Databases Project’s Details The problem domain The base for the project is a “Dream Home” case study and data requirements. Project’s Task 1. Define the system statement of purpose 2. Prepare the data model a. Identify the entities b. Determine the relationships, their names and arity c. Identify entities’ attributes d. Define attributes specification i. Attribute’s name ii. Is attribute simple? iii. Is attribute complex? iv. Is attribute single‐valued? v. Is attribute multi‐valued? vi. Is attribute derived attribute? vii. Attribute’s domain 3. Implement database in Ms‐Access consisted of: a. Set of tables b. Set of forms – UI prototypes c. Set of queries d. Set of forms When implementing system take into consideration the transactions’ requirements listed below Transactions’ Requirements Users of the system should be able to: 1. Create and maintain records recording the details of members of staff and their next‐of‐kin at each branch office (Manager). 2. Produce a report listing the details of staff at each branch office (Manager). 3. Produce a list of staff supervised by a named Supervisor (Manager and Supervisor). 4. Produce a list of Supervisors at each branch office (Manager and Supervisor). 5. Create and maintain records recording the details of property for rent (and their owners) available at each branch office (Supervisor). 6. Produce a report listing the details of property for rent at each branch office (all staff). 7. Produce a list of properties for rent managed by a specific member of staff (Supervisor). 8. Create and maintain records describing the details of prospective renters at each branch office (Supervisor). 9. Produce a list of prospective renters registered at each branch office (all staff). 10. Search for properties for rent that satisfy a prospective renter's requirements (all staff). 11. Create and maintain records holding the details of viewings by prospective renters for properties for rent (all staff). 12. Produce a report listing the comments of prospective renters concerning a specific property for rent (all staff). 13. Create and maintain records detailing the adverts placed in newspapers for properties for rent (all staff). 14. Produce a list of all adverts for a specific property (Supervisor). 15. Produce a list of all adverts placed in a specific newspaper (Supervisor). 16. Create and maintain records describing the details of lease agreements between a renter and a property (Manager and Supervisor). Hints • For all diagrams use EasyCase tool. • For table design and UI prototypes (forms) use Ms‐Access. • The assignment output consists of two parts: 1. Hard copy – system specification document 2. Electronic version – system specification document Ms‐Word, EasyCase files, Ms‐Access files (tables, UI prototypes), Power Point file (project presentation).