WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 The power of Digital Image Correlation for detailed elastic-plastic strain measurements H.J.K. Lemmen, R.C. Alderliesten, R. Benedictus, J.C.J. Hofstede, R. Rodi Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Delft University of Technology P.O. box 5058, 2600 GB Delft The Netherlands Abstract: - Digital image correlation is more and more applied in test environments where material behavior is investigated. The advantages of using images for analyzing the deformations in a specimen are enumerable. Besides making it easier to perform some tests, digital image correlation enables it to make detailed material behavior visible which previously could only be shown by modeling. At Delft University of Technology, a tool was developed to use digital image correlation for tensile tests on weld. However, within a short period of time different test applications were found for which the digital image correlation tool could be used. This paper describes the details of the digital image correlation tool and some examples in which the tool was applied in different test. Key-Words: - Digital Image Correlation, Friction Stir Welding, Thick Adherend, Static Crack Extension demands the user requires to perform a test in which 2D deformations have to be measured. Because no special paint pattern and no contact with the specimen are required, this correlation tool has a large freedom and a broad area of applications. 1 Introduction In an experimental environment a trade off is always made between the detail of the information from the test and the complexity of the test. In general, a lot of different measurement systems are available to measure displacements and deformations like strain gauges, extensometers, photo elastic paper, linear variable differential transformers, etc. However, it is not possible to get detailed local information of the strain field, because the nature of these measurement systems. Besides, those measurement systems need to have physical contact with the test specimen which limits the freedom of testing. This paper describes the outline of the correlation tool and the solutions used to overcome typical problems found in the practical environment of a test setup. To demonstrate the success of the correlation tool, different examples of tests in which the correlation tool was used are described. The tests described in this paper include tensile tests on Friction Stir (FS) welded specimens, thick adherend tests and static crack growth tests in Fiber Metal Laminates (FML). Besides showing how the correlation tool was used, it is discussed how the correlation tool contributed to the different researches. The development of sophisticated digital cameras and image processing software enables new noncontact measurement technologies, called “digital image correlation” [1]. Digital image correlation (DIC) is the analysis of images taken from a test specimen during the test, to measure the displacements on the test specimen. Once the displacements of different points in the specimen are known, it is possible to calculate the strains, rotations, shear or any deformation related property in which the user is interested. 2 Digital Image Correlation 2.1 Outline of the DIC tool To use DIC in different tests, a correlation tool was developed based on a Matlab code. The outline of the correlation tool is such that the DIC is not dependent on the type of test, the amount of images per test or the size and shape of the grid. This At Delft University of Technology a correlation tool was developed using a Matlab code, which performs the DIC. This correlation tool is written such that the input and output can be altered to meet the specific ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 73 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 the same as the area in the target image, 0 means that no correlation exists and -1 means that the analysed area in the target image is a negative of the source image. Because DIC is an image based technology, a pixel based coordinate system is used. In this correlation tool the X and Y coordinate within an image are defined as shown in Fig. 1. The correlation square is always uneven with the pixel of interest exactly in the centre of this square. The size of the square must be such that enough detail of the specimen surface is included such that the square is unique. For instance if only one pixel is taken in the example, many locations exist in the target image which are the same. In the correlation tool the size of this square can be adapted. freedom was obtained by separating the DIC process in three modules. The first module is the definition of the grid based on the strain level required for the analyses. Two standard types of grid, for the tensile test and for the thick adherend test, are available in the correlation tool. The user has to define the size and the location of these two types of grids. A third option is available using an excel file in which a grid can be defined by the user in any shape or size that is required. ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 y2 = 4 y1 = 5 The second module is the core of the correlation tool, where the correlation is performed. Basically, this module uses the predefined grid and starts to find each individual grid point Correlation Target image Source image in each image in the series. x1 = 3 x2 = 5 square The result of this module are four files, two with the x and y coordinates of all the grid points in each image, one containing all the correlation values from each grid point Correlation with all and one contains the check pixels in target image values of each grid point. The structures of these files are Location/pixel with highest equally sized 3D matrices in Location/pixel of interest correlation value = new location which each value corresponds dx = x 2 – x1 = 2 pixels Movement of specimen: to one grid point in one of the dy = y 2 – y1 = -1 pixels images in the series. For Fig. 1, Schematic overview of the correlation process for one pixel example a correlation of a grid of 3 rows and 2 columns in 5 images will result in a 3D The correlation square is compared with all the matrix of 2 by 3 by 5 (x by y by z). pixels in the target image, returning a correlation value for each pixel, resulting in a data set as The third module is the post processing in which the illustrated by Fig. 2. The location in the target image output of the second module is used to calculate the that corresponds best to the correlation square is properties in which the user is interested. Again this clearly recognised by the peak with the highest module is test dependent and can be defined by the correlation value. However, the new coordinate has user. It is also possible to import test data from a test an accuracy of 1 pixel which is not accurate enough machine to synchronize the deformation data from for strain measurements. To get higher accuracy a the DIC with data measured by the test machine like method was developed which uses the correlation force, stress or other data. values around the peak to get sub pixel level accuracy. To obtain that a 6th degree polynomial surface is fitted through the correlation values of the pixels around the pixel with the highest correlation 2.2 Single pixel recognition value, using a least squares approach. By filling a The core of the correlation tool is based upon a grid of sub pixel coordinates into the function of the Matlab routine which uses a normalized cross fitted polynomial surface, a new maximum can be correlation to correlate a part of the source image obtained at sub pixel level. In the correlation tool the with the target image (Fig. 1). This routine uses the resolution in which the coordinates are given is grey scale levels of the pixels in the area of interest. 0.01 pixels. It was found that a higher resolution did The routine returns for each pixel in the target image not further contribute to the accuracy of the a correlation value between -1 and 1. The value 1 measurement. means that the part of the source image is exactly 74 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 in the series (Fig. 3). For clarity, each grid point is a user defined digital location, so no special pattern is present at the surface of the test specimen. The only requirement for the specimen surface is that it must be irregular such that each location is unique. Sometimes this requires paint to produce a speckle pattern, but in many cases the surface of the specimen is irregular enough from itself. Pixel with highest correlation value Correlation value Surrounding pixels contain information for sub-pixel level analyses x [p ixe ls] For the correlation of one grid point, the correlation routine analyses each pixel in the target image. If the target image is 1600 times 1200 pixels, this can take a minute or more, depending on the processor. If, for example, a grid of 22 columns and 12 rows has to be correlated in multiple images, it takes too much time to perform the correlation of a tensile test for which 100 to 500 images were required. To solve this problem, each grid point is not correlated with the whole target image, but only with a small part of it. The size of this target area is kept as small as possible to decrease the calculation time as much as possible. Therefore it is required to know where the grid point will go in the target image. Because the camera is not fixed to the specimen during a test, it does not automatically follow the deformation of the specimen. Especially if a high magnification is used, like for the thick adherend test, small movements of the specimen result in large movements in the image. els] y [pix Fig. 2, Correlation values for an area in a target image 2.3 Grid recognition In the previous paragraph, it is described how a single location (pixel) in a source image is traced in a target image. However, to calculate local strains at different locations in the specimen, multiple grid points are required. To correlate a large grid with multiple rows and columns of grid points in the source image with a target image somewhat more work is required. First, a grid must be defined which suits the purpose of the test. In the correlation tool several routines are present to define different distributions of grids. One routine uses Excel to define a grid such that any distribution and shape of the grid is possible. Source image Target image 1 Target image 2 Target image n Time [s] Grid points Base grid point … … Correlation process Correlation squares X - Y coordinates grid in image 1 X - Y coordinates grid in image 2 X - Y coordinates grid in image n Calculation of deformations To solve this problem and decrease the search area for each grid point, first the overall offset of the target image with the source image is obtained (Fig. 4). Therefore one grid point, called the ‘base grid point’, is correlated at first in a larger part of the target image. The base grid point is defined by the user together with the definition of the grid. The user also defines the area in the target image in which the base grid point must be located in all the images of the test. To evaluate the accuracy of the coordinate of the base grid point, the correlation tool defines two control points close to the base grid point which are correlated with the same area as the base grid point. These three independent points result in three values for the offset of the target image. If the difference between the three offset values is too large, the image is out of focus or the base grid point is not Fig. 3, Schematic overview of DIC process for multiple grid points and multiple images In general, each test contains more than one image, sometimes up to several hundreds of images, depending on the nature of the test. As default, the first image in a series is taken as source image, but the user can define another image if required. The grid in the source image is correlated to each image ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 75 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Step 1: Find the location of the base points and the two control points target image n Step 2: Offset base point and control points Yes: = equal? No: Skip target image n and continue with target image n+1 Search area to find base point and control points Use x - y coordinates of grid in target image n-1 to determine target areas relative to base point target image n 2 control points Source image: Step 4: Grid squares Step 3: Save the new x-y coordinates of the grid points in target image n and proceed to target image n+1 Correlation of the grid squares within the target areas: target image n target image n Base grid point Fig. 4, Schematic overview of the four steps in the correlation process of one image in the series single grid point or image was not successful. present in the target image. In both cases the DIC Alongside the x and y coordinates, also the tool automatically skips the current image and correlation value and a so called check value is proceeds to the next image in the series. When the saved for each grid point. The correlation value three offset values are approximately the same, this provides information on the quality of the offset value is superposed on the coordinates of the correlation, while the check value gives information grid found for the previous image in the series. about different errors or situations which can occur These coordinates can be used to define small target during the correlation. The check value is used in areas in which the grid points must be situated. The the post processing phase to ignore the values which sizes of the target areas are larger than the size of the are not representative (Table 1). grid squares. Again the size of the target areas can be defined by the user when the grid is defined. However, the target areas must be large enough to In the case of a good correlation, the check value is keep the grid points situated in the target areas, 1, which means that the correlation value was higher despite the deformation of the specimen between than the threshold correlation value given by the two images. user. The threshold correlation value represents a criterion for the correlation value. When the When the coordinates of all the grid points are correlation value is lower than the threshold value, obtained in the target areas, the x-y coordinates of the correlation is considered to be unsuccessful and the grid belonging to the target image are known and the check value will be 0. In general a threshold are saved in two 3D matrices. One matrix contains correlation value of 0.7 is used because a good the y-coordinate values and the other the correlation value is in general between 0.8 and 1.0. x-coordinate values. Increasing the threshold value results in less grid points which are accepted, but the quality of the points left over is higher. The check value will also 2.4 Fault tracking be 0 when the small target area in the target image is Within the image correlation tool a fault tracking situated partly or complete outside the image. system is implemented which enables to continue the correlation process after the correlation of a ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 76 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Check value: 0 1 2 3 Table 1: Explanation of the check values in the check matrix description: Correlation values < threshold correlation value Small target area (step 3) is outside image Correlation value >= threshold correlation value Difference in offset value of base point and control points > expected deformation Image does not exist in directory If the base grid point cannot be determined accurately, i.e. the three offset values differ too much, the target image is not analysed and all the check values for the grid points in that image get the value 2. If one image is missing in the series, the check values for the grid points belonging to this image get the value 3. In all the cases that the check value is not 1 for any of the grid points, the x-y coordinates from the previous target image is filled in and saved for these grid points. This is necessary because the x-y coordinates are required for the correlation process of the next target image. 2.5 Post processing In the post processing phase the x and y coordinates of all the grid points are translated into deformations. At first the post processing must load the files containing the x and y coordinates and the check values. The check values are used to exclude the grid points which were not correlated properly from the analyses. What is calculated afterwards depends completely on the test. It is possible to load other test data into the post processing, this enables to use test data from a test machine. In the experiments chapter three examples are presented in which different post processing codes were developed and used successfully. Table 2: Explanation of the check values after an image or a grid point is skipped Check Check values after skipping: value: image grid point Both image and (+4): (+10): grid point (+4+10): 0 4 10 14 1 5 11 15 2 6 12 16 3 7 13 17 3 Experiments 3.1 Tensile tests on welded specimens The DIC tool is initially developed to measure the local 0.2 % yield strength of Friction Stir (FS) welded aluminium in tensile test specimens [2,3]. DIC is the only solution to determine quantitatively the local material properties in the weld [4,5]. An extensometer can only measure the average strain over a larger gauge length and is not able to measure the local strains at a resolution of, for instance, a millimetre while strain gauges can only measure the strain in a single spot and photo elastic techniques give only qualitative information. Sometimes it can happen that some images are out of focus but still give (inaccurate) results. In that case it is possible in the correlation tool to skip that image afterwards from the analyses. The correlation tool skips an image by adding a value 4 to the check values of the grid points belonging to this image (Table 2). This method preserves the information such that it can be restored by subtracting a value of 4 from the check values. In some cases, the correlation of one grid point is wrong and deviates from the location where it should be. Because the target area in the next image is determined using the wrong coordinate, the coordinates of the grid point will also be wrong in the subsequent images. It is possible to skip a single grid point from the analyses and in this case, the correlation tool ads a value of 10 to the check value representing this grid point in all the images. The removal of a grid point is reversed by subtracting a value of 10 from the check values belonging to that grid point. ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 The illustration of the test setup in Fig. 5 shows a few important characteristics of this test setup. For these tests standard tensile test specimen were designed according to the standard ASTM E8M 04. Test specimens were produced from the alloys AA2024-T3, AA7075-T6 and AA6013-T4 in both FS welded and un-welded (parent material tests) condition. The tensile test specimen had a width of 12.5 mm and a gauge length of 50 mm. The thickness varied per specimen because the upper and lower surfaces of the welds were machined to avoid any influence of the surface roughness. The dimensions of each specimen were measured using a vernier calliper (accuracy: 0.01 mm). The tensile test 77 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Applied load 1600 pixels x 12.5mm Weld a < 5° y CCD camera e- x 1200 pixels 50mm e- y 70 pixels Weld Tensile test specimen Digital applied grid points extensometer Note: image is rotated 90° Fig. 5, Illustration of tensile test setup to obtain the material properties of FS welded material and black paint was applied to create a speckle machine used for these tests was a pattern and to get rid of the reflection of the Zwick 1455 20kN tensile testing machine equipped aluminium. Both colour layers existed of small with Zwick TesteXpert V11 software. The droplets applied by a paint brush, such that it just specimens were tested with a constant deformation covered the aluminium. The result was a wide range rate of 6 mm/min. The images of 1600 by of black, white and grey intensities which is 1200 pixels (width x height) were taken by the CCD favourable for the correlation. camera with a frequency of 3.75 Hz. In these tests, the camera was aligned perpendicular to the specimen. During the test the camera setting was not changed, because that would influence the strain measurements. Only the height of the camera was adjusted during the test to keep the area of interest in the image. The camera was aligned such that the angle between the specimen surface and the image was less than 5º, because in the post processing analyses the orientation of the strains are defined relative to the image and not to the specimen. The size of the area captured by the camera was approximately 22 by 18 mm which was not sufficient to capture the whole width of the weld which is approximately 30 mm. This was solved by pointing the camera at different locations of the weld in the different tests. Afterwards, the data of the different tests were combined to assemble the yield strength profile for the whole weld. Another solution is to zoom out, but that means loss of detail in the measurements. 70 Pixels were taken as the distance between the grid points which is basically the strain gauge distance. If the maximum error in the location of these grid points is 0.1 pixels, this gives an uncertainty in strain of 0.14 %. However, experience learned that a distance smaller than 60 pixels between the grid points lead to too large scatter in the strain data, while for 70 pixels the inaccuracy was small enough to get good quality stress-strain curves. In this case a distance of 70 pixels is comparable with approximately 1 mm in the specimen. The strain between each pair of grid points was calculated using the distance between the grid points in the source image as reference. To extract the local yield strength, the strain must be coupled to the force data measured by the Zwick tensile test machine. A button was pressed together with the start of the camera which sends a trigger signal to the tensile test machine. The signal left a mark in the test data which corresponds to the first image taken by the camera. The data from the zwick test machine was saved in a text file and imported by the post processing code to couple each image to a force measurement. To capture the trigger signal it is required that the tensile test machine has started the test and is measuring, therefore the camera was not Apparently the accuracy of the correlation was better than 0.1 pixels, because the scatter found in the stress-strain curves was smaller than 0.14 %, but this depends completely on the quality of the specimen surface. In these test a thin layer of white ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 78 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 linear part of the curve to adjust the strain such that the linear part is aligned with the origin. Fig. 6 shows an example of stress-strain curves obtained from a FS weld in AA2024-T3. The stress-strain curves exhibit small variations in strain as a result of small vibrations of the camera, either due to camera movements to keep it aligned with the specimen during the test or by other equipment in the laboratory. However, it is easy to eliminate the images which are out of focus from the analyses as is described in the paragraph “fault tracking”. For these tests, Fig. 6, Typical local stress-strain curves, plotted with an offset of the errors were only eliminated 0.5 %, representing the material behavior at different locations in the first part of the test across a FS weld in AA2024-T3 with the calculated yield strength because only the yield strength indicated in each curve was of interest. The errors in the last part of the curves were not started when the specimen was unloaded. Besides, at removed because they do not influence the the beginning of a tensile test, some stiffness calculation of the yield strength. influence of the test machine itself is measured. Therefore, the camera was always started at a point When the yield strengths are calculated for the where the stress-strain curve became linear to whole specimen area, the profile is visualized by a eliminate the influence of the test machine at the colour scale plotted over one of the images from the beginning of the test. The stress strain curves created test (Fig. 7). Such visualisation enables to locate the in the post processing were corrected using the Local yield strength [MPa] HAZ TMAZ Weld Nugget TMAZ HAZ Fig. 7, Image of a tensile test specimen with a overlay representing a typical local yield strength distribution for FS welded AA2024-T3 ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 79 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Table 3 Overview of the differences in yield strength found between the standard method using an extensometer and the DIC tool Alloy: Yield strength Maximum difference Maximum scatter found for Extensometer: between extensometer and individual specimen: image correlation: AA2024-T3 L 353 MPa 6 MPa 28 MPa AA2024-T3 LT 336 MPa 10 MPa 33 MPa AA7075-T6 L 527 MPa 2 MPa 19 MPa AA6013-T4 L 221 MPa 2 MPa 9 MPa AA6013-T4 LT 202 MPa 4 MPa 10 MPa the extensometer data and the DIC technique. The standard technique calculates one yield strength value whereas the DIC calculates several local yield strength values for each specimen. For each alloy the average yield strength from the different test specimens are given in the first column in Table 3. From the local yield strength values calculated by DIC, the average value is obtained and compared with the value obtained by the standard method. The largest difference observed for a specimen is given per alloy in the second column of Table 3. In the third column, the largest difference between the maximum and minimum local yield strength value found in one test is given. The AA2024-T3 specimens included the specimens which were used to find out what the best test setup; therefore, the differences found for these tests are largest. On these specimens different types and colours of paint were used and the light was changed to see which gives the best result. For the other alloys the differences obtained are exceptionally good because a scatter of 19 MPa is less than 4 % and the average value from the correlation tool differed less than 2 % with the value obtained by the standard method. FS weld and the different weld zones, i.e. the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), the Thermo Mechanically Affected Zone (TMAZ) and the weld nugget, in the specimen. In the yield strength profiles small differences between the left and right (upper and lowed sides in image) sides of the specimens were observed. This is caused by in-plane bending due to intentionally misalignment of the specimen with the centre line of the test machine (2 mm at maximum). The reason for the misalignment is that it was difficult to align the camera both perpendicular to the specimen and pointed at the correct location on the specimen. This was solved by first aligning the camera perpendicular to the specimen, and than adjust the specimen a few millimetres to get the right location in the centre of the image. The accuracy of the DIC tool was determined in two ways. One method compared two images from a specimen which was unloaded but moved before taking the second images. Because the specimen is unloaded in both images, the strain is zero and thus the distance between the grid points should be unchanged. The differences found in the distance between the grid points are a measure for the accuracy of the DIC tool. The maximum error observed was 0.02 pixels. However, this error is obtained in optimal conditions because the images were taken in a rack in which the alignment and the distance of the camera were unchanged, resulting in high quality images. 3.2 Thick adherend test The thick adherend test is used for the determination of adhesive mechanical properties under shear. The shear stress (τ) is plotted versus shear strain (tan(γ)) (Fig. 8). From this curve the following typical properties can be derived: • Shear Modulus of Elasticity (G): the tangent of the linear elastic part of the curve; • Knee point: the point of intersection between an extrapolation of the linear elastic part and the non-linear part of the curve; • Maximum shear stress: the highest value of the shear stress; • Maximum tan(γ): the highest value of the shear angle prior to failure. Knowing these properties in shear of an adhesive bonded joint is necessary for design purpose and strength prediction. Another method to obtain the accuracy is performing a test on an un-welded tensile test specimen using an extensometer and the DIC tool to measure the yield strength. This method validates both the DIC method and the test setup. For this purpose tensile tests were performed on AA2024-T3, AA7075-T6 and AA6013-T4 for which afterwards the yield strength was determined using two techniques, the standard technique using ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 80 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 The accompanying shear deformation expressed as tan(γ) is calculated by dividing the relative displacement of the two substrates with respect to each other by the bond line thickness. In this the shear deformation over the thickness is considered to be constant, which is a first order approximation. 40 max. shear stress "knee" point 35 shear stress (MPa) 30 25 max. tan(gamma) 20 Shear Modulus of Elasticity 15 tan(γ ) = EA 9696 RT-dry 10 tan(γ) = adhesive shear strain ds = displacement of one adherend to the other adherend t = bond line thickness In the test the relative displacement of both substrates needs to be measured. For long the standard method used is based on the work by Krieger [7]. A specially developed type of mechanical extensometer is used attached to both sides of the specimen to measure the relative displacements of the substrates. Pins are positioned on the substrates as close as possible to the bond line. The accuracy of this method is about 1 micron. 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 tan(gam m a) (-/-) Fig. 8, Example of shear stress-strain curve The thick adherend specimen, as depicted in Fig. 9, is made from two 6 mm thick aluminium plates bonded together and milled to a width of 25 mm. A bonded overlap of 5 mm is created by milling two grooves in parallel, one in each plate. The specimen dimensions are according to test specification EN 2243-6 [6]. Special attention is paid to the overlap area: the grooves are milled to halfway the bond line thickness. The difficulties encountered by using this kind of extensometer are threefold [8]: • Rotation of the bond line due to secondary bending requires a 3 or 4 pins attachment • Pins are located some distance away from the substrate-adhesive interface, so the shear deformation of the aluminium adherend needs to be filtered out • Slippage of the pins makes the device reading incorrect These difficulties reduce the accuracy of the measurements. By using an optical method the above given drawbacks are automatically eliminated, as the bond line deformation is measured directly. Slippage of course is not possible and adherend deformation and rotation do not affect the measurement. Fig. 9, Thick Adherend specimen according EN 2243-6 [6] (left), principle of shear deformation in Thick Adherend specimen (right) By making the substrates thick and the overlap small the shear stress distribution in the overlap can be considered constant over the overlap. Subsequently the shear stress can be calculated by dividing the applied force by the overlap area: τ= F w.l with: Theoretically the specimen can be analysed by determining the image coordinates of four points, two on each adhesive-substrate interface (Fig. 10). From a comparison of corresponding points between two images the actual bond line deformation, and from that the shear angle, can be calculated for the given load. In practice five points on each substrateadhesive interface were selected to improve accuracy and eliminate errors. Those ten points were located in each consecutive image on pixel level. (1) τ = average shear stress in the adhesive F = applied load w = specimen width at overlap location l = overlap length (average of left and right side) ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 (2) with: 5 0 ds t 81 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Shear angle + substrate rotation Substrate rotation Fig. 10, Determination of bond line shear deformation from CCD images failure at a cross-head displacement rate of 1.0 mm/min. The applied load and cross-head displacement were recorded by the test machine software. In the calculation of the shear angle the rotation of the substrate interface (due to secondary bending) needs to be taken into account. It was actually found that for the linear region of the τ-γ curve, the rotation of the substrate is of the same order of magnitude as is the shear angle. The images were captured real time using a KAPPA DX 2 N-FW 1380 x 1028 CCD camera mounted on a tripod. The camera movements (XYZ translations) were driven by three small electromotors, controlled using a joystick for focussing and positioning in the middle of the overlap. During the test small adjustments to the camera position were necessary to compensate for the downward movement of the specimen and for losing focus. The camera has a fixed focal distance and a narrow focal depth, therefore the distance between the specimen and the camera is The thick adherend tests were performed on a Zwick 1455 20kN tensile test machine equipped with Zwick TesteXpert V11 software (Fig. 11). The specimen was placed in a cardanic suspension to obtain a moment-free application of the load and carefully aligned with the loading axis of the test machine. A pre-load of 50 N, e.g. adhesive shear stress of 0.4 MPa, was shortly maintained to enable accurate positioning and focussing of the CCD camera. After that, the specimen was tested to Cardanic suspension Lights Lens Camera Specimen Fig. 11, Thick Adherend test setup at the Adhesion Institute (from left to right): XYZ tripod, KAPPA CCD camera, Zwick 1455 tensile machine with cardanic suspension and specimen (detail on the right) ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 82 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 microscopic images. A special grid definition module was written to facilitate this test. On each of the substrates in the source image a grid of points is defined consisting of at least 5 rows and 3 columns (Fig. 13). After the correlation of the grid, in the post processing module, the output of the correlation is used to calculate the average displacement of the substrate at the location of the interface with the adhesive. Besides, the rotation of each substrate is calculated, resulting in the shear angle deformation in the direction of the bond line belonging to each image. To link the force data from the Zwick test machine to the deformation data, measured by DIC, the user has to enter the force given in one of the images. When each force level is unique during the test, this together with the frame rate is enough to couple both data sets. Once both data sets are coupled, the τ-γ curve can be obtained and all the required mechanical properties can be calculated. approximately the same for all the images which are in focus. Images were captured at a frame rate of 1 Hz containing besides the bond line deformation also the actual applied load, the specimen ID and the actual time, as shown in Fig. 12. For the manual analyses small markers, in the form Fig. 12, Example image of bond line deformation of scratches made using a scalpel, were applied on with the actual applied load, specimen ID and the substrates to facilitate the measurements. Other actual time at the bottom side means are diamond shaped markers made with miniVickers equipment or application of paint using The accuracy of this manual method is at best brushes. However, for the DIC tool none of the limited to 1 pixel which means an accuracy of about above markers are necessary because the DIC tool is 1 micron. Next to that the method is very time-and capable of finding positions based on the groove user-consuming and error prone. Yet, due to the pattern created by the milling operation. This pattern implicit benefits of using an optical method, the was found sufficient for the required accuracy. method is already as good as the mechanical Besides, the images used for the manual method methods. However, once the DIC tool was were without any problems analysed by the DIC developed for the welded tensile tests, it became tool. clear that the analyses of the images could be automated to save time. Therefore an application Fig. 14 shows excellent agreement between the was written to use the DIC tool to determining the shear stress strain curve calculated with the DIC and relative adherend displacement from the recorded with the manual method. The analysis is based on Fig. 13, Images of un-deformed (left) and deformed (right) adhesive layer with grid points ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 83 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 loss of focus during testing caused by specimen movement. The accompanying images are somewhat blurred making the DIC more difficult. In the manual method these images were excluded, but in the DIC tool it is possible to eliminate those images too. 40 35 shear stress (MPa) 30 25 20 15 DIC method Manual method The use of DIC greatly enhances the possibilities of the optical method for determination of shear angle in the bond line. For one it facilitates within pixel accuracy (0.1 micron) and secondly it saved a tremendous amount of time. 10 5 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 tan(gamma) (-/-) Fig. 14, The shear stress strain curve obtained using the DIC compared to the manual method the same images. Note that the DIC curve contains more points: the computer evaluation allows for more images to be analysed, where this would be too time consuming for the manual method. Two small deviations should be noted here. In the linear part both curves are parallel, yet slightly offset with respect to each other. This is caused by the post processing module which automatically shifts the curve such that the linear part of the curve crosses the origin. In the manual method this correction is not performed. Further some of the DIC points evidently deviate from the trend, which relates to 3.3 Static crack extension test Another application for which the DIC approach has given good results is the static crack extension test on fibre metal laminates. For the purpose of this test, simple modifications in the existing post processing code of the tensile test have been made, in order to calculate the strain field ahead of a crack tip. The followed approach has been twofold: first, the area in front of the crack tip has been divided in 9 sectors with a size of 13 by 18 mm, as shown in Fig. 15. This was necessary because the accuracy of the DIC 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 y Digital camera x 13 mm 18 mm Half specimen width = 70 mm X-Y-Z axes electronically controlled rack Fig. 15, Static crack extension test approach ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 84 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Fig. 16, Development of the strain field ahead the crack tip due to a static load interpolating the strain data into the known stress strain curve of the tested material. Basically, the DIC approach allows to calculate the entire strain and stress fields ahead of a generic crack tip, or an open hole. The results presented in this paper refer to tests performed on panels of Glare 3-2/1-0.3 and Glare 3-2/1-0.5 [9]. tool, which is 0.02 to 0.1 pixels, determines the gauge length between the grid points, and thus the resolution of the measurements on the specimen. To capture the whole influenced strain field, and keep a high resolution of measurements, multiple images were required. In order to collect the source images a photo shot was taken at zero force in each of the nine sectors. The same procedure was followed at different load increments keeping the same focal distance. The movement of the camera system along the specimen area was controlled by using an x-y-z axes electronically controlled rack. Fig. 16 shows an example of the strain distribution ahead of a crack tip in a statically loaded Glare 3-2/1-0.5 panel. The image is a collage of the results obtained after the DIC was performed in the sectors 1, 2 and 3. The colours in the image indicate the level of the local strain, red is high strain and blue is low strain. The so called “butterfly shape strain field” typical for isotropic materials is evident. After all the images for each sector and at each load level were stored, the DIC was performed for each sector individually. The stress field was obtained by Since DIC does not give only the qualitative results, but also the quantitative values, it is possible to plot the strain Load = 28 KN distributions in figures to analyse the data. Fig. 17 represents the Load = 40 KN strain distribution ahead of the crack tip for different load levels. Load = 44 KN 0,18 0,16 0,14 Strain [-] 0,12 0,1 Load = 48 KN Also in Fig. 18 the strain fields in front of the crack tip are 0,06 visualised for different load 0,04 levels. It is clearly visible that 0,02 the magnitude of the load 0 determines the size of the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 butterfly shape. These results can Position ahead of the crack tip [mm] be used to determine the size of Fig. 17, Example of strain field for different load levels calculated the plastic zone in front of the crack tip, which is important along the crack line (sector 2); Glare 3-2/1-0.5 panel 0,08 ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 85 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 Fig. 18, Example of strain field visualization for different load level (sector 2) scatter found in the data is a typical result of the error in the coordinates of the grid points, determined by the DIC itself. It was stated before that the error is in the order of 0.02 to 0.1 pixels, depending on the quality of the image and surface of the specimen. The influence of this error on the strain can be affected by changing the distance between the grid points, and thus the gauge length. The other error found, is the negative strain values in Fig. 20. Physically, a lower strain than zero is only possible when the specimen was loaded in compression, but that was not the case. Probably, the reason for these negative values is a small change in the distance of the camera, which results in an error in strain measurement in the whole image, and a shift down or upwards of the curves in Fig. 20. Movement of the camera is inherent to this test approach because for each sector the camera has to be moved. Besides, for this test a lens with a large focal depth was used, which makes it impossible to use the focal distance to maintain the same distance between the camera and the specimen. information for the analyses of the static crack growth. Previously it was only possible to obtain this information by means of Finite Element (FE) analyses. This test enables it to validate these FE analyses with real test data. In Fig. 19 the comparison between the experimental results and a FE analyses for the same Glare 3-2/1-0.5 panel is shown. The trend is the same for both the FE analyses and the test results; however small variations in the measurements are observed. Especially for small strain values, like those typical of the elastic field, the variations are of the same order as the magnitude of the local strain values. This implies that the error strongly affects the results for small strain value (e.g. ε ≤ 0.4 %). This behaviour is even more evident in Fig. 20, which represents the same curves as Fig. 19 but with a different scale of the strain axes. A more focused analysis of the data of Fig. 20 reveals that the DIC results are affected by two different errors, resulting from different origins. The ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 86 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 0,07 DIC; load = 41 kN 0,06 FE analyses; load = 41 kN 0,05 DIC; load = 25 kN Strain [-] FE analyses; load = 25 kN 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 -0,01 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 29 27 Position ahead of the crack tip [mm] Fig. 19, Comparison between DIC and FEM results; Glare 3-2/1-0.3 panel (sector 2) 0,005 DIC; load = 41 kN Strain [-] DIC; load = 25 kN 0 Scatter bandwidth, approximately 0.002 Negative strain -0,005 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Position ahead of the crack tip [mm] Fig. 20, Example of scatter in strain due to correlation errors and negative strain values due to error in the test setup test. Besides, the required changes to use the DIC method in test setups which already existed were small and involved only the imaging system itself. Only for the tensile tests the specimen surface had to be prepared because the aluminium surface reflected too much light resulting in overexposed images. The other two tests were performed with the same equipment and the same test setup as was used previously without the DIC tool. 4 Discussion In the previous sections different examples of experiments were presented for which the DIC tool to obtain the required test results has been used. Although for all three tests the grid module and the post processing module had to be changed, the basic principle of the DIC tool could be used for all the three tests. This proves how flexible this method is and how easy it is to adapt this method to a different ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 Different setups of the CCD camera were used, from a simple tripod to an electrically controlled 87 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 The contribution of the DIC methodology to the thick adherent test is the possibility for direct measurement of bond line deformation, thereby eliminating the problems encountered with indirect methods like mechanical extensometers. Further the accuracy is higher due to the use of high resolution CCD cameras and DIC software. The manual analysis of the images was time consuming compared to the use of extensometers. The use of the DIC tool reduced the time for the analysis tremendously. The loss of focus during testing due to specimen movement is a cause for reduced accuracy, which can easily be solved by using an autofocus mechanism. The test setup is build–up with several different pieces of equipment, so it requires a lot of time for set-up. So far the DIC tool is only used to measure the shear angle between thick substrates assuming it is constant over the bond line thickness. However, in a “real” adhesive bonded joint adherends are not so thick and overlaps are not so short which means that there will be strain variation over the thickness. Using the DIC enables to actually measure this strain variation and makes a detailed comparison with, for instance, FE analyses, which was not possible up until now. Moreover, the DIC tool can be applied to measure strain variation along the length of the bond line and even measure the high strain gradients at the edges of bonded joints. Besides the DIC method can be used to investigate failure initiation and fracture propagation in “real-life” bonded joints. X-Y-Z axes controlled rack. In practice, the X-Y-Z axes controlled rack is preferred because it is much easier to align the camera with the specimen. Besides, if the camera must be moved to follow the specimen, or to capture a different area, an X-Y-Z axes controlled rack gives less vibrations and a higher accuracy of the positioning. If the high magnification is used with a fixed focal distance, like for the thick adherend tests, this rack is the only option to align and focus the camera during the test. For both the tensile tests on FS welded specimens and the static crack extension test, the DIC tool revealed material behaviour which has never been shown before in such detail. For the tensile tests the yield strength profiles of the welds are a large contribution to the knowledge about these welds. Moreover, the correlation tool has proven that it is possible to calculate the yield strength accurate enough to measure the same yield strength values as was obtained by using an extensometer. A difference of 4 MPa at 200 MPa is small enough, especially when the scatter between the individual tests is higher. It must be noted that the accuracy is directly related to the quality of the images and the pattern of the paint and amount of light used in the test. Besides, from the local stress-strain curves much more material data than the required local yield strength could be obtained, for instance, the modulus of elasticity, the strain hardening coefficient, etc. Besides, this correlation tool enables to analyse typical material or structural local behaviour like necking just before failure, or the Portevin Le Chatelier effect [4]. For all three tests it was found that using the DIC tool has advantages above the standard strain measurements systems like strain gauges, Moire’ pattern, extensometers etc., simply because it is the only strain measuring method which can obtain local qualitative and quantitative strain data at a large surface area of the specimen. For the static crack extension test, the DIC approach allows the user to follow the strain field variation during the crack propagation phase in detail. Moreover, DIC showed to be powerful for the crack tip behaviour analysis because it is possible to extract information regarding the elastic-plastic strain distribution, and the size and shape of the plastic zone. With regards to Fibre Metal Laminates, it is expected that the DIC methodology is able to reveal information about features like stresses repartition, static delamination and plasticity induced delamination onset which are not measurable in any other way. For all the mentioned mechanisms mainly qualitative descriptions have been provided so far by several authors [9-13]. DIC finally enables it to obtain a quantitative description of all those strain related mechanisms in a fibre metal laminate. ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6 The only drawbacks at the moment are that the DIC tool can only evaluate 2D deformations, for 3D analyses at least two cameras are required, or systems which uses laser scanning to measure the shape of the specimen. Besides, DIC can only measure the strain at the surface, what happens at subsurface level is unknown. 88 ISSN 1790-2769 WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 5 Conclusion In the previous sections different experiments for which the DIC tool is used, were evaluated and the advantages and disadvantages discussed. For these tests the DIC tool was successful, but there is always a trade of required whether the use of the DIC tool ads something or not. Besides, the user must carefully design the experiment, before the DIC can be applied, because a lot of errors can be made. However, once the method is optimised and validated for the test, it is possible to obtain magnificent results. The following conclusions were drawn from experience gained during the successful application of the DIC tool in the three presented experiments: • DIC is a measurement methodology with a high flexibility because of its independence of the test article and the test method. • DIC is able to visualize and measure detailed material behaviour which were never shown before. • The use of DIC makes faster and more accurate determination possible of bond line deformation in thick adherend tests and drawbacks related to mechanical means of displacement measurement are eliminated. • DIC is the only method to measure quantitatively the local strain in a test article, which can directly be used to validate FE analyses. • The DIC method not only allows for a more accurate determination of bond line shear angle, but in future may also allow for the determination of strain gradients near edges of bonded joints and capture actual failure initiation and propagation. • The DIC approach used in this paper is only applicable to 2D strain fields; no 3D measurements can be performed. 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