and al-ahkam al-akhlaqiyyah Qur'an

Islamic Law
“The word Shari’ah is also used to mean a branch of
Islam which relates to the practical aspects (al-ahkam al‘amaliyyah) of Islam, as opposed to al-ahkam alI’tiqadiyyah (rules o belief) and al-ahkam al-akhlaqiyyah
(rules relating to moral and ethics). The definition of
Shari’ah in this manner is more specific. It deals only
with the section of Islam that interacts with human’s
action. Al-Qaradawi suggests that the term Shari’ah in
this instance relates closely to fiqh. At the outset, the
word fiqh literally means the true understanding and
comprehension. In this regards, Allah says in the
Qur’an: “They said: “O Shu’ib! Much of what you say
we do not understand”.
Technically, it refers to the knowledge of the
practical rulings of Shari’ah which is deduced from their
respective particular evidence.”
Hasan, Aznan, Fundamentals of Shari’ah in Islamic Finance, Kuala
Lumpur: IBFIM, 2011, p 10-11.
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