Oct-Nov2014 bulletin - Congregation Shaarie Torah

October/November 2014
Tishrei-Cheshvan/Kislev 5775
How is a Jew?
You may recall that last year the
Pew study on Jewish life raised a
lot of eyebrows and was greeted
with an enormous amount of handwringing in some quarters and
triumphant arm raising in other
People will be decoding the
results for some time (you can
read the report yourself by going
to pewforum.org, and scrolling to the bottom to click on
the link “A Portrait of Jewish Americans). Among the
more troubling highlights were the declining percentage of
people who identify as religious, and the serious challenges
of the Conservative and Reform movements of drawing
and retaining young people. A lot of traditional institutions
and practices are becoming weaker, there is what some
will label a “diffusion” of Jewish identity, an increase
in secularism, an increased rate of intermarriage, Haredi
Judaism is increasing in numbers.
Some will read the results as proof of the rightness or
wrongness of Conservative Judaism, or Orthodoxy, or
cultural Judaism, or intermarriage, or Reform Judaism,
or any of the many labels we’ve used to paint ourselves
into little corners. Many people will read the results with
an eye toward the “Who is a Jew” debate: concern about
boundary issues and what represents Jewish authenticity.
As a rabbi I am certainly interested in questions of
boundary and the meaning of Jewish identity. My life
is guided by halachah, and both my spiritual life and
my professional life demonstrate my deep faith in the
power of synagogues to pass on Jewish teaching, life and
values. I’m also a champion of the particular approach of
Conservative Judaism.
But I think that ultimately the concern of the Jewish people
should not be “who is a Jew” but “how is a Jew.” The Pew
study does raise some serious concerns and to ignore them
would certainly be foolish. They must be addressed. When
rabbis, synagogue leaders, philanthropists and Jewish
think-tankers put their minds to the synagogue future, I
hope that we avoid discussions that are limited to labels
and numbers.
We should be interested in the vibrancy and depth of
Jewish life. In fact, I think many of our challenges arise
from the fact that we have ignored these things for too
long. I often think of things in terms of music and these
days I’m listening to a lot of jazz. There is magnificent
jazz that can bring tears to your eyes and there is boring,
jazz fit only for elevators that can…well, bring tears to your
eyes until you can get off the elevator.
During the High Holy Days I spoke about Charlie Parker someone whose art I deeply love. A person who can get up
on stage and play Charlie Parker’s “Koko” in the year 2014
precisely as Charlie Parker played it in 1945, note for note
is not, in my mind, actually playing jazz.
Continues on page 3
We look forward to your presence as we celebrate, sing and
dance with the Torah during Simchat Torah this year at
Congregation Shaarie Torah.
Please see page 17 for more details.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 1 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Office Hours
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 5 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm
920 NW 25th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97210
Gift Shop Hours
Telephone: 503/226-6131
Cemetery: 503/774-8577
Website: www.ShaarieTorah.org
Rabbi Joshua Rose
Cantor Aaron Vitells
Melissa Bloom
Executive Director
Michael Imlah
Office Administrator & Bookkeeper
Dorice Horenstein
Education Director
Elizabeth Fleishman
Preschool Director
Valerie A.
Administrative Assistant
Brian Rohr
Communications Coordinator
Aleksey Burlay
Synagogue Custodian
Bill Schaffler
Cemetery Supervising Caretaker
Leo Lopez
Cemetery Caretaker
Please “like” us at www.facebook.com/
Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 5 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm
Or by appointment.
All proceeds go to our Education Programs.
Officers and Board of Directors
Rick Cohen
Jordan Schnitzer
Phil Cohen
Vice President
Isaac Tevet
Vice President
Joel Greenblum
Vice President
Peter Lyman
Dori Tenner
Steve Carver
Past President
Members at Large
Steph Kotkins
Marsha Strongin
Linda Singer
Richard Hurwitz
Marje Jachobson
Michael Millender
Shira Newman
Brad Pearlman
Sue Perkel
David Ross
Faye Samuels
Miriam Straus
Barry Benson
Mylen Shenker
Milt Carl
Mitch Cohen
Ivan Gold
Bruce Wintrup
Mission Statement
Shaarie Torah is an inclusive, multigenerational Conservative synagogue,
nestled in the heart of Northwest
Portland. Our warm and welcoming
Jewish community has a 108-year
history, which looks to the future by
balancing contemporary and traditional
Judaism. We strive to ensure that every
voice is heard and that every member
is counted. At Shaarie Torah, we offer
extensive programming and activities
that work to foster Jewish values of
social justice through: Torah - Learning,
Avodah - Service, and Loving Kindness.
Deadline for
December/January Bulletin:
November 15
All editorial submissions must be
received via email on or before
the deadline. All submissions are
subject to editing for clarity, brevity
and content. Please submit articles
as Microsoft Word documents or
PDF via email attachments. Contact
Melissa Bloom, newsletter@
shaarietorah.org with corrections,
concerns or questions.
The Bulletin is published by
Congregation Shaarie Torah,
920 NW 25th Avenue Portland,OR
97210. All members in good standing
receive the periodical free.
This month’s issue is:
Volume 85, Issue 5
Issue Date: October 1, 2014
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 2 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Rabbi’s Remarks
They are mimicking something that was in its time a
boundary breaking, vital, gorgeous musical prophecy. That
person is not a jazz musician and is not helping to create a
living music. That person is a mimic.
On the other hand, someone who owns a saxophone but
doesn’t know how to pick it up, isn’t interested in picking
it up and doesn’t know what it can do isn’t a jazz musician
either and is not a mimic. That person may say that she
owns a saxophone, but she is not helping to create a living
If we’re not careful with how we look at Jewish life, we
might only be counting musical mimics and saxophone
owners. If we want to contribute to jazz as a living music,
it most certainly does matter that we know about Charlie
Parker and his hair-raising music. And also whether we
know about the beautiful developments in music since
Parker – the Ornette Colemans, the John Zorns, the
Rudresh Mahanthappas. But most important is whether we
can do all of that and then pick up our own saxophone and
play some new music deeply informed by all of that, with a
new kind of beauty that is so alive that it could only come
out of us, right now, at this moment.
So too with Jewish life. There are people in the Orthodox
world who are reciting dead letters when they pray or
learn; there are Reform Jews doing the same. There are
Conservative Jews who don’t know a thing about the
Jewish past or present, and those who are praying with
passion and experimenting with new expressions in Jewish
life in a halachic context. What matters to me is how we
are being Jewish: with intentionality and energy, with
interest in the Jewish past and commitment to the Jewish
We cannot despair about the results of the Pew study. The
results should lead us to be attuned to the beautiful music
that is being played that we have not yet recognized as part
of the “jazz” (Jewish) tradition. More important, it should
inspire us to listen to the Charlie Parkers of the Jewish
past, to the beautiful music that’s been made since, and to
learn to play with our own bands of fellow musicians –
those others within our community who are committed to
creating a vital, living Judaism.
The Holy One has created the Jewish world just so at this
moment. There are all kinds of folks who are part of the
Jewish people. Some of us are Orthodox, some of us are
Reform, or Conservative, or Reconstructionist, some of us
are not Jewish yet, some of us are not Jewish period,
some of us won’t accept any label. The vibrancy and the
holy purpose of the Jewish future won’t be fulfilled by
answering “who is a Jew” but rather “how is a Jew.” It’s
how we are living our Jewish lives that ultimately matters.
We should be looking to create the next great Jewish jam
L’vrachah - Blessings,
Rabbi Rose
Rabbi's New Classes!
Not Your Grandfather’s
Torah: Delving into Jewish Learning
With Rabbi Rose
Second Thursday of the Month
---------------------------------------Making Prayer Real: How to (truly)
Open the Prayerbook
Session 1: November 2, 16, 23
Session 2: January 18, 25 February 8
More information on page 16
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 3 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Welcome to our newest members!
Lynn Bonner, Sandra Litt, Bell & Jason
Mann, Gregory & Jennifer Mansfield,
Rachel Rettman, Elizabeth Sass,
Robert & Sara Sturtz.
We offer sincere condolences to the
family of:
Marvin Schnitzer, z"l
May his memories be a source of blessing.
Ways to Support CST
at NO cost to you!
New Amazon
Program Enables
Shoppers to Easily
Donate to Their
Favorite Nonprofits
• Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of
your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CST
whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
• AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know.
Same products, same prices, same service.
• Support CST by starting shopping at
Watch for more information about
the following other ways you can
support CST:
Bless those in need of healing with
refu'ah sh'layma
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit
Cantor David Rosenberg, Harav Ronnie
David Zishe ben Aliza, Lauren Selden, Ted
Zidell, Diane Gibson, Jack Fruchtengarten,
Diana Bockman, Jake Carwile, Anthony Wright,
Edith Kamin, Bob Leveton, Barbara Bilmeyer,
Robert Bloom, Rose Nye, Ron Nierenberg,
Alegre Tevet, Bruce Winthrop, Joni Scheib,
Manny Teiblum.
If you know someone in need of healing
please call the office so we can put them on the
Refuah Sh’leimah list.
Diane Nemer
Gift Shop
The gift shop is open during office
hours. You may also schedule an
appointment by calling
Dori Tenner, the gift shop manager
at 503/351-7420
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 4 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Melissa's Musings!
First, I would like to say thank you for the amazing welcome that I have received from
Congregation Shaarie Torah community. It shows a lot about the congregation by the
generous and sincere welcome. I am looking forward to working with everyone to help
Congregation Shaarie Torah grow for many years to come.
Kol H’kavod, job well done, to all our staff and volunteers that helped prepare us for the
high holidays. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy to make sure all the I’s are
dotted and T’s are crossed. Thank you. A special thank you to Mike Imlah who spends
hours on the Shaarie Torah tradition of reserved seating.
Also, please join me in welcoming Brian Rohr as our Communications Coordinator. As you will see on page 18,
Brian brings an amazing set of talents to Shaarie Torah.
Please know I have an open door policy. Come by anytime with news to share or any concerns, or just to introduce
yourself and say hello. If you would like to schedule a time to meet with me one on one feel free to schedule a time
with Valerie.
Melissa Bloom
Executive Director
Shaarie Torah Chesed
You can help send a message of love and support to
those in our community on our Misheberach list. Each
Shabbat morning, look for a table outside the sanctuary
with cards addressed to those in need of healing.
Take one home, add your own handwritten message of
support, then mail it out on Monday morning.
Want to do more? If you are interested in
reaching out to those in need with a phone call,
visit or meal, consider joining our newly formed
CST Chesed Committee.
For more information, contact Annette Demsey
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 5 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Please support our Advertisers!
Contact the office, 503/226-6131,
cst@shaarietorah.org, for details
about advertising in the Bulletin.
Thank you!
The Carl Preschool
The Carl Preschool is offering a 2, 3, 4 or 5 day options for your
preschooler. Elianne Lieberman is going to teach a 3rd class
that will fit your schedule with no parent helping necessary!
Join our Preschool Community
at Shaarie Torah. We have many enrichment programs to extend your
child’s day. Members get reduced tuition.
Call the synagogue office or email Elizabeth Fleishman at
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 6 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Presidents' Page
Richard Cohen & Jordan Schnitzer
Dear Congregants,
As we are in the midst of the high holiday season, I tend
to reflect on the past and memories of my connection to
Shaarie Torah. I need merely to close my eyes
and see the faces of not only my family,
but of the many strong supporters who
helped build the synagogue that I
love, and hope that you also share
this feeling. One need only to
look at the many plaques in the
lobby and read the names on the
memorial plaques in the sanctuary
to see who helped build this shul.
and many other ways. I ask you to phone the office and
ask how you can get involved. A synagogue is merely a
building. It takes people to make it a community.
I know that you will love listening to
Rabbi Rose, and will welcome he and
his family to our community. I am
also sure you will be impressed
with the strides and hard effort
our staff has made to make
Shaarie Torah a friendly and
welcome place to be. The recent
addition of Melissa Bloom as our
new Executive Director has had a
dramatic and positive impact on this
place and I am sure you will be impressed
by what you see.
"A synagogue
is merely a building. It
takes people to make it a
As we remember those who served
before us, we must look to the future and
contemplate what we can do to maintain this
wonderful place. There are many ways you can help
preserve our synagogue. Donations, volunteering, joining
the board, being a part of our many committees, make
the minyan to help those who say kaddish, going to the
educational and cultural programs that are being offered
I wish you all a healthy and happy new year,
Richard Cohen
The Membership and Welcoming
Committees are now one! We need
YOU and your energy to help us grow
and build a vibrant shul.
Simchat Torah Celebration, October 16
Please consider volunteering for
this very important committee and
contributing your thoughts and ideas.
Come dance with the Torah. A joyous and
fun celebration with lots of singing and
dancing. Service at 6:45, dancing at 7:00
so that kids can come. This is a ton of fun
for kids of all ages. Light snacks will be
provided for the kids. Torah candies, too.
Contact Melissa Bloom or
Brad Pearlman for more information.
If your kids come to nothing else,
they should come to this. Singing,
dancing, and Torah candies-- a winning
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 7 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Education Department
Dorice Horenstein, Education Director
Rosh Hashana is behind us and
the window for real, true, hard
reflection is now. Most people go
through these 10 days of reflection
in a hurried way; life is too busy
to stop and reflect on our thoughts,
our deeds, our reactions, our
accomplishments—our growth!
So, with you in mind, I have
researched and collected a few
discussion points you can contemplate on your own or
have a small discussion with your loved ones. I can
share with you that I have done these questions and I
was chilled with the results….
9. What do you think/hope might be different about
your life and where you're at as a result of thinking
about and answering these questions?
10. Challenge yourself with one more additional
I welcome you to look closely at our website for events
and our weekly e-mails. My office door is always
open- you are invited!
Kol Tuv,
1. Describe a significant experience that has happened
in the past year. How did it affect you? Are you grateful?
Relieved? Resentful? Inspired?
2. Is there something that you wish you had done
differently this past year? Alternatively, is there
something you're especially proud of from this past
3. Think about a major milestone that happened with
your family this past year. How has this affected you?
4. Describe an event in the world that has impacted you
this year. How? Why? Have you had any particularly
spiritual experiences this past year? How has this
experience affected you?
5. Describe one thing you'd like to achieve by this time
next year. Why is this important to you?
6. How would you like to improve yourself and your
life next year? Is there a piece of advice or counsel you
received in the past year that could guide you?
7. What is a fear that you have and how has it limited
you? How do you plan on letting it go or overcoming it
in the coming year?
Middle School
Beach Retreat
"Dare to be Different"
Weekend long retreat with Dorice
October 24-26
High School
Beach Weekend
"Unleash the Israeli in You!"
Experience Israeli advocacy,
Jewish identity & pride for our
Jewish State with Evyonne
Bartlett from Stand With Us.
November 21-23
To RSVP, please contact, Dorice,
503/226-6131 or
8. When September 2015 rolls around and you look at
these answers, how do you think you'll feel?
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 8 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Elizabeth Fleishman, Preschool Director
’Shana Tova! We are off to
a great start to the preschool
year. Rabbi Rose brings his guitar
to our Shabbat celebrations on
Fridays and the children love it!
The beginning of the school year
is always a special time. At the
start of each year the children get
to know each other by creating an
auto-biography of themselves and their families. We
use this activity not only as a way to get to know each
other, but also as a way to talk about and observe parts
of the High Holy Days by reflecting on all the nice
and not so nice things we may have done lately. For
children of preschool age, the thought of going over
events from the previous year is a difficult concept.
They have an easier time relating their behavior to
more recent events. Through our activities, they learn
and understand that certain behavior is not OK and
they will do their best to do better the next time! For
example, a child recently expresses his remorse about
getting angry and hurting his little brother for getting
into his “special” toys. This discussion prompted a
wonderful group problem solving opportunity. We
had a great conversations about how siblings get
into our things and how handle it better or avoid the
situation all together. Each child had the opportunity
to come up with a different solution to this and other
problems in their lives, from “the baby” taking up too
much of mom’s time to how to help around the house.
It was a precious learning experience all around.
Mitzvah is central to the conversations and activities
that take place in and out of the classroom throughout
the year. One activity the children are excited about
are the tedzakah boxes they created to collect their
pennies for a cause. Then, later in December, we will
count up our pennies and decide what our mitzvah
will be. One year we collected food and took a trip
to the Food Bank. Last year we took a trip to Child's
Play in order to purchase a toy and donated it to a
family in need.
Another fun activity which the children enjoy is our
annual Sukkot pilgrimage to Sauvie Island Farms.
The farmers are so welcoming and the children have
a wonderful time talking about harvesting food and
seeing farm animals first hand. It always tickles me to
see the urban children’s reactions to a “real cow” and
other farm animals. I love the wonder in their eyes
when they see where our food comes from.
In the next couple of months we’ll have the
opportunity to observe the seasonal changes, talk
about Creation, Noah’s Ark, hibernation of the
bears and migration of the animal and human kind
(Bedouins). We'll get to tell the stories of Jonah and
the big fish, other bible stories and thoughts of being
grateful and thankful. We celebrate our Thanksgiving
with the story of Stone Soup – “soup from a stone;
well fancy that!” The children bring a vegetable that
begins with the first letter of their name and we all
contribute to the soup – it teaches community, giving
and helping others in need. We also make challah and
pumpkin pie for a Thanksgiving feast.
There is so much to look forward to each year!
October 19th,4-6 p.m.
The Carl Preschool Fundraiser
70's/80's Family Dance Party
Era appropriate costumes WELCOME!
$10/person; $25/family up to 4
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 9 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Men's Club
Steph Kotkins, Men's Club President
The Men’s Club is pleased to honor
Steve & Esther Carver
for the Harry R. Nemer Service Award!
Save the date for the award dinner on
May 17, 2015
Help is needed planning the dinner. To join the committee,
please contact the synagogue office.
he Shaarie Torah Men’s Club is pleased to
announce the next recipients of the Harry R.
Nemer Service Award for outstanding service
to Congregation Shaarie Torah: the newly wedded
Steve and Esther Carver. For years, both Steve and
Esther gave and continue to give countless hours of
their time to our synagogue. The dinner honoring
the Carvers will be Sunday May 17, 2015. Anyone
interested in serving on the dinner planning committee
please contact the synagogue office or Steph Kotkins
at 503-320-2267. Stay tuned for further information.
We forward to seeing you at all these events.
The last bulletin talked about a Texas Hold’em
tournament in October. Due to planning issues, the
tournament will be moved to sometime in late March
2015 with the final date to be determined.
Please get involved and bring a friend. Synagogue
membership is not required to join the Men’s Club.
We hope to see you at the meeting on Sunday, October
19, 2014.
Mark your calendars for the following Men’s Club
Shanah tova,
The next Men’s Club Meeting is October 19, 2014
at 9:30 a.m. and we have a full agenda. The Men’s
Club is recognized as the religious, social and service
auxiliary organization of our congregation fills a
vital role in synagogue life. The health and vitality
of our synagogue depends on an active Men’s Club
and Sisterhood to attract new members. Synagogues
without these active organizations tend to stagnate and
lack energy.
- Spaghetti dinner on December 25, 2014
- Kiddush preceding Shabbat service on Saturday
May 9, 2015 as part of the Mother’s Day Weekend
- And the return of the Father’s Day picnic on
June 21, 2015.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 10 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Melissa Cohen, Immediate Past-President
Shana Tova!
We hope you and your family had a joyous New Year
celebration and an easy Yom Kippur fast. We loved
seeing both old friends and new faces and hope that
we’ll continue for a prosperous 5775!
Sisterhood was proud to present several donations
during this year’s Yom Kippur Appeal. We started
our giving with $5,000 to the Education Department
coming directly from proceeds from the Gift Shop.
We’ve also allocated an additional $2,400 for
Wednesday Night School, specifically to provide
a family-style kosher dinner to our students and
staff each week. Finally, our general donation to
the Appeal in the amount of $18,000 was a $3,000
increase over last year.
In addition to the Yom Kippur Appeal, Sisterhood
has purchased a new three-door industrial-grade
freezer for the kitchen and earmarked additional
funds for a new grinder and other building and
maintenance needs that have recently been brought
to our attention.
Sisterhood recently elected a new slate of officers
including President Marsha Strongin. Marsha brings
valuable experiences from her previous Sisterhoods
(most recently in Austin) and will be leading us as
we expanded activities and functions within the Shul.
Please join us Thursday, November 13th @ 6pm
for a Happy Hour and light dinner Sisterhood
meeting where we’ll be installing our officers and
forging ahead with events and plans for the coming
year. There are plenty of leadership roles and
opportunities for everyone and now is the perfect
time to join. Sisterhood has been the backbone of
the synagogue’s kitchen, educational programs, and
family activities for nearly a century – we need your
help to continue this tradition!
Mark your calendar:
• Sunday, November 9th, 9 a.m.: Latke Frying –
Volunteers needed!
• Thursday, November 13th, 6 p.m.: Sisterhood
Meeting – Join us for happy hour and a light dinner
as we install our new President and slate of officers.
• Sunday, December 7th: Chanukkah Gift Fair –
Mark your calendar for a day of gift shopping! If
you’re interested in becoming a vendor, contact Dori
at 503-646-5866.
• Hamentaschen 2015: Planning begins in
November. Anyone
who would like to help
organize, volunteer or
procure ingredients
and products, please
don’t procrastinate,
call Charlotte at 503246-2458 or Ctevet2004@yahoo.com as soon as
possible. Grinding is Thursday, February 12th, 2015
with baking the following three weeks leading up to
We welcome and look forward to seeing you in
the coming weeks. For additional Sisterhood
information or to help us with programs, please
contact Marsha at marsha@strongin.net.
Membership forms can be downloaded from the
Shaarie Torah website at www.shaarietorah.org
P.S. Don’t forget to visit the Gift Shop! Stop by the
Diane Nemer Sisterhood Gift Shop on the second
floor near the Main Sanctuary. We have a variety
of Judaica (and some non-Judaica) merchandise
including many new items for Chanukkah as well
as jewelry, cards, host gifts. We can also order
from our specialty catalogs if you’re looking for
something specific. As always, all proceeds go
directly back to the Shul’s Education Department.
Contact Dori at 503-646-5866.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 11 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
he Carrl Presschool Faamily Daancee Parrty Faall Fund
ng Event Su
undaay, O
ober 19 4‐‐6 p.m
Drinks and snnacks provideed! Enjooy the fun witth your kids! mes from the era welcomed
d! Costum
0’s/80’’s Dance Mu
usic withh Profeessional DJ annd Lightt Show
w byy Chad Do
owling Prod
ductions Ticckets: Miinimum d
donation: $25/fam
mily up to 4 ($5 forr any additional members)
n minimum donation or $10
or further tickket informatio
on, visit The C
Carl Preschoool website: w
www.thecarlsschool.com Sh
haarie TTorah So
ocial Haall at 920
0 NW 255th Avee. Portlaand, OR 97210
For more
e info contactt Zeljka Boyd at zeljka_boyyd@yahoo.co
om or 562‐221
1‐9451 and speciall thanks to our r sponsor: October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 12 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Preschool Family
Join us for a multi faceted event:
10:30am- welcoming and parent/child activity
according to theme. ( see below)
11:15am snack
Josh Rose
11:30am-12:30pm—While children will enjoy
storytelling and playing, parents join Rabbi Rose in
discussion on “ How Many Times Do I Have to Tell
you? The Spiritual Growth in Jewish Parenting”
Sunday dates and themes:
September 14- High Holy Days
February 1- Tu B’shvat
October 5- Sukkot
March 1- Purim
November 9- Thankfulness
April 12- Israel
December 14- Chanukah
May 10- Appreciation
January 11-Resolution
920 NW 25th Ave. Portland 97210
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 13 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Torah Yoga with Rachel Stern!
Snack is
No Reservation
Third Shabbat of the Month
Torah Yoga for Preschoolers with Rachel!
Saturdays at 10:30am-12:00pm
September 20, October 18, November 15, December 20,
January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16 !
Join Rachel Stern as she engages with our toddlers and Preschoolers,
accompanied by their parent, for an interactive Shabbat morning.
Stretch out with Torah yoga and learn the stories of the Torah through
song and dance. Come “Play and Pray”...and learn a bit of Hebrew!
Congregation Shaarie Torah 920 NW 25th Avenue, Portland Oregon 97210 503-226-6131 education@shaarietorah.org
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 14 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Toda Raba
Dear Melissa,
Please extend our sincerest "Thank You" to the
group of givers for the wonderful Challah bag.
Thank you, Thank you.
Dora & Jerry Newman
--------------------------------To the Education Committee and Shaarie Torah
Thank you for the lovely and thoughtful gesture
of giving each member of the Congregation a
challah, honey and apples for the holiday. It
was a special gift and very appreciated. My
particular thanks to Peter and Anna Lyman,
Annette Demsey and Erik Richmond, Gary and
Linda Singer, and to Jordan Schnitzer. Thank
you also to Rabbi Rose for his special holiday
wishes. Your generous gifts were
enjoyed by my family.
Shaarie Torah Cemetery
Sandra Litt
--------------------------------Thank you everyone for the nice challah bags.
It was a nice welcoming touch this year.
Lynn Doraine
Thank you to Stan & Madelle Rosenfeld
for your generous donation for the fresh
flowers during holidays.
Thank you to Milt Carl and Peter Lyman for
the donation of our new John Deere riding
lawn mower. Toda Raba!
The Cemetery Committee.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 15 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Adult Learning at Shaarie Torah
Mamash Learning
First Wednesday of the
Month, 6:00 p.m.
Every month we will bring a different
speaker and have a new theme for Mamash (true)
Learning. You are welcome to join us for dinner at
6:00 p.m. ($5 suggested donation). We start to study
at 6:30 p.m. sharp!
Coffee House Series
Third Thursday of the
Month, 6:30 p.m.
Join Chevre (a group of adults) to a fun
study session in a members home. We read
shmooze and discuss Torah, while having
coffee/tea... and cookies.
(Note October’s will be on the third
Tuesday not Thursday)
Women’s Rosh
Fourth Sunday of the
Month, 6:30 p.m.
Women are invited to share
and nourish their souls with
knowledge and spirit with one another each month.
Literary Ladies
Meet for a chat, a glass of wine and
even a salad as we discuss a book of
choice. Meet at 6:30 p.m. at CST on the
following dates:
November 11: Women of Valor by
Lehi Lapid; March 17: The Lost Wife by Alyson
Richmon; May 12: Cut me Loose -- Sin and Salvation
after my Ultra Orthodox Girlhood By Leah Vincent.
~Rabbi Rose's New Classes~
Not Your Grandfather’s
Torah: Delving into
Jewish Learning With
Rabbi Rose
Second Thursday of the Month, 6:30 p.m.
In this monthly class we will explore different
topics in Torah, ranging from mussar (Jewish selfimprovement), Jewish spiritual practices, the inner
meaning of the holy days and more. Rabbi Rose
will introduce the class to the texts, give individuals
time to learn on their own and lead a discussion.
Participants will walk away with a deeper knowledge
of Judaism and practical tools to bring Jewish
teachings and values into their life. Knowledge
of Hebrew is not required and the class will be of
interest to those with some familiarity with the topic
and newbies as well. 6:30 p.m.
Making Prayer Real:
How to (truly) Open the
For some of us, whether we grew up around Jewish
prayer or not, the typical service can seem foreign,
even forbidding, and the prayerbook difficult. In
these two separate three-session classes, Rabbi
Rose will give you tools to get more
comfortable with Jewish prayer and
make it more meaningful. We will
look at the beauty and importance of
the structure of the prayer service,
discuss how to get beyond the literal
meaning of the prayers and talk about
how to personalize the prayer experience. You’ll
walk away with a greater understanding of the siddur
(prayerbook) and with tools to enrich your own
tefillah (prayer). 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Session 1: November 2, 16, 23
Session 2: January 18, 25 February 8
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 16 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Why dance with the stars
when you can dance with the Torah?
Join CST for Simchat Torah!
& &chocolate
17, 17
to to
Celebrate Simchat Torah with us.
Celebrate Simchat Torah with us!
920 NW 25th Ave.
920 NW 25th Ave.
Portland, OR 97210
Portland, OR 97210
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 17 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Shaarie Torah Hires A Communications Coordinator
Shaarie Torah is pleased to welcome Brian Rohr to our newly created position
of Communications Coordinator. Brian is a Professional Storyteller who has
recently moved back to Portland from Port Townsend, WA where he spent the last
six and a half years studying the art and magic of performative storytelling and
mythology with Master Storyteller Daniel Deardorff. Rohr comes with an eclectic
set of skills which uniquely suit him for this position. From his time working as a
video editor (including as an assistant editor and sound editor on a feature film) to
being a solo business owner, Rohr has gathered the tools and experience of layout,
design and communication. As a Storyteller who shares stories from cultures
around the world to national audiences, including from his Jewish tradition, Rohr brings a creativity
and understanding of our collective Jewish culture. Please say hello if you see him around the Shul.
Chanukkah Fair
December, 7, 2014
Reserve your vendor spot today!
Contact Dori Tenner
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 18 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
In The Community
Mitzvah opportunity:
JFCS Thanksgiving Food Drive
November 10-21, 2014
Jewish Family & Child Service and the rest of the Portland community
provide all the items needed for 150 families to celebrate Thanksgiving
with dignatiy and respect. We at Shaarie Torah will be collecting
Mrs. Cubbison's Herb Stuffing for the Thanksgiving food boxes.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 19 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Weekend in Quest 2015
The Rise and Fall of Ladino-Speaking Jewry
Astoria, OR - March 6-8, 2015
Scholar in Residence:
Prof. Devin Naar, University of Washington
The weekend program includes four study sessions
with Prof. Devin Naar:
Session 1: Under the Wings of
the Sultan: The Rise of Jewish
Communities in the Ottoman
Session 3: The Sephardic
Holocaust: The Destruction of the
Jews of Greece
Session 2: A Jewish Language for
All Occasions: Ladino Culture and
Session 4: A Diaspora within
a Diaspora: Sephardic Jews in
Also included in the retreat weekend will be Shabbat services lead by Cantor Deborah
Bletstein, five kosher-style meals including a festive erev Shabbat dinner, kiddush lunch
and Saturday evening supper with entertainment and social time.
More information available at:
Sponsored by
The Institute for Judaic Studies of the Pacific Northwest
Portland, Oregon
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 20 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 21 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Shaarie Torah Legacy Society
Shaarie Torah has started a Legacy Society asking
congregants to remember our shul in their will. We have
already received a hearteningly positive response from the
first few people we have asked to make a commitment to
remember. Fortunately building a nest egg and securing
a strong financial base for our vital synagogue and its
programs is within the means of each one of us. Below is a
story of a member who has already made this committment
to our shul.
South Portland, Frieda has vivid memories of immigrant
life during the first half of the 20th Century. Her detailed
recollections are contained in two important books of
Jewish history, We Lived There, Too and The Jews of
Oregon, 1850–1950.
The Tradition of Frieda Cohen
Tradition has dictated that all the men in Frieda’s family
be bar mitzvahed at Shaarie Torah. So it was that her
brothers Oscar and David, her son Richard and all four
of her grandsons stepped to the dais at Shaarie Torah to
chant their haftorahs. Richard is now co-president of the
“Tradition, tradition! Tradition!”
booms Tevye when the curtain rises
on Fiddler on the Roof.
When he extols tradition, Tevye
is not just being whimsical. He
is paying homage to one of the
bedrocks of Jewish thinking, the
reverence for carrying forward a
prayer, a custom, a ritual, even a
story, with the hope that it will be preserved and cherished
for generations to come.
Nobody has been more ardent and or articulate about the
importance of tradition than Frieda Cohen.
Years ago, tradition brought Frieda to Reed College,
where her brothers, Oscar and David, had graduated with
Today, tradition brings her each morning to the huge,
semicircular desk at the automotive supply business she
started 68 years ago with her late husband, Ben. Fielding
phone calls from customers and dispatching shipments–and
often punctuating her conversations with a crisp “Very
good, sir”­– she shows no signs of letting up, even as she
approaches her 94th birthday in July. In another bow
to tradition, Frieda’s son Richard and three of her four
grandsons have also joined the business.
Tradition has inspired a lifelong bond with Shaarie
Torah. In 1909, when Frieda’s father and mother came to
Portland from Russia, they chose Shaarie Torah as their
house of worship. Growing up in the Jewish enclave in
Frieda’s father, Joseph Gass, served as president of the shul
and was hand-picked to be its official emissary to greet
Rabbi Yonah Geller when he flew in for his job interview.
Tradition brings Frieda to shul every Saturday and every
holiday. “I’ve been associated with Shaarie Torah so long
that everything about it is a part of me,” she says. “It’s
like being home. Shaarie Torah has been an intrinsic part
of our lives.”
Tradition provides comfort for the friends at Shaarie Torah
who have passed on. “When I look up and see their names
on the wall,” Frieda says, “I remember them and it all
becomes real again.”
Finally, tradition has nurtured a spirit of generosity towards
Judaism and Shaarie Torah. When Frieda’s brother, Oscar,
a Rhodes Scholar and former official in both the U.S. and
Israeli governments, passed away, his entire library of 4000
books was donated to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Frieda’s parents didn’t have enough money to leave
something to the shul. Frieda and Ben, however, made
provision in their wills for both Shaarie Torah and the
Robison Jewish Home.
“I want Shaarie Torah to continue for many more
generations,” says Frieda. “My family has always felt that
you need to take care of what’s important to you. It’s been
a tradition.”
To learn more about the Legacy Society,
please contact Shelly Klapper or
Melissa Bloom.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 22 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Anniversaries & Birthdays
Happy Anniversary
October Anniversaries
October 04 Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Michael
October 07 Dr. Erik Richmond
& Mrs. Annette Demsey 24
October 09 Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Wolf
October 13 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petcher
October 15 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Glickman 14
October 16 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Chusid
October 17 Mr. Hilton Friedman
& Mrs. Donna Weiss 21
October 24 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Benson
October 24 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Comstock
October 25 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ertischek 16
October 27 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Winkler
October 28 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Strongin 19
November Anniversaries
November 04 Mr. Fedor G. Pikus
& Mrs. Galina Golant November 09 Dr. & Mrs. Vitells
November 10 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Brem
November 11 Mr. Richard Hurwitz & Mrs. Brenda Katz
November 12 Mr. & Mrs. Leland Waltuck
November 15 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Rogoway
November 16 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodman
November 20 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Russell
November 22 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Liebreich
November 23 Mr. Michael Rappaport
& Mrs. Daniela Samoil
November 27 Mr. & Mrs. Marc Blattner
November 28 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kaplon
November 29 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Enkelis
Happy Birthday
Bob Arnow, Elyse Berkovitch, Barry N. Davis,
James M. Lewis, Stanton Gene Usher, Jasmine E.
Kellogg, Jeffrey Cohen, David Sol Jacobson, Dawn
Lagrone, Michelle Oulman, Clara Holzer, Solomon
Wolf, Michelle Friedman, Allison Mudrick, Avrum,
Clapper, Morris Galen, Ruth Blum, Linda Michelle
Cohen, Julie Hockley, Manya, Helman, Shirley Rapp,
Vivian Blum, Sara-Linn Harwin, Elisa Funes, Michael
Ewan, Caron Rothstein, Morton J. Simon, Susan R.
Winthrop, Steven Berliner, Lily Floom, Rene' R.
Ovalle, Aaron Michael Cohen, Melissa Cohen,
Sharon Proskus, Anna, Stern Lipke, Micah
Barany, Andrea Hirte, Rose Nye, Harold Pollin,
Nathaniel Jaffe, Miriam Mendel, Miriam
Greenstein, Leonard Krichevsky, Craig Harris,
Sharon Kagan, William Shaman, Keiko Liebschutz,
Martin Planer, Judith Kahn, Bernie Lowenthal, Richard
Stevens, Marilyn Jean Feist, Paul D. Katz, Sharon
Pollin, Julie Donin, Mr. Jose Estrada-Behar, Sadie
Feves, Arden E. Shenker, Brendan H. Good, Barbi
Enkelis, Miriam Steierman, David Blum, Becky
Janet Altman, Amnon Gibly, Ivan Lewis Gold, Patricia
Rosenthal, Tiger Branch, Dr. Erik Richmond, Ronald
John Salaets, Leonard Goldberg, Stewart Gordon
Straus, Jean Urecki, Raymond Kimeldorf, Monte
Bricker, Ellen Lippman, Andre Meyer, Annette
Demsey, Richard Cohen, Lydia F. Hubbard, Elizabeth
Sass, Frank Berne, Toni Jaffe, Myra Jackson, Mikhal
Medlin, Samuel Shelanski, Margaret Gotesman, Pauline
Goldstein, Clifford Hockley, Vicki Ambinder, Keith
Berne, John L. Halpern, Jason Kaufman, Devorah
Spilman, Alegre Tevet, Sandra Williams, Jacob
Korngold, Arlene Gintz, Harry Kraus, Mollie
Strauss, Laurie Weinsoft, Adam Zacks, Emily B.
Kamara, Edith Kamin, Tom Mitchell, Gwendolyn
J. Weiss, Rabbi David Rosenberg, Kyle Rotenberg,
Kim Sue Rosenberg, Maureen P. White, Bruce R.
Winthrop, Esther Rosenshein, Tami Boardman, Simi
Zuckerman, Michael Hayward, David Oulman, Marjorie
Janove, Andrew Osborn, Jerry Stern, Melvin Weinstein,
Mildred Lederman, Myron Medlin, Mr. Joel William
Cohen, Allison L. Fowler, Lewis Geiger, Lyle Nathan
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 23 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Generous Contributions to our Congregation
The next time you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate a joyous occasion, remember a loved one,
or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation Shaarie Torah. When you make a gift,
a card is sent to the honoree of the family and your donation is proudly acknowledged in the Bulletin.
Congregation Shaarie Torah truly appreciates your support.
Rabbi Rose Discretionary Fund
In memory of:
My mother Celia Paul
By Arlene and Yale Downes
My grandmother Rose Brown
By Greg and Kim Harris
My father Sam David Alhadeff
By David Alhadeff
My mother Ida Mills
By Mariam Brown
My mother and father Rose and Jules Jacobson
By Alvin and Teresa Jacobson
My mother Pearl Feves Burton
By Dr. and Mrs. Wayne N. Burton and family
Marvin Schnitzer
By Roz and Mylen Shenker and family
Doris Bloom
By Roz and Mylen Shenker and family
My uncle Gene Stern
By Arlene Downes
My mother Zirl Gass
By David L. Gass
Berel Scheib
By Syd and Barbara Steinbock
Sy Danish
By Syd and Barbara Steinbock
In honor of:
Esther and Steve Carver’s recent marriage
By Roz and Mylen Shenker
Mrs. Helen Cohen’s 99th birthday
By Roz, Mylen and Andrew Shenker
Building Fund
In honor of:
Esther Swart and Steve Carver’s wedding
By Isaac and Charlotte Tevet
Rabbi Geller’s Lecture Series Fund
In memory of:
My mother Analie Stein Cohen
By Mark, Megan and Rachel Cohen
My mother-in-law Fannie Samuels
By Faye Samuels
Cemetery Fund
In memory of:
My mother Fannie Gottesman
By Les Gottesman
My dear father William Saltman
By Shirley Winger
My father Sam Alhadeff
By Dan and Janice Pitman
My father Asher Ettinger
By Carmella Ettinger
Marvin Schnitzer
By Belle Angel and family
My mother Faye Bloomberg Begen
By Linda G. Begen-Peltz
My mother Ida D. Shleifer
By Stuart and Susan Shleifer
My father Harold H. Angel
By Leon and Jacqueline Angel
My husband Harold Hyman Angel
By Belle Angel
My father Irving Popick
By Eadi Popick
My uncle Ben Medofsky
By Annette Levin
My grandfather Irving Jacobson
By Mr. David S. Jacobson
Marty Feist, my loving husband
By Marilyn Feist
My beloved father Robert Erlich
By Barbara K. Erlich
My mother Fannie Gottesman
By Ellen Teicher
My father William Saltman
By Geraldine Simson
My beloved parents Ben and Rose Lowenthal
By Joy Epstein
My father Samuel Greenblatt
By Florence Saks
My beloved father Harry Israel
By Patty Hanson
My mother Jennie Newman
By Jerry and Dora Newman
My grandmother Eva Bloomberg
By Linda G. Begen-Peltz
My grandmother Sarah Newman
By Jerry Newman
Samuel Israel Weinstein
By Ross I Weinstein
My father Harry Mesher
By Lea Hecht
My mother Vivian Rotenberg
By Madelle Rosenfeld
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 24 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Generous Contributions to our Congregation
My mother Rae Usher
By Sharon Usher
My father Samuel Greenblatt
By Ray and Shirley Freidman
My grandfather Frank Kaufman
By Carol Harris and Rhoda Cady
My husband Albert J. Kailes
By Tami Kailes
My father Harry Mesher
By Robert Mesher
My wife Mollie Russo
By H.V. Russo
My beloved former wife Rae B. Kaplon
By Norm Kaplon
In honor of:
Jerry Newman’s “special” birthday
By Marylyn Feist
Jerry Newman’s 80th birthday
By Marvin and Lois Urman
Adult Education Fund
In memory of:
Sara Harwin’s dad David Singer and Fred Harwin’s
dad Paul Harwin
By Fred and Sara Harwin
My mother-in-law Sophie Burda
By Myriam Burda
Inez Weissman
By Faye Samuels
My grandmother Yetta Rife Cohen
By Lynne and Mitch Cohen
Youth Education Fund
In memory of:
My father Carl Bloom
By Phillip and Rosalyn Bloom
My mother Sophie Burda
By Leonard and Sally Burda
Marian Mills, mother and Herman E. Mills, father
By The Wilson Family
My grandmother Yetta Cohen
By Barbara Weiland and Ron Subotnick
Father and grandfather Sanford Cohen
By Ron Subotnick, Barbara Weiland, and Jennifer
My aunt Bessie Salmenson
By Tamra Feuerstein
In honor of:
Esther Swart and Steve Carver’s wedding
By Ron Subotnick and Barbara Weiland
Education Fund
In memory of:
Marvin Schnitzer
By Lee and Frank Berne
Marvin Schnitzer
By Rhoda Winters
My mother Sonia Westerman
By Arne Westerman
In honor of:
Rabbi Rose, thank you for the caring and support during
our difficult time
By Susan and Bruce Winthrop
Esther Swart’s and Steve Carver’s marriage
By Melissa, Bobbie and Phil Cohen
Steve and Esther’s Wedding
By Solomon and Margarita Wolf
Get well:
Craig Berne
By Lee and Frank Berne, with lots of love
Bruce Winthrop and Ari Rothstein
By Bobbie and Phil Cohen
General Fund
Mimi Berlin
In memory of:
My mother Freida Basha Glaser
By Sally Levin
My father Julius Weinberg
By Barb and Jack Schwartz
My mother Ann Horenstein and my grandfather Joseph
By Howard Freedman
My son Jeremiah Toyam Cox
By Chana Cox
Harry Cohen
By Charlotte Sugarman
My mother-in-law Anna Goldberg and my father-in-law
Jacob Goldberg
By Anita Goldberg
My grandfather George Harris
By Greg and Kim Harris
Marvin Schnitzer, husband and father
By Carol Danish
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 25 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Generous Contributions to our Congregation
My father Jerome Kornberg
By Alexander and Ilene Aginsky
My husband Peter A. Nathan
By Helle Nathan
Sy Danish
By Cameron Davis
Florence Glick
By Faye Samuels
My mother Miriam Siegelbaum and my mother Shirlee
By Mel and Carol Seger
My brother-in-law Dr. Alex Newman
By Betty Newman
My uncle David B Sharff
By Greg and Kim Harris
My aunt Anne Gilbert
By Alexander and Ilene Aginsky
My mother Besse E. Harris
By Greg and Kim Harris
Rachmeal Horenstein, Isadore Horenstein, and David
By Howard Freedman
My grandmother Neoma Harris
By Don Rotenberg
My mother Pauline Wieder
By Larry Wieder
My brother Guy H. Cogan
By Jaimee Bloom
My father Aaron Matza
By Mr. Richard Matza
My father Ernest Hollander
By David Hollander
In honor of:
Faye Samuels’ birthday (a special one)
By Estelle Winthrop
Craig Berne, in appreciation for his independent
encouragement and help in her project
By Lydia Hubbard
In appreciation of notices
By E. O. Rosenfeld
Jerry “Charlie” Newman’s 80th birthday
By his angels including Barbara K. Erlich
Steve and Esther Carver’s wedding
By Rick Cohen
Esther Swart’s wedding
By Esther Roth
Get well:
Bruce Winthrop
By Thelma E. Solomon
Alegre Tevet
By Faye Samuels
Harry Nemer Kiddush Fund
In memory of:
Marvin Schnitzer
By Geri Schnitzer-Newson and Sam Newson
Marvin Schnitzer
By Faye Samuels
Marvin Schnitzer
By Kurt and Bonnie Goldsmith and Jason, Rachel and
Logan Goldsmith
My father Sam Rosenfeld
By Anne Berg
My father Harry Nemer
By Judy Appelbaum
My husband Clarence Beam
By Nancy Fruchtengarten
In honor of:
Jack’s 92nd birthday
By Nancy Fruchtengarten
Steve and Esther’s wedding
By Andrew and Sarah Sue Osborn
Get well:
Alegre Tevet
By Bobbie and Phil Cohen
Kitchen Fund
In memory of:
My father Henry Gordon
By Faye Gordon Samuels
My grandfather David Cohen
By Ruth and Frank Gordin
My mother Rose Jacobson
By Judy Hoffman
My father Hymen Rosenbloom, and my sister Harriette
By Norman and Judith Rosenbloom
In honor of:
Steve and Esther Carver’s wedding
By Dori Tenner
Get well:
Bruce Winthrop
By Thelma Solomon
Ari Rothstein
By Marje Jacobson
Bruce Winthrop
By Marje Jacobson
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 26 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Generous Contributions to our Congregation
Marsha Strongin, for a speedy recovery
By Faye Samuels
Milt and Cissi Carl Early
Childhood Education Fund
In memory of:
Marvin Schnitzer, Marvin Enkelis, beloved mother,
mother-in-law and grandma Shirley Enkelis, beloved
mother, grandma, and mother-in-law Cissi Carl
By Barbie, Mike and Gary Enkelis
My mother Shirley Enkelis
By Michael Enkelis
My mother Cissi Carl, and my aunt Mary Goldstein
By Barbie Enkelis
My grandfather Frank Goldstein, my aunt Mary Goldstein,
my grandfather Samuel Carl, and my sister Bessie
By Milt Carl
My father Dave Krichevsky
By Leonard Krichevsky
My step father Sid Carl
By Cori Overlund
In honor of:
Tillie Baderman’s 92nd birthday
By Marilyn Feist
The Kiddush Club
Joan Wein
In memory of:
Marvin Schnitzer
By Leonard and Dolly Goldberg
Arthur Simon Fresh Flower Fund
In memory of:
My grandmother Ida Esther Salmenson
By Marty and Sharyn Schneiderman
Cantor Yonah Glantz Fund
In memory of:
My brother Isadore Gass
By David L. Gass
Prayer Book Fund
In memory of:
My father Harry Shamblott
By Susan and Bruce Winthrop
My treasured father Harold Newson, a man of exceptional
character, courage and kindness
By Stacie Ann Newson
My brother Marshall Shamblott
By Susan and Bruce Winthrop
Sharon Scales Scholarship Fund
In memory of:
My father-in-law Sam Zidell
By Min Zidell
The Reznik Scholarship Fund
In memory of:
My grandmother Sophie Burda
By Kelli, Avi, and Sofia Tevet
Library Fund
In memory of:
My father William Shenker, and my mother Elizabeth
By Marilyn and Marvin Alkin
Chusid Family Fund for Preservation of Torah
In memory of:
Corinne Gruden
By Norm and Kathy Chusid
My son David Morley Litt
By Sandra Litt
In honor of:
Our new grandson Noah Reed Chusid, and Dr. Ron and
Adele Ostomel’s new granddaughter Zoe Pearl
By Norman and Kathy Chusid
SherlyVagy and Rita Bedrick
By Norman and Kathy Chusid
Nate and Millie Director Education Fund
In memory of:
My father Murray Schnitzer and my mother Fay Schnitzer
By Leonard and Sally Burda
Thank you to the Education
Committee for organizing this
year's challah bags!
Also, thank you to all the donors
that generously participated!
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 27 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
October - November Yahrzeits
September 27 - October 3
3 Tishrei—9 Tishrei
Basya Arik*
Vayot Aronin
Ethel Axe*
David Barer
Pinkus Bellman*
Louis Berger*
Jerry Blum*
David Clement*
Analie Stein Cohen
Mae B. Cohen*
Manuel Cohen
Beverly Dumble
Marvin Enkelis
Rose Fertig
Edna S. Feves
Zirl Gass*
Samuel and Johanna Gerson
Sadie Goldberg*
Fannie Gottesman
George Harris*
Abner House
Max Israel*
Lyubov Melomedov*
Evelyn Mozorosky*
Moses Muscovitz
Ned Myers
Irving I. Popick
Howard Rosenfeld
Fannie Scharff*
Anna Schatz*
Arthur Joseph Schick
Berta Mutti" Schindler"
Becky Schnitzer*
Harry Schnitzer*
Nathan Schwartz*
Harry Shamblott
James Sigel*
Ben Singer
Annette Sommer
Rita Stellar*
Eugene Stern
Raymond Veltman*
Faith Veness
Toiba Weinsten*
Sonia Westerman*
Joseph Wiener*
October 4 - October 10
10 Tishrei—16 Tishrei
Morris Barde*
Faye Begen
Jeffrey Whitmore Bittner
Carl Bloom
Hyman M. Cohen
Calvin Dubrow
Hilda Falkenstein
Martin Feist
Minnie Finkelstein*
Moses Frager*
Clara Geller*
Abe Gilbert
Joe Gold*
Anna Goldberg*
Jacob Goldberg
Ann Goldfoot
Chaya Goldstein*
Frank Goldstein*
Eleanor Greenstein*
Marcia Hafter*
Meyer Himmelfarb*
Laurie Hollander
Bertha Karin
Jerome Kornberg*
Norma Fay Lebenzon
Y'Shaya Levinson*
David Morton Levy
Sheila Lipsky
Frances Londer
Etta Maizels*
Sam Menashe*
Henry Mozorosky*
Samuel Mozorosky*
Hyman Neslin*
Ann Oster
Esther Overback
Ida Pojur*
Abraham Robinson*
David Rosenthal
Jennie Rosenthal*
Edward Salmenson
Ernie J. Scharf*
Ida Shleifer
Rabbi Dr. Gustave Sicher*
Sue Siegel
Rabbi Harry M. Spector
Sylvia Steckel*
Esther Stone
David Tenenbaum*
Lou Tobin
Jack Urman*
Bracha Vinnytska
Rachel Wenokur*
October 11 - October 17
17 Tishrei—23 Tishrei
Samuel David Alhadeff
Goldie Angel*
Bertha Baderman
Louis H. Blank
Barney Bricker*
Pearl Burton
Ben Caplan*
Billie Chirico
Jessie Cohen*
Julius H. Cohen
Max Cohen Sr.
Evelyn Mae Compton
Rachel Cordova
Lewis J. Director*
Arthur William Fletcher
Abraham Gell*
Elana Bess Gold*
Jennie Goodman
Mike Gotesman*
A. Greenstein*
Gertrude Maxman Harwin
Harvey Hasson
Jacob Holtzman
Leopold Holzer
Leo Jaroff*
Phil Kailes*
Samuel Kornberg
Rose Kramer*
Lillie Kugel*
Betty Lesch*
Selma Lesman
Herbert Meltzer*
Norman Nemer*
Nisan Newman*
Samuel Olimansky*
Maurice Pogolowitz
Darlene Popick*
Gitel Ribenfeld
Solomon Rogoway*
Jenny Rome*
Rose Rosen*
Hannah Rubenstein*
Benjamin L. Russell
Lena Fani Sevy
Harriette Shain
Edna Shore*
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 28 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
S. Elizabeth Silverstein
Arthur Subotnick
Miriam Waltuck*
Esther Weiczner
Sidney Weissman
October 18 - October 24
24 Tishrei—30 Tishrei
Laurence Alberton
Helen Chaiken Blum*
Rosa Bonnin
Kate Braunstein
Molly Browman
Lewis Brown*
Jerome (Jerry) Cohen
Herbert Cole*
Edward Comstock
Reuben David
Rebecca Director*
Michael Feves
Robert E. Buck" Freedman"
Bertram R. Friedman
Violet Geller*
Rebecca Gothelph Gilbert*
Tillie Glerman*
Sara Glickman*
Felix Gold*
Clara Greenblatt*
Abraham Hasson
Sophia Heidohrn
William Hoffman
Louis Israel
Keve Kantor*
Allen D. Keller*
Marcella C. Kern
Betty Klapper
Neva M. Kline
Milton Lebenzon
Manuel Levenson*
Zelda Levin*
Harry Lorber
Rose Anita Lowenthal*
Goldie Maccoby
Abe Madison*
Devora Mittleman
Sid Moss
E. (Elihu) Mozorosky*
Leslie Nakan
Sam Newson*
Hannah Pearlman
Oscar Petersky*
Morris Pomerantz*
Mollie Ross Raften
Janice Arlene Rand*
Louis Rosen*
Rose Saltman
Stanley Samuels*
Minnie Schnitzer*
Helen Schwartz
Morris H. Singer
Pauline Somers
Robert Tenner*
Nedra Trachtenberg
Anne Waltuck
Fannie Wexler*
October 25 - October 31
1 Cheshvan—7 Cheshvan
Helen Adler
Esther Barer
Jimmy Berg
Alice E. Brumm*
Anne Henrietta Carl*
Louis Carl*
Abe Cohen*
Nettie Director*
Harry Enkeles
Shirley Enkelis
Joseph Freedman*
Samuel Goldman
Regina Hasson
David Goodman Holtzman*
Sadie Horenstein*
Yetta Ingber*
Millie Israel
Rebecca Israel*
Goldie Jacobson*
Lena Kahn
Breina (Brocha) Katz
Miksa (Mayer) Katz
Rebecca Katz
Willie (Zav) Katz
David Kugel
Abraham .M. Levoff*
Constance (Connie) E Lipman*
Gordon Vincent Nagel
Thelma Osherow
Samuel Parker
Margrit Piechatzek
Kate Pomerantz*
Bessie M. Rosenbaum*
Belle Rosenberg*
Joshua Rosenthal
Helen H. Rotenberg
Sadie Ruvel
Mary Sax*
Fred Scheuer
Pauline Schneiderman*
Joseph Schnitzer*
Ida Schwartz
Sima Slifman*
Sonya Solidor
Harold Steinman
Betty Szaynberg*
Abe L. Westerman*
November 1 - November 7
8 Cheshvan—14 Cheshvan
Heidi Alberton*
Ogen Babani
Sam Babani
Paul Baer
Regina Bruss*
Polly Cohen
Rea Donion
Sam Field
Max Firestone*
Bella Funes
Peter Goldbaum*
Eric Goldenberg*
Isidore M Goldstein*
Reva Goldstein*
Esar Katz
Irving Katz
Bessie Kemp
Martin Kestin
Perry Lagrone
Sarah Taibe Levi
Fannie Mesher*
Celia Rosenbloom*
Annie Saltman*
Rose Scharf*
Reuben L. Schwartz
Rosalyn Shamblott
Murray Steckel*
Livia Vidor Steierman
Lillian S. Steinberg*
Dorothy Steinbock
Sophie Sugarman
Cima Tasker
Morris Weinberg
Denny Weinstein*
Frances Wolensky
November 8 - November 14
15 Cheshvan—21 Cheshvan
Franz Aepfelbacher
Rose Alhadeff*
Israel J. Barer*
Hyman Bloomberg*
Dr. Harry Brown*
Mattoe Carl*
Alex S. Cogan
Lisa Cohen
Gertrud F. Cohn*
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 29 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Hyman Evans
Ellis Beth Fields*
Ephraim Geller*
Gertrude Goren
Charles Gottesman*
Max Himmelfarb*
Hyman Horenstein*
Reva Kailes
Morris Kerkes*
Gertrude Kofman
Freda Krichevsky*
Arnold Nathan Lichtenstein
Bernice Mark
Morris Meadows
Sol P. Mermelstein
Sam Merrin
Fay R. Mozorosky
Peggy R. Rodgers
Nathan Rogoway*
Sara Silberstein*
Milton Silver
Benjamin Singer
David Isaac Smolensky
Sam Usher*
Celia Zohn*
Rosie Zohn*
November 15 - November 21
22 Cheshvan—28 Cheshvan
Arnold Abraham
Golda Ankelis*
Mary Arik*
Risa Barer*
Maurice Blum*
Flora Perkel Bockman
Isadore Cohen*
Rosie Cohen*
Estelle Danish
Lilyan Fischman*
Fanny Fishman*
Sylvia Geltman*
Robert Gerson*
Joseph Goldstein*
Lillian Goodman
Herbert Gunter
Estelle Horenstein*
Mishka Horenstein*
Dorothy Yetta Jackson*
Esther Katz
Leo Katz
Richard Kenin
George Kraft*
Robert Layton
Rebecca Leonard
Abe Lesch*
Fanny Lesch*
Frances Levenson*
Sam Levine
Frances Levinson
Joseph Menashe*
Lena Naimark*
Stanford Nudelman
Maxine Policar
Benjamin Rome
Ben Rosenfeld*
Harris Rosenthal*
Sidney Rubin*
Rose Ann Schnitzer*
Alfred Sharff*
Freida Shochet*
Velvel Shochet*
William Sholkoff*
Arthur Simon
Jacob Soble
Sylvia Davis Solomon*
Eva Walleston
Benjamin Witt*
Abraham Zusman
November 22 - November 28
29 Cheshvan—6 Kislev
Jacob Asher
Sigmund Bander*
Ellis Berliner
Leonard I. Blank*
Max Breall
Belle Brounstein*
Anna Brown
Stanley Ramon Cooper
Anna Director*
Sam Director*
Louis Etlinger
Dave Feves*
Benjamin Floom
Allan Gamson*
Rabbi Tzvi Yonah Geller*
Julie Gerstein
Hinda Gottesman*
Ricca Hasson*
Moshe Jaroff*
Bessie Kailes*
Frank Kenin
Elizabeth Lamken*
Laya Lazarus*
Benjamin Lebenzon*
Eileen Leveton*
Jean Leveton*
Harry Moss*
Moses Nathan Pearlman
David Petcher
Fannie Cohen Piepke
Rose Puziss*
Esther Rosenbloom
Hyman Ross
Rae Samuelis
Anna Scheffman
Andrea Schiefelbein
Chaya Schwartz*
Clare Segol*
Lily Silberberg
Jay Alan Smith
Sheila Jacobson Sockol*
Reuben Louis Stern
Anna Weinsoft*
Jack Weinstein*
Robert S. Weisbard
Celia Weiss
Goldie Wiener*
November 29 - December 5
7 Kislev—13 Kislev
Betty Bender*
Sam Benton
Berta Blankenstein*
Isaac Bloom
Julius Bloomberg*
Nathan Boro
Bunya Breall*
Brindal Carl*
Morrie Charnekar
Benjamin E. Cohen*
Mary Cohen*
Moshe Director*
Joseph Ehrman*
Doris Etlinger
Gertrude Fahnrich*
Sarah Fain*
Meir Feves*
Faiga Gantz*
Shloima Gantz*
Mirl Gass*
Edith Gibson*
Sophie Goldberg*
Jeffrey Grayson*
Philip Greenberg*
Celia Greenfield
Ida Greenstein*
Sam M. Hasson
Victor Hasson
Betty Kaplan*
Albert Kastleman
George L. Kemp
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 30 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
Arthur Klapper*
Arthur Klapper
Betty Lebenzon
Arthur Leonard
Alan Lesman
Anna Leve*
Moses Mark
Julian Marks
Anna G Maus*
Herman Mesher*
Noah Naimark*
Philip Petcher
Florence Planer
Sylvia Pogolowitz
Irving Popick*
Isaac Premysler
Peter Rabow
Rachel Rosen*
Jacob Ross
Molly Rotenberg*
Max Arthur Rutzick
Sam Salmenson
Anna Saltzman*
Barnet Schechtman*
Nathan Schlanger
Rose Schnitzer*
Toby Schwartz
Tillie Seaman
William Shaman*
Bertha Sherman*
Herbert Simmons
Hillel Slifman*
Emma Anna Sloane
Samuel Soble
Fannie Usher*
Charles Ushkatz*
Annie Weiner*
Albert Elgin Wolff
Craig Wollner
* Indicates that a memorial
plaque has been dedicated
and placed in the Shaarie
Torah sanctuary.
Wa n t t o d o S h a b b a t b u t h a v e
young children who will fall
a s l e e p e a rl y ? C o m e e x p e r i ence
the joys (and not the oyes) as
S h a b b a t e n t e r s . J o i n R a b b i Rose
at 4:30 p.m. for a bit of "Shabbos
f e e l i n g . " M u s i c , s o n g s , s t o ries,
puppets and an abbriviated
Shabbat service - just right for
the little munchkins and you!
Shabbat Dinner
November 14
6:30 p.m.
Call to reserve
your place!
October 24, November 21,
December 12, January 13
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah • page 31 • www.ShaarieTorah.org
CongregationShaarie Torah
920 NW 25th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97210
October Shabbatot
November Shabbatot
October 3 / 9th of Tishrei
Erev Yom Kippur
Candle lighting: 6:28
Havdalah: 7:25
November 7 / 14th of Cheshvan
Parashat Vayera
Candle lighting: 4:30
Havdalah: 5:29
October 10 / 16th of Tishrei
Sukkot II
Candle lighting: 6:15
Havdalah: 7:12
November 14 / 21st of Cheshvan
Parashat Chayei Sara
Candle lighting: 4:22
Havdalah: 5:21
October 17 / 23rd of Tishrei
Simchat Torah
Parashat Bereshit
Candle lighting: 6:02
Havdalah: 7:00
November 21 / 28th of Cheshvan
Parashat Toldot
Candle lighting: 4:15
Havdalah: 5:15
October 24 / 30th of Tishrei
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
Parashat Noach
Candle lighting: 5:51
Havdalah: 6:48
October 31 / 7th of Cheshvan
Parashat Lech-Lecha
Candle lighting: 5:39
Havdalah: 6:38
November 28 / 6th of Kislev
Parashat Vayetzei
Candle lighting: 4:11
Havdalah: 5:11
Affiliated with:
Morning Minyan
Mondays & Thursday at 7:25 a.m.
*7:00 a.m. if Minyan falls on Rosh Chodesh
Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
October/November 2014 • Congregation Shaarie Torah• page 32 • www.ShaarieTorah.org