V. The business education teacher understands
and applies knowledge of business communications and
interpersonal, employment, and organizational skills in
business environments.
Standard VI. The business education teacher knows how to
work with others in the school and community and with
industry representatives to support the business education
Course Syllabus page 11
Assignments, exams, lectures.
Course Syllabus page 12