Lesson Plan for Colors and Color words Objective: The student will learn the colors and learn how to spell color words by singing color cheers along with various other activities over nine days of school. The teacher will also send home a schedule of what color will be learned each of the nine days. Students will bring in a show and tell item each day that corresponds to the color of the day and they will also eat a treat that corresponds to the color of the day for snack time. Activities: Day One: The students will be shown a red monster and the word red on a card. We will read the poem Red, Red, Forgot its head. The students will trace the word red twice then color the monster red. The students will then share the red item they brought from home with the class. During snack time they will eat red apples. The teacher will then teach the red color cheer. R-E-D, RED!, R-E-D, RED! R-E-D, RED! Day Two: The students will be shown the orange monster and the word orange on a card. We will read the poem Orange, Orange, Squished an orange. The students will trace the word orange twice then color the monster orange. The students will then share the orange things that they brought to class during show and tell. During snack time we will eat oranges. The teacher will teach the orange color cheer. OR-AN-GE, ORANGE!, OR-AN-GE, ORANGE!, OR-AN-GE, ORANGE! Day Three: The students will be shown the yellow monster and match the color word card yellow to the picture. We will read the poem Yellow, Yellow, Sat in jello. They will trace the word yellow twice then color the monster yellow. The students will share the yellow item from home during show and tell. We will eat bananas for snack time. The teacher will teach the yellow color cheer. YELL-OW, YELLOW!, YELL-OW, YELLOW! YELL-OW, YELLOW! Day Four: The students will be shown the green monster and match the green color word card with the picture. We will read the green poem Green, Green, is dancing queen. Then they will trace the word green twice and color the monster green. The students will show the green item from home for show and tell. We will eat green grapes for snack time. The teacher will teach the green color cheer. GREEN - THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL GREEN!, GREEN - THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL GREEN!, GREEN – THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL GREEN! Teachers will follow the same order of activities for the rest of the days. Day Five: Poem – Blue, Blue, is sick with flu. Food – blue jello Cheer – B-L-U-E, BLUE!, B-L-U-E, BLUE!, B-L-U-E, BLUE! Day Six: Poem – Purple, Purple, had to burple. Food – Purple cow drinks (ice cream, milk, and food coloring to make it purple) Cheer – PUR-PLE, PURPLE!, PUR-PLE, PURPLE!, PUR-PLE, PURPLE! Day Seven: Poem – Pink, Pink, sat in the sink. Food – Strawberry ice cream Cheer – P-I-N-K, PINK WITH A WINK!, P-I-N-K, PINK WITH A WINK!, P-I-N-K, PINK WITH A WINK! Day Eight: Poem – Brown, Brown, your jeans fell down. Food – Chocolate brownies Cheer – B-R-O-W-N, THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL BROWN!, B-R-O-W-N, THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL BROWN!, B-R-O-W-N, THAT’S THE WAY TO SPELL BROWN! Day Nine: Black and White are taught together. Poem – Black, Black, plays quarterback. Poem – White, White, bites at night. Food – Oreo cookies Cheer – B-L-A-CK, BLACK!, B-L-A-CK, BLACK!, B-L-A-CK, BLACK! Cheer – WH-I-TE, WHITE!, WH-I-TE, WHITE!, WH-I-TE, WHITE! **The students make a video doing the color cheers on day ten so that we can continue to see, hear, spell, and learn our colors while having fun throughout the year.